It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Morning - January 6, 2010 |
Just listening to Joyce Riley's Power Hour program and she stated that in Maine its 29 degrees and in Tampa, Florida it's 27 degrees ... Al Gore probably isn't planning on any of his Global Warming book signings in Florida today. Monsanto is Forbes 'company of the year' - GMO providing new diseases for not only humans but also animals ... personally I place Monsanto in the category of 'evil' ... so perhaps deserving the award given they are one of the most greedy and corrupt corporations out there screwing up our planet. |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-BANKING COMPLEX PIRATE NEWS The Killer 'Jetski' warship set to tackle pirates - developed by US and Australian shipbuilders January 6, 2010 - 11:32AM A new shore-hugging warship developed by US and Australian shipbuilders will be commissioned next week - and fighting pirates could be one of its first missions. "It is a jet ski," said US Navy Commander Curt Renshaw. Built for use in coastal or littoral waters, the 128-metre trimaran can reach sprint speeds of more than 45 knots (83 km/h). "The faster you go, the more stable it tends to get," said Renshaw, who previously commanded the USS Patriot, a mine-clearing ship, off the coast of Japan. He said the size, speed and stability of USS Independence make it ideal for chasing down modern-day pirates. The ship has an advanced computer system that allows the engines, weapons and other systems to be operated from anywhere on board, even from a laptop in Renshaw's stateroom. The Independence will be commissioned on January 16, almost exactly four years after General Dynamics and its subcontractor, Australia's Austal Ltd , began work on the craft, called a Littoral Combat Ship. Renshaw and a crew of 40 will move on board about two weeks after the commissioning, when the ship enters active service. Accepted by the Navy last month, Independence is one of two rival designs for a new class of more agile, cheaper warships. Lockheed Martin Corp's (LMT.N) first LCS ship, a more traditional monohull, went into service in late 2008 and has sailed more than 8000 nautical miles. The USS Freedom is due to deploy for the first time this year, in the Caribbean and then in the East Pacific, two years earlier than planned. Lockheed and General Dynamics are now locked in competition for 10 more ships after the Navy decided last year to proceed with just one version of the new ship. The LCS ships were designed for three main missions -- detecting mines, fighting smaller surface craft, and anti-submarine warfare. But the idea was always to make the ships more able to respond to changing military needs, such as anti-piracy, counter-narcotics and even disaster relief. Both LCS models operate with far fewer crew members than earlier warships. They use satellite broadband connections to allow certain tasks -- like keeping track of food stores on board -- to be done more efficiently from shore. The reduced crew size will be a major change for the Navy in coming years, and means that everyone on an LCS must essentially be able to do any job on board, Renshaw said. It has also prompted some unusual ideas, he said, such as possibly using robotic vacuums like those built by iRobot (IRBT.O), freeing sailors for more important jobs. |
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | January 6, 2010
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Cleveland Unions Have One Week To Accept Concessions Or Face Layoffs -- The mayor sent a total of about 160 layoff notices out just before Christmas in order to meet the a two- week notification deadline to cut employees loose after next Monday. At that time, the Cleveland Fraternal Order of Police – which represents supervisors - had rejected the mayors’ proposed concessions. Shortly after that, the Patrolman’s Union followed suit, as did the EMS union. Those votes will mean the city will lay off just under a hundred officers and paramedics, and demote several higher ranking police personnel. (This is what Bob Chapman was talking about, this past Monday on the PH).
This Year's Housing Crisis -- High unemployment rates also mean that many borrowers who did qualify for aid have been unable to keep up with even reduced monthly payments. As a result, an estimated 2.4 million foreclosed homes will be added to the existing glut in 2010, driving prices down by another 10 percent or so. That would bring the average decline nationwide to about 40 percent since the peak of the market in 2006. A renewed price drop could usher in a new grim chapter in the foreclosure crisis. Already an estimated one-third of homeowners with a mortgage — nearly 16 million people — owe more than their homes are worth; in industry parlance, they are “underwater.”
"The Patriot" movie can be watched online free -- Watch free - The Patriot film online.
States battered with record lows face more frigid weather -- The system will bring blistering cold weather and winds across the country, including many states not used to such temperatures.
Arctic freeze and snow wreak havoc across planet -- There were few precedents for the global sweep of extreme cold and ice that killed dozens in India, paralyzed life in Beijing and threatened the Florida orange crop.
Winter prediction from 2010 Farmer's Almanac -- “People on the coasts shouldn’t think they’re off the hook just because we’re predicting milder winter weather for them. Shovelry is most certainly not dead.”
Asia's worst winter in 60 years -- More than ten inches of snow covered the South Korean capital, Seoul, between the early hours of the morning and this afternoon, the heaviest fall since records began in 1937.
Bomber at CIA base was double agent -- The suicide bomber who killed eight people inside a CIA base in Afghanistan claimed to have information about Osama bin Laden's second-in -command, and was being recruited as a double agent to infiltrate al-Qaida, a former senior U.S. intelligence official and a foreign government official confirmed Monday.
Couple in New York charged for failing to register home schooled children -- The sheriff's department says the two were home schooling their four children, ages 8 to 14 years old, without the required approval from the school district.
DARPA kick starts flying car program -- Military scientists are looking to ramp up research and development of a flying military vehicle that will hold up to 4 people and have the ability to launch vertically and soar when necessary.
Cash strapped seniors in UK buy cheap used books to use for heating homes -- Some cash-strapped British pensioners are buying books from charity shops and burn them to keep warm as freezing temperatures gripped the UK, a London newspaper reported Tuesday.
Just as predicted: Drug companies now pushing vaccines for all kinds of health conditions -- Vaccine sales are expected to double in the next five years, leaping from $19 billion in 2008 to $39 billion in 2013.
Ron Paul: "This is not what America is all about" -- Dr. Paul appeared on Larry King Live last night to discuss terrorism, the TSA, and related issues.
National Guard revives Nazi oath to Hitler-always place mission first, not Constitution -- In 2003, the US Army adapted the “Soldier’s Creed” to program soldiers to shift their Oath of Enlistment from “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” to the heel-clicking, non-thinking, dictator-obeying, “I will always place the mission first.”
Military blogger Michael Yon detained by TSA thugs at Seattle airport -- Yon was escorted to a room elsewhere in the airport where he said he remained silent during much of the questioning. According to Yon, “they handcuffed me for failing to cooperate. They said I was impeding their ability to do their job.”
Personal bankruptcy filings rising fast -- Overall, personal bankruptcy filings hit 1.41 million last year, up 32% from 2008.
Monsanto named company of the year by Forbes magazine -- The publication cites Monsanto's on-going work in the field of bio-engineering to improve crop yields and feed an ever-growing world population.
Robert Rubin: All hell could break loose because of huge government debt -- The United States faces projected 10-year federal budget deficits that seriously threaten its bond market, exchange rate, economy, and the economic future of every American worker and family.
Woman developed cough that won't go away after getting swine flu vaccine -- A lot of people who have developed very severe side effects after receiving the H1N1 swine flu vaccine do not know what to do. This is the story recently posted by a reader named Dawn. She received the H1N1 swine flu vaccine about a month ago, and since then she has developed asthma (she never had it before) and she has had a severe cough.
* Mother of 8 year old regrets giving child vaccine-she now has uncontrollable body movements -- It seems like every day we receive heartbreaking stories like the one that you are about to read. Thousands upon thousands of lives are being shattered by the H1N1 swine flu vaccine and yet the mainstream media will not report on all of these horrifying side effects that people are experiencing.
Study turns up 10 autism clusters in California -- U.S. researchers have identified 10 locations in California that have double the rates of autism found in surrounding areas, and these clusters were located in neighborhoods with high concentrations of white, highly educated parents.
Obamacare: A runaway fascistic train -- Obama's healthcare legislation is not more socialism, it's fascism, pure and simple, with "our" government fronting for the private International Monetary/Banking Cartel's insurance corporations, at great expense to all taxpaying Americans, who will be receiving far less health care than ever before.
Democrat leaders plan secret health reform deliberations -- Despite their claims to the contrary, the way that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have handled the healthcare bill has been anything but transparent.
Learn Ayurveda remedies -- Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that considers mind, body, and spirit when diagnosing and treating patients.
Company receives $143 million from US government to develop anthrax treatment -- Elusys Therapeutics, Inc. (Elusys), a privately-held biopharmaceutical company, announced today that it has signed a contract potentially totaling up to $143 million to complete the final development, commercial manufacturing and licensure of Anthim, the company's late stage anthrax therapeutic.
Georgia balances budget with speeding ticket TAX! -- Drivers in Georgia were hit for the first time last Friday with a new tax on speeding tickets designed to raise between $25 and $30 million in annual revenue for the general fund.
Extended period of cold raises fears for Florida crops -- Stock up on orange juice now.
Seattle man seeks to put up tipi at Crow Creek post -- As Crow Creek Sioux tribal Chairman Brandon Sazue continues his lonely, cold vigil on contested land on his tribe’s reservation, a move is afoot to replace his aging trailer with a tipi.
Court to cops: Stop tasing people into compliance -- The physiological effects, the high levels of pain, and foreseeable risk of physical injury lead us to conclude that the X26 and similar devices are a greater intrusion than other non-lethal methods of force we have confronted.
More than 1 in 6 Tennesseans on food stamps -- More and more Tennesseans are turning to food stamps to make ends meet. Nearly 1,186,000 Tennesseans, or more than one in six residents, currently receive some kind of food stamp assistance and the number continues to climb.
Defense 2010 : conflicts, program, technologies -- (check out the interactive map of world conflicts)
Air Force completes killer microdrone project -- The Air Force Research Laboratory set out in 2008 to build the ultimate assassination robot: a tiny, armed drone for U.S. special forces to employ in terminating “high-value targets.”
1000 people homeless on Solomon Islands after tsunami -- Landslides and a tsunami destroyed the homes of about one-third of the population on one of the islands in the Solomons, but lives were likely spared as residents with memories of previous disasters fled quickly to higher ground, officials said.
* Aftershocks rattles Solomons after earthquake and tsunami -- AFTERSHOCKS continued to shake the Solomon Islands today as officials visited isolated villages a day after a powerful 7.2 magnitude quake and tsunami damaged at least 500 homes.
The airport scanner scam -- The rush toward full-body scans already seems unstoppable. Read More...
From RFID news roundup -- Germany to issue RFID enabled National ID cards in November 2010 (scroll down for story)
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams From a News Update Reader - Article about a Nebraska Artist and Really Good Guy! | | Headlines - Morning January 6, 2010Willem Buiter warns of massive dollar collapseJanuary 5th, 2010Americans must prepare themselves for a massive collapse in the dollar as investors around the world dump their US assets, a former Bank of England policymaker has warned.By Edmund Conway ‘Parasite economy’ lies behind Greek financial tragedyJanuary 5th, 2010Bronwen Maddox Today in Athens, European Commission officials are set to start poring over a new draft three-year “stability and growth” plan for Greece. They’ve rejected the old version as failing to address the country’s financial crisis, and want a new one in a fortnight so that they can give their reaction before the Ecofin meeting of finance ministers on February 16. Britain must produce more food, government to warnJanuary 5th, 2010Britain must produce more food to avoid going hungry in the future, the Government will warn this week. By Ben Leach, Rebecca Lefort and Robert Mendick Think the U.S. real estate bubble was bad? China’s could be worseJanuary 5th, 2010Mania on the Mainland By Dexter Roberts Beijing – Li Nan has real estate fever. A 27-year-old steel trader at China Minmetals, a state-owned commodities company, Li lives with his parents in a cramped 700-sq.-ft. apartment in west Beijing. Li originally planned to buy his own place when he got married, but after watching Beijing real estate prices soar, he has been spending all his free time searching for an apartment. If he finds the right place—preferably a two-bedroom in the historic Dongcheng quarter, near the city center—he hopes to buy immediately. Act now, he figures, or live with Mom and Dad forever. In the last 12 months such apartments have doubled or tripled in price, to about $400 per square foot. “This year they’ll be even higher,” says Li. Silicon Valley ‘Bloodbath’ Leaves Buildings EmptyJanuary 5th, 2010By Dan Levy Jan. 5 (Bloomberg) — Silicon Valley is beset by the biggest office property glut since the dot-com bust, leaving the U.S. technology hub with empty high-rises and office parks that make it impossible for landlords to sustain average rents. IRS to be Deployed to Force Americans to Buy Health InsuranceJanuary 5th, 2010Health bills could expand IRS role By Phil Galewitz and Christopher Weaver Internal Revenue Service agents already try to catch tax cheats and moonshiners. Under the proposed health care legislation, they would get another assignment: checking to see whether Americans have health insurance. 2010 Financial Markets and Economic Tipping Point ForecastJanuary 5th, 2010By: James Quinn For the last week or two “experts” and pundits have been making their forecasts for 2010. I always take these forecasts with a grain of salt. The people making the forecasts generally have some skin in the game and will tailor their forecast to benefit their particular agenda or investment portfolio. I pride myself on dishing out punishment to both political parties and most investment shills. I will take on the thankless task of predicting the future. Below are my prognostications in the areas of the economy, domestic politics, global geopolitics, and the investment markets. The Gates of Hell Have OpenedJanuary 5th, 2010by Bob Clark The abyss is widening, many have already fallen in. The Fat Boys at Goldman say they are doing God’s work, do they really believe that. Maybe they know dark secrets we are not privy to. What does God’s work entail? Stopping fear and panic? Holding up asset prices and presenting the illusion of a stable, recovering economy? If they fail, then hell will follow. The Grand Placebo: Airport security and The Terrorist GenieJanuary 5th, 2010by Binoy Kampmark The authorities in Britain and the United States are scrambling. They hope to find answers as to how the 23-year-old engineering student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab managed to elude and almost detonate himself on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit. Even his family in Nigeria had contacted US security officials, voicing ‘concerns’ about their son’s radicalization. Their son’s sojourn to the Yemen, a key al-Qaida ground, was mentioned. Ron Paul “This Is Not What America Is All About!”January 5th, 2010Dr. Paul appeared on Larry King Live last night to discuss terrorism, the TSA, and related issues Military-Industrial Complex Set To Make A Killing From Body ScannersJanuary 5th, 2010Huge defense contractor lands indefinite contract to supply naked imaging machines Steve Watson If we are all under suspicion, then we are all threatenedJanuary 5th, 2010Dominic Lawson Even were I to live within walking distance of the Queen’s Sandringham estate, it would never occur to me to spend any part of Christmas Day standing outside its church to take photographs of attendant members of the Royal Family. Yet, odd as such behaviour might seem – it’s not as if the media don’t produce film and pictures from the same event, saving everyone else the trouble – it is about as harmless as anything can be. Confusion reigns as US security is stepped upJanuary 5th, 2010Black-listed nations accuse US of knee-jerk racism over imposition of tighter measures to combat terrorism By Guy Adams New scanners break child porn lawsJanuary 5th, 2010MailandGuardianOnline The rapid introduction of full body scanners at British airports threatens to breach child protection laws which ban the creation of indecent images of children, the Guardian has learned. Global Bear Rally Will Deflate as Japan Leads World in Sovereign Bond CrisisJanuary 5th, 2010Milton Keynes will be vindicated. Lord Keynes will lose some of his new-found gloss. The Krugman doctrine that we should all spend our way back to health by pushing deficits to the brink of a debt spiral – or beyond the brink – will be seen as dangerous. Nouriel Roubini’s Worst Call EverJanuary 5th, 2010Rogers and Roubini present the clash of the gurus. By Christopher Barker Talk about laying your reputation on the line! It takes serious guts to call a top in a nine-year bull market for gold, and a flair for controversy to do so while suggesting that those who think otherwise “delude themselves.” That is precisely what upstart uber-economist Nouriel Roubini has done, but I predict he will find himself gobbling down a guru-sized slice of humble pie as subsequent chapters of gold’s epic revaluation unfold. Keynesianism Delivers a Decade of ZeroJanuary 5th, 2010by Ron Paul This past week we celebrated the end of what most people agree was a decade best forgotten. New York Times columnist and leading Keynesian economist Paul Krugman called it the Big Zero in a recent column. He wrote that “there was a whole lot of nothing going on in measures of economic progress or success” which is true. However, Krugman continues to misleadingly blame the free market and supposed lack of regulation for the economic chaos. SEN. SCHUMER’S “COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM” BILL WORSE THAN 9/11?January 5th, 2010By Michael Cutler A news article “Chicago immigration agency a front for terror plot…” in the Chicago Tribune addresses one of the major issues I have been hammering ever since I went public in the days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001- vulnerabilities in the process by which applications for visas and immigration benefits are adjudicated, encouraging massive levels of fraud and consequently a huge threat to national security. In this case the focus is on an individual by the name of Tahawwur Hussain Rana, the owner of First World Immigration Services that, according to federal prosecutors was involved in procuring visas for citizens of Pakistan by lying on their applications for visas. Fraud can be thought of as a lie placed on an application concerning a material fact that, had the truth been known, would have prevented the applicant from receiving the benefit he (she) applied for. IT’S TIME TO DECIDEJanuary 5th, 2010By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD. If the current version of the US Constitution, as construed and applied by the federal government (in every branch) over the past 220 years, were reduced to writing in the form of a new constitution (the original language and meaning of the US Constitution notwithstanding), would the people of the states, as they existed in 1787, ratify the constitution? I think you would have to be utterly void of understanding of the principles of a constitutional federative republic and void of the history of our country and forefathers to state that such a constitution would be ratified today. NAMBLA-GATE: THE STRANGE CASE OF KEVIN JENNINGSJanuary 5th, 2010PART 1 By Cliff Kincaid Harry Hay, who “inspired” Obama-appointed Education Department official Kevin Jennings to lead a life of homosexual activism, was not only a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) but a prominent member of the Communist Party USA and “Radical Faerie” who believed in the power of the occult. |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 6, 2010 AT 6:28 AM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UN rushes aid to tsunami victims in Solomon Islands (video)
A volcanologist from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo says the Nyamulagira volcano which erupted in Virunga National Park early on Sunday is still spewing lava. The lava flows are not known to have threatened large populated areas. (Jan. 5) (The Associated Press) Update time = Wed Jan 6 13:32:57 UTC 2010
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map |
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 05 Jan 2010
Return of Yemeni detainees at Guantanamo Bay is suspended 05 Jan 2010 The Obama administration said Tuesday that it is suspending the repatriation of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay to Yemen, where a deteriorating security situation driven by a branch of al-Qaeda has stoked fears that detainees could join -- or rejoin -- the terrorist organization if released. The decision means that at least 30 Yemenis who were cleared for release by a Justice Department-led inter-agency review could face many more months in detention.
US spy effort in Afghanistan 'ignorant'- US report --U.S. military official says U.S. intelligence 'hazy' --Report says spies too focused on killing insurgents 05 Jan 2010 The U.S. military's intelligence chief in Afghanistan sharply criticized the work of U.S. spy agencies there on Monday, calling them ignorant and out of touch with the Afghan people. In a report issued by the Center for New American Security think tank, Major General Michael Flynn, deputy chief of staff for intelligence in Afghanistan for the U.S. military and its NATO allies, offered a bleak assessment of the intelligence community's role in the 8-year-old war.
Germany knows nothing of alleged CIA murder plot 05 Jan 2010 The German government said on Monday it knew nothing about a magazine report that the CIA had planned a secret operation to kill a German-Syrian in Hamburg linked to the September 11 attacks on U.S. targets. The U.S. magazine Vanity Fair had reported that the CIA had in 2004 sent a team from the private security firm terrorist group Blackwater, now Xe, to Hamburg to kill Mamoun Darkazanli, who was investigated for years by German authorities on suspicion of links to al Qaeda. January's edition of the magazine cited a source familiar with the program as saying the mission had been kept secret from the German government.
Iraq to sue Blackwater on behalf of victims 05 Jan 2010 Iraq said Tuesday it will seek justice against Blackwater on behalf of the families of those who were killed at Baghdad shooting in 2007. Government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said the cabinet has decided to open new case against five Blackwater guards who opened fire at Iraqi civilians, killing 17 at a Baghdad traffic circle in 2007.
Judge Weighs Misconduct Finding in Blackwater Case --Judge weighs misconduct finding for Blackwater prosecutors accused of withholding evidence 04 Jan 2010 Prosecutors who mishandled the investigation into a deadly 2007 Blackwater Worldwide shooting face a possible misconduct citation from a judge who says they withheld evidence and violated the guards' constitutional rights. U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina admonished the Justice Department last week for its "reckless" handling of the investigation into a shooting that left 17 Iraqis dead. He threw out manslaughter and weapons charges against five security guards mercenaries and, in a footnote, said he was also considering whether the repeated government missteps amounted to misconduct.
Bomber who hit CIA base was triple agent: militants 04 Jan 2010 A suicide bomber who killed eight people at a CIA base in Afghanistan was an Al-Qaeda triple agent who duped Western intelligence services for months before turning on his handlers, jihadist websites boasted on Tuesday. The Jordanian intelligence services, believing the bomber to be their double agent, brought him to eastern Afghanistan with the mission of finding Al-Qaeda number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the websites and Western intelligence agents cited by US media said. But instead he blew himself up at Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost province near the Pakistani border, killing seven CIA agents and his Jordanian handler, a top intelligence officer and member of the royal family.
Bomber at C.I.A. Base Had Ties to Jordan Spy Agency 05 Jan 2010 The suicide bomber who killed seven C.I.A. officers and one Jordanian intelligence officer last week in southeastern Afghanistan was an asset of the Jordanian intelligence service who had been brought to Afghanistan to help hunt top members of the 'Qaeda' network, according to a Western official briefed on the matter. The bomber had been arrested in Jordan and recruited by that country’s intelligence service -- which believed that it had turned him into an ally -- and then brought to Afghanistan to infiltrate the Qaeda organization by posing as a foreign jihadi.
Tensions grow as US heightens role in Yemen 05 Jan 2010 Friction emerged Tuesday in the growing alliance with the Yemeni government as the U.S. Embassy ended a two-day closure triggered by a terror threat from al-Qaida [al-CIAduh]. The Yemen government, which sent thousand of troops this week to remote provinces where al-Qaida has set up strongholds, has been angered by suggestions the state is too weakened to handle the fight against terrorists.
US warns of global Yemen threat 05 Jan 2010 The US secretary of state, has warned that Yemen poses a global threat and has offered US support in the Yemeni government's fight against al-Qaeda. Hillary Clinton's comments came ahead of news on Tuesday that the US had reopened its embassy in Sanaa, Yemen's capital, closed days earlier in response to what it said were al-Qaeda threats.
Obama Says Government Knew of "Other Red Flags" in Terror Threat 06 Jan 2010 President Obama said Tuesday that the United States government had sufficient information to uncover the terror plot to bring down an airplane on Christmas Day, but intelligence officials "failed to connect those dots" that would have prevented the young Nigerian man from boarding the plane in Amsterdam. "This was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had," Mr. Obama said after a two-hour meeting with his national security team at the White House.
Obama: U.S. Intelligence Should Have 'Uncovered' Christmas Day Plot 05 Jan 2010 President Obama said Tuesday that U.S. intelligence had enough information to uncover the terrorist plot to bomb a Northwest Airlines flight but "failed" to piece it all together before the suspect boarded a plane for Detroit armed with explosives. The president, who spoke after meeting with top officials to discuss internal reviews of the attempted bombing Christmas Day, said the suspect's name should have been added to the no-fly list based on information available about him. He said the government will quickly make changes to ensure future attempts are thwarted.
New airport scanners break child porn laws 04 Jan 2010 The rapid introduction of full body scanners at British airports threatens to breach child protection laws which ban the creation of indecent images of children, the Guardian has learned. Privacy campaigners claim the images created by the machines are so graphic they amount to "virtual strip-searching" and have called for safeguards to protect the privacy of passengers involved. Ministers now face having to exempt under 18s from the scans or face the delays of introducing new legislation to ensure airport security staff do not commit offences under child pornography laws. [Oops! Looks like scanner pimp Michael Chertoff has a problem. The 'real' al-Qaeda must be laughing its ass off!]
Ex-Homeland Security chief head said to abuse public trust by touting body scanners 01 Jan 2010 Since the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has given dozens of media interviews touting the need for the federal government to buy more full-body scanners for airports. What he has made little mention of is that the Chertoff Group, his security consulting agency, includes a client that manufactures the machines. An airport passengers' rights group on Thursday criticized Chertoff, who left office less than a year ago, for using his former government credentials to advocate for a product that benefits his clients.
Dozens of Names Shifted to No-Fly List 05 Jan 2010 The Obama administration has transferred dozens of names from a broad terrorism database to watch lists that are more closely monitored in an effort to plug security holes revealed by the Christmas Day airline-bombing attempt. President Barack Obama met Monday with White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan, National Security Adviser James Jones and Deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon ahead of a broader security team meeting Tuesday.
U.S. adds dozens to terrorist watch, no-fly lists 04 Jan 2010 The government has added dozens of people to the lists of suspected terrorists and those barred from U.S.-bound flights. The addition of more names to the government’s terrorist watch and no-fly lists came after U.S. officials closely scrutinized a larger database of suspected terrorists, an intelligence official said Monday. People on the watch list get additional checking before they are allowed to enter this country; those on the no-fly list are barred from boarding aircraft in or headed for the United States.
Nigeria says US enhanced screening list 'unfair' 04 Jan 2010 The Nigerian government has said that the West African country's inclusion on the US enhanced screening-list released on Monday is "unfair." The fourteen nations listed on the enhanced watch-list are Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria along with what the US calls "countries of interest," Afghanistan, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The remaining countries are Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Lebanon and Iraq, though these four have not been officially confirmed.
UK airports to introduce new bomb detection equipment 05 Jan 2010 Body scanners are to be introduced at Heathrow Airport in about three weeks, Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said. He also told the House of Commons that all UK airports must have new "explosion trace detection equipment" by the end of the year. His comments follow an attempt to blow up a US airliner on Christmas Day.
Attorney General Baroness Scotland may block Israeli war crimes warrants 05 Jan 2010 The Attorney General could be given a veto over arrest warrants for foreign leaders in an attempt to placate Israeli ministers who fear war crimes prosecutions if they visit Britain. Baroness Scotland of Asthal, who is in Jerusalem, discussed an amendment to British law that would give her office the power to review arrest warrants in private prosecutions against political figures, according to Foreign Ministry sources.
British government will fight legal attempts to indict Israeli leaders in UK --Baroness Scotland announces plans to alter laws after attempts to obtain warrants against Israeli generals for war crimes 05 Jan 2010 The government is determined to protect high-ranking Israeli officials from arrest in the UK, the attorney general said, as it emerged that a further visit by the Israeli military had been cancelled. Speaking at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem today, Baroness Scotland said Israeli leaders should not face arrest for war crimes under the law of "universal jurisdiction", following attempts by British lawyers last month to obtain a warrant for the former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.
Arrest warrants keep Israeli team away from UK 05 Jan 2010 Israel canceled a delegation of senior military officers to Britain last week after the UK failed to guarantee that they would not be arrested over alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip. Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported Tuesday that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs appealed to the British government to ensure that the officers, including a colonel, lieutenant colonel and a major, would be able to stay in the country without arrest fear.
Rights group slams planned 'Israelis only' highway in West Bank 05 Jan 2010 Less than a week after Israel's highest court ordered the state to lift its ban on Palestinian motorists from a highway that stretches into the West Bank, left-wing activists are denouncing new plans on Tuesday to build a road on West Bank land which they claim is intended for use by Israelis only. According to an Army Radio report, planning officials are diligently laying the groundwork for Highway 20, an artery which will connect Highway 443 with the northern neighborhoods of Jerusalem, including Pisgat Ze'ev.
Iran bans contact with groups involved in soft war 05 Jan 2010 Iran has banned Iranian citizens from cooperating with 60 international institutions and a number of media outlets due to their involvement in the post-election unrest. Iran's deputy intelligence minister for foreign affairs announced on Monday that 60 European and US foundations and institutions played a role in inciting post-election violence in the Islamic Republic.
KBR Awarded Construction Contract for U.S. Federal Building and Courthouse 04 Jan 2010 KBR today announced that its Building Group, has been awarded a $46.96 million contract by the U.S. General Services Administration to provide construction management services for a new United States Federal Building and Courthouse in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The building, designed to achieve LEED® Silver certification, replaces an outdated existing facility.
U.S. Feared Spectacular Terror Attack at Obama's Inauguration 05 Jan 2010 Security officials are said to have been highly concerned that extremists were traveling from Somalia to set off explosives as Barack Obama took the oath of office. As millions converged on Washington last year to witness the inauguration of President Barack Obama, security officials were concerned that among them were extremists traveling from Somalia to set off explosives as Obama took the oath of office. A report in The New York Times, to coincide with the first anniversary of Obama's inauguration, says that for 72 hours before the new president was sworn in intelligence agencies worked around the clock trying to figure out whether the threat was real and what, if anything, should be done if a terrorist struck while millions watched on the Mall and tens of millions more saw the ceremony on television.
Was Swine Flu a False Pandemic? 04 Jan 2010 That’s the contention by more than a dozen members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which reportedly plans to conduct an inquiry into the influence that drugmakers may have had on the World Health Organization, scientists and governments. A resolution was introduced last month by Wolfgang Wodarg, a member of Germany’s Social Democratic Party who chairs the PACE health committee, and it reads: "In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide. They have made them squander tight health care resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines... The definition of an alarming pandemic must not be under the influence of drugsellers."
Europe seeks to offload flu vaccines 05 Jan 2010 Western European countries, including Switzerland, are queuing up to shift surplus stocks of the [deadly] H1N1 flu vaccine after low public demand. Amid controversy over its costly swine flu vaccine campaign, France said on Monday it wanted to cancel 50 million of the 94 million doses it had ordered because of over-supply. These latest moves could hit drugmakers' profits, say analysts.
France cancels orders for 50 mln A/H1N1 flu vaccine doses 05 Jan 2010 Amid the controversy over the costly A/H1N1 flu vaccination campaign in France, the Health Ministry on Monday announced the cancellation of 50 million doses of vaccine against the epidemic, more than half of what the government had initially ordered. "I have cancelled 50 million doses," French Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot said on TF1 television, adding that those doses had not been paid or delivered.
Mega barf alert! Insect Cells Provide the Key to Alternative Swine Flu Vaccination 04 Jan 2010 Scientists in Vienna have developed a new technique for producing vaccines for H1N1 -- so-called swine flu -- based on insect cells. The research, published in the Biotechnology Journal, reveals how influenza vaccines can be produced faster than through the traditional method of egg-based production, revealing a new strategy for the fight against influenza pandemics.
Scientists warn of rise in diseases spread from animals to humans 04 Jan 2010 Climate change and environmental disruption are spawning a host of new diseases being passed from animals pharmaterrorists to humans, scientists have warned. At least 45 such diseases have been reported to UN agencies over the past two decades and more are expected to be identified in coming years. Experts at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington claim that the world is braced for an increase in outbreaks due to global warming and changes in land use and farming practices.
US House Leaders Back Off Public Health Insurance Option 05 Jan 2010 U.S. House leaders signaled Tuesday they are willing to agree to a final health overhaul bill without a government-run health insurance option if other parts of the bill would fulfill the same goals. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said after meeting with senior House Democrats that the bill must meet the test of "holding insurance companies accountable," whether or not it includes a public option.
Secret Service confirms third crasher at White House state dinner 05 Jan 2010 Another uninvited guest made it into the White House state dinner made famous by gate-crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi, the Secret Service announced Monday -- exposing more holes in the security perimeter around President Obama. Many of the key details have not been officially released: the man's name [Carlos Allen, a D.C. party promoter], how he came to be with the group of diplomats and how close he got to the president and first lady.
Two Killed in Las Vegas Courthouse 05 Jan 2010 A gunman in a black trench coat opened fire Monday morning in the lobby of the Federal Courthouse in downtown Las Vegas, killing a court security officer and wounding a deputy United States marshal before fleeing. He was then shot in the head and killed nearby. The building is a huge structure that houses federal courts as well as other agencies, including the offices of Senators Harry Reid, the Democratic majority leader, and John Ensign, a Republican.
Courthouse gunman lost Social Security case, official says 05 Jan 2010 A man who lost a recent Social Security claim opened fire with a shotgun in a federal courthouse Monday, killing a court security officer and injuring a deputy U.S. marshal, authorities said. Law enforcement officials speaking on condition of anonymity identified the man as Johnny Wicks, a Las Vegas resident. The FBI said the black-clad man walked into the lobby of the Las Vegas federal courthouse, pulled a shotgun from underneath his jacket and began shooting.
Keepers Discover Newborn Cub Inside Toledo Zoo's Polar Bear Den 05 Jan 2010 The Toledo Zoo is pleased to announce the birth of a polar bear cub on Thursday, December 3. Eleven-year-old mother Crystal is caring for the cub in a den area off-exhibit, and the Zoo’s animal care staff is continuously monitoring the cub’s progress. The cub was one of two born that day; the other cub only survived for a few days.
Previous lead stories: Six trucks of explosives 'disappear' in Yemen 04 Jan 2010 Fears of a terrorist strike against Western embassies in Yemen have grown amid claims a convoy of lorries laden with explosives had been smuggled into the country's capital city, Sana'a. In an apparently botched surveillance operation, militants [?] driving six trucks filled with weapons and ordnance succeeded in giving security forces the slip as they entered the city, according to local media. The revelations came as western diplomatic missions in Sana'a went into lockdown following threats from al-Qaeda's Yemeni affiliate, which has taken responsibility for a failed attempt to blow up an airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day.
Yemen seizes 'Israel-linked' cell 07 Oct 2008 Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said the security forces have arrested a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence. Mr Saleh did not say what evidence had been found to show the group's links with Israel, a regional enemy of Yemen. The arrests were connected with an attack on the US embassy in Sanaa last month which killed at least 18 people, official sources were quoted saying. [Hmm. Guess they didn't get the whole cell.]
US tightens security for air passengers from 'terror sponsor' countries 03 Jan 2010 US authorities on Sunday tightened security measures for all US-bound airline passengers, including enhanced mandatory screening of travellers from 14 countries believed to have links to terrorism. Travellers from countries the US classifies as "state sponsors of terrorism" - Syria, Iran, Sudan, and Cuba [Oops! They forgot the US and Israel] - plus passengers from other "countries of interest" - Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen - will be subjected to pat-down body searches and have carry-on baggage searched. Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia are also covered by the new directive, but a complete list of countries was not released.
Study: Antidepressants, Placebos Near Equally EffectiveABC News - - 1 hour ago A new analysis found that commonly prescribed antidepressants had little effect on people with cases of mild to severe depression compared to those treated with placebos. Antidepressants Are Most Effective Against Severe Depression SmartAboutHealth |
Today in History Wednesday January 6, 2010
| | Today's Featured Stories - January 6, 2010
When it comes to soy, don't blame the bean; blame the processing (NaturalNews) One of the strangest behaviors I've ever seen in the natural health crowd is something I call "Soy Rage." It's an angry reaction that wells up in some people every time they hear me recommend natural, non-GMO, home-made soy milk. People... |
Disinfectants may turn potentially deadly germs into superbugs (NaturalNews) The opportunistic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is increasingly recognized as a cause of severe nosocomial infections -- those are infections people contract as a result of treatment in a hospital or other medical center... |
Just as Predicted: Drug Companies Now Pushing Vaccines for All Kinds of Health Conditions (NaturalNews) The growing lull in drug sales over the past several years has driven the industry to ramp up its efforts in the vaccine department. Once a dying segment of the drug market, vaccines are back in the limelight as drug manufacturers... |
Use Mullein Verbascum to Heal Ear Aches and Ulcers The Verbascum or Mullein family of plants is one of the oldest known medicinal plants. They have been used in herbal medicine around the world for inflammation in many parts of the body, including the lungs, the ears, the kidneys and the... |
Broccoli Protects Your Arteries (NaturalNews) The health benefits of broccoli and related vegetables may come in part from a chemical known as sulforaphane, which appears to activate a specific heart-protecting protein, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College... |
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health: Pumpkin Seeds Expel Parasites In ancient China, people used an herb called Nan Gua Zi - pumpkin seeds - to expel parasites, especially tapeworm and roundworm. Today parasites may be more of a problem than commonly thought. In Healing With Whole Foods, Paul... |
Boost Your Immune System with Smoothies Beginning of the school year, rumors of the swine flu sparked great fear around the world. As viruses and bacteria begin to spread like wild fire throughout our communities, you are probably searching for the best immune system supplements... |
Learn Ayurveda Remedies Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that considers mind, body, and spirit when diagnosing and treating patients. It is the traditional system of medicine in India and has been practiced for 3,000 years. The word ayurveda means "wisdom... |
Window cleaning chemical injected into fast food hamburger meat (NaturalNews) If you're in the beef business, what do you do with all the extra cow parts and trimmings that have traditionally been sold off for use in pet food? You scrape them together into a pink mass, inject them with a chemical to kill the e.coli... |
Your vote is requested (again) for the Reader's Choice "Best Superfood Powder" of 2009 award (NaturalNews) Our "Best of 2009" awards survey has attracted a tremendous amount of attention (and action) on the part of readers, health-conscious consumers and even some of the companies mentioned in the survey. The competition among the products nominated... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- The airport scanner scam explained
- Autism clusters match perfectly with children who receive vaccine injections
- Pomegranates prevent breast cancer, research shows yet again
- Health reform bill steals from the young to cover sick care costs of the elderly
- Antidepressants simply don't work on most patients, study finds
- Democratics to pursue secret health care reform deliberations
- Nearly 17,000 chemicals remain corporate secrets - even EPA doesn't know what they are
- France cancels 50 million flu shot orders
- The 15 most heinous climate villains
- Bayer pesticide banned over threat to honeybees
- Whole Foods being slowly taken over by profit-minded corporate suits
- Corruption of physicians by Big Pharma now "limited" to $500 an hour
See all Top Headlines...
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