Hope everyone has a very merry and blessed Christmas Day! |
Top Headlines on Drudge Report this morning: The 82-year-old pope quickly got up and was unhurt, said a Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Ciro Benedettini. VATICAN CITY – A woman jumped the barriers in St. Peter's Basilica and knocked down Pope Benedict XVI as he walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass on Thursday. The 82-year-old pope quickly got up and was unhurt, said a Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Ciro Benedettini. Footage aired on Italy's RAI state TV showed a woman dressed in a red jumper vaulting over the wooden barriers and rushing the pope before being swarmed by bodyguards. The commotion occurred as the pope's procession was making its way toward the main altar and shocked gasps rang out through the public that packed the basilica. The procession came to a halt and security rushed to the trouble spot. Benedettini said the woman who pushed the pope appeared to be mentally unstable and had been arrested by Vatican police. He said she also knocked down Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, who was taken to hospital for a check up. "During the procession an unstable person jumped a barrier and knocked down the Holy Father," Benedettini told The Associated Press by telephone. "(The pope) quickly got up and continued the procession." After the incident, Benedict, flanked by tense bodyguards, resumed his walk to the basilica's main altar to start the Mass. He did appear somewhat shaken and leaned heavily on aides and an armrest as he sat down in his chair. Benedict made no reference to the incident as the service started. As a choir sang, he sprinkled incense on the altar before opening the Mass with the traditional wish for peace in Latin: "Pax vobis" ("Peace be with you"). The faithful responded: "Et cum spiritu tuo" ("And also with you"). It was the second year in a row there was a security breach at the service. At the end of last year's Mass a woman who had jumped the barriers got close to the pope but was quickly blocked on the ground by security. Benedettini said it was not immediately known if the same woman was behind Thursday's incident. Vatican official says woman who toppled pope same one as in 2008 Christmas Eve security breach. Pope fine for Christmas blessing after fall Health care reform bill passes Senate, moves to final stage... TIRED HARRY REID MISTAKENLY VOTES 'NO'... Senior Dem: Kill the Senate health reform bill and start over... Sen. Schumer Says Every State Got Special Treatment in Obamacare Legislation... Pelosi, Reid to Hold Closed-Door Meetings to Decide Final Bill... Congress raises debt ceiling to $12.4 trillion... |
The following picture taken 'outside the Church of the Annunciation at Nazareth' discloses the condition of our world Pretty Messed Up! |
December 24, 2009 Barack Obama played a practical joke on a political colleague by phoning into a radio station and pretending to be a disgruntled voter. The US president posed as 'Barry from DC' as a wind-up on Governor of Virginia Tim Kaine. He said: 'Governor Kaine this is actually the president the United States here. 'I had questions about traffic in North Virginia, but rather than go there I just wanted to say how proud we are of your service as governor of the commonwealth of Virginia and just wish you and the family the best this Christmas season after a terrific round of service for the people of Virginia.' He was speaking on 'Ask the Governor' on Washington-based station WTOP as the governor is set to step down after four years in office. After the surprised governor had composed himself, he said how proud he'd been to work with the president since he was elected to office a year ago. He said: 'That means a lot a lot. As I think back about my four years as governor I still think my happiest day as governor was in November 2008 and the great work we did across the nation and in Virginia was spectacular. 'We're lucky and the nation is lucky, It's been an amazing first year of your administration.' But Obama couldn't resist poking more fun at the governor's expense. He said: 'We are just very proud of you, we continue to think that your wife is probably a little superior to you, as I think people feel about the First Lady. 'You and me have to stick together as we're married to better people.' |
Princeton Economist and Computer Scientists Show that Derivatives Are Inherently Vulnerable to FraudDecember 24, 2009 As I have previously noted, credit default swaps are destabilizing for the economy. See this and this. Now, Princeton University economists and computer scientists have demonstrated that financial derivatives are also inherently vulnerable to fraudulent pricing. PhysOrg summarizes Princeton's findings: In a result that may have implications for financial regulation, researchers from computer science and economics have revealed potentially impenetrable problems with the pricing of financial derivatives. They show that sellers of these investments could purposefully include pieces of bad risk that no buyer could detect even with the most powerful computers. http://www.georgewashington2.blogspot.com/ |
California Governor Schwarzenegger May Appeal to Obama as $21 Billion Deficit Defies Solution...
Dec. 24 (Bloomberg) -- California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, anticipating a $21 billion budget deficit, plans to ask President Barack Obama to ease mandates and minimums on social programs to save as much as $8 billion. The Republican governor plans to seek the relief, according to a California official who asked not to be identified because details haven’t been resolved. Instead of seeking one-time stimulus money or a bailout, the most-populous state wants the U.S. to reduce mandates and waive rules stipulating expenditures on programs such as indigent health care, the official said. California is among states most affected by the economic recession. It has the lowest credit rating and recorded the nation’s second-highest rate of home foreclosures, trailing only Nevada. Unemployment peaked at 12.5 percent in October amid the loss of 687,700 jobs from the year before, when the jobless figure was 8 percent. Wealth declined as the stock market lost 40 percent of its value in 2008. READ MORE .... Arizona’s Coming Government Collapse
ResistNet | “We face a state fiscal crisis of unparalleled dimension – one that is going to sweep over every single person in this state as well as every business and every family.” Oklahoma Has Biggest Deficit Among States Oklahoma has the unwanted distinction of having the largest revenue shortfall of any state, according to a new report. That reality is illustrated by the state's revenue collections, which are down by more than 25 percent from a year ago. The state last week ordered yet another round of cuts, this time instructing agencies to cut 10 percent from their budgets. A November state budget report by the National Conference of State Legislatures says Oklahoma's 18.5 percent shortfall for the current fiscal year edges out Arizona's 18 percent, with Illinois in third at 16.5 percent.The report says states have lopped $145.9 billion from their fiscal year 2010 budgets compared with 2009. For most states, the fiscal year begins on July 1. In addition, 36 states have reported additional shortfalls for 2010 totaling $28.2 billion.... |
National Irish Bank says it is moving to a Scandinavian model of "cashless banking" - with an increased reliance on ATMs and debit cards.
NIB has told customers that its branches will no longer handle cash withdrawals or lodgements, nightsafe lodgements or foreign exchange cash.
They are instead urging customers to use ATMs or get cash back on their laser cards if they need notes. Branches will continue to accept cheques and postal orders.
The bank says the idea of "cashless banking" will be rolled out over the next 18 months, and that the model is that used by its Danish parent company.
NIB says Irish dependence on cash is amongst the highest in Europe.
From UrbanSurvival.com this Christmas Eve Morning regarding Ireland:
Although I've been looking for a 'one world currency' I don't see it happening for a good long while because of these kinds of trip wires.
On the other hand what is going on is the diminishing value of cash and even cash equivalents are being phased out.
Some examples? Well, to start with much of Ireland is abuzz today over the report that "National Irish [bank] moves to cashless banking". Not that people in Ireland have given up on paper money - at least yet. They will still be able to get it from ATM's and such.
But underlying there are some interesting moves afoot which you might want to be aware of:
The National Irish move follows something called the 'Scandinavian model of banking where cash in minimal. Almost everything is done by bank check or a credit card.
Here in the US there has been a large reduction of check writing due to online banking and payment systems such that the Federal Reserve laid out plans in 2008 to have the "Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland will serve as the single paper check processing and adjustments site and that the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta will serve as the single electronic check processing site for the Federal Reserve System"
In a period of high unemployment (like now?) money moves from the 'official' (meaning taxed economy to the underground economy where things like taxes don't exist. In a cashless society, the availability of cash for illicit transactions dries up.
What happens to the drug business? For years, motorcycle gangs have been using silver as a kind of coin of their realm.
Indeed some interesting things to ponder. While there's no obvious conclusion to where things are going, I keep collecting data points. Clearly, cash use is declining to the point where if you have more than a certain amount of cash on hand in your home, it may be legal but it's also highly suspect and if ever confiscated, you'd probably have to hire a lawyer to get it back - and you might not...
Cash has a dicey future ahead - just like old-fashioned hand written checks. Something to think about: How do people remain free if government controls the means of free exchange? Or, is that the whole point?
Snow, Wind, Ice Making Driving on I-80 Very Dangerous- KOLN As promised road conditions on Interstate-80 through Lincoln have quickly deteriorated. A combination of ice, snow and very powerful winds are making it dangerous even to just be outside. People 10/11 News spoke with say they've been driving around 40 miles per hour. For truck drivers, the wind is playing a dangerous role in their drive. Charles Merk is driving a semi from Las Vegas to Minnesota. He says, "It's very hard. I've got a lightweight load so the wind can really blow you off the road. We've seen quite a bit of cars and trucks off the road. It's hard, very hard driving." Sonny Reyes is driving from Omaha to Wyoming. He says, "Better to get there than not get there. So if they don't have to drive tonight, wait until the morning. It's still Christmas tomorrow. If they don't have to get there tonight, don't. It's really, really dangerous." One trucker 10/11 News spoke with Thursday night says so far, he's seen more than 100 cars and trucks in the ditch since he started driving through the storm. The Nebraska State Patrol has already reported seven deaths from car crashes in recent days, all along I-80. As driving conditions worsen, the fear is that number could continue to grow. Live Norfolk, Nebraska Weather Cam Lewis & Clark Lake Conditions on Christmas Eve |
Arrow drivers wake to nightmare before Christmas
On Tuesday, as many as 1,400 truck drivers for Arrow Trucking Co., based out of Tulsa, OK, have been frantically trying to figure out their next moves as the company unexpectedly announced it was “suspending all operations” that day. Truckers started calling in to the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and Land Line after they were awakened with phone calls from their dispatchers alerting them to the grim news that the company was shutting its doors and that their instructions were to turn in their trucks to the nearest Freightliner dealership. However, no instructions were given for drivers of International trucks. One OOIDA member told Land Line on Tuesday, Dec. 22, that he had a bad feeling this was coming down the pike when his fuel card didn’t work at a truck stop the previous night. As of press time, the company driver, who didn’t want to be named, was stranded at a Freightliner dealership in Roanoke, VA, because he didn’t have enough fuel to make it to his delivery in Maryland .... |
Market moves and the lunatic fringe
IMPLODING equities, exploding credit default swaps, soaring gold and slumping oil -- if, at any time over the past 18 months, it seemed that markets were in the grip of lunacy, it may be because investors are, technically, lunatics.
The market mayhem since the global financial meltdown began in 2008 has provided fertile soil for proponents of a branch of investment theory which holds that market cycles move in phase with the Moon.
Now, backed with decades of data and behaviour that can no longer be explained by purely rational analysis, the lunar theory has slipped into the mainstream.
In a piece of research that involved 14 of its senior analysts from across five leading financial centres scrutinising data from 32 leading indices over several decades, Macquarie Securities has arrived at a startling discovery: the two days on either side of the new lunar month represent most of the positive returns on equity markets for the next four weeks.
"Using data since 1988 for a wide variety of indices," the report concluded, "it is quite clear that a strong surge in returns can be seen leading into the turn of the (lunar) month."
The analysts are quick to dismiss the idea that the theory applies only to markets in Asia -- a part of the world where belief in the lunar theory, especially in Hong Kong and Japan, is better established.
"The effect is not just an Asian effect, it happens globally," the Macquarie report said.
"Of the 32 markets we examined, all showed higher than average returns around the turn of the (lunar) month ... and for many of the markets, the average return for the rest of the month was below, or close to, zero."
Equity markets, it seems, act as a particularly sensitive barometer for the invisible impact of lunar cycles on human psychology -- an influence that has been widely assumed for centuries, but never solidly proven by science.
Macquarie points to two academic studies, which found that returns around the new moon are nearly double that of the corresponding full moon phase.
Using MSCI index data from the same 32 equity bourses and tracking decades of data, the Macquarie report found that: "In many markets, a very clear increase in average returns can be seen leading into the lunar new month."
The results, the analysis said, showed that without exception every market showed a very slight increase in the average return over the new moon period.
Other brokerage firms have latched on to parts of the lunar theory. Analysts at CLSA recently pointed out to clients that the recent near-collapse of the global credit and financial system was presaged by the lunar cycle.
As markets teetered on the brink of oblivion in 2008, the true panic began exactly on the 27th day of the seventh lunar cycle. Eerily, that same phase marked the height of panic during the great market crashes of 1857, 1907, 1929, 1987 and 1997.
The Macquarie report, which acknowledges that investors are unlikely to adapt their strategies to fit the new research, concludes that the relevance of the theory is "probably slightly more powerful than, say, betting that good value stocks outperform in the long run".
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||
Sold on Ebay This Rocket Stove is designed for indoor use but can be used outdoors as well. It has a standard 4" pipe connect on the top, as pictured for you below, to hook up to your chimney pipe. This is the ultimate in preparedness items. If seriously hard times befall us, you may run out of propane, kerosene, or be unable to afford natural gas to cook with. This Indoor Rocket Stove will allow you to keep on cooking food and boiling water inside the comfort of your dwelling if times get really rough. You can use any type of dry biomass to cook with such as leaves, twigs, bark, grass, cork husks or stocks, etc., etc. Highlights
This Indoor Rocket Stove has been designed so that the top can come off and be used as an outdoor rocket stove as well. This means you'll be able to clean it out and be able to get fires going with the top off then put the top on and start cooking if using it indoors. You will still need to dump out the ash every couple of meals or so depending on how long you cook in it. This isn't the most convenient method to cook with using it indoors, but it's a very effective to way to cook with very little wood or dry plant matter. The removable top is designed so that the smoke and heat are fed through two steel plates to the chimney pipe attachment as pictured. It's as safe to use as any wood burning stove, other than it doesn't have a door to close in the fire, so keep that in mind and don't leave it unattended. Just like any wood burning stove there is a risk of back draft pushing smoke back through the air and wood intake. Also much like wood burning stoves, you will want to place this Indoor Rocket Stove on a fire resistant surface such as tile, brick, etc. so that if burning embers come out of it they don't fall onto carpet, wood, tarps or any other combustible type flooring. Honestly this Indoor Rocket Stove is not nearly as easy to de-ash like the outdoor version we sell being that you would have to remove your stove pipe to dump the ashes. Also getting fires started in it, you will have to remove the top plate and stove pipe to do so unless you can find another ingenious way to get it started. So there are some draw backs using this Indoor Rocket Stove but would be still good for times of preparedness and having the dual usage of indoor and outdoor. The stove is designed for cooking purposes and not for heating being that the Indoor Rocket Stove is insulated inside to force the heat out the top where your pan is. However it will get hot on the sides, so please wait for it to cool before you try to move it or dump ashes out. Three steel legs on the Indoors Rocket Stoves for good solid balancing. The outdoors version of these rocket stoves are used in Africa because people can burn grass, sagebrush, and other dry plant matter to cook food in places where trees are rare therefore firewood is scarce. It has a steel tongue which is the flat metal bar coming out of the bottom opening for setting longer pieces of wood into it and for better air flow for the fire under the tongue. A small piece of rolled up paper or some dried leaves can get it started and you can use small twigs and branches or wood that you've split with a hatchet to feed the fire. More Pictures: | ||
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html CHRISTMAS MORNING DEC 25, 2009 AT 6:47 AM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase http://www.die.net/moon/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/sunspots/ http://solarcycle24.com/ Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind SOHO LASCO C2 Latest Image - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ... Active Regions 11038 11036 11037 Solar activity has returned to a very low level. NOAA 1036 has decayed rapidly and is now spotless as it rotates over the west limb. There is a weak EFR located S28W19 with a tiny spot visible in white light images. No significant solar activity expected today. December 25, 2009 http://www.lmsal.com/solarsoft/l1q_synop/pfss_20091225_1300_Bfield_20091223_180400_full_eclip.png | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Fri Dec 25 12:14:31 UTC 2009
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map |
I "borrowed" the following from a "discreet" board--which will remain un-named.... Just do a google on "hedge fund" and "arrested," or just plain "Galleon" and you'll notice the takedowns continue. 20 arrests from Galleon so far. James Nicholson, Another Ponzi, 150 million $$$ Jay Nolan, Chicago futures trader arrested, another multimillion dollar fraud: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-thu-brf1-trader-nov26,0,3857602.story Scott Rothstein, finally http://wallstreetpit.com/12561-accused-ponzi-rothstein-arrested-on-racketeering-charge Oh, and did you hear Rothstein's former partner was murdered Naresh Jain, Hawala King (alternative banking), arrested in India, $2.2 billion money laundering scheme: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/6753574/Hawala-King-Naresh-Jain-arrested- DAVID RAMNAUTH, the President of GuyAmerican Funding Corp., in connection with a scheme that defrauded banks out of more than $23 million in home mortgage loans Don't know if what's going on in Venezuela's banking realm is a part of the whole rats-in-a-sack meme, but http://www.rmn.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=163288 |
On December 1st, President Obama talked about withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan within 18 months.
Everyone now knows that there is no firm withdrawal date from Afghanistan. See this and this.
But in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee on December 2nd, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton actually gave a much longer horizon for the presence of U.S. troops in America:
Senator UDALL.— So, in an ideal world, we would get the job done militarily in the short term; in the medium and long term, we would have a presence in the region, economically, diplomacy, and politically.
Secretary CLINTON. Well, as we have with so many other countries— obviously, we have troops in a limited number of countries around the world; some have been there for 50, 60 years, but we have long-term economic assistance and development programs in many others. And we think that’s a likely outcome in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, that we would be there with a long-term commitment.
Does this mean that U.S. troops will be in Afghanistan in 50 year?
On the surface, Clinton's statement could be interpreted to mean that troops will leave sooner, but that America will have long-term economic assistance and development programs in Afghanistan for many decades to come.
However, U.S. charities working in Afghanistan report that they are subject to Pentagon sponsorship and control, and so the Afghani people view them as part of the U.S. military (which hampers their aid work).
Therefore, whether or not troops will remain in Afghanistan for a half century or more, the Afghani people and the rest of the world may consider it a permanent occupation.
Remember also that - while the U.S. government has promised to withdraw by December 31, 2011 from Iraq - the U.S. is building numerous permanent military bases in that country. (see this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this). So talk is cheap.
Hunger for False Flag In U.S. by Luciferian Illuminati Inside U.S. Govt. / Military / Intel Agencies/ Money Center Banks - Still Strong ?
December 22, 2009
Of course, it is the motto of the Illuminati and 33rd Degree Masons isn't it... ORDO AB CHAO... order out of chaos? Did not Albert Pike in his letter to Giuseppe Mazzini detail the plan of 3 World Wars to be used to establish Luciferianism and to set the anti-Christ on the throne in Jerusalem way back in the late 1800's? Did not Tom Horn in his very recent book "APPOLLYON RISING 2012" reveal that the Lost Symbol and final mystery of the Great Seal of the United States was solved and that the Illuminati and highest level Masons fully expect their god... APPOLLYON to return in 2012 and that they have been working toward their New World Order for over 200 years. If you haven't read this book or Albert Pike's "MORALS AND DOGMA" , or his letter revealing the details of the 3 World Wars I suggest you do so quickly, because you don't have much time to understand what is likely to hit you like a freight train. Though, Ezekiel 38 -39, Daniel, Mathew 24-25 , and Revelations might be the best places to start in the Bible.
The problem here is perhaps some of the minions are growing fearful that they might be in the sights and scopes of free Americans brandishing close to 200 million firearms after reading some Thomas Jefferson quotes about standing armies, banks, and how the Liberty Tree must be watered from time to time by the blood of Patriots and tyrants... or perhaps that wonderful speech by Patrick Henry about "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" . In that, their fears are not unfounded... even the Web Bots( Half Past Human.com) have predicted the deaths of hundreds of thousands of bankers, politicians, and propagandists in the upcoming American revolution of 2010 and 2011 that spreads globally. When tyrants rob $Trillions from the people, take over whole segments of the economy in some totalitarian dream, shred the Constitution and Bill of Rights , and then start pushing people who have nothing left to lose... well what could they expect?
To whit, the more clever of the luciferians would rather use what worked so well on 9-11 a False Flag attack upon U.S. soil. They would like nothing better than to see a pretext... that would not only afford cover for the collapse of U.S. markets, collapse of the Dollar, destruction of most of the wealth of the American people held in Pensions, Ira's , 401-K's, and Stock and Bond portfolios... but also would still afford the best chance for them to retain the loyalty of their troops and police , and to at least initially garner public opinion more to their side or view of the world. THAT PRETEXT... THE ONE THEY HUNGER FOR... IS A FALSE FLAG ATTACK , PROBABLY WITH NUCLEAR DEVICES USED IN U.S. CITIES WHICH COULD BE BLAMED ON IRAN. EXTERNAL ENEMIES TO RALLY AGAINST AND TO GO TO WAR AGAINST... ALA "BLACK JACK SCENARIO" AND MORE IMPORTANTLY FOR THE ILLUMINATI, ALA GOG MAGOG WAR.
Martial Law Plans Have Already Been Put Into Deployment Stages
As past Warnings and Talons that I have written and numerous radio broadcasts have detailed, the Command, Communications, and Control of Martial Law forces inside the U.S. are in place and someone I have dubbed the "Martial Law Big Papa" is actively communicating with already deployed U.S. military units, foreign troops, mercenaries, and even recently some with UN markings seen by police in a certain part of Florida traveling to bivouac in the piney woods. Estimates from high level sources place the numbers of just foreign troops involved at approximately 345,000 which when combined with U.S. military forces, National Guard , Reserves, and Law Enforcement at the Federal, State, and local levels add up to a considerably large and robust force arrayed against the populace... especially if the FALSE FLAG does it work and sells the majority of the American people on the "WHODUNIT" . The Martial Law Big Papa also has the ability to supercede all HF communications of the National Communications Center at Andrews and comes up with all tones whenever he wants. That he is using the HF and also the new Interoperability Trunking system for communication is partially to keep the comms separate from regular Military Comms on satellites and hence more localized to CONUS because of propagation difficulties for some modicum of obfuscation (although it is hiding in plain sight, so to speak) and partially because not all foreign troop units have the most current U.S. compatible "High Rack" communications systems.
For the last several weeks deep background sources have detailed knowledge of continued and somewhat heavy traffic to Martial Law units in the field... and many high level meetings with command of various National Guard and Reserve units as to their readiness for possible full implementation of Martial Law have been held. Numerous drills have also been held involving combined foreign and U.S. forces... Air, Mechanized, and Infantry as well as federal agencies, State Police and local Police, Fire , and Emergency units have been involved. Numerous reports of drills and practice runs over cities by helicopters , and even foreign fighter jets have been heard, as well as all the numerous sightings of Armored vehicles, C-130 practice runs, and infantry drills related to CONUS operations with mass civil uprising and pandemic scenarios involved that past TALONS , warnings, and radio broadcasts have provided to you.
Was a False Flag attack perhaps set for 12/18 postponed because of Blizzards?
Information from deep background sources, though unconfirmed has indicated that possibly a False Flag attack perhaps upon either NYC or Washington D.C. was set for 12/18 or 12/19. Mind you, these were somewhat speculative as to details but nevertheless of sufficient import to at least give a warning to those with ears to hear and eyes to see. The hunger for Pretext by factions within U.S. govt/mil/intel structure and most likely within some foreign factions as well such as the City of London and Illuminati Princes was allegedly evident... even numerous U.S. Politicians and Cabinet members were in Copenhagen to perhaps conveniently be out of harm's way. Blizzards on the east coast and parts of the deep south, whether from God himself or from Russian Weather X capability or Constitutional U.S. factions likely scotched this plan.
However, with such hunger for Pretext and all of its benefits as discussed above it is quite likely that perhaps another try will be made. Some inklings that the next False Flag might take place during some large TV viewing audience attention upon say a Christmas Special, a major NFL game, or perhaps on the New Year's Eve Times Square dropping of the ball at midnight have been heard. Other sources of the Q-Files and from Greg Everson have indicated that the period for Martial Law regardless of reason or cause are tentatively set , at least according to a former Northcomm Officer for 1/6/2010 thru 1/15/2010 and around mid January from multiple Law Enforcement and other Military Officers respectively. Also, information that a large buildup of U.S. air assets including fighters, bombers, and tankers has already been done at U.S. Air force Bases in Germany and that a date of 1/12/2010 has been rumored for their need to be ready for immediate aftermath of an Israeli attack upon Iran... for defending Saudi and Gulf States oil fields and tanker loading facilities , U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and perhaps Israel. The factions that are still hungering for the False Flag would like no doubt to improve the likelihood of not only defense of Israel but actually a joint attack upon all of the Target List in Iran. When Israel goes against Iran seems to be the wild card here... and regardless of what the more naive arrogant fools in D.C. are thinking about precluding Israel from attacking via extensive transfer of technology and promised future transfer of top of line U.S. fighters... (perhaps Joint Strike Fighter, Raptor, or even TR3-B's or other XRAY spacecraft???)... Israel will have to go soon or not go at all. When they go, will be on their own time and at the least expected by Iran, Russia, and even the U.S. Lets not forget that Zibigniew Brzezinski stated publicly that the U.S. should deny Israel the right to fly over Iraq and that if they flew over anyway that the U.S. military should fire on the IAF and knock their planes out of the sky... not the most trust engendering statement by one of the current President's advisers. One could see how a False Flag attack on CONUS would change this dynamic greatly... especially since Russia, who has a defense treaty with Iran has already stated via Putin himself that no attack upon Iran would be tolerated, with grave implications for launch of missiles on Israel and on the U.S. more than just an idle hint. Recent Russian well publicized discussions about their right to" Preemptive Attack" and changes in their nuclear doctrine are to be found in numerous news and security oriented sites on the web.
What Might be Expected ... Events That Could Happen Rapidly
If Israel unilaterally attacks Iran or even if the U.S. goes with them... Iran likely already has a Russian S-300 System if in fact not a clandestine S-400 System (hence truthful denials by Russia that no S-300 system had been set up yet ?) and can track many multiples of inbound targets and engage multiples of those targets instantly via system control of various anti-missile, anti-aircraft, and anti-ship missiles and guns. Iran already has 110 Super Sunburn (onyx) missiles and 100 Exocets for anti-ship action against U.S. carrier groups or Israeli naval assets. They also have various types of short range, mid range, and even Long Range missiles which can hit Israel, U.S. forces in Iraq, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwaiti logistics hubs... Afghanistan... Saudi Oil Fields and Terminals and ships in near Indian Ocean as well as Red Sea and Suez Canal.
Coinciding with any attack upon Iran... a U.S. attack upon Venezuela from 7 leased bases in Colombia and from the U.S. 4Th fleet as well as prepositioned U.S. forces mixed in with alot of Royal Dutch Marines on Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao would take place in an attempt to seize the Venezuelan oil fields and refineries as well as airports. That is what Ranger Battalions do . Question is whether Venezuela just has Russian TOR-M1 system and portable IGLA-S sams or whether the S-300 system they contracted for may already be in place as well along with other Russian hardware and warheads not discussed in public. Q-Files sources from years ago also alerted that the previous Bio-Wep Lab once in Cuba (and not taken out by SAS) was transferred lock stock and beaker to Venezuela. Russian made Su-30's , tanks , Hind Helos , are also in Chavez's arsenal and it would not be a cake walk either... particularly since the Russians and Iranians have defense treaties with them and likely the Red Chinese as well who do have long term oil agreements they would not want interrupted. I also believe it likely that an attempt to seize the Bolivian gas fields and the Ecuadoran oil fields would also take place during this time frame. In the U.S. probable commandeering of all Valero refineries (owned by Venezuela) would also take place... possible race against time vs. any Venezuelan mil pre-planted explosives to scuttle those refineries and remove huge gasoline making capacity from U.S. . Along this same line you could expect numerous gasoline stations owned by Pakistani, Iranian , and other Muslim groups inside the U.S. would likely be set on fire and blown. This is just the action in a few places on the globe... this war will likely consume a large part of the world... but China and other Kings of the East will try and sit it out... because their time is yet to come prophetically, though they will defend their territory and will no doubt take advantage of all opportunities to grab any raw materials, weapons, food, precious metals etc... ONE THING FOR SURE IS THAT THEY WILL NOT BUY ANY MORE U.S. TREASURIES... THEY WILL WANT AMERICA FOR THEMSELVES AND WILL AT SOME POINT COME TO INVADE IT AS IS THEIR DEAL WITH RUSSIA... PER DIMITRU DUDUMAN AND ALSO FROM OTHER SOURCES.
As to what to expect when Martial Law is fully implemented in the U.S. for whatever reason... much warning has been given to you on Q-Files broadcasts and in warnings and TALONS still located on this web site. Suffice to say, there will be Civil War inside the U.S. The Army War College Docs mentioned above, the recent Army Staff and General Officer School reports about how Millennial Christians are the real threats to world peace, the DHS Domestic Terrorist reports, the MIAC report , and the documents on Operation Garden Plot, Cable Splice, Rex 84, and others like "Domestic Insurgency and the Declaration of Martial Law dated 12 October 2008 and of course the Executive Orders plus the PDD's available to read will show you all you need to know. Yard Farming, Red List assassinations, and concentration camps are all part of this long dark night of suffering Illuminati End Game Plans.
REPENT AND ASK LORD JESUS TO COME INTO YOUR HEART. Prepare by stockpiling as much food, water purification, firearms and ammo, NBC gear, camping equipment, boots, clothing, tools, medical supplies and gold and silver as possible... ON AN IMMEDIATE BASIS. Get out of all paper assets, make your plans for either bugging out or defending your castle finalized... and get into prayer. Watch for all signs and even great deceptions to be occurring as well. Do not go willingly into their evil dark night of blood sacrifice or slavery. May you fair well and be protected by the Lord.
Conspiracy Theory with Jeese Ventura December 23, 2009 Big Brother Episode (video) Conspiracy Theory with Jeese Ventura - EPISODES TruTV Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. They examine available evidence as well as talking to experts and eyewitnesses to learn more about such topics as global warming, possible 9/11 cover-ups, secret government weapons and apocalyptic prophecies. "This is my personal journey," Ventura says, "to prove that there is more to these stories than you know about." HAARP December 2 Is it a communications research project or a doomsday weapon that can change the weather, shoot satellites out of orbit - and trigger mind control across the globe? Jesse Ventura and his team head north to a remote region of Alaska to confront the military installation called HAARP. 9/11 December 9 Jesse Ventura steps into America's most controversial conspiracy by challenging the 9/11 Commission Report and searching for evidence that the September 11th attacks may have been an inside job. At the urging of victims' families, he finds witnesses who claim the towers were brought down by explosives, the missing black box flight recorders were actually recovered and ground control knew the hijackers were in the cockpits before the jets took off. Global Warming December 16 Whether global warming is real or not, it's believed some people are using the issue to make billions of dollars, start a one-world government and control our lives, from the cars we drive to the foods we eat. Jesse Ventura starts with Al Gore and goes far beyond as he uncovers the evidence that leads to one man thought to be behind the global warming conspiracy. Big Brother December 23 Big Brother is watching and it's not who you think. Jesse Ventura's investigation of government surveillance on its citizens tears the lid off a nationwide program that is thought to turn local businessmen and office workers into spies, snooping on their neighbors and ratting on their friends in exchange for information and special privileges from the FBI- including, some charge, a "license to kill." Secret Societies – NEW! Premiere On: Wed, December 30 at 10P They're thought to be a group of the world's elite who meet once a year at a luxury hotel and decide how they will run the world. It's believed they plan to thin out the population through disease-and vaccines. Jesse Ventura infiltrates the Bilderberg Group. Manchurian Candidate – NEW! Premiere On: Wed, January 6 at 10P Authors and experts warn that forces within the government have revived a program that uses mind control techniques to turn ordinary citizens into programmed assassins. This real-life Manchurian Candidate seems outlandish-until Jesse Ventura searches for the evidence and goes face-to-face with a man who claims he's one of the killers. Apocalypse 2012 – NEW! Premiere On: Wed, January 13 at 10P It's believed that the world is heading for disaster in 2012 and the government is preparing to save and protect the elite - while leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves. Jesse Ventura investigates claims of top secret underground bunkers being built in places ranging from the Nevada desert to the White House, including the largest, now under construction beneath a major metropolitan airport. |
BO IS NO GO Friday, December 25, 2009 Obamas leave Bo the dog behind for holiday What dog needs to go to Hawaii when he has a lawn full of snow? White House officials confirmed that the Obamas' Portuguese water dog stayed behind when Marine One departed the White House on Christmas Eve. Hawaii has strict quarantine policies, requiring 120 days of pet isolation to contain rabies. And a 10-hour flight could test the discipline of any young dog. So Bo will be boarded until the family returns in early January. Officials did not immediately disclose the puppy's whereabouts, nor confirm whether Santa Claus would be able to find him to fill his stocking on Thursday night. December 24, 2009 A dog has had a miracle escape after swallowing a fairy wand almost the length of her entire body. Pip's owner Ashleigh Fisher raised the alarm after noticing the five-month-old whippet had something lodged in her throat. A vet's X-ray revealed the animal had swallowed the child's toy whole. READ MORE .... |
"Fluoride's Neurological Effects: studies show there may be grave implications for Alzheimer's, Dementia, Attention Deficit Disorder, reduced IQ in children".
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