My four now adult children would verify that I would not tolerate them saying, I'm bored. They knew I would tell them that boredom is but a form of self-abuse - and they would hear my lecture about going to their rooms and staying there until they could figure out things they enjoy doing.
Suffering from boredom is NOT what news agencies are experiencing. Given the national and global news coming out - we all on this planet are living in interesting times.
May you live in interesting times, often referred to as the Chinese curse. It is reported that it was the first of three curses of increasing severity, the other two being:
- May the government be aware of you
- May you find what you are looking for
SOLAR SYSTEM NEWS is reporting this morning - sunspot 1026 and a solar flare. However, I ask you to read another important solar activity taking place this morning that is being reported from this science website and easy to just read over. I have put it in bold to make it stand out for your viewing.
SOLAR FLARE: New-cycle sunspot 1026 is crackling with
magnetic activity, and this morning it produced a
C-class solar flare.

Government-corporate news (NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, etc) likes to tell the populous about sunspots, solar flares, etc. Talking about
MAGNETIC ACTIVITY taking place on the sun is NOT one of those talking points on their short snipits of science news that meets the PowersThatBe's approval to be handed out to the public.
A very wee bit of research discloses the ownership of our nations major news organizations.
Global international corporations is the name of game with minions serving those ultra-rich. The government of our great nation can also be seen as just minions serving their global masters. Check out the money paid by lobbyists - and who those lobbyists are. As I've stated before in my News Updates -
Obama has only a 27th level of government clearance ... lots of people with clearance higher than our president! Why the references to Obama as a puppet and he too is but only a minion that serves a specific purpose.
Compartmentalizing in our government keeps everyone doing their jobs without real knowledge of what others are up to. Western science is now also compartmentalized. The astrophysicists aren't into what the geophysicists are doing, etc. ... people are just doing their jobs. Those reporting on the magnetic activities of the sun are doing their job as those reporting the earthquakes taking place on the planet are doing theirs.
In these times of the world-wide web -
interconnectedness has replaced
compartmentalization. And if you read anything coming out of Jay Rockefeller's mouth - it's easy to see those ULTRA RICH thoroughly HATE the internet. Just for example - I pulled up these articles this morning:
It was drafted by Rockefeller and Snowe. Both are staunch allies of the National Security Agency and the telecommunications industry. ...
With MAGNETIC ACTIVITY there is attraction and repulsion ... and the PowersThatBe are definitely repulsed by all the news available on them and their
agendas now being blasted all over the globe via the internet.
AGENDA being a key word and concept.
For example: What is
my agenda for sending out Updates on the
earth's magnetosphere to those lucky ones on my email list? Like the following picture I've composed relating to this morning's graphic of what is going on with our planet's
protective magnetosphere:

As a single woman now for decades - I have chosen to be aware of the environment in which I find myself. If I'm out and about after dark, I'm aware of those cars behind me as to whether they turn when I turn a corner ... essentially following me. This proved to be in my best interest way back in the early 90's when I had stopped at the grocery store when I had gotten off of work and it was after dark. To make a long story short, I realized a car was following me from the time I pulled out of that grocery store. Rather than driving to my apartment I drove into a convenience store and walked inside to see if that car would drive off. It did not, but rather pulled into the convenience store a ways over, turned off their lights and the guy just sat in the car. I had the guy in the convenience store call the cops and it ended up this guy was put in hand cuffs and taken away due to an outstanding warrant and a history of not being a nice guy to women. Environmental awareness is
not walking around in a state of fear, but rather a state of personal power.
Very simply put - the earth's magnetosphere can be seen a protective shield around our planet existing beyond the atmosphere. It is very large and there are now holes the size of the planet that float around in this huge magnetosphere. Our magnetosphere is in the process of being destroyed. It's easy for the PowersThatBe to try to blame humans for causing global warming and make money off of it via carbon taxation. However, blaming humans for destroying the earth's magnetosphere would be obvious foolishness. is an easy to read website with interesting articles, pictures, etc. and has been on my daily reading for years. However, the website I obtain my magnetosphere update pictures is out of Japan where you have the option of reading this website in either Japanese or English (not English or Spanish): internet provides Americans to knowledge beyond that overseen by our corporate-government media (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, etc). Alerting Americans to what it means - that our planet's magnetosphere is in the process of being destroyed -is not what ThePowersThatBe desire as globalist banksters pump and dump our economy. They have prepared for themselves ... the arctic seed bank, underground places now stocked and ready to go for them to move into when the real planetary SHTF. And, as I have stated before in prior News Updates - their plans for c
ontinuity of government is to be done by December 31st of this year.
The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive (National Security Presidential Directive NSPD 51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-20, sometimes called simply "Executive Directive 51" for short), created and signed by United StatesPresident George W. Bush on May 4, 2007, is a Presidential Directive which claims power to execute procedures for continuity of the federal government in the event of a "catastrophic emergency". Such an emergency is construed as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions." [1]
The unclassified portion of the directive was posted on the White House website on May 9, 2007, without any further announcement or press briefings,[2] although Special Assistant to George W. Bush Gordon Johndroe answered several questions on the matter when asked about it by members of the press in early June 2007.[2]
cause of these strange magnetics happening now both on the sun and our planet is not my topic this morning. Rather - it is happening and can be seen by just looking at simple graphic pictures of our magnetosphere out of Japan. It cannot be filed away in a conspiracy file... its just scientific facts. Earthquakes and volcanoes kicking up all over are but the results of what is happening in the solar system with our sun and our interconnection within a solar system.
JUST-IN-TIME is a term that can be used for inventory systems. Wal-mart for example does not have a huge warehouse behind their stores ... they rely upon trucks pulling in and unloading goods. It is said that within 3 days your store shelves can be empty. I would say less than that after the ice storm that hit Lincoln and I witnessed the line of people in front of a close by convenience store trying to buy something.
Magnetic activities of the sun and our planet is affecting earthquakes and volcanoes - with the Ring of Fire in the Pacific more than heating up affecting jet streams and weather and the Atlantic ocean likewise affected with other issues going on with currents.
The following is a list of volcanoes in Antaractic: Global Volcanism Program database for Volcanoes of Antarctica currently contains 31 Holocene volcanoes, sorted below in geographical (volcano number) order.
Does government-corporate media (NBC,ABC,CBS,FOX) spend alot of time talking about the
31 volcanoes in Antarctica? The Ring of Fire in the pacific is talked about because of the masses of people it affects. Not alot of people living in Antarctica.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if the Ring of Fire - the volcanoes in the Pacific are coming alive - what is currently going on with the volcanoes in Antarctica OR with the underwater volcanoes in the oceans surrounding Antarctica.
What do volcanoes in or near Antarctica have to do with me sitting here in Nebraska? Luckily there are no major fault lines running under me where I sit in Nebraska. However there is the convergence of the Central Plains Megashear and the Central Missouri Fault as shown in the map below wherein I circled NE (Nebraska) in red. MCR on this map means Mid-Continent Rift system (MCR). In geology, a rift is a place where the Earth's crust and lithosphere (outer shell) are being pulled apart.

Take your time and think about the water/sewer systems in your locality experiencing strain due to quake activity affecting the Mid-Continent Rift system (
MCR) ... yesterday sent pictures of the water main problem going on out in LA right now with the firetruck in the sinkhole and water mains breaking. Going to your kitchen sink to turn on some water is not only dependent upon the pumping station(s) and its (their) power system, but also the underground lines leading to your home. Lincoln's water supply is pumped in from out of town. Do you really want to stand in a government line to get some water handed to you? As the Hopi elders asks: Do you know where your water supply is? Even FEMA tells you to have at least 3 days of water on hand.
I will be watching the news as to the the affects the disintigrating magnetosphere will have on the airlines given x-ray bursts, etc from the sun.

A roller coaster at Six Flags of Georgia Amusement Park is flooded on Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009 in Austell, Ga. Several days of heavy rain has flooded parts of the Atlanta area. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)
The flooding around Atlanta this week is one for the record books. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the rivers and streams had magnitudes so great that the odds of it happening were less than 0.2 percent in any given year. In other words, there was less than a 1 in 500 chance that parts of Cobb and Douglas counties were going to be hit with such an event.
“The USGS can reliably say just how bad these floods were. They were epic!” said Brian McCallum, Assistant Director for the USGS Water Science Center in Georgia. “We have all witnessed the devastation caused by these floods, but now we can quantify it.” The data are gathered from the USGS real-time streamgaging network.

The Asian markets off of don't look real healthy this morning as they went to bed and Americans woke up.
But then, when American consumers take an economic hit - the shock waves go round the world.
This is no longer the country after WWII when our country wasn't recovering from having their factories bombed like most of Europe and Japan ... and we were rolling in the clover. The globalists have gotten our factories moved off US soil ... and what does our country have left to export? Oh yeah ... financial exports such as
But then, a couple weeks ago China was VERY UNHAPPY with this whole financial export of derivatives from our country! As I have previously included in past News Updates, China NOW has Gold Stores popping up all over the place for their populous to invest their money into ... no more investing in American treasuries? Our government tells it populous to help the economy by going out and buying, buying, buying. And, that advise to us Americans may have been heard ... but as the Asian markets disclose ... we aren't buying as much. The current manipulation going on currently with the gold market is another newsletter in itself. But suffice it to say, people should buy gold or silver - not for merely an investment - but to have something of worth when our dollar collapses.
You know its not good when the corporate-government media has headlines like this today:
CNBC: US May Face 'Armageddon' If China, Japan Don't Buy Debt

If the Chinese MAD about the exporting of our derivatives and are probably not going to honor them ... throw in this bit of news out of our neighboring state of Kansas.
September 24, 2009, 9:02 a.m.
Topeka - Some are touting a recent Kansas Supreme Court decision as a major development in the protection of people facing foreclosures.
In Landmark National Bank v. Kesler, the court ruled unanimously that Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems had no standing to bring action in a foreclosure case.
According to some reports MERS holds some 60 million mortgages, over half of all new U.S. mortgages.
While the case applies only to Kansas, folks who defend homeowners are saying courts in other states could take note of the ruling.
The decision was handed down Aug. 28 and involved a case out of Ford County where a property was foreclosed and sold at auction.
In the complex proceeding, Landmark National Bank was the first lienholder, while MERS claimed to be the second mortgage holder. But the state Supreme Court ruled unanimously that MERS was not legally the owner of the loan. MERS has filed a motion for reconsideration.
The case opinion can be accessed at
The Banksters probably are NOT having one of their better days right now! The Kansas Supreme Court just ruled that MERS - a giant software database and clearing house used by the banksters to buddle up mortgages and sell them off in derivative form to foreign investors has NO LEGAL STANDING in any foreclosure process. About half of all the foreclosures in our country are registered through the Bankster's MERS.
The problem: WHO has legal title to all these pieces of property to be involved in these foreclosure processes? Many of the banks that wrote those original mortgages have now gone down the crapper - or will be going down shortly. Each county where each of those mortgage foreclosures will no doubt become FLOODED with problems now... and counties, like states and the national government aren't in real good financial shape. MERS no longer can show they have a legal standing in that debt and MERS has the problem of no real proof of WHERE that debt actually existed.
Bundling mortgages - not a real good idea maybe? Let alone selling these as derivatives to FOREIGN investors another NOT real good idea!
It is said that on the "Asian street" that in America even a dog can get a credit card. So, other than American not being able to win a war, but only bomb people ... this derivates mess coming forth from Western banksters aren't making those
that are needed to buy the debt of the US - NOT really interested in our country's best interest.
This MERS news does makes alot of those Americans going foreclosure very happy, tho.
Security personnel stand guard in front of a welcome banner on the Hilton Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the first day of the G20 Summit, September 24, 2009. REUTERS/David A.DeNoma (UNITED STATES POLITICS BUSINESS)

The above individual discloses himself very easily to be what may be termed AGENT PROVOCATEUR. Such guys dress and act in observable ways if you are looking for them .. they were at the London G-20, Denver, etc.

The following is just a personal interest story about our First Lady:
What if you gave a party in Pittsburgh, and no one came? (Because, well, it's Pittsburgh.)
That wouldn't look good for President Barack Obama, hosting a major foreign summit, the G-20, there this week.
So how about an enticement, like a free gift? It works on late-night TV. And that's traditional anyway for the host/hostess of these gatherings of elite sophisticated international folks, with all their secure vehicles idling outside while the big shots go indoors away from the tear gas to discuss once again improving the environment. Also our finances.
As comedian Jimmy Fallon will say in his late-night monologue tonight, the main topic of discussion among the foreign leaders is, Why Pittsburgh?
The Obama administration learned a lesson earlier this year during Giftgate, when it presented British Prime Minister Gordon Brown with a toy helicopter and a set of classic American movie DVDs in a format that won't work in Britain. Thanks for stopping by.
Handing out Pittsburgh Terrible Towels would require knowledge of American sports or, worse, Pittsburgh teams, and that would be, well, terrible.
So First Lady Michelle Obama settled on giving some china to the spouses. Here's how the White House describes the china:
A one-of-a-kind porcelain tea set, White House honey and a honey vase designed exclusively for the occasion of the Pittsburgh Summit 2009. The platinum and purple porcelain design of the teacups is classic and contemporary, and inspired by the gold and purple White House china that President and Mrs. Lincoln used in 1861.
The use of platinum on the saucer symbolizes Pittsburgh’s steel industry roots; the use of purple is the color of the state flower of Illinois, the purple violet, home states of both Presidents Lincoln and Obama. The porcelain is one of a kind and made by a century-old family business in Illinois.
A rose in the bottom of the teacup represents both the official flower of the United States and the American beauty rose, the official flower of Washington. There is a delicate three-flower bouquet that sits in the well of the saucer. It consists of the purple violet, the state flower of Illinois; the mountain laurel, the state flower of Pennsylvania; and a rose, the national flower.The White House honey produced for this occasion came from the First Beehive, located on White House property near the First Lady’s White House Kitchen Garden.
Also, there's a dinner at John Kerry's wife's farm, with all the Heinz ketchup you can eat.
So would that be sufficient to get you to Pittsburgh?
This is an example of how Americans appear to the rest of the world - we have abnormally expanded ourselves in comparison to the rest of the people on the globe:
This hefty baby boy is drawing a lot of attention, but he is not the heaviest newborn in history. The heaviest baby to survive weighed 22 lbs., 8 ounces.
One of the reasons I call Nebraska a Globalist State and bows to globalist agenda (the RealID in NE is but another reason)WhoRunsGov.comBen Nelson (D-Neb.)
Why He Matters
Formerly a two-term Nebraska governor, Nelson has positioned himself squarely in the ideological center since being elected to the Senate and has repeatedly emerged as a moderate voice during contentious legislative fights. He helped secure passage of President Barack Obama’s $780 billion stimulus bill in early 2009, earning praise from Democrats and Republicans alike.. His swing vote will be crucial to the Obama administration as it tries to enact a broad legislative agenda.
Alan Grayson is both an economist and an attorney - the kind of guy ALL the states should have in Washington DC!! I do believe this guy needs alot of prayers because this LIST he is accumulating is going to really tick off alot of powerful people!
The House of Representatives just passed a law to prohibit Federal funds from going to organizations that commit fraud against the government, in the form of Section 2 of the 'Defund ACORN Act' ( Congress has five days to put down a legislative history around this bill to help judges and lawyers interpret the law. This gives us an opportunity to make an impact with a deadline of this Friday (9/25). You see, regardless of what you think of ACORN, it is laudable to stop taxpayer money from going to organizations that commit fraud against the government. So as per the bill's text, I'm going to put into the Congressional record a list of organizations who have committed fraud against the government or employs anyone who has.
Now, I'm just one person, and I can't possibly find and list all of the organizations that fit this bill. So I need your help. Please nominate organizations and show me that they need to be in the record. To help, send me the name of the organization and proof in the form of a link to evidence that this organization should be in the Congressional record. I will also need your email address so I can follow-up with you if necessary. The proof you send needs to be easily verifiable, as in credible media reports, legal documents, government data, or otherwise.
You can see the current unverified list here:
. | Timestamp | Nominate an organization |
| . | 9/21/2009 16:58:15 | Any of the major defense contractors that are abusing the tax system and/or refusing to pay their taxes and yet are still getting defense contracts: | . | 9/22/2009 14:05:57 | Blackwater | . | 9/22/2009 15:05:18 | Blackwater Worldwide Xe Services, LLC and all affiliates | . | 9/22/2009 15:06:53 | ACORN | . | 9/22/2009 15:11:55 | Blackwater Worldwide Xe Services, LLC and all affiliates | . | 9/22/2009 15:39:01 | Lockheed Martin | . | 9/22/2009 15:46:21 | Boeing Company | . | 9/22/2009 15:47:31 | Northrop Grumman | . | 9/22/2009 15:47:38 | General Electric | . | 9/22/2009 15:48:20 | General Dynamics | . | 9/22/2009 15:48:54 | Raytheon Company | . | 9/22/2009 15:49:53 | BAE Systems | . | 9/22/2009 15:50:35 | L-3 Communications | . | 9/22/2009 15:51:21 | United Technologies Corporation | . | 9/22/2009 15:51:52 | SAIC | . | 9/22/2009 15:52:58 | KBR | . | 9/22/2009 15:53:30 | McKesson | . | 9/22/2009 15:54:01 | Computer Sciences Corporation | . | 9/22/2009 15:55:06 | Bank of America | . | 9/22/2009 15:55:50 | here's a giant list, on this website: |
| . | 9/22/2009 15:57:00 | Textron, Inc. | . | 9/22/2009 15:59:56 | General Electric -- multiple examples of defrauding the Pentagon found at | . | 9/22/2009 16:00:10 | General Electric | . | 9/22/2009 16:05:25 | URS Corporation | . | 9/22/2009 16:06:38 | Health Net, Inc | . | 9/22/2009 16:08:18 | Royal Dutch Shell PLC | . | 9/22/2009 16:08:58 | IBM Corporation | . | 9/22/2009 16:09:29 | Fluor Corporation | . | 9/22/2009 16:10:32 | Merck & Co., Inc | . | 9/22/2009 16:11:56 | Kellogg, Brown, & Root, defense contractor
| . | 9/22/2009 16:14:18 | Dell, Inc. | . | 9/22/2009 16:15:30 | I'm not nominating KBR (I'm sure others already have) but the link I've provided shows a very serious problem with how the executive branch handles fraud committed by big contractors. | . | 9/22/2009 16:15:37 | The Salvation Army
| . | 9/22/2009 16:18:00 | Sanofi-Aventis | . | 9/22/2009 16:18:31 | Banking industry, Federal Reserve, FDIC
| . | 9/22/2009 16:18:53 | Boeing | . | 9/22/2009 16:20:31 | KBR (f/k/a/ Kellogg, Brown & Root) (formerly a subsidiary of Halliburton) | . | 9/22/2009 16:20:55 | General Electric | . | 9/22/2009 16:20:58 | Halliburton | . | 9/22/2009 16:21:46 | GlaxoSmithKline |
. | 9/22/2009 16:23:04 | Just about any major bank, financial institution or insurance company. | . | 9/22/2009 16:23:05 | Tenet Healthcare Corporation St. Barnabas Health Care System Serone, S.A. (a Swiss pharmaceutical company) Schering-Plough Corporation King Pharmaceuticals Eli Lilly Glaxo SmithKline | . | 9/22/2009 16:23:42 | Johns Hopkins University | . | 9/22/2009 16:23:48 | MERS: From their own site:
MERS was created by the mortgage banking industry to streamline the mortgage process by using electronic commerce to eliminate paper. Our mission is to register every mortgage loan in the United States on the MERS® System.
Beneficiaries of MERS include mortgage originators, servicers, warehouse lenders, wholesale lenders, retail lenders, document custodians, settlement agents, title companies, insurers, investors, county recorders and consumers.
MERS acts as nominee in the county land records for the lender and servicer. Any loan registered on the MERS® System is inoculated against future assignments because MERS remains the nominal mortgagee no matter how many times servicing is traded. MERS as original mortgagee (MOM) is approved by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, FHA and VA, California and Utah Housing Finance Agencies, as well as all of the major Wall Street rating agencies.
Not sure if they have directly received taxpayer money, but they certainly received it through FHA, HUD, Fannie, Freddie and Ginnie. In addition, they've certainly received it through the bank bailouts. | . | 9/22/2009 16:24:11 | Wellpoint was accused of falsifying data about its performance of cost report audits for Medicare, according to the Justice Department.
| . | 9/22/2009 16:24:33 | Hospital Corporation of America - we should stop all medicare and medicaid payments to this fraudulent group! Largest fraud ever... | . | 9/22/2009 16:24:57 | KBR and Haliburton | . | 9/22/2009 16:28:37 | AT&T Inc. | . | 9/22/2009 16:29:37 | Have you seen the Federal Contractor Misconduct Database? There are too many to list, so the website is here: It is part of POGO, or the Project on Government Oversight.
I'll try to add the first page of the report: Happy browsing
Top 100 Contractors Contractor Federal Contract $
(FY2007) Instances of Misconduct
(Since 1995) Misconduct $
(Since 1995) 1. Lockheed Martin $34234.9m 50 $ 577.2m 2. Boeing Company $24304.9m 31 $1561.4m 3. Northrop Grumman $18506.5m 27 $ 790.4m 4. General Dynamics $14687.7m 9 $ 63.2m 5. Raytheon Company $12233.2m 17 $ 475.8m 6. BAE Systems $10119.2m 3 $ 1.3m 7. L-3 Communications $6802.2m 5 $ 41.3m 8. United Technologies Corporation $5874.1m 13 $ 383.0m 9. SAIC $5230.9m 10 $ 14.5m 10. KBR $4872.5m 18 $ 103.0m 11. McKesson $4686.8m 8 $1356.7m 12. Computer Sciences Corporation $4017.4m 5 $ 43.0m 13. Humana $3403.1m 10 $ 129.7m 14. MacAndrews AMG Holdings $3361.7m 0 $ 0.0m 15. Textron, Inc. $3110.8m 9 $ 22.3m 16. Hewlett-Packard Company $2851.3m 4 $ 204.8m 17. General Electric $2824.3m 32 $ 37.4m 18. Government of the United States $2821.6m 0 $ 0.0m 19. Honeywell International Inc. $2602.9m 30 $ 641.2m 20. ITT Industries $2599.2m 6 $ 109.7m 21. URS Corporation $2443.8m 3 $ 0.6m 22. Bechtel Corporation $2436.6m 15 $ 359.6m 23. Booz Allen Hamilton $2386.1m 1 $ 3.4m 24. Oshkosh Truck Corporation $2357.6m 0 $ 0.0m 25. Health Net, Inc. $2259.7m 16 $ 687.1m 26. University of California $2201.8m 25 $ 69.3m 27. Royal Dutch Shell PLC $2118.4m 20 $1101.6m 28. Triwest Healthcare Alliance Company $2110.8m 0 $ 0.0m 29. Los Alamos National Security LLC $2038.0m 0 $ 0.0m 30. Harris Corporation $1957.0m 3 $ 1.6m 31. Bell Boeing Joint Program $1901.5m 0 $ 0.0m 32. DRS Technologies, Inc. $1891.7m 2 $ 10.0m 33. Agility (f/k/a PWC Logistics) $1869.9m 0 $ 0.0m 34. United Space Alliance $1822.9m 1 $ 0.0m 35. Alliant Techsystems Inc. $1791.8m 2 $ 8.3m 36. Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC $1605.1m 2 $ 0.4m 37. DynCorp International Inc. $1590.3m 4 $ 0.8m 38. IBM Corporation $1552.9m 10 $ 823.6m 39. CACI International, Inc. $1532.4m 1 $ 0.0m 40. Fluor Corporation $1530.3m 22 $ 186.4m 41. AmerisourceBergen $1513.7m 8 $ 36.1m 42. Merck & Co., Inc. $1418.0m 10 $5834.7m 43. FedEx Corporation $1406.4m 18 $ 120.2m 44. Westinghouse Electric Corp. $1371.4m 4 $ 3.9m 45. CH2M Hill Companies, Ltd. $1347.3m 6 $ 2.8m 46. Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. $1230.1m 2 $ 37.5m 47. UT-Battelle LLC $1217.1m 3 $ 0.3m 48. Rockwell Collins $1193.5m 0 $ 0.0m 49. Navistar Defense LLC $1166.8m 1 $ 0.0m 50. Dell, Inc. $1144.0m 9 $ 8.6m 51. Force Protection, Inc. $1139.6m 1 $ 1.9m 52. EDO Corporation $1116.9m 0 $ 0.0m 53. Evergreen International Airlines $1105.6m 2 $ 1.1m 54. Cardinal Health, Inc. $1087.1m 3 $ 635.0m 55. Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. $1043.0m 2 $ 0.2m 56. Valero Energy Corp. $1027.3m 21 $ 280.5m 57. Exxon Mobil $1020.9m 39 $2309.6m 58. MITRE Corporation $ 973.3m 0 $ 0.0m 59. General Atomics $ 972.8m 0 $ 0.0m 60. BP P.L.C. $ 964.3m 27 $1306.7m 61. SRA International, Inc. $ 820.7m 1 $ 0.0m 62. McDermott/Bechtel Group $ 820.1m 0 $ 0.0m 63. Sanofi-Aventis $ 813.1m 5 $ 289.9m 64. Unisys Corporation $ 812.2m 5 $ 3.9m 65. VSE Corporation $ 740.8m 1 $ 0.0m 66. Tetra Tech, Inc. $ 739.4m 0 $ 0.0m 67. Small Business Consolid. Reporting $ 728.2m 0 $ 0.0m 68. Accenture $ 686.5m 5 $ 13.9m 69. Government of Canada (CCC) $ 680.6m 1 $ 6.0m 70. GlaxoSmithKline $ 680.0m 16 $4280.7m 71. Shaw Group $ 679.9m 3 $ 12.9m 72. University of Chicago $ 672.3m 4 $ 22.7m 73. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology $ 669.2m 6 $ 6.6m 74. Aerospace Corporation $ 659.8m 0 $ 0.0m 75. Battelle Memorial Institute $ 656.2m 2 $ 0.6m 76. AECOM Technology Corporation $ 642.4m 0 $ 0.0m 77. The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory $ 638.3m 0 $ 0.0m 78. Hensel Phelps Construction Co. $ 633.9m 0 $ 0.0m 79. Research Triangle Institute, Inc. $ 624.7m 0 $ 0.0m 80. SK Holdings Co., Ltd. $ 623.3m 0 $ 0.0m 81. Johns Hopkins University $ 623.3m 4 $ 4.6m 82. Rolls-Royce PLC $ 612.7m 0 $ 0.0m 83. Institute for Defense Analyses $ 610.3m 0 $ 0.0m 84. Arctic Slope Regional Corporation $ 602.4m 0 $ 0.0m 85. International Oil Trading Company $ 601.3m 0 $ 0.0m 86. QinetiQ North America Operations $ 588.2m 0 $ 0.0m 87. B.L. Harbert Holdings, LLC $ 577.7m 0 $ 0.0m 88. ManTech International Corp. $ 571.9m 0 $ 0.0m 89. Integrated Coast Guard Systems $ 567.5m 0 $ 0.0m 90. Afognak Native Corporation $ 558.6m 0 $ 0.0m 91. BearingPoint Inc. $ 552.5m 6 $ 135.7m 92. Management & Training Corp. $ 550.4m 8 $ 9.1m 93. Chugach Alaska Corporation $ 546.7m 1 $ 0.0m 94. Wyeth $ 535.5m 5 $ 116.7m 95. AT&T Inc. $ 531.1m 7 $ 15.3m 96. ARINC $ 529.2m 1 $ 1.1m 97. Corrections Corporation of America $ 521.3m 5 $ 59.5m 98. Daimler AG $ 517.5m 9 $ 443.2m 99. General Motors Corp. $ 517.2m 12 $ 313.7m 100. AP Moller-Maersk A/S $ 517.1m 1 $ 3.0m Total $257257.3m 678 $26126.8m Home Right Sidebar Valuable Resources NGOs Better Business Bureau Searchable Database Center for Public Integrity's "Power Trips" Database - Congressional Travel Disclosures Center for Public Integrity's "Pentagon Travel" Database - DoD Trips Paid for By Outside Interests Center for Responsive Politics ( - Revolving Door Database National Institute on Money in State Politics - Political Donations in the States Sunlight Foundation's List of Useful Government Transparency Websites Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) - federal regulatory and enforcement bulletins
Government Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals Bureau of Industry and Security Denied Persons List California Reporting Government Transparency Civilian Board of Contract Appeals Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Excluded Party List System (EPLS) - listing of suspended or debarred contractors Federal Election Commission Campaign Finance Disclosures Federal Inspectors General Government Accountability Office (GAO) HHS - OIG Fraud Prevention and Detection Enforcement Actions National Labor Relations Board Decisions Office of Public Records Lobby Filing Disclosures OSHA Accident Investigation Search SEC Enforcement Actions Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) State Department Consent Agreements State Department Debarred List United States Court of Federal Claims VENDEX New York City Vendor Search World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms Links referenced Better Business Bureau Searchable Database,61,225?gourl= Center for Public Integrity's "Power Trips" Database - Congressional Travel Disclosures,61,225?gourl= Center for Public Integrity's "Pentagon Travel" Database - DoD Trips Paid for By Outside Interests,61,225?gourl= Center for Responsive Politics ( - Revolving Door Database,61,225?gourl= National Institute on Money in State Politics - Political Donations in the States,61,225?gourl= Sunlight Foundation's List of Useful Government Transparency Websites,61,225?gourl= Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) - federal regulatory and enforcement bulletins,61,225?gourl= Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals,61,225?gourl= Bureau of Industry and Security Denied Persons List,61,225?gourl= California Reporting Government Transparency,61,225?gourl= Civilian Board of Contract Appeals,61,225?gourl= Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA),61,225?gourl= Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA),61,225?gourl= Excluded Party List System (EPLS) - listing of suspended or debarred contractors,61,225?gourl= Federal Election Commission Campaign Finance Disclosures,61,225?gourl= Federal Inspectors General,61,225?gourl= Government Accountability Office (GAO),61,225?gourl= HHS - OIG Fraud Prevention and Detection Enforcement Actions,61,225?gourl= National Labor Relations Board Decisions,61,225?gourl= Office of Public Records Lobby Filing Disclosures,61,225?gourl= OSHA Accident Investigation Search,61,225?gourl= SEC Enforcement Actions,61,225?gourl= Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR),61,225?gourl= State Department Consent Agreements,61,225?gourl= State Department Debarred List,61,225?gourl= United States Court of Federal Claims,61,225?gourl= VENDEX New York City Vendor Search,61,225?gourl= World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms,61,225?gourl= Location
© 2009 Project on Government OversightTop 100 Contractors by contract dollar amount Methodology of this ongoing effort What's new Archive previous rankings and more Quick Search Word or Phrase in any field
close Sort the Data Contractor All Contractors Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Accenture AECOM Technology Corporation Aerospace Corporation Afognak Native Corporation Agility (f/k/a PWC Logistics) Akal Security, Inc. Alliance Contractor Team Alliant Techsystems Inc. AmerisourceBergen AP Moller-Maersk A/S Arctic Slope Regional Corporation ARINC Armor Holdings, Inc. AT&T Inc. B.L. Harbert Holdings, LLC BAE Systems Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC Battelle Memorial Institute BearingPoint Inc. Bechtel Corporation Bell Boeing Joint Program Blackwater USA Boeing Company Booz Allen Hamilton BP P.L.C. CACI International, Inc. California Institute of Technology Cangene Corp. Cardinal Health, Inc. Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. CH2M Hill Companies, Ltd. CH2M-WG Idaho, LLC ChevronTexaco Corporation Chugach Alaska Corporation Computer Sciences Corporation Corrections Corporation of America Daimler AG Dell, Inc. DRS Technologies, Inc. DynCorp International Inc. EDO Corporation Electronic Data Systems Environmental Chemical Corporation Evergreen International Airlines Exxon Mobil FedEx Corporation Fluor Corporation Force Protection, Inc. G4S PLC General Atomics General Dynamics General Electric General Motors Corp. GlaxoSmithKline GM/GDLS Defense Group Government of Canada (CCC) Government of the United States GTSI Corporation Halliburton Harris Corporation Hatakeyama Bussan K.K. Health Net, Inc. Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Hewlett-Packard Company Honeywell International Inc. Humana IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. IBM Corporation Institute for Defense Analyses Integrated Coast Guard Systems International Oil Trading Company ITT Industries Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Johns Hopkins University KBR Korea Agricultural Cooperative Kuwait National Petroleum Company L-3 Communications Large Business Consolid. Reporting Lockheed Martin Los Alamos National Security LLC MacAndrews AMG Holdings Management & Training Corp. ManTech International Corp. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology McDermott, Inc. McDermott/Bechtel Group McKesson Merck & Co., Inc. MITRE Corporation NANA Regional Corporation Navistar Defense LLC Northrop Grumman Oshkosh Truck Corporation Parsons Corporation Phillips & Jordan, Inc. QinetiQ North America Operations Raytheon Company Refinery Associates Inc. Research Triangle Institute, Inc. Rockwell Collins Rolls-Royce PLC Royal Dutch Shell PLC SAIC Sanofi-Aventis Shaw Group SK Holdings Co., Ltd. Small Business Consolid. Reporting SRA International, Inc. Stewart & Stevenson Services Syracuse Research Corp. Tetra Tech, Inc. Textron, Inc. The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Triwest Healthcare Alliance Company U.S. Department of Energy Unisys Corporation United Industrial Corporation United Space Alliance United Technologies Corporation University of California University of Chicago URS Corporation UT-Battelle LLC Valero Energy Corp. VSE Corporation Washington Group International Westinghouse Electric Corp. Wyeth Disposition All Administrative Agreement Deferred Prosecution Agreement Fine Found Guilty Investigative Finding Judgment Against Defendant Non-Prosecution Agreement Pending Pleaded Guilty Restitution Settlement Suspend/Debar - Company Suspend/Debar - Employee Court Type All Administrative Civil Criminal N/A undisclosed/unknown Misconduct Type All Types Antitrust Consumer Affairs Cost/Labor Mischarge Defective Pricing Environment Ethics Government Contract Fraud Government Grant Fraud Health Human Rights Import/Export Intellectual Property Labor Non-governmental Contract Fraud Poor Contract Performance Other Tax Securities Enforcement Agency All Types Agriculture Commerce CFTC Defense – General CPSC Defense – Air Force Defense – Army Defense – Navy Education EEOC Energy EPA FCC FEC FTC GSA Health and Human Servs. Homeland Security Housing and Urban Dev. Interior Justice Labor Labor – OSHA NASA NLRB NRC OMB SEC State Dept. Transportation Treasury Treasury – IRS Veterans Affairs Multiple Agencies State/Local International Non-Governmental CSB TVA Contracting Party All TVA Agriculture CFTC Commerce CPSC Defense - General Defense - Air Force Defense - Army Defense - Navy Education EEOC Energy EPA FCC FEC FTC GSA Health and Human Servs. Homeland Security Housing and Urban Dev. Interior Justice Labor Labor - OSHA NASA NLRB NRC OMB SEC State Dept. Transportation Treasury Treasury - IRS Veterans Affairs Multiple Agencies State/Local International Non-Governmental None Dollar Amount All undisclosed/unknown $0 $1 to $999,999 $1 million to $4,999,999 $5 million to $9,999,999 $10 million to $49,999,999 $50 million to $100 million >$100,000,000 Date Range
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FCMD HelpDatabase HomeContactAccessibility© CopyrightPOGO.orgPrivacy | . | 9/22/2009 16:30:11 | BANK OF AMERICA (and it makes me SICK to type their name). There are so many bits of evidence all around the Internet, I'm not sure I can do this justice.
Lending unsecured funds they received in the form of bailout money to TERRORISTS!
Lying to shareholders regarding the merger with Merrill Lynch, INCLUDING under oath to Congress. Why they did not receive an immediate Congressional subpoena, I'll never understand. | . | 9/22/2009 16:31:00 | AT&T Corporation. False claims involving the E-Rate Program. | . | 9/22/2009 16:31:38 | Wells Fargo and Washington Mutual (for the same reasons - see link):
| . | 9/22/2009 16:32:54 | The Boeing Co. - Original AF Tanker replacement contract fraud which put Boeing executive Mike Sears and Senior AF Senior Procurement Officer in jail. Ref: | . | 9/22/2009 16:33:07 | Private insurance companies that contract to process Medicare claims. I will send as many as I find given the federal subsidies to be awarded to private health insurance companies as part of health care reform. | . | 9/22/2009 16:33:50 | Monsanto
Link #1:
Link #2: | . | 9/22/2009 16:34:23 | Ben Bernanke, The Federal Reserve
Admittedly, they don't directly get 'taxpayer funding' in the traditional sense, but there is no larger institution that has influence over US taxpayer money; so, I'm including them. There is no bigger threat, no bigger risk to the solvency and sovereignty of the USA than the Federal Reserve. | . | 9/22/2009 16:37:33 | Hank Paulson.
No further evidence than this 6-minute clip is necessary. While the US Treasury Secretary is not a 'recipient' of taxpayer dollars in the traditional sense, he did receive, and still does receive money from the US taxpayer. | . | 9/22/2009 16:39:00 | More evidence against the Federal Reserve and the FDIC: | . | 9/22/2009 16:39:50 | Pfizer | . | 9/22/2009 16:40:44 | Archer Daniels Midland Co.
This morning I am not even going to get into the drums of war beating with Iran and Israel. Another topic for another day just like the end of the US$ as the global reserve currency.
You all have a good one!!