Good morning! Up early today ... now 4am ... so, this is the EARLY news. Looks like alot of flooding is going on when you look at the National Weather Map.
A couple weather headlines out this morning:
Grand Island Independent - Robert Pore - 10 hours ago
October continues its trend of wet and cooler-than-normal weather, frustrating area farmers who are finding it difficult to harvest their crops.
According to the National Weather Service in Hastings, Grand Island had received 2.94 inches of precipitation for October by 2 p.m. Thursday, breaking the previous monthly record amount of 2.85 inches set in 1914. Grand Island will continue to add to that record amount as additional precipitation in the form or rain and snow will fall today until a dry spell begins this weekend. ...
Casper Star-Tribune Online -
Tom Morton -
9 hours ago
The black ice advisories for major roads in Natrona County remain in effect, as do the closures of Interstates 80 and 25, according to the Wyoming Department of Transportation.
And if it's any consolation for future storytelling, the total snowfall recorded at the National Weather Service office in Cheyenne for the month of October reached 24.0 inches as of Wednesday night. This sets a new record for the most snowfall ever recorded in Cheyenne for the month of October. The previous record was 23.1 inches, which was measured in October 1906. ...
LOUIS, MO (KMOX) -- With rain still falling throughout the St. Louis region, and more on the way, the National Weather Service has extended flash flood ...
Storm brings more rain than snow in ND
Grand Forks Herald - 8 hours ago
AP - FARGO, ND A storm expected to dump snow in much of North Dakota brought rain instead and the National Weather Service issued a flood watch Thursday for ...
National Severe Weather Map
Woke up to see this BIG QUAKE this morning:
This weekend Daylight Savings ends

Thousands of people gather to rally at an American Bankers Association conference at a downtown hotel to demand that banks stop lobbying against financial reforms, Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2009 in Chicago. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato) | Trillion Dollar Ticking Derivatives Time Bomb to Explode Under Bankrupt Banks The War on the U.S. Dollar 
(A Few) Breaking Headlines
REPORT: TAXPAYERS PAID $24,000 PER 'CASH FOR CLUNKERS' VEHICLEHSBC earned more than £650m in fees from work for Textron, US manufacturer of cluster weaponsThe deadly trade in cluster bombs is funded by the world's biggest banks who have loaned or arranged finance worth $20bn (£12.5bn) to firms producing the controversial weapons, despite growing international efforts to ban them.
Top banks fund cluster bombs as ban nears - report
About 18.8 million homes stood empty in the U.S. during the third quarter as banks seized properties from delinquent borrowers and new home sales fell in September.
News agency RIA-Novosti reports on the latest Russian
super-villain scheme: A nuclear-powered spacecraft.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is set for release Nov. 10, in time for the American holiday shopping season. Its predecessor sold 14 million copies and earned myriad "game of the year" awards.
Robotic airships and satellites will fly above the surface of the distant world, commanding squadrons of wheeled rovers and floating robot boats, according to Wolfgang Fink of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
Paul Volcker and senior Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron both
testified to Congress this week that the government is trying to make bailouts for the giant banks
Vigilante justice spreads across Mexico
CBO Puts House Health Bill Total Cost At $1.055 Trillion...Pelosi's biggest one yet! 1,990 pages...

Boehner: '1,990 Pages Of Bureaucracy'...
$2.2M A WORD
WHERE IS THE CHRISTIAN'S OUTRAGE?TOTAL DISRESPECT FOR CHRISTIANITYOne of the only government-corporate media headlines on the recent sewer crap vomited out of television:
Larry David Blasted for 'Curb' Episode Where He Urinates on Jesus Painting
Clinton charm offensive runs into suspicions in Pakistan... 
Volunteers and residents search for victims among the rubble following a deadly car bomb blast at a market in Peshawar, Pakistan on Oct. 28, 2009. A huge car bomb detonated in a crowded street in the Meena Bazaar just hours after U.S. Secretary Hillary Clinton arrived in Pakistan to bolster the two countries' troubled alliance against Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants. Photograph: AFP
Oh, my God. US to Give $125 Million to Upgrade Pakistan's Power Sector 29 Oct 2009 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, seeking to bolster Islamabad's fight against Islamic extremists US corporaterrorists' profits, initiated a crash U.S. assistance program for Pakistan's power sector aimed at rolling back electricity shortages that threaten to cripple the South Asian nation's economy. Mrs. Clinton, on the first of a three-day diplomatic mission to Pakistan, said that Washington will disburse $125 million to Islamabad for the upgrading of key power stations and transmission lines. U.S. experts [!] are also beginning to work with Pakistani utility companies to reduce power outages and lost revenue caused by outmoded technologies and systemic non-payment by customers, which costs Pakistan hundreds of millions of dollars each year. [Clinton announces $125 million more to be sucked into the Obusha AfPak money pit for... wait for it... *Pakistan's* power sector (that the US bombs in its illegal killer drone attacks). We can't get single-payer health care in the US -- we can't even get a so-called public option -- because the Congressional pharma-wh*res (LieberBush, etc.) tell us it may add to the US deficit. Where are the calls for endless CBO studies on the billions wasted funding contractors, mercenaries, and terrorists benefiting from Obusha's wars? Bay Bridge closed after repair falls apart 28 Oct 2009 (CA) Three pieces of an emergency repair to the Bay Bridge's cantilever section made over Labor Day weekend snapped and crashed onto the upper deck of the span late Tuesday afternoon, striking three vehicles and forcing the indefinite closure of the region's busiest bridge. Caltrans officials ordered the closure of the bridge in both directions shortly after 7 p.m. and said late Tuesday night that it would be closed indefinitely. Too bad the bridge isn't in Pakistan. Then, Blackwater/Xe could blow it up, blame the Taliban, and the US could pay contractors billions to keep rebuilding it. --LRP]
Previously Unknown Fault Caused Earthquake Swarm Off Oregon's Coast
The police department in the small Minnesota town of Proctor will put a motorized lounge chair up for auction next week after it was seized in a drunk driving incident. The black and blue pleather lounge chair, pictured in this undated police handout, comes complete with stereo, footrest, cupholders, headlights, a nitrous oxide power boost system, drag racing style steering wheel and a parachute.
Buzz Pinkham shouts during the motorized competition at the fourth annual Damariscotta Pumpkinfest Regatta, Sunday, Oct. 11, 2009, in Damariscotta, Maine. Pinkham and a friend came up with the idea for a race while looking for something to do with a 700-pound pumpkin they had shown at a county fair. They hollowed it out, attached a motor and launched what has become a wacky race that now attracts more than a thousand people to town.
(AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD ONE - LOOKS LIKE MID-40'S TODAY WITH SOME CLOUDS ... Last check yesterday we had gotten .6 of an inch of rain ... pond is looking nice and full and cleaning leaves out of skimmer on pond twice a day ... haven't seen Subway the Turtle for awhile, but fish are hungry still and haven't gone away for the winter yet.
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Surviving the Revolution
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