It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Saturday Morning - January 2, 2010 | ||
Drudge is reporting that: Hundreds of cars torched in France at New Year... Down and out in 2010: Drunk Brits welcome New Year; girl face down in the SNOW... Sounds like Europe would have been a partying place for holiday celebrations? Since the Prez, a herd of politicians and Limbaugh all went to Hawaii over Christmas and the New Years - crossed that destination off my travel list ... this morning traveling to Florida to get out of the cold - now gets also crossed off my travel list: But then, out this morning: Study: Lincoln, Nebraska is the second-strangest city The report from Tableseed ranked cities by analyzing 2,000 Associated Press "strange news" stories released over the past year, counting the number of stories in each city and state and adjusting for population. One of the biggest sources of weird news was ours truly. Lincoln is the country's second strangest city, based on this criterion, bested (weirded?) only by New York City. The report also ranked the top 10 strangest states. Not entirely surprising, Florida came out on top. "I'd been reading the strange news stories from last year coming through the AP feed," said Aaron Quinn, owner of Tableseed, a service that runs birthday e-mail clubs for restaurants. "And I noticed that certain cities kept popping up more than others. I was interested to see if there were any common cities, and it turned out there were a few. I figured making this list would be better than doing a boring press release." Some of the strange news AP headlines that came from Lincoln, Nebraska: -- "Neb. woman accused of throwing dog at officer" -- "Neb. man gets 295 days in jail in bleach assault" -- "Neb. man sentenced for firing crossbow at neighbor" -- "Driver sentenced for throwing axe at motorist" -- "Police: Nude man who was hot lied about robbery" Where’s the infamous cat bong headline, you ask? Quinn said he remembered that story but didn’t realize it had happened in Lincoln. The top 20 strangest cities and top 10 strangest states:
Strangest states: 1. Florida 2. New Hampshire 3. Alaska 4. Wyoming 5. Maine 6. Wisconsin 7. Vermont 8. Pennsylvania 9. North Dakota 10. Ohio See the full rankings at | ||
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) | ||
HAWAII NEWS Visiting Obama is not helping Hawaii economically | ||
al-Qaida aka "al-CIA da"
Obama: al-Qaida link to Christmas terror suspect
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Obama promises justice for Christmas terror plotters
January 1 will usher in the last year of the first decade of a new millennium and ten consecutive years of the United States conducting war in the Greater Middle East.
Beginning with the October 7, 2001 missile and bomb attacks on Afghanistan, American combat operations abroad have not ceased for a year, a month, a week or a day in the 21st century.
The Afghan war, the U.S.'s first air and ground conflict in Asia since the disastrous wars in Vietnam and Cambodia in the 1960s and early 1970s and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's first land war and Asian campaign, began during the end of the 2001 war in Macedonia launched from NATO-occupied Kosovo, one in which the role of U.S. military personnel is still to be properly exposed [1] and addressed and which led to the displacement of almost 10 percent of the nation's population.
In the first case Washington invaded a nation in the name of combating terrorism; in the second it abetted cross-border terrorism. Similarly, in 1991 the U.S. and its Western allies attacked Iraqi forces in Kuwait and launched devastating and deadly cruise missile attacks and bombing sorties inside Iraq in the name of preserving the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kuwait, and in 1999 waged a 78-day bombing assault against Yugoslavia to override and fatally undermine the principles of territorial integrity and national sovereignty in the name of the casus belli of the day, so-called humanitarian intervention.
Two years later humanitarian war, as abhorrent an oxymoron as the world has ever witnessed, gave way to the global war on terror(ism), with the U.S. and its NATO allies again reversing course but continuing to wage wars of aggression and "wars of opportunity" as they saw fit, contradictions and logic, precedents and international law notwithstanding.
Several never fully acknowledged counterinsurgency campaigns, some ongoing - Colombia - and some new - Yemen - later, the U.S. invaded Iraq in March of 2003 with a "coalition of the willing" comprised mainly of Eastern European NATO candidate nations (now almost all full members of the world's only military bloc as a result of their service).
The Pentagon has also deployed special forces and other troops to the Philippines and launched naval, helicopter and missile attacks inside Somalia as well as assisting the Ethiopian invasion of that nation in 2006. Washington also arms, trains and supports the armed forces of Djibouti in their border war with Eritrea. In fact Djibouti hosts the U.S.'s only permanent military installation in Africa to date [2], Camp Lemonier, a United States Naval Expeditionary Base and home to the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), placed under the new U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) when it was launched on October 1, 2008. The area of responsibility of the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa takes in the nations of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Yemen and as "areas of interest" the Comoros, Mauritius and Madagascar.
That is, much of the western shores of the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, among the most geostrategically important parts of the world. [3]
U.S. troops, aerial drones, warships, planes and helicopters are active throughout that vast tract of land and water.
With senator and once almost vice president Joseph Lieberman's threat on December 27 that "Yemen will be tomorrow's war" [4] and former Southern Command chief and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe Wesley Clark's two days later that "Maybe we need to put some boots on the ground there," [5] it is evident that America's new war for the new year has already been identified. In fact in mid-December U.S. warplanes participated in the bombing of a village in northern Yemen that cost the lives of 120 civilians as well as wounding 44 more [6] and a week later "A US fighter jet...carried out multiple airstrikes on the home of a senior official in Yemen's northern rugged province of Sa'ada...." [7]
Limbaugh: Tests show no ailments after chest pain
Delta CEO says don't blame attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 - blame the feds
FEAR MAKES PEOPLE STUPID- Have we learned anything from the Bush Years?
The Underwear Bomber – Crushing Freedom With Phony Arab Terrorism
Joe Quinn
Strange as it may seem, a couple of weeks ago as I ruminated on Obama’s broken promise to bring the troops home, his attempt to out-warmonger the Bush administration and his plummeting popularity, I thought to myself: “ya know, what that guy (or rather the disgruntled US public) needs is a good old fashioned ‘Muslim terror attack’. Preferably one that includes a ranting ‘terrorist’ message about Afghanistan and ’slaughtering infidels’. That’ll soon silence the rabble and get them behind Obama’s Afghan surge!”
Evidence Mounts for US Complicity in Terrorism: Mutallab’s father is no ordinary ‘banker’
Gordon Duff
Veterans Today
When nothing adds up, its time we starting looking at what we know. Our recent terrorist, now dubbed “the crotch bomber” is another dupe. He could have been working for anyone, drugged, brainwashed or simply influenced, maybe by crazy Arabs, maybe by the Mossad, maybe by the CIA. We only know the game is falling apart.
Get Naked to Defeat Terrorists
Campaign for Liberty | “We were very lucky this time,” quavers Sen. Lieberman, “But we may not be so lucky next time… why isn’t whole body scanning technology that can detect explosives in wider use?”
White House grants ethics waiver to counterterrorism adviser John Brennan who headed terror database company
Marc Ambinder | In response to questions about Brennan’s potential conflict of interest, White House ethics counsel Norm Eisen has issued a waiver for Brennan, official said.
Pakistan volleyball game bombing toll nears 100 SHAH HASAN KHEL, Pakistan (AP) - A northwest Pakistani village that tried to resist Taliban infiltration struggled with grief Saturday as families mourned 96 people killed in an apparent revenge suicide bombing at an outdoor volleyball game. The attack on Shah Hasan Khel village was one of the deadliest in a surge of bombings that have killed more than 600 since October, and it sent a bloody New Year's message to Pakistanis who dare take on the armed Islamist extremists. As rescuers looked for bodies in the rubble, many residents in the village of 5,000 were too scared Saturday to even speculate who carried out the blast. | |
BANKSTER NEWS Banks Roll Out New Check, Card FeesWall Street Journal - 14 hours ago The nation's banks will be bombarding customers with new fees and products in 2010 as they try to replace more than $50 billion in revenue wiped out by new rules that clamp down on certain business practices. Bob Chapman's International Forecaster | Forward With Caution After Exposing The Fed December 30th, 2009 - Currencies to continue to fall against gold, dollar rally unsustainable, Fed audit a good move, credit crisis for America and England, small gains in some places, plunges elsewhere, The following is how Goldman Sachs made tens of billions of dollars from the economic collapse of America in four easy steps.... Step 1: Sell mortgage-related securities that are absolute junk to trusting clients at vastly overinflated prices. Step 2: Bet against those same mortgage-related securities and make massive bets against the U.S. housing market so that your firm will make massive profits when the U.S. economy collapses. Step 3: Have ex-Goldman executives in key positions of power in the U.S. government so that bailout money can be funneled to entities such as AIG that Goldman has made these bets with so that they can get paid after they win their bets. Step 4: Collect the profits - Goldman Sachs is having their "most successful year" and will end up reporting approximately $50 billion in revenue for 2009. So is it right for the biggest fish on Wall Street to make tens of billions of dollars by betting that the U.S. housing market will collapse? You see, when you are talking about a financial giant the size of Goldman Sachs, the line between "betting that something will happen" and "making something happen" gets blurred very quickly. Not that Goldman Sachs was the only one betting against the housing market. According to the New York Times, firms like Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley also created mortgage-related securities and then bet that they would fail..... Goldman was not the only firm that peddled these complex securities — known as synthetic collateralized debt obligations, or C.D.O.’s — and then made financial bets against them, called selling short in Wall Street parlance. Others that created similar securities and then bet they would fail, according to Wall Street traders, include Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley, as well as smaller firms like Tricadia Inc But certainly Goldman Sachs was the most prominent financial player involved in this type of activity. In fact, without mentioning specifics, Goldman has even admitted publicly to wrongdoing. On November 17th, 2008 Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein even issued a public apology.... "We participated in things that were clearly wrong and have reason to regret." But complicated financial transactions are something that most Americans simply do not understand, so the public outrage towards Goldman Sachs and others has been somewhat limited. But that does not change the very serious nature of the activities that Goldman was involved in.... "The simultaneous selling of securities to customers and shorting them because they believed they were going to default is the most cynical use of credit information that I have ever seen," Sylvain Raynes, an expert in structured finance at R & R Consulting in New York, recently told The New York Times. "When you buy protection against an event that you have a hand in causing, you are buying fire insurance on someone else’s house and then committing arson." Ron Paul's ideas no longer fringe A great decade for the super-rich, a disastrous one for the rest of us The first decade of the 21st century saw the American dream slip further away from most Americans. |
Gold Giant Faces Inquiry Into Metal Pollution | Is The Government Misrepresenting Unemployment By 32%? There is an old saying, "when in doubt follow the money." These days investors have lots of doubt about pretty much everything (if not so much money). And with data from the government increasingly bearing the Quality Control stamp of approval of the Beijing Communist Party, there is much doubt in store courtesy of an administration which will stop at nothing in its competition with China as to who can blow the biggest asset bubble the fastest, data integrity be damned. Undoubtedly, of all government released data, the most important is, and continues to be, anything relating to unemployment. This is precisely where the government's propaganda armada is focused. Yet in matters of (un)employment, the ultimate authority is, luckily, the Treasury, and not the Fed. "Luckily," because when it comes to making money "difficult to follow" Tim Geithner's office still has much to learn. Which is why when we looked at the Daily Treasury Statement data we were very surprised: because it indicates that the government could be underrepresenting employment data by up to 32%! |
Women's feet getting bigger
THE CHINA - MIDEAST CONNECTION NEWS The Twin Towers attack of 9/11 – and the backlash that followed – caused the Arab world and its money to turn away from the US. That much is well known. Six days later, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) concluded talks on China's accession, opening the floodgates of Chinese exports. The country's breakneck growth over the next seven years lifted the price of oil from $18 (£11) to a peak of $148 a barrel. In synergy, Beijing and the Gulf capitals amassed a vast share of global currency reserves. That too is well known. It is the link between the two that is not immediately visible to the distracted Western eye. You have to know both regions intimately, and speak both Arabic and Mandarin. One of the few to combine these skills is Ben Simpfendorfer, China economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland and author of The New Silk Road. "These are regions with very rich civilisations that both experienced colonial occupation, and feel that they have fallen. Both peaked around the same time in the golden years of the 1500s, and now there is this sense of shared destiny that China and the Middle East are back and rising again together," he said at the annual FIKR Arab Thought summit in Kuwait. The broad outlines are familiar to Westerners, but not the crucial details. "The assumption used to be that if anything was important, it would at some point come across the desks of analysts in London, Brussels or Washington. But that is not the case any more. There is a dialogue going on between Beijing and Riyadh, and unless you are paying close attention, you are going to miss it," he said. Simpfendorfer, an Australian economist, said he first became aware of the remarkable undercurrents on a visit to Yiwu, a small city south of Shanghai with a clutch of Lebanese, Syrian, and Egyptian restaurants, and its own mosque and imam paid for by a welcoming Chinese state – so starkly different to the mood in, say, Switzerland, where voters have just said no to minarets. On the outskirts of Yiwu is a vast "souk" with 18,000 stalls serving an army of Muslim traders. Arabs come and go freely. It takes a day for an Egyptian to obtain a Chinese visa. It takes 18 days for an American visa, followed by a frigid welcome at US immigration posts – with enough horror stories of mistaken identity to deter many from trying. "The masterstroke was Beijing's decision to relax visa requirements around the same time as the events of September 2001," said Simpfendorfer. This "temple of consumerism and globalisation", as he calls it, serves the rising middle class of the Arab world. Their spending power is intimately linked with the industrialisation of China through oil prices: directly in the energy states of North Africa and the Gulf, and indirectly in Egypt and the Levant, through the regional wealth effect. READ MORE ... |
Retail space opens up as big chains shrink
GUANGZHOU, China, Jan. 2 (UPI) -- More than 8,500 tons of tires illegally shipped from the United States to China for disposal have been found at a Chinese port, officials said. |
Homeless in Alabama trying to keep warm in frigid temps
Updated: Jan 02, 2010 6:44 AM CST
HUNTSVILLE, AL (WAFF) -With lows in the teens for the upcoming week, keeping warm is a necessity.
But for those who live outside, it will be especially tough.
WAFF 48 News visited a homeless camp where people were busy making preparations for these frigid temperatures.
As dusk falls on one of Huntsville's tent cities, you could spot signs of cold weather preps.
"We stay warm, we ain't going to freeze to death," said Jerry Henderson, who lives at a homeless camp. "Everybody down here has got their own wood and they've got their own place to build a fire."
Henderson has spent many a cold night outdoors.
"About a year or two ago, we was under that bridge and it was 6 degrees," he said. "So I believe we can make this one. We've got a bunch of blankets, all of us do."
Even in freezing temperatures, many choose to stay at the camps.
But for others, there is a place they can go.
A local shelter has its doors open for anyone in need of a warm place to stay.
"We have quite a few people come in from the homeless camps," said Clyde Thompson of the Downtown Rescue Mission.
"It has gotten too cold for them to sleep out there."
Thompson is a Chaplain at the Rescue Mission.
When the temperature drops below 35 degrees, no one is turned away.
On very cold nights, the mission houses anywhere from 75 to 100 people in its overnight shelter, and that's just the men's side.
Lately, not everyone who stays at the shelter is homeless.
"They can't afford their rent, utilities and things like that," Thompson said. "And where the utilities have been cut off, of course, they can't go back into their houses. So people are coming here for the first time."
Back at the homeless camp, people cover the walls of their makeshift homes with blankets, fire up propane heaters and build fires to make it through the night.
If you need a place to stay to get out of the cold, you can go to the Downtown Rescue Mission from 6 p.m. until midnight to check in for a spot overnight.
To find out more, call the Downtown Rescue Mission at (256) 536-2441.
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams Nebraska Wind Chill Advisory: Antelope, Boone, Boyd, Brown, Burt, Butler, Cass, Cedar, Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, Douglas, Fillmore, Gage, Garfield, Greeley, Hamilton, Holt, Howard, Jefferson, Johnson, Keya Paha, Knox, Lancaster, Loup, Madison, Merrick, Nance, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Pierce, Platte, Polk, Richardson, Rock, Saline, Sarpy, Saunders, Seward, Stanton, Thurston, Valley, Washington, Wayne, Wheeler, York Record Report: Antelope, Boone, Burt, Butler, Cass, Cedar, Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, Douglas, Gage, Jefferson, Johnson, Knox, Lancaster, Madison, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Pierce, Platte, Richardson, Saline, Sarpy, Saunders, Seward, Stanton, Thurston, Washington, Wayne
Lincoln, Nebraska's first baby of the decade born at 12:01 a.m. | |||
Tobacco-rich NC bans smoking in bars, restaurants
VODKA NEWS MOSCOW, Jan. 2 (UPI) -- The price of vodka went up Friday in Russia, part of a move by President Dmitry Medvedev to combat alcoholism. |
Source: 2 killed in Afghanistan bombing were security contractors Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Two of the seven CIA officers killed Wednesday in a suspected terrorist attack on a U.S. base in Afghanistan were contractors for Xe, a private security firm formerly known as Blackwater, a former intelligence official said Thursday. A current intelligence official confirmed to CNN that the casualties included a mix of people -- CIA staff and contractors. The CIA considers contractors to be officers. |
2 ships reported hijacked off Somali coast
Somali charged with attempted murder of Muhammad cartoon artist in Denmark COPENHAGEN (AP) - Danish authorities say a Somali man has been charged with two counts of attempted murder for an attack on an artist whose cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad ignited riots and outrage across the Muslim world. Jakob Scharf, head of Denmark's intelligence agency, said the 28-year-old Somali man with ties to al-Qaida broke into Kurt Westergaard's home in Aarhus on Friday night. The 75-year-old artist pressed an alarm and fled with his 5-year-old granddaughter to a special safe room. | |
Civic leader from El Monte, Calif., is victim of Mexican violence
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 2, 2010 AT 10:25 AM CDT JANUARY 2, 2010 AT 1:24 AM CDT JANUARY 1, 2010 AT 7:24 PM CDT Click to view Animated Magnetosphere on YouTube: JANUARY 1, 2009 AT THE END YOU WILL SEE THE MAGNETIC REVERSAL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind ACTIVE REGION: 11039 C-Flare activity - A C2.6 Solar Flare took place at 14:18 UTC Saturday. This is the second C-Class flare of the day. Solar Update - Sunspot 1039 continues to persist as it approaches the western limb of the sun. Early Saturday, It did produce a C1.0 Solar Flare. Click HERE to watch movie. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Large 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit the Mariana Island Region - 330 km (205 miles) WSW of HAGATNA, Guam - Jan 02, 2010 at 06:45 PM at epicenter
Distances 330 km (205 miles) WSW of HAGATNA, Guam 405 km (250 miles) WSW of Rota, Northern Mariana Islands 510 km (315 miles) SW of SAIPAN, Northern Mariana Islands 525 km (325 miles) NE of Yap, Micronesia 3.2 MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKE HITS OREGON - 8 mi ESE from Maupin, OR - Saturday, January 02, 2010 at 08:36:45 AM at epicenter
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nyamulargia Volcano erupts in Africa RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service Situation Update No. 1 Mount Nyamulagira Volcano - Congo Situation Update No. 35 MAYON VOLCANO - PHILIPPINES
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map Brazil mudslide death toll rises to 52 - Update Earthtimes (press release) Rio de Janeiro - The death toll from a series of mudslides in Brazil reached 53 on Saturday. The deaths have occurred in Rio de Janeiro and in the outlying areas amid constant heavy rain over several days that has caused hundreds of houses in poverty-stricken favelas to collapse. Many of the neighbourhoods are built precariously on cliffs and hills. Civil defence authorities said 19 people were killed on the island of Ilha Grande, some 150 kilometres south of Rio when an avalanche of mud swept over numerous houses and the small Sankay Inn resort on Friday night. It was not clear whether hotel guests were among the dead. Around 40 holidaymakers were celebrating the new year at the resort. According to unconfirmed media reports, the owner of the hotel survived but her daughter was killed. More than 100 people were assisting in the rescue. Operations were however difficult because the affected area could only be reached by water. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said he would send marine and naval forces to assist in rescue operations in remote areas affected by mudslides. Killer waves sweep beach walkers on New Year's DayFrance24 - 1 hour ago Rescue teams in the south of France have wrapped up their mission a day after giant waves swept six people off the French Riviera on New Year's Day. ... COLD WAVE GRIPS NORTH INDIA |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
Leading Global Warming Crusader: Cap and Trade May INCREASE CO2 Emissions
Washington’s Blog | James Hansen – the world’s leading climate scientist fighting against global warming – told Amy Goodman this morning that cap and trade not only won’t reduce emissions, it may actually increase them. | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) -- Israeli warplanes have struck and destroyed two tunnels under Gaza's border with Israel. The Israeli military says Gaza militants had planned to use the tunnels to enter Israel and carry out attacks....
Name Change in Iraq: Multi-National Force Becomes U.S. Forces
Luis Martinez | The dropping of the name “multi-national” removes one of the last reminders to the “coalition of the willing” that the Bush administration used to describe the 2003 allied invasion of Iraq and the subsequent effort to stabilize the country. |
Iraq civilian deaths ‘down in 2009′
BBC | Violence against civilians in Iraq dropped dramatically in 2009, with the lowest death toll since the 2003 US-led invasion, a monitoring group says.
Number of U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan doubles in 2009
L.A. Times | The year’s tally was 318, compared with 155 in 2008, due mostly to the crude but ever larger and deadlier roadside bombs employed by the Taliban. And Western military fatalities are expected to spike.
Pasadena, Calif. Tillman, the skateboarding bulldog, tackles snowboarding on the "Hot Doggin -- Going for the Gold" float in the Rose Parade. |
On this date in history:
| | Today's Featured Stories - January 2, 2010
NaturalNews asks: How can we serve you better in 2010? (NaturalNews) 2009 was a fantastic year for NaturalNews. Our readership steadily increased, we brought in several new reporters, and we've received many reader comments saying that our reporting has been really outstanding. Bringing you important news... |
Children Need More Dirt to be Healthy (NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of California, San Diego, have found that children who are too clean are at a higher risk of developing inflammation and disease. Normal skin bacteria that act to balance immune response protect the body from... |
New Study Confirms: Organic Food is Far Healthier Than Conventional (NaturalNews) Organic produce is nutritionally superior to so-called "conventional" produce, according to a comprehensive review conducted by researchers from the University of Aix-Marseille for the French food agency (AFSSA) and published in the journal... |
Most fruit juice is about as healthy as soda When it comes to healthy beverage options, most people would probably agree that fruit juice is a better choice than soda or coffee. After all, juice comes from fruit so it must be healthy, right? Many experts are now in agreement that because... |
Enjoy an Antioxidant and Phytonutrient Powerhouse Recipe: Cranberry Melange, Part II You want to make the Cranberry Melange Recipe. The dilemma is you are wondering how to perform some of the culinary techniques to make it? Also, you may be wondering the answers to questions like why to use salt in this sweet recipe? Wonder... |
2009 in review: A year of FDA censorship, Big Pharma crimes and celebrity drug deaths (NaturalNews) 2009 has been a crazy year for health and medicine. It was the year that Congress rammed through a mandatory health "reform" bill that violates the U.S. Constitution in forcing all Americans to buy government-mandated products and services... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
- Fast food burger meat injected with ammonia?
- Garlic prices soar in China as population protects themselves against swine flu
- Anti-cancer effects of cordyceps mushroom studied
- Man nearly dies after one spray of Lynx deodorant
- Washington D.C. slaps five-cent fee on plastic shopping bags
- Oops: Pfizer halts cancer drug experiments after too many people die
- Is forcing Americans to buy health insurance even Constitutional?
- Health care bill is a huge loss for the American people
- New documentary examines weather control: "Owning the Weather"
- U.S. government wants farmers to spread toxic powder from coal plant scrubbers on their food crop fields
- Missouri recovers $81 million from Medicaid fraud, including Pfizer fraud settlement
- Boycott mandatory for-profit health insurance
See all Top Headlines...
My News blog: The Cave
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