It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Saturday Evening - December 26, 2009 |
Inquiring minds want to know whether Santa will like living in his North Pole home in RUSSIA??? The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year. In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year. A rapidly shifting magnetic pole means that magnetic-field maps need to be updated more often to allow compass users to make the crucial adjustment from magnetic north to true North Geologists think Earth has a magnetic field because the core is made up of a solid iron center surrounded by rapidly spinning liquid rock. This creates a 'dynamo' that drives our magnetic field. There is SO much more to our planet's changing magnetism than that what government-corporate media is handing the sheeple - like the article above. Too many people have noticed the moving North pole - needed somekind of press about its movement! The current animated YouTube of our planet's protective Magnetosphere is interesting this Saturday. The latest news out of the Iran Press about Israel summoning their envoys from all over the world ... doesn't sound like good news coming out the Mideast today. A war is just what the Puppet Masters have been pushing for in the Mideast. US Spends Trillions For Israel, War - China Builds Wonders BBC Admits Al Qaeda Never Existed 'The US Military Is Exhausted' Yemen A New Frontier In Hoax US 'War On Terror' |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Israel summons envoys from all over the worldThis is the first time a conference for all of Israel's heads of missions has been held. December 26, 2009 - Israel's ambassadors and consuls generals from all over the world have been summoned to attend a conference to be held over global challenges facing Israel. The meeting to be attended in Jerusalem Al-Quds on December 27-31 is hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, the ministry reported on its website. "The idea is to facilitate direct dialogue with the country's leaders, mutual updates on major diplomatic issues, and a discussion of action plans to deal with the challenges awaiting Israel in the international arena in the coming year, including the Iranian threat," it said. This is while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called a report by the UN Human Rights Council's Gaza commission a real threat to Israel. The UN Special Rappoteur for the occupied Palestinian Territories has also urged western powers to push Israel to end its blockade of the Gaza Strip immediately. Richard Falk also called for economic sanctions against Israel. Benyamin Netanyahu will also attend the conference along with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy Dan Meridor, and other senior officials.§ionid=351020202 |
...STORM WINDING DOWN BUT HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS CONTINUE... .OCCASIONAL LIGHT SNOW WILL PERSIST THROUGH THE AFTERNOON ACROSS EASTERN NEBRASKA AND SOUTHWEST IOWA. HOWEVER WIND SPEEDS HAVE DIMINISHED INTO THE 20 TO 30 MPH ACROSS MUCH OF EASTERN NEBRASKA...AND EVEN LIGHTER IN SOUTHWEST IOWA. BUT STILL... THE LIGHT SNOW COMBINED WITH BLOWING OF SNOW ALREADY ON THE GROUND WILL CAUSE CONTINUED HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS ACROSS THE AREA. VISIBILITIES OF A MILE OR LESS AND DRIFTING OF SNOW OVER ROADS ARE STILL POSSIBLE. TRAVEL CONTINUES TO BE DISCOURAGED DUE TO THE COMBINATION OF FALLING...BLOWING AND DRIFTING SNOW AND THE MANY ROAD CLOSURES. THIS IS STILL A POTENTIALLY LIFE THREATENING SITUATION OVER PARTS OF THE REGION IF YOU WOULD BECOME STRANDED. Update: Interstate 80 & Highway Closures Last Updated: 2:31 PM 12/26/09 - As of 2:30 pm Saturday the Nebraska State Patrol, in conjunction with the Nebraska Department of Roads said, Westbound Interstate 80 from Omaha to Lincoln and both directions of I-80 between Lincoln and Grand Island is still closed due to dangerous travel conditions. Westbound I-80 reopensWestbound Interstate 80, from Gretna to Lincoln, has reopened this afternoon after being closed nearly 24 hours. Nebraskans digging out from Christmas blizzardDecember 26, 2009
More than 11 inches of snow has Lincoln tucked in; some area residents still without power.
Blizzards Cause Havoc Across Midwest, 23 Killed |
Central Problem: the Central Bank ... [T]his is neither a housing crisis nor a Wall Street banking crisis. This is a monetary crisis, rooted in the lending of money created out of thin air. This is what leads to economic booms and busts. The current crisis goes back to the Asian Contagion of 1997 and the meltdown of the Long Term Capital Management hedge fund in 1998. In response to each of these situations, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates and rapidly expanded the money supply. This excess liquidity helped push stocks, especially tech issues, to unsustainably high levels. The excess money created by the... Berkshire Workforce Cut by 21,000 on Manufacturing, Retail Business Slump Government Screwing Savers, Retirees To Keep Secret Wall Street Bailout Going As PIMCO's Bill Gross notes in this NYT article on zero-percent interest rates, the Fed's ongoing Wall Street bailout is coming at a cost: Anyone who has any cash savings is getting screwed. This includes retirees who did exactly what they were supposed to do--save. Their incomes are now getting clobbered. Meanwhile, for those who prefer to borrow money, the ongoing bailout has created the world's easiest way to make $1 billion. Borrow short-term from the taxpayers and lend the same money back to the taxpayers--and get a guaranteed risk-free spread. Here's Bill Gross: “What the average citizen doesn’t explicitly... |
US Move to Cover Fannie, Freddie Losses Stirs ControversyWall Street Journal 2 hours ago The Obama administration's decision to cover an unlimited amount of losses at the mortgage-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over the next three years stirred controversy over the holiday. |
Taking Work Home (Even When Home Means Hawaii)
KAILUA, Hawaii - Barack Obama is the first president in more than 20 years to escape the confines of the White House and Camp David for Christmas.
Broken pipe floods area inside National AirportWashington Post - 43 minutes ago A broken pipe sent water gushing into part of the terminal at Reagan National Airport late Saturday afternoon, creating a major disruption, authorities said. |
Oklahoma firm recalling beef products in six states
In a recorded telephone message, National Steak and Poultry of Owasso, Oklahoma, said it was recalling various products in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, Michigan, and Washington state.
Osmond, NE - Saturday, December 26, 2009 Naper, Nebraska "Chickens are so glad the weather is getting better to see out but can't fly out of the chicken house yet." Hwy 275 by Norfolk, NE at 7:50 a.m. Christmas morning This is a lawn ornament that collected ice by Monica Repenning 10 miles east of Niobrara, Nebraska NORFOLK, NEBRASKA Winds create havoc in trying to remove 18 inches of snow By JERRY GUENTHER, Regional editor December 26, 2009 The blizzard that struck Christmas eve and lasted all of Christmas day finally showed signs of letting up Saturday morning. As a result, Saturday was expected to be a day of digging out for Norfolk and most of Northeast and North Central Nebraska. The Nebraska State Patrol was not recommending travel in Northeast Nebraska on Saturday morning. At one point on Friday night, nearly every major highway and other roads in Northeast Nebraska were closed, including Highway 81 from Yankton to Columbus and Highway 275 from Pilger to Norfolk. In cities and towns, such as Norfolk, conditions weren't any better. Norfolk Mayor Sue Fuchtman said it was one of the more memorable blizzards in years, mostly because of the wind. Probably the most fortunate thing was that it occurred on Christmas eve and Christmas when travel was not essential for most people. "I don't know that we've experienced winds this consistent," Mayor Fuchtman said. "It seemed like it was consistently blowing. I can remember winds blowing hard four to six hours or eight hours, but this has been for a couple of days." Fuchtman said she appreciated the businesses that closed and people who stayed off the streets, giving street crews a chance to do their jobs. After a blizzard like this, it will take some time to get all the streets cleared, she said. The winds caused severe drifts, even in town. In some residential areas, drifts reached the roofs of some houses or were in excess of five feet on the street. Al Roder, Norfolk city administrator, said all city snow removal crews were out at 2 a.m. on Saturday and were still working at 9 a.m. to clear the major arterial streets. Usually those streets can be cleared in three or four hours, but it was taking much longer because of the wind. "Pushing the snow is not an issue," Roder said. "We got a foot of snow on Christmas and about six inches the day before that. That's not a problem. It's the 30 to 40 mph winds that keep blowing it back." Roder said he anticipates that it will be 9 or 10 p.m. Saturday before Norfolk streets are cleared. Then with forecasts for winds to remain in the 20s over the next few days, it could be several days of work for street crews to keep the streets open, he said. On Christmas day, crews were out just trying to keep the main routes available for people in case of emergencies. Because of the winds, that often meant that streets blew shut within about an hour after plows went through, he said. Another thing hurting snow removal efforts on Saturday were stranded or stuck vehicles, Roder said. Snow plows were having to slow down or stop in some places because of abandoned vehicles, he said. A snow emergency that was declared Thursday night in Norfolk remained in effect on Saturday. That means in areas where parking is normally allowed on both sides of streets, it is restricted to the even-side only. Better yet, crews were asking that all vehicles be removed from streets if possible. Gary Sudbeck, manager of the Sunset Plaza mall, said efforts were to try and have the mall open at 10 a.m. Saturday, with noon being the latest planned opening. Snow plows had been working since 3 a.m. and had many of the parking lots cleared by 8 a.m. Saturday. "That's the plan right now (for an opening at 10 a.m.)," Sudbeck said early Saturday morning. The day after Christmas typically is busy for merchants, with may businesses trying to help customers with exchanges or to be available to redeem gift cards, he said. A trooper who drove Saturday morning before sunrise from Madison to Norfolk on Saturday morning said travel was treacherous. The wind was still blowing, roads were 100 percent snow and ice covered and there were areas where white-out conditions existed, leaving drivers unable to tell where they were going, the trooper said. The Nebraska Department of Roads sent plows out at 5:45 a.m. Saturday, but it would be hours before they would be able to get roads cleared, the trooper said. Until the winds let up later on Saturday, some roads will have to be replowed, he said. Snow plows were pulled of the highways about 4 p.m. Friday. The only exception was when the patrol received calls of stranded motorists. In those cases, a plow would lead the way to try and reach the motorist. About 35 to 40 people were rescued from their cars around Northeast Nebraska, the trooper said. Some people were able to get their vehicles pulled out, while others had to leave them on the highway, the trooper said. Along with white-out conditions, the snow plow operators will have to avoid some abandoned vehicles on roads, which were expected to be towed into towns later on Saturday, the trooper said. Efforts were being made to clear Highways 81 and 275 first then other highways such as 91, 32 and 13. Next, other roads will be plowed, the trooper said. Even with four-wheel drives, travel was expected to be difficult on Saturday, he said. So far during December, Norfolk has received 28.4 inches of snow and more than 32.6 inches this season. That's more than three times the usual 10.4 inches of snow the city usually receives so far this early in the season. SENATOR NELSON HAS GIVEN NEBRASKA ALOT OF BAD PRESS! |
Taxpayer-Funded Abortions: Massachusetts Leads the Way for ObamaCareMassachusetts has led the way for ObamaCare taxpayer-funded abortions. Governor Mitt Romney with guidance from the still proud, would-be conservative think tank Heritage Foundation!) allied himself with the corrupt Democrat legislature (and its godfather Ted Kennedy) to pass a hideous mandated health insurance program here. Here is how the "Four Women, Inc." abortion clinic (in Attleboro, Mass.) advertises its abortion services, as funded by RomneyCare: Abortion Care: ¨Convenient day and evening appointments are available for abortion care. Surgical Abortion from 5.5 to 20 weeks. Medicaton Abortions from 5.5 to 7.5 weeks. Mass Health: ¨Most Mass Health programs cover pregnancy termination services. Please... Campaign for Liberty | Obamacare and the Legacy of ProgressivismThe suspense is over and it is inevitable that the monstrous medical care bill will become law. There is no way to sanitize this thing, period. It is the ultimate "Progressivist" legacy. Paul Krugman, perhaps the most visible "Progressive" today, supports this bill because it vastly expands the scope of the state in our lives. Like most "Progressives," Krugman believes many things about a state controlled by people he supports. Among the "Progressive" beliefs are:
Few people actually know everything that exists in this long and convoluted bill. However, that is unimportant, for in the end, the executive branch and its bureaucracies, not Congress, will interpret what the bill contains. Most people still have the civics book ideas in their heads regarding law and the three branches of government. Americans are taught from grammar school on that the federal government has three branches: Congress, the Executive Branch, and the Federal Courts. According to the civics lessons, Congress makes the laws, the Executive Branch carries out the laws, and the Federal Courts interpret the laws. That "model" of government disappeared even before the Progressive Era gripped the country a century ago, but it gained in strength during the Great Depression. "Progressives" such as Theodore Roosevelt and Herbert Croly, believed that people had become so advanced through "science" that they no longer needed to be subjected to the messy and (to them) "chaotic" processes of private markets and legislative debate. The "experts" already knew what needed to be done, and anything done by legislatures and markets to delay the directives of the "experts" should be swept away. READ MORE ... |
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||
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Flights delayed by emergency security imposed in wake of attempted attack in U.S. |
Casino News |
Gambling at the shopping mall; Plans advance for a slots casino... Downtown Reno casino gets notice of default San Jose Mercury News The Siena Hotel Spa Casino in downtown Reno has received a notice of default and threat of a foreclosure sale. The resort's Lafayette, Calif. ... Backers of Maine casino hope to force a Nov. vote Boston Globe AP / December 23, 2009 AUGUSTA, Maine - Hoping to force another referendum next year on whether to allow a casino in western Maine, ... 2 Las Vegas Resorts Preparing to Open New Towers ABC News Two more casino resorts are preparing to open new hotel towers, less than two weeks after the debut of the 4,000-room Aria casino-hotel on the Las Vegas Strip. The 1,201-room PH Towers at the Planet Hollywood Resort, and the 374-room HRH Tower at the Hard Rock Hotel are set to open Monday. Executives at the two properties say they're aiming to please high-end guests. Silver Club Casino in Nevada Sold for at Auction ABC News AP The Silver Club Casino in Sparks sold for $2.5 million at a foreclosure auction on the steps of the Washoe County Courthouse. ... |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation DECEMBER 26, 2009 AT 5:57 PM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strong Quake Hits Indonesia On Tsunami Anniversary December 26, 2009 A magnitude-6.0 earthquake has shaken Indonesia on the fifth anniversary of the tsunami that devastated the Southeast Asian country. The earthquake struck northwest of Saumlaki in the Tanimbar Islands on Saturday. There were no immediate reports of casualties with the authorities ruling the possibility of a tsunami. A massive tsunami hit the Indonesian island Sumatra's western coast on December 26, 2004 the tsunami killed nearly 226, 000 people in 13 countries. The quake comes as Asia is marking the fifth anniversary of the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami. In Indonesia's Banda Aceh, survivors gathered in neighborhood mosques or homes in commemoration of those killed. Indonesia was the worst-hit nation with the number of dead and missing towering above 166,000. Over half a million people were rendered homeless in the aftermath of the tsunami in Indonesia. In Thailand, thousands of Buddhist monks gathered in the small fishing village of Ban Nam Khem to pray for the victims of the devastating tsunami. The waves killed nearly half of the village's population. Update time = Sun Dec 27 0:19:36 UTC 2009
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
Build-A-Bear Surrenders - Pulls Climate Fright Videos The Latest Advice From the Eco-Zealots: Eat Your Pets I was all set to take my dogs out for quality time in the park, taking full advantage of the snow that’s blanketed the Northeast — but now the dogs will have to wait until I finish this piece, a response to an article in Agence France-Presse identifying man’s best friend as “one of the environment’s worst enemies.” So, once again, pets are a conveniently silent scapegoat for the ills of modern living. In their unfortunately titled book Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, New Zealanders Robert and Brenda Vale — self-described specialists in sustainable... | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Restrictions Rise After Terrorism Attempt 27 Dec 2009 Transportation authorities began imposing tighter security measures at airports on Saturday and ordered new restrictions governing the activities of passengers during flights as investigators conducted searches to learn more about the Nigerian engineering student accused of igniting an incendiary device aboard a Northwest Airlines jet as it landed in Detroit on Friday... According to a statement posted Saturday morning on Air Canada’s Web site, the Transportation Security Administration will severely limit the behavior of both passengers and crew during flights in United States airspace -- restricting movement in the final hour of flight. "Among other things," the statement in Air Canada’s Web site read, "during the final hour of flight customers must remain seated, will not be allowed to access carry-on baggage, or have personal belongings or other items on their laps."
Brown reassures as bomb hunt turns to London 26 Dec 2009 The prime minister sought to reassure the public today after it was revealed a student based in the UK is suspected of trying to bomb a passenger jet. Gordon Brown spoke as the Metropolitan Police searched the home of Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, who studied engineering at University College London. The Nigerian has been named by US authorities as the man responsible for trying to blow up a plane carrying 278 passengers as it landed in Detroit on Christmas Day. Brown said the incident had posed a "serious potential threat" and the government was prepared to take "whatever action necessary" to safeguard the public from further attacks.
Terror attack on US flight to Detroit investigated in London 26 Dec 2009 Searches are being carried out at a mansion flat in central London after a man with suspected links to al-Qaida [al-CIAduh] allegedly tried to blow up a transatlantic plane, Scotland Yard said today... Security has been stepped up at UK airports for passengers flying to the US, the Department for Transport said. Gordon Brown said the UK would take "whatever action was necessary" to protect passengers. UK airport operator BAA said searches on flights to the US would increase. A statement on the British Airways website said Washington had revised its security arrangements for all travellers to the US and they would only be allowed one piece of hand luggage.
Police search London addresses after plane attack 26 Dec 2009 Police have been searching premises in London today after a Nigerian man tried to ignite an explosive device on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Britain had been working closely with US authorities and investigating the incident since it had happened. "Because of the serious potential threat posed by the incident, I have spoken to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan police, whose offices have been carrying out searches of properties in London," Brown said in a statement.
Investigators: Northwest Bomb Plot Planned by al-Qaeda in Yemen --Officials Say Bomb Materials Sewn Into Suspect's Underwear by Top Terror Bomb Maker 26 Dec 2009 The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized and launched by al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] leaders in Yemen who apparently sewed bomb materials into the suspect's underwear before sending him on his mission, federal authorities tell ABC News. Investigators say the suspect had more than 80 grams of PETN, a compound related to nitro-glycerin used by the military. The so-called shoe bomber, Richard Reid, had only about 50 grams kin his failed attempt in 2001 to blow up a U.S.-bound jet.
Man held over US plane bomb bid 26 Dec 2009 A Nigerian man believed to be linked to al Qaeda militants was in custody today after he tried to ignite an explosive device on a US passenger plane as it approached Detroit. The suspect, who suffered extensive burns, was overpowered by passengers and crew on the Christmas Day flight from Amsterdam. The passengers, two of whom suffered minor injuries
Officials say explosion on US plane was terror attack 26 Dec 2009 US authorities believe an incident involving a small explosion aboard a Delta-Northwest Airlines flight to Detroit on Friday was an attempted act of terrorism, a White House official said. The Transportation Security Administration said the person responsible for the incident was taken into custody and the plane, which departed from Amsterdam, had landed safely in Detroit. "We believe this was an attempted act of terrorism," a White House official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.
Airports Tighten Security After Failed Bomb Plot 25 Dec 2009 The Transportation Security Administration is enhancing security at airports around the country after a senior U.S. counterterrorism official said someone tried, but failed, to blow up a Delta/Northwest Airlines Flight 253 passenger plane. U.S officials say the passenger, Abdul Mudallad, a Nigerian citizen, claims he was acting on behalf of Al-Qaeda when he tried to blow up a flight Friday as it landed in Detroit from Amsterdam.
Police lose battle over evidence of 'British 9/11' plot --Scotland Yard must reveal whether it had CIA intelligence 26 Dec 2009 Scotland Yard has been ordered to reveal whether it has any evidence to support America’s claim that Britain was saved from a 9/11-style disaster by the CIA’s secret foreign interrogation centres. The Times has won a case under the Freedom of Information Act forcing British police to say whether the US stopped a plot to fly planes into Canary Wharf and Heathrow. The claim was made by President [sic] Bush when he first acknowledged the existence of a clandestine CIA prison network created to fight his War
Software fraudster 'fooled CIA' into terror alert --Spooks 'f*cking livid' 24 Dec 2009 A con man fooled US spooks into grounding international flights by selling them "technology" to decode al-Qaeda messages hidden in TV broadcasts, it's claimed. A long and highly entertaining Playboy article explains that in 2003, Dennis Montgomery was chief technology officer at Reno, Nevada-based eTreppid Technologies. Montgomery reportedly convinced the CIA that he had software that could detect and decrypt "barcodes" in broadcasts by Al Jazeera, the Qatari news station.
Friend of Fort Hood gunman 'killed in attack on Yemen hideout' 26 Dec 2009 An American-born radical Islamist, believed to have links to the Fort Hood gunman accused of killing 13 colleagues last month, may have been among 30 militant leaders killed when Yemeni aircraft bombed suspected al-Qaeda hideouts. Anwar al-Awlaki, who reportedly corresponded by e-mail with Major Nidal Malik Hasan before the shooting at the Texan base, was thought to have been attending an al-Qaeda meeting in Rafadh when the airstrikes took place on Thursday. At least 34 [alleged] members of the terror organisation were killed, according to the Yemeni Embassy in Washington. A similar number were killed in a raid last week.
Obusha opens new war front; lamestream media focuses on bogus terror incidents to provide popular support for 'war on terror:' U.S.-aided attack in Yemen thought to have killed Aulaqi, 2 al-Qaeda leaders 25 Dec 2009 Yemeni forces, backed by the United States, launched a major attack Thursday on a meeting of senior al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] operatives thought to include the Yemeni American cleric linked to the suspect in the Fort Hood shootings [?!?], U.S. and Yemeni officials said. U.S. officials believe that the cleric, Anwar al-Aulaqi, was probably killed in the assault, as were two al-Qaeda leaders, according to a senior Obama administration official. One of those leaders was the head of the terrorist network's operations on the Arabian Peninsula and once served as Osama bin Laden's personal secretary; the other was a Saudi national and former detainee at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Yemeni officials, tribal leaders and eyewitnesses said it was not clear whether Aulaqi and the al-Qaeda leaders were killed or wounded in the strike [so they can be re-killed another day].
In Pakistan, militants blow up three more schools 25 Dec 2009 'Pakistani militants' have reduced three state-run schools to ruins across the country's volatile northwest, where the government has launched a major counterinsurgency operation. The bomb attacks targeted two schools in the Khyber tribal district near the border with Afghanistan, a Press TV correspondent reported. "Militants blew up a government boys' high school and a middle school with explosives around 3.00 am (2100 GMT)," tribal administration official Rehan Gul Khattak said. [Blowing up schools? That's (exclusively) a Blackwater-US drone-CIA black ops thing.] |
Afghanistan another Vietnam, says captive US soldier 25 Dec 2009 An American trooper in Taliban captivity says that the United States has lost its grip on the Afghan war, urging the American people to help stop the 'nonsense.' "I'm afraid to tell you that this war has slipped from our fingers and it's just going to be our next Vietnam unless the American people stand up and stop all this nonsense," said US soldier Bowe Robert Bergdahl in a video released by the militants on Friday, the AFP news agency reported... Taliban spokesman Yousuf Ahmadi told AFP that the soldier "is not being tortured or tormented" by the militants [unlike how the US treats its captives].
Saudi would have nuked Houthis: Yemeni MP 25 Dec 2009 Yemeni lawmaker Yahya al-Houthi says Saudi Arabian warplanes are engaged in the relentless bombardment of civilian positions in Yemen's war-torn north. In an interview with Press TV on Friday, the Yemeni lawmaker accused the Saudi army of using internationally banned weapons in its attacks on villages in the northern province of Sa'ada, regretting the high civilian toll from the raids. If Riyadh had nuclear weapons, it would have used them against the Houthi fighters, the lawmaker charged.
In fresh Iraq violence, 18 people killed 25 Dec 2009 More than a dozen people have died as a fresh wave of violence hits Iraq despite tightened security measures for Christmas and the Shia occasion of Ashura. Six people were killed and 26 others wounded in a bomb explosion in Baghdad's eastern district of Sadr City on Friday when a roadside bomb struck a procession to mark the anniversary of the third Shia Imam's martyrdom...
Two dozen killed in blasts across Iraq 24 Dec 2009 Over two dozen people have been killed and more than 150 others have been wounded in a string of bomb attacks across Iraq ahead of Christmas and Ashura. In the worst Thursday attack in the central Iraqi town of Hilla in Babil Province, twin car bombs killed 15 people, including the provincial councilor, Naama al-Bakri, a senior member of the ruling Dawaa Party, and injured 70 others.
Probe confirms CIA black jails in Lithuania 26 Dec 2009 After the unexpected resignation of Lithuania's intelligence chief, a controversial parliamentary probe confirms the existence of CIA-run black jails in the Baltic state. The parliamentary panel report caused considerable consternation after confirming that the CIA ran at least two black prisons in Lithuania where 'terror suspects' may have been held.
Iran: US nukes biggest threat to global security 24 Dec 2009 Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili says the US should be relieved of its veto power and disarmed over the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. "The least penalty for the United States is its disarmament and disqualifying its veto power," said Jalili during his visit to Hiroshima. "Unfortunately not only was not the US condemned for Hiroshima massacre but it was also awarded with veto power in the (UN) Security Council," he said.
Israeli soldiers shoot dead six Palestinians 26 Dec 2009 Israeli soldiers have shot dead six Palestinians and left a fourth one wounded in separate incidents in the West Bank and the north of the Gaza Strip. According to a Palestinian medical source, three Palestinians were killed in northern Gaza as they were on their way to cross over a wall to work in Israel on Saturday.
Barak cracks down on army 'mutineers' 24 Dec 2009 Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Israel's most decorated soldier, is targeting army-linked seminaries that produce many of the country's combat troops because the young soldiers are refusing to move against Jewish settlers in the West Bank. Barak's action has incensed Israel's right wing, which supports the settlers and has vowed to oppose the 10-month freeze on settlement building announced by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, under pressure from Washington, in late November.
Their lukewarm pandemic was the dry-run. School vaccinations could expand as byproduct of swine flu pandemic 25 Dec 2009 Top public health officials see this year's swine flu vaccination efforts as an opportunity to consider large-scale immunization campaigns at the nation's schools. Local and state health departments were charged with administering the estimated 259 million doses the federal government bought to 'fight' the H1N1 influenza virus. A total of 34 states incorporated public and private schools into their campaigns. [See: Baxter working on vaccine to stop swine flu, though admitted sending live pandemic flu viruses to subcontractor 26 Apr 2009 and Killer flu recreated in the lab 07 Oct 2004.]
Cellphone Searches (The New York Times) 26 Dec 2009 The Ohio Supreme Court has struck an important blow for privacy rights, ruling that the police need a warrant to search a cellphone. The court rightly recognized that cellphones today are a lot more than just telephones, that they hold a wealth of personal information and that the privacy interest in them is considerable. This was the first such ruling from a state supreme court. It is a model for other courts to follow.
U.S. promises unlimited financial assistance to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac 25 Dec 2009 The Obama administration pledged Thursday to provide unlimited financial assistance to mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, an eleventh-hour move that allows the government to exceed the current $400 billion cap on emergency aid without seeking permission from a bailout-weary Congress. The Christmas Eve announcement by the Treasury Department means that it can continue to run the companies, which were seized last year, as arms of the government for the rest of President Obama's current term. But even as the administration was making this open-ended financial commitment, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac disclosed that they had received approval from their federal regulator to pay $42 million in Wall Street-style compensation packages to 12 top executives for 2009. Previous lead stories: 'Good' Taliban destroy Afghan Army base 20 Dec 2009 Forces under the command of a leader considered to be one of the "good Taliban" by the Pakistani military destroyed an Afghan Army camp. Taliban forces commanded by Mullah Nazir blew up an the Afghan Army base, which was just across the border from the Angoor Adda region in Pakistan. The region is under the control of Nazir, a Pakistani Taliban commander. "Sources said the Taliban planted explosives all over the base and blew it up, destroying bunkers and installations," Dawn reported. The based was destroyed after "a contingent stationed there moved out of the fortified compound." The Taliban and "a group of tribesmen" then looted the base. [See: Rep.: US may be 'funding the very insurgents we are trying to fight' --Congress investigating charges of 'protection racket' by Afghanistan contractors 17 Dec 2009.] US anti-drug effort in Afghanistan criticized 23 Dec 2009 The State Department's internal watchdog on Wednesday criticized the agency's nearly $2 billion anti-drug effort in Afghanistan for poor oversight and lack of a long-term strategy. The department's inspector general said the Afghanistan counter-narcotics program is hampered by too few personnel and rampant corruption among Afghan officials. [The US mission in Afghanistan is to keep the gas and opium pipelines flowing. See: Trail of Afghanistan's drug money exposed By Julien Mercille 16 Dec 2009 The total revenue generated by opiates within Afghanistan is about $3.4 billion per year. Of this figure, according to UNODC, the Taliban get only 4% of the sum... The remaining 75% is captured by government officials, the police, local and regional power brokers and traffickers - in short, many of the groups now supported (or tolerated) by the United States and NATO are important actors in the drug trade.]
Jack Straw faces Iraq inquiry grilling over Tony Blair letter --Claims that PM was told UK should not assist in overthrow of Saddam 23 Dec 2009 The former foreign secretary Jack Straw is to face potentially explosive questioning at the Iraq inquiry next month over a private letter he sent to Tony Blair on the eve of the invasion, urging the prime minister to look at options apart from pressing ahead with British military involvement in the attack. It is understood that the inquiry is to receive a copy of the personal letter sent by Straw, written after discussions with Sir Michael (now Lord) Jay, the Foreign Office permanent secretary, on 16 March 2003, two days before the Commons voted to back the war. |
Webster Tarpley | Lithuanian Probe Blames Top Officials for CIA Prison Scandal
Click here to view Webster Tarpley’s recent interview on Russia Today |
Pete Hoekstra:Detroit terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab may be connected to Ft Hood shooter (snipped) Hoekstra says that Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab may have a common link with the Fort Hood shooter that shot 13 people in November. AFP, Dec. 26: There was a suggestion of links between Abdulmutallab and radical US-born Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Aulaqi, who had contacts with the US army psychiatrist accused of gunning down 13 people at a Texas military base last month. "He may have been in contact with the American imam al-Aulaqi," Peter Hoekstra, the most senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee and a member of Congress for Michigan, told AFP. |
CAIR’s One-way Attack on Free Speech
Recently the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), had asked Obama to address what they call an “alarming level of anti-Islam hate” in the country. While it is true that the voices against Islam in America are on the rise, CAIR fails to mention that there is a very good reason that our voices are on the rise. What they fail to mention and condemn is what pro-Sharia Muslims are saying across America. You see CAIR is like Islam, a one-way street. Muslims can say whatever they want, but according to them we can only say what they approve of....
Yemen: New frontier in US ‘war on terror’
BBC | The increased violence in Yemen is a clear indication that military campaigns to crush al-Qaeda-inspired violence extend far beyond the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan. |
29% of Americans say religion ‘out of date’
Raw Story | Only 78% of Americans now identify as Christian, while 22% describe their religious preference as either “other” or “none.”
Pennsylvania Walmart Sued for Videotaping Employees, Customers in Bathroom
ABC News | A Pennsylvania Walmart videotaped employees and customers in a unisex bathroom, several former and current Walmart employees alleged in a lawsuit filed this week. |
50 Years of Domesticating Foxes For Science [evolution?]Saturday, December 26, 2009 1:47:03 PM "In 1959, Soviet scientist Dmitri Belyaev set out to breed a tamer fox that would be easier for their handlers in the Russian fur industry to work with. Much to the scientist's shock, changes no one had expected emerged after just 10 generations. The foxes began behaving playfully, were smaller in size, and even changed color — much like dogs." Belyaev died in 1985, but the experiment continued in his absence, and to this day provides strong evidence to parts of evolutionary theory. The experiment eventually branched out to involve other species as well. |
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database Sleigh-like UFO reportedly makes numerous landingsMcMinnville News-Register - Dec 25, 2009 The UFO appears harmless and definitely friendly, authorities say. First seen in Newfoundland, Canada, there were multiple sightings in the US since about ... |
An image of swan is projected on a screen created by a water fountain during a press preview of "Odaiba water illumination" show in Tokyo December 18, 2009. The 15 minutes show, which projects images on a 15 meters (49 feet) tall and 40 meters (131 wide) water screen, will be held from December 21 to January 11, 2010.
REUTERS/Yuriko NakaoBaby elephant Jamuna Toni cuddles with a zookeeper at Munich's Hellabrunn Zoo December 23, 2009. The 112 kg (247 lbs) female calf was born December 21, 2009 and measured 88 cm (35 in) tall. |
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