I'm come to the conclusion that I find my self getting WAY TOO frustrated not updating my Cave as I discover news articles.
I have yet to find one place that covers all the subject areas that interest me - so I guess I just have to generate one for myself ... at least as long as my energy holds out. Since there isn't much for me to do outside - and, I really don't like being outside when there are chem-trails overhead ... I will update the latest I find out in cyberspace on my news blog.
I can see it out my patio door as I sit as my computer

I carried my hibiscus in to winter inside - its second winter in the house. It didn't get ANY blooms on it all summer and had just decided to make buds in September. It's not native to Nebraska and sold as a annual - but, last year I didn't have the heart to let it freeze the blooms were so happy. It grew twice it's size over this summer ... and, I transplanted it into one of my huge patio pots ... so huge that I needed help with to get it inside before that early snow this year.

Since I moved it inside - it has given me a new bloom each morning. That plant is also within view of my computer desk ... and I'm definitely enjoying its gifts it gives me day with my morning coffee ... it helps me to remember to seek creativity, beauty and joy... when sometimes it can appear hidden from view.
I actually am not that technically oriented ... better with my pick axe and shovel and level creating a pond. However, I had ordered a CB radio and whip antenna with a type of battery converter thing (some radio guy would gasp at my definition) that is an adapter so I can use it in my house vs. car.
Got it set up this afternoon and its weather station comes in quite well and I listened to some truckers on channel 19 ... but, they were boring me horribly ... they didn't have much evidently to talk about. At least, it works - I can pull in some truckers chatter in case the SHTF - may provide another source of info. I also enjoy my scanner and my short-wave. This summer I would sit outside and watch Subway my turtle and my fish in the pond - and my 3 knot-head dogs run around while I listened to cops, etc.
My backyard is totally minimum maintenance - instead of grass, I planted white clover. My kids chuckle at me because I have this horrible time pulling 'weeds' out of the ground .. because I know these plants and they have an lots of really good uses. This year it turns out that some of my butterfly bushes had seeded and since I didn't pull out the 'weeds' coming up ... I enabled them to take root. I love to watch the butterflies that are attracted to them!
My two youngest daughters - and I chuckle when I remind them they aren't that young - 30 and 31 years old - stopped to check up on me this afternoon while I was assembling my CB setup. I have this expandable antenna stretched from my back patio door by my dining room table (visitor's center) and they listened to me explain what I was doing and their responses were, "Mom, I'm glad you're having fun" as they kinda raised their eyebrows.
My fondue pot I ordered from eBay has come in - it is my intention to use that as my Chai pot when the SHTF - heating it with my homemade alcohol. I gave one of my son's buddies (also in his 30's) the task of making my still from a pressure cooker. In Nebraska you can buy a 50 lb sack of corn for about $5 and I currently have a couple in the back end of my old Jeep Cherokee. I say BURN that GMO corn seed ... that corn mash will be used for this still of mine. You can find my alcohol fuel project on the side column of my Cave blog. My daughters - also question that current activity of mine also. What can say ... other than make your daughters worry about you for a change!
My prayers are always with everyone ... it took me maybe two years to train myself to send prayers of "peace and prosperity to all creation" before I open my eyes in the morning... was so used to waking up and immediately thinking of all I needed to get done.

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