November 4, 2009
East Berlin in November 1989
"East Germany had stunned itself and the world by suddenly letting its people cross the Wall to the West.
There was great shock, then great joy that night. The mood was electric, then ecstatic, then something more.
It became one of those unique moments of what I can only call mutual human recognition, when complete strangers could embrace each other in the chaotic, jostling, delirious crowds.
It was impossible to resist the euphoria and carry on coolly as the objective reporter. The initial sense of utter disbelief, followed by the realization of hope suddenly triumphant, was too powerful. Everyone was swept along.
East Berliners came home intoxicated that night, although they hadn't been drinking. Many clutched bunches of bananas, and I remember being told these were rare and expensive in the East, and probably all they could afford to fetch from West Berlin.
It wasn't until later that I realized their precious bananas were a totem of proof, in case it all turned out to be a dream."
- Douglas Hamilton was senior correspondent in France when he was sent to East Berlin in November 1989 on assignment since he is a German speaker with experience in then-West Germany. India Reuters http://in.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMolt/idINTRE5A326120091104?sp=true
Plantation cultivation of bananas
In the early 20th century, bananas began forming the basis of large commercial empires, exemplarized by the United Fruit Company, which created immense banana plantations especially in Central and South America. These were usually extremely commercially exploitative, and the term "Banana republic" was coined for states like Honduras and Guatemala, representing the fact that "servile dictatorships" were created and abetted by these companies and their political backers in the USA
More about the ugly truth of banana historyFor well over a century, the banana conglomerates, specifically Dole, Del Monte, Chiquita, Bonita and Fyffes, have influenced every level of social, economic, and political history in Latin America. They have controlled the fate not only of the millions of workers who toil on their plantations, but have also been responsible for determining national lending, tax credit, land allotment, environment, and labor policies, even dictating the fate of the highest government officials. The most infamous case occurred in 1954, when the United Fruit Company (predecessor of Chiquita Brands) received the support of the CIA to back a military coup against Guatemala President Jacobo Arbenz, because his land reform policies interfered with the company’s expansion plans.
The banana plantations operated by the giant companies have been notorious for poor working conditions and blatant labor abuses, subjecting many of the banana companies to numerous lawsuits for these and other activities. For example, several of the corporations were sued by their workers and the thousands of affected individuals for respiratory illnesses, cancer, infertility, and birth defects, a result of continued exposure to pesticides used on the banana plantations, long-banned in the United States. Dole and Chiquita have been involved in lawsuits by family members of farm workers, labor unionists and community members who were killed by paramilitary groups (on the U.S. terrorist list) in Colombia after it was revealed that the corporations had been paying these groups “protection money” for years in order to continue operating in the region. Just this year, Dole and Chiquita have again received attention for a possible role in the military coup against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, after he decided to raise the country’s minimum wage over their opposition. Finally, while less severe, the extent of corporation control over the entire banana supply chain has also enabled this handful of companies to dictate contracts determining supply and price, thereby extending their reach into supermarkets and homes across the globe.
While some argue that Chiquita, Dole, and the other three banana companies have certainly improved their image, if not their practices in recent years, the question remains: are these the companies that we as consumers wish to support? Until very recently, natural food stores, co-operatives, and other retail establishments have had no choice regarding which brand to carry. Farmers have had no choice regarding the company where they could sell their bananas and consumers certainly have had no choice in which bunch to bring home. Fortunately, as we discussed above, the choice now lies with the consumer. Thank you for supporting small farmers, a just food system, and for being part of the change.

THE FOLLOWING IS FROM OUR MASTERS - that know all and need to herd us sheep:

National Weather
Rain and snow showers are forecast through the upper Mississippi Valley, Great Lakes and Ohio Valley. Some areas of northern Michigan could experience 1 to 3 inches of snow. Winds across the Plains are expected to reach 10 to 20 mph with gusts over 30 mph. A few snow showers are possible across the eastern Great Lakes on Thursday morning.
Frost advisories and freeze warnings are in effect for southeastern Pennsylvania, northeast Maryland, Delaware, and southern New Jersey; wet snowflakes may mix with rain showers overnight. Light precipitation is expected to move over eastern New York, eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware tonight; Virginia should see precipitation Thursday morning. Rain and snow showers will fall across the region on Thursday with some snow accumulation possible above 1,500 feet.
High temperatures in areas from southern Oregon to Arizona may threaten record highs this afternoon. Rain is forecast over the Northwest on Thursday.
No precipitation is forecast over the next few days for the flood-ravaged areas of Arkansas, eastern Oklahoma, eastern Texas, western Tennessee, northern Mississippi, and Louisiana. Showers are expected for central and southern Florida today and Thursday, and possibly across the coastal sections of North Carolina early Thursday. (NOAA’s National Weather Service)
Flooding and Tornados in Louisiana
On October 28, 2009, severe storms produced heavy rain, wind, and tornadoes across the north and west portions of Louisiana. Twenty-three parishes declared local States of Emergency. Flooding of low lying areas was reported in LaSalle, Catahoula, Natchitoches, and Beauregard Parishes. Flood Warnings continue along the Sabine River at Deweyville and Bon Weir; both locations are forecast to rise to major flood stage within the next couple of days. Numerous roads remain closed throughout the state. The Ouachita River remains closed for all commercial vessels due to rising floodwaters and the saturated conditions of the levees. The Ouachita River at Monroe is above major flood stage and expected to crest on November 12. The North Bossier flood advisory has changed to “Watch” and residents have been told they may return home.
State/Local Response:
On October 30, 2009, the Governor declared a statewide State of Emergency to assist in the deployment and staging of state assets to support affected parishes. Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) activated the Crisis Action Team (CAT) on October 22, 2009. The CAT will remain activated until further notice.
Federal Actions:
Region VI RRCC is at Watch / Steady State and monitoring. State LNO is on standby. IA and PA PDA teams are on standby. There has been no request for Federal assistance. (Region VI, Upper and Lower Mississippi River Forecast Centers)
Arkansas Severe Storms and Flooding
On October 29-30, 2009, severe storms, tornadoes, and flash flooding occurred across the State of Arkansas. Thunderstorms produced locally heavy rainfall of 5-8 inches in the central and eastern counties. The heaviest band of rain was from Ouachita County to Pulaski County and Independence County.
Numerous roads were under water and water rescues occurred. Some homes and apartments were flooded. A couple of subdivisions in Lonoke County were evacuated. There was major flooding along the Spring River in Sharp County and Randolph County. Flash flooding was widespread from Polk County to Johnson County. In Newton County, there was at least one mudslide, with rocks and other debris on area highways.
NWS reported 7 tornadoes in the Little Rock County warning area. Two tornadoes were reported in the East Camden area damaging at least 30 empty train tank cars. Damage was most extensive around the Southern Arkansas University Tech and Highland Industrial Park areas.
Joint PA PDA teams will begin preliminary damage assessments in 45-50 counties on Monday, November 9. (Region VI, NWS)
Tropical Weather Outlook
At 1:00 a.m. EST, cloudiness and showers associated with an area of low pressure in the extreme southwestern Caribbean Sea continue to show signs of organization. The low is expected to move little over the next day or so. Upper-level winds are favorable for some additional development. There is a medium chance, 30 to 50 percent, of this system becoming a tropical cyclone during the next 48 hours.
Eastern Pacific
Tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 48 hours.
Central Pacific
No tropical cyclones are expected through Thursday morning.
Western Pacific
No activity threatening United States Territories. (NOAA, HPC, National Hurricane Center, Central Pacific Hurricane Center and the Joint Typhoon Warning Center)
USGS | The epic flooding hitting the Atlanta area in September was so extremely rare - six weeks later this event has defied attempts to describe it

“At some sites, the annual chance of a flood of this magnitude was so significantly less than 1 in 500 that, given the relatively short length of streamgaging records (well less than 100 years), the U.S. Geological Survey cannot accurately characterize the probability due to its extreme rarity," said Robert Holmes, USGS National Flood Program Coordinator. “Nationwide, given that our oldest streamgaging records span about 100 years, the USGS does not cite probabilities for floods that are beyond a 0.2 percent (500-year) flood.”
“If a 0.2 percent (500-year) flood was a cup of coffee, this one brewed a full pot,” said Brian McCallum, Assistant Director for the USGS Georgia Water Science Center in Atlanta. “This flood overtopped 20 USGS streamgages – one by 12 feet. The closest numbers we have seen like these in Georgia were from Tropical Storm Alberto in 1994. This flood was off the charts.”......FULL STORY.....
30,000 Mexicans reeling under flood
2009-11-04 21:50:00
Around 32,500 people have been affected by floods caused by heavy rains in southeastern Mexico, officials said Wednesday.
Emergency declared in flooded Mexican cities
CNN International - 8 hours agoMexico City, Mexico (CNN) -- Mexican federal officials have declared a state of emergency in two cities in Tabasco state, which along with Veracruz state ...
MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Tropical storm Ida formed in the southwestern Caribbean on Wednesday, quickly gaining muscle and prompting storm warnings for the coast of Nicaragua and two Colombian islands.
Nicaraguan authorities readied shelters, saying evacuations were likely in the coastal city of Bluefields and the towns of Laguna de Perlas, Cruz de Rio Grando and Kukra Hills.
"We're taking precautions for the storm, which we expect will hit our territory on Thursday," said Lt. Col. Reinaldo Carrion, the head of Civil Defense in Bluefields. "We are ready to act."
Maximum sustained winds increased to 66 mph (100 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami.
The ninth tropical storm of the season was centered about 65 miles (100 kilometers) east of Bluefields and moving northwest near 6 mph (9 kph).
A hurricane watch was in effect for the eastern coast of Nicaragua from Bluefields to the border with Honduras.
Storm warnings remained in effect for the entire eastern coast of Nicaragua and the Colombian islands of San Andres and Providencia.
...sounds like the insurance companies want to get out of insuring sink holes!

(PRNewsChannel) / November 04, 2009 / Tampa, Fla. /
“Sinkholes are to Florida what forest fires are to southern California,” says Corless, a sinkhole expert who has most recently been tracking Ocala sinkhole damage.
"Damage from sinkholes in Ocala is nothing new, and certainly not the worst place for this," adds Corless. "But it's an area of Florida that's particularly vulnerable to what has created a disastrous situation for families."
Sinkhole damage is largely created by the acidity of Florida rainwater, which erodes the underground limestone. In September, a sinkhole in Pasco County swallowed a driveway and was measured 80 feet deep by 40 feet wide.
Property insurance lawyers recommend annually using a video camera to track the progress of any cracks throughout a home, and requesting sinkhole protection when renewing insurance coverage. Sinkhole coverage will no longer exist for Pasco and Hernando County homeowners effective in January, unless homeowners specifically renew it.
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing visited Pine Ridge - reflects housing problem in Indian country throughout the United States

Tribal members testified that severe overcrowding marks living conditions on the reservation. With an unemployment rate of 80 percent it is difficult for residents to maintain housing. Among the problems are inadequate repairs and mold that is hazardous to health.
A report prepared by the Oglala Sioux Lakota Housing Authority states that “housing built and indirectly maintained by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is in a deplorable state. The Lakota Nation, among other Indian nations, is a party to treaties with the United States, signed in the mid and late 1800s. Among the United States treaty obligations is the provision of subsistence and housing.”
“We are a sovereign nation built on treaties that the U.S. doesn’t honor,” said Myron Pourier, a tribal council member. “We don’t have the necessities people take for granted. They have nice homes that have running water, bathrooms and a kitchen.
Sixty percent of the housing on the reservation has three to four families living in a single house, including children and extended family members. We are severely underfunded.”
Willie stressed that the housing problems facing Indian nations are much more complicated than those of other populations in the United States. “It is estimated that 200,000 housing units are needed in Indian country. Currently 90,000 Native American families are homeless or under-housed. The president’s budget for housing block grants is $646 million, but $854 million is needed just to meet the backlog.”
Was checking up about the northern Quinghai region of China when I saw a 5.5 mag quake there on USGS this afternoon and discovered from the Federation of American Scientists website - the quake and a Chinese missile base coincided on the map!
USGS | 5.5 magnitude earthquake hit NORTHERN QINGHAI, CHINA - Thursday, November 05, 2009 at 05:56:10 AM at epicenter
Earthquake: Location 37.684°N, 95.756°E

Da Qaidam - 412 Brigade
Ta-ch'ai-tan / Tsaidam
37°50'N 95°18'E
China established a nuclear missile deployment and launch site for DF-4 missiles (China's first ICBM) in the early 1970s to the west of Dhashu (Haiyan) in the Da Qaidam [Tsaidam] basin. The Larger Tsaidam (Da Qaidam) site has two missiles stored horizontally in tunnels near the launch pad. Fuel and oxidiser is stored in separate tunnels with lines to the launch pad. According to the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) in Washington DC, nuclear missiles are stationed in Small Tsaidam and are only moved to Large Tsaidam in times of emergency. Da Qaidam is one of five location at which a total of between 10 and 20 DF-4s were deployed as of early 1998. The facility is probably headquarters for one of the three launch brigades, each with up to three launch battalions, subordinated to the Second Artillery Corps 80306 Unit, a Division headquartered in Xining, Qinghai province. The 80306 Unit is able to target sites in the former Soviet Union and India, and indications exist that the 80306 Unit may upgrade to the DF-21. Da Qaidam [Large Tsaidam] has been identified as the location of this Brigade headquarters. The reported relationship between Da Qaidam and Xiao Qaidam, notably the disposition of nuclear warheads, might suggest that the Xiao Qaidam facility is the primary location for this unit. However, the apparent Chinese practice of locating headquarters units separately from operational weapons locations, as seen with Second Artillery Corps Division headquarters locations, would appear to confirm Da Qaidam as the probable location for the Brigade headquarters.USGS | 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit the AZORES ISLANDS REGION - Wednesday, November 04, 2009 at 04:41:44 PM at epicenter

MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 6.0 | 2009/11/04 18:41:45 | 36.120 | -33.893 | 10.0 | AZORES ISLANDS REGION |

The oldest of the islands, Santa Maria, was formed some 7 million years ago and then sank and reappeared. As a result it is the only island to have appreciable marine fossils in its rocks. The youngest island is Pico. it was mainly formed some 300 thousand years ago. There was an even younger island - Sabrina - not far off from Sao Miguel that appeared in 1811 and was claimed by the British but sadly it vanished under the oceans just a few months later.
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/11/04 12:38:29 | 43.460 | -126.774 | 10.0 | OFF THE COAST OF OREGON |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/11/04 12:38:00 | 43.407 | -126.593 | 12.0 | OFF THE COAST OF OREGON |
- 195 km (121 miles) WNW (282°) from Bandon, OR
- 199 km (124 miles) W (274°) from Barview, OR
- 201 km (125 miles) WNW (294°) from Port Orford, OR
- 283 km (176 miles) NW (313°) from Crescent City, CA
- 400 km (249 miles) SW (236°) from Portland, OR

MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/11/04 12:38:29 | 43.460 | -126.774 | 10.0 | OFF THE COAST OF OREGON |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/11/04 12:38:00 | 43.407 | -126.593 | 12.0 | OFF THE COAST OF OREGON |
MAP | 4.1 | 2009/11/04 02:16:59 | 40.465 | -125.150 | 0.2 | OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/11/03 21:54:53 | 40.465 | -121.538 | 5.4 | LASSEN PEAK AREA, CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.9 | 2009/11/03 20:19:23 | 40.983 | -125.338 | 23.7 | OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/11/02 02:46:51 | 40.404 | -125.514 | 10.0 | OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/01 11:48:47 | 40.393 | -124.499 | 26.5 | OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/10/31 17:06:25 | 40.364 | -124.774 | 20.0 | OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 3.6 | 2009/10/29 21:13:43 | 40.722 | -127.243 | 10.0 | OFF THE COAST OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
This about says it - the rich get richer and Americans are getting laid off in herds
Bill Weldon, chair and chief executive of Johnson & Johnson Pays $8.5M For Florida beachfront Lots ... As Johnson & Johnson Cuts some 8,000 Jobs

By Ed Silverman
November 3rd, 2009 3:07 pm
Just a week before announcing that Johnson & Johnson will cut some 8,000 jobs, J&J chair and chief executive Bill Weldon plunked down $8.45 million for two adjacent vacant waterfront lots in North Palm Beach, Fl., and he bought them from former General Electric chair and chief executive Jack Welch, according to The Palm Beach Daily News and brought to our attention by Bnet.
The properties are listed as 1264 Lake Worth Lane in Lost Tree Village with 113 feet of water frontage for $2.975 million and 1284 Lake Worth Lane, with 111 feet of frontage, for $5 million, according to the Property Appraiser’s Office records, the paper writes. Several realtors advertise exclusive properties in the enclave (see here and here).
One of the realtors has this to say: “Lost Tree…is known for its Ocean, intracoastal, golf course, and lake views…There are homes on Lake Worth with wide water views and deep water ocean access, golf cottages located near the private golf course, and homes on interior lakes in this beautiful community. Lost Tree offers a private 18 hole golf course, 8 tennis courts, private beach…a beautiful beach club with a private restaurant open 2 days a week for dinner and for lunches most of the year.”
As for J&J employees? Some will be canvassing severance packages, COBRA health plans and, possibly, unemployment benefits. “These types of changes are difficult under any circumstances, and will have a very personal impact on people who have been dedicated to the mission of Johnson & Johnson,” Weldon says in today’s statement about the reorganization. Well, if nothing else, he’s stimulating the economy, albeit a well-to-do pocket.
Wall Street Journal | Johnson and Johnson Plans Staff Cut Of Up to 8,200 Jobs
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) announced several restructuring moves Tuesday, including cutting its workforce of nearly 120,000 employees by up to 7 percent. J&J will take other restructuring moves in order to save up to $900 million next year. While the job cuts prompted a restructuring charge of up to $1.3 billion pretax in the fourth quarter, J&J confirmed guidance. JNJ shares climbed some 2 percent ahead of the bell.
Brasscheck TV: How the US military poisons its own troops -- Pentagon resumes experimental vaccine testing on US troops. (This is a clip from Beyond Treason)
Massachusetts pandemic bill nears passage -- The Massachusetts House has overwhelmingly approved an effort giving public health officials the power to isolate individuals and order quarantines to contain the outbreak of serious contagious diseases. The bill – S2028 – is designed to protect public health in case of a variety of possible emergencies, including natural disasters, chemical spills, bioterrorist attacks and infectious diseases. The H1N1 virus, or swine flu, is covered under infectious diseases.
Government appoints task force to handle swine flu propaganda -- The U.S. government has appointed what the media is ludicrously billing as an “independent” group of health advisors whose job it will be to whitewash adverse reactions to the swine flu vaccine and “explain” them to the public as mere coincidence.
CFR recording suggests creating false scarcity to drive up demand for H1N1 vaccine -- A recording of a recent Council On Foreign Relations symposium reveals attendees discussing ways and means of getting the public to take the H1N1 flu vaccine in spite of the mass resistance that has arisen due to questions over it’s safety.
Swine flu or worse? The debate on what the heck is going on in the Ukraine rages on -- At this hour a team of experts from the World Health Organization is on the ground in Ukraine, but the search for solid answers about what in the world is going on there has not made much progress.
Online coupon site -- List of stores with discount codes.
Can marijuana help kids with autism? -- As the mother of an autistic child, Marie Myung-Ok Lee is navigating uncharted territory as she struggles to manage her son's condition. She has bravely come forward to share her son's battle with this mysterious disorder, and to discuss how medical marijuana has brought them both back from the brink of despair.
FDA hid research that damned Aspartame -- Fatal Studies Should Have Blocked NutraSweet Approval.
Author says G20 meeting in Scotland this week about dumping US dollar -- Best-selling author Daniel Estulin states that the key issue to be discussed this week at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, being held in St. Andrews, Scotland, is how to bring down the present world financial system through dumping the US dollar.
Layoffs, bankruptcies & business closings for the month of October -- Your source for daily job news regarding layoffs, bankrupcy's and closings.
It's time to bring back the BBS network-bypass the internet -- Before the World Wide Web (WWW) came into its own in the latter 1990’s, the BBS or Bulletin Board System was the popular means of communicating by computer. Read More...
Copy of consent form issued by GSK before taking flu vaccine -- This form is to be filled in by candidates for vaccination prior to the administration of
the Pandemrix (GSK) vaccine against influenza A/H1N1. Two copies are to be signed, one to be retained by the doctor.
The silence about vaccine deaths in media is due to confidential contracts with the vaccine makers -- If you are to receive the "Pandremix" against the benign “new-type” H1N1-flu this season, we recommend that you first learn about the possible side effects, as GSK asked their own employees to sign an "informed consent form" before receiving the vaccine.
Swine flu scare tightens borders around Ukraine -- Russia and Slovakia tightened their borders with Ukraine on Tuesday as the World Health Organization began investigating a suspected swine flu outbreak.
Consumer goods made with radioactive metals -- A lack of regulatory oversight has led to massive quantities of radioactive metal entering the U.S. raw materials supply, meaning that many consumer products may expose users to dangerous levels of radiation, a Scripps Howard News Service investigation has found.
Parents: send this note to your school principal to protect your child from swine flu vaccines -- After reading about the forced vaccination of a Brooklyn schoolgirl who ended up in the hospital, many parents are concerned about how they might protect their own children from school-based vaccination schemes.
Companies are cashing in in swine flu -- Business is booming for shady internet pharmacies peddling fake vaccines. Be especially wary of unauthorized versions of Tamiflu. The real swine flu vaccine can be sold only through doctors.
Swine flu causes brawl on NY Subway -- Fight heats up on subway between two women because one did not cover her mouth while coughing.
Chinese drywall studies released by various agencies -- The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has received thousands of reports involving corroding metal components in houses built using Chinese drywall materials. The Chinese Drywall complaints and reports come from 30 US States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
Obama election defeat termed 'astonishing' -- The Obama freight train that has been steamrolling American politics ever since his election one year ago ran squarely into a political brick wall Tuesday night, as Democrats suffered stunning setbacks in the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races.
Honolulu symphony may file for bankruptcy this week -- The Honolulu Symphony may file for bankruptcy protection as early as tomorrow, according to people familiar with the situation.
Al Gore could become world's first carbon billionaire -- Al Gore, the former US vice president, could become the world's first carbon billionaire after investing heavily in green energy companies.
Sustainably grown garlic! -- Fueled by factors including the growth of the "local foods" movement, interest in world cuisines, and widespread reports touting its numerous health benefits, demand for high-quality, locally grown garlic is increasing throughout the U.S. (plant garlic in the fall!)
TV exposure may be associated with aggressive behavior in young children -- Three-year-old children who are exposed to more TV appear to be at an increased risk for exhibiting aggressive behavior, according to a report in the November issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Maryland cities create school zones for speed camera use -- Baltimore and New Carrollton, Maryland create new school zones in areas that have no children for the purpose of installing speed cameras.
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Ten reasons why the FDA allows Cocoa Krispies cereal to make outrageous claims of boosting immunity (satire) (NaturalNews) By now, the whole internet knows that Kellogg's is under harsh scrutiny for making ridiculous "immunity" claims for their sugary Cocoa Krispies cereal. But did you know the real reason why the FDA continues to allow this laughable... |

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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