It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Evening - December 30, 2009 |
Too many Huskers in San Diego? Earthquake shakes downtown San DiegoSAN DIEGO -- A magnitude-5.8 earthquake in northern Baja California rocked the U.S.-Mexico border region Wednesday, causing buildings to sway more than 100 miles to the west in downtown San Diego and southwestern Arizona. MY FOXY LITTLE SQUIRREL! Finally got a picture of my illusive squirrel with the white tip on his tail! The blue jay is the guy in front! |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Bankers Get $4 Trillion Gift From Barney Frank
Bloomberg | The bill contains a provision that, in the event of another government request for emergency aid to prop up the financial system, debate in Congress be limited to just 10 hours.
How Goldman Sachs Made Tens Of Billions Of Dollars From The Economic Collapse Of AmericaOne of the victims of this fraud was California’s retirement system for public employees The Economic Collapse
Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs has become perhaps the most prominent symbol for everything that is wrong with the U.S. financial system, but most Americans cannot even begin to explain what they do or how they have made tens of billions of dollars from the economic collapse of America. The truth is that what Goldman Sachs did was fairly simple, and there may not have even been anything “illegal” about it (although they are now being investigated by the SEC among others). Step 1: Sell mortgage-related securities that are absolute junk to trusting clients at vastly overinflated prices. Step 2: Bet against those same mortgage-related securities and make massive bets against the U.S. housing market so that your firm will make massive profits when the U.S. economy collapses Step 3: Have ex-Goldman executives in key positions of power in the U.S. government so that bailout money can be funneled to entities such as AIG that Goldman has made these bets with so that they can get paid after they win their bets. Step 4: Collect the profits – Goldman Sachs is having their “most successful year” and will end up reporting approximately $50 billion in revenue for 2009. So is it right for the biggest fish on Wall Street to make tens of billions of dollars by betting that the U.S. housing market will collapse? You see, when you are talking about a financial giant the size of Goldman Sachs, the line between “betting that something will happen” and “making something happen” gets blurred very quickly. |
By Gordon Duff, STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
When nothing adds up, its time we starting looking at what we know. Our recent terrorist, now dubbed "the crotch bomber" is another dupe. He could have been working for anyone, drugged, brainwashed or simply influenced, maybe by crazy Arabs, maybe by the Mossad, maybe by the CIA. We only know the game is falling apart.
We do know a couple of things. Dad, back in Nigeria, ran the national arms industry (DICON) in partnership with Israel, in particular, the Mossad. He was in daily contact with them. They run everything in Nigeria, from arms production to counter-terrorism. Though Islamic, Muttalab was a close associate of Israel. He has been misrepresented. His "banking" is a cover. Next, what do we know about the two Al Qaeda leaders Bush had released, the ones who planned this?
DON'T SUPPORT THE 'TOO BIG TO FAIL' JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS, a few friends were having dinner wondering what personal actions they could take to help limit the power of the big banks and create a more sane, stable financial system. How, they wondered, could they help end the era of Too Big To Fail? The financier at the table recommended that everyone could move their money out of the Wall Street banks and into community banks. Community banks are typically more conservative about how they manage their money, they’re more closely connected to the people and businesses who live near them, and they’re more inclined to make loans they know will get paid back. In other words, they have the values that more people would want banks to have. The filmmaker at the table reminded the others of the story told in the classic film It’s A Wonderful Life — a tale about a small banker, played by Jimmy Stewart, who almost gets crushed by a big banker. In the end, though, the community rallies around the small bank and helps save it. Three days later, the filmmaker made a short video, displayed on this site. The editor wrote a commentary about the idea. And others started pulling various resources together. This site was set up as a modest home for the effort. A seed. But the idea will only have an impact if others take it from here. How? For starters, you could move your money to a small bank. To do so, click on the button that says Find A Bank. But there are dozens of other possibilities: You can get your friends or organizations to do the same. You can use your online social networks to help broadcast the idea. You can look into where your town government keeps its money and, if it uses a big bank, you could try to get it to use a smaller bank. Start your own website (to improve upon or replace this one), dive into the research about smaller banks, and help give rise to a bigger, broader effort. There is no official organization here. It’s a volunteer project. If you have ideas about how this idea can grow, send us a note and we’ll display the best ideas in the Updates section of the site. We hope this idea will spread in a thousand different ways. Thanks for whatever you can do. | | Hot Headlines - December 30, 2009
Bombshell Eyewitness Revelations: Confirmed FBI Cover-Up of Flight 253 Attack
Napolitano 'Failed Miserably'
Analyze This: The Mind of the Underpants Bomber
Chapter X: The Dented Crown and Worthless Pound (The Day the Dollar Died Series)
Top 1% Control 42% of Financial Wealth in the U.S. - How Average Americans are Lured into Debt Servitude by Promises of Mega Wealth.
Gold's Volatility is Your Free Leverage Why Gold Will be the "Greatest Trade Ever"
Gold Rush Grips China as People on Buying Spree
Zero Corner, Debt Costs & Isolation
Survivalism Lite
Europeans State Obama Greater Than Jesus!
Antichrist Sabotage of America!
Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009
Candidates Face Ultimatum: Kill Obamacare, or Else...
Putin Urges US to Provide Missile Defense Information
Little Relief for New Yorkers at Risk of Foreclosure
Lebanon Army Opens Fire on Israeli Jets
A By-Product of Heart Transplants
Japanese Researcher Unveils 'Hummingbird Robot'
Israel's Military Avatar: Robots on the Battlefield
DERIVATIVE NEWS Small Chinese Company Tells Goldman To Take A Hike, Refuses To Pay $80 Million In Derivative Losses
It appears that even after thoroughly dominating the US legislative, judicial and executive branches, the long tentacles of the squid have been no better than the Mongolian hordes at overcoming the Chinese Wall (which is ironic seeking how easy it is to ignore the same construct internally between the firm's prop and flow traders...and yes, we will be posting our response to Goldman shortly, we have not forgotten). In the meantime, half a world away, a small Chinese power generator, Shenzhen Nanshan Power, is blatantly refusing to honor contracts with Goldman Subsidiary J. Aron for $80 million in derivative losses, and it appears that China itself has decided to stand behind the small company.
Not sure what Hank Paulson's former firm would comment: alas the Chinese communist party still has to be filled with Goldman alumni. That being said, this is precisely the track that Goldman has been focusing on for the past few years. At this point, the firm realizes all too well that dominating power politics in China in the near futures is far more critical than complete control over D.C., as there is little the world's most important company can do domestically in the context of taxpayer capital transfer without a full fledged revolution. |
Body scanner makers climb on new push for increased scanning
BANKRUPT FDIC NEWS The Federal Reserve Still Doesn't Know How To Get Rid Of Excess Liquidity 12/29/2009 13:06 -0500 The Federal Reserve owns 80% of AIG. With each passing day it looks like the Federal Reserve is adopting AIG Financial Product’s business practices. That is, when faced with a financial problem, they create complicated tools (like CDS). When critics says these new products will not work, tell them they do not know what they are talking about and create even more complicated tools to dazzle everyone. Once the tools are so complicated that no one understands them, you will be hailed as an expert with no peer. You might even be named TIME’s Person of the Year. READ MORE |
China and South East Asia create huge free trade zone
A free trade zone spanning more than 1.9 billion people will come into life on January 1 as China and ten South East Asian countries join together to scrap tariffs.
China hopes that the zone will quickly rival the European Economic Area and the North American Free Trade Area and provide new outlets for its goods in the face of Western protectionism.
Duties will be scrapped on 90pc of goods traded across China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei and the Philippines. Over the next five years, tariffs will also be removed on trade in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Burma.
"Since the financial crisis, demand for goods has declined from Europe and the United States," said Tang Min, an economist at the China Development Research Foundation. "If the zone grows to include Japan, Korea or even Australia, it could be a similar size to the North American market," he added. READ MORE ...
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams CNN MONEY PUTS MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA AS 2ND BEST PLACE FOR JOBS IN THE UNITED STATES We looked at Money's top 100 Best Places to Live and found these lucky towns that also enjoy jobless rates far below the 10% national average. 1. Cass County, N.D. 2. Madison County, Neb. 3. Platte County, Neb. 4. Sarpy County, Neb. 5. Dallas County, Iowa 6. Grafton County, N.H. 7. Dane County, Wis. 8. Boulder County, Colo. 9. Roanoke County, Va. 10. Saline County, Ark.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | |||
MORE SUSPICIOUS FIRES NEWS Suspicious Fires in Massachusetts The Associated Press NORTHAMPTON, Mass. — Residents of a western Massachusetts city are discussing how they can improve their safety after a string of suspicious weekend fires, including one in which two people died. At least nine fires were reported early Sunday in houses and cars within a half-mile radius in the college town of Northampton. Authorities say they suspect arson. Hundreds of people met with local officials Tuesday night and discussed plans to set up a neighborhood watch program, solicit donations to help victims and encourage a fundraising effort to boost a $5,000 state reward for information leading to an arrest. Residents say they're angry and shocked by the fires, but aren't frightened enough to move away. Fire officials in Worcester (WUS'-tur) say they're also investigating a series of suspected arson. |
Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman of 2009
New York Daily News
Hillary Clinton narrowly edged Sarah Palin as the woman Americans admired most in 2009, while President Obama is the landslide winner among men for the second consecutive year.
What took so long, Bam? U.S. waited 4 days for leadership after attack |
Rocky night with Bullwinkle? Moose fell on my head, claims woman
A Manhattan woman has sued a lower East Side restaurant, claiming she was conked in the head by a moose head that fell off a wall.
Russia May Send Spacecraft to Asteroid |
+ Magnetic North Pole: A moving location where lines of magnetic force enter and exit the Earth vertically. The north point of a magnetic compass points to this pole. It's location was discovered by James Clark Ross in 1831.
+ Geomagnetic North Pole: The pole of the Earth's geomagnetic field that surrounds the Earth and extends into space as the magnetosphere. This is the centre of the region in which the Northern Lights can be seen.
+ North Pole of Inaccessibility: At approximately 85°N-175°W, this represents the point on the surface of the Arctic Ocean which is the farthest distance (about 1100 km / 684 miles) from any coastline.
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation DECEMBER 30, 2009 AT 5:21 PM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Earthquake swarm hits Baja California, Mexico today - December 30, 2009 5.8 magnitude Baja California, Mexico Earthquake Details
Update time = Wed Dec 30 23:16:52 UTC 2009
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map Snowfall breaks Topeka's December record Topeka Capital Journal December 30, 2009 The National Weather Service reported record snowfall Wednesday. The official 6 a.m. measurement was 19 inches for the month, surpassing the record of snowiest December set in 1983 at 18.8 inches, said meteorologist Beth Konop. She said 1.2 inches had fallen since about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday. Another half inch of accumulation is expected throughout the morning, with snow tapering off into flurries going into the afternoon and evening hours, Konop said. While Topekans should see the snow system move out of the area by the evening, a cold front will set in overnight bringing below freezing temperatures headed into the weekend. |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
French court throws out Sarkozy’s carbon tax
Agence France-Presse | The Conseil Constitutionnel struck down the tax on Tuesday because the exemptions breached ”the principle of [tax] equality”. | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
China may build naval base in the Middle East
Obama: The Art of War & Peace
Jeremiah Bell | I was reading Obama’s speech for the peace prize and I got inspired to do a series of graphics that displays the text, so people can focus on what he is saying. The word war was used over 50 times.
Are America's Mercenary Armies Really Drug Cartels? Dec-28-2009 (CINCINNATI, Ohio) - News out of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India reports massive corruption at the highest levels of government, corruption that could only be financed with drug money. In Afghanistan, the president's brother is known to be one of the biggest drug runners in the world. In Pakistan, President Zardani is found with 60 million in a Swiss Bank and his Interior Minister is suspected of ties to American groups involved in paramilitary operations, totally illegal that could involve nothing but drugs, there is no other possibility. Testimony in the US that our government has used "rendition" flights to transport massive amounts of narcotics to Western Europe and the United States has been taken in sworn deposition. American mercenaries in Pakistan are hundreds of miles away from areas believed to be hiding terrorists, involved in "operations" that can't have anything whatsoever to do with any CIA contract. These mercenaries aren't in Quetta, Waziristan or FATA supporting our troops, they are in Karachi and Islamabad playing with police and government officials and living the life of the fatted calf. The accusations made are that Americans in partnership with corrupt officials, perhaps in all 3 countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, are involved in assassinations, "unknown" criminal activities and are functioning like criminal gangs. There is no oil. There is nothing to draw people into the area other than one product, one that nobody is talking about. Drugs. The US got involved in massive drug operations, importation, processing and distribution during the Reagan years, supposedly to finance covert CIA operations involving death squads tasked with murdering Sandinista "infrastructure" in Nicaragua. The deal involved Israel, Iran and the Colombian cartel. Saddam was even involved. In the end, President Reagan was put on the stand only to remember little or nothing of his tenure in office. Lt. Col. Oliver North was convicted as was Secretary of Defense Weinberger and many others. Pardons and "other methods" were used to keep the guilty out of jail. Now we find what was supposed to be a CIA operation with one company only, Xe, operations that were meant to hunt a couple of terrorist/Taliban leaders in and around Quetta, a city of 1 million in remote Baluchistan has turned into a honeycomb of operations involving millions of dollars and personnel of all kinds, perhaps even ranking diplomats and high government officials, the highest. The cover of hunting terrorists in remote areas with hundreds of armed men in cities on the other side of the country, cities filled with 5 star hotels, country clubs, polo, cricket and fine restaurants is not really cover, even by CIA standards. The reports, bribes, actions that look and smell like drug gangs at work, tell a story that nobody wants to talk about. With 50 billion dollars of opium from Afghanistan alone and crops in Pakistan and India also, managing the world's heroin supply is, by my estimation, how all of this "muscle" is staying busy. When you see a black van full of armed men, is there a sign somewhere saying: "We are counter terrorists working for the Central Intelligence Agency and we are only in town here, hundreds of miles from the nearest terrorist because we need a hot shower and to get a noise in the transmission checked out." Everyone can choose to believe what they want. It's time we stopped lying. Its about drugs, always has been, always will, drugs and money. It buys men, it buys guns and it can buy governments and has, as anyone with eyes can see. ================================================ Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link: |
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 30 Dec 2009 'Hundreds of al-Qaeda militants planning attacks from Yemen' 29 Dec 2009 Hundreds of al-Qaeda militants are planning terror attacks from Yemen, the country’s Foreign Minister said today. Abu Bakr al-Qirbi appealed for more help from the international community to help to train and equip
U.S. Seeks to Boost Yemen For Expanded Al Qaeda Fight 30 Dec 2009 The United States is looking at ways to expand military and intelligence cooperation with the government of Yemen to step up a crackdown on al Qaeda [al-Qaeda] militants believed to be behind a failed plot to blow up a U.S. passenger jet, American officials said on Wednesday. President Barack Obama has vowed to bring "every element" of U.S. power against those who threaten Americans' safety, but offered no specifics. Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman declined to comment on any "military planning," but called a television report that the United States was preparing for possible retaliatory strikes "grossly exaggerated."
Second person was detained by U.S. Customs after alleged attack on Flight 253 29 Dec 2009 A person was detained by customs at Detroit Metro Airport on Friday following Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's alleged attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, according to a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. It is unknown why the person was detained or whether the person will face any charges, spokesman Ron Smith told Bill Carter, a spokesman with the FBI in Washington, D.C., said in an interview Tuesday that Abdulmutallab was the only person arrested or charged in relation to Friday's foiled attack.
Report: Dutch police investigating report of accomplice in Northwest Flight 253 terror plot 28 Dec 2009 Reuters reports Dutch military police are investigating claims that an accomplice may have helped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab board Northwest Flight 253 in Amsterdam on Christmas day without a passport, a story first told here on Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to blow up the Detroit-bound plane with an explosive chemical he smuggled through security.
Man videotaped entire false flag, including detonation: Oconomowoc Family Survives Terrorist Attempt 28 Dec 2009 (WI) Patricia "Scotty" Keepman still has a sense of humor after the harrowing experience she, her husband, daughter and two new adopted children from Ethiopia had as a man tried to detonate an explosive device while their plane was getting ready to land in Detroit on Christmas Day. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab of Nigeria was charged Saturday in the Christmas Day attempt that only sparked a fire on the flight from Amsterdam. They were sitting about 20 rows behind Abdulmutallab, in a center aisle... Her daughter said that ahead of them was a man who videotaped the entire flight, including the attempted detonation. "He sat up and videotaped the entire thing, very calmly," said Patricia. "We do know that the FBI is looking for him intensely. Since then, we've heard nothing about it."
Satire: US Prepares For Post 12-25 World By R J Shulman 31 Dec 2009 The explosive device that was sewed into the underwear of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab seems to have changed America forever... "Obama can't keep us safe, like Bush did," said former Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney. "And how dare the president be vacationing out of the country in Hawaii? You'd never catch George W. Bush on vacation, while we were being attacked." Congress is also slated to pass USA Patriot Act III, a measure that will allow government officials to inspect the underwear of suspected enemy combatants at airports. "I volunteer to make these inspections," said former Idaho Senator Larry Craig (R). "I will do anything to protect America, plus I won't have to tap or take a wide stance in airport stalls as I'll now be able to show my flaming patriotism out in the open." (Satire)
Detroit bomber linked to MI5 suspect 30 Dec 2009 The Detroit bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was linked to a Muslim extremist under surveillance by MI5 while he was living in Britain, it has emerged. The Security Service have found that the 23-year-old was connected to a suspect it was investigating while he was studying at university in London. The connection was discovered after record checks by MI5 following the attempted suicide bombing on Christmas Day by Abdulmutallab on a US-bound plane. Until now, it was thought that the first time MI5 had any evidence of Abdulmutallab was when he was put on a "watch list" earlier this year after being refused a student visa because he had given details of a bogus college. But MI5 has now discovered he was on the "periphery of a past incident" sources said, although he was not said to have been under surveillance himself.
U.S. Had Information Before Christmas of a Terror Plot --The government also had more information about where Mr. Abdulmutallab had been and what some of his plans were. 30 Dec 2009 President Obama was told during a private briefing on Tuesday morning while vacationing here in Hawaii that the government had a variety of information in its possession before the thwarted bombing that would have been a clear warning sign had it been shared among agencies, a senior official said. Two officials said the government had intelligence from Yemen before Friday that leaders of a branch of Al Qaeda there were talking about "a Nigerian" being prepared [by his CIA handlers] for a terrorist attack.
'The information on AbdulMutallab had been sent to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.' Source: CIA failed to circulate report about bombing suspect 29 Dec 2009 The father of terrorism suspect Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab talked about his son's extremist views with someone from the CIA and a report was prepared, but the report was not circulated outside the agency, a reliable source told CNN on Tuesday. Had that information been shared, the 23-year-old Nigerian who is alleged to have bungled an attempt to blow up a jetliner as it was landing in Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day might have been denied passage on the Northwest Airlines flight, the source said. U.S. officials said the father, a former Nigerian banker, expressed his concerns about his son's radicalization during at least one meeting and several calls with officials at the embassy in Nigeria. The information on AbdulMutallab had been sent to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, but it sat there for five weeks and was not disseminated, the source said. Detroit terror attack: British university 'complicit' in radicalisation --The London university where Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab studied has been accused of being "complicit" in the radicalisation of Muslim students. 29 Dec 2009 University College London, where Abdulmutallab was recently president of the Islamic Society, has been criticised for "failing grotesquely" to prevent extremists from giving lectures on campus. UCL has been heavily criticised in the past for its relaxed attitude to radical preachers, and security agencies are investigating whether it was there that Detroit bomber Abdulmutallab was recruited by al-Qaeda sympathisers. Cheney: Obama pretending 'we are not at war' 30 Dec 2009 In blistering comments Wednesday, former Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney said President Obama's reaction to the botched terrorist attack on Christmas Day is proof that the president "is trying to pretend we are not at war." In his first statement since the December 25 terror attempt on a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Detroit, Michigan, Cheney hit Obama for what he described as the president's "low-key" response to the events last week and criticized the administration's broader approach to national security. Detroit terror attack: Barack Obama accuses intelligence services of 'systemic failures' 30 Dec 2009 Barack Obama has condemned the "systemic failures" in intelligence sharing leading to the attempted bomb attack on a passenger jet in Detroit on Christmas Day. Mr Obama said initial investigations into the failed attack had found a warning given by the banker father of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to a CIA official in Nigeria about his son's increasing radicalisation was not properly shared, meaning he was not barred from flying. A report of the warning was sent to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, up to five weeks before the attack but much of it was not disseminated to other agencies, it has been claimed.
US jet plot suspect 'was in Yemen in December' 29 Dec 2009 The Nigerian man accused of trying to blow up a jet over the US on Christmas Day was living in Yemen until earlier this month, Yemeni officials have said. The foreign ministry said Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was in Yemen from August until the beginning of December, the official Saba news agency reported. He had a visa to study Arabic at an institute in the capital Sanaa.
Two al Qaeda Leaders Behind Northwest Flight 253 Terror Plot Were Released by U.S. [by Bush] --Former Guantanamo Prisoners Believed Behind Northwest Airlines Bomb Plot; Sent to Saudi Arabia in 2007 28 Dec 2009 Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials. CLG: Northwest Bomb Plot 'Oddities' By Lori Price, 28 Dec 2009 Bogosity reaches critical mass! In 2008, the ACLU estimated the US 'No Fly List' to have grown to over 1,000,000 names --heck, even Cat Stevens and the late Senator Ted Kennedy were on it --and it continues to expand. But, suspected terrorist Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, who was curiously able to obtain military-grade high explosives -- 80 grams of PETN (gee, where'd he get that?) -- managed to escape airport security and detonate his underwear bomb! In April 2009, American authorities reportedly refused an Air France flight from Paris to Mexico entry into US airspace because a left-wing journalist writing a book on the CIA was on board. Got it? Write a book critical of the CIA -- you cannot fly. Carry explosives (allegedly from Yemen) on board when the US is trolling for an excuse to invade and occupy Yemen for its oil -- yes you can!
| Dutch to Use Full-Body Scanners on Flights to U.S. 31 Dec 2009 The major international airport of the Netherlands will begin using full-body scanners on passengers flying to the United States to prevent a recurrence of the security breach that allowed a would-be bomber to smuggle explosives onto a flight to Detroit from Amsterdam on Christmas Day, the Dutch authorities said Wednesday. At a news conference at The Hague in the Netherlands the Dutch interior minister, Guusje Ter Horst, characterized preparations for the attack as professional but its execution as amateurish, according to The Associated Press.
TSA Looks to Expand Use of Full-Body Scanners at U.S. Airports 29 Dec 2009 The Transportation Security Administration is looking to increase the number of full-body scanners at U.S. airports over the next few years, as it reviews security procedures in the wake of the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight last week. The Transportation Security Administration is looking to increase the number of full-body scanners at U.S. airports over the next few years as it reviews security procedures in the wake of the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight last week.
Opponents call high-tech airport scans a 'virtual strip search' 29 Dec 2009 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's failed attempt to blow up Northwest Flight 253 last week has revived a battle in Congress over the use of whole-body imaging technology to screen airline passengers. Some legislators argue that the machines, which cost about $170,000 each and are in use at 19 U.S. airports, could have detected the explosive powder the man was carrying and should be approved for widespread use. Others, however, call a whole-body scan a "virtual strip search" that should be used only if there's probable cause to assume that someone might be carrying explosives. In June, the House of Representatives voted 310-118 to prohibit the widespread use of whole-body imaging technology as a primary tool for airport screening, a measure introduced by Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah.
Afghans burn Obama effigy over civilian deaths 30 Dec 2009 Protesters took to the streets in Afghanistan on Wednesday, burning an effigy of the US president and shouting "death to Obama" to slam civilian deaths during Western military operations. Hundreds of university students blocked main roads in Jalalabad, capital of eastern Nangahar province, to protest the alleged deaths of 10 civilians, mostly school children, in a Western military operation on Saturday. "The government must prevent such unilateral operations otherwise we will take guns instead of pens and fight against them (foreign forces)," students from the University of Nangahar's education faculty said in a statement. Marching through the main street of Jalalabad, the students chanted "death to Obama" and "death to foreign forces", witnesses said.
Karzai condemns US for killing school children 29 Dec 2009 Afghan President Hamid Karzai protests the US military's targeting of civilians after a US raid killed at least eight school children in the east of the war-torn country. Karzai's office on Monday issued a statement in which it condemned the killings that reportedly took place on Saturday in Kunar province near the border with Pakistan. "Initial reports indicate that in a series of operations by international forces in Kunar province... 10 civilians, eight of them school students, have been killed," the statement said.
Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan 30 Dec 2009 Eight Americans were killed in an explosion in Khost province, in southeastern Afghanistan on Wednesday, a U.S. official said. "We can confirm that there was an explosion in Khost province and eight Americans have been killed," a U.S. official said. He could not give any further details.
'The soldier opened fire on the two Italians and one American.' Afghanistan: soldier shoots dead US serviceman 29 Dec 2009 An Afghan soldier shot dead a US serviceman and wounded two Italians when he opened fire on foreign troops at an army base in western Afghanistan. The shooting in Herat is the latest in a string of such incidents, including the death of five British soldiers last month, at a time when Western countries are pouring resources into
Al Qaeda says it took Italian pair as hostages 29 Dec 2009 An Al Qaeda offshoot claimed responsibility yesterday for kidnapping two Italians in Mauritania earlier this month, and Rome’s foreign minister said it was likely that the hostages were in the hands of the radical Islamist group. In an audio message broadcast yesterday on Al-Arabiya TV, Al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] in North Africa spokesman Salah Abou Mohamed said the Dec. 19 kidnapping was a punishment for "crimes committed by the Italian government in Afghanistan and Iraq."
Provincial Governor Survives Iraq Bombings 31 Dec 2009 Attacks by two suicide bombers on Wednesday in the city of Ramadi killed at least 24 people and wounded nearly 60, including the governor of Anbar Province, a police official said... The two bombs killed 24 and injured 58, said Jasen Mohammed Hamed, chief of the Anbar provincial council. The police imposed a curfew on the province, closing the streets to anyone except police and security forces.
Lebanon army opens fire on Israeli jets 29 Dec 2009 Lebanese anti-aircraft guns have opened fire on four Israeli fighter planes that were violating airspace over the southern part of the country. "The army's anti-aircraft guns fired in the direction of four Phantom-type enemy Israeli planes that had been overflying the southeastern Hasbaya region at low altitude since Tuesday morning," an army spokesman told AFP. He added that by mid-morning the planes were still conducting their exercises in the region.
US spies: Israel or UK forged nukes report on Iran 29 Dec 2009 US intelligence sources have confirmed Iran's assertions that a document published by a British daily about Tehran's nuclear program is a fabrication. According to a former CIA official, US intelligence agents have found that the document, which was published by the Times of London on December 14, was fabricated by Israel or Britain, the Inter Press Service (IPS) reported on Monday.
UN: Israel bombed Gaza 'back to the mud age' 30 Dec 2009 The UN relief agency UNRWA said on Tuesday that Gaza had been "bombed back, not to the Stone Age, but to the mud age," because the agency was reduced to building houses out of mud due to Israel’s ban on construction materials entering the Strip. "The Israeli blockade has meant that almost no reconstruction materials have been allowed to move into Gaza even though 60,000 homes were either damaged or completely destroyed. So we in UNRWA have been saying 'let's lift this senseless blockage,'" UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness told UN Radio, according to the UN news service.
Gaza report finds major powers complicit in Israel's collective punishment By Jean Shaoul 29 Dec 2009 To mark one year since Israel’s military assault on Gaza, a report by 16 aid agencies has strongly condemned the major powers for failing to end Israel’s illegal and inhumane blockade of Gaza. While the report holds Israel primarily responsible for the appalling conditions under which the Palestinian people are living (see "Aid report details social devastation in Gaza"), it holds the European Union, the United States, Russia and the United Nations (known collectively as the Quartet) responsible for allowing the situation to continue.
NYPD Evacuated Times Square Buildings As Precaution 30 Dec 2009 A New York Police Department spokesman said it was too early in the investigation to comment on the nature of a suspicious van in Times Square on Wednesday, but police had evacuated some nearby buildings as a precaution. The Nasdaq Stock Exchange's MarketSite was among the sites evacuated, though Fox Business Network has now reported the evacuations are over and the area is being reopened.
NYPD: No bomb inside van abandoned in Times Square 30 Dec 2009 New York City's Times Square has been reopened to traffic after a bomb squad found no explosive devices in an abandoned van parked in the area. The squad used a robot-based camera to approach the vehicle and open it Wednesday. Police say they found clothing inside.
Bomb threat closes Wis. capitol 29 Dec 2009 Police are investigating a bomb threat that forced them to evacuate the state Capitol in Madison. State Department of Administration spokeswoman Carla Vigue says 911 operators received the threat, but she doesn't know precisely when. Capitol Police officers searched the building for a suspicious man with a bag before the evacuation began around 3 p.m. Officers swept the building but found nothing.
Federal appellate court limits cops' use of Tasers 29 Dec 2009 A federal appeals court on Monday issued one of the most comprehensive rulings yet limiting police use of Tasers against low-level offenders who seem to pose little threat and may be mentally ill. In a case out of San Diego County, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals criticized an officer who, without warning, shot an emotionally troubled man with a Taser when he was unarmed, yards away, and neither fleeing nor advancing on the officer.
Australian government pushes ahead with internet censorship By Richard Phillips 29 Dec 2009 The Australian government has stepped up its efforts to censor internet content, announcing on December 15 that it plans to introduce laws for mandatory filtering before next year’s federal election. The measures would be activated in 2011 and force all Australian internet service providers (ISPs) to block sites from a secret black-list maintained by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). Previous lead stories: 'A production line of terrorists' I'm the first of many, warns airline 'bomber' Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab 29 Dec 2009 A global search for accomplices in the Detroit airliner plot was under way yesterday after an al-Qaeda group based in Yemen claimed responsibility for the operation and the would-be bomber was reported to have said that more attacks were being planned. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, a terrorist cell led by a former personal secretary to Osama bin Laden [well, him or Blackwater], issued a statement saying that the failed attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a response to American-backed airstrikes on the group in Yemen this month. Obama vows to use 'our national power' to keep Americans safe from changing terror threat 28 Dec 2009 President |
7 Year Old Painter |
Paper airplane virtuoso tests record aloft
... "It's really a sport," he said. "The throwing technique is very delicate."
Advice to the poor to: 'Shoplift' - results in pelting the Priest with pasta
America's 'most wanted' doctor found - Bin Laden still missing The fugitive surgeon was sought by the FBI. He featured more than once on the Fox television show America's Most Wanted, and was supposedly sighted as far away as China. His wife continued to defend him after he vanished. "I hope he's safe, and I still love him," she told the Chicago Tribune in October 2004, adding: "We can relocate. We can live on an island in a hut." The Carabinieri who lifted the flap of Weinberger's tent on Tuesday morning had been alerted to his presence by a mountain guide, an Italian police official said. They did not immediately reveal that they suspected his identity. They said they had used an excuse to convince him to accompany them to Courmayeur and that Weinberger tried to persuade them he just "wanted to live a life in the wild". After it became clear that they knew who he was, the runaway doctor asked to go to the lavatory. There, he whipped out a tiny knife he had secreted in his underwear and plunged it into his throat. But despite being an expert surgeon, he missed the artery he appeared to be aiming for, and the Carabinieri hustled him away for first aid. |
NO FEAR OF HEIGHTS - NEWS Maintenance work on Vestas wind turbines in Germany |
Taiyuan, China:
Back from deadA mother and her newborn infant both apparently died during... |
Women Tend to Have Better Sense of Touch Due to Smaller Finger Size | Today's Featured Stories - December 30, 2009
FDA approves Crestor for people who have no health problem to correct (NaturalNews) Big Pharma has been trending this direction for a long time: marketing medicines to people who don't need them and who have nothing wrong with their health. It's all part of a ploy to position prescription drugs as nutrients... |
Ritalin Linked With Sudden Death of Children (NaturalNews) Research from The National Institute of Mental Health has revealed that popular Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) drugs like Ritalin are responsible for causing sudden death in many children. Study numbers indicate a 500 percent increased... |
Vitamin K2 Helps Prevent Heart Disease and Osteoporosis There is very little publicity about Vitamin K. It is generally known as important for blood coagulation. However, it is essential for your health beyond that. It`s a nutrient that can help prevent serious health issues like heart disease... |
Scientists find turmeric and black pepper spices may prevent breast cancer (NaturalNews) Seasoning food with turmeric and black pepper can do more than just spice up a meal. Researchers at the University of Michigan (U-M) Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that the compounds curcumin, which is derived from turmeric, and... |
Use Herbal Remedies for Headaches Headaches are one of the most common ailments people experience. It is estimated that 50 million people seek medical attention for headaches every year in the US alone and over $500,000,000 is spent annually on headache medicine. There are... |
FDA continues world colonization, opens another international facility in Mexico (NaturalNews) In its supposed efforts to improve food safety, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced the opening of its third Latin American facility located in Mexico City. Since an increasing quantity of fruits, vegetables, and... |
Your Dentist may be able to Determine Your Diabetes Risk Regular dental cleanings help the average person prevent cavities and fillings. But could a dental visit be your first line of defense in the prevention of diabetes as well? Researchers from NYU sure think so. They discovered this link... |
GM Seeds Threaten World Food Supply (NaturalNews) The agribusiness strategy of aggressively promoting genetically modified (GM) and highly hybridized seeds are placing world food security at risk, according to studies conducted by researchers from the International Institute of Environment... |
Receive Anti-Aging Benefits with Exercise According to a new study, funded by The German Research Association and the University of Saarland, and published in "Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association," intense exercise acts to help prevent the shortening of telomeres... |
Drugs are more dangerous to your health than terrorists' exploding underwear (satire) (NaturalNews) As all of North America now seems to be focused on the issue of one terrorist wearing a pair of exploding underwear, I might as well comment on this latest bit of security theater that seems to have transfixed the nation. Pictures of the... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
- FDA approval of medical devices based on complete science fraud
- Line 'em up and drop trow! Get ready for full body screening at airports
- Merck's cervical cancer vaccine ads are "inaccurate and misleading"
- Disinfectants train superbugs to resist antibiotics
- Livestock are perfect breeding grounds for drug-resistant bacteria
- How did anthrax end up on musical drums at a campus ministry?
- Absurdity? Taco Bell now engaged in weight loss marketing gimmick
- Plants are actively intelligent: What does this mean for vegetarians?
- Even "green" technologies depend on dirty, destructive mining operations for rare metals
- EPA may soon require pesticide manufacturers to finally disclose secret toxic ingredients
- Six reasons why planet Earth won't cope for much longer
- New drug-resistant bacteria emerging in hospitals
See all Top Headlines...
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