Earthquake Today - November 7, 2009:
y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km
map 1.8 2009/11/07 04:47:07 36.536N 89.598W 8.3 ( 5 mi) SW of New Madrid, MO
New Madrid Seismic Zone: The 150 mi (240 km) long fault system, which extends into five states, stretches southward from Cairo, Illinois, through Hayti, Missouri, Caruthersville and New Madrid, through Blytheville, Arkansas, to Marked Tree. It also covers a part of west Tennessee, near Reelfoot Lake, extending southeast into Dyersburg.
Most of the seismicity is located from 3 to 15 mi (5 to 25 km) beneath the Earth's surface.
Earthquake history
The zone had four of the largest North American earthquakes in recorded history, with moment magnitudes estimated to be greater than 8.0, all occurring within a 3 month period between December of 1811 and February of 1812. Many of the published accounts describe the cumulative effects of all the earthquakes (known as the New Madrid Sequence); thus finding the individual effects of each quake can be difficult. Magnitude estimates and epicenters are based on interpretations of historical accounts and may vary.
National Severe Weather Map

Latin American Herald Tribune | More than 200,000 Affected by Flooding in Southeastern Mexico

In Tabasco, the most affected area, the number of people whose homes have been flooded due to heavy rains has climbed from 79,000 to 200,000, Gov. Andres Granier said on Friday.
“There are more than 200,000 Tabasco residents who are in a desperate situation at the moment and, of course, I’m worried about this,” Granier said during a public event.
Official reports indicate that some 24,225 hectares (60,000 acres) of crops have been destroyed by the flooding in two municipalities of that southeastern state, where heavy rains two years ago left 80 percent of the state underwater and killed more than two-dozen people.
After rivers in the Tabasco towns of Cardenas and Huimanguillo burst their banks, the state government said the agricultural zone known as “El Plan Chontalpa” is practically “broken” and that rice, sugarcane, pineapple and lemon crops have been lost.
“The situation is serious. Crops have been lost and federal government funds are needed to cope with the crisis,” Granier said.
“Soon we’ll know the extent of the losses, and that won’t be until the water retreats,” the leader in Tabasco of the National Peasants’ Confederation, or CNC, Juan Jose Cadenas, said.
The Tabasco Agriculture Secretariat, meanwhile, said that at least 10,000 hectares (24,690 acres) of pastureland have been flooded and that ranchers have been forced to move more than 40,000 head of cattle to higher ground.
“If the cattle keeps getting thinner, we’ll lose a lot of (those animals),” said a source of that department....FULL STORY
Ida spurs tropical storm warnings in Caribbean

Ida to skirt by New Orleans area on Tuesday; flood watch still in effect
By The Times-Picayune
November 07, 2009, 5:24PM
Tropical Storm Ida is likely to strengthen into a hurricane before it enters the Gulf of Mexico but then probably will turn into an extratropical low-pressure system as it hits cooler water in the northern Gulf, National Hurricane Center forecasters said this afternoon.
Warm water in the northwestern Caribbean Sea is likely to strengthen Ida to a Category 1 hurricane by Sunday morning, and it is expected to stay at hurricane strength as it moves through the Yucatan Straits into the Gulf in the afternoon.
A trough of low pressure associated with a cold front dropping south through the United States is likely to capture Ida, dragging it east just as it approaches the mouth of the Mississippi River early Tuesday. After that, Ida is expected to turn extratropical, meaning it will lose several of the characteristics of a tropical storm, including its warm core of winds.
A combination of high pressure over the Southeastern U.S. and much lower pressures over the southern Gulf have prompted the Slidell office of the National Weather Service to keep a coastal flood watch in effect through at least Tuesday afternoon.
That's when the cold front should reverse the easterly winds that are pushing water onshore in southeastern Louisiana. But until then, tides could be 3 to 4 feet above normal, and in some places 5 feet higher than normal, especially on eastern-facing shorelines of St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes.

Storms May Cause a Disruption of Normal Oil Production Operations in the Gulf - - 11 hours agoIda will move northward into the southern Gulf of Mexico by Monday, likely as a hurricane. Meanwhile, a storm system over the southwestern Gulf will move ...
Enormous Waves, Tornado, Rattle Oregon Coast
Monstrous waves have been reported and documented along the Oregon coast the last two days, including a rather bizarre video of a woman who defied all wisdom and common sense and was nearly swept away or killed on several occasions by wandering a stormy beach.
The storm also caused the closure of coastal bays like Nehalem, Tillamook and Yaquina. The Coast Guard responded to more than one rescue on unruly seas, including a group that was stuck on a floating refueling platform on Tillamook Bay.
The most dramatic incident came from a tornado that shot through Lincoln City late Friday, but that wasn’t the only weather event.
The Lincoln County Sheriff's office said a large thunderstorm hit the area, including a lightning strike on the Alsea Bay Bridge about 10:13 p.m. It damaged a light pole and sprayed debris onto the roadway. Some flooding in Waldport was also reported due to heavy rains. Earlier in the evening, Lincoln City was hit with a small tornado.
“At about 9:54 p.m., residents of the Roads End residential area, just north of Lincoln City, near the Chinook Winds Casino, reported seeing a large waterspout tornado move onshore and through a section of the community,” the sheriff’s office said in a press release. Lincoln County deputies, Lincoln City Police Department officers, and members of the North Lincoln Fire Department responded to calls of damage in the area. Deputies reported a damage path, about two blocks wide, leading from the beach and stretching about three blocks to the east.
20 to 30 homes were damaged, as were several vehicles in the area. The damage mainly consisted of broken windows and downed trees, but one of the homes in the 7400 block of Logan Road suffered extensive damage. Emergency responders checked the area and reported that no one was injured. Many of the damaged homes were vacant at the time the tornado stuck. The Lincoln County Sheriffs said most of the home owners have been notified of the damage as of Friday night. “Power in the area was knocked out by the tornado and utility crews are working to restore services,” the sheriff's office said.
The National Weather Service was contacted and it reported that meteorological data supported the existence of a tornado, but that the classification could not be determined until the damage is examined in daylight.
Manzanita reported major winds, rain and surf this week.
The NWS said swells of more than 27 feet had been reported, although other entities on the coast have reported swells of near 50 feet in some places.

“The spouting horn is going off,” Wildt said.
Science experts say after the storms have subsided is the best time to go beachcombing, as numerous oddities will likely be in abundance.
Alex Jone's | Headlines - November 7, 2009
November 7, 2009
EO at leading parts supplier: “Energy independence…ultimately means that fuel has to be more expensive”
It’s no secret that when gas prices dropped early in the year and with the recession in full swing, hybrid sales saw their first drop in years. Faced with tough new fuel economy restrictions, auto executives [...]
The Only Political Party in America: “The Corporate Party”
We the People | The idea that party affiliation has anything to do with how our government is actually run is laughable
Pelosi Breaks Pledge to Put Final Health Care Bill Online for 72 Hours Before Vote
Weekly Standard | Pelosi will not allow the final language of the health care to be posted online for 72 hours before bringing the bill to a vote on the House floor.
Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye If Health Care Passes
Andrew Napolitano | Both parties like power; and neither is interested in your freedoms.
Clinton Connects Overpopulation to Climate Change
Jurriaan Maessen | Recent comments made by Clinton reflect the mindset of the neo-Malthusian scientists currently occupying key positions in the Obama administration.
Ron Paul on the Alex Jones Show: the Dollar, Copenhagen, and the Cyber Security Act
Infowars | Alex welcomes back to the show physician, member of the Liberty Caucus and Republican Congressman for the state of Texas Ron Paul.
Pelosi: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail
House Committee On Ways & Means Republicans | Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” are subject to criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.
Doctors Threaten to Stop Medical Treatment of Patient for Distributing DVDs on Swine Flu
Ellis County Observer | The patient was cited once before by specialists and office managers for distributing Aaron Russo’s America: From Freedom to Fascism.
Broader Measure of U.S. Unemployment Stands at 17.5%
In all, more than one out of every six workers — 17.5 percent — were unemployed or underemployed in October.
Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed: Global Currency, New World Order
Infowars | The dollar will get “utterly destroyed” and become “virtually worthless”, said Damon Vickers.
The Feds Have No Faith in Recovery
Michael Pento | A closer look indicates that neither the administration nor the Federal Reserve believes its own recovery
Ottawa councillor wants military to conduct swine flu vaccinations
CBC News | An Ottawa city councillor wants to call in the Armed Forces to help conduct swine flu vaccinations.
Judge rules activist’s beliefs on climate change akin to religion
Guardian | A judge found Nicholson’s views on the environment were so deeply held that they were entitled to the same protection as religious convictions
Reported Cases of Mystery Flu in Ukraine Double in Two Days
Recombinomics | The number of infected patients has almost doubled to just under ½ million, compared to the report two days ago.
Taliban Still Working for the CIA?
Henry Makow Ph.D. | Look for this war to expand and go on forever.
British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan
Independent | Britain planned to build a Taliban training camp for 2,000 fighters in southern Afghanistan.
Parents to be fined if they take their children out of sex lessons
Parents will face fines if they remove 15-year-old children from sex education lessons as they become part of the national curriculum for the first time.
Parents lose right over sex education
Telegraph | Pupils in England will be given classes in sex and relationships from the age of five under Government plans to cut teenage pregnancies.
Counter-terror plans will be revised to reflect Fort Hood and Afghan attacks
Times Online | Since the Mumbai attacks counter-terrorism planning has seen a major shift.
House Resolution Designates Venezuela a State Sponsor of Terrorism
Stephen Lendman | As long as Bolivarianism flourishes, expect new efforts to vilify, isolate, destabilize, and topple Chavez.
Obama’s Health Care: “The Hell With the Constitution”
CNSNews | Congress who want to force Americans to buy health insurance — as both House and Senate versions of the health care plan would do — are saying “the hell with the Constitution.”
Obama’s New Bill of Rights
Dudley Brown | Gun grabbers in our government-run education system are now seeking to brainwash your children into accepting their anti-gun agenda — also by rewriting the Bill of Rights.
Anti-gun ObamaCare bill Coming to the House Floor Very Soon
Gun Owners of America | This bill will — like all the ObamaCare versions before it — most likely result in all of your gun-related health data being dumped into a government database.
35 Indian Patients Die from Swine Flu-like Infection
Mid-Day | Doctors at Sassoon hospital anxiously await report on 35 patients who died of infection that caused symptoms similar to swine flu.
Swine Flu — One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History
Dr. Mercola | Vaccine manufacturers were doing all they could to fuel this fear and they were quietly making deals with WHO to be among the companies selected to manufacture the “pandemic” vaccine for the world.
Police prepare drill for plague at school
Northwest Herald | Citizens infected with a fictitious pneumonic plague will line up outside Lincoln Prairie Elementary School on Saturday to help test the site as a medication dispensary in case of an emergency.
Xinhua | China-Africa Cooperation scheduled to open on Sunday in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh

CAIRO, Nov. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak at the Presidential Palace in Cairo on Saturday morning.
They are expected to exchange views on bilateral relations and the fourth ministerial meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, which is scheduled to open on Sunday in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
Wen is paying a two-day official visit to Egypt.
Our own banksters - Bernanke and Geithner - for their G20 picture in Scotland

Getty Images
ST ANDREWS, SCOTLAND - NOVEMBER 07: G20 finance ministers and bank govenors gather for the family photograph on November 7, 2009 in St Andrews, Scotland. G20 finance ministers have gathered in St Andrews for a G20 summit where they will discuss global economic stimulus packages and the cost of paying for climate change.
Fox News | Wife of an International Monetary Fund economist spoke out for the first time Friday about the attack on her husband
BETHESDA, MD. - November 7, 2009 - The wife of an International Monetary Fund economist spoke out for the first time Friday about the attack on her husband. She asked the public for help in solving a crime she says has traumatized and shaken her family.
Milwaukee, WI | Police Recover Stolen Truck Containing H1N1 Vaccine
Friday, Nov 6, 2009 @08:58am CST
(Milwaukee, WI) -- A truck transporting 900 doses of H1N1 vaccine for the Milwaukee Health Department was stolen and recovered Thursday night, but the doses will have to be dumped.Police say the truck was taken from an entrance to a middle school, where nearly two-thousand people were vaccinated earlier in the day.
The truck was later found abandoned.
While its contents of injectable and nasal vaccines appeared intact, officials say they can't be used because they were out of the health department's possession.
They will be sent back to the manufacturer and may not be replaced.
AFP | US House of Representatives backs China quake activists
WASHINGTON — November 7, 2009 - The US House of Representatives on Saturday threw its support behind two Chinese activists put on trial after investigating whether shoddy construction led to children's deaths in last year's Sichuan earthquake.
In a nearly unanimous vote, the House approved a resolution saying it "expresses its support" for activists Huang Qi and Tan Zuoren and calling on China to guarantee their rights to free speech and fair trials.
A total of 426 members of Congress voted for the resolution. The only lawmaker to vote no was Republican Ron Paul, who usually opposes such appeals on the grounds that they unjustly interfere in other nations' affairs.
Another seven lawmakers did not vote. | Dead Last: Hawaii Gets an "F" in Education - Simply put, there isn't enough money to keep them open full-time
The decision to invite Stryker vehicles to a Hilo Veterans Day parade is stirring up a military-grade headache.
The third annual parade begins at 10 a.m. today and runs through downtown Hilo, featuring seven bands, veterans of all wars from World War II to the present, and a flyover by a Black Hawk helicopter.
The featured veterans this year served in the military intelligence service of the 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment during World War II. Hawaii's most recent veterans, comprising the 299th Cavalry Army National Guard, which recently returned from Iraq, will also be honored.
It's one of the bigger parades of the year, with some 50 units proceeding at a stately pace through Hilo's usual parade route. Estimates for participation range between 800 and 1,000 people.
But all of that is being overshadowed by a controversy over Stryker combat vehicles that have been invited.
Organizers hoped to keep word of the vehicles a secret from peace activists like Jim Albertini of the Malu Aina Center for Non-Violent Education and Action, in an attempt to ward off conflict.
Albertini found out anyway, and on Sunday wrote an open letter to Lt. Col. Warline Richardson of Pohakuloa Training Area, asking that the vehicles be kept out of the parade.
Albertini says he's concerned that the presence of the vehicles "glorifies war" under the guise of honoring veterans. He's also raised concerns that the Strykers, which are involved in training exercises at Pohakuloa, could be contaminated with depleted uranium and may pose a health risk to citizens. FULL STORY
International Day of Action in the campaign to ban depleted uranium (DU) weapons which are anti-tank shells
Sat Nov 07, 2009, 04:00 PM EST
The UN Day for the Prevention of the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict is Nov. 6 and is the International Day of Action in the campaign to ban depleted uranium (DU) weapons which are anti-tank shells.
However, the impact of a fired shell with a tank puts a cloud of radioactive and chemically toxic DU oxide particles in the air that can be inhaled or ingested. As its half-life — DU is radioactive — is over 4 million years — once in the environment, it is here to stay.
DU anti-tank shells have been used by the U.S. and the U.K. since 1991. During the First Gulf War in 1991, 320 tons of DU was dumped on Iraq, Kuwait and a little on Saudi Arabia. They have been used in the Balkans Wars of the 1990s and also in Iraq in 2003 where they were used in urban areas.
Reports from Iraq indicate increased rates of cancer, especially in children, and increased rates of birth defects that may be due to DU exposure. DU has been found to cause mutations in humans and laboratory animals and cancers including leukemia in laboratory rodents.
Nuclear Metals/Starmet in nearby Concord manufactured DU anti-tank shells for 25 years but the site is now a Superfund site. Just the demolition of the buildings on the site down to the foundations will cost more than $63 million according to a 2009 EPA estimate. The buildings are contaminated with DU and beryllium.
Overall, the depleted uranium problem is one that the public should be more aware of. There is concern elsewhere in the world. In September the Human Rights Commission of Latin American Parliament (Parlatino Americano) voted for a regional moratorium on uranium weapons and called for an international treaty on uranium weapons that the 22 member states should work on.
Belgium’s law banning uranium weapons on Belgium territory went into effect in June. Also in 2008 the UN asked its members to submit reports on DU weapons. The European Parliament has had four resolutions calling for a moratorium on these weapons.
What is the U.S. going to do?
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All is well with me - my maple tree is still dropping leaves and am still risking falling into my pond cleaning out the skimmer's leaf basket 3+ times a day ... and irritating my fish with my leaf skimmer pole. Have a good Saturday night!

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges