It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Evening - January 4, 2010 | |||
Drudge is doing a good job of accumulating 'cold' news on his website: Winter Could Be Worst in 25 Years for USA... CHILL MAP... 3 Deaths Due To Cold in Memphis... PAPER: GAS SUPPLIES RUNNING OUT IN UK... Vermont sets 'all-time record for one snowstorm'... Iowa temps 'a solid 30 degrees below normal'... Seoul buried in heaviest snowfall in 70 years... Historic ice build-up shuts down NJ nuclear power plant... Beijing -- coldest in 40 years... Miami shivers from coldest weather in decade... And, Drudge comes up with some good pictures such as tonight on his headline: PAPER: NEW AIRPORT SCANNERS 'BREAK CHILD PORN LAWS'... Since the news on Obamacare has slowed down abit - seems as if the airport scanner news is keeping American populous agitated and ignoring our nation's own military and very 'terrorist' activities upon the globe dropping bombs and trying to cause disruption in nations - if it serves the greed of those Elite puppet-masters in charge and those buying off politicians not only in the US but also nations globally .... Seems as if the airport scanner manufacturers - much like the vaccine manufacturers - had ready and waiting the merchandise needed once our government makes the crisis to assist in their sales and thence providing a very nice profit to the chosen multinationals - 'Crisis-Ware' so to speak to meet the changing crisis that pops in on the American scene via those creative in the globalists many 'think tanks'. Just a few links off of InfoWars on BIOMETRICS - very pertinent given the 'scanners' the corrupt government has conveniently on hand for installing in airports:
150 more full-body scanners to go in U.S. airports -- One hundred and fifty new full-body scanning machines are set to be placed in airports across the United States as federal authorities work to close security loopholes exposed by the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a U.S.-bound airliner. Full body scanners to fry travelers with radiation A path has been cleared for the government to publicly roll out dangerous full-body scanners after the failed terrorist attempt on flight 253. * Passengers on US bound flights face more screening -- Beginning Monday, air travelers flying into the United States from Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Yemen and other "countries of interest" will be subjected to enhanced screening techniques, such as body scans, pat-downs and a thorough search of carry-on luggage. | |||
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) | |||
Health Care Countdown: Senate Bill Could Hit Middle Class Hard Welcome to Orwell’s World 2010 By John Pilger "Information Clearing House" -- In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a superstate called Oceania, whose language of war inverted lies that “passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’.” Barack Obama is the leader of a contemporary Oceania. In two speeches at the close of the decade, the Nobel Peace Prize winner affirmed that peace was no longer peace, but rather a permanent war that “extends well beyond Afghanistan and Pakistan” to “disorderly regions and diffuse enemies”. He called this “global security” and invited our gratitude. To the people of Afghanistan, which America has invaded and occupied, he said wittily: “We have no interest in occupying your country.” In Oceania, truth and lies are indivisible. According to Obama, the American attack on Afghanistan in 2001 was authorised by the United Nations Security Council. There was no UN authority. He said the “the world” supported the invasion in the wake of 9/11 when, in truth, all but three of 37 countries surveyed by Gallup expressed overwhelming opposition. He said that America invaded Afghanistan “only after the Taliban refused to turn over [Osama] bin Laden”. In 2001, the Taliban tried three times to hand over bin Laden for trial, reported Pakistan’s military regime, and were ignored. Even Obama’s mystification of 9/11 as justification for his war is false. More than two months before the Twin Towers were attacked, the Pakistani foreign minister, Niaz Naik, was told by the Bush administration that an American military assault would take place by mid-October. The Taliban regime in Kabul, which the Clinton administration had secretly supported, was no longer regarded as “stable” enough to ensure America’s control over oil and gas pipelines to the Caspian Sea. It had to go. Obama’s most audacious lie is that Afghanistan today is a “safe haven” for al-Qaeda’s attacks on the West. His own national security adviser, General James Jones, said in October that there were “fewer than 100” al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. According to US intelligence, 90 per cent of the Taliban are hardly Taliban at all, but “a tribal localised insurgency [who] see themselves as opposing the US because it is an occupying power”. The war is a fraud. Only the terminally gormless remain true to the Obama brand of “world peace”. Beneath the surface, however, there is serious purpose. Under the disturbing General Stanley McCrystal, who gained distinction for his assassination squads in Iraq, the occupation of one of the most impoverished countries is a model for those “disorderly regions” of the world still beyond Oceania’s reach. This is a known as COIN, or counter-insurgency network, which draws together the military, aid organisations, psychologists, anthropologists, the media and public relations hirelings. Covered in jargon about winning hearts and minds, its aim is to pit one ethnic group against another and incite civil war: Tajiks and Uzbecks against Pashtuns. The Americans did this in Iraq and destroyed a multi-ethnic society. They bribed and built walls between communities who had once inter-married, ethnically cleansing the Sunni and driving millions out of the country. The embedded media reported this as “peace”, and American academics bought by Washington and “security experts” briefed by the Pentagon appeared on the BBC to spread the good news. As in Nineteen Eighty-Four, the opposite was true. Something similar is planned for Afghanistan. People are to be forced into “target areas” controlled by warlords bankrolled by the Americans and the opium trade. That these warlords are infamous for their barbarism is irrelevant. “We can live with that,” a Clinton-era diplomat said of the persecution of women in a “stable” Taliban-run Afghanistan. Favoured western relief agencies, engineers and agricultural specialists will attend to the “humanitarian crisis” and so “secure” the subjugated tribal lands. That is the theory. It worked after a fashion in Yugoslavia where the ethnic-sectarian partition wiped out a once peaceful society, but it failed in Vietnam where the CIA’s “strategic hamlet program” was designed to corral and divide the southern population and so defeat the Viet Cong -- the Americans’ catch-all term for the resistance, similar to “Taliban”. Behind much of this are the Israelis, who have long advised the Americans in both the Iraq and Afghanistan adventures. Ethnic-cleansing, wall-building, checkpoints, collective punishment and constant surveillance – these are claimed as Israeli innovations that have succeeded in stealing most of Palestine from its native people. And yet for all their suffering, the Palestinians have not been divided irrevocably and they endure as a nation against all odds. The most telling forerunners of the Obama Plan, which the Nobel Peace Prize winner and his strange general and his PR men prefer we forget, are those that failed in Afghanistan itself. The British in the 19th century and the Soviets in the 20th century attempted to conquer that wild country by ethnic cleansing and were seen off, though after terrible bloodshed. Imperial cemeteries are their memorials. People power, sometimes baffling, often heroic, remains the seed beneath the snow, and invaders fear it “It was curious,” wrote Orwell in Nineteen Eighty-Four, “to think that the sky was the same for everybody, in Eurasia or Eastasia as well as here. And the people under the sky were also very much the same, everywhere, all over the world … people ignorant of one another’s existence, held apart by walls of hatred and lies, and yet almost exactly the same people who … were storing up in their hearts and bellies and muscles the power that would one day overturn the world.”
Australian Soldiers Kill Afghan Children: Report The Pictures of War You Aren’t Supposed to See War is brutal and impersonal. It mocks the fantasy of individual heroism and the absurdity of utopian goals like democracy. In an instant, industrial warfare can kill dozens, even hundreds of people, who never see their attackers. Continue Yemen Dismisses Al Qaeda Threat as 'Exaggerated' Yemeni officials on Sunday dismissed the threat posed by Al Qaeda in their country as "exaggerated" and downplayed the possibility of cooperating closely with the United States in fighting Islamic militants. Continue U.S. Kicks Hornet's Nest in Yemen Just before the Detroit air incident, U.S. warplanes killed 50-100 Yemeni tribesmen fighting the American-backed regime. U.S. special forces, warplanes and killer drones have been active since 2001, assassinating Yemeni militants and anti-government tribal leaders. It was only a matter of time before Yemeni jihadists struck back at the U.S. Continue Walls Never Work: in the Middle East or in Ireland The story of the Protestant "settlements" in Ireland provides a ghostly narrative of those modern-day "settlements" in the West Bank, where the Israelis insist on fighting the world's last colonial war with the assistance of that great anti-colonial nation known as the United States. Continue | |||
Jordanian doctor killed CIA agents in eastern Afghanistan last week
The suicide bomber who killed eight people inside a CIA base in eastern Afghanistan last week was a Jordanian doctor recruited by Jordanian intelligence.
The bombing killed seven CIA employees - four officers and three contracted security guards - and a Jordanian intelligence officer, Ali bin Zaid, according to a second former US intelligence official.
A former senior intelligence official and a foreign official said the bomber was Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, a 36-year old doctor from Zarqa, Jordan. NBC News first reported the bomber's identity.
He was arrested more than a year ago by Jordanian intelligence and was thought to have been persuaded to support US and Jordanian efforts against al Qaeda, according to the NBC report.
He was invited to Camp Chapman, a tightly secured CIA forward base in Khost province on the fractious Afghan-Pakistan frontier, because he was offering urgent information to track down Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's right-hand man. READ MORE
Oil soars to 15-month high above $US81 |
Gunman kills two in a Las Vegas Federal Building
Treasuries were the worst performing sovereign debt market in 2009 as the U.S. sold $2.1 trillion of notes and bonds to fund extraordinary efforts to bolster the economy and financial markets. |
Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP): Banks 'Making A Killing' On Government Toxic Asset Program
Source: Huffington Post
Remember the Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP)? The Treasury Department unveiled the program in March and intended it as a way to help banks unload hard-to-sell (read: often toxic) mortgage securities. In short, private investors partnered with the government to get bad loans off the banks' books -- and everyone, including taxpayers, was supposed to come out ahead on the proceeds of the asset sales.
But, as Bloomberg reports this morning, some of the nation's largest banks have actually bought more risky home loans instead of getting them off their balance sheets.
But, as In other words, the program that was supposed to help banks dispose of these toxic assets instead made those assets so marketable that banks bought more -- which has pushed Wall Street's titans to even greater exposure to the stalled housing market. The banks apparently decided that the government's entry into the mortgage security market was simply a guaranteed money-making opportunity.
Per Bloomberg's figures, Bank of America, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs added $2.74 billion of this kind of mortgage debt since March. The value of the debt was up 13 percent from the second quarter. Here's more: | Obama's War On YemenObama's War On Yemen By Stephen Lendman 1-4-10 Besides waging direct or proxy wars on multiple fronts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, the Philippines, Sudan, Eastern Congo, elsewhere in Africa, and likely to erupt almost anywhere at any time, Yemen is now a new front in America's "war on terror" under a president, who as a candidate, promised diplomacy, not conflict, if elected. In 2008, he told the Boston Globe that: "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."None exists, yet he's done the opposite and much more. He:
Journalist Patrick Cockburn calls Yemen: "a dangerous place. Wonderfully beautiful, the mountainous north of the country is guerrilla paradise. The Yemenis are exceptionally hospitable....humorous, sociable and democratic, infinitely preferable as company to the arrogant ignorant playboys of the (rich regional) oil states." |
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic CamsNebraska Wins Big in Health Care Bill; California, New York, Florida Lose (and So Do Unions)
Third state dinner crasher involved 04 Jan 2010 Michaele and Tareq Salahi weren’t the only uninvited guests at the White House state dinner in November. According to the Secret Service, a third interloper at the dinner honoring the Indian head of state has been identified. In a press release Monday afternoon, the Secret Service said that the person traveled from a local hotel, where the official Indian delegation was staying, and arrived at the dinner with the group, which was under the responsibility of the Department of State. |
Solution to the Banking Crisis? Look to North Dakota
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
Patriots Cave 2010 Situation ReportCongratulations for surviving 2009. Now things get interesting. Patriots Cave urges the good people to double-up with their emergency preparations. The following post will address the threats your family may be forced to confront in 2010 and beyond. And what steps we must take in advance of these threats, in order that we may survive and prosper. Physical attack: In 2010, the odds of being mugged, robbed, and/or assaulted may reach unprecedented levels. In spite of the mainstream media's ridiculous assertions that America is enjoying a "jobless recovery", the truth of the matter is that the economy is sliding into the abyss. People are losing homes, jobs, savings, cars and security. This means crime will be on the rise. Don't be a sitting duck. Don't let your family be an easy target. Teach your children to be mindful and alert, suspicious and defensive. SCREW political correctness. Is it politically correct to leave your defenses down, so some meth-heads can pull off a home invasion on you? I live in a three-horse town so small that it does not appear on some maps, and yet we have had three reported home invasions in the past 4 months! An elderly woman was beaten severely right in front of her husband! My heart ached when I read how the woman's husband watched helplessly as the scumbags slapped her around and blackened her eye. Then they trashed the house and took everything of value. Don't let this happen to you brethren and sistren. Think about your defenses. Think about your vulnerabilities, and then DO SOMETHING about it. Get a pair of guard dogs. Get a Mossberg shotgun. Have your wife and daughter put chemical CS/pepper spray on their key chain, and make sure they know how to use it. Get some motion lights. Don't put flowery welcome mats in front of your door, and frilly little things, it tells the criminals this: "we are fragile, flowery people who are not gritty enough to defend ourselves, we have lots of money and our females are powdered and perfumed very nicely, there are no large dogs or angry burly men in this house, we are delicate yuppies, ripe for the picking". No my siblings, do not do it. Get rid of the frilly welcome mats and friendly decorations. Make your home look proud, clean, and strong. Lose the frilly crap. Teach your kids the vulnerable points on a man, and how to strike them. Teach your kids that adults DO NOT have authority over them. This is crucial. Teach your kids that just because an adult says "COME HERE" in an authoritative voice, that they are under absolutely no requirement whatsoever to comply. And don't forget to get your family in fighting shape for 2010. Do not have a victim mindset. Think out ahead of time when, where, and how you and each member of your family might come under attack. And make a plan. Famine: 2010 is developing into the perfect storm for widespread food shortages, famine, hyper inflated food costs, and illness from malnutrition. Smart families will be prepared. Smart families who are not yet prepared, will be making a plan to GET prepared. Make a budget, cut out 95% of luxury items. Take the money you save and stock up on food. I do not go along with a saying often heard within survivalist circles: "Stock up foods that you eat, eat foods that you stock". I have seen this phrase many times. I guess the theory is, that if you store up foods that are not the same as the ones you eat on a day to day basis, that your body will malfunction and/or become ill. I don't subscribe to this theory. Now, if you have a great deal of extra money, and can afford to store up the same kinds of foods you currently eat, then good. Go for it. But don't let it stop you from stocking up if you cannot afford the same foods your family eats day to day. Stock up on food. That is the bottom line. I have experienced rapid and sudden dietary changes many, many times. And what counts is that you have something to eat. Something with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and oils. In stressful times, the body needs fuel. Oil is fuel. Trendy morning shows on TV will tell you so much bullspit about grease and oil. Forget all that. When you stock up on tuna. Get tuna IN OIL. The body uses this oil to burn for energy, just like an oil lamp. Look into sprouts. Mung beans, alfalfa sprouts, wheat and many more. Sprouts are an AWESOME addition to the family food stocks. Sprouts are very inexpensive and highly nutritious. Grow your own food in 2010, as much as you can. Use only heirloom veggie seeds. Don't use the seeds from Wal-mark or from the local garden center because they are all GMO, terminator seeds, and they WILL MAKE YOU WEAK. Do you think scientists can improve God's handiwork? Please. Heirloom seeds are old fashioned, true-blue, God-given seeds. You will not find a better supplier of heirloom seeds than Big John Lipscomb's Codex Alimentarius is a new world order plan designed to kill off a huge percentage of our planet's human population. Under codex, all foods will be irradiated, and thus almost totally void of life giving nutrients. You MUST grow your own food. Even if 20% of your diet is from homegrown heirloom veggie seeds, this will insure that you are getting vitamins and minerals. Those who attempt to survive on 100% grocery store food, are going to become ill. The roundtable groups even admit it. That is what Codex IS. In 2010, you must have a garden. If you don't have land, then make a sharecropping deal with someone who does have a yard. You will give them 10% of your crops, in exchange for the use of a small patch of land. Walking to there house everyday will get you back into fighting shape. And those fresh, crunchy, healthy heirloom melons and veggies will supply your body with the vital lifetrons needed for balance and health. Codex irradiates all the food, and it kills all of the lifetrons in the food. It is dead food. Your body IS what it eats. In 2010, survivors will have a well tended heirloom garden. Communication Breakdown: In 2010, Patriots Cave has predicted that hackers will infiltrate crucial utilitiy and power facilities. This will result in massive socio-economic chaos. In light of this disasterous scenario, one should be prepared to survive without running water, electricity, natural gas, and internet, for an extended period of time. Even after control is regained, and the systems are all back up and running, the internet may be gone. The government will enact the Cybersecurity Act, citing the hacker attack on public utilities as the prime cause. The European Union will follow suit, and the free flow of information will cease in the West altogether. Which is why investing in a quality short wave radio is essential. You will want to store your short wave radio in a Faraday cage so that it will not be destroyed in the event of an EMP attack or massive CME. Also, CB radios, and HAM radios will be the crucial "Outter-Net" for getting news. In 2010, be prepared for disruptions of utilities and communications. Economic Collapse: In 2010, the dollar stands a high chance of collapsing altogether. When this happens, there will be a period of time, in between the failure of the dollar and introduction of a new currency, when those without silver, gold and barter items, will be in grave danger. This is yet another reason to stock up on food. Cans of food will be money. As will anything people want or need, such as tobacco, coffee, whiskey, and so on. There are hundreds of millions of Americans who put faith in paper money and credit ratings. In 2010, you need to have something REAL to use for money when the dollar collapses. If the "Audit the Fed" bill makes it through, the Illuminati will retaliate by utterly collapsing the USA as we know it. There will be chaos, physical attacks, food riots, communication breakdowns, and massive black outs of the power grid. Smart families will be preparing for trouble, and making plans to survive with dignity. For Patriots Cave this is Joel the K, over and out. |
Collapse in Construction Illustrates US Jobs-Lie |
Economics / Great Depression II Jan 04, 2010 - 12:34 PM
By: Mike_Stathis
Remember, consumer confidence and investor sentiment can and often creates illusions that can lead to big gains in stock market. But at some point, reality sets in.
So if you understand fact and fiction, you can make money during illusive periods while being prepared to exit when reality sets in, as opposed to riding the wave and getting blasted or being so scared you do nothing and miss out on big gains.
The U.S. Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as the food stamps program, was created in 1964. It has expanded during the past eight years and is likely to expand even more over the next decade.
The program is currently restricted to households with incomes below 130% of the federal poverty level, or $27,560 for a family of four. They cannot have more than $2,000 or, in some cases, $3,000 in assets, not including homes and, in most states, cars. The average benefit is about $3 a day per person. Cost to the government: $38 billion, rising to $40 billion in 2009.
As you can imagine, there are millions in need of assistance but just don’t qualify according to Washington and state criteria.
As of the official data up to April 2009, 1 in 9 Americans were enrolled in the program. U.S. enrollment in recent months has shown a steady increase:
April 2009 - 33.8
March 2009 - 33.157 million
February 2009 - 32.556 million
January 2009 - 32.205 million
December 2008 - 31.784 million
November 2008 - 31.097 million
October 2008 - 31.050 million
Sept 2008 - 31.587 million
Washington estimates the number of enrollees will climb to 35 million by October 2009. I’m willing to bet when the data comes in for July, it will be over 35 million.
Don’t assume these struggling Americans are all homeless, because they aren’t. And you should not assume they are all poorly educated. In fact, many of them have college degrees; some have graduate degrees. Regardless of their background, they all have one thing in common. They aren’t making enough money.
You also shouldn’t assume those who go to food banks are unemployed. Food banks across America report serving morning meals to many people on their way to work. In 2008, about 41% of those receiving food stamps were from working families.
Now that the commodities bubble has burst, food prices really have not come down by much. In fact, there has been a strong trend of food inflation for several months now. Of course, now the unemployment rate is much higher which compounds things.
Over the past year, food banks have reported shortages. Some have shut down temporarily. And Washington has responded. But still, this has not been enough. Food banks continue to run low on supplies.
Under the economic stimulus package, recipients of food stamps got a temporary 13% increase, beginning in April. The increase equals $80 a month for a household of four. But this is simply not enough because food prices are on the rise again.
North Korea’s New Currency CollapsesJanuary 4, 2010 I expected this, but I didn’t expect it to be so sudden, or so dramatic: The Seoul-based Open Radio for North Korea (ORNK), citing unidentified sources along the Sino-North Korean border, said that merchants were exchanging one yuan for 1,000 new North Korean won as of late last month, plummeting from the 50 won traded for every yuan on Dec. 3, right after Pyongyang introduced the new currency. [Yonhap] If my math is right, that’s 1,000 percent in less than a month. Under the move, the communist country knocked two zeros off its currency without warning on Nov. 30 in the first such value adjustment since 1959. Yet already, the new won is worth half of what the old won was worth: Before the currency reform took place, 1 yuan was worth around 588 old won, which is equivalent to 5.88 new won. Open Radio for North Korea is run by a South Korean acquaintance of mine who goes by the name Young Howard. Howard, a former leftist, dissident, political prisoner, and thoroughly enigmatic figure, has assembled a network of North Korean informers who feed him news about events inside North Korea, which he then broadcasts into the North and to the foreign press. Open Radio is now commonly cited by some of the world’s foremost news sources. It cites two reasons for the new currency’s collapse: rumors (that is, a loss of confidence in the regime’s erratic monetary policy), and a new ban on holding or using foreign currency. READ MORE ... |
China Looks to Launch Tiangong-1 Space Station By End of 2010
Chinese officials have said that they plan to launch their Tiangong-1 space station by the end of next year or in 2011, according to a report on CCTV.
Qi Faren, Shenzhou-5 designer, said, “Quality is the key to technology. We must guarantee a successful launch. We will launch it whenever we are ready. It will be the end of 2010, or the beginning of 2011.”
Tiangong-1 will be an 8- ton orbital module. Artists concepts show it to be somewhat similar to the early Soviet Salyut space stations. Crews of the Shenzhou 8, Shenzhou 9 and Shenzhou 10 spacecraft will conduct experiments aboard it during a 2-year period. The Shenzhou are based on Soviet-era Soyuz vehicles, which are still in use today.
The Chinese plan to fly several Tiangong stations, each with enhancements. Eventually, Tiangong will be modified to serve as a core module for a much larger facility, as was done with the Soviet Mir facility and the International Space Station.
Read the full story
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation NASA Confirms Deterioration of Earth's Magnetosphere During Sun's 2012 Polar Shift – flashback JANUARY 4, 2010 AT 6:08 PM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Solar Update - Sunspot 1039 is approaching the western limb of the sun. There has been one C-Class flare in the past 24 hours. The STEREO Behind images continue to show active regions on the eastern limb. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Tue Jan 5 0:40:05 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Volcano Erupts in ColumbiaKEYC - 5 hours ago Colombia's most active volcano has erupted, forcing the evacuation of 800 people who lived close to Mount Galeras.Officials say no one was injured after ... Orange alert level maintained for Galeras volcano Colombia Reports Eruption menaces endangered chimps' Congo homeNew Zealand Herald - - 4 hours ago Lava flows down the slope of Nyamulagira volcano, 40 kilometers northwest of Goma, North Kivu, Congo. ... Congo Volcano Spews Lava Voice of America Lava gains speed in Congo park Independent Online | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map 27 Arkansas counties disaster areas after record rainfall Burlington VT Gets 32 Inches Of Snow - New Record |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
Global Warming Crook Pachauri attempts to act worried about 'world's poor' | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks | | Hot Headlines - January 4, 2010
China's 2010 Gold Rush
Gold Charts --Year End
The World in 2010: China Continues Its Unstoppable Economic Charge
Benn Steil: Prepare for a Keynesian Hangover
2010 Will Be Worse
The Criminalization of Protest
Here in the Long Solemn Dark: An Examination of Global Elitism
$340 Million Blitz Launches 2010 Census
Peace and Security in the Caucasus and Caspian Basin
Syria, Turkey Seek Strategic Alliance with Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon
The UN and Interpol – How the UN Will Gain Power
Spy Chiefs Turn on President Obama after 7 CIA Agents Are Slaughtered in Afghanistan
Climategate: You Should be Steamed
DR Congo Volcano Eruption Threatens Rare Chimpanzees
Galeras Volcano Erupts
Second Whistleblower Confirms Time Travel
Russia, US at Odds Over Future Asteroid Hit
Solar System Passing Through Interstellar Cloud
Top Scientists Share Their Future Predictions
‘Cybugs’ Are All the Buzz - D. A.R.P.A. Funds Spying Beetle
Did Bush Justice Dept. Purposely Sabotage Blackwater Massacre Case?Mohammed Hafiz shows a photo of his 10-year-old son, Ali Mohammed, who was shot to death by Blackwater guards (AP photo/Khalid Mohammed) Monday, January 04, 2010 Iraqis were stunned to learn last week that charges against five Blackwater guards accused of the September 16, 2007, killing of 17 civilians and wounding of 20 have been dropped completely The federal government’s mishandling of the Blackwater trial began during the Bush administration, when the Department of Justice first prepared the prosecution’s case using evidence that the trial judge later threw out of court. In rendering his opinion, Judge Ricardo Urbina criticized prosecutors for not using “common sense” when they relied on forced testimony provided by the Blackwater guards to the State Department—evidence legal observers say was never going to be admissible because of protections against self-incrimination. In fact, Urbina wondered what Assistant U.S. Attorney Kenneth C. Kohl and his team were really up to when they ignored recommendations from other government attorneys (referred to as the “taint team”) to avoid borrowing from the State Department reports “The only conclusion the court can draw from this evidence is that Kohl and the rest of the trial team purposefully flouted the advice of the taint team when obtaining the substance of the defendants’ compelled statements, and in so doing, knowingly endangered the viability of the prosecution,” wrote Urbina in his opinion. Kohl has been a Justice Department prosecutor for more than 20 years and cannot use inexperience as an excuse for his actions. The former guards are not out of legal danger yet. It is possible the government could charge them with willfully providing false information in their statements and obstructing justice. Also, the Center for Constitutional Rights is preparing to sue the men in civil court on behalf of the Iraqis and their families who were involved in the September 2007 shooting in Baghdad, Iraq. |
One Chinese firm, a unit of state-owned China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corp., has made nearly 300 illegal shipments to U.S. firms since a ban was imposed on CPMIEC and its affiliates in mid-2006, the newspaper said, citing an analysis of shipping records by the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control.
The U.S. companies probably didn't know they were trading with banned entities, the newspaper said.
Shipments from China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corp. were worth millions of dollars in goods ranging from anchors to toys. The Chinese firm often acted as a shipping intermediary, which is also banned under a 2006 U.S. presidential order.
The Obama administration, increasingly frustrated by Iran's defiance over its nuclear program, is considering new sanctions focused on Iran's leadership rather than broad-based penalties that could harm the protest movement.
The illegal Chinese shipments suggest U.S. sanctions have become difficult to enforce, the newspaper said.
The report quoted Gary Milhollin, director of the Wisconsin project: "We spend a lot of time convincing other countries that we need tighter sanctions on Iran when we need to better enforce our own laws already on the books."
Pakistani police officers with detained American Muslims leave a police station to send them back to prison after a court appearance in Sargodha, Pakistan, Monday, January 4, 2010. The defense lawyer for the five Americans, aged 19-24, who have not yet been charged, has denied that his clients planned to carry out terrorist attacks inside or outside the country. One of the defendants, Ramy Zamzam, said, "We are not terrorists. We are jihadists, and jihad is not terrorism." A sixth detainee, Khalid Farooq Chaudhry, the father of one of the young men, was released for lack of evidence. |
Northrop Grumman Corp. to Shift Headquarters to Washington, DCWall Street Journal Northrop Grumman Corp. plans to move its headquarters to the Washington, DC area from Los Angeles, a historic departure from the aerospace and defense industry's birthplace in Southern California. The move will put Northrop's top executives near its biggest military and intelligence customers in the federal government, as well as Congress ... 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist |
COURT TO COPS: Stop Tasing People into Compliance
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 04 Jan 2010Six trucks of explosives 'disappear' in Yemen 04 Jan 2010 Fears of a terrorist strike against Western embassies in Yemen have grown amid claims a convoy of lorries laden with explosives had been smuggled into the country's capital city, Sana'a. In an apparently botched surveillance operation, militants [?] driving six trucks filled with weapons and ordnance succeeded in giving security forces the slip as they entered the city, according to local media. The revelations came as western diplomatic missions in Sana'a went into lockdown following threats from al-Qaeda's Yemeni affiliate, which has taken responsibility for a failed attempt to blow up an airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day.
Ah, then came the dawn. Yemen seizes 'Israel-linked' cell 07 Oct 2008 Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said the security forces have arrested a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence. Mr Saleh did not say what evidence had been found to show the group's links with Israel, a regional enemy of Yemen. The arrests were connected with an attack on the US embassy in Sanaa last month which killed at least 18 people, official sources were quoted saying. [Hmm. Guess they didn't get the whole cell.]
Barack Obama summons security chiefs over Detroit bomb plot 04 Jan 2010 President Barack Obama returned to Washington after his Hawaii trip as he ordered increased security for United States-bound flights across the world and prepared for an emergency meeting of security chiefs. Passengers travelling from or via 14 designated countries are to be subjected to extra security screening, including full body pat-downs after a directive from the US Transportation Security Administration in response to the failed terrorist attack on Christmas Day.
US tightens security for air passengers from 'terror sponsor' countries 03 Jan 2010 US authorities on Sunday tightened security measures for all US-bound airline passengers, including enhanced mandatory screening of travellers from 14 countries believed to have links to terrorism. Travellers from countries the US classifies as "state sponsors of terrorism" - Syria, Iran, Sudan, and Cuba [Oops! They forgot the US and Israel] - plus passengers from other "countries of interest" - Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen - will be subjected to pat-down body searches and have carry-on baggage searched. Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia are also covered by the new directive, but a complete list of countries was not released.
U.S. Intensifies Air Screening for Fliers From 14 Nations 04 Jan 2010 Citizens of 14 nations, including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria, who are flying to the United States will be subjected indefinitely to the intense screening at airports worldwide that was imposed after the Christmas Day bombing plot, Obama administration officials announced Sunday.
Pakistan airport security increased 04 Jan 2010 Pakistan's national airline said Monday it is increasing security checks for passengers heading to the United States, following U.S. requests for enhanced screening after a Nigerian man allegedly tried to ignite explosives on a flight to Detroit.
Newark Airport lockdown as man strolls through checkpoint the wrong way 03 Jan 2010 Frustrated travelers were delayed for hours Sunday night when officials shut down a terminal at Newark Airport after a man walked into a secure area without authorization. Dozens of flights were grounded, and thousands of passengers waited late into the night to be rescreened at Terminal C . Homeland Security Department spokeswoman Sari Koshetz said a man was seen walking down a security checkpoint exit lane into the secure area about 5:30 p.m.
Checkpoint intruder shuts down Newark Airport terminal 04 Jan 2010 A man who walked into a secure area triggered a terminal-wide lockdown at Newark Liberty International Airport last night, grounding outgoing planes and forcing hundreds of passengers to await rescreening, transportation authorities said. The incident occurred nine days after a failed terrorist attack on a Detroit-bound plane heightened tensions at the nation's airports and increased security restrictions.
Power out for 1 hour at Reagan National Airport 04 Jan 2010 The power is back on at Reagan National Airport outside Washington, D.C., after an hour-long outage that brought flights and security screening to a standstill. Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority spokeswoman Courtney Mickalonis says the power went out at about 12:30 p.m and came back on at 1:30 p.m.
U.S. Customs: Second person handcuffed on Christmas Day was on Flight 253, after all 02 Jan 2010 A spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection now says that a man who was handcuffed and questioned by authorities on Christmas Day was a passenger on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 -- just days after saying that person arrived to Detroit aboard a different flight. In an email to The Detroit News Thursday night, Customs spokesman Ron Smith acknowledged that a person from Flight 253 was handcuffed after search dogs found something in his carry-on bag. The passenger was not arrested or detained, and was allowed to leave Detroit Metro Airport with the rest of the Flight 253 passengers, according to WWJ.
Official confirms 2nd man interviewed from Flight 253 --Couple on 253 did see 2nd man in cuffs, customs officer says 02 Jan 2010 A U.S. Customs official reversed himself Friday, admitting a passenger from Northwest Flight 253 was placed in handcuffs, searched and released after a security dog alerted officers to the passenger's carry-on luggage. Ronald G. Smith, chief U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer in the Detroit area, sent an e-mail to The Detroit News late Thursday apologizing that the information on the passenger -- which was made public by a pair of Taylor attorneys, Kurt and Lori Haskell, who were passengers on the flight -- was not officially announced earlier. FBI officials had said only one man from the flight was arrested. White House Adviser Briefed in October on Underwear Bomb Technique 03 Jan 2010 White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan was briefed in October on an assassination attempt by Al Qaeda that investigators now believe used the same underwear bombing technique as the Nigerian suspect who tried to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day, U.S. intelligence and administration officials tell NEWSWEEK. The briefing to Brennan was delivered at the White House by Muhammad bin Nayef, Saudi Arabia’s chief counterterrorism official. In late August, Nayef had survived an assassination attempt by an operative dispatched by the Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda who was pretending to turn himself in.
Italy aims to introduce body scanners: minister 02 Jan 2010 Italy aims to install full-body scanners at the main airports of Rome and Milan for flights considered at high risk of terrorist attacks, Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said in an interview published on Saturday. Maroni, speaking after last week's failed plot to bomb a U.S. passenger jet, told Corriere della Sera newspaper that he favored the swift introduction of the scanners, which can see through clothing to spot hidden explosives or weapons. [See: Are planned airport scanners just a scam? 03 Jan 2010.]
Yemen likely to be new front in global fight against terror 04 Jan 2010 It seems Yemen has become a new front in the fight against extremism as the U.S. and British embassies in the country closed on Sunday in response to threats of possible attacks by al-Qaida affiliates. The British embassy asked its staff to stay at home on Sunday, well-placed sources told local News Yemen, citing security reasons behind the closure. Earlier in the day, the U.S. embassy in Sanaa was closed over what it said threats by Yemen's al-Qaida affiliate to attack U.S. interests in the country.
UK to follow US intervention in Yemen 03 Jan 2010 The British premier's office says that Prime Minister Gordon Brown and US President Barack Obama have agreed to fight what they call terrorism in Yemen and Somalia. The UK and the US have agreed to fund a
U.S. and U.K. Shut Embassies in Yemen Over Qaeda Threats 04 Jan 2010 The United States and Britain shut their embassies in the Yemen capital on Sunday, with the Americans citing unspecified but "ongoing threats by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula," the regional branch responsible for the failed Christmas Day effort to blow up a U.S. airliner headed to Detroit. The closures came a day after a quiet visit to Yemen’s president by Gen. David H. Petraeus, the American regional commander, who delivered a message from President Obama of support for Yemen’s unity and counter-terrorism efforts.
US citizens due in Pakistan court on terror charges 04 Jan 2010 Five US nationals suspected of plotting attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan are due to appear in a Pakistani court. Police have said they would seek life sentences on terror charges against the five young Muslim men, who are from the Washington DC area. The men were arrested during a raid on a house in the eastern Pakistan city of Sargodha in early December. US officials said they were wanted by the FBI and had gone missing in the US state of Virginia in November.
Prince Charles tried to stop war --Prince thought Tony Blair was wrong on Iraq and mocked him as 'our glorious leader' 03 Jan 2010 Prince Charles was so convinced Tony Blair was WRONG to take Britain to war in Iraq he broke Royal tradition and actively campaigned against the invasion, the News of the World can reveal. Behind closed doors, the heir to the throne voiced his fears to senior politicians and mounted a staunch anti-war crusade in which he: ATTACKED the then prime minister's stance, mockingly calling him "our glorious leader". BLAMED American president George W Bush for action he believed to be misguided after reviewing secret intelligence. WARNED the war would only stir up more serious trouble in the region. ACCUSED western leaders of failing to deal with what he feels is the real cause of Islamic unrest - the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Iraq will help Blackwater victims sue 03 Jan 2010 Iraq will help victims of the 2007 shooting of civilians in Baghdad to file a lawsuit in the US against employees of security firm Blackwater, an incident that turned a spotlight on the United States' use of
Blasts kill 4 US, one UK soldiers in Afghanistan 04 Jan 2010 Four American soldiers and one British soldier have been killed in two separate explosions in southern Afghanistan. The dead soldiers, who were serving under NATO's International Security Assistance Force, were killed on Sunday, NATO said in a statement Monday.
Taliban deny abducting French reporters 03 Jan 2010 The Taliban militia Sunday denied kidnapping two French television journalists and three Afghan assistants who were snatched at gunpoint five days ago in Afghanistan. "We are not involved," self-styled Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location. [Right, it was likely Blackwater mercenaries.]
General: SEALs on Trial for Cover-up 02 Jan 2010 The Army general who ordered three local Navy SEALs to trial for their involvement in an alleged case of
Top Israeli diplomat scolds ambassadors 03 Jan 2010 Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman chastised the regime's foreign envoys for their tendency to appease their host states. "I have seen that some ambassadors identify themselves with the other side to such an extent that they are all the time trying to justify and explain [the position of the other side]," Lieberman said at a conference last week with Israeli ambassadors.
Obama effigy found hanging in Georgia: report 03 Jan 2010 An effigy of President Barack Obama was found hanging in the rural hometown of former President Jimmy Carter, local media reported on Sunday, and the Secret Service said it was investigating the case. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper, citing footage seen on WALB-TV, said the large black doll was found hanging from a building by a noose in front of a red, white and blue sign that said: "Plains, Georgia. Home of Jimmy Carter, our 39th President." Court officer killed, federal marshal wounded in shooting inside lobby of Las Vegas courthouse 04 Jan 2010 A federal court security officer was killed and a U.S. Marshal wounded Monday when a gunman sprayed bullets inside the lobby of a courthouse in downtown Las Vegas. The man fled across the street in a hail of return gunfire. He was shot in the head and killed. The large modern building, which also houses the offices of Nevada Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, was evacuated amid confused witness accounts of up to three other gunmen.
NZ's cyber spies win new powers 03 Jan 2010 New cyber-monitoring measures have been quietly introduced giving police and Security Intelligence Service (SIS) officers the power to monitor all aspects of someone's online life. The measures are the largest expansion of police and SIS surveillance capabilities for decades, and mean that all mobile calls and texts, email, internet surfing and online shopping, chatting and social networking can be monitored anywhere in New Zealand.
Telecom firms' fury at plan for 'Stasi' checks on every phone call and email 27 Dec 2009 Telecoms firms have accused the Government of acting like the East German Stasi over plans to force them to store the details of every phone call for at least a year. Under the proposals, the details of every email sent and website visited will also be recorded to help the police and security services fight crime and terrorism. But mobile phone companies have attacked the plans as a massive assault on privacy and warned it could be the first step towards a centralised 'Big Brother' database. Use of potentially harmful chemicals kept secret under law 04 Jan 2010 Of the 84,000 chemicals in commercial use in the United States, nearly 20 percent are secret, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, their names and physical properties guarded from consumers and virtually all public officials under a little-known federal provision. The policy was designed 33 years ago to protect trade secrets. But critics -- including the Obama administration -- say the secrecy has grown out of control, making it impossible for regulators to control potential dangers or for consumers to know which toxic substances they might be exposed to. Previous lead stories: MI5 knew of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's UK extremist links 03 Jan 2010 The security services knew three years ago that the Detroit bomber had "multiple communications" with Islamic extremists in Britain, it emerged this weekend. Counterterrorism officials said Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was "reaching out" to extremists whom MI5 had under surveillance while he was studying at University College London. None of the information was passed to American officials, which will prompt questions about intelligence failures prior to the attack. British officials have now passed a file to their US counterparts on Abdulmutallab’s activities in Britain while he was a student from 2005 to 2008. It shows his repeated contacts with MI5 targets who were subject to phone taps, email intercepts and other forms of surveillance. UK and US agree to fund anti-terrorism unit to tackle Yemen extremists 03 Jan 2010 Gordon Brown and President Barack Obama have agreed to fund a counterterrorism police unit in Yemen to tackle the rising terrorist threat from the country, it was announced in London early today. The UK and the US have also agreed to increase support for Yemen's coast guard operation. Downing Street said that, in addition, Brown and Obama will push the UN Security Council to create a larger peacekeeping [sic] force for Somalia. Downing Street said the government of Yemen had been consulted over the decision to boost the country's coast guard and police operations. Christmas false flag gets big payoff: Obama Says Al Qaeda in Yemen Planned Bombing Plot, and He Vows Retribution --US to 'more than double' $70 million in military aid sent to Yemen in 2009 to 'fight' Al Qaeda 03 Jan 2010 President Obama declared for the first time on Saturday that a branch of Al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] based in Yemen sponsored the attempted Christmas Day bombing of an American passenger jet, and he vowed that those behind the failed attack "will be held to account." Mr. Obama’s comments indicated that he and the government largely accepted the accounts offered by Mr. Abdulmutallab since he was taken into custody and by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in a statement on the Web. The National Security Agency had intercepted communications among Qaeda leaders months ago talking about an unnamed Nigerian preparing to attack, but the government never correlated that with information about Mr. Abdulmutallab’s radicalization collected by embassy officials in Nigeria from the suspect’s father. |
National Guard Ad Revives Nazi Oath To Hitler
In 2003, the US Army adapted the “Soldier’s Creed” to program soldiers to shift their Oath of Enlistment from “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” to the heel-clicking, non-thinking, dictator-obeying, “I will always place the mission first.”
New Zealand Now Has Total Internet Surveillance |
Scientists say dolphins should be treated as 'non-human persons'
Dolphins have been declared the world’s second most intelligent creatures after humans.
— The Times
What Happened to the Hominids Who Were Smarter Than Us?
France cancels 50 million flu shot orders
HAM NEWS FOX8 Viewer found it odd that a ham she purchased from a local supermarket appeared to be staring back at her. Denise Hamlin told FOX8 Photojournalist Chris Weaver about the odd-looking ham. The "eyeball" is actually part of the bone inside the ham. After Hamlin determined the "eyeball" was actually a bone, she still insisted on returning the ham to the store. The question is, what would you have done with the ham-bone eyeball? Let it watch you cook it? |
The view from above
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database Response from Clif High - Web Bot - Moscow 'Pyramid' Just to answer the question here so as not to have to repeat it in multiple emails. I think David Wilcock is wrong about the 'pyramid' or tetrahedron which is shown floating over Moscow in the video's on YouTube. David Wilcock, as i understand his argument, is proposing that the tetrahedron is a hologram, or holographic projection. At least within the context of the video's available, there is no evidence that this rotating tetrahedron is a hologram, or projection of any form using any detectable form of visible or invisible light. The reason that no evidence exists within the video is that there is no source beam. In all forms of holographic projection of any kind, there is a source beam of a higher intensity energy that basically 'breaks down' (at least energetically) into the 'visible light hologram'. Therefore all holograms, or projections of them, require a higher intensity degrading into lower intensity to exist. The net energy loss across the holographic projection cannot exceed the highest level of energy beamed out, so to speak. Mathematically therefore, in order for the rotating tetrahedron to be a holographic projection, the net total amount of light apparent from the projected form would have to start out from at least one source at a higher, and therefore detectable on video image, level of energy. Don't believe it? Well, go look at any holographic projection actually being filmed/video'ed (not the CGI representations of a hologram, but the real thing). You will see instantly that source energy beams are a necessary part of the viewing experience. In my analysis (dinking around) with the video's of the tetrahedron over Moscova, i can find no source beam, even at much smaller, and integrated levels. While it is possible to combine energy streams to create the net holographic projection, these still must be at the sum total (or greater) of the light levels expressed within the projection, and therefore would also be detectable within the video. There are no indications of any video tampering either (not that i am an expert, but nothing so jumps out in the pixels, nor raw data stream). It is worth noting that the night video is cleaner and has the better data from which to do internal comparisons on light levels from ambient to reflected object. Also it needs to be said that the day shots of the tetrahedron were 'fuzzed' at the edges, which may indicate an alteration of the vibratory levels of the local reality where the tetrahedron was appearing, but again, there is no detectable 'source' for the fuzzing. Even if this were, for the sake of speculation, an x-ray projected hologram, or even the IUV (intensified ultra violet light that brought about the name 'blue beam'), where visible light were not expected, a source beam would still likely be detectable as there would be atmospheric distortion all along the source beam path. So, don't quite know what to make of the tetrahedron yet, still noodling on it, but don't think i can find any supporting evidence for it being a holographic projection as we understand the term.
clif high January 3, 2010 |
Three Approved GMOs Linked to Organ Damage
Published on 01-04-2010
In what is being described as the first ever and most comprehensive study of the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers have linked organ damage with consumption of Monsanto’s GM maize.
All three varieties of GM corn, Mon 810, Mon 863 and NK 603, were approved for consumption by US, European and several other national food safety authorities. Made public by European authorities in 2005, Monsanto’s confidential raw data of its 2002 feeding trials on rats that these researchers analyzed is the same data, ironically, that was used to approve them in different parts of the world
The Committee of Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN) and Universities of Caen and Rouen studied Monsanto’s 90-day feeding trials data of insecticide producing Mon 810, Mon 863 and Roundup® herbicide absorbing NK 603 varieties of GM maize.
The data “clearly underlines adverse impacts on kidneys and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, as well as different levels of damages to heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system,” reported Gilles-Eric Séralini, a molecular biologist at the University of Caen.
Although different levels of adverse impact on vital organs were noticed between the three GMOs, the 2009 research shows specific effects associated with consumption of each GMO, differentiated by sex and dose.
Their December 2009 study appears in the International Journal of Biological Sciences (IJBS). This latest study conforms with a 2007 analysis by CRIIGEN on Mon 863, published in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, using the same data.
Monsanto rejected the 2007 conclusions, stating: “The analyses conducted by these authors are not consistent with what has been traditionally accepted for use by regulatory toxicologists for analysis of rat toxicology data.”1
In an email to me, Séralini explained that their study goes beyond Monsanto’s analysis by exploring the sex-differentiated health effects on mammals, which Doull, et al. ignored:
“Our study contradicts Monsanto conclusions because Monsanto systematically neglects significant health effects in mammals that are different in males and females eating GMOs, or not proportional to the dose. This is a very serious mistake, dramatic for public health. This is the major conclusion revealed by our work, the only careful reanalysis of Monsanto crude statistical data.”
Other problems with Monsanto’s conclusions
Of some 84,000 chemicals being used commercially in the United States, some 20 percent -- or 17,000 -- are kept secret not only from the public, but from medical professionals, state regulators and even emergency responders, according to a report at the Washington Post. |
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