It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Evening - January 2, 2010 |
Today's date is an unusual one The date 01/02/2010 is a palindrome: A confluence of month, date and year that reads the same backward as forward. |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
A blue moon rises over Interstate 80 west of Omaha, Neb., Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009. While not blue in color, the second full moon in a calendar month is called a Blue Moon. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik) |
That I've seen today
Obama chills out
Obama takes daughters for a treat
Billions in Recent Yememi Investments and The Underwear Bomber’s Daddy. It’s a Small World Ain’t It?... That’s the “plan” that requires, as President Obama blusters, “every element of national power” to fight? I don’t think so. You gotta look a little closer than a singed pair of tightie-whities if you want to know why President Obama is going to kill more people in Yemen. I have. Take a look. The other day I wrote about President Obama’s attempt to assassinate a witness in Yemen as well as the IMF and World Bank connections related to that nation as the probable reason the US feels compelled to invade. The premise was, that with all the free-market “reforms” being forced on the people of Yemen by these privately owned international banking institutions, the poor of that nation were rising up against the corrupt government and it looks like without our help, there will be a regime change. I wrote about the involvement of the Kuwait Energy company and their connections with the World Bank as it relates to the multiple ongoing oil and LNG pipelines running throughout the country. Basically, I estimated based on information from the websites and publications from the World Bank, IMF, and Kuwait Energy websites that there was about a quarter of a billion dollars at stake and that it was that money that was the reason President Obama chose to attack the people of Yemen. Once again, Obama and his adminstration are serving the banks interests first. Well, hold onto your hats folks… I was wrong. Yes, you heard that right. Scott Creighton (willyloman) is admitting he was wrong. My research was incomplete and I missed the mark by quite a bit. Instead of having a quarter of a billion dollars of foreign investment on the line… it’s more like 5 billion dollars.
Since July of 2009, money has been pouring into Yemen fast and furious; money that may never be recovered were there to be a revolution and subsequent regime change in that nation. President Obama can’t allow that to happen. But how is he going to go to the American people and tell them that foreign investors and international banks are worried about their billions in investments in the “reforms” of Yemen’s socioeconomic system? That wouldn’t be an easy sell to a post TARP Bill nation now would it? READ MORE... |
After confirming link, Obama says al Qaida in Yemen will be punished
Yemen: Al Qaida isn't the only problem
It is feared that this failed terror plot will lead to retaliation that could result in more civilian casualties in Yemen. Just a few weeks ago, many Yemenis were angered and dismayed by the air strikes on Abyan in which several civilians, including women and children, were killed. The attack was allegedly carried out by US drones, or at least with some logistical support from the US, and was aimed at key Al Qaida elements in the south of Yemen. Though the reasoning is correct, the approach, I believe, is wrong.
The US is repeating the same mistakes it made in Afghanistan; killing civilians under the pretext of fighting Al Qaida. Though some suspected terrorists may be killed, many more are inspired to seek revenge against the US. With every attack it carries out, the US creates a more negative impression of itself in the minds of Yemenis.
Retaliatory attacks create the right environment for radical elements to be lured to join Al Qaida to attack US interests within and outside the country. If we could only learn from history, we would see why the insurgency in Afghanistan has been growing every year since Operation Enduring Freedom started in 2001.
Assassin shot in cartoonist's home has links to al-Qaida, say policeThe Guardian - 14 minutes ago He had "close ties to the Somali terror organisation al-Shabaab as well as to al-Qaida leaders in East Africa", the Danish security and intelligence service ... |
False Flag Event in Detroit a Pretext to Invade Yemen
Kurt Nimmo | As Webster Tarpley notes, Obama has formulated a new version of the Axis of Evil, composed of Afghanistan-Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen.
Obama Orders US Government To Begin Preparing For Biological Attack
The European Union Times | The order signed by President Barack Obama directs government agencies, local law enforcement and the US Post Office to work on a model for distribution of medical countermeasures in the wake of a biological attack. |
House Bill Authorizes $4 Trillion for Next Bailout, but Tells Congress to Shut Up
U.S. Military Aid to Israel Averages $3 Billion a Year for Last 25 YearsWashington’s generosity towards Israel has amounted to $3 billion a year in military aid since 1985, and extends even further back to the mid-20th century. According to a Congressional Research Service report, no other country has received more foreign assistance from the United States than Israel from World War II until now, and it was the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign assistance for each year from 1976 to 2004, when Iraq became a high priority. Israel also benefits from special treatment from Washington, such as the fact that all of its yearly aid is delivered within the first 30 days of the new fiscal year. Most other allies of the U.S. get their assistance through installments that are spread out over the year. Additionally, Israel gets to use some of its U.S. military assistance for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. But the Jewish state must spend 75% of its help from Washington on military hardware made in the USA, which aids American manufacturers, especially during recessionary times. | | Headlines - January 2, 2010
For most of the past 70 years, the U.S. economy has grown at a steady clip, generating perpetually higher incomes and wealth for American households. But since 2000, the story is starkly different. | |
No indication or threat has been made against Israel from any country that an attack is planned. No country in the Middle East is believed to be likely to engage in chemical or biological warfare with Israel, either. | |
Neodymium is one of 17 metals crucial to green technology. There’s only one snag – China produces 97% of the world’s supply. And they’re not selling | |
2,000-year-old Hebrew artifacts, which Jordan claims were illegally taken by Israel in 1967, are on display in Toronto | |
For all banks and Wall Street firms, “I’m sure we’re talking $200 billion total compensation, which would create a tax savings for the firms of $80 billion,” said Robert Willens, an accounting and tax analyst in New York who runs a consulting firm, Robert Willens LLC. | |
Taxpayer losses from supporting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will top $400 billion, according to Peter Wallison, a former general counsel at the Treasury who is now a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. | |
Web-based satellite systems such as Google Earth, Google Street View and popular real estate websites are being used to by local councils to check that pool barriers meet national safety regulations. |
Turnabout: Iran gives West one month ultimatum |
Distressed borrowers don't get any relief from U.S. plan, critics say
The Obama administration's $75 billion program to protect homeowners from foreclosure has been widely pronounced a disappointment, and some economists and real-estate experts contend it has done more harm than good
Since President Obama announced the program in February, it has lowered mortgage payments on a trial basis for hundreds of thousands of people but has largely failed to provide permanent relief. Critics increasingly argue that the program, Making Home Affordable, has raised false hopes among people who cannot afford their homes.
As a result, homeowners have sent payments to banks in often-futile efforts to keep their homes, which some see as wasting dollars they could have saved in preparation for moving to cheaper rental residences. Some borrowers have seen their credit tarnished while falsely assuming that loan modifications involved no negative reports to credit agencies.
Some experts argue the program has impeded economic recovery by delaying a wrenching, yet cleansing, process through which borrowers give up unaffordable homes and banks fully reckon with their disastrous bets on real estate, enabling money to flow more freely through the financial system.
Foreclosure backlog estimated at 1.7 million homes
WASHINGTON — About 1.7 million homeowners were on the verge of foreclosure in the fall, a looming "shadow inventory" of homes that will be put up for sale in the coming years and weigh down prices, a report said.
The number, up from 1.1 million a year earlier, is likely to keep rising through mid-2010 or later, said Mark Fleming, chief economist of First American CoreLogic, the research firm that released the study.
Already, the foreclosure backlog is equal to nearly half the 3.8 million unsold new and existing homes on the market, First American said.
"We're going to be dealing with high levels of distressed (sales) in the marketplace for at least a couple of years," Fleming said. "It's not just all going to disappear."
Other reports have had larger estimates. But FirstAmerican assumes fewer delinquent borrowers — only about one-third — will wind up losing homes. It also estimates nearly 30 percent of bank-owned properties have already been listed for sale.
In many markets around the country, the number of new foreclosures has dropped as homeowners are reviewed for loan-modification programs. But real-estate agents, who have seen this as an encouraging sign, still fear an onslaught is coming.
"We've been in recovery mode for most of the year. How many foreclosures do they have to dump on the market to affect that? I don't know," said Deborah Farmer, owner of StarLight Realty in Tampa, Fla
"Any house priced under $225,000 will be affected by a large increase in foreclosures in this market," she said.
OHIO NEWS New headlight law in Ohio If your windshield wipers are on, your headlights must be on Cincinnati City spending revealed Cincinnati spent almost $100,000 on corner trash cans this year and $91,000 for patches for police uniforms. See what the city buys with your money. |
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams Forecast for Lincoln, NE : C-c-c-cold
For Some in Japan, Home Is a Tiny Plastic Bunk
Atsushi Nakanishi has condensed his possessions to two suitcases, which he stores in lockers at the capsule hotel where he lives. More Photos >
“It’s just a place to crawl into and sleep,” he said, rolling his neck and stroking his black suit — one of just two he owns after discarding the rest of his wardrobe for lack of space. “You get used to it.”
When Capsule Hotel Shinjuku 510 opened nearly two decades ago, Japan was just beginning to pull back from its bubble economy, and the hotel’s tiny plastic cubicles offered a night’s refuge to salarymen who had missed the last train home.
Now, Hotel Shinjuku 510’s capsules, no larger than 6 1/2 feet long by 5 feet wide, and not tall enough to stand up in, have become an affordable option for some people with nowhere else to go as Japan endures its worst recession since World War II.
Once-booming exporters laid off workers en masse in 2009 as the global economic crisis pushed down demand. Many of the newly unemployed, forced from their company-sponsored housing or unable to make rent, have become homeless.
Monsanto, Big Ag has ‘troubling’ control over seed market, report findsFew Iowans are aware of the price increases plaguing farmers, or the federal policies and U.S. Supreme Court rulings that have resulted in a handful of large corporations controlling the seed markets. But a new report, issued three months ahead of scheduled discussions in Ankeny on anti-competitiveness within the seed industry, highlights what Iowa farmers have known for some time. |
Crew members stand by the Greek frigate Psara prior to its departure from a naval base in Salamina, near Athens,to join European Union-led anti-pirate operations as the flotilla's flagship. The European Union naval force hunting Somali pirates needs to extend its patrol area to reflect the widening scale of their attacks, the admiral in charge has said.
(AFP/GREEK MINISTRY OF DEFENCE/File/Ho)Suspected pirates boats are parked on the Indian Ocean beach in Haradheere, 400 km (250 miles) northeast of Somalia's capital Mogadishu, November 18, 2009. REUTERS/Mohamed Ahmed/Files
Editorial: Evidently, it's Stockholm syndrome, the tendency of some hostages to bond with their captors. How else to explain Illinoisans' habit of re-electing lawmakers who chronically spend and borrow billions more than taxpayers supply?
" By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
A World Food Crisis In 2010: What is Denmark Doing in this Picture? |
Chicago architect Adrian Smith designed the world's tallest building, the Burj Dubai, which will have its grand opening Monday in the debt-ridden city-state of Dubai.
Quadrantid Meteor Shower appears in the northeastern sky
The first meteor shower of 2010 has already begun.
To best see the Quadrantid Meteor Shower, look north east the night of January 3 and early morning of January 4.
Although the Quadrantid meteors have already been “showering” since at least Jan 1 and continue past Jan. 5, the meteors peak Sunday when the sky is light but recommended viewing is from about 10 p.m. Sunday night to about 6 a.m. Monday morning. The meteor shower is in the northern hemisphere coming from a radiant near the North Star, according to Spaceweather.Com.
StarDate, an educational outreach service of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory, explaines that the meteor shower is named for the extinct constellation Quadrans Muralis. The service also points out that best viewing is in such northern countries such as Canada and Sweden.
Viewers may have trouble picking out the meteors, however, because of the moon, according to StarDate. "The waning gibbous Moon (phase after full moon ) is in view most of the night, filling the sky with background light that will overpower all but the brightest meteors,” says the service.
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 2, 2010 AT 6:00 PM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind | Australian Amateur Astronomer Alan Watson's Sungrazing Comet - January 2, 2010 SUNGRAZING COMET ALERT: The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is tracking a comet that is about to make a perilous close approach to the sun: movie, labels. Will the icy visitor survive? Click here for the latest image. (Note: The comet was discovered by Australian amateur astronomer Alan Watson in images taken by NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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VOLCANISM NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mount Nyamulagira volcano - CONGO A picture released by Gorilla.CD, the official website of the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo shows a view taken from Rumangabo park station in Virunga National Park of smoke covering the sky following the eruption of Mount Nyamulagira volcano, 22km of Goma, on January 2, 2010. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map East Coast Faces Deep Freeze; Florida Oranges Threatened... Record low of 22 degrees below zero blows into Siouxland The Dec. 8-9 and Dec. 23-26 snow blasts left a combined 29 inches of snow on the ground, which some county and city crews are still working to push off streets and roads. Cold temps break record in Sioux Falls, South Dakota at -30 degrees Sioux Falls Argus Leader At 5:49 am Saturday, the Sioux Falls temperature bottomed out at minus 30, breaking by 10 degrees the minus 20 record set in 1928 ... Cold weather kills scores in India... Britain facing one of coldest winters in 100 years... Once in generation cold snap forecast for North Carolina... Fourth Death Related To Cold in Chicago... 'A very unique storm' bringing snow, coastal flooding to Maine Astronomical high tides set for Saturday and Sunday January 02, 2010 2:00 AM Seacoast residents be warned: Don't get complacent just because the region dodged major snowfall Thursday and Friday; you're still in for a couple of nasty weather days. It's not just the snow, which could accumulate from 6 to 12 inches before it's all done Sunday. Wind gusts could be in excess of 50 mph, leading to possible power outages. And with astronomical high tides set for Saturday and Sunday, with waves cresting at around 13 feet, coastal flooding is possible. That's the best description that John Cannon, National Weather Service meteorologist, could provide Friday afternoon in forecasting what he called "a very unique storm." That's because, unlike most storms that come from south and west to New England, this storm is coming down from Nova Scotia. "We don't usually have weather systems moving in from Canada," he said. "This is a very interesting storm." |
America - Superpower of near denomic dimensions
“Time and again, (Chomsky) claims, the US backs terrorists and spreads conflict in order to guarantee the wealth of a tiny minority. In Chomsky’s analysis, America has become a superpower of near demonic dimensions. But his condemnations are not confined to American actions abroad. He dismisses western “democracy” as a sham, with the rich and powerful manipulating public opinions. He says the masses are duped with aspirational consumerism, stupefied day after day with mind numbing entertainment, and misled by unquestioning news reporting. Big government and big business want to keep the truth from the people, he says. The media only provides an illusion of free speech.”
During an interview, the reporter asked Chomsky how (Chomsky) thinks (the reporter) is self-sensoring. Chomsky replied:
“I don’t believe you are self-sensoring, I’m sure you believe everything you are saying. But what I am saying is, if you believed something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you are sitting.”
New law requires the administration to ensure Israel’s military advantage
Washington’s Blog | There have also been upgrades in U.S.-Israeli military cooperation on missile defense and a deal on the table to give one of the U.S. most advanced fighter jets to Israel along with some of America’s most sensitive new technology.
Afghan Govt Calls on NATO to Hand Over Those Responsible for Kunar KillingsThe Afghan National Security Council has raised the stakes in the aftermath of this week’s alleged Kunar massacre, calling for NATO to hand over the responsible parties immediately to Afghan authorities. NATO continues to change its story on Tuesday morning’s pre-dawn raid in the Kunar Province, which killed 10 Afghan civilians, eight of them children, and has led to massive protests against the international military effort. Initially NATO officials insisted there were no operations going on in Kunar at all, though later they privately admitted US special forces were in the area. This story morphed into claims that it was a US military operation that killed an “IED cell” and that they had no proof of any civilian deaths. Now, NATO says the operation was not military in nature, but rather was a “sanctioned” operation conducted by “non-military Americans” and that the children were all killed in self defense. Whether “non-military Americans” entails contractors, like Blackwater, or CIA agents as were attacked yesterday in Khost remains to be seen. It is clear however that there is more than meets the eye to these killings, which locals insist involved the killers dragging the children out of bed and even handcuffing some of them before shooting them. |
What a mess A sanitation worker cleans up garbage from the New Year's Eve celebration in New York Times Square in the early hours of New Year's Day Jan. 1, 2010. |
Palestinian demonstrators wear plastic bag as protection from tear gas fired by Israeli soldiers during a demonstration against Israel's separation barrier in the West Bank village of Bilin near Ramallah, Friday, January 1, 2010.
(AP Photo/Nasser Ishtayeh).
In this photo released by the Florida Keys News Bureau, Lisa Tinnes, left, cradles her dachshunds Bella and Daisy during a group photo just prior to the beginning of the Key West Dachshund Walk Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009, in Key West, Fla. The New Year's Eve event attracted 156 stubby canines and their owners for a short stroll in the island's historic district. (AP Photo/Florida Keys News Bureau, Andy Newman) |
A New Year's tradition continues as revelers jump into frigid waters of the Kaskaskia River at the 18th Annual Smitty's Polar Bear Plunge Party Friday in New Athens, Illinois. (Christian Gooden/P-D) ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH |
Top 10 '1000 Ways to Die': Death by Carrot, Tapeworm Diet ...
From an unlucky death by meteorite, a bizarre carrot death, death by the tapeworm diet and some truly terrifying other ways to die, '1000 Ways to Die' is definitely not a good show to watch if you're extremely klutzy or unlucky. As you watch the supposedly real story of each death unfold, you'll start to realize that no one is safe from a weird death, and you're not even safe in your own home...
2009 in review: A year of FDA censorship, Big Pharma crimes and celebrity drug deaths(NaturalNews) 2009 has been a crazy year for health and medicine. It was the year that Congress rammed through a mandatory health "reform" bill that violates the U.S. Constitution in forcing all Americans to buy government-mandated products and services from greedy corporations. Although it hasn't been signed into law yet, the very fact that it has been passed by both the House and the Senate is alarming: America is just one signature away from becoming a medical dictatorship. But that's not the only big health news that happened in 2009. In all, 2009 was a year of corruption, scientific fraud and health freedom oppression. Here are some of the highlights: The FDAThe FDA was hit hard in 2009 was accusations of corruption and criminal behavior. In January, the FDA's own scientists accused management of committing crimes ( And in August, the FDA abandoned even the appearance of standing up for safety by declaring that mercury fillings are safe for everyone ( In order to protect its authority and boost Big Pharma's sales, the FDA also went after numerous natural health companies in 2009. Stephen Heuer was arrested by the FDA in January (, and by June, the FDA had threatened to seize all natural products that boost immune health and protect against the swine flu ( The FTC also joined the tyranny bandwagon, engaged in a war of threatening tactics against a ministry selling anti-cancer herbs ( and ultimately ordering them to lie to their customers about their products ( The FTC even went after Dr. Weil, threatening him with arrest and imprisonment for daring to accurately describe the immune boosting effects of the astragalus herb ( Topping off the year of tyranny and oppression, in December the FDA staged an illegal kidnapping of herbal formulator Greg Caton who was threatening the cancer industry with his anti-cancer salve products made from Ecuadorian herbs ( Big Pharma corruption2009 was also a bad year for Big Pharma. All kinds of new findings came out that show the dangers of pharmaceuticals. For example, did you know that HRT drugs shrink women's brains? ( The drug industry was also shown to be engaged in blatant scientific fraud. AstraZeneca, for starters, taught its sales reps how to lie to doctors (, and throughout the pharmaceutical industry, many clinical trials were exposed as being entirely fraudulent ( On the researcher side, Big Pharma scientist Dr. Scott Reuben was caught fabricating 21 studies ( -- most of which were widely quoted by other doctors to push dangerous pills onto children. Also in 2009, Pfizer actually admitted to committing felony crimes over its marketing of Bextra ( Merck was found to have created a "hit list" of doctors targeted for destruction -- doctors who were speaking out against the safety of the company's drugs ( The company was also busted over its hiding of data about the dangers of Vioxx ( Not to be out-frauded by Merck, Pfizer paid a record $1.3 billion fine in 2009 for intentionally misbranding its drugs ( Similarly, the Dept. of Health and Human Services was caught backing a medical device "review board" that was actually led by a dead dog ( Big Pharma destroys the environmentBig Pharma was also caught destroying the environment throughout 2009. In India, for example, drug companies were caught dumping toxic pharmaceuticals into rivers ( Not surprisingly, lots of studies published in 2009 revealed that fish are contaminated with pharmaceutical chemicals ( Pharmaceuticals are even contaminated with chemicals themselves, we discovered. Some medications, for example, contain phthalates that "feminize" young boys ( Psych drugs and shootingsThe psych drug industry received yet more bad news in 2009 as its drugs were shown to be even more dangerous than previously thought. ADHD drugs, in particular, were found to cause all sorts of bizarre side effects including making children hallucinate ( Speaking of children, the FDA went out of its way to actually approve antipsychotic drugs for children (, opening the doors to even more mass drugging of our nation's youth. Thanks to the psych drug industry, there were of course more shootings in 2009 ( and more sudden deaths from Ritalin ( Both the Orlando and the Ft. Hood shooters were also linked to psychiatric drugs ( Food dangers2009 was also a huge year for findings about the contamination of the food supply. High Fructose Corn Syrup ("liquid Satan") was found to be contaminated with mercury (, and "natural" soy protein was found to be bathed in toxic hexane solvents ( Infant formula was routinely found to be dangerous to infants, including a finding that infant formula was contaminated with hexane ( It was also revealed in 2009 that the USDA openly allows e.coli-contaminated meat to be sold as hamburgers ( (They can also legally be made with beef from cows that are fed chicken feces.) Also in 2009, the "Smart Choices" food labeling gimmick was revealed as a total fraud (, discrediting Tufts University and its hilarious nutritionist who thinks processed sugary cereals are good for you. Celebrity newsOn the celebrity side, in 2009 Michael Phelps got caught smoking a bong (, Oprah stirred up trouble by recommending KFC chicken dinners (, Michael Jackson was killed by FDA-approved pharmaceuticals (, and Patrick Swayze was killed by chemotherapy ( Actress Brittany Murphy was killed by "acute pharmaceutical toxicity" after taking a lethal combination of FDA-approved prescription drugs that nobody thought to test in combination ( Dr. Mehmet Oz, a very visible vaccine promoter, was also scrutinized for his financial relationship with a vaccine technology company that hilariously denied having anything to do with vaccines ( NaturalNews readers conducted research on the company in question (SIGA Technologies) and found a huge amount of evidence linking the company to vaccines (including patents). ( On the bright side, I was fortunate to be able to conduct interviews with several courageous, outspoken celebrities including Jane Goodall ( and Suzanne Somers ( Health freedomHealth freedom was under a major assault this year as sellers of raw milk found themselves targeted in state-run sting operations ( In order to try to enhance health freedom, I worked with the Life Extension Foundation (and other groups) to create the Health Revolution Petition (, which offers a freedom-based health care reform system that restores health freedom and even would help save America from financial destruction by sharply reducing sick-care costs. It has so far been signed by over 35,000 people. The H1N1 swine fluOf course, no overview of 2009 would be complete without covering the Swine Flu scam and the ensuing mass vaccination con. We covered this in numerous articles: Why vaccines harm children (, 10 things you're not supposed to know about vaccines (, and how tissue from diseased African monkeys is used to manufacture vaccines ( A leaked memo, never covered in the mainstream media, even revealed that the swine flu vaccine was linked to paralysis ( It wasn't long before the vaccine was linked to other dangerous side effects, too, and it eventually put one young athlete in a wheelchair ( The vaccine propaganda relied on a barrage of false and misleading statistics, so I published a popular story exposing the statistical fraud used to promote these vaccines ( Swine Flu propaganda was nothing short of astonishing in 2009, and part of that propaganda included information urging consumers to avoid using herbs, vitamins or natural products to protect themselves. Remarkably, even the Natural Products Association got in on the disinformation campaign ( The mainstream media, of course, pushed the pro-vaccine hype to new levels by lying to their viewers and readers on a regular basis ( By mid-October, it was obvious that swine flu vaccines were outright quackery ( Further supporting the idea that vaccines are based on total fraud, doctors, journalists and health authorities refused to answer ten commonsense questions about flu vaccines ( -- questions that remain unanswered today. And nobody -- including the CDC or WHO -- dared recommend vitamin D as a way for people to prevent swine flu infections ( The FDA did, however, allow Cocoa Krispies cereals to make claims for boosting immunity. ( At the same time, the public soon learned that the conventional drug being pushed for swine flu -- Roche's Tamiflu drug -- was complete quackery too ( The fizzling out of H1N1 swine flu didn't stop President Obama from declaring a national emergency by late October ( This "emergency" was entirely fabricated, of course. The only real emergency taking place was the loss of money by drug companies who were unable to sell their swine flu vaccines as profitably as they had hoped. Deadly Merck vaccinesOn the vaccine front, Merck was under extreme fire for its Gardasil cervical cancer vaccines. We promoted a petition to investigate Gardasil-related deaths (, and we published stories about young girls who died after receiving Merck vaccines ( One girl suffered permanent brain damage after a Gardasil injection ( In October, 2009, a top Gardasil researcher went public with information warning about the dangers of the vaccine (, but she immediately retracted her story after being pressured by... guess who? By the end of 2009, it was revealed that long-time head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, had been in discussions with Merck about taking the job of president of Merck's vaccine division. She soon accepted that job and now works at Merck. ( This leap of such a high-profile government executive to a top position in Big Pharma underscored the ongoing "revolving door" between industry and government. Making the vaccine topic even more convoluted in 2009, Baxter shipped vaccines materials containing live avian flu virus to 18 countries ( New information came out in 2009 about the link between autism and vaccines (, and autism rates continued to skyrocket even while the conventional scientific community denied any and all links to pharmaceuticals or vaccines ( The mammogram scam exposed2009 was also a terrible year for the mammogram industry, which found itself unable to hide the truth about its "detection" scam any longer. The world learned that mammograms cause cancer and actually harm more women than they help. ( Suzanne Somers bravely spoke out in an exclusive NaturalNews interview where she told the full truth about the dangers of mammograms and the fraud of the cancer industry ( The cancer industry, not surprisingly, still refuses to answer the 21 questions I posed in a widely-read article about the mammogram scam: The cancer industry was also pounded by new research showing that chemotherapy causes long-term neurological damage. ( Profiteering was a big theme in the cancer industry this year. One drug company announced it would start selling a new cancer drug that costs $30,000 a month ( CT scans and medical imaging procedures were also exposed in 2009 as Americans learned the truth about how dangerous they are to your health ( It turns out that being subjected to multiple CT scans is a lot like standing in the blast radius of an atomic weapon ( Health care reformThe health care reform debate took a turn for the worse in 2009 as nutritionally illiterate lawmakers passed a health care reform bill that seemed designed to bankrupt America ( and destroy U.S. jobs ( While there was lots of talk about how to reform health care, the entire debate turned out to be nothing but a scam to force Americans to buy into rip-off conventional medicine services and insurance scams. All the important conversations about real health care reform never took place ( The entire future of America looked rather bleak as accelerating national debt collided with increased sickness and disease. In assessing the situation, I published a widely-read article about the "New Mr. America" -- diseased and bankrupt. ( Following that, I posted a highly popular special report called Nutrition Can Save America! in which I laid out a plan for saving America by unleashing the healing power of food and natural remedies across the population. ( AIDS myths exposed2009 was also the year in which the AIDS myth was exposed by a breakthrough documentary called House of Numbers ( It turns out that conventional AIDS theories are based on complete hogwash, and all a person really needs to prevent AIDS is a strong, healthy immune system ( The legal frontIn 2009, Big Pharma sought to win blanket immunity for all drugs, but the U.S. Supreme Court surprisingly shot down the idea ( Throughout 2009, the courts continued to order parents to poison their children with chemotherapy ( Young cancer patient Daniel Hauser was poisoned (virtually at gunpoint) by chemotherapy doctors acting on court orders ( Technology and DRMOn the technology front, pulled a huge Big Brother event by remotely deleting copies of the book 1984 from users' Kindle devices. NaturalNews responded by calling for a boycott on the Kindle ( We've since learned that the Kindle's security has been hacked, allowing users to copy off all their Amazon Kindle books as PDF files (yet another victory for the hackers over Big Brother). Subatomic physics and the search for the God particleIn the realm of subatomic physics, 2009 was the year that people really started talking about the new Large Hadron Collider (a supercollider) and the search for the Higgs Boson particle. I wrote several important commentary pieces on this topic, explaining why there's no such thing as a Higgs Boson "particle" (, Also in the realm of science, 2009 was the year that U.S. Navy researchers finally admitted that cold fusion is, indeed, quite real, reversing decades of denials about this "free" energy technology which has been suppressed since 1989 ( Wake up, people!In 2009, I also tried to educate people about the linguistic trickery used by modern medicine (, but this topic turned out to be far too advanced and not many people "got it." This led to the publication of a very popular article asking why smart people are so stupid when it comes to issues like vaccines, nutrition and vitamin D ( In an effort to try to share natural health knowledge with the world, I personally built and launched the world's largest online encyclopedia of quotes from natural health authors, called NaturalPedia ( Positive newsAlso on the good side, our non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( handed out numerous grants to schools and education centers around the world that invested the money in teaching children (and some adults) about gardening, self-care, healing foods and more. Here are links to some of the awards we gave out: And here are a few of the success stories from this grant effort: Natural remedies revealed in 2009We covered lots of news about natural remedies in 2009. Here are just a few of the ones we published on • Grapeseed extract kills leukemia cancer cells • Vitamin D halts growth of breast cancer tumors ( • Blueberries lower cholesterol ( • Resveratrol prevents cancer and heart disease • Astaxanthin is a natural anti-inflammatory nutrient • Natural anti-viral remedies can protect you from swine flu • Yellow pea protein lowers blood pressure • Vitamin D lowers health care costs • Selenium helps prevent cancer • Cinnamon helps prevent diabetes • Garlic treats high blood pressure • Chaparral treats cancer • Omega-3 oils beat depression • Oregano oil eliminates parasites • Magnesium prevents heart disease • Cabbage stops stomach ulcers • Acupuncture reverses infertility • Colloidal silver works better than antibiotics • Green tea prevents brain disorders 2009 in summaryWell, there you have it! Those are the highlights of what NaturalNews covered in 2009. It was a year of outrageous quackery, FDA tyranny, censorship and criminal acts on the part of the pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, it was also a year when more people finally woke up to the dangers of mammograms and CT scans. NaturalNews readership climbed substantially through 2009 as more people got turned on to the truth about natural remedies and the healing power of nutrition. The FDA and Big Pharma is now increasingly under fire as a result of the events of 2009, and I suspect that in 2010 and beyond, the pharmaceutical industry is going to find itself under increasing scrutiny as more and more of its criminal operations are exposed. But don't expect the mainstream media to have anything to do with that. All the really smart reporting is now happening on blogs and independent news sites. The mainstream media continues to play its "Truman Show" game of broadcasting a fictional reality to the people, hoping no one will notice what's really going on. Thank you for reading NaturalNews in 2009, and we have a lot more in store for you in 2010 and beyond! With your help, perhaps we can see some real breakthroughs in health freedom in 2010. One day, we might even get to witness the arrest and criminal prosecution of Big Pharma's top executives who are guilty of crimes against humanity for continuing to wage chemical warfare against the people (while poisoning the environment at the same time).
New Year in Japan
My News blog: The Cave