It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Saturday - January 9, 2010 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'Taxation without representation - now taxation without hesitation' Decided to check the earthquake list before sending this off and the following was showing:
To: U.S. West Coast, Alaska, and British Columbia coastal regions From: NOAA/NWS/West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center Subject: Tsunami Information Statement issued 01/9/2010 at 4:32PM PST At 4:28 PM Pacific Standard Time on January 9, an earthquake with preliminary magnitude 6.4 occurred 15 miles/24 Km southwest of Eureka, California. The magnitude is such that a tsunami IS NOT EXPECTED. However, in coastal areas of intense shaking, locally generated tsunamis can be triggered by underwater landslides. This will be the only WCATWC message issued for this event. The location and magnitude are based on preliminary information. Further information will be issued by the United States Geological Survey or the appropriate regional seismic network. Link to Standard Information Statement Link to XML/CAP Message Link to Printable Message Friends Say Man Arrested in Newark Breach Is a Hapless 'Romantic' New York Times When a man ducked past security at Newark Liberty International Airport last Sunday to kiss his girlfriend goodbye, the breach in security shut down one of the country's busiest airports, delayed flights through Monday and ... We have politicians in bed with the banking cartel giving $billions to their buddies. And, Americans are worried about their favorite television show being pre-empted. A shaken nation is soothed; 'Lost' won't be pre-empted San Jose Mercury News The time slot for "Lost" may be secured, but still no word on what day the president will deliver the State of the Union. Super Bowl Sunday, perhaps? Do It Yourself Drones: WAR MONGER PRESIDENT SINCE DAY TWO Drones - the 'girly boys' weapon for whimps January 21, 2009 - President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address | The White HouseTWO DAYS LATER:On January 23, 2009 - President Obama 'orders Pakistan drone attacks' "Missiles fired from suspected US drones killed at least 15 people inside Pakistan today, the first such strikes since Barack Obama became president and a clear sign that the controversial military policy begun by George W Bush has not changed. Security officials said the strikes, which saw up to five missiles slam into houses in separate villages, killed seven "foreigners" - a term that usually means al-Qaeda - but locals also said that three children lost their lives."
BANKSTER NEWS Lawsuit: Goldman Sachs bonuses bigger than its earningsA lawsuit filed against investment bank Goldman Sachs by a shareholder alleges that the company spent more money on corporate bonuses than it earned in 2008.
WILL DRONES BE USED ON TERRORISTS IN ICELAND? You don't cross the banksters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HOW MANY TALIBAN WERE INVOLVED IN 911 - NONE The Taliban had about gotten rid of poppies in Afghanistan before the USA arrived In a message broadcast today, the Jordanian doctor urges jihadists to avenge the death of the Pakistani Taliban chief, who was killed by a CIA missile strike in August. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | Headlines - January 9, 2010
The inauguration of the Dauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran pipeline on Wednesday connecting Iran's northern Caspian region with Turkmenistan's vast gas field may go unnoticed amid the Western media cacophony that it is "apocalypse now" for the Islamic regime in Tehran. | |
A communist, he was also a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). The Obama administration's 'safe schools czar' Kevin Jennings says that Hay inspired him, and the Jennings-founded group, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has promoted favorable material about Hay, the acknowledged founder of the modern “gay rights” movement, without offering any criticism or even acknowledgement of his defense of adult-child sex. | |
Hopes that low interest and higher spending would halt slide | |
Terahertz waves penetrate non-conducting material like clothing, but then they deposit energy in the skin. Now researchers at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory have shown that terahertz radiation may be able to do some serious damage to the DNA it encounters when bouncing off your body | |
A Google energy subsidiary was created last month for the internet giant to control their own energy destiny so to speak. They then applied for permission from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commision to buy and sell energy on the wholesale level. | |
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp said Horizon Bank had approximately $1.3 billion in total assets and $1.1 billion in total deposits as Sept. 30. | |
Blackwater Worldwide's legal woes haven't dimmed the company's prospects in Afghanistan, where it's a contender to be a key part of President Barack Obama's strategy for stabilizing the country. | |
A lawsuit filed against investment bank Goldman Sachs by a shareholder alleges that the company spent more money on corporate bonuses than it earned in 2008. | |
Turkmenistan has opened a second gas pipeline to Iran, further eroding Russia's historical domination of its energy sector. | Saturday afternoon headline:
Drudge linked to the following news article:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described then-Sen. Barack Obama as "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect.
PAPER: Harry Reid hits new low in poll...
RAT NEWS | | Headlines - January 9, 2010
Blackwater Fever: High Crimes and Hired Guns
Friday, 08 January
Scott Horton of Harper’s gives us chapter and verse of the Justice Department’s very deliberate — and insultingly brazen — sabotaging of its own case against the Blackwater mercenaries who murdered 17 Iraqis in Nisoor Square back in September 2007. As any sentient observer could have told you then, these hired killers — gorging on taxpayer dollars as they assisted the mass-murdering invasion and occupation of Iraq — were never going to do time. Why should they? They were just doing what they were paid, by us, to do: kill ragheads.
Homelessness, utility shutoffs lead to house fires, freezing deaths. US cold snap highlights depth of social crisis
Thursday, Jan 7, 2010
A protracted cold spell eased somewhat Wednesday, but wide areas of the US—from the Northern Plains to the East Coast and stretching to the South—were bracing for more winter weather and freezing temperatures this weekend. The cold snap has spelled misery for many, especially in areas unaccustomed and ill-prepared for the frigid conditions.
Recently, retired military have received e-mail messages notifying them of a withholding tax increase.
Terrorists R US
An excellent short testimony from Mike Prysner, an Iraq war veteran connecting the dots between corporatism and militarism.
US sheds 85,000 jobs in December, dampening optimism
Friday January 8, 2010
The US economy lost 85,000 jobs in December while the unemployment rate held at 10.0 percent, the government said Friday in a report dashing hopes of a turnaround in the ailing labor market.
Future air security could involve mind-reading technology
Friday, January 8, 2010
CHICAGO — A would-be terrorist tries to board a plane, bent on mass murder. As he walks through a security checkpoint, fidgeting and glancing around, a network of high-tech machines analyzes his body language and reads his mind.
Doom and Gloom, British-Style…
Explaining why the rampaging bear rally of 2009 is likely to fizzle this year, British journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard packs quite an analytical wallop into this sentence: “The surplus regions (China, Japan, Germania, Gulf ) have not increased demand enough to compensate for belt-tightening in the deficit bloc (Anglo-sphere, Club Med, East Europe), and fiscal adrenalin is already fading in Europe.” There are other yellow flags out as well, most significantly a contraction of M3 money in the U.S. and Europe, and a looming bond crisis in Japan.
MarketWatch Calls Out Fed To Disprove It Is Manipulating Index Futures
A week ago we presented the observations of TrimTabs’ Charles Biderman, who laid out a logical case for why there is significant circumstantial evidence that the Fed is manipulating markets by purchasing index futures in the aftermarket: “One way to manipulate the stock market would be for the Fed or the Treasury to buy $20 billion, plus or minus, of S&P 500 stock futures each month for a year. Depending on margin levels, $20 billion per month would translate into at least $100 billion in notional buying power…This type of intervention could explain some of the unusual market action in recent months, with stock prices grinding higher on low volume even as companies sold huge amounts of new shares and retail investors stayed on the sidelines. For example, Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge has pointed out that virtually all of the market’s upside since mid-September has come from after-hours S&P 500 futures activity.” Today MarketWatch has an open appeal to the Fed to put Biderman’s allegation to rest by publicly disproving that it is involved in any direct market manipulation. “Biderman’s accusation of PPT market manipulation is another argument in favor of a complete public audit of the Fed’s books…there is a widespread belief that the PPT does manipulate stock prices on a daily basis to enrich its pals and screw individual investors. It would be useful to prove them. ” We couldn’t agree more.
Five reasons why you should own Silver coins
By Dr. Jeffrey Lewis
There are a multitude of reasons the average investor should have at least some of their assets invested in silver. Consider these five reasons that can help you grow your assets while preserving your wealth.
Stealing Your Firearms
Neither Sword Nor Shield: Full-Spectrum Civilian Disarmament
by William Norman Grigg
“We need to make it clear,” fulminated Patrick Lynch of the New York City Policeman’s Benevolent Association, “that if someone lifts even a finger against a police officer, their life could be on the line.”
Stepping into a Financial Hole
America’s Unhappy New Year
The Baby Boom officially begins crashing this year. Some Baby Boomers began retiring early, but the big retirement Crash begins now and will go on for many years.
CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistan
Disrupting the Accommodation:
“Why?” The grieving family members ask. “Why did the terrorists kill our loved ones?”
The hardnosed colleagues of the four fallen CIA officers comfort the wives and children (and one husband). They shake off their sorrow, huddle together by the graves, and vow vengeance. They bathe themselves in their seething anger like it was the blood of the lamb.
Blackwater - now Xe - key part of President Barack Obama's strategy for stabilizing Afghanistan
FORUM INFO: JP MORGAN AND FOOD STAMPS Hey, there's going to be an interview with people talking about food stamps on Bloomberg shortly and they were talking about food stamps just now and did you know, that JP Morgan manages the payouts and stuff for food stamps not just in the US but, in Great Britain and some country in South America, I forget which one they said now. But, did you know that? I'd always thought that some office in DC did all that. But noooooo, it's been privatized out to damned JP Morgan. LOL |
From this Saturday morning:
Checkbook Republic Rules
Ah, fine stuff to begin the coffee with: Word in the NY Times this week that a whole series of legal decisions are piling up that will make it easier for corporations, unions, and above all special interest groups to buy their legislative agendas. Why we don't just subcontract congress out to eBay is beyond me. At least there we'd see who the high bidder is and be able to leave negative feedback, know what I'm sayin'?
A House of Representatives committee chairman has invited Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to testify why, immediately after he was nominated, federal regulators decided not to reveal the generous terms of $62 billion in taxpayer-financed payouts to major banks. |
New Obama 'green jobs' to cost $135,295 each
Some top Republican senators want to know why a Missouri state agency didn't release a report showing dangerously high E. coli levels at the Lake of the Ozarks last summer. But after a six-month investigation and a five-hour hearing Tuesday, answers about the cover-up at the Missouri Department of Natural Resources remained as murky as dirty lake water, Republican senators said. |
Obama and stopping the moving buck
Obama Tries to Turn Focus to Jobs, if Other Events Allow
Grand jury investigating Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona
California Seeks Billions From U.S.Wall Street Journal SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked for $6.9 billion in federal funds in his state-budget proposal Friday and warned that state health and welfare programs would be threatened without the ... |
NEBRASKA NEWS | ||||||||
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams GLOBALIST STATE NEBRASKA SELLS OUT TO NANOTECHNOLOGY UNL wins $6.9 million grant to help fund nanoscience facility
Impoundment of driver's license part of penalty Minors who drink and drive would lose their license for 90 days for a first offense under legislation to be introduced Monday by state Sen. Mike Flood of Norfolk | ||||||||
Local Lincoln, NE Organizations Help Pay Bills During Cold Months
That drop in temperatures is creating a rise in your heat bills.
But what if you can't afford to pay them?
That's where organizations like the Salvation Army come in to play.
Leta Powell Drake, Community Relations with the Lincoln Salvation Army, says, "Our Heat Share program can assist with either your electric bills or your gas bills."
The program receives $6,000 per month this time of year to help those that need it pay their bills. The money from Black Hills Energy goes a long way in helping those in need.
And the energy company is also trying to make it easier on their customers.
Bob McKeon, spokesman for Black Hills Energy, says, "You can contact us so we can help in some way whether it's a referral to an energy assistance agency or if it would be arranging a payment plan."
But Black Hills Energy isn't stopping there. They're actually going to their other customers trying to get donations to help those in need.
McKeon adds, "On your bill there's actually, you can check off the amount that you want to contribute or you can make a contribution of your own choice and Black Hills Energy will match that contribution."
But the contributing doesn't stop there. Across town at the People's City Mission, organizers have been offering help for more than a century.
Pastor Tom Barber, of the People's City Mission, says, "When we can't hand out cash for utility bills, what we can do is if someone comes to us and says we're struggling with this utility bill, what we can do is give them a week's supply of food or we can give them something that they can use that frees up some money so they can go pay the utility bill."
And make it through the winter one month at a time.
As a reminder, it's very important to call your utility company to let them know if you are unable to pay your bill.
They're much more understanding if you attempt to work out some sort of payment plan.
Chavez Devalues Venezuela's Currency
Government Wants Retirees to Convert 401 (k) Into AnnuitiesJeff Plungis Bloomberg January 8, 2010 U.S. investors oppose federal initiatives that would force them to give up control over their 401(k) accounts, the Investment Company Institute said. Seven in 10 U.S. households object to the idea of the government requiring retirees to convert part of their savings into annuities guaranteeing a steady payment for life, according to an institute-funded report today. “Households’ views on policy changes revealed a preference to preserve retirement account features and flexibility,” the institute, which represents the mutual-fund industry, said in the report. The U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comment as soon as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort. |
Grisly Skull and Bones trophies to be auctioned
AFP | Grisly trophies from Yale University’s mysterious Skull and Bones society, whose members include former president George W. Bush, are to go on auction in New York this month.
Michael Jackson death case: Dr Conrad Murray hires Britney Spears' - 2 hours ago Dr Conrad Murray, the man who is the subject of an investigation into Michael Jackson's death, has hired Britney Spears' former lawyer - who says he has experience in Propofol death cases. |
Self-rolling giant snow balls
PIRATE NEWS "Warships from almost all important nations including China, US, Russia, UK, France and India are operating in the Gulf of Eden. Navies of about 40 countries are present there." |
Puerto Rico kills 800 monkeys to control population blamed for crop destruction
Puerto Rican officials have killed 800 monkeys blamed for scavenging crops and damaging natural resources in the island's southwest region.Nuclear Event - Yankee Nuclear Power Plant - Vernon, Vermont RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service Budapest, Hungary NC-20100109-24474-USA 09/01/2010 - 03:56:20 A problem cropping up at nuclear plants around the country has occurred at Vermont Yankee, with the discovery of a radioactive isotope called tritium in a monitoring well on the Vernon reactor site. Plant spokesman Robert Williams said the monitoring that found tritium in the well is part of an industrywide program to check for the isotope of hydrogen. He said the level is about half the amount that would be required to be reported to federal authorities and poses no threat to public health or safety. Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry engineer who has consulted with the Legislature on issues related to Vermont Yankee, on Thursday said, "It's a sign that there's a pipe or a tank leaking somewhere" at the plant. "It's highly unlikely that the highest concentration in the ground would happen to be at the monitoring well." |
Fireball Seen over Montreal
RELATED: | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 9, 2010 AT 5:52 PM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind SOLAR ACTIVITY: Today has brought an uptick in solar activity. Sunspot 1040 (a.k.a. old sunspot 1035) is crackling with minor solar flares and seems to be gathering itself for something more. Just hours ago, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory captured this C1-class eruption: A movie: "The plasma crawling around inside AR1040 made me think of the head of Medusa. It was exciting to watch!" says amateur astronomer Michael Buxton of Ocean Beach, California. "I made the following time-lapse movie at 1 minute intervals from 2045-2215 UT on 8 Jan. 2010." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strong earthquake strikes near Solomon Islands; no tsunami warning issued
A strong earthquake shook the South Pacific near the Solomon Islands on Saturday, just days after a large earthquake and tsunami hit the country. No tsunami watch was issued after Saturday's quake. Update time = Sun Jan 10 0:00:03 UTC 2010
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map HOUSTON, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- Climate experts in Texas say the state's worse drought in 50 years is over, ending a dry spell costing ranchers and farmers an estimated $4 billion. |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
Peer-to-Peer Review: How ‘Climategate’ Marks the Maturing of a New Science Movement, Part I | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Will the real Underwear Bomber please stand up?
January 8, 2010
Photo 1 Source and most widely used photo of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
Photo 2 from a Ghana News Site..detailing the purchase of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s plane ticket in Ghana
These are definitely two different human beings.
Is there a more sinister meaning to this story? Was the young man in Photo 1 a baby-faced patsy coerced into being the fall guy?
Perhaps this was just a mix-up from the Ghana News Site..but with all of the controversy surrounding Umar the Underwear Bomber these pictures provoke more doubt concerning the ‘official story’ which has changed 3-4 times according the Mainstream Media.
And Now a Word from the Netroots: Will the Real Barack Obama Please... Sit Down? --The Rec Report By Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. 09 Jan 2010 As the betrayals by President Barack Obama and the Democrats mount, the Obamapologetics grow more desperate and contradictory by the day... Obama was brought in for one reason and one reason only - to put a better, even subaltern face on imperialism, martial adventurism, and the economic decline of the vast majority. He was brought in for his astounding rhetorical ability - to package war escalation and economic rollbacks and to sell them as peace and reforms. He was brought in so that the Republican boosters could call him a socialist and thereby provide right cover for his government as it handed over the federal treasury in bailouts and war bucks.
Xe, a Blackwater You Can Believe In: Xe Services Aiming for Afghan Police Training Deal --Xe (formerly Blackwater) aims to be part of Obama's Afghanistan strategy 10 Jan 2010 Blackwater Worldwide's legal woes haven't dimmed the company's prospects in Afghanistan, where it's a contender to be a key part of President Barack Obama's strategy for stabilizing destroying the country. Now called Xe Services, the company is in the running for a Pentagon contract potentially worth $1 billion to train Afghanistan's troubled national police force. The expanded role would seem an unlikely one for Xe because Democrats have held such a negative opinion of the company following the Iraqi deaths, which are still reverberating in Baghdad and Washington. During the presidential campaign, then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, now Obama's secretary of state, backed legislation to ban Blackwater and other private security contractors from Iraq. [Obama keeps faith with these mass-murderers, rapists and child-molesters? Xe, a Blackwater you can believe in! --MDR]
Warlord calls the shots over Afghanistan military transport --The warlord usually receives around US$2500 for each truck that passes. 08 Jan 2010 An Afghan warlord has told Radio Netherlands that he is receiving money to protect convoys of army vehicles. The warlord, Mathiullah Khan, has confirmed he charges for the transportation of water, food and fuel from Kandahar to the Dutch bases at Camp Holland or Tarin Kowt in the neighbouring province to the north.
'In terms of security we have failed.' Karzai: I don't need foreign forces in Afghanistan 08 Jan 2010 Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai says he does not need anymore 'the favor' of the US-led foreign forces in his war-weary country. "If these forces are coming only to chase the Taliban at the cost of Afghan civilians, of course that's not going to produce any good consequences for us," Karzai said in an interview with al-Jazeera on Friday... The president's remarks come after thousands of Afghan people took to the streets to protest the rising civilian death toll by the US-led forces in the country.
U.S. has no plans to send troops to Yemen says Mullen [Right, he'll just send Blackwater terrorists.] 09 Jan 2010 Yemen has posed a concern as a potential terrorist safe haven for some time, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff said at the Naval War College, in Newport, Rhode Island, Friday. Navy Adm. Mike Mullen said the U.S. military has no plan to conduct combat operations in Yemen, nor does the Yemeni government want U.S. combat forces in the country.
Defiant Yemen tells US soldiers to keep out --The country refuses to become the latest hub of America's war on of terror 08 Jan 2010 Yemen insisted yesterday that it could handle its own mounting security challenges without any direct foreign intervention, pointedly warning Washington to learn the lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan. While welcoming US intelligence and technological co-operation, the Deputy Prime Minister for Defence and Security, Rashad al-Alimi, told a crowded news conference in the capital, Sana'a, that the government did not want foreign troops on its soil.
Iraq confiscates arms in private security crackdown 09 Jan 2010 Security forces confiscated hundreds of rifles, thousands of rounds of ammunition and other military gear in a crackdown on mercenaries in Iraq, officials said on Saturday. Police raided three locations in Baghdad on Friday, a week after Iraqi authorities were incensed by a U.S. judge's decision to throw out charges against five Blackwater Worldwide security guards terrorists accused of killing over a dozen Iraqi civilians in 2007. Officials said they are targeting private security companies that are no longer legally licensed to operate in Iraq. "All those companies with their work permits expired are not allowed to move one meter inside Baghdad, or own one piece of weaponry," Baghdad security spokesman Qassim al-Moussawi said.
Day ends in 'y,' so Obusha is poised to open new war front: US preparing military for possible Iran conflict 09 Jan 2010 The US does not want to see confrontation with Iran but is still preparing its military for that possibility, America's top uniformed officer said Thursday. "We've looked to do all we can to ensure that conflict doesn't break out there, while at the same time preparing forces, as we do for many contingencies that we understand might occur," Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during an appearance at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
U.S. Moves to Support Iran Opposition 09 Jan 2010 The Obama administration is increasingly questioning the long-term stability of Tehran's government and moving to find ways to support Iran's [US-funded] opposition "Green Movement," said senior U.S. officials. The White House is crafting new financial sanctions specifically designed to punish the Iranian entities and individuals most directly involved in the crackdown on Iran's dissident forces, said the U.S. officials, rather than just those involved in Iran's nuclear program.
Day ends in 'y,' so Obusha is poised to open new war front: Chavez says Venezuela jets intercepted U.S. plane 09 Jan 2010 President Hugo Chavez said he ordered two F-16 jets to intercept a U.S. military plane that twice entered Venezuelan skies on Friday, but Washington said none of its planes flew over the South American country's airspace. Brandishing a photo of the plane, which he described as a P-3, Chavez said the overflight was the latest violation of Venezuelan airspace by the U.S. military from its bases on the Netherlands' Caribbean islands and from neighboring Colombia. "They are provoking us ... these are warplanes," he said. Chavez said the F-16s escorted the U.S. plane away after two incursions lasting 15 and 19 minutes each.
Pakistan says US drone attacks must end 09 Jan 2010 Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Friday reiterated his country's concerns over the US drone strikes in talks with a delegation of visiting US senators. The US delegation is led by Senator John McCain (R-Insane), the former presidential candidate. Gilani said his government was "disappointment over the continuing drone attacks" and criticized Washington for not sharing pilotless drone technology with Islamabad, Pakistan's official APP news agency reported Saturday.
U.S. Insists Pakistan Ease Limits On Staffers 08 Jan 2010 The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad demanded that Pakistan stop detaining American diplomats at police checkpoints on the country's roads -- an unusual public complaint intended, in part, to counter rumors of U.S. plots against Pakistan. U.S. officials privately say the traffic stops, which they describe as harassment, are part of a broader campaign aimed at limiting America's diplomatic [sic] presence in Pakistan. The officials say they believe the campaign is being driven by elements in the military and the Inter-Services Intelligence spy agency.
Angry Cuba demands removal from U.S. terrorism list 08 Jan 2010 Cuba angrily rejected on Friday U.S. accusations that it supports terrorist groups and demanded its removal from a U.S. list of "state sponsors of terrorism." Cuba demanded its "immediate exclusion" from the U.S. terrorism list, calling it an "unjust, arbitrary and politically motivated designation that contradicts the exemplary conduct of our country in confronting terrorism." It accused the United States of harboring "hundreds of criminals, murderers and terrorists" it said had acted against the Cuban government since Fidel Castro took power in a 1959 revolution. [Harboring and HIRING. And, it's likely thousands. --LRP]
Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City, omits 9/11 while bashing Obama on terror 08 Jan 2010 Rudy Giuliani has been teased for only having three words in his vocabulary - a noun, a verb and 9/11 - but Friday "America's Mayor" seemed to forget about 9/11. The embarrassing flub came as Giuliani hit the morning news shows to suggest that President Obama needs to take more cues from ex-President [sic] George W. Bush when it comes to fighting terror. "One of the right things [Bush] did was treat this as a war on terror," Giuliani told "Good Morning America" host George Stephanopoulos. Then Giuliani proclaimed, in words he would soon regret, "We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We've had one under Obama," referring to November's shootings at Fort Hood by a radical Army psychiatrist. [Oops! Unindicted senile 9/11 co-conspirator, Rudy Giuliani, 'forgets' his complicity in the murder of 3,000 US citizens under Bush so that he, Lucky Larry 'Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' Silverstein and the rest of Bush's merry cabal of sociopaths, could make billion$ on their phony 'war on terror.' --LRP]
Video allegedly shows CIA bomber saying he spilled U.S. secrets --A Pakistani TV station airs footage purportedly showing the suicide bomber of a CIA outpost telling a Taliban leader that he shared U.S. and Jordanian intelligence secrets with fellow militants. 09 Jan 2010 A Pakistani television station aired a video today allegedly showing the suicide bomber of a CIA outpost in Afghanistan telling the Pakistani Taliban leader that he'd shared U.S. and Jordanian intelligence secrets with fellow militants. He also urged militants to hit other U.S. targets in retaliation for the killing of the leader's predecessor last year in a U.S. missile strike. Although its veracity could not be immediately determined, the footage is a powerful recruiting tool and its content potentially embarrassing to the U.S. spy agency.
CIA agents killed to avenge death of Taliban leader 09 Jan 2010 A newly released video shows a man said to be the suicide bomber who killed seven CIA agents in Afghanistan vowing to avenge the death of former Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. The video, aired Saturday by a Pakistani broadcaster (AAJ) and an Arabic news channel, Al-Jazeera, shows a man identified as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi wearing traditional Afghan clothing sitting next to new Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud.
Restroom alert! 2 F-16s launched to catch up with AirTran Airways Flight 39 --Unruly passengers cause 2 flights to change course 09 Jan 2010 Disruptive passengers caused two commercial airplanes to be diverted Friday, with military jets scrambling to escort a San Francisco-bound flight into a Colorado airport, authorities said... Two F-16s were launched at 11:44 a.m. to catch up with AirTran Airways Flight 39 from Atlanta to San Francisco after a report that an intoxicated passenger had locked himself in a bathroom, the Colorado-based North American Aerospace Defense Command said. The jets arrived over Colorado Springs Airport as the captain - who AirTran said had decided to divert the plane - landed there around noon, NORAD spokeswoman Stacey Knott said.
Three men arrested over Heathrow plane bomb threat --Armed police board Dubai-bound Emirates flight after 'verbal threat' made to air crew 09 Jan 2010 Three men have been arrested on suspicion of making a bomb threat on a plane as it readied for take-off at Heathrow airport. Armed counter-terrorist officers [!] boarded the Dubai-bound Emirates flight last night after a "verbal threat" was made to air crew at 9.15pm. The Metropolitan police said the three men were in custody.
Man removed from plane after security alert at Heathrow 08 Jan 2010 An aircraft passenger was removed from a plane by counter-terrorism officers after uttering a hoax threat as it readied for take-off, it was reported tonight. The unnamed white man was on an Emirates flight to Dubai taxiing at Heathrow when he made the comments, which were overheard by a fellow traveller.
Abdulmutallab Pleads Not Guilty in Plane Attack Plot 08 Jan 2010 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the man accused of trying to destroy a Northwest Airlines plane carrying 290 people on Christmas Day, pleaded not guilty to U.S. criminal charges. The 23-year-old Nigerian entered his plea today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Randon in Detroit. As the flight approached the city’s airport, Abdulmutallab ignited his pants leg and a wall of the plane while trying to detonate a mixture of explosives he smuggled aboard, according to prosecutors.
Zazi associate charged in New York bomb plot 09 Jan 2010 A former high class classmate of a man accused of plotting an al Qaeda-inspired bomb attack in New York pleaded not guilty on Saturday to charges of murder conspiracy and receiving training by a terrorist organization. Adis Medunjanin, 25, a U.S. citizen of Bosnian origin, was arrested on Friday after a car chase that ended in a collision on a New York City bridge. At a Saturday arraignment, Medunjanin was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country, Pakistan, and one count of getting military-style training from al Qaeda [al-CIAduh].
FBI arrests 2 more in NYC terrorism investigation 08 Jan 2010 Two men were arrested Friday in the investigation of a suspected bomb plot targeting New York City, a case that has already led to charges against a Denver airport shuttle driver they attended high school with. The arrests in New York of Adis Medunjanin and Zarein Ahmedzay were part of "an ongoing investigation" by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, according to FBI agent Richard Kolko, who declined to comment further.
Man Arrested Newark Security Breach 10 Jan 2010 The man who is believed to have slipped into a secured area of Newark Liberty International Airport and to have caused a six-hour shutdown of a major terminal on Sunday has been arrested, Port Authority officials said on Friday night. The man, Haisong Jiang, 28, was taken into custody at 7:30 p.m. at his home in Piscataway, N.J., according a statement from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The agency said he would be charged with defiant trespass.
Obama: Our security failed and the buck stops with me 08 Jan 2010 President Obama said last night that ultimately it was his responsibility to keep Americans safe from terrorists as he announced a major shake-up of US security in the wake of the Christmas Day airline bomb plot. "The buck stops with me," Mr Obama declared during a long statement at the White House, in which he decried the security failures that allowed a Nigerian man with known links to extremists, and with plastic explosives sewn into his underwear, to board a US-bound flight.
Canada ordered airline scanners months ago --Scanner technology was in the works well before events in recent weeks 06 Jan 2010 Transport Minister John Baird told CTV's Canada AM on Wednesday morning that Canada chose to pursue the high-tech scanner technology months ago, putting an order in to manufacturers "before the United States were in the queue...and before some of the countries in Europe." He said the scanner technology was in the works well before the events in recent weeks, leaving Canadian authorities well-informed about the practical concerns of implementing them at nationwide airports. "This is something we've been working on for about 15 months," said Baird.
Flying has become a nightmare thanks to the CIA, not al-Qaeda [Well, a lot us assert that they're *one and the same.*] By Con Coughlin 08 Jan 2010 Since September 11, Western democracies have conceded much in terms of privacy and civil liberties in order to assist the intelligence-gathering operation against Islamist extremists. We have granted the police and other security agencies greater surveillance powers, and have amended the criminal justice system to take account of this existential threat to our freedom. But as the war on Islamist terror enters its ninth year, we find that, despite the billions of dollars that the Americans have invested in giving their intelligence-gathering capability a serious upgrade, the approach to tackling the threat remains as naive today as it was on the morning that three hijacked aircraft caused the worst terrorist atrocity in American history.
Truckloads of Unused Swine Flu Vaccines --People were unsure of pumping a quickly developed vaccine into their bodies. 08 Jan 2010 After months of fear, media coverage and government warnings there wasn't as much demand for the swine flu vaccine in New York state as expected. Truckloads of swine flu vaccines are being returned by counties that say the expected demand for the shots never happened.
Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine to be off-loaded 08 Jan 2010 What do you do with vaccine that no-one needs [or wants]? That is the question currently puzzling the Department of Health. Back in May the government signed contracts with two suppliers - GSK and Baxter - to supply 90 million doses of H1N1 pandemic vaccine. The Department of Health has revealed that it has a break clause in its contract with Baxter which had been asked to supply 30 million doses, but it appears there is no get-out clause in the deal with GSK, set to provide 60 million doses. [See: Baxter working on vaccine to stop swine flu, though admitted sending live pandemic flu viruses to subcontractor 26 Apr 2009.]
CAMC set to fire employees who do not get flu vaccine by end of Friday --Charleston Area Medical Center employees who do not get the seasonal flu vaccine by the end of the day Friday are going to lose their jobs. 06 Jan 2010 (WV) Charleston Area Medical Center employees who do not get the seasonal flu vaccine by the end of the day Friday are going to lose their jobs. "The vaccine is a condition of employment" and people who do not get the vaccine will be fired, CAMC spokesman Dale Witte said. Anyone who is not vaccinated by the end of the day Friday will not be allowed to work, Witte said... "Then it will be termination." A CAMC employee e-mailed the Gazette to say, "it looks like the decision to let 80 employees go because they refuse to take the vaccine is actually going to take place."
CLG Exclusive: Source: Ford Paying Tea Partiers to Protest Detroit Auto Show By Lori Price, 07 Jan 2010 The Ford Motor Co. is paying Tea Partiers to protest against the Detroit car manufacturers at the 2010 Detroit Auto Show, Citizens For Legitimate Government has learned. Ford is paying the Tea Party protesters in order to increase their market share through brand loyalty. [Update: Ford Motor Company and PR firm Burson Marstellar have been visiting the CLG, reading this story, etc.]
'The actual unemployment rate is higher than shown by the official numbers.'
Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising 09 Jan 2010 An exodus of discouraged workers from the job market kept the U.S. unemployment rate from climbing above 10 percent in December, economists said. Had the labor force not decreased by 661,000 last month, the jobless rate would have been 10.4 percent, according to economists including David Rosenberg at Gluskin Sheff & Associates in Toronto and Harm Bandholz at UniCredit Research in New York.
Three top Wall Street banks to award $49.5 billion in year-end bonuses By Barry Grey 05 Jan 2010 The US media has been virtually silent on the colossal year-end bonuses for 2009 that will shortly be handed out by major American banks and financial firms... A brief article published on the inside pages of the business section of the January 1 New York Times ("With Bigger Bonuses, An Upside for Banks") notes in passing that the three top Wall Street banks will pay out an estimated $49.5 billion in cash bonuses and stock awards.
Police: Ex-Bush lawyer tried to kill wife by beating her with flashlight 08 Jan 2010 An attorney who worked in both Bush administrations was charged Thursday with trying to kill his wife by beating her with a flashlight and choking her two days after she delivered divorce papers. John Michael Farren, 57, was arraigned on charges of strangulation and attempted murder and ordered held on $2 million bail. His wife, Mary Farren, was beaten so severely Wednesday night at their New Canaan home that she was at points knocked unconscious and lost vision, police said.
After review, scientists urge end to mountaintop mining 07 Jan 2010 The consequences of this mining in eastern Kentucky, West Virginia and southwestern Virginia are "pervasive and irreversible," the article finds. Companies are required by law to take steps to reduce the damages, but their efforts don't compensate for lost streams nor do they prevent lasting water pollution, it says. The article is a summary of recent scientific studies of the consequences of blasting the tops off mountains to obtain coal and dumping the excess rock into streams in valleys.
800 more elderly Scots could die in Big Freeze 09 Jan 2010 As the country battles with the most extreme conditions for almost 50 years, the sub-zero temperatures are expected to increase the normal winter death toll significantly. Between December and March last year, there were 3,510 "excess deaths" in Scotland, but this winter that figure is set to jump significantly, mostly among the over-75s. Age Concern and Help the Aged in Scotland expressed great concern about the prediction. Spokesman Douglas McLellan said: "The figures are very alarming. Cold weather should not result in this number of deaths."
Previous lead stories: US forges alliance with Saddam Hussein officers to fight 'al-Qaeda' --American counter-terrorism specialists and Saddam Hussein's former intelligence officers have forged an unlikely alliance in Yemen to tackle al-Qaeda. 06 Jan 2010 The two sides were enemies on the battlefield just seven years ago but have been brought together by the failings of Yemen's security and intelligence apparatus, according to diplomatic and military sources in the country. Although mutual suspicions linger, the collaboration is said to have achieved some intelligence breakthroughs and helped instil greater efficiency and professionalism within the most elite Yemeni counterterrorism outfit.
Gitmo Confession Tainted by Torture, Judge Says 07 Jan 2010 A federal judge in Washington, D.C., ordered the release of a Yemeni detainee, saying the government's case to keep him at Guantanamo relies too heavily on confessions tainted by torture. U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina ruled that Saeed Mohammed Saleh Hatim's confession that he was part of al-Qaida [al-CIAduh] in Afghanistan was unreliable, because it was allegedly obtained under torture in Afghanistan. Hatim was captured in Pakistan in November 2001 and was held for six months in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where he was allegedly beaten and threatened with rape.
Ex-Blackwater mercenaries charged with murder 07 Jan 2010 Two former mercenaries of the notorious US security firm Blackwater (now known as Xe Services LLC) have been charged with the 2009 murder of two Afghan civilians in Kabul, the Justice Department says. Justin Cannon, 27, of Corpus Christi, Texas, and Christopher Drotleff, 29, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, have been charged with second-degree murder after opening fire on the two civilians.
U.S. senators defend Pakistan drone attacks
Reuters | Pakistan officially objects to the attacks on suspected al Qaeda and Taliban militants along its border with Afghanistan, saying they violate its sovereignty. |
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database Uf0 - Orb looking in the Dome of Cathedral Altoona, PA -Dec 2009 |
This image provided by Heritage Auctions shows a rare 1913-dated U.S. Liberty Head nickel that was prominently featured in a 1973 episode of the TV series, 'Hawaii Five-O,' was purchased for $3,737,500 in a public auction conducted in Orlando, Florida by Heritage Auctions Thursday night, Jan. 7, 2010. Only five such coins are known of that specific date and design.
(AP Photo/Heritage Auctions)On this date in: 1788 Connecticut became the fifth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. 1861 Mississippi seceded from the Union. 1913 Richard Milhous Nixon, the 37th president of the United States, was born in Yorba Linda, Calif. 1957 British Prime Minister Anthony Eden resigned, citing health reasons. 1964 Anti-U.S. rioting broke out in the Panama Canal Zone, resulting in the deaths of 21 Panamanians and three U.S. soldiers. 1972 Reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes said a purported authorized biography of him by Clifford Irving was a fake. 1987 The White House released a memorandum prepared for President Ronald Reagan in January 1986 that showed a definite link between U.S. arms sales to Iran and the release of American hostages in Lebanon. 2001 Apple Computer Inc. introduced its iTunes music management software at the MacWorld Expo in San Francisco. 2005 Mahmoud Abbas was elected Palestinian Authority president by a landslide. 2006 "The Phantom of the Opera" became the longest-running show in Broadway history, surpassing "Cats," which ran for 7,485 performances. 2007 Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone. 2010 The Illinois House voted to impeach Gov. Rod Blagojevich. (The Democratic governor, facing federal corruption charges, was removed from office by the state Senate later in the month.) 2009 A Saudi supertanker, the Sirius Star, and its crew of 25 were released, ending a two-month standoff in the Gulf of Aden after pirates were reportedly paid $3 million in ransom. |
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