It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Morning - December 30, 2009 |
Today's New Year's Eve's Eve .. or, if you live in Nebraska - the night the Huskers play in San Diego. |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
US aware 'Nigrian' prepared for terror attack
MORE NEWS ABOUT CHINA BUYING UP AMERICA Jin Jiang buys major US hotel group SHANGHAI Jin Jiang International Hotels Co Ltd is to acquire Interstate Hotels & Resorts Inc, the largest independent hotel management company in the United States, through a new joint venture with the US-based Thayer Lodging Group, Jin Jiang announced yesterday. Jin Jiang, the leading hotel operator in China with a portfolio of hotels across the country, signed an agreement with Thayer Lodging to form the Hotel Acquisition Co LLC (HAC) to merge Interstate Hotels & Resorts Inc and Interstate Operating Co and turn them into wholly owned subsidiaries of HAC. HAC will acquire all outstanding common stock and operating partnership units in Interstate. The acquisition involves a cash investment of US$75.3 million, at US$2.25 per share, and assumption of all outstanding debts. The transaction is valued at around US$307 million. Jin Jiang said the merger is expected to close in the first quarter of 2010, pending Interstate's shareholder approval. Jin Jiang has obtained approval from relevant Chinese government departments. Tang Muliang, vice president of Jin Jiang International, said the corporation had been looking for an opportunity to expand overseas since 2003. Interstate manages 232 hotels and resorts with a total of 46,000 rooms in the US, Canada, Mexico, Russia, India, Belgium, Ireland and England. The company also owns interests in 56 properties, including six wholly owned assets. Jin Jiang Hotels operates 493 hotels, providing close to 82,700 rooms. It was ranked 13th in the world in terms of number of rooms, according to HOTELS Magazine, the official publication of the International Hotel & Restaurant Association. Yu Minliang, chairman of Jin Jiang Hotels, said: "Interstate has a global reputation as a world-class, independent hotel operator. This acquisition significantly accelerates our ability to expand internationally, giving us immediate access to a worldwide platform." Thayer's co-Chairman Leland Pillsbury said: "Interstate offers a unique platform with in-depth industry expertise, international operations, and scope of experience gained over 50 years, along with a stellar reputation as a first-rate operator." Thayer Lodging Group is an investor that works with major brands to acquire and reposition hotels. From a forum: They now own the Sawgrass Resort in Ponte Verde, FL along with some Doubletrees, Hampton Inns and more down here in Florida ... Children wear handmade eyeglasses in the shape of "2010" at Dianliu 1st Elementary School in Jinan, east China, on Tuesday, to greet the forthcoming New Year. - AP Photo/Xinhua - 30 December, 2009 |
Vladimir Putin calls for more weapons to stop America doing 'whatever it wants'
Remember the Opium WarsBritain is in a poor position to condemn Shaikh's execution with its history of drug dealing to China RELATED: China Executes British Drug Smuggler “Drug trafficking is considered a heinous crime according to world consensus,” Xinhua cited the Supreme Court verdict as saying. “Chinese law requires that everybody who commits a crime be treated equally. The use of the capital punishment creates an effective deterrent against drug trafficking.” |
America’s Looming Class War
In the weeks and years immediately following September 11, 2001, many Americans succumbed to the attractive yet fictional idea that all people in the United States share the same interests, goals and values. This idea of a mystical "unity" among all Americans took widespread hold as a natural human reaction to an attack by foreigners on American soil. With a dangerous cocktail of fear and anger coursing through their veins, and prodded on by the docile and unquestioning American political-media establishment, it was easy and emotionally satisfying to imagine that "we" were united together in a quasi-spiritual bond against an evil and maniacal foreign enemy. Members of America’s political class were not oblivious to the fact that they could exploit this idea for their own personal gain, and they pounced at the opportunity to pass legislation aimed at controlling and subduing Americans themselves – in the name of protecting them, of course. Seeking to distract Americans from the obvious fact that the U.S. government had both provoked the attack and failed to stop it, a bellicose vanguard of the political class pounced at the opportunity to make real their dream of sending American soldiers into far-away deserts and rocky mountains in order to spread "democracy" to the savages of the world.
Everything seemed to be going brilliantly for the dominant political class at the time. Their plans for a greatly expanded and powerful domestic state and exhilarating, democracy-promoting foreign adventures had all become realities. Then, to the dominant political class’s chagrin, things started to go badly. First, on the foreign adventure front, it turned out that the people in the deserts and rocky mountains that American soldiers were "liberating" were not as excited about being ruled by majorities of other ethnic groups as the American political class had hoped. Nor were they particularly excited about having tens of thousands of highly armed foreigners marauding around their countries and dropping bombs on their neighbors. It had been many years since the American Karzai had "unified" the United States through murder, taxation, and conquest, and the political class in Washington had forgotten that proud and independent people are not always thrilled about the idea of having far away people control their lives. They had also forgotten that war always involves death, suffering, and destruction, not ticker-tape parades, peace, and love.
Things then started to go badly for the dominant political class on the domestic front. The American people had become accustomed in the years following 1989 to thinking that "their" military was virtually invincible, and "their" economy was, and always would be, impervious to depression and collapse. Those illusions were suddenly shattered, however, as the American military struggled to keep a handle on two nearly decade-long wars, and the excesses of a quasi-private banking cartel hurled the United States into recession. Millions of ordinary Americans lost their homes, their jobs, and their savings in the ensuing recession, and American soldiers continued to kill and die in the desert and mountains abroad. Under these circumstances, Americans were less and less likely to view their leaders and their neighbors through the lens of "unity." They were starting to view the political establishment in Washington as a threat in itself, and as a group of people whose interests were not aligned with those of ordinary American citizens.
The dominant political class had a serious problem on its hands, and its main figureheads and schemers were summarily ousted from office by a public that was angry and disillusioned. By tossing out the political clique that brought them war and recession, the American people thought they were making a powerful statement against the political class. They cheered and swooned for the New Leader and his entourage, who were careful to speak of "hope" and a new "unity" among the American people and the brotherhood of man. Once again the American people heard the siren song of "unity" among all Americans, and they heeded its call to look confidently to the new political class to bring them peace, prosperity, and health care.
In the months following the New Leader’s assumption of the throne, however, the American people found out that the "unity" the new leader was selling had the same stench as the "unity" pitched by his predecessor. The predecessor had spoken of "unity" among the "free" people and nations of the world in the face of irrational and evil "terrorists" – the solution to which, he argued, was giving the governing class virtually unlimited power to do whatever it wanted to the American hoi polloi, and the unlimited power to invade and kill around the rest of the world. The New Leader spoke of "hope" and "peace" in the face of "global challenges" – the solution to which, he argued, was giving the governing class virtually unlimited power to do whatever it wanted to the American hoi polloi, and the unlimited power to invade and kill around the rest of the world. The American people began to realize that there was indeed truth in both leaders’ talk of "unity" among Americans, although it was not the kind of unity they had been imagining in the voting booth. It was a unity among the ordinary class of Americans to submit to what the governing class told them to do, told them to pay, and whom it told them to kill. And there was a unity among the governing class in America in its ability to do whatever it wanted, incarcerate whomever it wanted, take whatever it wanted, give whatever it wanted, and kill whomever it wanted.
The ordinary American people, having been finally disabused of their notions of "unity" among all Americans, were finally in a position to understand what government is. Government is always and everywhere a specially privileged class of people who have the ability to do whatever they want to another group of people – and do it at the forced expense of the people they control. Recognizing this, the American people were in a position to make a choice that would affect the rest of their lives, and the lives of every subsequent generation of Americans. They would have to choose whether to submit to the whims and schemes of the governing class, or to fight for the ability of each individual man to choose what to do with his own life and his own property.
At this historic juncture, the American people chose…
Compulsory Private Health Insurance: Just Another Bailout of the Financial Sector? |
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams Fire Department Requests Help In Uncovering Fire Hydrants RELATED: Snow plows hit hydrantsTwo city snow plows hit two fire hydrants in west Omaha on Tuesday evening, sending cascades of water into the streets and cutting off water service to a half-dozen customers, authorities said. One plow hit a hydrant near the intersection of Holling Drive and Pacific Street -- a few blocks from the intersection of 132nd and Pacific Streets. Workers shut off water to the hydrant to make repairs. No frozen water was on the street, and workers salted the road for good measure, said Mari Matulka, a spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Utilities District. The second plow hit a hydrant near 180th and Burke Streets, Matulka said. A half-dozen customers were left without water service, though Matulka said they would have their water back by midnight. There were no road hazards at that location, either. Matulka asked residents to "please dig out their water hydrants, so that if there's an emergency such as a fire, the Fire Department can find the hydrant."
Read about Nebraska's potential state budge cuts - in the LA Times!,0,6927676.story |

In an interview this month in The Washington Post, the former UN chief nuclear weapons inspector and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2005), Mohamed ElBaradei, was asked why the United States got it so wrong on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. ElBaradei responded that he has discovered that the United States decision to go to war was based on regime change and not based on whether Iraq had WMDs.
He asked: “How do you justify that almost a million innocent civilians have died as the price of getting rid of a dictator? Who is accountable for this at the end of the day, after it was found that there were no weapons of mass destruction?”
Perhaps a grand jury will answer his question on accountability. Pending in Washington at the United States District Court for the District of Columbia is a report and request to the grand jury that it conduct an investigation of the Bush Administration’s false and fraudulent statements that Iraq had sought uranium for a nuclear weapon. (See and click on attachment # 1 at the end of this article.)
In that report I contend that said statements violated the criminal statutes 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 18 U.S.C. § 371 that prohibit making false and fraudulent statements to Congress and conspiring to obstruct the functions of Congress. My sending such a communication to the grand jury is not illegal. The statute that makes it a crime to attempt to influence a grand jury by writing or communicating to a grand juror, 18 U.S.C. § 1504, states: “Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the communication of a request to appear before the grand jury.” As explained later, the law clearly allows a grand jury to conduct its own independent investigations without the consent or participation of the Justice Department.
But my request for a grand jury investigation only comes after the Justice Department has refused to investigate the matter. In March I submitted a 155-page report to Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to appoint an outside Special Counsel to investigate the false and fraudulent statements that President Bush and members of his Administration made that Iraq had sought uranium for a nuclear weapon. (See and click on attachment # 2 at the end of this article.) In that report, which was based on an analysis of the public record and the law, I contended that said statements violated the above criminal statutes 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 18 U.S.C. § 371 that prohibit making false and fraudulent statements to Congress and conspiring to obstruct the functions of Congress. The Bush Administration’s statements that Iraq had sought uranium for a nuclear weapon were the most alarming statements that the Administration made to support its claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and therefore a preemptive war against Iraq was necessary. READ MORE ...
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | |||
Just a couple of the cartoons out there on the Underwear Terrorist
Tourist look at the empty sea lion docks at Pier 39 in San Francisco, Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2009. More than a thousand sea lions holding court on a pier in San Francisco Bay to the delight of tourists are now largely gone, and experts believe they left in search of food.
(AP Photo/Russel A. Daniels)San Francisco's famous sea lions have vanished
SAN FRANCISCO (AP): Last month, marine scientists counted more than 1,500 sea lions on San Francisco's fabled Pier 39, a record number that delighted tourists and baffled experts.
Why so many? Why were they sticking around? But now, almost all the sea lions are gone, leaving the experts guessing where they went - and why.
"Most likely, they left chasing a food source," said Jeff Boehm, executive director of the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, which runs an information center and gift shop at Pier 39. "It's probably what kept them here in the first place."
On Tuesday, 10 seals lounged and swam and dove from the docks, spreading themselves out where the animals were stacked three and four deep just a month ago. The bulk of the herd probably followed their favorite foods, sardines and anchovies, Boehm said.
The animals began leaving in droves the day after Thanksgiving, almost as if someone had issued an order. But Boehm said the fact that so many sea lions stayed for so long is even stranger than their disappearance.
"They do move off," Boehm said, adding that in the fall, older sea lions head to breeding colonies in the Channel Islands, off the coast of Southern California along the Santa Barbara Channel. Younger sea lions, he said, "don't mind those rules and tend to travel far and wide."
The younger ones still sticking around Pier 39 were enough to satisfy hordes of visitors huddled against the wind to watch them. The seals huddled together, dove off the docks, and honked and barked, "We're happy with what we see," said Carmen Fernandez of Miami Beach, Florida, who was watching the seals with her husband Carlos.
Despite the sea lions' abrupt disappearance, Boehm said the Marine Mammal Center is not concerned that they have left for good. While more then the usual number have left - usually about 40 remain - it is very unlikely, Boehm said, that they won't come back. He said the herd will probably come back, as usual, by the spring.
It's rallying allies to push for better border security and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants now in the U.S. The effort is sure to be a tough sell. |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation DECEMBER 30, 2009 AT 7:30 AM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase ‘Once In A Blue Moon’ This New Year’s Eve The blue moon has long been a subject of poetry and one of those phrases that is used without quite understanding the meaning, but its presence is a scientific marker for a rotating earth that runs by its own clock, ignoring man’s calendar. This phenomenon will happen on Thursday, as the second full moon in a calendar month appears in the night sky, an occurrence called blue moon, reported The last time it happened was in 2007, when sky gazers saw one full moon on June 1 and another one on June 30 of the same month. The first full moon this month occurred on December 2. And only once in every 20 years, the blue moon appears on New Year’s Eve, as it is going to do this year. READ MORE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Wed Dec 30 13:00:03 UTC 2009
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map This NOAA satellite image taken Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2009 at 3:45 a.m. EST shows clouds shrouding parts of the East, but only a few showers are noted in the Southeast. Cold air continues to pour into the Northeast and Northern Plains. (AP PHOTO/WEATHER UNDERGROUND) |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
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The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
A federal appeals court this week ruled that a California police officer can be held liable for injuries suffered by an unarmed man he Tasered during a traffic stop. The decision, if allowed to stand, would set a rigorous legal precedent for when police are permitted to use the weapons and would force some law enforcement agencies throughout the state -- and presumably the nation -- to tighten their policies governing Taser use, experts said.
Faced with cartel violence and signs of vigilantism against the gangs, ordinary people would argue that it doesn't pay to get involved. Mexico Under Siege |
Afghan panel says U.S. strike killed 8 schoolboys
People chant anti-American slogans and burn an effigy of U.S. President Barack Obama in Jalalabad, south Afghanistan, Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2009., during a protest against the recent killings of 10 civilians allegedly by the coalition forces in Kunar province, eight of them boys aged between 12 and 14. A NATO official said initial reports from troops involved in the fighting on Sunday indicated that the victims were insurgents.
(AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)Several hundred Afghans protested the deaths Wednesday in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad and in the capital of Kabul. In Jalalabad, they burned President Barack Obama's effigy and an American flag, chanting "death" to Obama and Karzai.
In Kabul, the protesters chanted, "Unity, unity, death to the enemy of Islam!" and a protester with a bullhorn called on Obama to "take your soldiers out of Afghanistan."
Wafa said that he was convinced that all those killed in the Kunar incident were innocent civilians.
"I have talked to the principal of the school in the village and he gave us details about the killed children," Wafa said. "The schoolchildren cannot be al-Qaida. I confirm they are innocent people killed by mistake. I talked to Karzai about the findings."
The bodies had already been buried by the time Wafa's team arrived. A joint Afghan-NATO investigation will continue to investigate what happened.
Wafa said the villagers demanded from the 10-member delegation of government officials and lawmakers that informants "who gave the wrong target to the Americans must be found and punished by a court."
Karzai said in a statement Wednesday that he had talked to the relatives of the Kunar victims to express his condolences and pledge to bring to justice those responsible for the attack.
Col. Wayne Shanks, spokesman for NATO's International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, said at a news conference Wednesday that that allegations were being investigated together with Afghan authorities.
He said the force takes all such allegations seriously and goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties.
"In fact, you can see that our enemy, the insurgents, have very little regard for the Afghan people," he said. "We have noticed a very dramatic increase in civilian casualties caused by roadside bombs, by attacks that insurgents have on the Afghan people."
The latest figures released by the United Nations show that 2,021 civilians died during clashes in the first 10 months of this year, up from 1,838 for the same period last year. Taliban insurgents were blamed for 68 percent of the deaths this year — three times more than NATO forces, according to the U.N.
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The man who landed what was dubbed "the best job in the world" as the caretaker on a tropical island off Australia has been stung by a lethal jellyfish.
Briton Ben Southall, who beat 34,000 applicants to secure the position, was stung during his last week in the job.
The culprit was the peanut-sized Irukandji jellyfish, whose venomous sting can be lethal.
In his blog, which he keeps as part of his job, he describes the incident as "a little sting on the beach".
But it was his progressive symptoms of fever, headache, lower back pain, chest tightness and high blood pressure that led doctors to diagnose the sting.
"I thought I'd done particularly well at avoiding any contact with any of the dangerous critters that consider this part of the world their home," Mr Southall writes in the latest update to his online diary.
Stinger suit
"I've avoided being boxed by a kangaroo, nibbled by a shark and bitten by a spider or a snake - but then in my final few days on Hamilton Island I fell foul of a miniscule little creature known as an Irukandji," his blog continues.
Ben Southall Caretaker of Hamilton Island |
The jellyfish - which struck as he descended from a jet-ski - is virtually invisible to the naked eye and can be deadly - in 2002 two tourists died after being stung.
It is so small it can pass through the nets that protect popular swimming spots in Queensland from larger jellyfish.
But Mr Southall - who has fully recovered after a dose of antibiotics and rest - admitted that he had been inadequately dressed for the excursion.
"It's not something to be messed around with. I really should have been wearing a full stinger suit, as is recommended at all beaches here this time of year," he said.
Mr Southall, 34, a charity fundraiser from Hampshire had to undergo a gruelling selection process to get the A$150,000 ($134,000) role - including swimming, snorkelling and one-to-one interviews.
See-Through Goldfish UnveiledPosted on: Tuesday, 29 December 2009, 12:30 CST redOrbit Japanese researchers have succeeded in producing goldfish whose beating hearts can be seen through translucent scales and skin, AFP reported. The development is just one part of efforts to reduce the need for school dissections, which have become increasingly controversial, particularly in schools. Yutaka Tamaru, an associate professor in the department of life science at Mie University, said the fish allow them to see a live heart and other organs because the scales and skin have no pigments. "You don't have to cut it open. You can see a tiny brain above the goldfish's black eyes." Researchers from Mie University and Nagoya University in central Japan produced the "ryukin" goldfish by picking mutant hatchery goldfish with pale skin and breeding them together. |
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database UFOs and worm hole news, More worm hole anomalies? whats next? How many worm hole type anomalies does it take to fire up the imagination of curious enthusiasts? One is the answer to that question. What would you say to multiple occurrences? It seems these anomalies are occurring in many places around the globe. We have heard that they may be top secret experiments. If that is the truth then those who are conduction these experiments are not doing a very good job of keeping then secret. Are they naturally occurring due to the rapid changes in the Earths electromagnetic characteristics or could these possibly be a form of the real deal. Extraterrestrials openly traversing to this planet from a far away place? There have been many theories and speculation as well as articles reflecting the opinions of creditable individuals such as David Wilcox who has much to say about these recently occurring phenomena. Some scientist claim these are related to missile sightings. If this is the case then someone may be using a new type of missile which still warrants some investigation due to the changes in behavior regarding missile launches because this is just not normal for characteristics of a missile. The Norway spiral has and continues to draw a lot of attention as you can see when you click here. Here is another one for you to chew on. Check out the latest news on the great spiral mystery occurring on Earth this month. UFO ANOTHER SPIRAL A DAY AFTER NORWAY? SIBERIA Video |
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