Imperial Capital Bank, La Jolla, CA
Independent Bankers Bank, Springfield, IL
New South Federal Savings Bank, Irondale, AL
Citizens State Bank, New Baltimore, MI
Peoples First Community Bank, Panama City, FL
RockBridge Commercial Bank, Atlanta, GA
He said this week he cannot support the bill primarily because of its abortion language
Nebraska clergy - including leaders from the United Methodist Church (to which he belongs) - urging Nelson to back health care bill ...
ABORTION apparently not a problem to those calling themselves 'religious leaders'??? NO WONDER OUR NATION IS GOING DOWN THE CRAPPER
Nebraska continued to have the second-lowest unemployment rate among the states, trailing only North Dakota.
Nebraska unemployment rate drops to 4.5 percent
2009 Lincoln, Nebraska Drunk Driving Arrests Break Record
Lincoln police have arrested more drunk drivers in 2009 than ever before. The record was broken at 1:15 am Friday. By the end of the night LPD's new record sat at 2,258.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is urging residents to check their Christmas trees for "amphibious hitchhikers they may be unaware they purchased." Pacific Chorus frogs have infiltrated trees being bought in the Anchorage area and state wildlife officials have ordered them killed on sight.
RELATED: | Headlines - December 18, 2009
December 18th, 2009
By: Jason Hommel
17 December, 2009
(Thinking back over 10 years)
Silver Stock Report
When I started working for myself, I made my very first money, enough to save for the very first time, but I was working so hard, over 80 hours a week! I guess God finally caught up to me, because, at some point, I began to think. And that’s when it all started.
Is It Conditioning, Morality, Or Naïveté?
December 18th, 2009
By: Tim Iacono
Friday, 18 December 2009
The question of what motivates underwater homeowners to either stay put and continue to make their mortgage payments (if they can) or “walk away” from their home (and their financial obligations) has been receiving an increasing amount of attention in recent weeks.
SHTF: When the Rubber Dollar Hits Dr. Ben’s Helicopter
December 18th, 2009
by David Calderwood
In 1922 Ludwig von Mises described in his book Socialism why a socialist system could not last. This was not a popular view. The illusion of socialism’s success had real staying power; it took 70 years for the USSR to wheeze its final proof of his position, fooling most people (e.g. analysts at the CIA) right to the end.
2010: ‘The Year of Severe Economic Contraction’
December 18th, 2009
by Mike Whitney
Upbeat reports in the financial media, believe the effects of the ongoing credit contraction. Massive injections of central bank liquidity have prevented the collapse of financial markets, but have done little to ease the deleveraging of households or stimulate activity the broader economy. The crisis has stripped $13 trillion in equity from working families who now find their access to credit either cut off or severely curtailed by the same banks that received hefty taxpayer-funded bailouts. The fiscal strangulation of the millions of people who are no longer considered “creditworthy” is progressively weakening demand and spreading pessimism across all income levels. Growing public desperation was the focus of a special weekend report by Bloomberg News:
December 18th, 2009
by Patrick J. Buchanan
If you would know what Copenhagen is all about, hearken to this nugget in The Washington Post’s report from the Danish capital.
“Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi – who is representing all of Africa here – unveiled his proposal Wednesday for a system in which rich countries would provide money to poor ones to help deal with the effects of climate change. …
December 18th, 2009
By Chuck Baldwin
December 18, 2009
According to Rasmussen Reports, “Seventy-one percent (71%) of voters nationwide say they’re at least somewhat angry about the current policies of the federal government. That figure includes 46% who are Very Angry.
December 18th, 2009
By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD.
December 18, 2009
In response to my one of my articles, “Hope for Financial Freedom,” I had a concerned American citizen correspond with me about the subject. He asked me a few questions which I feel are important enough to address publicly, because undoubtedly, there are many similar-thinking Americans who perhaps have not thought this fully through. Before I state the questions, let me explain why the questions were asked in the first place. As many American patriots are now advocating, the only viable way to resist federal tyranny is through the active sovereign powers of the States. This necessarily means, as I have explained for months, that the States must use the powers given to them by their sovereigns (the people)–and retained to them in the tenth amendment of the US Constitution–to pass laws which actively nullify, negate or refute unconstitutional federal laws and taxation within the sovereign borders of those States. Some people are looking at this scenario and asking what this gentleman asked me, as follows:
December 18th, 2009
By Mary Starrett
December 18, 2009
Death Of The Internet: Censorship Bills In UK, Australia, U.S. Aim To Block “Undesirable” Websites
December 17th, 2009
Cutting off access altogether, massive fines and even jail time proposed for those who flout new laws
Steve Watson
Thursday, Dec 17, 2009
Debtor’s Dilemma: Pay the Mortgage or Walk Away
December 17th, 2009
In Down Real-Estate Market, Homeowners Are Deciding to Abandon Their Loan Obligations Even if They Can Afford the Payments
4 Big Mortgage Backers Swim in Ocean of Debt
December 17th, 2009
Even as the biggest banks repay their government debt in what is being heralded as a successful rescue program, four troubled giants of the financial world remain on government life support.
Recession hitting Ohio’s former steel towns hard
December 17th, 2009
By Anne Hull
Washington Post
Thursday, December 17, 2009
WARREN, OHIO — All day long the front door buzzes at Uptown Gems & Jewels. The people come in with their trinkets wrapped in tissue or velvet boxes. They say their hours have been cut or they’ve been laid off. Some have their first names stitched in cursive on their uniforms, others wear safety-toe boots.
Nearly half of Detroit’s workers are unemployed
December 17th, 2009
Analysis shows reported jobless rate understates extent of problem
Mike Wilkinson
The Detroit News
Despite an official unemployment rate of 27 percent, the real jobs problem in Detroit may be affecting half of the working-age population, thousands of whom either can’t find a job or are working fewer hours than they want.
Dollar Advances as Stocks Decline After Greek Credit Downgrade
December 17th, 2009
By Anna Rascouet and Yasuhiko Seki
Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) — The dollar rose to the highest level against the euro in three months and the yen gained as declines in stocks stoked demand for the currencies as a refuge amid concern nations such as Greece may struggle to pay their debts.
Are U.S. and China Together on Gold?
December 17th, 2009
By: Rick Ackerman
With Time magazine’s momentous selection of Ben Bernanke as Person of the Year, there were reports of people dancing in the streets in, um, Oslo. Leave it to Time to figure out a way to make Henry Luce roll in his grave while outdoing rival Newsweek in the race to claim publishing’s trophy for irrelevancy. While the understandably isolated delirium over Bernanke’s selection subsides, we thought we’d update the prospectus on gold with a contribution from a Rick’s Picks subscriber who has requested anonymity. His thoughts run counter to the popular notion that investors can count on steady buying from China to lend buoyancy to bullion quotes. As the writer makes clear, China may have a mind of its own, and it will not always be perfectly aligned with the thinking of gold bulls. Here we go:
Austrians Win, Keynesians-Friedmanians Lose
December 17th, 2009
by Gary North
Niall Ferguson is an academic hotshot. He is a professor at both Harvard University and the Harvard Business School. This is unique. He is both an economist and an historian. This is rare. He writes very well. He writes widely respected books and very readable articles.
Gulf petro-powers to launch currency in latest threat to dollar hegemony
December 17th, 2009
The Arab states of the Gulf region have agreed to launch a single currency modelled on the euro, hoping to blaze a trail towards a pan-Arab monetary union swelling to the ancient borders of the Ummayad Caliphate.
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
December 17th, 2009
by Tom DeWeese
December 17, 2009
Rarely has a political movement with so much power collapsed so fast, certainly not since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Beginning in 1990, Global Warming has been the battle cry behind schemes for global control of industry, energy use, water use, private property and community development. It has been the excuse for economy-killing legislation like Cap and Trade (that will extract $865 billion from an already overtaxed people who use energy), and global-to-local polices like Sustainable Development (that robs local communities of freedom to decide their own future development). As a result, the world economy is being transformed into a new Dark Ages of superstition and thought-control – all in the name of Global Warming – or more recently – Climate Change.
December 17th, 2009
PART 1 of 2
By Jon Christian Ryter
December 17, 2009
There are two amendments which appear in the US Constitution that were fraudulently declared ratified by then Secretary of State Philander P. Knox and US Solicitor General Joshua Reuben Clark. They are the 16th and 17th Amendments to the US Constitution. The JP Morgan-Rockefeller-Rothschild international banking cartel (which actually encompasses about 100 of the wealthiest families in the world) swapped New Jersey Gov. Thomas Woodrow Wilson the White House for their own private central bank. In doing so, they perpetuated the fraud on the people of the United States. To make a central bank viable, the bankers needed to be able to levy the incomes of the people of the United States. To do that, they needed Congress to enact a federal income tax. There was only one problem with that. Assessing an unapportioned tax (that unfairly and punitively targets one citizen over another) was specifically prohibited by the Constitution. The bankers needed a constitutional amendment to correct Article 1 § 8. The bankers had one other problem with this plan. Every attempt to create a permanent central bank or, for that matter, a new temporary one, met fierce resistance from the States and from State banks. To get a constitutional resolution through Congress, it would first be necessary to remove the States from the equation of governance at the federal level. The 17th Amendment did that.
December 17th, 2009
By Betty Freauf
December 17, 2009
Who said last February that it was OK with them to produce a new currency to replace the dollar? None other than serial tax evader, our U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the guy that held his nose when the corporations to big to fail began receiving government bailouts, Federal Reserve chief, Ben Bernanke. In a speech to the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce on February 6, 2007 Bernanke warned that rising income inequality in the U.S. “has been evident for at least three decades, if not longer.” [1] Gee, I wonder what caused that? Could it be the Federal Reserve printing money out of thin air causing inflation and the income disparity? And why did the Obama administration fail to invite the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) and the Chambers to the “Jobs Summit” table held early in December? National Black Chamber of Commerce president, Harry Alford, a guest on Glenn Beck on 12/9 told how unions with big government jobs that pay prevailing wages (40% higher than non-government jobs) discriminate by ignoring minorities for these jobs but instead they bring in workers from 60-70 miles away.
BREAKING POINT: TOP TRENDS 2010 - Gerald Celente
December 17, 2009
Kingston, NY -- The first decade of the 21st century is going out the way it came in … with a bust and a bang.
The Great Recession is not over. There is no recovery. It’s a cover up. Expect another wave of terrorism. Possibly of 9/11 magnitude.
As well as challenges, also expect profitable and transformational social, health, environmental, entertainment, cultural, business and consumer trends to emerge in 2010.
• The Crash of 2010: The Bailout Bubble is about to burst. Be prepared for the onset of the Greatest Depression.
• Depression Uplift: The pursuit of elegance and affordable sophistication will raise spirits … and profits.
• Terrorism 2010: Years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq – and now Pakistan – have intensified anti-American sentiment. 2010 will be the year of the lone-wolf, self-radicalized gunman.
• Neo-Survivalism: A new breed of survivalist is devising ingenious stratagems to beat the crumbling system. And, they’re not all heading for the hills with AK-47’s and pork & beans.
• Not Welcome Here: Fueled by fear and resentment, a global anti-immigration trend will gather force and serve as a major plank in building a new political party in the US.
• TB or Not TB: With two-thirds of Americans Too Big (TB) for their own good (and everyone else’s), 2010 will mark the outbreak of a “War on Fat,” providing a ton of business opportunities.
• Mothers of Invention: Taking off with the speed of the Internet revolution, “Technology for the Poor” will be a major trend in 2010, providing products and services for newly downscaled Western consumers and impoverished consumers everywhere.
• Not Made In China: A “Buy Local,” “My Country First” protectionist backlash will deliver a big “No” to unrestrained globalism and open solid niches for local and domestic manufacturers.
• The Next Big Thing: Just as the traditional print media (newspapers/magazines) were scooped by Internet competition, so too will new communication technologies herald the end of the TV networks as we know them.
The Trends Research Institute has a 30-year unparalleled track record of accurate forecasts. (Click here) Does your audience really want to listen to “experts” who tell them what they hope to hear, or listen to Gerald Celente who tells it straight and provides practical strategies?
Lines stretch out into Ellis Street as hundreds wait for grocery bags at Glide Memorial's annual giveaway on Friday December 18, 2009 in San Francisco.
NASA reveals first-ever photo of liquid on another planet
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation
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Click to view Animated Magnetosphere on YouTube: December 18, 2009
Sunspot 1035 is still a large sunspot group with two main regions, however it is starting to lose some of its punch. The solar X-Ray flux has been fairly quiet in the past 24 hours. There will remain a chance for C-Class flares.
The solar flux reached 88.1 and had a daily average of 87 on Thursday which is yet again a new Cycle 24 record.
There is a small region now rotating into view on the eastern limb. It has produced a few B-Class flares in the past 24 hours, the largest of which was a B9.7.
Recent Central States Earthquake Update - December 18, 2009 at 3:40 PM CDT
y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km
MAP 3.1 2009/12/18 05:38:08 36.451N 89.540W 9.0 11 km ( 7 mi) NW of Tiptonville, TN
map 1.9 2009/12/18 01:13:39 35.836N 90.118W 8.3 7 km ( 4 mi) SE of Manila, AR
map 1.7 2009/12/18 01:10:58 35.831N 90.114W 7.9 7 km ( 4 mi) WSW of Dell, AR
map 2.8 2009/12/17 20:25:39 35.542N 97.271W 5.0 15 km ( 9 mi) SSE of Arcadia, OK
map 2.2 2009/12/17 17:52:01 35.566N 97.287W 5.0 12 km ( 7 mi) SSE of Arcadia, OK
MAP 3.5 2009/12/16 20:53:42 40.412N 95.857W 5.0 12 km ( 8 mi) E of Johnson, NE
Update time = Sat Dec 19 0:00:03 UTC 2009
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 3.2 | 2009/12/18 20:00:46 | 18.493 | -66.263 | 108.0 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 4.9 | 2009/12/18 19:30:51 | 38.087 | 141.685 | 38.7 | NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/12/18 14:30:02 | 2.984 | -76.293 | 151.8 | COLOMBIA |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/12/18 11:48:31 | 33.581 | 141.105 | 10.0 | OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/12/18 11:38:09 | 36.451 | -89.540 | 9.0 | SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI |
MAP | 3.4 | 2009/12/18 10:55:33 | 18.533 | -68.925 | 163.7 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/12/18 09:45:42 | -19.876 | -173.745 | 10.0 | TONGA |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/12/18 09:35:08 | 32.460 | -115.385 | 7.1 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/12/18 09:06:24 | 32.505 | -115.381 | 20.1 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/12/18 07:55:58 | 32.481 | -115.388 | 3.3 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/12/18 07:51:30 | 37.394 | -118.899 | 4.8 | CENTRAL CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 4.3 | 2009/12/18 07:43:01 | 13.910 | -91.141 | 84.1 | OFFSHORE GUATEMALA |
MAP | 4.9 | 2009/12/18 07:32:59 | -18.256 | 65.749 | 10.0 | MAURITIUS - REUNION REGION |
MAP | 4.9 | 2009/12/18 06:45:02 | -8.380 | 120.755 | 189.1 | FLORES REGION, INDONESIA |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/12/18 05:29:46 | 19.226 | -67.983 | 105.1 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/12/18 03:33:14 | 59.248 | -153.613 | 89.3 | SOUTHERN ALASKA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/12/18 02:25:39 | 35.542 | -97.271 | 5.0 | OKLAHOMA |
MAP | 2.9 | 2009/12/18 00:01:19 | 18.966 | -66.368 | 5.5 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map
NYC Expecting Up to 10 Inches of Snow...
Up to 20-inches in DC...
Alaska sees record snow: Five feet, 8 inches deep!
Rain, rain has come to stay: Missouri sets 2-year precipitation record in 2008-2009
According to the University of Missouri, the state received an average precipitation of more than 106 inches during 2008 and 2009. That's the greatest amount during a two-year period in weather records dating back 115 years.
University climatologist Pat Guinan says the only time when back-to-back years were almost as wet was in 1927 and 1928, when Missouri had an average precipitation of 102 inches.
Missouri's average yearly rainfall is 41 inches.
Final Copenhagen Text Includes Global Transaction Tax
Paul Joseph Watson | The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank.
Atlantic Online
First, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a surprise announcement that the United States would help raise a fund of $100 billion annually until 2020 to assist poorer nations to contend with climate change ...
Listen to Hawk's Thursday night - mp3
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database
Ready to blow? As lava cascades down the slopes of the Mayon Volcano, young evacuees cook their breakfast in a campfire in Legazpi, Philippines. Authorities plan to evacuate thousands of others who are reluctant to leave their farms near the percolating volcano.
Talk at you all later!
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African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?
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