It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Morning - January 4, 2010 |
Monday morning ... and I'm not running real early today with morning updates ... will be 'noon' updates the rate I am going. Seems the world has awakened from their holiday break and now trying to catch up. The killing of 700 civilians now by US drones in Pakistan is perhaps on the top of my list of 'news articles' - but you can be sure mainstream bought-off media will not be focusing upon that inhuman statistic that discloses our corrupt government and the military-industrial-banking complex. Monday morning: MY VERY NAUGHTY WHITE TIP TAIL SQUIRREL |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
The Many Uses of Duct Tape "Duct tape is like the force: It has a dark side and a light side and it holds the universe together." - Carl Zwanzig |
Blagojevich Competing on Donald Trump's `Celebrity Apprentice'
Pakistan: Over 700 civilians killed by US drone strikes January 3, 2010 PESHAWAR: Of the 44 predator strikes carried out by US drones in the tribal areas of Pakistan over the past 12 months, only five were able to hit their actual targets, killing five key Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders, but at the cost of over 700 innocent civilians.
According to the statistics compiled by Pakistani authorities, the Afghanistan-based US drones killed 708 people in 44 predator attacks targeting the tribal areas between January 1 and December 31, 2009.
For each Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorist killed by US drones, 140 innocent Pakistanis also had to die. Over 90 per cent of those killed in the deadly missile strikes were civilians, claim authorities.
The success percentage for the drone hits during 2009 was hardly 11 per cent. On average, 58 civilians were killed in these attacks every month, 12 persons every week and almost two people every day. Most of the attacks were carried out on the basis of human intelligence, reportedly provided by the Pakistani and Afghan tribesmen, who are spying for the US-led allied forces in Afghanistan.
Of the five successful predator attacks carried out in 2009, the first one came on January 1, which reportedly killed two senior al-Qaeda leaders – Usama al-Kin and Sheikh Ahmed Salim – both wanted by the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Kin was the chief operational commander of Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and had replaced Abu Faraj Al Libi after his arrest in 2004.
The second successful drone attack was conducted on August 5 in South Waziristan that killed the most wanted fugitive chief of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Baitullah Mehsud along with his wife.
The US State Department had announces a $5million head money for information leading to Baitullah, making him the only Pakistani fugitive with the head money separately announced by Islamabad and Washington. –DawnNews |
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | January 4, 2010
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Baby it's cold outside! Extreme cold grip most of US -- Get Ready!! Residents of the Northeast will have to endure more chilly wind through the middle of next week.
* Iowa 30 degrees below normal -- Temperatures stayed below zero for much of Saturday. Des Moines was at minus-1 by 3 p.m.
* Wind chill temperature map
* What global warming? -- as Britain struggles to cope with the freezing weather conditions, other countries throughout the world are also finding themselves in the same predicament.
Device turns thought into speech -- Scientists have successfully tested a system that translates brain waves into speech, raising the prospect that people left mute by stroke, Lou Gehrig's disease and other afflictions will one day be able to communicate by synthetic voice.
150 more full-body scanners to go in U.S. airports -- One hundred and fifty new full-body scanning machines are set to be placed in airports across the United States as federal authorities work to close security loopholes exposed by the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a U.S.-bound airliner.
* Passengers on US bound flights face more screening -- Beginning Monday, air travelers flying into the United States from Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Yemen and other "countries of interest" will be subjected to enhanced screening techniques, such as body scans, pat-downs and a thorough search of carry-on luggage.
Man skirts NJ screening, delaying flights -- A man walked through a screening checkpoint exit into the secure side of a terminal at one of the nation's busiest airports on Sunday night, and flights were grounded for hours and passengers had to be re-screened while air safety officials searched for him.(and of course they did not find him)
Use of potentially harmful chemicals kept secret under law -- Of the 84,000 chemicals in commercial use in the United States -- from flame retardants in furniture to household cleaners -- nearly 20 percent are secret, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, their names and physical properties guarded from consumers and virtually all public officials under a little-known federal provision.
Thought For The Day from our friend Mike Tawse in the UK -- Choose For Today With Care - Do not fear the past; you have already survived it, and its lessons may deepen your understanding. Do not fear the future; you have not reached it, but its potential may inspire your resolve. You may choose to change today, but choose with care; by tomorrow your choices will be the lessons of yesterday.
December layoffs, bankruptcies & closings
Americans want to be slaves -- Unfortunately, the American ideal has faded in the minds of many. Many no longer know what they are throwing away. It is only when it is gone that they will wake up and realize that the noose is already too tight for escape.
Cherry juice helps arthritis; Vitamin D boosts immune system
WHO: H1N1 may mot be conquered until 2011 -- According to the head of the World Health Organization on Tuesday, the H1N1 flu pandemic may not be conquered until 2011, and continued attention to the virus will be need to be regarded as it still can mutate.
WHO chief has not had her H1N1 vaccine yet...(wonder why?) -- World Health Organization chief Margaret Chan revealed Tuesday that she has yet to be vaccinated against the swine flu virus, which has killed over 11,500 people world-wide.
China tells women to delay pregnancy until H1N1 is over -- Women were advised to delay getting pregnant until after the A(H1N1) flu risk drops, the Ministry of Health said on its website.
Pakistan: Over 700 civilians killed by US drone strikes -- Of the 44 predator strikes carried out by US drones in the tribal areas of Pakistan over the past 12 months, only five were able to hit their actual targets, killing five key Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders, but at the cost of over 700 innocent civilians. According to the statistics compiled by Pakistani authorities, the Afghanistan-based US drones killed 708 people in 44 predator attacks targeting the tribal areas between January 1 and December 31, 2009.
Once again, Wall Street gets big bonuses; $23 billion just at Goldman Sachs -- Along with Wall Street’s resurgent bonuses will come a jump in an ancillary benefit: tax breaks.
While 6 million list food stamps as only income -- State data collected by The New York Times and published Sunday shows these Americans claim that food stamps are the only income they have -- they say they receive no welfare benefits, pensions, unemployment insurance, disability pay or child support.
January effect may set market's tone for new year -- The stock market faces a big test as 2010 trading gets under way: whether its performance will be lifted by the phenomenon known as the January effect, or squelched by uncertainty about the economy.
Health bill could expand role of IRS -- Internal Revenue Service agents already try to catch tax cheats and moonshiners. Under the proposed health care legislation, they would get another assignment: checking to see whether Americans have health insurance.
Is the US government buying stocks? -- Has it happened? Has the government or it's primary dealers really purchased stocks? Read More...
Losing weight cures sleep apnea -- A recent study conducted by scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have found that simple weight loss is an effective treatment for sleep apnea in obese men. Published in the British Medical Journal, the study revealed a 50-percent reduction in sleep apnea cases following a rigorous weight-loss regimen where each participant lost an average of nearly 42 pounds throughout the course of the study.
Man almost dies from one spray of deodorant -- Suffers allergic reaction!
Warning: pet food contaminated with high levels of fluoride -- A study conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found high levels of fluoride contamination in eight major national brands of dog food, raising concerns that pets may be at risk of bone cancers and other consequences of fluoride exposure.
Organic or not? -- These foods are not always what consumers think they are. Some are not chemical or pesticide free. Health benefits are questionable. Only certain thing? They cost more.
Safety of beef processing method is questioned -- Eight years ago, federal officials were struggling to remove potentially deadly E. coli from hamburgers when an entrepreneurial company from South Dakota came up with a novel idea: injecting beef with ammonia.
Transportation Worker Identity Card now acceptable for ID at military bases -- The Transportation Worker Identification Credential recently became acceptable ID for trucks visiting military bases.
US shuts embassy as al-qaeda plans attack in Yemen -- The US has indications that al-Qaeda is planning an attack in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, President Barack Obama's top counter-terrorism adviser has said.
Air passengers face two body searches -- A study published by the University of Babel, came out with staggering figures regarding the levels of Poverty in Iraq.
Student sleuths using DNA reveal zoo of 95 species in NYC homes and new evidence of food fraud -- Two New York City high school students exploring their homes using the latest high-tech DNA analysis techniques were astonished to discover a veritable zoo of 95 animal species surrounding them, in everything from fridges to furniture, from sidewalks to shipping boxes, and from feather dusters to floor corners.
Are planned airport scanners a scam? -- The explosive device smuggled in the clothing of the Detroit bomb suspect would not have been detected by body-scanners set to be introduced in British airports, an expert on the technology warned last night.
Poverty in the new Iraq -- A study published by the University of Babel, came out with staggering figures regarding the levels of Poverty in Iraq. Read More...
House Bill authorizes $4 trillion for next bailout, but tells Congress to shut up -- “Best of all,” writes Reilly, “the bill contains a provision that, in the event of another government request for emergency aid to prop up the financial system, debate in Congress be limited to just 10 hours. Anything that can get Congress to shut up can’t be all bad.”
Are US forces executing kids in Afghanistan? -- Read the report on the incident that ran in the Times of London.
News to catch up on from the holiday break that may have been missed or buried due to the underwear plane attack distraction! (broken down into categories)
War & military:
* Afghan soldier kills US service member at army base
* US military is exhausted
* Video: US soldiers are waking up!
* Hillary Clinton: We'll still be in Afghanistan in 50-60 years
* Afghan civilians 'shot dead' by foreign forces
* Pentagon spending for war exceeds that of all states governments
* America charity using recycled (du contaminated) material from the war in Gaza
* Uranium weapons, low level radiation and deformed babies
* Rothchild's control: working toward a real robot army
* Medical experiments on US soldiers video
* Bankers get $4 trillion gift from Barney Frank
* Congress raises debt ceiling to $12.4 trillion
* Nullification of health care reform sought in several states
Native American:
* Native Americans suffer in brutal winter, and as usual, ignored
* Remove the Wounded Knee Massacre Ribbon from the US Army Flag!
* Chevron using 6 public relations firms to discredit indigenous groups in $27.3 billion environmental case in Ecuador
* GM seeds threaten world food supply
* Monsanto, BigAg has troubling control over seed market
* Study proves three corn Monsanto's corn varieties noxiousness to the organism
* Seed shortage in 2010?
* Health Canada proposes putting anti cancer drug into potatochips & french fries.EWWWW!!!!!
* Ritalin linked with sudden death of children
* Side effects of dental ceramics
* The search for an endangered mushroom that can cure smallpox, TB & bird flu
* Vitamin C is key to creating stem cells
* Your food is being sprayed with viruses and the FDA is ok with that
* EPA announces plans to require disclosure of secret pesticide ingredients
Plane attack:
* Family survives terrorist attempt on plane -- Patricia also expressed anger toward the airline for how she feels they were treated after the flight.
"We're very frustrated with Delta because, once we finally got released and we were able to go, of course, everybody missed their flights, but they did not help us in one way. We were just thrown out there. We had to scramble and look for flights, try to rent cars, whatever we could do. That was very disappointing to us."
* Whistleblowers had tried to warn of plane attacks during Bush administration - Fired airline whistleblowers suppressed for attempts to keep passengers safe before and since 911 are warning passengers that air safety breaches have reached epidemic proportions
* Full body scanners to fry travelers with radiation
* Travelers choice: shed shyness for security
* TSA subpoenas bloggers, demands sources -- the Transportation Security Administration is going after bloggers who wrote about a directive to increase security after the incident.
This one is a must read...There is an area not far from me (Nina) where they built these HUGE warehouses and there are many of them. They go for miles and many of them are empty. You can see them from GoogleEarth. They are near Fogelsville PA near route 100 and I-78. I have often wondered what they may be used for now & in the future.
America's secret ICE castles
* UN poised for a gxx grab
* Arrow Trucking company collapsed before Christmas, cut off fuel cards & left drivers stranded
* Walmart sued for secret bathroom surveillance
* Wecome to Orwell's world 2010
China and the other Brics will rebuild a new world economic order January 3rd, 2010 Five emerging nations – and booming countries across Asia – are set to overtake America and Europe | | Morning Headlines - January 4, 2010
Lining Up for the Wall Street Gravy Train
January 4th, 2010by Mike Whitney
Global ResearchJanuary 4, 2010
British economist John Maynard Keynes, believed in capitalism, but he was also sharply critical of its structural flaws. He summed it up succinctly like this:
Social Unrest and Global States of Combustibility 2010
January 4th, 2010By: Mac Slavo
Market Oracle
The Economist says that 2010 could be a year the sparks unrest in the Global Tinderbox: “IF THE world appears to have escaped relatively unscathed by social unrest in 2009, despite suffering the worst recession since the 1930s, it might just prove the lull before the storm. Despite a tentative global recovery, for many people around the world economic and social conditions will continue to deteriorate in 2010. An estimated 60m people worldwide will lose their jobs. Poverty rates will continue to rise, with 200m people at risk of joining the ranks of those living on less than $2 a day. But poverty alone does not spark unrest—exaggerated income inequalities, poor governance, lack of social provision and ethnic tensions are all elements of the brew that foments unrest.“
United States to Wage War Throughout the World 2010
January 4th, 2010By: Rick Rozoff
Market Oracle
January 1 will usher in the last year of the first decade of a new millennium and ten consecutive years of the United States conducting war in the Greater Middle East.
The war on terror has been about scaring people, not protecting them
January 4th, 2010The ease with which the plane bomber could operate exposes the vacuity and recklessness at the heart of the US response to 9/11
Gary Younge
Sunday 3 January 2010
Ron Paul’s ideas no longer fringe
January 4th, 2010With the economy still struggling, the lawmaker’s libertarian views are getting serious attention.
By Don Lee
Reporting from Washington – For three decades, Texas congressman and former presidential candidate Ron Paul’s extreme brand of libertarian economics consigned him to the far fringes even among conservatives. Not a few times, his views put him on the losing end of 434-1 votes on Capitol Hill.
Gold and Guns
January 4th, 2010by Doug French
In his extraordinary book Democracy: The God that Failed, Hans Hermann Hoppe points out that the process of civilization is stopped when government continually violates property rights.
Resist DC: NH Legislators Look to Nullify Federal Gun Laws
January 4th, 2010NH Legislators again raise the bar for the 10th Amendment Movement – felony charges proposed for federal agents violating gun rights in New Hampshire
by Michael Boldin
After the Collectivist Winter, Comes the Spring of Freedom
January 4th, 2010A great decade lies ahead. Unfortunately, it’s not the next one
by Vin Suprynowicz
I wish I could offer some cheery prognostications for 2010.
I’d like to predict Barack Obama will awaken some morning soon, rub his eyes, and go, “Holy cow. Do you realize we’re actually letting welfare recipients vote? Talk about a conflict of interest! If we don’t want this republic to descend into a collectivist slave state we’ve got to immediately limit the franchise to only net tax payers. And the Seventeenth Amendment, which encourages senators to collect millions in ‘campaign’ bribes from corporations and labor unions from here to Hong Kong, has to be repealed, restoring the states’ veto power over congressional mischief. Anybody can see that.
January 4th, 2010By Michael LeMieux
January 4, 2010
Scenario: You’re working hard at building your business. You come in early each morning, check your stock, arrange the shelves, sweep the floor, and get the till ready for what you hope will be another busy day.
January 4th, 2010By Attorney Jonathan Emord
January 4, 2010
The incoherence of the Bush Administration has been replaced by the indecisiveness of the Obama Administration when it comes to foreign affairs. Those countries which learn lessons about our nation that last the longest are the countries that experience the effects of American military power. Generations long remember with fondness American forces pounding their way through Europe to destroy the Nazis occupiers and restore freedom. Generations will also long remember the American army now present in Iraq and Afghanistan but with a far more mixed perception. The difference in world view for these two different generations of American military is extraordinary. Europeans of the Greatest Generation still regard the Americans as liberators. The Iraqis and Afghans largely view the Americans as self-interested occupiers. Our primary problem is that we apparently do not yet perceive the profound significance of that difference in perception, but we must if we are to restore America’s image as both a good and great power.
January 4th, 2010By NWV News writer Jim Kouri
January 4, 2010
An amendment to an executive order secretly signed by President Barack Obama on December 16, 2009 gives police officers from foreign governments police powers in the United States.
Air passengers face two body searches
January 3rd, 2010Jonathan Oliver
January 3, 2010
Extra body searches, new restrictions on moving around aircraft and greater use of sniffer dogs are among the security measures being planned by Britain following the Christmas Day bomb plot.
Big Brother is coming: NSA’s $1.9 billion cyber spy center a power grab
January 3rd, 2010By Chuck Gates
Deseret News
“By the very nature of the intelligence business, it is difficult to discuss much of the NSA mission.” — National Security Agency Web site
Another liberal state set to crash
January 3rd, 2010Arizona hosts enormous illegal immigrant population
January 3rd, 2010
Today’s feature article by Dave Levine relates to Arizona’s imminent crash.
Arizona could be weeks away from going broke
January 3rd, 2010By Barbara Grijalva
You can bet that getting finances in order is the top resolution for the State of Arizona.
It will get an early test this month.
A massive education payment is expected to drain state resources down to zero.
Email From Afghanistan on “Waste of War”
January 3rd, 2010Mish Shedlock
On New Years’ eve I exchanged emails with “BP”, a soldier in Afghanistan regarding Vermont State Employees Union Votes For 3% Pay Cut.
Obama Blames al-Qaeda for Christmas False Flag, Sets Stage for Yemen Attack
January 3rd, 2010Kurt Nimmo
Sunday, January 3, 2010
On Saturday, Obama said the Christmas day non-attack over Detroit was the work of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the latest incarnation of the perennial boogieman used by government to frighten people into accepting foreign invasions and occupations and an ever-growing police state grid at home.
The “Bankster Gangsters” On The Move…
January 3rd, 2010Banks Roll Out New Check, Card Fees
New Charges Seek to Get Ahead of New Federal Rules Limiting Increases in Interest Rates
Ukraine Fatalities Jump to 759 – Two Day Total 32
January 3rd, 2010Recombinomics Commentary
January 3, 2010
3,789,200 Influenza / ARI
217,056 Hospitalized
759 Dead
The above numbers are the latest update from the Ukraine Ministry of Health and show 32 more fatalities in the past 2 days. Reporting is typically lower over the weekend, so a rise of 12 on January 1 and 20 more on Saturday likely represents a rate similar to the one death per hour in the prior four days. Once again the largest jump was in Donetks with a jump of 6 to 97. In the upcoming week Donetks will likely pass Lviv for the oblast with the highest number of deaths which is at 102, but where deaths have only increased slight in the past several weeks.
Uh Oh…On To Yemen?…2
January 3rd, 2010Detroit terror attack: Britain sends counter-terrorist forces to Yemen
Britain has dispatched a special counter-terrorist unit to Yemen as the mountainous Arab state emerges as the new frontline in the war against al-Qaeda, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.
Uh Oh…On To Yemen?
January 3rd, 2010Threats shut Yemen’s U.S., U.K. embassies
Closures come as Washington, London step up aid to fight al-Qaida affiliate
Sun., Jan. 3, 2010
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know…
January 3rd, 2010By Jonathan Elinoff
New World Order Report
Most people can’t resist getting the details on the latest conspiracy theories, no matter how far-fetched they may seem. At the same time, many people quickly denounce any conspiracy theory as untrue … and sometimes as unpatriotic or just plain ridiculous. Lets not forget all of the thousands of conspiracies out of Wall Street like Bernie Madoff and many others to commit fraud and extortion, among many crimes of conspiracy. USA Today reports that over 75% of personal ads in the paper and on craigslist are married couples posing as single for a one night affair. When someone knocks on your door to sell you a set of knives or phone cards, anything for that matter, do they have a profit motive? What is conspiracy other than just a scary way of saying “alternative agenda”? When 2 friends go to a bar and begin to plan their wingman approach on 2 girls they see at the bar, how often are they planning on lying to those girls? “I own a small business and am in town for a short while. Oh yeah, you look beautiful.”
China and the other Brics will rebuild a new world economic order
January 3rd, 2010Five emerging nations – and booming countries across Asia – are set to overtake America and Europe
Ashley Seager
Sunday 3 January 2010
China will soon have the power to switch off the lights in the West
January 3rd, 2010The recent hanging of Briton Akmal Shaikh in China proves that Beijing has no need to worry about what Britain thinks
Con Coughlin
03 Jan 2010
Are planned airport scanners just a scam?
January 2nd, 2010New technology that Gordon Brown relies on for his response to the Christmas Day bomb attack has been tested – and found wanting
By Jane Merrick
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Developing nations emerge from shadows as sun sets on the West
January 2nd, 2010How bad was the last decade? Across the Western world, there’s near universal agreement that 2000-2009 has been awful.
Liam Halligan
02 Jan 2010
The Coming Eurozone Turmoil?
January 2nd, 2010Five countries that crashed and burned in the credit crunch face a hard road to recovery
At best, the legacy of the economic crisis means tough times. At worst, it could spark political turmoil
Heather Stewart, Ashley Seager, David Teather, Richard Wachman and Zoe Wood
Sunday 3 January 2010
It’s not just Marc Faber.
Marc Faber, Economic Armageddon In The U.S.
It’s not just Marc Faber.
In case you missed it, here’s a blockbuster interview with’s John Williams, from December 3rd, where he says the last two years of this economic crisis have merely been a precursor to the coming “complete economic collapse of the United States.” | Morning Headlines - January 4, 2010
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Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams
Survey suggests frail Midwest recovery in 2010OMAHA - An Omaha economist says a December survey in nine Midwest and Plains states suggests that the region's economy will recover weakly over 2010. The Business Conditions Index for the Mid-America region rose above growth neutral last month, reaching 50.3, compared with 47.5 in November. The index ranges from zero to 100, and any score above 50 suggests economic growth in the next three to six months. Creighton University economist Ernie Goss said in a report released Monday that although the region's overall job market has stabilized, the manufacturing sector is still losing jobs. The Mid-America survey covers Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma and South Dakota. | |||
Redlands. California police chief optimistic despite shortage of officers
REDLANDS - Too few police officers and a lack of a police station are the Police Department's biggest challenges in 2010.
Budget cuts have reduced the number of officers patrolling Redlands' streets, but Police Chief Bueermann said the department has a plan.
"I'd like to think at this point that our challenges also become our opportunities," he said.
The Police Department has 98 officer positions. Only 82 of them are filled. The others have been left vacant to help with the city's ongoing efforts to balance a budget crippled by disappearing revenue sources.
Count the four officers in training and the handful of officers that are out on sick days or personal leave, and the number of active cops on Redlands' streets is in the low 70s, Bueermann said.
The department has plans to use more volunteers to help fill some of the gaps left by fewer officers.
The department now uses about 300 volunteers - about 150 to help with its recreation operations and about 150 to help with police operations ...
Tea Party planning national strike for Jan. 20, the first anniversary of Obama's inaugurationPosted: 01/02/2010 10:03:28 PM As President Barack Obama's first year in office draws to a close, Tea Party groups are planning to mark the occasion with a national strike - something local leaders say could demonstrate the conservative groups' burgeoning strength. The strike, planned for Jan. 20, the first anniversary of Obama's inauguration, is being promoted online through Facebook and Web sites run by various national Tea Party groups. "What's proposed is a nationwide strike by all Tea Party members, no matter where they are," said Lloyd Rekstad, an organizer of the Yucaipa Tea Party. "The idea is to strike where we are, in our communities, at our employment, to make an impact that will be diverse and spread out." That would mean, Rekstad said, not going to work, not buying groceries, not going to restaurants or movie theaters. "You just stay home," he said, "so that the person participating would become, for that one day, a nonentity - that they would give no support to the economy." Not all Tea Party members are on board. Lane Schneider, organizer of the Redlands Tea Party, said she hasn't heard all the details of the strike. And Rekstad said he and other Tea Party organizers aren't sure if the strike is a good idea. "How wise it is, how effective it would be, I don't have answers to those questions," Rekstad said. Fred Taub, president of Cleveland-based Boycott Watch, said the national strike sounds like a one-day boycott- something he said never works. "If I choose not to buy gas on Tuesday, I'm going to have to buy gas on Monday or Wednesday instead," he said. "I still have to eat. These one-day boycotts are completely and totally ineffective." Taub said Tea Party organizations have generally done a good job of making themselves seen and heard, but that the idea for a one-day strike is a misstep. "They've been effective," he said. "This is the first time I've seen the Tea Party fail with one of their projects. I mean, it's a one-day boycott: big whoop." More than ineffective, though, Taub called the notion of not supporting the economy for a day "silly." "You can't boycott the United States economy if you live here," he said. "Even if you're not working or purchasing anything today, you're still part of the economy." Rekstad said the planned strike is motivated by general frustration with Obama's agenda, but different sites promoting the strike cite different motivations. Some say protesting Congress' health care reform bills is the strike's explicit focus. "We will not become tax slaves to pay for a government-run health-rationing scheme," says the National Day of Strike event page on Facebook. It goes on to say that "liberal Democrats are ... more interested in increasing their political power than fixing the problems that exist in the best health care system in the world. Another group, Patriots for America, says the strike is aimed at protesting a ballooning deficit and increased government spending. Another site specifically devoted to the Jan. 20 strike - - is even more general, saying the strike aims to speak against corruption and damage to the country's economy. |
Millions out of work, living on nothing but food stamps
About 6 million Americans receiving food stamps report they have no other income, according to an analysis of state data.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 4, 2010 AT 9:53 AM CDT Click to view Animated Magnetosphere on YouTube: JANUARY 3, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Solar Update - Sunspot 1039 is approaching the western limb of the sun. There has been one C-Class flare in the past 24 hours. The STEREO Behind images continue to show active regions on the eastern limb. DISINTEGRATING COMET: A bright comet discovered by NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft is swinging by the sun Sunday, January 3, 2010 and apparently disintegrating. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Earthquake swarm hits Northern California this morning - 9 mi NNW from Redway, CA - January 4, 2010
Update time = Mon Jan 4 16:05:24 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
UN Gold Hoax Muddies The Waters Of Real Move Towards Global Currency
A recent announcement by the United Nations that it will begin to mint gold and silver bullion coins bearing the UN logo has raised fears that a new global currency is being readied to replace the dollar, but the story is likely to be a hoax, muddying the waters of the very real move towards a global monetary system. “The United Nations (UN) has licensed the minting of gold bullion coins bearing its logo to provide a “public option” world savings currency,” stated the original story. The source of the story was attributed to both the Vancouver Examiner and Adfero Limited and it featured on the World Gold Council website, but the link to the article now gives a 404 error page. There is nothing on the UNCTAD website to verify the authenticity of the story. Posters on the Ron Paul Forums dismissed the story as a hoax. “I posted this a while back, but there was no primary data source to back it up. Nothing on the UN’s site either, it’s more than likely a hoax” writes one. Others have also questioned how the UN can afford to buy gold to mint its own coins, tying the development in with other suspicious circumstances surrounding alleged manipulation of gold prices. “Where did the gold come from for the UN to start minting its own coins?” asks Gold Investing News. “For sure, the UN doesn’t have an official budget to buy tonnes of gold on the open market.” “The story, which seems to have had little basis in fact and a lot of basis in speculation or imagination, has now been pulled from the site as it is not factual….The UN only issues commemorative coins.” writes Posters on the Prison Planet Forum questioned the motives behind putting out a fake story about the move towards a world currency, suggesting unscrupulous people were “testing the water” on how the public would react to the announcement. Just like the fake Amero coins hoax story which was put out by disgraced FBI informant Hal Turner, the UN gold story will still be parroted years from now by gullible people unaware of the fact that it’s a hoax. This in turn will allow debunkers to exploit the confusion and claim that the entire one world government agenda is a paranoid invention, when the process of its implementation is publicly announced on an almost daily basis. The all too real move towards a global currency was unveiled at last year’s G8 summit in Italy, when Russian President Dmitry Medvedev displayed a coin to reporters a coin representing a “united future world currency”. “We are discussing both the use of other national currencies, including the ruble, as a reserve currency, as well as supranational currencies,” the Russian leader said at a news conference. This followed comments made by U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to the Council on Foreign Relations, in which he assured CFR globalists that the U.S. was “open” to the notion of a new global currency system to replace the dollar. In addition, the scandal-ridden and highly secretive Bank For International Settlements, considered to be the world’s top central banking power hub, released a policy paper in 2006 that called for the end of national currencies in favor of a global model of currency formats. The march towards a global currency is real, provable and openly documented. The UN gold hoax story has seemingly little purpose other than to poison the well with disinformation, thereby inadvertently detracting credibility from those who are warning of a global government takeover which manifests itself in a myriad of different ways at every major global summit, from the G8 to last month’s Copenhagen conference.
The REAL global currency coin, as unveiled by Russian President Medvedev at last year’s G8 summit in Italy. Larger image of the coin:
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The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Afgan Attacker Was CIA Informant
ABC News | The informant was a Pakistani and a member of the Wazir tribe from the Pakistani tribal area North Waziristan.
New law requires the administration to ensure Israel’s military advantage
Washington’s Blog | There have also been upgrades in U.S.-Israeli military cooperation on missile defense and a deal on the table to give one of the U.S. most advanced fighter jets to Israel along with some of America’s most sensitive new technology. |
Snake saves family from fire A Chinese man who nursed a dying snake back to health claims it saved his family by raising the alarm when their house was on fire.
Yu Feng, of Fushun, in Liaoning province, found the dying black snake outside his home, reports the Liaosheng Evening Post. "I treated it with herbal medicines, and in 20 days it recovered," he said. He took the snake to a nearby mountain more than a mile away to release it back into the wild - but the next morning it was back at his house. "I then set it free another two times, but it always came back," Yu added. "People around me said the snake had come back to repay my kindness, so I kept it." He named the snake Long Long and adopted it as a pet - then one night, he claims it saved the whole family. Yu explained: "I was asleep when suddenly I felt something cold on my face. I opened my eyes and it was Long Long. "He had never woken me up before but I was so sleepy I went back to sleep. But Long Long grabbed my clothes with his teeth and whipped the bed with his tail. "Then he went to my mother's bed and whipped her bed with his tail. I woke up then and smelt something burning, and saw my mother's electric blanket was on fire so I leapt up and turned it off." Local reptile experts say snakes don't have the intelligence to act in this way - but Yu believes Long Long acted out of kindness, to repay Feng for saving his own life. |
Today in History Monday January 4, 2010 1821 - The first native-born American saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton, died in Emmitsburg, MD. 1850 - The first American ice-skating club was organized in Philadelphia, PA. 1884 - The socialist Fabian Society was founded in London. 1885 - Dr. William Grant performed the first successful appendectomy. The patient was Mary Gartside. 1896 - Utah became the 45th U.S. state. 1935 - Bob Hope was heard for the first time on network radio as part of "The Intimate Revue." 1936 - The first pop music chart based on national sales was published by "Billboard" magazine. 1953 - Tufted plastic carpeting was introduced by Barwick Mills. 1962 - New York City introduced a train that operated without conductors and motormen. 1965 - In his State of the Union address, U.S. President Johnson proclaimed the building of the "Great Society." 1974 - U.S. President Nixon refused to hand over tape recordings and documents subpoenaed by the Senate Watergate Committee. 1990 - Deposed Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega was arraigned in U.S. federal district court in Miami on drug-trafficking charges. 1999 - Former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura was sworn in as Minnesota's 37th governor. |
Vote on the "Best of the Year" awards for superfoods, vitamin retailers, skin care and more
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Losing weight cures sleep apnea, scientists discover
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Defibrillators Found Useless in Saving Women's Lives
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Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Mad cow disease prions capable of evolution, even without DNA
- Cherry juice for arthritis
- Full-body airport security scanners to fry travelers with ionizing radiation
- Fast food burger meat injected with ammonia?
- Garlic prices soar in China as population protects themselves against swine flu
- Anti-cancer effects of cordyceps mushroom studied
- Man nearly dies after one spray of Lynx deodorant
- Washington D.C. slaps five-cent fee on plastic shopping bags
- Oops: Pfizer halts cancer drug experiments after too many people die
- Is forcing Americans to buy health insurance even Constitutional?
- Health care bill is a huge loss for the American people
- New documentary examines weather control: "Owning the Weather"
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2009 in review: A year of FDA censorship, Big Pharma crimes and celebrity drug deaths
Natural News | In all, 2009 was a year of corruption, scientific fraud and health freedom oppression. Here are some of the highlights. |
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