If you don't learn from history - you'll be doomed to repeat it

It is said frequently that Americans have been dumbed-down by the corporate-government's device seen in most homes, the television. Americans seem to falsely think that if you see or hear it on the television - it is true. Likewise, maps may be flashed across a television screen, yet as shown in a 2006 study only 23% of those with a college education were able to find all four countries of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel (only 6% of those with up to a high school diploma could find these four countries).
Together with all adjacent lands
Water Wars: Colossal Land Grab by the UN and the Feds
Cassandra Anderson
September 30, 2009
The Federal government, influenced by the United Nations, is stealing American land and resources as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is implemented in all states. Sustainable Development seems appealing and desirable on the surface, but it is actually a plot to erase humans entirely from 50% of American land, with a ban on extraction of resources, like water!
An example of this is playing out right now in California, regarding the man made drought. This situation affects every American, as California’s Central Valley supplies our country with 50% of its vegetable, fruits and nuts ( http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/, see the California Agricultural Statistical Review report). The federal Endangered Species Act, regarding the ‘threatened’ smelt minnow, is being used to severely restrict the water pump that delivers water from the Delta to the Central Valley farmlands, thus creating the drought condition. Both the federal Department of Interior and the federal Department of Commerce are claiming jurisdiction in order to control water resources. Full Story
My news updates will insure you know the difference between potholes and sinkholes!
MyFoxAtlanta.com | $5,000 to fix Sinkhole Forms in Woman's Driveway - Flood insurance does not cover driveway damages due to flood
LITHONIA, Ga. - A Lithonia woman found out the hard way she is not insured for some major flood damage to her driveway and she's probably not alone.
State insurance commissioner John Oxendine said there are an estimated 20,000 homes in Georgia which were damaged or destroyed by flood waters and much of that damage isn't covered by insurance.
It's a problem preventing Shelia Walton from driving in or out of her home. Her driveway was washed away in the flood. Walton found out her insurance company will not cover her flood damage. Walton found out what other flood victims are probably finding out as well.
" If a sinkhole forms it itself is not covered," said Walton.
Georgia's insurance commissioner John Oxendine said most home owner insurance policies do not cover property like driveways or lawns where sink holes and other damages could occur.
FULL STORY"If a sinkhole does damage to an insured item like a car -- falls into a sinkhole or your house or the fence falls into the sink hole -- the damage to the insured structure is going to be covered," said John Oxendine.
Minor earthquake breaks waterlineAssociated Press
MONROE, La. (AP) - Officials say it was to small to shake houses or jar resident, but blame a miniature earthquake for the rupture of a Monroe water line.
George Newman with the Water Distribution Department said Sunday's break was minor and would only affect businesses in the vicinity. Repairs began Sunday night.
Newman tells The News-Star of Monroe little earthquake shifts happen frequently and cause lines to crack.

A Chicago professor whose radical past made him a lightning rod in the 2008 presidential campaign is scheduled to speak in Nebraska this fall.
William Ayers' address to the Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska in Omaha on Nov. 14 comes a year after he was disinvited from speaking at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Ayers was a founder of the Weather Underground, a group that claimed responsibility for bombing several government buildings. His ties to Barack Obama became an issue in the U.S. presidential campaign last year.
The University of Illinois at Chicago education professor had been asked to speak about education issues at a Nov. 15, 2008, conference at UNL. The university rescinded the invitation, citing safety concerns.
MAP | 7.6 | 2009/09/30 10:16:10 | -0.789 | 99.961 | 80.0 | SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA |
LA Times | Indonesian 7.6 earthquake kills 75, flattens buildings
John Newton / AFP / Getty ImagesFour waves 15 to 20 feet high hurled vehicles into buildings.The massive surge, spawned by a powerful earthquake, flattens villages and sweeps cars and people out to sea. At least 99 are dead and the toll is expected to rise. Photos
BBC.co.uk | South Pacific tsunami resulting from 8.3 magnitude earthquake kills more than 100 people
President Obama has declared the tsunami in American Samoa a major disaster
A tsunami in the South Pacific has caused widespread destruction on the islands of Samoa and American Samoa.
The 8.3 magnitude earthquake struck at 1748 GMT on Tuesday 29 September
At least 77 people were reported dead in Samoa, more than 25 in American Samoa and at least six in Tonga, on the island of Niuatoputatu.
Thousands of homes have been destroyed.
New Zealand has sent a plane to Samoa to help search for survivors, and says it is ready to air-lift supplies.
British Columbia cull led to hybrid 'monster wolves,' study shows
A Pacific coastal wolf at Pacific Rim national park. The B.C. government's Vancouver Island wolf extermination program allowed 'monster' hybrids to take over the region. Photograph by: Chris Darimont/Raincoast.org, Canwest News Service
VANCOUVER — The B.C. government's Vancouver Island wolf extermination program allowed "monster" hybrids to take over the region, a team of scientists said.
From the 1920s until the 1970s, provincial officials tried to rid Vancouver Island of wolves so sport hunters would find it easier to hunt black-tailed deer, the wolves' principal prey.
So when a few hardy wolves swam across from the northern B.C. mainland in the early 1980s, some were unable to find mates. Instead, they mated with stray dogs.
The result, according to researchers from the University of Sweden, the Smithsonian Institution and the Raincoast Conservation Foundation, was something never documented before in the wild: animals that were neither wolves nor dogs. Full Story
AP | Nero's rotating banquet hall unveiled in Rome
An unidentified man talks to the media, near a recently unearthed brick structure incorporating a 4-meter diameter pillar, seen in the background, discovered during maintenance works in the Roman Forum, in Rome, Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2009. Archaeologists believe the structure supported a rotating dining room imitating the Earth's movement and used by Roman Emperor Nero to impress his guests in his Golden Palace. The Golden Palace, also known by its Latin name Domus Aurea, rose over the ruins of a fire that destroyed much of Rome in 64 A.D. and was completed in 68 A.D. FULL STORY
Adolf Hitler suicide story questioned
Skull fragment long believed to belong to the Nazi dictator is, in fact, that of an unknown woman.
— The Telegraph

In plain English, that's like saying "everyone wants to pretend that the banks are solvent, but if we make them actually pay us extra money, it will make it harder to cover up the fact that the banks are insolvent". Thus, we wave a magic wand, and even though the FDIC is asking the banks for 3 years worth of money today, the banks will be able to recognize the cost over 3 years. Since when do we treat insurance as a depreciating asset? It's not like when you buy an airplane and recognize the cost over 20 years! There is a simple, unarguable fact: if Citibank pays the FDIC $1B TODAY (I'm making this number up) in fees for the next 3 years, Citibank has $1B less in cash today. Not $333MM less in cash - $1B less in cash. The FDIC's release today is a must read - it contains some serious and scary truths about our national financial situation, despite what the press and the administration have been telling us over the past six months.
Full Story
Tomorrow is the 1st of October - before we know it - it will be Spring again!

Old Faithful Live Webcam link: http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm

You all have a good evening on the last day of September!!

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