Readers all over the country report seeing those blue-striped SUV's all over the country now days - some sample sightings:"I saw a vehicle here in Wisconsin I never saw before. SUV, can not remember if it had emergency lights or not. Lettering "Emergency Response" or something to that effect. Like a disaster response vehicle. The driver was our age and did not look very threatening.
"George, I live in eastern Penna, between Allentown and Phila. Most mornings I also see a federal DHS police car, same car, same time, same route. This is an officer going somewhere on a regular schedule, as it seems to be commuting type travel. Must take the car home with him at night. Car is a white 4 door suv type, marked as described in the other report.
Someday, if I need something to do I should tag along. Wonder what federal "law" authorizes them, and how it affects us, the people of the several states.
"The white vehicles with blue writing are part of the Federal Protective Services under DHS. You can read about them on the net, photos included. Their duties continue to expand, overlapping in my opinion, those duties of other law enforcement agencies, but what do I know. Perhaps very soon everything will be under DHS.......or is it already........must of missed the memo. And budget funding comes from where for all these folks and their gas-guzzling large autos and SUVs? Guess they missed the "eco-friendly, green, hybrid government vehicle" memo. And there you have it.
"My friend and I went for a day's journey to Santa Barbara on the train (we live in Orange County). We returned back through LA Union Station where the train stopped for loading/unloading passengers. I saw something out of my window that scared me. I thought, this is an "Auschwitz train." The train was next to the platform, and next to our train. There was no activity around it (seemed parked there). It was painted in drab gray primer. That was odd enough, but what really made me think of Auschwitz was it had a series of 3 or 4 lights mounted together on the top end of each car, also in painted in gray primer paint. The lights were capped, meaning they were "non operational." At the time I thought, hmmmm, is this what some of us folks may be traveling in to camps, etc. when we don't comply with taking H1N1 shots, or demand to keep our firearms, etc.? Another curious thing, there was a "logo" for lack of the proper term, on the end car - wish I had thought to capture it properly in my memory, but it looked like it may have been the symbol from the UN. Geeze, I hope I don't ever have to be a witness for anyone. I saw this emblem (logo) before somewhere, just wish I had better recollection."
Yikes! One reader who understands what's going on spells it out this way:
"To quote another reader, "Naturally, my concern is that Bush (and now Obama) imposed a national police force on us and we did not even know about it. This looks like yet another step on the road to an authoritarian police state."
Seems to me Obama DID tell us about it. That would be part of the civilian force that's as well-trained and funded as the military. Of course Homeland Security was the logical starting place for the creation of a federal police farce."
And since, as Paul Craig Roberts reported the "PATRIOT Act mandates Homeland Security Police", another reader wonders:
"Here's a question for you - What is the end game to all of this? A poisoned planet, a slave class, billions dead, a deserted landscape that lays in ruin, what is the final goal? King of Nothing? And at what point, if/after they reach their goal, that the PTB go all "Lord of the Flies" on each other? Then what?"
Oh...that's when the Kanamits arrive in their UFO's with the book "To Serve Man" which turns out to be a cookbook. But, thanks for asking.
Meantime, gotta wonder what kind of fleet buy the Feds got from GM which was edging toward bankruptcy...oh you see how the controlled economy works, right?
Stories out of Fox Chicago like "People afraid to come out of their homes" may explain why gun and ammo sales are up.
Write this down somewhere, would you: Ure Axiom 1009: The number of police required is proportionate to the square of the number of laws on a nations books.
Why & how to avoid GMO foods -- Now that President Obama has appointed Michael Taylor as Food Czar to his cabinet, the struggle is destined to become more difficult unless more consumers knowingly boycott GMO products. Michael Taylor was a vice president and chief lobbyist for Monsanto prior to his cabinet selection. Did you know that the stated aim of Monsanto is to own the patents for all the food crop seeds in the world? And now they're in the White House!
Gun Owners of America | Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus has something to say to gun owners: “Own a gun; lose your coverage!”
Geophysical Activity Forecast: Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet levels during days 1 - 2 (13 - 14 October). Activity is expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels on day 3 (15 October) as an equatorward extension of the northern crown coronal hole begins to influence the field.
Just a note: Weather forecast for some sunshine on October 15th in Lincoln - warming up to 50's - with the above "northern crown coronal hole beginning to influence the field".
Electromagnetic Radiation
Visible light is a complex phenomenon that is classically explained with a simple model based on propagating rays and wavefronts, a concept first proposed in the late 1600s by Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens. Electromagnetic radiation, the larger family of wave-like phenomena to which visible light belongs (also known as radiant energy), is the primary vehicle transporting energy through the vast reaches of the universe. The mechanisms by which visible light is emitted or absorbed by substances, and how it predictably reacts under varying conditions as it travels through space and the atmosphere, form the basis of the existence of color in our universe.

QUOTE: "I find it amazing and strange how these particles and energies from thousands, millions and even billions of light years travel and bounce around until they hit us (GCR bounce off magnetic fields) and cause atmospheric changes and weather events. Why has there been no official confirmation of the weather events being caused by events from space despite all the mounting evidence and data?
Isn't it enough to see how at first they were calling the current Earth changes "global warming" and then went with "climate change" when it was obvious the Earth was not simply warming up... Why do people think space is empty? Space is anything but empty... it's full of particles/waves and interactions of such macroscopic scales that we have only barely begun to understand them. Not to mention the prevalent force of electromagnetic radiation."
Scientists have observed that electromagnetic radiation has a dual "personality." Besides acting like waves, it acts like a stream of particles (called "photons") that have no mass. The photons with the highest energy correspond to the shortest wavelengths.
THE DEATH OF DOLLAR BENEFITS GLOBALISTS | Dollar's drop brings in billions for Coke - Warren Buffett favors Coke over Pepsi - he owns the most of any investor
The 14-month decline in the U.S. dollar against major currencies is scary for Americans. The U.S. has always been proud of a strong currency, and a depreciating dollar makes everything we import more expensive. While it makes our exports more attractive, goods produced here and sold abroad account for a small part of the economy.
For Coca-Cola (KO-N54.790.140.26%), however, the falling dollar helps juice earnings. In the footnotes of its second-quarter regulatory filings, Atlanta-based Coke says it made an extra $1.1-billion (U.S.) abroad due to currency translations. To put that in perspective, Coke posted net income of $2.05 billion during the quarter. (The currency gain is theoretical, in that the company hasn't realized it on its income statement.)
The foreign-currency variable highlights a factor in Coke's business model that should serve the company well. International diversification has made the company resilient in the face of a weak American economy.
Besides currency-translation adjustments, Coke's investments in bottlers around the world have performed well. Excluding Coca-Cola Enterprises, bottling investments for the company have been assigned a fair value of more than $3-billion above the carrying value, the worth of an asset according to its balance-sheet account balance. The network has diversified Coke's revenue streams, making North America just another competitive front.
North America accounts for more than a quarter of revenue, only surpassed by bottling income, but it makes up only 19% of operating income, less than the European Union, Pacific region and Latin America do. Pepsi, Coke's archrival, derives more than half of revenue and operating income from the U.S. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett favors Coke over Pepsi, incidentally. He owns 8.6% of the company, the most of any investor and about the same as the combined holdings of Vanguard, Fidelity and State Street(STT Quote). FULL STORY
Is Obama pushing to intentionally make America a second-rate world power if not, why are we doing what we are doing?.....
The REAL Battle Over America’s Banking System The battle isn’t between bankers versus outsiders. It is between the giant New York money-centered banks and the rest of the country.
Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s effort to lead the world economic recovery by spending the U.S. out of its recession is undermining the dollar, triggering record commodities rallies as investors scour the globe for hard assets.
As threats of a financial meltdown fade, the currency is falling victim to an unprecedented budget deficit, near-zero interest rates and slow growth. The dollar is down 10 percent against six trading partners’ legal tender in Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s first eight-and-a-half months, the sharpest drop for a new occupant of that office since the Reagan administration’s James Baker persuaded world leaders to boost the deutsche mark and yen by debasing the dollar in 1985. This year’s drop followed its best two quarters in 16 years.
“The dollar had been strong because the U.S. was a haven in the storm, and now that the storm is abating, who needs the dollar?” said Edmund Phelps, who won the 2006 Nobel Prize in economics and teaches at Columbia University in New York. “People got exasperated with the tiny returns on safe assets.”
Investors are sating their renewed risk appetites with developing nations’ stocks, currencies and the commodities some of them produce. Gold is up 19 percent this year, touching an all-time high $1,062.70 an ounce on Oct. 8. Copper has rallied 103 percent with the biggest three-quarter rise in at least 21 years. Crude oil, up 64 percent, just finished its steepest eight-month climb since 1999. Aluminum has gained 24 percent, propelled by its best two quarters in a dozen years or more.........
Washington DC | US recession over, unemployment seen at 10 pct
From an economics forum:
I didn't want to start a new topic, so I'll put it here. I'm sitting at my computer and my window is open. For the last half-hour, I've been hearing large numbers of helicopters going from west to east. Fort Detrick and Camp David are to my west. These are large helicopters. I can't see them, because it's still too dark out. We're used to the helicopters flying around, but this is unusual. I've noticed at least ten of them and that's just since I noticed that there is a lot of activity. I can't say how many went before that. I wonder what's going on? Yeah, here comes some more... sounds like two of them, maybe more.
Okay, took a shower and got dressed for work. They're still coming in force! Holy sh--! Are they going in big circles? The same ones going round and round? If they're going in a straight line, then something is definitely up! Anybody else in MD/VA/DC seeing these? Anything unusual? This is weird!
MAP | 6.2 | 2009/10/13 05:37:29 | 53.132 | -167.067 | 67.9 | FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA |
Homes in a neighborhood in Newport regularly shake and no one knows why.*
*Want to note that the same thing happened in Victoria, British Columbia last month.
West Virginia driver licenses good to go on Real ID
Aluminum in Vaccines Increases Thimerosal's Toxicity : Health ...
..........At least three major studies have found thimerosal injections to be associated with developmental disabilities including autism. Two researchers at Stony Brook medical school found that male infants injected with thimerosal via hepatitis B vaccinations (a) were nine times as likely to be enrolled in special education services, and (b) were three times as likely to have autism — when compared with male infants who had not been so vaccinated (6-7). Importantly, these findings are consistent with the original CDC study (Verstraeten et al 1999) wherein early live thimerosal injections were associated with autism, PDD, language problems, sleep disorders, and tics (reviewed in 8).Furthermore, other peer-reviewed studies have documented some of the mechanisms by which aluminum and mercury induce pathologies seen as neurodeneneration (eg, 10-14, 15-17).
Noteworthy: in a recently published study, researchers dared mention that “The demonstrated neurotoxicity of aluminum hydroxide and its relative ubiquity as an adjuvant suggest that greater scrutiny by the scientific community is warranted.” (14)...............
Obama's Czar Sunstein: Take organs from 'helpless patients' 'Though it may sound grotesque, routine removal would save lives'
Three heroes of 9/11 die of cancer in five days - James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act - is still sitting in Congress
"These three deaths are proof that we need this bill passed today - not a year from now," said John Feal, founder of the FealGood Foundation.
The bill would provide $10 billion for medical care for hundreds of first responders who have since become ill. But doctors haven't directly linked these illnesses to the World Trade Center.
"The facts are indisputable," said Kenny Specht, 40, a firefighter who worked for the NYPD on Sept. 11 and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer three years ago. "This week alone proves what we've been saying is absolutely occurring."
Feal said the deaths of Grossman, Diaz and Mannetta in a span of five days is hard to ignore.
"How do you get this high cluster of serious cancer in just people that worked the pile? he said. "That isn't a coincidence."
From another forum I visit:
"You know what's really heart-breaking? I just got finished interviewing a 25 year old 2009 law school graduate (USC undergrad) for a position on my desk to file and answer phones. he is currently answering phones at a pool company (wonder how much longer they'll be in business?), so I guess this would be a step up.
Then he gave me the real clincher: SEVENTY-FIVE percent of his graduating class is unemployed. And I don't mean unemployed in the legal profession; they haven't been able to find ANY jobs ANYWHERE.
And the interviewee looks at me, earnestly, asking about opportunities at my company in the future when things get "better". I hate to lie to him, I want to be honest, but I play along and assure him, "Yes, if the economy turns around, we will probably be hiring again, and that may create a window of opportunity for you to move up."
I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth, that things are NOT going to turn around, that this is our new *normal*. But it reminds me - once again - of my favorite move, "The Matrix". Morpheus warned that those who are too young or too old cannot be unplugged from the matrix. It will kill them...."
Worried US Parents Check Pedophile Maps For Halloween
It's a Fork, It's a Spoon, It's a ... Weapon? -- A 6-year-old's suspension for bringing a camping tool to school has sparked a debate over whether schools' zero-tolerance policies on weapons have gone too far. | Mexican government seizes electrical utility
MEXICO CITY — October 12, 2009 - President Felipe Calderon on Sunday disbanded the public utility that supplies electricity to Mexico City and the surrounding area, citing a gaping budget hole that threatened service to 25 million consumers.
About 500 federal police seized the Mexico City offices of the electricity company Luz y Fuerza del Centro, hours before the government published a decree documenting severe financial and operational inefficiencies at the electricity provider.
Luz y Fuerza is a state-run company that services Mexico City and parts of four central states, but business decisions were largely dictated by a powerful labor union that was locked in a dispute with Calderon's government. The 66,000-member union promised protests to resist the move in the coming days. FULL STORY
Mother Earth Network | Mile-long trail of manatee poop forces beach closure

A 12-day old male reticulated giraffe calf, seen next to its mother Camerun, at Rome's zoo, Friday, Oct. 9, 2009. The nameless calf is 1.70 meters tall (5.5 feet) and was born at the Rome zoo on Monday Sept. 28, 2009. The Rome zoo launched a contest amongst the capital's children to find a name for the giraffe calf.
(AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)Red Bull drink=slow death? -- RED BULL was created to stimulate the brains in people who are subjected to great physical force and in stress coma and never to be consumed like an innocent drink or soda pop.
George Ure's "I'm pleased as punch that gold is pushing $1,070 this morning, but counter-balancing that is my displeasure that the purchasing power of your money & mine is being further hollowed out by the central banksters who seem intent on screwing America's Boomers out of their life-long savings. Oh sure, you may get to have that $300,000 nest egg in your 401(k) but it may not buy you more than a few loaves of bread - as those $100-trillion dollar Zimbabwe notes on my office wall constantly remind me."
"Bill Moyers: Was the Financial Bailout Just a Slick, Friendly Takeover of the Federal Government?"
All is well with me ... the economic collapse was last year and the papering over of this reality with money made out of thin air is now no longer working. We live in historic times ... like the fall of the Roman Empire ... the fall of the American Empire to a banana republic.
I've said for years, "Life is not a puzzle to solve, but a journey to experience" - and I continue to firmly believe we exist in one MIRACULOUS UNIVERSE!

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