Well - it's still the United States ... topping corporate-government news tonight is:
David Letterman Confession: I Had Sex With Staffers...
$2M EXTORTION PLOT... Tells Fans of Scandal During Thursday Night Show
Give Americans what they want to hear ... supply and demand. Hearing about what is actually going to hold effect on their everyday life has not been what the United States is about - or years and decades ago corruption would not not have grown to be totally rampant in government. And, our industrial base would not have been allowed to be shipped overseas.
nasdaq.com | Facing a midnight deadline, the U.S. Senate Wednesday approved an emergency one-month extension of current funding levels for the federal government President Barack Obama must sign it into law by midnight to avert the shutdown.Once again, remember that the price of gold going up is like a gauge for you to begin to perceive the collapse of the US$. I am also aware of the manipulation of gold prices by the gov.
SeekingAlpha.com | Expect Gold to Reach $3,000The US$ will be dying from the outside inward - the effects will be seen globally before it will be felt in the United States. The G-7 Banksters are meeting this weekend in Istanbul - coincidently so is the World Bank and IMF (International Monetary Fund) ... but the G7 is no longer as important as they used to be given China's and other countries growing economic weight.
G20 means G7 no longer only game in town on forex Reuters - The G7 -- the United States, Britain, France, Japan, Canada, Germany and Italy -- say they will still meet periodically, starting this weekend on the ...
For some reason the humpty-dumpty story comes to my mind - like "all the banksters in the world can't put the dollar back together again".SINKHOLE NEWS

http://www2.wjbf.com/jbf/news/state_regional/georgia/article/car_finally_removed_from_atlanta_sinkhole/27632/Officals determined the road was safe enough for a wrecker to drive in…and the pull car out.
The owner of the vechile says, originally, he was told he would have to pay for getting the car out, but in the three days that it was in the hole, someone also vandalized it.
The county said they would remove it as part of the process of repairing the roadway.

Michael Hilton of American Police Force arrived in Hardin with promises of Mercedes police cars and expertise in operating prisons. He delivered the cars last week, but may have learned about prisons following a 1993 conviction for grand theft.
Public records from police and state and federal courts in California show that Michael Anthony Hilton, using that name and more than a dozen aliases over several years, is cited in multiple criminal, civil and bankruptcy cases, and was sentenced in 1993 to two years in state prison in California.
Hilton pleaded guilty in March 1993 to 14 felonies, including 10 counts of grand theft, one count of attempted grand theft and three counts of diversion of construction funds, according to Orange County court records. He was sentenced to two years in prison, but it is unclear how much time he served.
Court records in that case list his real name as Michael Hilton, but they also include the aliases Midrag Ilia Dokovitch, Midrag Ilia Dokovich and Michael Miodrag.
Hilton, who speaks heavily accented English, has told reporters that he is a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Montenegro, a country bordering Serbia, and once part of the former Republic of Yugoslavia.
UPI | U.S. billionaires had a bad year
NEW YORK, Oct. 1 (UPI) -- The 400 richest U.S. citizens lost a collective $300 billion in the past year, the highly anticipated annual list of richest Americans reveals.
In the past 12 months, Warren Buffett, No. 2 on the list, lost $10 billion of his personal wealth, Forbes.com reported Thursday. While he was the biggest loser of the year, Buffet is still worth $40 billion, the magazine said.
Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, maintained his spot on the top of the list for the 16th consecutive year.
Gates, valued at $50 billion, lost $7 billion in the past year.
The Top 10 also includes Oracle founder Lawrence Ellison (worth $27 billion), Wal-Mat heirs Christy Walton ($21.5 billion), Jim Walton ($19.6 billion), Alice Walton $19.3 billion) and S. Robson Walton ($19 billion), media mogul Michel Bloomberg ($17.5 billion), and energy investors David and Charles Koch ($16 billion each).
Frantic search as Indonesia quake toll tops 1,000...
Indonesia, Samoa hit by series of earthquakes - Hundreds feared dead as at least 15 quakes hit two areas along the Pacific Ring of Fire' in 3 days

The ring-necked parakeet - a wild parrot, with vibrant emerald feathers and crimson beak - will shortly become fair game for residents possessing a rifle or shotgun, cage trap or net under new rules from wildlife watchdog Natural England.
From January 1 the bird once dubbed 'the grey squirrel of the skies' can be killed or have its nest disturbed and eggs destroyed to help protect crops and such native species as the woodpecker.
- Since they started breeding in the wild in 1969, the ring necked parakeet has become London's 15th most common bird.
- They nest so early in the year - often in January - that they use up the good holes and nest boxes, driving away native species such as woodpeckers.
- In Esher, Surrey, one roost has an estimated 7,000 noisy birds.
- Also known as rose necked parakeets, they were kept as pets by the Ancient Greeks and Romans.
- The birds originate from the foothills of the Himalayas - so can cope with the chilly British weather.
You all sleep good tonight - we have Big Brother taking care of us!

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