"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people"

- John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Morning News Update - December 29, 2009

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

-Samuel Adams

Tuesday Morning - December 29, 2009

"This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is one of my days for NOT really wanting to read the news out there on the Internet.


I recall when I posted the following on my Cave News blog way back in January of 2009:

On January 21st, 2009, his very first day in office, Barack Obama implemented and signed into law Executive Order 13489 (pdf).

A Nobel Peace Prize and over 11 months later - this Prez who said in 2008 that he wanted a
national civilian (police) force ... as well funded as our military ... has signed another Executive Order relating to Interpol.


Interpol is NOT a police force with uniforms and badges and police stations - rather, think of it more as a CONCEPT that relates to the new law enforcement branch of a Global Government.

Our nation's law enforcement - FBI, etc - now is BELOW the authority of this 'globalist police force concept'. INTERPOL thanks to an Executive Order, now has a free hand to do 'criminal investigation' in the US and no one - not even the FBI can stop them. There are 200 member nations belonging to this 'Interpol' - international police force that now has 'diplomatic immunity' in our nation.

Lets watch Blackwater employees be given new Interpol badges?

Chavez is actually enacting a 'national police force' - it's job:

To impose 'peace' on their people.

The justice minister in Chavez's Venezuela is from Syria.

We have now elevated an 'international' law enforcement ABOVE that of the highest law enforcement personnel in our nation. Interpol can 'flash their badge' and not be touched. Every member country has a 'national central bureau' - the national central bureau in the US is in the US Dept of Justice.

All by means of an Executive Order signed December 17, 2009.

One Day We’ll All Be Terrorists

Chris Hedges | In Germany, the Gestapo broke bones while its successor, the communist East German Stasi, broke souls. We are like the Stasi.

There is news this morning - like that coming out of Montana - actually disclosing American sheeple priorities when it comes to spending money:

City of Bozeman, Montana spends fed stimulus money on tennis courts...

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people"

- John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801)

Yemen minister: We have 300 al Qaeda militants planning attacks...

Obama gives foreign cops new police powers in U.S. - Sovereignty apparently set aside as agency exempted from law

Posted: December 28, 2009
8:57 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
2009 WorldNetDaily

A little-discussed executive order from President Obama giving foreign cops new police powers in the United States by exempting them from such drudgery as compliance with the Freedom of Information Act is raising alarm among commentators who say INTERPOL already had most of the same privileges as diplomats.

At David Horowitz's Newsreal, Michael van der Galien said the issue is Obama's expansion of President Ronald Reagan's order from 1983 that originally granted those diplomatic privileges.

Reagan's order carried certain exemptions requiring that INTERPOL operations be subject to several U.S. laws such as the Freedom of Information Act. Obama, however, removed those restrictions in his Dec. 16 amendment to Executive Order 12425.

That means, van der Galien wrote today, "this foreign law enforcement government organization can operate free of an important safeguard against and abuse."

"'Property and assets,' including the organization's records, cannot be searched or seized. Their physical locations are now immune from U.S. legal or investigative authorities," he wrote.

Obama's order said he was removing the Reagan limitations on INTERPOL:


"By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words "except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act" and the semicolon that immediately precedes them," he wrote.

At the ThreatsWatch.org website, authors Steve Schippert and Clyde Middleton gave their interpretation of the result.

"In light of what we know and can observe, it is our logical conclusion that President Obama's Executive Order amending President Ronald Reagans' 1983 EO 12425 and placing INTERPOL above the United States Constitution and beyond the legal reach of our own top law enforcement is a precursor to more damaging moves," they wrote.

"When the paths on the road map converge – Iraq withdrawal, Guantánamo closure, perceived American image improved internationally, and an empowered INTERPOL in the United States – it is probable that President Barack Obama will once again make America a signatory to the International Criminal Court. It will be a move that surrenders American sovereignty to an international body whose INTERPOL enforcement arm has already been elevated above the Constitution and American domestic law enforcement," they said.

"For an added and disturbing wrinkle, INTERPOL's central operations office in the United States is within our own Justice Department offices. They are American law enforcement officers working under the aegis of INTERPOL within our own Justice Department. That they now operate with full diplomatic immunity and with 'inviolable archives' from within our own buildings should send red flags soaring into the clouds," they said.

"Ultimately, a detailed verbal explanation is due the American public from the President of the United States detailing why an international law enforcement arm assisting a court we are not a signatory to has been elevated above our Constitution upon our soil."



Obama Executive Order Cedes US Sovereignty, Citizen Rights to Interpol

December 28, 2009

With Obama, always, always look at the other hand…

Yesterday, it was brought to my attention by Pierre Legrand that President Obama signed an Executive Order on December 17th that no one and I mean no one, reported on. Cue the crickets… As horrifying as the health care legislation is and I personally believe it is worthy of revolt, this Executive Order has the potential to be monstrous.

Here is the Executive Order:

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release
December 17, 2009

Executive Order — Amending Executive Order 12425

- – - – - – -

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words “except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act” and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.


Nudge, nudge folks… This seems a minor change but let us break it out for you as we see it. Let’s look at the section from Executive Order 12425.

Here’s the text of 2(c), which this Executive Order now has applying to Interpol:

(c) Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable.

This now says that Interpol is no longer subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Their premises or staff can no longer be searched either. Their files are not subject to legal subpoena or discovery. Our government could just hand documents and files over to Interpol and Americans would no longer have access to them. Interpol can legally keep files now on all citizens of the US with no right to redress.

In reality, we have just handed over our sovereignty. Interpol headquarters in the US is currently headquartered in the Department of Justice. A ‘separate’ Interpol agency has been created in the DOJ – let that sink in for a moment. Interpol has been granted diplomatic immunity now by Obama – they have exemption from being subject to search and seizure by law enforcement, US taxes and immunity from FOIA requests, etc. This action could also be used to divulge American military secrets and a whole host of horrific practices having to do with going after our military. It’s the road to internationalism on steroids.

I contend this is the foundation for an international governing and policing body. A modern day SS here in the US if you like. Remember how Obama wanted to create a civilian police force? Well, it’s here, just from a direction I never saw it coming from. I really believe you will see Interpol police forces on US soil in the near future. It will resemble the Gestapo and their intelligence gathering techniques. This police force would not be subject to our normal Constitutional oversights – remember, no search and seizure etc. You have to admire the evil genius behind all this. Just stunning.

For a great overview of all this, listen to Steve Schippert’s radio broadcast:


The Patriot Room also has a great article: Obama exempts INTERPOL from search and seizure on US lands

INTERPOL, an international criminal police organization, is now poised to reside above the United States Constitution – in a place of sanctity beyond our FBI, CIA, DIA, and all other criminal investigatory domestic organizations.

President Obama has just placed our Constitutional rights under international law.



Note: Derry Brownfield on his internet radio show was discussing how over 50 years ago the government was planning on turning family farms over to 'agri-businesses'

Listen Live
The Derry Brownfield Show
Derry Brownfield is the voice of rural America. His "Common Sense Coalition" promotes the traditional values that continue to enrich today's farmer. In addition, Brownfield also examines the effects of current political and social issues on rural America. For over 30 years he's used his voice to preserve a way of life that's helped make America great.
Schedule (10-11am CST)

Plan to turn farms into forest worries Obama official

December 29, 2009

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has ordered his staff to revise a computerized forecasting model that showed that climate legislation supported by President Obama would make planting trees more lucrative than producing food.

The latest Agriculture Department economic-impact study of the climate bill, which passed the House this summer, found that the legislation would profit farmers in the long term. But those profits would come mostly from higher crop prices as a result of the legislation's incentives to plant more forests and thus reduce the amount of land devoted to food-producing agriculture.

According to the economic model used by the department and the Environmental Protection Agency, the legislation would give landowners incentives to convert up to 59 million acres of farmland into forests over the next 40 years. The reason: Trees clean the air of heat-trapping gases better than farming does.

Mr. Vilsack, in a little-noticed statement issued with the report earlier this month, said the department's forecasts "have caused considerable concern" among farmers and ranchers.

"If landowners plant trees to the extent the model suggests, this would be disruptive to agriculture in some regions of the country," he said.

He said the Forest and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model (FASOM), created by researchers at Texas A&M University, does not take into account other provisions in the House-passed bill, which would boost farmers' income while they continue to produce food. Those omissions, he said, cause the model to overestimate the potential for increased forest planting.

Mr. Vilsack said he has directed his chief economist to work with the EPA to "undertake a review of the assumptions in the FASOM model, to update the model and to develop options on how best to avoid unintended consequences for agriculture that might result from climate change legislation."

The legislation would give free emissions credits, known as offsets, to farmers and landowners who plant forests and adopt low-carbon farm and ranching practices. Farmers and ranchers could sell the credits to help major emitters of greenhouse gases comply with the legislation. That revenue would help the farmers deal with an expected rise in fuel and fertilizer costs.

But the economic forecast predicts that nearly 80 percent of the offsets would be earned through the planting of trees, mostly in the Midwest, the South and the Plains states.

The American Farm Bureau Federation and some farm-state Republican lawmakers have complained that the offsets program would push landowners to plant trees and terminate their leases with farmers.

The model projects that reduced farm production will cause food prices to rise by 4.5 percent by 2050 compared with a scenario in which no legislation is passed, the department found.

A department spokesman declined to comment about how quickly the review would take place or whether Mr. Vilsack would revise the department's economic-impact projections.

The Senate has not taken action on climate legislation, although the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee passed a bill similar to the House's last month. That measure did not include agriculture provisions.

Sen. Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas Democrat and chairman of the Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, has said she will hold hearings on climate provisions but has not indicated when those will take place.

The ranking Republican on the committee, Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, and his counterpart on the House Agriculture Committee, ranking Republican Rep. Frank D. Lucas of Oklahoma, wrote to Mr. Vilsack and EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson earlier this month to ask for new economic analyses of the House and Senate bills.



John Galt | Foreigners Send a Message: Your Debt Instruments Suck

December 29, 2009

My Chinese translation abilities are not that good, but if I’m reading that caption above correctly, they were not impressed with our debt dump this week on to the bond markets. The auctions today are only part of the story. The reality is that there is competition for debt refinancing and it is now to the point where government largess will squeeze out or down right impair the ability of private industry and society to put their debt out for bid at competitive rates. Especially considering the total amounts the Federal Government, its corporate entities it now controls (GSEs, GM, Chrysler, AIG, C, etc.) , the states and municipalities, and of course private industry. Someone dared to speak the unspeakable at cocktail parties and polite society in this weekend’s edition of Barron’s. Stephanie Pombay at MacroMavens was interviewed for an article (A Jolly Good Year, Barron’s December 28th edition) and her reminder at the end of the article sums up what we are up against in the next 36 months:

The numbers, Stephanie exclaims, are unbelievably big. Uncle Sam must roll over $2.5 trillion in debt during the next two years, banks worldwide have some $7 trillion due in the same stretch and commercial real estate will weigh in with another $750 billion.

Which conjures up for her a looming new “credit-bust blitz.” Gulp!

One more time for those of you slower than the average Bernanke:

$7 trillion worldwide

$750 Billion in CRE

Yet the Federal Government through its allegedly brilliant strategy of using short term financing on continuous rolls is going to attempt to roll that $2.5 trillion (with a “T”) while competing with private entities, namely the technically insolvent fiat funny money fractional reserve banking system and the CRE enterprises they have married themselves to, for a limited pool of monies unless Benron and the boys intend to re-institute Quantitative Easing on a massive scale to insure that the system does not collapse. The problem that the Federal Reserve and the anti-Inflationistas face in to 2010 is that the debt levels are unsustainable unless the United States experiences ChiCom like growth in the 9-11% range on an annualized basis each quarter for the next four years. That ain’t happenin’ boys and girls nor will we even come close. Thus the problem that the Fed and the Treasury face as they end up squaring off against each other not due to the installation of their “boy” (Geithner) but due to the blithering incompetence that the American people (ok, sheeple) and multinationals have in their ability to control and constrain the Legislative branch of government.



SteveQuayle.com | Hot Headlines - December 29, 2009

An Introspective Look at the Future of America

How China Might Buy More Gold Than America Owns

Now I'm Really Getting Pissed Off

Doug Casey on Bungling Ben

Foreigners Send a Message: Your Debt Instruments Suck

Yemen: The New Front in the Fight Against Terror

Rash of 2009 Homegrown Terror Plots Ends ‘Denial’

Bombshell: Evidence Clearly Indicates Staged Attack on Detroit Flight

Homeland Security 101

Redoubt Comes Back to Life?

Volcano Pictures: Philippines' Mayon About to Blow?

San Diego Booms: Earthquake or Skyquake?

North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux

A Rare Christmas Sight

Disinfectants Boost Bacteria Resistance

Chavez Says Colombia May Attack ‘Fake’ Guerrilla Base

Eerie Outpost Unnerves US Marines with Strange Lights and Whispers in the Night

On ‘Bloody Ashura,’ Iran’s Wired Opposition Hits Refresh

Large Hadron Collider Failure Will Leave Science Back in the 'Wilderness'

Tiny Nano-Electromagnets Turn a Cloak of Invisibility into a Possibility

Scientists Take Important Step Toward the Proverbial Fountain of Youth

Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams

Lincoln, Nebraska snow removal budget nearly half gone

Nebraska Job-Growth Forum Planned- KOLN

Lincoln, Nebraska
The Nebraska office of the U.S. Agriculture Department plans a statewide forum on job creation, economic growth and small-business credit.

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail"
- Benjamin Franklin

100 Items to Disappear First

A free ebook as to what may result if the electrical grid goes down:

"Lights Out" pdf



It Ain't Pretty, But It Works...!

You know, sometimes you look at a picture and think "man, that's just plain silly"!

But then, when you think about it for a minute...you realize that maybe it's not that silly after all! What starts off as a joke, suddenly turns into a completely workable idea!

What brings this whole train of thought to the fore front is a picture I got in an email. It was a collection of funny pictures and, while it did make me laugh at first...I couldn't get the idea out of my mind!

First, take a look at this picture!

Now this is a picture of a standard leaf rake being used to roast hot dogs! It was meant to reflect some red-neck cookouts...but I don't see why it wouldn't work! If you used a brand new rake, made sure all the paint on the tines was burned off, and maybe washed it really good first...it should be good to go!

I mean, I've used a sharp stick, a straightened out wire hanger, and I'm sure several other things I've can't remember to roast hot dogs...so I wouldn't have a problem using a rake!

Just think, you could feed a lot of kids with just one rake full of hot dogs! Now, all we need to do is to find out how to heat the buns at the same time! Any ideas?

Kinda makes you wonder what other types of tools could be used to do double duty around the house...

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit. Want a hot dog?


Link: African Crisis.co.za

News - General

Somalia: Events That Shaped Country in 2009
Monday 28-Dec-2009: The year started with much hope for peace and stability in the chaotic central and southern Somalia, which was largely hit by wave of violence. new presidents took power as elections held for the Fede (By News Poster)...
Mozambique: Constitutional Council Criticises CNE
Monday 28-Dec-2009: Maputo - Mozambique's Constitutional Council on Monday sharply criticised the National Elections Commission (CNE) for the way it had handled the procedures leading up to the 28 October general and pro (By News Poster)...
Mozambique: Constitutional Council Validates Election Results
Monday 28-Dec-2009: Maputo - The Constitutional Council, the body with the final word in electoral disputes, on Monday validated the results from Mozambique's general and provincial elections held on 28 October.The Counc (By News Poster)...
Ghana: Institute Calls for Urgency in Local Content Policy for Oil Industry
Monday 28-Dec-2009: A governance think tank, the Danquah Institute, is unhappy in what it describes as "undue delay" in the making of a local content policy for Ghana's oil sector. The fellows and researchers of the thin (By News Poster)...
World: Man on death row loses appeal
Monday 28-Dec-2009: By Marianne BarriauxBeijing - Relatives of a British man due to be executed in China for drug trafficking said they had visited him on death row on Monday after making a last-ditch appeal to Beijing f (By News Poster)...
African Union And Challenge of Conflict Management
Monday 28-Dec-2009: By Uchenna NzeakoLagos - Africa is a continent with a number of armed conflicts. United Nations, regional organizations, and a number of non African states have been making frantic efforts to manage t (By News Poster)...
Uganda: Karamoja 10-Year-Old Kills Friend
Monday 28-Dec-2009: By Henry MukasaKampala - KARAMOJA registered a bizarre incident on Christmas day when a 10-year old boy strangled a seven-year old, Mobing Apacuco, over a Christmas meal.The boy (name withheld because (By News Poster)...
Nigeria: Fuel Scarcity - Govt to Monitor Petrol Stations
Monday 28-Dec-2009: By Ejiofor Alike and Gboyega AkinsanmiLagos - In a move aimed at curtailing the activities of black market operators and others benefiting from people's misery, the Federal Government has ordered a 24 (By News Poster)...
South Africa: 'Racial' bursaries - FNB to include whites
Monday 28-Dec-2009: An agreement has been reached between trade union Solidarity and First National Bank regarding the bank's "racial" allocation of education bursaries for employees' children.The union said on Monday th (By News Poster)...
World: Pirate claim: $4m paid to release ship
Monday 28-Dec-2009: Mogadishu - A Somali pirate said on Monday that his group had split a $4 million (R30m) ransom paid for releasing a Chinese cargo ship and 25 sailors after two months in captivity.The EU Naval Force s (By News Poster)...
World: Karzai: 10 Afghans die in military operations
Monday 28-Dec-2009: Kabul - President Hamid Karzai's office said on Monday that 10 civilians, mostly school children, had been killed during western military operations in eastern Afghanistan.Karzai condemned the killing (By News Poster)...
Kenya: Kibaki - Good Economist, Bad Politician
Monday 28-Dec-2009: By Murithi MutigaNairobi - Facing an uphill battle to retain his seat, and with a well-financed opposition alliance narrowly ahead in the polls, President Kibaki faced the nation on December 12, 2007 (By News Poster)...

About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation

DECEMBER 29, 2009 AT 10:57 AM CDT

Current Moon Phase

MOON HALO ALERT: It's cold outside. The Moon is waxing full. There's ice in the air. Add them all together and you have perfect conditions for a ring around the Moon:

Photo details: Canon EOS 5D, 8mm fisheye lens, ISO 200, 10s

"I happened to take a stroll outside last night," says photographer David Harvey of Tucson, Arizona. "The Moon was nearly overhead and surrounded by this eye-catching 22o halo."

Such haloes are formed when moonlight passes through pencil-shaped ice crystals floating in high freezing clouds. When you see a 22o moon halo, be alert for moondogs and moon pillars, too. They are formed by plate-shaped ice crystals that often accompany their pencil-shaped cousins.



Classification of Solar Flares

Magnetic fields trigger solar wind


11039 11037


Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World

Update time = Tue Dec 29 17:00:03 UTC 2009

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP 4.7 2009/12/29 15:50:24 11.037 -86.292 28.7 NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA
MAP 3.2 2009/12/29 12:29:34 66.524 -157.931 20.1 NORTHERN ALASKA
MAP 5.1 2009/12/29 11:47:36 -36.536 -72.711 28.4 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 4.8 2009/12/29 11:08:56 32.628 14.979 10.0 NEAR THE COAST OF LIBYA
MAP 5.0 2009/12/29 10:08:02 -12.530 166.480 82.7 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP 2.6 2009/12/29 09:38:41 36.145 -118.062 3.4 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 5.6 2009/12/29 09:01:54 24.376 94.851 114.1 MYANMAR-INDIA BORDER REGION
MAP 5.0 2009/12/29 08:06:16 4.225 127.792 134.4 KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA
MAP 3.1 2009/12/29 05:28:42 40.333 -124.472 8.1 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
MAP 3.4 2009/12/29 05:16:08 18.905 -68.710 145.9 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
MAP 5.4 2009/12/29 05:12:32 -5.168 152.178 82.6 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP 4.9 2009/12/29 04:29:52 -33.792 56.394 10.0 SOUTHWEST INDIAN RIDGE

National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map


"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power."
Benito Mussolini

Chicago CO2 Carbon Trading Exchange

"When you ask who’s the biggest winner if the bill goes through, you’ll find the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), co-founded by Hank Paulson and Al Gore. Members include Amtrak, DuPont, Ford, Oakland, Chicago, and the Iowa Farm Bureau."

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is 10% owned by Goldman Sachs (GS) and 10% owned by Generation Investment Management (GIM), an investment firm founded & chaired by Al Gore. GIM was co-founded by the former Treasury Secretary under George W. Bush and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson.

(USA) http://www.chicagoclimatex.com/
(Europe) http://www.ecx.eu/
(China) http://www.climateexchangeplc.com/

The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks

Tarpley on Russia Today: Nigerian Terrorist Patsy Yet Another CIA Ploy in US-backed Buildup of al Qaeda in Yemen Civil War

Russia Today
December 29, 2009

Tarpley tells RT that the case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is not a matter of unconnected dots, but rather that of a protected patsy or puppet deliberately used by the US intelligence community for a Christmas Day provocation designed to facilitate US meddling in the civil war in Yemen, which is where Umar Farouk allegedly trained and was given his PETN device. Banker’s son Umar Farouk had been denied an entrance visa to Great Britain , and had been denounced to the US Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria as a possible terrorist by his own father in mid-November. His one-way ticket to Detroit was bought in Ghana for cash, and he reportedly entered Nigeria illegally.

In Amsterdam , he was assisted at the Northwest Airlines gate by a “well-dressed Indian” who explained that Umar Farouk had no passport. He did have PETN, the same substance supposedly used by the mentally impaired shoe bomber Richard Reid in his abortive attack of eight years ago. In spite of all this, Umar Farouk’s US entry visa was never revoked, he never made it onto the no-fly list, and he was never thoroughly searched. These egregious lapses in normal procedure show that Umar Farouk was part of an orchestration sponsored by the CIA, which has now yielded 4 solid days of media hysteria. Obama has formulated his new version of the Axis of Evil, composed of Afghanistan-Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. In Yemen, a civil war pits the Saudi-backed central government against the Iranian-backed Shiite Houthi rebels, whom the US has bombed at least twice this month.

The goal here is to play Iran against Saudi Arabia so as to weaken both the pro-Moscow Achmadinejad government in Iran, and also those Saudi forces that are fed up with their status as a US protectorate. The US is openly now sponsoring a regroupment of “al Qaeda” (the CIA Moslem legion) in Yemen , including by sending fighters direct from Guantanamo . The new CIA-promoted entity synthetic entity is “Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula or AQAP, a gaggle of US patsies, dupes, and fanatics which is claiming credit for the Umar Farouk incident.

The US hopes to further dominate the exit from the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, while also easing pressure on the battered US dollar by jacking up the price of oil in an atmosphere of tension on the Arabian peninsula. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is now Totalitariano to the left, and Incompetano to the right. Rather than harassing travelers, she should resign or be fired along with the other corrupt, bungling, or complicit officials of the Obama administration involved in this false flag provocation.

Click here to see the story on Russia Today


Illuminati Vowed in 1969: "Travel Will Be More Difficult"

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

Like sheep, humanity had better adjust to constant harassment as long as it tolerates Illuminati control of all important government and social institutions.

At the height of the holiday season, millions of travelers to the US were delayed and inconvenienced because of one suspicious incident Friday.

In 1969, Rockefeller Insider Dr. Richard Day predicted the future in these terms:

" Travel ... would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn't have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID... later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual." (Tape two)

The reaction to the failed "terrorist attack" eventually may lead to this state of affairs. Ironically, the Nigerian bomber was allowed on the plane without a passport! Although shabby in appearance, he was accompanied by a man, presumably an Intelligence agent, who was well dressed.

Anyone who has traveled recently knows security measures already are stringent. There is no way a man can get on a plane with an explosive device taped to his body. Like most terror, this event was concocted by the Illuminati and executed by their intelligence agencies.

In a Globe and Mail Poll Monday, over 2/3 said the current security measures were an overreaction.


As long as the masses refuse to acknowledge the Illuminati conspiracy, they will continue to be complicit in their own destruction.

Last weekend, six Chunnel trains broke down and thousands of people were confined for as many as 16 hours in the dark without food or water. This is a traumatic experience.

For the last six months, we have been bombarded with propaganda about the Swine Flu. Millions have been vaccinated. Billions of profits have been made. These vaccines might have been harmless. Who knows about the next? What we do know is that, generally speaking, Swine Flu proved to be less dangerous than seasonal flu.

Then, recently for over a week, we were bombarded with hysteria about weather change (aka "climate change.") The Club of Rome concocted this bogeyman back in the 1980's.

We must regard official society as a brain washing chamber where we are being subjected to trauma-based mind control. Other traumatic events from the last decade include 9-11, the Tsunami, Hurricane Katerina, the great Northeastern power black-outs, the financial meltdown, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It's been a good decade for the Illuminati. Society is far more fearful and pessimistic, far more willing to accept totalitarian control.




War Is A Racket - The Truth, Maj Gen Smedley Butler, USMC

War Is A Racket

A speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.

Smedley Butler

WAR is a racket. It always has been

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?

Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few – the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill.

And what is this bill?

This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations.



The Deer and Cat YouTube Video

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database

Hudson Valley Daylight Orbs (YouTube)

Soaring cocoa prices, at 30-year peaks, could drive confectioners toward milk chocolate from healthier dark chocolate, and to downsize bars and use cheaper alternative ingredients.

Americans face growing risk from antibiotic-fed livestock

On this date in history:

  • In 1170, Anglican churchman/politician Thomas Becket was killed at Canterbury Cathedral in England.
  • In 1845, Texas was admitted into the United States as the 28th state.
  • In 1848, gaslights were installed at the White House for the first time.
  • In 1851, the first chapter of the Young Men's Christian Association -- YMCA -- opened in Boston.
  • In 1890, more than 200 Indian men, women and children were massacred by the U.S. 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee Creek, S.D.
  • In 1940, London suffered its most devastating air raid when Germans firebombed the city.
  • In 1967, Paul Whiteman, the "King of Jazz" and most popular bandleader of the pre-swing era, died in Doylestown, Pa., at age 77.
  • In 1975, a terrorist bomb exploded at LaGuardia Airport in New York City, killing 11 people and injuring 75.
  • In 1983, the United States announced its withdrawal from UNESCO, charging the U.N. cultural and scientific organization was biased against Western nations.
  • In 1989, playwright Vaclav Havel was sworn in as the first non-communist president of Czechoslovakia since 1948.
  • In 1992, a Cuban airliner was hijacked to Miami as part of a mass defection. Forty-eight of the 53 people aboard sought and were granted political asylum.
  • In 2001, London scientists studying seized documents concluded that accused terrorist leader Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida organization had tried to develop a range of weapons that include a ''dirty'' nuclear bomb.
  • In 2002, Kenyan voters ousted the party that had ruled the nation since 1963 in an election that ended the 24-year presidency of Daniel Arap Moi.
  • In 2003, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced that armed air marshals would be placed on foreign flights entering U.S. airspace that were believed to be at risk of terrorist attacks.
  • Also in 2003, five bodies were recovered from the Christmas Day mudslide in California's San Bernardino Mountains, running the total to 12 with two others missing.
  • In 2004, actor Jerry Orbach, star of stage, film and TV, best known for his starring role on TV's "Law and Order," died of prostate cancer at the age of 69.
  • In 2005, wind-driven grass fires in Texas and Oklahoma destroyed thousands of acres, hundreds of buildings and countless cattle. At least four people died. The Texas farming community of Cross Plains was demolished.
  • In 2006, AT&T won U.S. approval to complete an $85 billion takeover of BellSouth Corp. after it made a series of consumer-friendly concessions.
  • In 2008, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barack told the Knesset that Israel was involved in "all-out war" with the militant group Hamas, the de facto ruler in Gaza. His remarks came as Israel pounded Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip from the air for a third day with the death toll topping 300.
  • Also in 2008, Somali President Abdullahi Yusef Ahmed resigned. He had been blamed for the country's deepening political crisis.

6 stealth health foods you should be eating

Power up your diet with these overlooked, heart-healthy, cancer-fighters

Celery contains bone-beneficial silicon and cancer-fighting phenolic acids and may even help reduce blood pressure.


NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - December 29, 2009

Drugs are more dangerous to your health than terrorists' exploding underwear (satire)

(NaturalNews) As all of North America now seems to be focused on the issue of one terrorist wearing a pair of exploding underwear, I might as well comment on this latest bit of security theater that seems to have transfixed the nation. Pictures of the...

Risk of suicide and heart attacks goes up when men are told they have prostate cancer

(NaturalNews) Imagine you are a man who has just been told you have a disease that might kill you -- prostate cancer. And the treatment may involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and/or hormones that could rob you of your virility, wreck your sex life...

Autism has Reached Crisis Proportions

Autism was first brought forth to the public's attention in the 1950's. Since then, it has been rising steadily. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recently released that today 1 in 110 children are autistic. More alarming...

Toxic Burden: Women Put 515 Chemicals on Their Faces Every Day

(NaturalNews) A study published by Bionsen, a company in the United Kingdom that sells aluminum-free body products, found that the average woman applies 515 chemicals to her face a day. Makeup, perfumes, lotions, mascara, and other beauty products all...

How Regular Exercise can Help with Diabetes

Regular exercise could be a natural and effective way to help treat diabetes. A study conducted with diabetic Hispanic men and women undergoing a strength training routine found that within 16 weeks there was dramatic improvement with their...

Too Many Hysterectomies Being Unnecessarily Performed

(NaturalNews) Too many doctors are resorting to hysterectomies as a cure for a condition known as menorrhagia when other treatments are still available, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists...

Vitamin B12 Deficiency is a Common Cause for Chronic Coughing

A recent study done by the University of Turin and Mauriziano Hospital in Italy showed a significant correlation between vitamin B12 deficiency and unexplained chronic cough. This study, which was presented at the World Allergy Organization...

Residents of DuPont Factory Town Drop Like Flies

A now-closed DuPont owned factory has contaminated the soil and groundwater surrounding a neighborhood in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. DuPont has admitted the plant's wastewater treatment was improperly handled and that the company was responsible...

Acute Drug Toxicity killed Brittany Murphy - Could it be killing millions more?

(NaturalNews) The entire pharma industry is based on the idea that for whatever's wrong with you, there's a patented chemical pill that can make it better. Feeling some anxiety? There's a pill for that. Have high blood pressure? There's a pill...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)

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My News blog: The Cave

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges


(Keeping them in "safekeeping" via emailed News Updates In case my blogs get bombed out of the water AGAIN!)

Posted on HalfPastHuman.com:

Link to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm material

An alternative explantion for 2012 (PDF File).

Author held anonymous, but permission granted to disperse this material.

From Steve Quayle: A free ebook as to what may result if the electrical grid goes down:

"Lights Out" pdf

The Cave's Page of Maps of Hazardous locations - past, present & potential future

Global Internet Monitor

Akamai monitors global Internet conditions around the clock. With this
real-time data identify the global regions with the greatest attack traffic, cities with the slowest Web connections (latency), and geographic areas with the most Web traffic (traffic density). Click on "ATTACKS" on the top of the screen at the link. (You can pull the slider from Europe to the US to see number of attacks)


National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary

Note:: If you follow this link to the main global map scroll down to find listing of various earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
Recent Volcano Observatory Activity Reports
List of Volcanoes of Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands


Mediterranean and W Asia | Africa and Red Sea | Middle East and Indian Ocean | New Zealand to Fiji | Melanesia and Australia | Indonesia | Philippines and SE Asia | Japan, Taiwan, Marianas | Kuril Islands | Kamchatka and Mainland Asia | Alaska | Canada and Western USA | Hawaii and Pacific Ocean | México and Central America | South America | West Indies | Iceland and Arctic Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Antarctica

African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent

Space.com | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?

Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
The Living Moon

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