It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams and I am a direct descent of Samuel and John Adams |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Dutchsinse's YouTube Channel: Dutchsinse | 2/2/2012 -- Severe weather outbreak -- MIDWEST ALERT -- TX, OK, KS, LA, ...If you live in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Iowa, or Nebraska -- be aware of this severe outbreak ! Possible tornadoes, damaging winds, and large hail have been detected. As I said last week.. it seems like the tornado season just hasn't ended -- continuing from last year winter -- through spring -- summer -- fall -- and now this winter --- every week = TORNADOES . here is the full website post with screenshots and the links you will need to monitor this outbreak: Always be prepared for severe weather -- EVERYONE has the threat potential for severe weather.. no matter where we live on the planet we all share this common scenario --- a severe outbreak of storms that damages your town, state, or property. So it pays to have those plans in place.. and the necessary items (food, clothing, water, communication, transporation etc..). The motto applies now more than ever.. don't be scared.. be prepared. Dutchsinse | 2/2/2012 -- Global Earthquake Overview -- USA, Europe, Asia, South Pacif...Full blog post with the links you will need to monitor earthquakes on a global basis: This video is a quick 15 minute overview of the current earthquake plots -- a short review of Yellowstone Charts and the PNW (pacific northwest) charts -- also a look at Europe, Central America, S. America, Asia, and the Pacific Ring of fire. The North American craton -- called Laurentia -- is showing further sings of movement -- be aware if you live in the USA -- long overdue for a 6.0M+ earthquake on the west coast between Baja Mexico and the fresh lavic fields in the ocean off shore of Oregon / British Columbia / Washington State... as well as ANYWHERE along the edge of the craton...This means WA, ID, MT, WY, UT, CO, NM, TX, OK, AR, MO, IL, KY, TN, MS, AL, VA, OH, and New england northeast towards Quebec / Ontario Canada. Europe -- same scenario -- anywhere along the edge of the north european plate -- north of the Alps.. on a diagonal line spanning northwest from the Canaries to Poland. North Europe.. the english channel north past Iceland through the sea of Norway. Central and south america -- Watch the edge of the pacific plate -- hot spots are south Mexico -- and central chile/peru. Watch New Zealand, Vanuatu, Indonesia, Philippines, India to Afghanistan in particular. After re-reading the me, it seems most places on the planet are in a heavy state of movement -- all areas have their specific hot spots --always have a plan and be prepared -- just in case. |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SolarHam.comSolar activity is at very low levels. Sunspots 1410 and 1413 both remain stable. There is next to no chance for strong solar flares at this time. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Thu Feb 2 14:18:21 UTC 2012
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VOLCANISM NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map Warm weather allows explosion in mosquitoes, fleas, ticks... National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary FEBRUARY 1, 2012 at 8:20 AM CT |
Today's Feature Stories:
World News |
Obama planning to release Taliban leaders
Foreign Policy January 31, 2012 - Top Obama administration officials briefed eight senior Senate leaders Tuesday on a pending deal to transfer as many as five Taliban prisoners from the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to Qatar.... The identities of the administration briefers were not shared, but we were told it was a high-level interagency briefing team. All of the senators refused to discuss the contents of the briefing as they exited the secure briefing room in the Senate Visitors' Center. But Levin and McCain both discussed the issue in question before entering the briefing, namely the administration's negotiations with the Taliban over transferring the Taliban prisoners into Qatari custody.
Rothschild Bank AND Goldman Sachs Are Both On The LIST Of Bondholders Getting U.S. Taxpayer Billions In Ireland
Daily Bail - Guess what, Ireland. Brian Lenihan and Brian Cowen just sold you down the IMF river. Why? To bail out bank bondholders and giant European banks. Of course! That's what governments are for these days, apparently. And they'll tell you that the bailout policy is all for you own good. And for little old ladies and pensioners and orphans. Just don't tell that to the cancer patients. Yep, another nation made IMF debt slaves on behalf of the international banking cartels. And Goldman Sachs and Rothschild & Compagnie are on the list.
Taliban "poised to retake Afghanistan" after NATO pullout
Reuters - The U.S. military said in a secret report that the Taliban, backed by Pakistan, are set to retake control of Afghanistan after NATO-led forces withdraw, raising the prospect of a major failure of Western policy after a costly war. Lieutenant Colonel Jimmie Cummings, a spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, confirmed the existence of the document... But he said it was not a strategic study. "The classified document in question is a compilation of Taliban detainee opinions," he said. "It's not an analysis, nor is it meant to be considered an analysis." Nevertheless, it could be interpreted as a damning assessment of the war, dragging into its 11th year and aimed at blocking a Taliban return to power.
UN nuke official: New trip to Iran planned
VIENNA (AP) — A senior U.N. nuclear expert on Wednesday announced plans to revisit Tehran soon after a "good trip," indicating progress on his team's quest to probe suspicions that the Islamic Republic is secretly working on an atomic arms program.
Think Tank Calls On US To Deploy Another Warship To Threaten Iran
Paul Joseph Watson - An influential bipartisan think tank has called on Washington to deploy yet another carrier battle group in a bid to threaten Iran, despite the presence of two U.S. warships already in the region.... The organization behind the call, the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), is a think tank that counts amongst its directors Norman R. Augustine, former CEO of Lockheed Martin Corporation, as well as Jane Garvey, an executive director at JPMorgan. The group is headed up by former Senators including Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole, and George J. Mitchell.
US Nuclear Sub Heads Towards Persian Gulf
Paul Joseph Watson - Following the announcement that a third US aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, would be heading to patrol waters near the Strait of Hormuz in March, it has also been revealed that the nuclear submarine USS Annapolis and the destroyer USS Momsen are also likely to heading towards the Persian Gulf in the build up to a possible attack on Iran.
Petrodollar is pumping US policy on Iran – backfire looms
RT - As tensions between the US and Iran heat up, author Michael T. Winter believes the main reason behind America’s harsh stance is Tehran’s move to seek an alternative to the dollar as an oil currency. Economic sanctions, spearheaded by the US and, less willingly, the EU could have a disastrous effect on both of their respective economies. If Iran cannot sell their oil to Europe, there are plenty of customers waiting in the wings, and if they come bearing not petrodollars, but gold and sovereign currencies, then all the better for Iran.
Disgraceful Reporting by the Boston Herald and Others on Iran
LRC Blog - The best way to get news is to read actual testimony, reports, transcripts, and speeches. The worst way is to read headlines, unless you like to be subjected to distortions and misunderstandings.... Case in point: the testimony of Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper today. See here for his actual testimony in written form. Most important is that he said clearly that Iran is not building nuclear weapons and CIA chief David Petraeus said the same thing, and the latter said he had met with the head of Mossad to convey his view. This portion of his testimony was not reported in the Boston Herald article. Instead, it pieced together two unconnected parts of his testimony and left the impression that Iran was making enriched uranium in order to conduct an attack on the U.S.!! See here.
Japan snowstorm kills 52, crushes steel bridge
Heavy snowfall has crippled much of Japan's western coast, killing more than 50 people and injuring nearly 600. The worst snowstorm in six years has dumped more than 10 feet of snow in the hardest-hit regions, causing at least one bridge to collapse and forcing school closures across the region.... Western Japan has been battered by one snowstorm after another since the beginning of the year, overwhelming cash-strapped cities struggling to keep up with cleanup efforts.
U.S. News, Politics & Government |
AP Exclusive: US No-Fly list doubles in 1 year
WASHINGTON (AP) - Even as the Obama administration says it's close to defeating al-Qaida, the size of the government's secret list of suspected terrorists who are banned from flying to or within the United States has more than doubled in the past year, The Associated Press has learned. The no-fly list jumped from about 10,000 known or suspected terrorists one year ago to about 21,000, according to government figures provided to the AP. Most people on the list are from other countries; about 500 are Americans.
VIDEO: Sen. Rand Paul Proposes Amendment 1490 to the STOCK Act which would force former elected officials to forfeit their benefits if they choose to become lobbyists
January 31, 2012 - Sen. Rand Paul today took to the Senate floor to introduce an amendment to the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act. The amendment would bring an end to the revolving door between federal employees and companies lobbying for federal funding or loans. This corrupt relationship has led to billions in wasted taxpayer dollars—money awarded on highly debatable grounds to companies who were better politically connected than they were capable of actually repaying a government loan. Below is transcript of his speech and background information regarding the amendment.
ACLU Sues U.S. for Information on Targeted Killing Program
ACLU Feb 1st, 2012 - Our suit overlaps with the one recently filed by The New York Times insofar as it seeks the legal memos on which the targeted killing program is based. But our suit is broader. We’re seeking, in addition to the legal memos, the government’s evidentiary basis for strikes that killed three Americans in Yemen in the fall of 2011. We’re also seeking information about the process by which the administration adds Americans to secret government “kill lists.” We think it’s crucial that the administration release the legal memos, but we don’t think the memos alone will allow the public to evaluate the lawfulness and wisdom of the program.
Justice, House GOP tangle over access to documents
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Justice Department and Republicans on a House committee looking into a flawed gun smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious appear to be headed for an impasse over congressional demands for internal Justice documents. The dispute is expected to be a prime topic at a congressional hearing Thursday, when Attorney General Eric Holder testifies before a panel whose chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., has alleged that the Justice Department is engaging in a cover-up.
'Gasland' Journalists Arrested At Hearing By Order Of House Republicans
Huffington Post - In a stunning break with First Amendment policy, House Republicans directed Capitol Hill police to detain a highly regarded documentary crew that was attempting to film a Wednesday hearing on a controversial natural gas procurement practice. Initial reports from sources suggested that an ABC News camera was also prevented from taping the hearing; ABC has since denied that they sent a crew to the hearing.
YouTube: BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress!
Evidence that we have a fraud and a usurper currently residing in the people’s White House is overwhelming, despite the overt lack of journalistic investigating on the part of the American press. But now new evidence indicates that the conspiracy to carry out that fraud was much broader than originally thought. Continue to read the original article here.
US Intel Director Prepares Public for False Flag Event
Tony Cartalucci - “…it would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better off the United States would be.
Obama’s drones remarks put White House on the defensive
Washington Post - White House spokesman Jay Carney rebuffed questions Tuesday about whether President Obama had violated intelligence restrictions on the secret U.S. drone program in Pakistan when he openly discussed the subject the day before.
Murphy condemns purchase of 9/11 commemoration bracelets from China
New Haven Register - In a letter sent to TSA Administrator John Pistole on Tuesday, Murphy called on agency officials to explain the legal authority by which the contract was awarded. Murphy is co-chairman and founder of the congressional Buy American Caucus. “I was frustrated to learn that your agency recently purchased 70,000 bracelets commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th 2001 attacks that were made in China,” Murphy wrote to Pistole. “These bracelets cost U.S. taxpayers $17,500, and was another poor decision in a long line of contracting awards throughout the federal government that have cost American jobs and sent American tax dollars to manufacturers overseas.
TSA discovery prompts New York bomb scare – six hours later
CNN - A New York airport screener who removed two pipes from a traveler's bag and set them aside Monday morning prompted a security scare six hours later when the next shift saw the pipes and feared they might be pipe bombs, local and federal officials said.... The bomb squad removed the devices at 5:30 p.m. -- six hours after they were taken from the passenger. The devices were taken to a remote location for examination or disposal, one official said. "We have still not been told what it was or what it was composed of," Della Fave said. Several law enforcement sources told CNN the objects were determined to be homeopathic medical devices.
VIDEO: Senator Rand Paul Joins Lawsuit Against President Obama’s Recess Appointments
Jan 31, 2012 - Today, Sen. Rand Paul announced he will submit an amicus brief supporting a recent lawsuit filed by the National Right to Work Foundation (NRTW), the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and others, challenging the legality of President Barack Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Sheriff Who Challenged Feds for Amish Raw Dairy Farmer Receives Award for "Meritorious Valor"; CA Sheriff Vows to Protect Herdshares
One of the best ways to get elected county sheriff these days is to campaign against the encroachments by the federal government on basic rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. And then, to act on your campaign agenda...well, that could win you an award. A good number of the 125 or so sheriffs attending the first convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) in Las Vegas over the last couple of days (together with another approximately 100 other enforcement personnel), appear to have been elected in just the last year or two. One of the most heartwarming stories by a recently elected official came from Sheriff Brad Rogers of Elkhart County in Indiana.
Sheriffs Who Won't Be "Milk Police" Gather in Vegas
County sheriffs and federal officials bickering over land, guns and water policies are as old as the West, but the Constitutional Sheriffs Convention, underway for the past three days in Las Vegas, has something new on the menu --- food safety regulation. "I made the decision that the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office was not going to be the milk police," Sheriff John D'Agostini told his Board of Supervisors in California ahead of the convention.
Missouri sheriff tries flashing signs to fight crime
KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) - Short on deputies, a Missouri sheriff's office has turned to electronic stand-ins to combat a surge in crime. Officials in rural Greene County, in the southwest part of the state, are using flashing signs to alert residents to recent burglaries in their neighborhoods and to urge people to report suspicious activity. "We want to let the bad guys know that neighbors will be watching out for neighbors," said Greene County Sheriff Jim Arnott.
Kansas Business Coalition Working Toward Backdoor Amnesty Plan
Rant of the Day - As of December 2011, there were 95,507 unemployed U.S. Citizens in Kansas, but a coalition of business groups, including the Kansas Chamber of Congress, are proposing that Kansas start a new program to allow illegal immigrants to remain in the state. According to the coalition, illegal immigrant labor is necessary to avoid “labor shortages” in agriculture and other industries, such as landscaping, roofing, construction. State officials and backers do not have any hard numbers for how many jobs are in “danger of going unfilled,” but estimate the number of illegal-immigrant workers at 45,000 – just under half the total number of unemployed Americans in the state.
Rhode Island Voters Overwhelmingly Support Immigration Enforcement
PR Newswire Nearly three-quarters of Rhode Island voters, 74 percent, say that illegal immigration negatively affects the state. Voters also overwhelmingly oppose an executive order signed by Gov. Chafee preventing Rhode Island police from notifying federal authorities when they arrest or detain an individual they suspect is an illegal alien. The poll also indicates widespread opposition to a new policy which allows illegal aliens to attend public colleges and universities at subsidized in-state tuition rates.
Drug war hypocrisy: drug trafficking's big money benefits Big Brother and corrupt banksters
(NaturalNews) The hypocrisy of the war on drugs is outrageous when compared to the amount of drug trafficking that benefits the CIA and international banking system. The son of a convicted notorious mobster, John Gotti Jr, when asked in court if the family still dealt drugs cracked, "No, we can't compete with the government." Today in Afghanistan, American troops have been seen guarding poppy fields used to make heroin. Those fields were all but wiped out by 2001 when the Taliban destroyed them and forbade that agricultural pursuit. Now they're flourishing again after the American occupation.
2012 Election News |
VIDEO: Ron and Rand Paul Vindicated On “Civil Rights Act / Right To Discriminate” Issue
Both Congressman Ron Paul and his son Senator Rand Paul have been repeatedly vilified by the mainstream media for stating certain parts of the 1964 Civil Rights Act go too far when violating a private business owners right to discriminate. Yet today CNN is lauding a private business owner, who discriminated against a customer, as a hero.
Paul campaign: Newt must pay medical bills for broken foot
Daily Caller - The Ron Paul campaign is demanding that Newt Gingrich pay the medical bills for Eddie Dillard, a Paul supporter whose foot was broken Tuesday after Gingrich staffers intentionally stomped on it. Campaigning at a Florida polling place Tuesday, Gingrich was greeted by Dillard, who held his Paul sign as Gingrich supporters rallied around their candidate. Gingrich staffers were not pleased with this and, according to a report by Yahoo! News’ Chris Moody, encouraged one another to physically impede the flip-flop wearing Dillard.
GALLUP: State polls predict huge Obama loss
Gallup released their annual state-by-state presidential approval numbers yesterday, and the results should have 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue very worried. If President Obama carries only those states where he had a net positive approval rating in 2011 (e.g. Michigan where he is up 48 percent to 44 percent), Obama would lose the 2012 election to the Republican nominee 323 electoral votes to 215.
Sources: Trump to endorse Newt
Word started leaking out in Las Vegas earlier that Donald Trump's "major announcement" is to back Newt Gingrich, and sources are confirming it to POLITICO. The move is a bit unexpected since Trump had talked even within the past few days about how he may be compelled to run a third-party campaign of his own if he didn't see a Republican candidate who he thought could beat President Barack Obama.
Republican Establishment Excludes Ron Paul From 2012 CPAC Event
Paul Joseph Watson - Despite winning the event’s annual straw poll for the last two years running, Ron Paul has seemingly been excluded from this year’s CPAC conference... The exclusion of Paul is likely a maneuver by GOP insiders to re-align CPAC, the biggest annual conservative confab, with the Republican establishment and prevent an embarrassing straw poll defeat for likely presidential pick Mitt Romney, who Paul beat in 2010 and 2011. According to the CPAC website, fellow presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum will all address the event scheduled to take place Feb. 8-11 in Washington, but Ron Paul will be absent.
Ron Paul campaign raises $13 million
Politico - About 56 percent of Paul’s contribution total came from people donating $200 or less, federal disclosure reports his campaign filed just before midnight Wednesday indicate. The haul is about $3.5 million more than fellow GOP hopeful Newt Gingrich raised during the same period but still well off the torrid cash-collecting pace set by Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.
Why Ron Paul Has A Good Chance Of Winning In Nevada & Maine
Steve Watson - Paul’s campaign has a lot riding on Nevada where the Congressman, scheduled to hold a major press conference in Las Vegas today, has polled consistently high for weeks. Indeed, Paul has been running ads in The Silver State since last summer in anticipation of the caucuses which begin this Saturday, Feb 4th. When Paul unveiled his centerpiece budget plan last October, he did it in Las Vegas. Four years ago Paul placed second in Nevada behind Mitt Romney. This time around Paul’s support has grown exponentially, while Romney’s has more or less remained the same.
New Poll Shows That Only Paul Or Romney Can Beat Obama
Steve Watson - A new USA Today/Gallup poll indicates that of the four remaining contenders for the GOP nomination, only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are capable of challenging and defeating the incumbent president. According to the poll, Congressman Paul trails Obama by just three percentage points at 49 to 46 percent. That is within the five point margin of error and could easily be overturned if Paul were to win the nomination.
Gingrich Ballot Fraud: Virginia Election Officials Confirm Criminal Investigation
The Brad Blog has received confirmation from two different state agencies that the 1,500 alleged cases of ballot petition fraud said to have been carried out on behalf of the Gingrich campaign, in their unsuccessful attempt to qualify for the Republican primary ballot in Virginia, are now being carried out by the state Attorney General’s office. In late December, after Gingrich had failed to turn in enough valid signatures to qualify for the Virginia primary ballot, he was caught on video tape telling a supporter in Iowa that the reason for the failure was due to a campaign worker who created 1,500 fraudulent signatures.
Veterans News |
Iraq veterans reveal horrors of war at N.Y. forum
Soldiers share their harrowing combat experiences
Occupy Wall Street Protest |
Bid to halt no-camping rule for DC protesters denied
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal judge denied a petition on Tuesday that would have allowed anti-Wall Street protesters to keep camping - at least temporarily - in two parks in the nation's capital where they have lived for months.
Economy |
El Centro, CA: 26.8% unemployment rate!
Washington Examiner - Below are the cities with the highest and lowest rates:Best and Worst Metro areas.... Highest unemployment rates December 2011 - El Centro, Calif. 26.8, Yuma, Ariz. 23.1...
Free Money for Banks Does NOT Stimulate the Economy!
Dr. Ron Paul - Chairman Bernanke says they are keeping interest rates so low for so long because the economic outlook warrants it. The fallacies in their reasoning would be amusing if they weren’t so dangerous. The Fed wants to keep the price of money at essentially zero – in other words “free” – to boost the economy. But the boost they are attempting won’t get here for another three years. That’s not a recovery. And we’ve already tried this tactic. That’s how we got into this mess in the first place: with interest rates artificially low for a very long time.
Warm winter creates winners and losers in U.S. economy
(Reuters) - Halfway through what might turn out to be the second mildest U.S. winter on record, major parts of the nation's economy are feeling the impact, for better or worse. Apparel sales have been dented, ski slopes are emptier, and there has probably been a modest impact on economic figures for everything from payroll numbers to housing starts. But lower energy prices mean that some consumers and municipal governments will likely benefit as heating charges and snow removal costs decline. And some retailers are betting on the early sale of lawn mowers.
Indiana senate OKs anti-union "right-to-work" bill
INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - Indiana became the 23rd state to pass anti-union "right-to-work" legislation on Wednesday and the first in the nation's manufacturing heartland, dealing a blow to organized labor by allowing workers to opt out of paying union dues. Indiana's Republican governor Mitch Daniels signed the legislation into law immediately after it was given final approval in the state Senate, making Indiana the first state to adopt such a measure since Oklahoma did so a decade ago.
Housing Market |
House prices hit post-bubble low
Washington Post - Data released Tuesday showed that seasonally adjusted housing prices have reached a post-bubble low, as the minor surge that began in 2009 fizzled, to be followed by the almost continuous slide of the past 18 months. The housing bust, in other words, appears to be even worse than it was at the nadir of the recession. For millions of homeowners, that’s an unsettling reality, and potentially an issue in the presidential campaign. But the damage may be far more widespread.
2nd NY plea in federal sub-prime mortgage probe
NEW YORK (AP) — Two former Credit Suisse traders have pleaded guilty to conspiracy in a New York probe of the federal sub-prime mortgage securities market. Salmaan Siddiqui pleaded guilty Wednesday in Manhattan and signed a cooperation agreement. Earlier in the day, a former London-based Credit Suisse managing director, David Higgs, also signed a cooperation agreement while pleading guilty. The charge carries a potential maximum sentence of five years in prison.
Energy & Environment |
California San Onofre Nuclear Plant Shutdown: Small radioactive release possible
After an unplanned, precautionary shutdown of a reactor at the San Onofre nuclear plant Tuesday, a plant spokesman said Wednesday that a possible leak in one of the reactor’s steam generator tubes could have resulted in a tiny release of radioactive material into the atmosphere. “We can’t make a black and white statement that absolutely none escaped,” [Gil Alexander, spokesman for plant operator Southern California Edison said]. “The question is, can it be measured above background (levels)? We have been monitoring that, and the answer is no.” VIDEO: Not to compare, but we’ve heard the same thing from nuclear officials before...
YouTube: Update on Byron Nuclear Station (IL) Venting Radioactive Steam
FOX News Jan. 31, 2012 - "Byron, Ill. - A nuclear power plant in Byron, Ill., lost power and shut down on Monday afternoon in an incident officials called "an unusual event," the lowest of four emergency levels. Full article here.
YouTube: Byron Nuclear Station Venting Radioactive Steam During Unusual Event
This video was recorded on January 30th showing the steam escaping from the reactor. The steam contains low levels of tritium, a radioactive form of hydrogen, but federal and plant officials say the levels were safe for workers and the public."
Health |
Coconut Oil Touted as Alzheimer's Remedy
Researchers say the ketones found in coconut oil have slowed the progression of Alzheimer's disease in some people and may actually prevent it.
Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck, becomes drug development partner with top global vaccine manufacturer
(NaturalNews) When you buy Microsoft products, you are now promoting the pharmaceutical industry and its global vaccine agenda. That's the new reality in which we live, where the world's largest software company is "in bed" with the world's largest vaccine pusher.
Johnson & Johnson baby lotion found contaminated with deadly bacteria
(NaturalNews) More quality control issues at Johnson & Johnson (J&J) have spurred yet another consumer product recall. At least 2,200 bottles of Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Lotion from lot number 0161LK have been found to be contaminated with coagulase-negative staphylococci, a highly-contagious, antibiotic-resistant pathogen that can cause crippling illness.
VIDEO: Societal Control of Sugar Essential to Ease Public Health Burden
Sugar should be controlled like alcohol and tobacco to protect public health, according to a team of UCSF researchers, who maintain in a new report that sugar is fueling a global obesity pandemic, contributing to 35 million deaths annually worldwide from non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
American Board of Radiology clamps down on rampant cheating among doctors seeking board certification
(NaturalNews) Memorizing board certification test questions and relaying them to other doctors soon to take the test themselves has become common practice among radiology doctors seeking to become board certified. But the American Board of Radiology (ABR), as well as a number of educational institutions, are cracking down on this practice, known as "recalls," after escalating concerns about how this form of cheating could ruin the integrity of the board certification process.
Calcium-rich oat straw has been clinically proven to aid a variety of health issues
(NaturalNews) Many people have at least heard of the word "avena" in connection with oatmeal baths and facial masks. However, not as many people are aware of the healing properties contained in oat straw. Calcium-rich oat straw (avena sativa), is the green oat grass and tops in the "milky" stage before the mature oat grains form a head. Many resources in the alternative health literature promote oat straw for osteoporosis and osteopenia. Oat straw is also promoted as being a nervine herb, which can be used as a remedy for anxiety. The herb has been recently proven to aid in cognitive performance in the brain.
Grapes found to help prevent age-related blindness even better than lutein
(NaturalNews) Lutein has long been hailed for its ability to help protect against, and even reverse, the devastating effects of age-related macular degeneration. But a new study published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine suggests that grapes may work even better than lutein at mitigating age-related blindness due to their high levels of antioxidants.
Frying potatoes to make chips or French fries produces a potent chemical carcinogen called acrylamide
(NaturalNews) Baking, roasting or frying any starchy food at high temperatures causes the sugars found in these foods to combine with an amino acid to produce high levels of a potent carcinogen known as acrylamide.... For people willing to go to a little extra effort to make French fries at home, there are ways to minimize acrylamide content. Potatoes should be stored outside the refrigerator in a cool, dark place. Before frying, they should be sliced, soaked in water for 15-30 minutes, then patted dry. They should be fried at lower temperatures for less time, until they are golden yellow -- not brown.
EPA Delays Dioxin Hazard Report Once Again Due to Industry Pressure
Natural Society - The industry-controlled EPA promised to release its dioxin hazard reassessment report, but blew its own deadline – again. Amazingly, the original dioxin toxicity report was due out in 1985. Dioxin is extremely toxic and can cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage and many other harmful effects. Monsanto and Dow Chemical were the top 2 dioxin producers, a byproduct of the herbicide 2,4,5-T; 300 million pounds of their dioxin-laden herbicide pollutes 400 million acres across the United States. Herbicide 2,4,5-T is half the recipe for Agent Orange; the poison was phased out by the late 1970′s.
Home births have increased by nearly 30 percent since 2004
(NaturalNews) More parents are taking control of their birthing options by choosing home births, says a new study from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). Statistics released in late January say home births in the United States have risen by nearly 30 percent between 2004 and 2009.
Statins increase diabetes in postmenopausal women by seventy percent
(NaturalNews) The result of a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine finds that statin use in postmenopausal women significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes. In spite of this damning evidence, researchers do not recommend that the American Diabetes Association guidelines for primary and secondary prevention should be changed. Statins account for hundreds of billions in pharmaceutical sales each year, and there is scant evidence they do anything to promote cardiovascular or overall health.
VIDEO: Exposed: Raw foods that aren't really RAW!
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger wrangles up some foods that are deceptively labeling their food as raw even though they aren't raw at all!
Science & Technology |
VIDEO: Self-Guided Bullet Strikes Target a Mile Away
A breakthrough in precision bullet technology for small caliber firearms will make striking a target an easier task. Two researchers at Sandia's National Laboratories created a self-guided dart-like bullet able to strike a target more than a mile away. The bullet is still a prototype, but if it passes further testing conducted by a private firm, the bullet will be accessible to recreational shooters, law enforcement and the military. Lockheed Martin assisted Sandia Lab's research and has worked with the military to develop a self-guided bullet over the years.
Hawaii Lawmaker Acknowledges Defeat On Bill To Monitor All Web Users
Steve Watson - A Hawaii politician who proposed legislation requiring Internet providers to keep records of every website their customers visit has finally acknowledged that the bill is dead in the water. State Representative John Mizuno says he has conceded to an “incredible” national backlash against
H.B. 2288 (PDF) a bill that would have required the creation of virtual dossiers on state residents.... Although Mizuno said that he had now recommended “that we kill this bill,” he plans to return to it in 2013.
VIDEO: Scientists to Add Spider Genes to Human Genome to Create ‘Bulletproof Skin’
Activist Post - Scientists are now discussing the possibility of adding silk-producing spider genes into the human genome to produce ‘bulletproof’ skin. The news comes after testing was done on bio-engineered human skin that was grown in a laboratory and mixed with ‘milk’ created from a genetically engineered ‘spider goat‘. This is a goat that has been genetically tweaked to produce the same protein found in spider silk.
VIDEO: Mind-boggling! Science creates computer that can decode your thoughts and put them into words
Daily Mail - Scientists believe they have found a way to read our minds, using a computer program that can decode brain activity in our brains and put it into words. They say it could offer a lifeline to those whose speech has been affected by stroke or degenerative disease, but many will be concerned about the implications of a technique that can eavesdrop on thoughts and reproduce them.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading |
VIDEO: Potomac residents raise ethics concerns over public land and Nick's Organic Farm
ABC News - There are new developments in the battle over 20 acres of public land in Potomac. In 2009, County executive Ike Leggett proposed turning the organic farm on public land into soccer fields. Residents didn't find out until 16 months later. "It's really a tale of corruption, stonewalling and cover-up," said resident Dennis Kelleher....Residents say the only interested developer is Montgomery Soccer Inc. (MSI). According to the minutes from a 2009 MSI board meeting, the group set aside $350,000 for lobbying purposes.
Farmers Issue Lawsuit Against Monsanto for Widespread Genetic Manipulation
Activist Post - The Public Patent Foundation originally filed the lawsuit in March of 2011 in a case known as Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) et al v. Monsanto. The organization launched the suit in the name of the very individuals and organizations threatened by Monsanto’s widespread GMO crops: family farmers, farming organizations, and seed businesses.... The first phase of the case began yesterday on January 31, 2012. More than 50 farmers and plaintiffs have gone to Manhattan to listen to verbal debates surrounding Monsanto’s attempts to dismiss the lawsuit.
Organic Farming Conference Returns to Wisconsin
Mother Earth News - The Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service will host its 23rd annual Organic Farming Conference February 23 through 25 in La Crosse, Wis. The annual Organic Farming Conference (OFC) is the nation’s largest and foremost educational and networking event for the organic farming community. The farmer-centered OFC will feature more than 65 informative workshops, 160-plus exhibitors, nationally known keynote speakers, and locally sourced food and live entertainment. MOSES expects attendance to be about 3,000 farmers and agricultural professionals.
The Six Enemies of Food Storage
Activist Post - For the past year, I have explored many areas of preparedness, but now with the escalation in food prices, I have taken a keen interest in food and food storage. And whereas I know a little about a lot of things, food and food storage are two areas in which I have learned the most and am able to share the most. So, with so many new readers here at Backdoor Survival, I am posting some information on the six enemies of food storage.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||
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