Will need to get a picture tomorrow of my surprise little Hardy Yellow Daisy that has today now put on the 3rd bloom for me and my trip down to feed my squirrels and birds. Have been trying to get a picture of the red squirrel with the white tip on his tail ... unique guy!

National Situation Update: Friday, November 6, 2009
Homeland Security Threat Level: YELLOW (ELEVATED).
National Weather
A frontal system is producing rain, mountain snow and strong winds from Washington south to central California and as far east as Montana. Rainfall amounts in the higher elevations of Washington and Oregon could be as much as 4 inches with just a few tenths of an inch falling in the San Francisco Bay area. Snow levels will range from 2,500 feet in Washington to 5,500 feet in northern California by tonight. Gusty winds and high surf are forecast for coastal areas from Washington to northern California. Additional systems and precipitation will move ashore through the weekend.
The region will be dry with unusually warm temperatures. Highs will range from the 40s in Michigan to the low 80s in southwest Kansas. On Sunday, a cold front will move eastward across the region bringing a chance of showers.
Under a large high pressure area the region will be dry except for a few showers along the southeast coast of Florida. Low temperatures (30s and 40s) are forecast across Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas this morning. On Sunday, rain and thunderstorms are forecast for the Gulf Coasts of Texas and Louisiana from moisture being pulled out of the Gulf of Mexico.
There will be a few residual showers in Upstate New York and New England from the storm low off the Canadian Maritimes. The low will produce gusty northerly winds along the coast from the Mid-Atlantic to Maine. The region will be generally dry through Monday. (NOAA’s National Weather Service, Various Media Sources)
Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG)
No activity.(FEMA HQ)
Tropical Weather Outlook
Tropical Depression IDA
As of 4:00 a.m. EST, on November 6, 2009, the center of Tropical Depression Ida was located about 715 miles SSW of Key West, FL (1,150 miles SSE of New Orleans, LA).
The depression is moving toward the north near 6 mph. this general motion is expected to continue with a slight increase in forward speed over the next couple of days. On the forecast track the center of Ida will move across eastern Honduras today and emerge over the northwestern Caribbean Sea tonight or early Saturday.
Maximum sustained winds remain near 35 mph with higher gusts. Some additional weakening is expected today as the center of Ida remains over land. Some strengthening is likely after Ida emerges over the northwestern Caribbean Sea tonight or early Saturday.
Elsewhere, tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 48 hours.
Eastern Pacific
Shower and thunderstorm activity remains minimal in association with an area of low pressure located about 230 miles south of the Mexico/Guatemala border. Any development of this system will be slow to occur over the next day or so before upper-level winds become less favorable for development. There is a low chance (less than 30 percent) of this system becoming a tropical cyclone during the next 48 hours as it moves slowly northward or northeastward.
Central Pacific
No tropical cyclones are expected through Saturday evening.
Western Pacific
No activity.(NOAA, HPC, National Hurricane Center, Central Pacific Hurricane Center and the Joint Typhoon Warning Center)
Earthquake Activity
Preliminary Damage Assessments
No new activity (FEMA HQ)
Wildfire Update
National Preparedness Level: 1
National Fire Activity as of Thursday, November 5, 2009
Initial attack activity: Light (146 new fires)
New large fires: 1
Large fires contained: 1
Uncontained large fires: 1
States affected: AZ, CA (NIFC)
Disaster Declaration Activity
No new activity (FEMA HQ)
Last Modified: Friday, 06-Nov-2009 08:00:19 EST

SpaceWeather.com | Thursday Nov 5th something exploded on far of sun - hurled a Coronal Mass Ejection CME over the sun's limb
The source of the eruption is probably sunspot 1029, which is transiting the far side of the sun. Last week, when sunspot 1029 was visible from Earth, it quickly grew into the biggest and most active sunspot of the year, unleashing ten C-class solar flares in just a few days. Apparently, the action hasn't stopped. The sun's rotation will turn the sunspot back toward Earth about a week from now. If the sunspot holds together that long, we could experience some solar activity.
World's largest tree house
Think you had the world’s greatest tree house as a kid? Well this guy’s got you beat.

9 million Afghans living on less than a dollar a day
Our soldiers and victim populous are also breathing depleted uranium
The Weapon of Mass Destruction Is Cancer
War-related birth defects in Fallujah
IRAQ: ‘Special Weapons’ Have a Fallout on Babies
Over 70,000 deaths, and over 1 million disabilities among American soldiers attributed to Iraq Wars says U.S. government data
Beyond Treason (Documentary):
Beyond Treason investigates causes of Gulf War Illness and continuing deaths of gulf war veterans. Beyond Treason outlines: - exposure to depleted uranium munitions used on the battlefield. - chemical and biological exposures. - experimental vaccines given.
UNP.co.in | Depleted uranium used in Afghanistan and Punjab wars may be the cause of the deformities and disorders on the rise in India's NW state
What Depleted Uranium Does to Children in Iraq: Japanese JournalistDepleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons:
A classified German Army manual has thrown doubt over US and UK assurances that no depleted uranium munitions have been used in Afghanistan.
Kawther.info | Malformed Babies Resulting From Israeli Banned Weapons - phosphor and uranium in the middle of populated areas

US Census And GPS Mapping Was The Implementation Of A UN Plan
"Painfully obvious the military application for GPS tagging is for precision weapon strikes to said coordinates"
Census & GPS mapping-Big Brother at your door -- A great deal of speculation has taken place about the small army of census takers that has been reported GPS mapping individual buildings and residences across the country. A recently discovered UN document reveals the reasons behind this development.
US Census And GPS Mapping Was The Implementation Of A UN Plan - by JK Kelly
It turns out that GPS surveying is not limited to the US alone. UN document ESA/STAT/AC.98/14 (http://www.markswatson.com/globgpsun.pdf) details plans for a global implementation of a GIS (Geographical Information System) using census and other personal data; remote sensing, including aerial and satellite photography; and internet mapping "to create relevant information for spatial analysis and decision making." Development data, such as economic or HEALTH DATA (the efficacy of a nationalized health care system containing current addresses becomes apparent in this context) are to be included within an administrative framework designed to be "flexible enough and well structured to incorporate new and future administrative divisions."
Although the document purports to present GPS mapping, remote sensing, integrated field data collection, etc., merely as tools to conduct a successful census, the clear implication is that such census data collection techniques are actually tools by which an advanced and highly accurate form of individual population mapping is being accomplished on a worldwide scale. Census taking is envisioned to become a continuous process rather than a deca-annual event: "Therefore, we advocate a paradigm shift from a traditional mapping approach, which is repeated for every census, to a digital census mapping approach, which is an up-to-date and a continuous approach. "
When this program data base is fully implemented, it should have the potential capability of plotting up-to-date locations of every individual and business in the world, with links to existing and future data bases containing financial, health, criminal, internet useage, and other personal information.
The United Nations Statistics Division has so far provided free software (ArcView 3.3 ) to the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of at least forty developing countries in order to implement this program. The UN document recommends a Permanent "Cartography & Geographic Information" Unit be established within each countries' NSO, as well as a working "group of experts," and an international conference to bring developing nations up to date with this technology.
It is still painfully obvious that the military application for GPS tagging is for precision weapon strikes to said coordinates.
Nebraska Lawmakers continue special session on Friday
November 6, 2009 - Nebraska lawmakers have only one more day to introduce bills in their budget-cutting special session.
Friday is the last day senators can introduce bills to help deal with a projected $334 million shortfall in the state's two-year budget.
A dozen bills have been introduced so far since the session began on Wednesday.
The Appropriations Committee will continue hearings on Friday to learn about the impact of the cuts Gov. Dave Heineman proposed.
From state employees losing work hours, to elimination of school funds, and possible layoffs... many solutions have been discussed to close the state budget gap, and some could result in big changes for Lincoln.
Lincoln State Senator Colby Coash says if the Legislature decides on state employee furloughs or adjustments, a large number of Lincoln workers could be affected.
"Between the university and the State Capitol, and the state office building and HHS, and the teachers, Lincoln has a lot of employees that make their livelihood off their services to the citizens. So we have to look as Lincoln senators, how will that affect the jobs that we represent," said Coash.
Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler says aside from state employee changes, some smaller cuts in the Governor's proposal could also add up.
"We know that in our state aid programs we'll lose in the area of $50 thousand this year, and $100 thousand next year. And then, in addition, there's some 911 money that we were hoping could be used for capital improvements in Lincoln, and if that money's taken there will be several hundred thousand dollars more that will be lost," Beutler said.
And how far will those losses trickle down? Small Business Owner Adam Hintz says he's worried cuts will directly affect his customers at Meadowlark Coffee and Espresso.
"I'm afraid of what the budget cuts will do to the employees of the state, and then how the employees of the state will change their purchasing habits. It might make the recession a little bit worse for us small businesses," Hintz said.
Some relief could come early next year, though, as Mayor Beutler says he plans to actually ask the Legislature for some money he says the city is owed.
"Last year, they failed to correct a mistake they made in the highway allocation funds that cost Lincoln $700,000 last year, and in all fairness they need to correct that mistake.
More Lincoln residents and business owners will be able to voice their opinions in the public hearings that begin at 1:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon in the Capitol.

at Israel's navy port in Haifa
Taxpayers swarm Capitol to protest Obamacare

Examiner.com | US and China gearing up for military space race?
In January of 2007, China destroyed its antiquated Feng Yun 1C weather satellite with an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile launched from a modified ballistic missile. The satellite kill sent a powerful message rippling across the Pacific: space was no longer the US military's private, star-speckled sandbox.......
MoneyMorning.com | Has Asia Dethroned Detroit as the Auto Sector Leader?
In China, the cheap-money policy of the People’s Bank of China has helped fuel a continued boom in automobile purchases, to the point that 2009 vehicle sales in China will reach the 11 million mark – making the Asian nation a bigger auto market than the United States.....
130 Mall-Based Waldenbooks Stores to Remain Following Closures
By Sasha M Pardy
November 6, 2009
The country's second-largest brick and mortar book retailer, Borders Group, is closing 200 of its mall-based Waldenbooks stores in January. As a result, approximately 1,500 positions--the majority of which are part-time jobs--will be eliminated........

On 6-7 November, Minister for Finance Anders Borg will participate in the G20 finance ministers meeting in St Andrews, Scotland.
Why another G20 meeting?
The meeting in St. Andrews is a follow-up to the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh, where the finance ministers were tasked with continuing their work on climate, exit strategy and framework issues. The global crisis requires internationally coordinated measures and we are now well on the way to agreeing such measures in a large number of areas.
What will be the main issues at the meeting?
Within the G20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth, the finance ministers, in cooperation with the IMF, will start the process for a mutual assessment of countries' economic policies. This is an important step in global cooperation aimed at minimising the risk of experiencing new crises like that we are now undergoing.
Furthermore, the G20 finance ministers, with the support of the IMF and the Financial Stability Board, will develop cooperative and coordinated strategies for exiting the stimulus measures required in the past year. Such exit strategies are necessary to achieve long-term sustainability in the global economy.
What can come out of the meeting in the climate area?
Our hope is that the discussions in the G20 can provide the necessary momentum leading up to the UN climate meeting in Copenhagen. In St Andrews, the Presidency will argue the EU position on the importance of a major increase in resources to finance measures to fight climate change and swift action to meet the acute climate problems.
German Financial Mininster :To Talk With US Treas Sec Geithner About Opel At G20
FDIC "insurance" is a Ponzi scheme, except in this case Mr. Ponzi has the power to create money and bail himself out indefinitely
Bank Closing Information - November 6, 2009
Gateway Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Prosperan Bank, Oakdale, MN
Home Federal Savings Bank, Detroit, MI
United Security Bank, Sparta, GA
TimesOnline.co.uk | The mother who brought down the Fort Hood killer
November 7, 2009 - A police officer and mother of one was hailed a heroine yesterday after it emerged that she almost single handedly ended the massacre at America’s biggest military base.
Kimberly Munley does not look as if she would be much of a match for a heavily armed US soldier on a murderous rampage. But the slightly built 34-year-old civilian officer was first on the scene after Major Nidal Malik Hasan began firing on comrades at Ford Hood in Texas as they prepared to deploy to Afghanistan and Iraq. The 39-year-old psychologist killed 13 and left 31 others with serious injuries.
On Thursday afternoon Ms Munley was doing her usual job of directing traffic on the sprawling base. By chance, she and her partner happened to walk past the Soldiers’ Readiness Processing Centre soon after Major Hasan — armed with two handguns — cornered his fellow soldiers. Soldiers who witnessed the rampage described the gunfire as continuous, methodical and well aimed.
Ms Munley succeeded in bringing him down by shooting him four times, even after being hit by a bullet that passed through both her legs, according to witnesses.
Her swift reaction and courage were being praised last night for preventing many more deaths.
“It was an amazing and aggressive performance by this police officer,” said Lieutenant-General Robert Cone, Fort Hood’s commanding officer. “The critical factor here was her quick response to the situation.”
NBC Chicago | Obama's Revealing Insensitivity Following Shooting
Related Articles:
* 1 shooter dead, 2 in custody at Fort Hood mass shooting -- Officials at Fort Hood confirmed that more than one shooter fired shots into the Soldiers Readiness Processing Center and Howze Theater on Fort Hood, killing 12 and 31 wounded. The suspect that was confirmed dead has been identified at Major Malik Nadal Hasan. (Now they are reporting the shooter is alive.....confirmed dead then now mysteriously alive....hmmmmmm)!
* Troubling portrait emerges of Ft Hood suspect -- There are many unknowns about Nidal Malik Hasan, the man authorities say is responsible for the worst mass killing on a U.S. military base. Most of all, his motive. But details of his life and mindset, emerging from official sources and personal acquaintances, are troubling.
* Army post shooting leaves 13 dead -- Military officials were starting Friday to piece together what may have pushed an Army psychiatrist trained to help soldiers in distress to turn on his comrades in a shooting rampage that killed 13 people and wounded 30 in Texas.
* Ft Hood shooter had said Muslims should rise up -- Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who allegedly killed 11 people before being shot and wounded by police at Fort Hood, had said Muslims should "rise up" and attack Americans in retaliation for the US war in Iraq, a former army colleague said.
* VIDEO: Defense Dept video shows aftermath of Ft Hood shooting
How often do soldiers kill soldiers? -- Military officials say the shootings at Fort Hood were an 'isolated incident.' But the stress of repeated wartime deployments has led to several such incidents in recent years.
Chairman of Navy Joint Chiefs calls for better mental health programs for troops -- The military’s top officer today urged mental health providers to demonstrate leadership in developing effective programs to treat wounded warriors.
US Muslim Organizations Condemn Ft Hood Shooting
Fort Hood attack is 3rd this year by antiwar radicals targeting military on US ...
Washington Post
"I'm not saying it's part of an organized campaign or a systematic strategy, but we're seeing a sea change when we have once a month a plot that is related ...
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Military jihadists fill 'every branch'
Soldier heard 'Allahu Akbar' before slaughter
Shop owner: Hasan didn't want to fight Muslims
Israel, Palestinian Authority probing Texas shooter
Report: Shooter pushed Islam on patients
Previous story:
Shooter advised Obama transition
237 millionaires in Congress...
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Profit Triples on Investment Gains
Wall Street Journal
By SCOTT PATTERSON Berkshire Hathaway Inc., fresh off its agreement to purchase the rail giant Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp., posted a surge in third ...

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health.
WHO warns countries not to underestimate pandemic virus -- An official from the World Health Organization (WHO) today said he expects serious cases and deaths as pandemic flu activity picks up in the Northern Hemisphere, and he warned people not to underestimate the virus, even though illnesses are often mild. (Nina's comment: Yes, because we need to sell all those vaccines nobody wants)
WHO says H1N1 in virtually every country in the world -- Pandemic H1N1 influenza is now in virtually every country in the world, and health officials are bracing for an upsurge in cases as winter sets in, World Health Organization officials said this morning.
Defense Dept. receives first H1N1 vaccine shipments -- The Defense Department has started receiving H1N1 vaccines and will begin distributing doses in the coming weeks. The Health and Human Services Department is distributing the vaccines, manufactured by four producers, to the department. Because rates of production vary among the manufacturers, supplies are expected to be limited initially, but to increase over time, said Ellen P. Embrey, acting assistant secretary of defense for health affairs.
Ukrainian presidential candidate says flu epidemic in Ukraine used to distract the public from real problems -- The Ukrainian authorities are using hysteria over the flu outbreak in the country in order to distract the attention of citizens from economic and social problems, presidential candidate Sergiy Tigipko has said.
FDA advisory committee on vaccines & related biological products-transcript of discussion on whether unlicensed adjuvants should be added to vaccines -- Discussion of Clinical Trials to Support Use of Vaccines Against the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus. Agenda Item: Call to Order and Opening Remarks.
Swine flu outbreak in Ukraine sparks mutation fears -- British scientists are examining samples of a strain of swine flu behind a deadly Ukrainian outbreak to determine whether the virus has mutated.
Telegraph.co.uk | Large Hadron Collider broken by bread dropped by passing bird

Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.
In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”
Dutch pull Pfizer vaccine after infants die -- Dutch authorities say they have banned use of a batch of Pfizer's Prevenar, or Prevnar, after three infants died within two weeks of receiving the anti-infection vaccination. 110,000 doses of anti-infection drug Prevenar quarantined after deaths!
Byetta diabetes drug recalled for risk of kidney failure -- The FDA has announced labeling changes on the diabetes drug BYETTA (exenatide). The revisions will warn doctors and patients of the risk of kidney failure and renal insufficiency when taking the medication. So far there have been at least four reported deaths from kidney failure associated with BYETTA use.
What's really in that burger? E.coli and chicken feces both allowed by USDA (NaturalNews) There are 14 billion hamburgers consumed each year in the United States alone. The people who eat those burgers, though, have little knowledge of what's actually in them. Current USDA regulations, for example, openly allow beef contaminated... |
H1N1 vaccines too little, too late; most people already exposed and immune (opinion) (NaturalNews) The Big Pharma frenzy over H1N1 vaccines has turned into a circus of hilarious medical quackery thanks to the fact that by the time the vaccines are available, most people will have already been exposed to the virus. Hence, most people... |
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Pomegranate Extracts Treat Diseases of Inflammation![]() |
Misleading Media Denies Connection between Mercury and Autism Several recent headlines about a study which concluded that mercury levels in children with autism were not significantly higher than those without have been widely distributed. Headlines reading "Mercury levels not related to autism |
Skip blah beige meals, go for phytonutrient rich colorful foods (NaturalNews) Phenolics. Flavonoids. Carotenoids. Quercetin. Phloridzin. What do these scientific names have in common? They are all types of phytonutrients, also called phytochemicals, found in fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and teas. And... |
Babies Receive Heart Transplants Instead of Vitamin D Treatment Cardiomyopathy is a rare but frequently fatal heart condition in infants and children. In many cases, doctors are unable to find the cause, and severe cases need to stay in the hospital while waiting for their last hope at life- a heart transplant... |
Potassium normalizes high blood pressure (NaturalNews) High blood pressure isn't a disease, it's just a noticeable symptom of a physiological imbalance with a biological cause. One of the most common biological causes of this symptom is a mineral deficiency. Specifically: Potassium... |
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Pumpkin skin may scare away germs
The skin of that pumpkin you carve into a Jack-o'-Lantern to scare away ghosts and goblins on Halloween contains a substance that could put a scare into microbes that cause millions of cases of yeast infections in adults and infants each year. That's the conclusion of a new study in the current issue of ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a bi-weekly publication. In the study, Kyung-Soo Hahm, Yoonkyung Park and colleagues note that some disease-causing microbes are becoming resistant to existing antibiotics. As a result, scientists worldwide are searching for new antibiotics. Past studies hinted that pumpkin, long used as folk medicine in some countries, might have antibiotic effects.
The scientists extracted proteins from pumpkin rinds to see if the proteins inhibit the growth of microbes, including Candida albicans (C. albicans). That fungus causes vaginal yeast infections, diaper rash in infants, and other health problems. One protein had powerful effects in inhibiting the growth of C. albicans, in cell culture experiments, with no obvious toxic effects. The pumpkin protein could be developed into a natural medicine for fighting yeast infections in humans, the report suggests. The protein also blocked the growth of several fungi that attack important plant crops and could be useful as an agricultural fungicide, they add.

The traditional Chinese exercise of Tai Chi can relieve the pain of arthritis of the knee, according to a new study. After a 12-week course of Tai Chi, people also had less difficulty with everyday tasks such as using the stairs.
- Health: An unhealthy or otherwise uncomfortable person may find it difficult to meditate to a state of calmness or to use tai chi as a martial art. Tai chi's health training therefore concentrates on relieving the physical effects of stress on the body and mind. For those focused on tai chi's martial application, good physical fitness is an important step towards effective self-defense.
- Meditation: The focus and calmness cultivated by the meditative aspect of tai chi is seen as necessary in maintaining optimum health (in the sense of relieving stress and maintaining homeostasis) and in application of the form as a soft style martial art.
- Martial art: The ability to use tai chi as a form of self-defense in combat is the test of a student's understanding of the art. Tai chi chuan martially is the study of appropriate change in response to outside forces; the study of yielding and "sticking" to an incoming attack rather than attempting to meet it with opposing force. The use of tai chi as a martial art is quite challenging and requires a great deal of training.

You all have a good Friday night. Stay out of trouble and remember we live in Police State USA.

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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