- CNNMoney: Dow 10,000 in sight
- Clinton: U.S., Russia must go beyond Cold War
- Senate panel OKs health plan
- Dems blast insurance industry report
Then there's the true to distract celebrity news such as the following on the Drudge Report this morning:
Michael Jackson's burnt hair is up for sale...
Our government's priorities are obvious with the bailing out of their buddies on Wall Street with BILLIONS - neither our country's Veterans OR the populous is what they are focused upon. Our government has rendered our country totally bankrupt - a fiat currency that is on a global death march - keep the right and left, democrats and republicans, gays and non-gays, etc... fighting and there is an old and wise expression that "a house divided cannot stand".Week of October 12, 2009
In response to the hardships caused by delays in delivering GI Bill benefits, the Department of Veterans Affairs began issuing advance educational benefit payments to veteran-students in the form of US Bank business checks. These emergency checks are being issued in amounts up to $3,000 for veteran-students who have applied for GI Bill benefits and who have not yet received their VA payment. VA's 57 regional offices began issuing these checks to eligible Veteran-students across the country on Friday, October 2, 2009. Unfortunately, many veterans have found it nearly impossible to cash the VA checks. To help with this latest snag, the VA has established a special customer service call-in number (1-800-827-2166) for banks to verify the validity of any US Bank check brought to them by a veteran. Banks calling these numbers will be connected directly to a VA employee who can access to all necessary information to verify who the check was issued to, the check number and dollar amount of the check, and whether the check was previously cashed or not.
To learn more, read the blog post on the Military Education Blog.
Americans appear to have the attention span of a New York Minute - and the corporate government media has been cultivating it for decades with the television set.
As if Americans very shortly having to face the collapse of the US$ - all they need is what is happening to our planet with the solar system passing through a VERY HIGH magnetic region of the Milky Way Galaxy. The total absence of sunspots is more than a clue as to changes taking place beyond the hand of any government or elite globalist to fix.
SpaceWeather.com | DEEP QUIET Today, the sun is entering its 13th consecutive day without sunspots. Just a few years ago, such a stretch of blank suns would have been unthinkable. Now it's routine. So far this year, the sun has been spotless 79% of the time, topping the 73% mark recorded in 2008. Long after many forecasters thought solar minimum would be finished, the quiet is not only continuing, but actually deepening. Are sunspots gone for good? Researchers discuss the question in an article from Science@NASA.
From the NASA article referenced above:

You can click the above link to the NASA science article that ends with the following paragraph:
Whatever happens, notes Hathaway, "the sun is behaving in an interesting way and I believe we're about to learn something new."I won't get into the geomagnetic field activity of the sun posted daily by the Joint USAF/NOAA Report this morning - SolarCycle24.com has a website that picks up alot of such data and also has links to lead you other sites to find more solar data.
Weather Change is an understatement used by corporate-government media. Next April will mark my 60th year on this planet if I make it til then - and what our planet is in for with increasing solar changes will transform normal weather into a memory from my past. The weather man is always wrong with forecasts since I can remember - however, there is becoming a new "commonly used" vocabulary base to attempt to describe weather such as freak, strange, abnormality, unusual, out of season, etc - as on-land hurricanes, strange clouds, straight line winds in excess of 100 mph, earthquakes in strange places, volcanoes coming to life, strange sounds from the ground, record rainfalls, etc. take place globally. Areas of a country being totally battered with not only one record rainfall but another and another moving in right behind to affect already saturated soils is becoming a new normal.
For example, this morning's news:
Rome was struck by extreme weather conditions which spun off a small tornado at 5 pm yesterday afternoon, causing mayhem with rush hour traffic.Winds clocked at 90kmh, accompanied by heavy downpours, toppled more than 50 trees, killed one 21 year old, and caused an additional 5 injuries, one of whom remains in critical condition.
Meteorologists say the small tornado struck ground’ just a few miles east of the capital’s ring road, in Via di Lunghezzina.
The gale force winds kicked in at around 5 pm. Approximately 30 major roads had to be closed and bus routes and rail lines were temporarily stopped or re-routed away from the storm.
Due to the severity of the winds and rains, and the time of day, traffic jams wreaked havoc with workers trying to get in and out of the capitol.
Much of the damage, and ensuing mayhem was caused by the falling trees.
Storm weakens but rains are on their way as mountain areas prepare for slides
Los Angeles Times"Flash flooding and debris flows will be a particular threat in and below the recent burn areas." The powerful winter storm battered Northern California ...South King County cities prepare for floods
Seattle Post Intelligencer - - Oct 12, 2009With the possibility of floods on the Green River this winter, it's become a place for valuable pictures and family papers as well. ...5000 may need shelter if King Co. floods severe Seattle Post Intelligencer
Take your time and ask yourself WHY has FEMA been in the business of new flood maps for every state. Pay your premiums for government flood insurance and with our bankrupt federal government do you really think the claims will be paid any better than the checks received by our Veterans? Money in from Americans - Money out to global banksters ... is continuing to be working real well. Won't even go into the bankrupt FDIC insuring your money like FEMA is insuring you for flood damage.
The news on disputed FEMAs flood maps have been going on for months ALL OVER the country! (Pulled up just a couple this morning to provide visualization)
Jasper disputes FEMA maps, seeks public input
Jasper Journal - - Oct 13, 2009Hope for an alteration to the FEMA flood map isn't sunk yet, however, and Jasper is actively engaged in protesting and, hopefully, re-negotiating the ...Will new FEMA flood maps change your insurance rate? Yakima Herald-RepublicQuestions raised over preliminary floodplain map
Columbia Missourian - - 9 hours agoThe map is a part of FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program, a voluntary program in which communities can enroll. Participating communities receive ...
Trust the government to give their Wall Street buddies $BILLIONS - money taken directly out of the country - they aren't stupid, they knew and designed the US$ to crash (and the burning is yet to really begin).
Wars and the rumors of war ..... our country has been the military arm for the London banksters for decades:
Dollar dip sends oil to 2009 high
New international economic and financial order talk is coming out of Beijing this morning
(I made the picture)

Xinhua | 8th Prime Ministers' meeting of SCO member states opens in Beijing
yonhapnews.co.kr | Former US President George W Bush - "Asia to take center stage in future global economy"
Former Presidents Clinton and Bush - Second joint appearance on Feb 4 at TD Ameritrade conference
Celente - People Should Brace For 'Greatest Depression' -- 2012 Forecast - Decline of Empire America - Food Riots, Ghost Malls, Mob Rule, Terror.

Washington, Oct 13 (IANS) Former US president Bill Clinton has said India has the potential to outgrow China if it makes peace with Pakistan.
This peace between the two countries could lead to a more modern Afghanistan and contribute to a worldwide drawdown of nuclear weapons, he said speaking at the Indian Institute of Technology’s Global Conference 2009 in Chicago Saturday.
Heck with federalizing local police - go right to globalization of police

Interpol Secretary-General Ronald K. Noble
Who is Ronald K. Noble - Waco Siege “Enforcer” To Rule Over Global Police Force
Man who both approved and covered-up government slaughter of 76 people, including 20 children, will lead move to establish international model of law enforcement.
UN and Interpol officials met Monday to discuss the formation of a “global police force” that would enjoy access to a worldwide database of DNA, biometric and fingerprint records. The effort will be spearheaded by a man known as “The Enforcer” who helped federal authorities both conduct and cover up the murderous Waco siege which killed 76 people in 1993.
“Interpol and the United Nations are poised to become partners in fighting crime by jointly grooming a global police force that would be deployed as peacekeepers among rogue nations riven by war and organized crime, officials from both organizations say,” reports the New York Times.
The danger of having a global police force conducting law enforcement on U.S. soil under the control of Interpol and the UN is self-evident. Global cops who do not have to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution have no obligation to follow it. Operating outside of the realms of the U.S. legal system, global cops will have carte blanche to snatch, grab and intern citizens without recourse. A highly centralized system of policing guarantees hardly any liability whatsoever and therefore encourages rampant illegality and police brutality.....
AP | The global police organization Interpol began issuing special passports Tuesday to its senior investigators, aimed at allowing them to enter any of the group's 188 member countries without visas. Pakistan and Ukraine become the first countries to accept the new documents and three more will follow soon, Interpol Secretary-General Ronald K. Noble said during the organization's general assembly here.
Global corporations do not pledge allegiance to the American flag

The Advanced Tactical Laser in an undated flight over Albuquerque, N.M. Credit: Ed Turner, Boeing
The Boeing Company is a major aerospace and defense corporation, founded by William E. Boeing in Seattle, Washington. Boeing has expanded over the years, merging with McDonnell Douglas in 1997. Its international headquarters has been in Chicago, Illinois,[2] since 2001. Boeing is the largest global aircraft manufacturer by revenue, orders and deliveries, and the second largest aerospace and defense contractor in the world.[3] Boeing is the largest exporter by value in the United States.[4] Its stock is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
On August 11, 2006, Boeing announced an agreement to form a joint-venture with the large Russian titanium producer, VSMPO-Avisma for the machining of titanium forgings.[27] On December 27, 2007 Boeing and VSMPO-Avisma created a joint venture Ural Boeing Manufacturing and signed a contract on titanium products deliveries until 2015, with Boeing planning to invest 27 billion dollars in Russia over the next 30 years......
Lakeland, Florida | Holes in the bottom of Peace River - water is going down the holes instead of flowing downriver
Last Modified: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 8:22 p.m.
During the 2000-01 drought, a few of us wandered around the riverbed of the Peace River to see whether we could find any more places where the river was flowing into a hole in the ground.
These sinkholes, chasms and other holes are known technically as "karst features," a geological term in use since the late 19th century to describe areas where rock is dissolved by water, creating conduits between and within surface and underground geology.
The latest news about these holes in the bottom of the Peace River is that scientists at the U.S. Geologic Survey office in Tampa have figured out how much water is going down the holes instead of flowing downriver as it once did.
The five-year, $926,000 study was funded by the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
The study, conducted by Patricia Metz and Bill Lewelling, concluded that an average of 11 million gallons a day disappears into the ground along a two-mile stretch of the river between Bartow and Homeland.
These losses contribute to the common dry season phenomenon in the past 30 years in which little or no water flows down this portion of the river. FULL STORY

He says he received about 100 reports of sightings of the meteor from people throughout the country. The KNMI national weather centre also received a large number of calls reporting the event.
Space.com | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military
Study charts links between cellphones, tumors...
- Pumpkin Festival (October 10-16)
At: Bloom Where You're Planted Educational Farm and Pumpkin Patch (Avoca, NE) - Pumpkin Festival (October 17-23)
At: Bloom Where You're Planted Educational Farm and Pumpkin Patch (Avoca, NE) - Annual Farm Tour / Harvest of Traditions (October 18)
At: Branched Oak Farm (Raymond, NE) - Pumpkin Festival (October 24-30)
At: Bloom Where You're Planted Educational Farm and Pumpkin Patch (Avoca, NE)

Talk at you all later ... have a very good day!!

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