The following is off of DrudgeReport tonight:
Shock Video: Skeptical scientist has apparent heart attack during live UN climate debate...
Dems Pass $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill Sunday
Man Attacks Italian PM, Breaks Nose and Teeth
Keno drop in Lincoln, Nebraska affects libraries, new park
Last year the city received about $1.8 million from keno receipts - 7.7 percent of the amount wagered.
This year's 7.4 percent drop is probably a function of the recession, said Don Herz, Lincoln's finance director.
"It's discretionary spending, and that has been most impacted by the economy," he said.
The Lincoln revenue loss will mean fewer dollars for the city libraries and the Parks and Recreation Department.
"That could definitely be a blow," said Greg Mickells, assistant library director. "We count on that money quite a bit," he said.
This year the Lincoln library system has about $504,061 in keno funds to buy new books, CDs, databases and more and to replace outdated computers and servers ....
20 Years Of The Simpsons
When the show started, the writers were guys in their early thirties who saw themselves as Bart and their fathers as Homer; now they are in their late forties and identify with Homer. That's why we have more stories with Homer now.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Patric Verrone, one of the show's former writers, recalls how a series of 60-second shorts turned The Simpsons into a global television phenomenon.
Bob Chapman - Review of Financial Markets
Freightliner Moving Truck Production to Mexico, Raising Fears of More Layoffs
Australian Lawmaker Warns US Could Default on its Debt Triggering an "Economic Armageddon"
Ron Paul Introduces the Free Competition in Currency Act
Ron Paul | Legal tender laws have been used by governments to force their citizens to accept debased and devalued currency.
Credit rules mean pain for industry, consumers
In a survey by the Federal Reserve released in November, banks reported that they expect to tighten - or have already tightened - many terms on credit card loans for borrowers, including those with good credit.
"We depend on that for the economy to bounce back. We are looking for the consumer to spend."A pullback on overall spending "is a very difficult lesson for the country," Hira said. "We have a whole generation here which hasn't learned how to live within their means. And now we are being forced to come back within our means, and some people don't have means."
"The credit card industry is not going to be profitable this year, and is projected to lose billions of dollars in 2010 as a result of the overall business conditions," McCoy said.
100 Items to Disappear First
A 'Prepared' Christmas
Teach survival skills with thoughtful, practical gifts.
Flying Through Thunderstorm Equivalent to Getting 400 Chest X-rays?
Recent findings from scientists at the Florida Institute of Technology, UC Santa Cruz and the University of Florida are estimating that airplane passengers and crews traveling through just one thunderstorm of lightening-emitted X-rays, gamma rays and high-energy electrons could be exposed to radiation amounts equal to 400 chest X-rays--the maximum safe radiation exposure over a person's lifetime. Ouch.
How often does this shocking phenomenon occur? They're uncertain.
Joe Dwyer, professor of physics and space sciences at Florida Tech said,
"We know that commercial airplanes are typically struck by lightning once or twice a year. What we don't know is how often planes happen to be in just the right place or right time to receive a high radiation dose. We believe it is very rare, but more research is needed to answer the question definitively."
Another variable in the on-going study is that the scientists didn't measure the radiation using airplanes but used satellite and ground-based observations.
This would leave a little more room for hope, but as it turns out, all airplane passengers are apparently exposed to slightly elevated radiation levels due to cosmic rays.
SURGING GEMINIDS: The Geminid meteor shower is intensifying. According to the International Meteor Organization, dark-sky observers are now counting 40+ meteors per hour. "The Geminids were pretty active last night (Dec. 12/13)," reports Pete Lawrence of Selsey, UK. "Here's one I caught on camera zipping past the star Alpha Hydrae."
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation
Click to view Animated Magnetosphere on YouTube: December 12, 2009
CaveNews YouTube Channel
Sagittarius New Moon, Wednesday December 16, 2009
The sign of Sagittarius calls us to adventure, to expand our horizons, seek different perspectives and learn something new. It is about journeys, goals, philosophies, teaching and higher learning, as well as storytelling and cosmic law. After the re-birth out of the depths of Scorpio, Sagittarius offers us the possibilities of open vistas, penetrating insight and deep meaning in our lives. By Ari Bussel
Magnetic fields trigger solar wind
From the science forum:
Something our way cometh! Take a look at this one from SOHO/EIT @ 284... .
If this doesn't spark your interest, take a look at STEREO-B. There's a real sparkler busy on the back side!!"
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, it happened Sunday morning around 3 just two miles north of Jones. It measured 3.4 magnitude.
Eyewitness News 5 received several phone calls from viewers who said they felt it in Jones and Midwest City. One woman said her lamp fell over.
Another mild earthquake hit near Spencer early Saturday. A similar quake hit Friday near Arcadia.
Scientists have not been able to explain why so many quakes have hit Oklahoma County in the past few years.
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 3.4 | 2009/12/13 08:38:25 | 35.586 | -97.277 | 5.0 | OKLAHOMA |
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/12/12 11:34:05 | 35.556 | -97.315 | 5.0 | OKLAHOMA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/12/11 14:00:17 | 35.587 | -97.324 | 5.0 | OKLAHOMA |
MAP | 3.5 | 2009/12/07 17:44:25 | 35.559 | -97.259 | 5.0 | OKLAHOMA |
Magnitude | 3.4 |
Date-Time |
Location | 35.586°N, 97.277°W |
Depth | 5 km (3.1 miles) set by location program |
Region | OKLAHOMA |
Distances |
Two Earthquakes Hit New York State - 130 mi North of NY City - Sunday - December 13, 2009
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/12/13 22:00:51 | 42.573 | -74.108 | 10.0 | NEW YORK |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/12/13 21:10:49 | 42.569 | -74.108 | 10.0 | NEW YORK |
Earthquake Details
Magnitude | 3.1 |
Date-Time |
Location | 42.573°N, 74.108°W |
Depth | 10 km (6.2 miles) |
Region | NEW YORK |
Distances |
Update time = Sun Dec 13 23:48:35 UTC 2009
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/12/13 23:45:42 | 33.344 | -116.295 | 2.6 | SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/12/13 22:54:47 | 18.873 | -64.672 | 7.8 | VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/12/13 22:00:51 | 42.573 | -74.108 | 10.0 | NEW YORK |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/12/13 21:10:49 | 42.569 | -74.108 | 10.0 | NEW YORK |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/12/13 21:03:41 | 17.770 | 146.002 | 35.0 | ALAMAGAN REG., NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS |
MAP | 4.4 | 2009/12/13 18:19:57 | 53.021 | -166.215 | 17.1 | FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/12/13 16:59:14 | 26.360 | -110.533 | 10.0 | GULF OF CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/12/13 16:04:00 | 41.776 | 94.309 | 3.1 | XINJIANG-GANSU BORDER REGION, CHINA |
MAP | 4.6 | 2009/12/13 15:23:30 | -0.557 | 132.778 | 35.0 | NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/12/13 15:22:50 | 60.627 | -147.287 | 19.1 | SOUTHERN ALASKA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/12/13 14:41:59 | 22.039 | 91.840 | 31.3 | BANGLADESH |
MAP | 4.6 | 2009/12/13 14:24:59 | 21.944 | 91.816 | 21.6 | NEAR THE COAST OF BANGLADESH |
MAP | 4.9 | 2009/12/13 12:31:13 | 51.490 | 178.818 | 57.6 | RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/12/13 11:40:25 | 19.832 | -156.284 | 16.0 | HAWAII REGION, HAWAII |
MAP | 4.6 | 2009/12/13 10:44:42 | -10.776 | 118.985 | 57.5 | SOUTH OF SUMBAWA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 3.3 | 2009/12/13 10:39:29 | 19.501 | -66.236 | 58.8 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/12/13 10:26:09 | 35.741 | -119.001 | 16.3 | CENTRAL CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 3.4 | 2009/12/13 08:38:26 | 35.586 | -97.277 | 5.0 | OKLAHOMA |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/12/13 04:35:30 | 40.290 | -124.343 | 22.3 | NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/12/13 04:12:03 | 57.717 | -155.131 | 0.0 | ALASKA PENINSULA |
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map
New Orleans monthly rainfall record for December was broken Saturday December 12th
... The last record, set in 1967 and recorded at New Orleans International Airport, was 10.77 inches for the month, said Shawn O'Neil, a weather service meteorologist. By 9 p.m. Saturday, it was measuring 12.72 inches as the rain continued to fall, he said.
At Audubon Park, a century-old record was broken for Dec. 12. In 1909, 3.25 inches of rain fell. By 9 p.m. Saturday, the park had seen 5.55 inches of rain, O'Neil said ...
Marion County, Iowa Hit By Record Blizzard | KNIA / KRLS
More snow fell in one blizzard in Marion County –and Iowa – than in the last 39 years, bringing with it car accidents, school cancellations, and safety hazards. 15-inches fell locally during the record storm. ...
Record setting cold grips Southwest Saskatchewan
Southwest Booster
Swift Current's temperature plummeted to -32.4 Celsius yesterday, breaking the previous record low of -30.6 which dated back to 1940. ...
Prairies hit with extreme cold snap
Vancouver Sun
The Alberta communities of Fort McMurray, High Level, Cold Lake and Peace River all saw new record lows for this date set Saturday. ...
Canada freezes as 'one of the worst snow storms on record' strands thousands...
Snowy dusting in Australia's summer...
Cape Cod: Winter weather increases dolphin, turtle strandings...
Snow, cold end Wisconsin's corn harvest
UNDATED (WSAU) Corn yields were up this year, so there won't be a shortage -- but the heavy snowfall in Wisconsin has ended the state's harvest. ...
Excluded from the Copenhagen Agenda:
Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change
The manipulation of climate for military use
Replacement satellite could play role in climate treaty
(Won't be able to spend time at home due to the huge increases in heating/cooling bills due to carbon tax - so will be spending more time at church? Is that their motivation for supporting cap and trade derivatives and carbon taxes? Inquiring minds - like my own - you can be sure I will be following this down into the church's own rabbit hole of secrets)
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams preaches during an ecumenical celebration in the Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen, Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009. Shortly after the service Denmark's churches rang their bells 350 times which was the central act of a worldwide international bell ringing initiative.
Good comment on a forum:
There is no reason to believe they don't mean to do exactly what they say... and 'the prez' is only their current puppet in the White House. He does what he is told, because he does not want to take the kind of trip that JFK did in Dallas."
Radio LIberty: The Georgia Guidestones

On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American Stonehenge. Though relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the Occult Hierarchy that dominates the world in which we live.
The origin of that strange monument is shrouded in mystery because no one knows the true identity of the man, or men, who commissioned its construction. All that is known for certain is that in June 1979, a well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian, but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity, but to date, almost two decades later, no one knows who R. C. Christian really was, or the names of those he represented. Several things are apparent.
four major fields:
(1) Governance and the establishment of a world government,
(2) Population and reproduction control,
(3) The environment and man's relationship to nature, and
(4) Spirituality.
In the public library in Elberton, I found a book written by the man who called himself R.C. Christian. I discovered that the monument he commissioned had been erected in recognition of Thomas Paine and the occult philosophy he espoused. Indeed, the Georgia Guidestones are used for occult ceremonies and mystic celebrations to this very day. Tragically, only one religious leader in the area had the courage to speak out against the American Stonehenge, and he has recently relocated his ministry.
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.
The message of the American Stonehenge also foreshadowed the current drive for Sustainable Development. Any time you hear the phrase "Sustainable Development" used, you should substitute the term "socialism" to be able to understand what is intended. Later in this syllabus you will read the full text of the Earth Charter which was compiled under the direction of Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong. In that document you will find an emphasis on the same basic issues: control of reproduction, world governance, the importance of nature and the environment, and a new spirituality. The similarity between the ideas engraved on the Georgia Guidestones and those espoused in the Earth Charter reflect the common origins of both. Yoko Ono, the widow of John Lennon, was recently quoted as referring to the American Stonehenge, saying:
(2) Promoting environmentalism.
(3) Establishing a world government.
(4) Promoting a new spirituality.
Certainly the group that commissioned the Georgia Guidestones is one of many similar groups working together toward a New World Order, a new world economic system, and a new world spirituality. Behind those groups, however, are dark spiritual forces. Without understanding the nature of those dark forces it is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events.
The fact that most Americans have never heard of the Georgia Guidestones or their message to humanity reflects the degree of control that exists today over what the American people think. We ignore that message at our peril.
Copies are available for researchers from Radio Liberty.

The Age of Reason was a book written by Thomas Paine. Its intent was to destroy the Judeo-Christian beliefs upon which our Republic was founded.

The hole that you see in the stone was drilled in the Center Stone so that the North Star could be visualized through it at any moment. This was one of several requirements stipulated by R.C.Christian for the building of the American Stonehenge and reflects his obsession with the alignment of the stars, the sun, and the moon. Occultists often worship the alignment and movement of heavenly bodies as part of their religious ceremonies
Obama, Congress Strive to Bankrupt America
Democrat lawmakers are attempting to pass a stealth increase in the $12.1 trillion cap on borrowing before the end of the year and are trying to sneak through an increase large enough so that they won't have to vote again on the issue before next year's midterm elections. Their bill -- opposed by conservatives fortunate to find out about it -- would permit a total federal debt of about $14 trillion at a time when President Obama is........
by NWV News
Beating a dead Horse
The deep ignorance and unlearned disposition of our political and social leaders, and the blind acquiescence of a deluded people have enabled the importation of competing cultures via the political correctness route. Diversity is the absolute enemy of a homogenous society and of systemic stability. This nation is facing a complete collapse; the very circumstances that brought down the Roman Empire will bring about the downfall of this nation........
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.
Evangelical Leaders Sass ADL!
For nearly a century, the existence of ADL (Anti-Defamation League) has been unmentionable in public statements by Christian/conservative leaders. The ACLU may be freely vilified and also, of late, the Southern Poverty Law Center. But ADL, the ultimate predator upon Christian values and American freedoms, has a reputation for zero tolerance of criticism from those in high leadership......
by Rev. Ted Pike
American People are coming, and they’re coming for you
The title is a powerful statement by Pat Caddell, a Democrat, and a Senior Advisor to the Carter Administration, that he made on Fox News, 12-8-09. Caddell also stated that “Americans feel that the future is slipping away from their children, that they’re losing the future. The politicians don’t care (what the people want), they think the American people are sheep that they can run over, and that’s the issue that is going to be.....
by Former Kentucky State Trooper Andrew Wallace, Ret.
Weekend Edition, December 12-13, 2009
It's Time To Leave Afghanistan Now, Ron Paul tells Gen. Stanley McChrystal. |
'Security Breaches' Becky Akers on another path to the total state. |
Stranded in Houston Fred Reed is rescued by an Italian restaurant. |
Obama of Wall Street He's owned by the plutocracy. Article by Matt Taibbi. |
Stay Away From US Stocks and Bonds Gold? Jim Rogers wouldn't think of selling it. |
Looternomics Make that Obamanomics, says Tim Carney. |
Men and Women Must Never Shop Together 'Evolution' explains it, claim scientists. |
It's Boom Time for the Feds Bust time for the tax slaves. |
Is it the End of the World? Nothing to see here, move along, says WaPo. |
Maintain Your Body's Critical Waste Filters Margaret Durst on natural care for your hard-working kidneys. |
Within this article it is stated clearly the violent protesters were 'non-students"
MY CAVE NEWS BLOG - title for same article
Screenshot of my news entry:
The government-corporate media is in the business of DISTRACTING the public from the looting and pillaging of our nation by globalist banksters and their multinational corporations.
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) | Recently released reports and testimonies
Rail Transit: Observations on FTA's State Safety Oversight Program and Potential Change in Its Oversight RoleGAO-10-314T, December 10, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 17 pages)
Recovery Act: States' Use of Highway and Transit Funds and Efforts to Meet the Act's RequirementsGAO-10-312T, December 10, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 30 pages)
Recovery Act: Status of States' and Localities' Use of Funds and Efforts to Ensure AccountabilityGAO-10-231, December 10, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 167 pages)
Smithsonian Institution: Governance and Facilities Reforms Progressing, but Work RemainsGAO-10-297T, December 10, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 22 pages)
Smithsonian Institution: Implementation of Governance Reforms is Progressing, but Work RemainsGAO-10-190R, December 10, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 27 pages)
Transportation Worker Identification Credential: Progress Made in Enrolling Workers and Activating Credentials but Evaluation Plan Needed to Help Inform the Implementation of Card ReadersGAO-10-43, November 18, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 81 pages)
Telecommunications: FCC Needs to Improve Oversight of Wireless Phone ServiceGAO-10-34, November 10, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 71 pages)
Financial Audit: Office of Financial Stability (Troubled Asset Relief Program) Fiscal Year 2009 Financial StatementsGAO-10-301, December 09, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 154 pages)
Intellectual Property: Enhancements to Coordinating U.S. Enforcement EffortsGAO-10-219T, December 09, 2009 Summary (HTML) Full Report (PDF, 11 pages)
International Trade: Observations on U.S. and Foreign Countries' Export Promotion ActivitiesGAO-10-310T, December 09, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 17 pages)
State Department: Challenges Facing the Bureau of Diplomatic SecurityGAO-10-290T, December 09, 2009 Summary (HTML) Full Report (PDF, 13 pages)
Surface Coal Mining: Characteristics of Mining in Mountainous Areas of Kentucky and West VirginiaGAO-10-21, December 09, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 88 pages)
Drug Safety: FDA Has Begun Efforts to Enhance Postmarket Safety, but Additional Actions Are NeededGAO-10-68, November 09, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 53 pages)
Rail Transit: Observations on FTA's State Safety Oversight Program and Potential Change in Oversight RoleGAO-10-293T, December 08, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 17 pages)
Tax Policy: The Research Tax Credit's Design and Administration Can Be ImprovedGAO-10-136, November 06, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 119 pages)
Financial Management Systems: DHS Faces Challenges to Successfully Consolidating Its Existing Disparate SystemsGAO-10-76, December 04, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 32 pages)
U.S. Labor Force Statistics: Illustrative Simulations of the Likely Effects of Underrepresenting Unauthorized ResidentsGAO-10-99, November 30, 2009 Summary (HTML) Full Report (PDF, 61 pages)
State Department: Diplomatic Security's Recent Growth Warrants Strategic ReviewGAO-10-156, November 12, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 66 pages)
Medicare: CMS Working to Address Problems from Round 1 of the Durable Medical Equipment Competitive Bidding ProgramGAO-10-27, November 06, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 65 pages)
Small Business Administration: Actions Needed to Improve the Usefulness of the Agency's Lender Risk Rating SystemGAO-10-53, November 06, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 58 pages)
Private Pensions: Additional Changes Could Improve Employee Benefit Plan Financial ReportingGAO-10-54, November 05, 2009 Summary (HTML) Highlights Page (PDF) Full Report (PDF, 32 pages)
dead vultures sing the reality that BigPharma needs public scrutiny!
Vultures in South Asia have been dying from eating livestock carcasses tainted with veterinary drugs
Vultures in South Asia have been dying from eating livestock carcasses tainted with diclofenac, a veterinary drug. Now researchers have found that a similar drug called ketoprofen is also fatal to the birds.
Both treatments fall into a category called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). While diclofenac is known to cause kidney failure and death in vultures, evidence of such effects had not been found for ketoprofen.
Researchers administered ketoprofen, both directly and through the carcasses of ketoprofen-treated cattle, to Cape griffon vultures (Gyps coprotheres) and African white-backed vultures (Gyps africanus). One bird given 1.5 milligrams of ketoprofen per kilogram of body weight died, and a dose of 5 milligrams per kilogram killed seven out of 11 vultures.
Tens of millions of vultures played a key role in South Asian ecosystems before the introduction of diclofenac in the early 1990s. Now, populations of the three species of the critically endangered, griffon-type vultures are thought to have dropped by as much as 97 percent, according to Britain's Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
Vultures play a vital role in disposing of carcasses, keeping down populations of stray dogs and rats that also feed on dead cattle and can spread disease among humans.
"From millions of individuals in the 1980s, vultures have simply disappeared from large swaths of India, Pakistan and Nepal, and at least three species have been brought to the brink of extinction," said Richard Cuthbert, one of the study's authors and a scientist with the Royal Society.
"The rate of decline of these magnificent birds is staggering," he said. "For the oriental white-backed vultures, for every two birds alive last year, one will now be dead, and this is all because of the birds' inability to cope with these drugs in livestock carcasses, the birds' principal food source."
CHEYENNE - The pronghorns are in town early this year.
While it is not unusual for pronghorn antelope to come into Cheyenne and Laramie during the winter, folks at the Wyoming Game and Fish Department said it is unusual for it to happen this early in the winter weather season.
They are, of course, looking for food and shelter, which is more readily available in town than out on the wind-blown plains.
Antelope have created some traffic hazards in Cheyenne.
"People just need to take their time and be careful" when they spot antelope on or near the street, said Cheyenne police Sgt. Nathan Buseck.
There haven't been any accidents, he said, and any traffic problems with the pronghorns have been "very minor" so far.
He said antelope have been in the area of Miller Elementary. A group have been roaming the neighborhood between Eighth Avenue and Pershing Boulevard and Evans and Central avenues.
"Wildlife are best enjoyed from a distance," said Bob Lanka, a regional information and education supervisor for the Game and Fish Department.
That is the first thing to keep in mind.
Approaching wildlife raises their metabolic rate and results in more energy being expended during a time when they need it.
The early cold weather has likely caused a higher rate of mortality among the pronghorns already, he said, though there is no data yet.
There are no laws against feeding big-game animals that wander into the city, said Scott Smith, city spokesman.
But feeding wild big-game animals is not a good idea, Lanka said.
Feeding concentrates wildlife, enhancing the spread of disease, attracting predators and diminishing the fear of people so that they may become more aggressive. Improper food also can cause illness or death.
For those who want to help decrease big-game mortality in winter, Lanka suggests:
-- Keep your distance and leave wildlife alone.
-- Keep pets confined and do not allow them to chase wildlife.
-- Slow your vehicle down, especially on icy roads and at dawn and dusk. Big-game animals forage near roads and regularly cross them in search of food.
-- Make fences as wildlife friendly as possible by allowing animals to move either over or under more easily.
The department has a brochure on fencing and wildlife available at regional offices.
-- Consider having one pasture where livestock will be confined in winter and leaving the rest of your gates open so that wildlife can move through if you own a ranch.
-- Pick up bailing twine, loose wire and other things wildlife may become entangled in. | Today's Featured Stories - December 13, 2009
Experience wild foods and herbal medicines of Ecuador yourself in an upcoming eco-tour adventure (NaturalNews) Imagine walking through the rainforests of Ecuador, surrounded by medicinal plants and wild foods. Harmonies of birds and locusts blanket the forest from lush treetops. Your group pauses for a moment to take it all in... that's when you... |
Western diet triggers genes that cause the body to store more fat (NaturalNews) New research published in The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) has found that the "Western" diet, typically high in sugar and fat, may be responsible for activating genes that signal... |
Fructose may promote metabolic syndrome (NaturalNews) A research team from the University of Washington (UW) recently published a study in Physiology & Behavior revealing that moderate consumption of fructose- and high fructose corn syrup-sweetened beverages leads to significant alterations... |
Use Tips to Break the Sugar Habit and Prevent Cravings (Opinion) People who eat sugar on a daily basis typically crave even more sugar. It can correctly be called an addiction. Blood sugar levels spike after eating sugar and then plummet, resulting in a craving for more after a couple of hours. Some people... |
Anti-Smoking Drugs Cause Mental Health Problems (NaturalNews) The FDA has ordered companies Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline to place warning labels on their anti-smoking drugs Chantix and Zyban, respectively, warning that the drugs may increase a patient's risk of depression and suicidal... |
Rebound on a Mini-Trampoline: Flow Lymph and Fight Disease Rebounding is a great exercise for the entire body, especially the lymphatic system. Rebounding involves jumping on a mini-trampoline; this promotes circulation. The body contains 5-6 quarts of blood, which is circulated by the heart. But... |
Studies find copper may help protect against MRSA and other hospital superbugs (NaturalNews) The Journal of Hospital Infection is set to publish three papers in its January issue that discuss new research about the antimicrobial properties of copper. Studies are showing that copper is highly resistant to bacteria and that it may... |
Body Cleansing Rids Negative Emotions Ever notice that negative emotions sometimes linger past their time? It's often seen when a person is triggered, or dramatically and adversely affected, by an emotion of the past - perhaps even an emotion from childhood. Different people... |
Beware: Adulteration of Essential Oils, Part III Lack of regulation within the essential oil industry means consumers should arm themselves with the knowledge of adulteration and take steps to ensure they are buying genuine essential oils, with full therapeutic benefits. Using pure,... |
Jane Goodall Institute partners with Pangea Organics with exclusive offer for NaturalNews readers (NaturalNews) In perfect congruency with Dr. Jane Goodall's philosophies about environmental responsibility, the Jane Goodall Institute has partnered with Pangea Organics, a company that NaturalNews has for... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Save Greg Caton! Criminal FDA kidnaps Caton from Ecuador and forces him back to USA to face trumped-up charges
- Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control
- Poor children more likely to be put on antipsychotic drugs
- Colombia becoming destination for medical tourism
- Compact fluorescent light bulbs aren't as good as you think (not to mention the mercury vapor)
- Will it work? Pay Amazon villagers money to keep their rainforests intact
- Cap and trade results in "black market" of emissions
- Curcumin and black pepper combine to kill breast cancer tumor cells
- WHO reluctantly admits Tamiflu doesn't work on most, but it still recommends the drug anyway
- Want to save the planet? Eat less meat and dairy
- China says population control key to climate change prevention
- GAO accuses FDA of avoiding needed safety changes
Talk at you all later!
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Link to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm material
An alternative explantion for 2012 (PDF File).
Author held anonymous, but permission granted to disperse this material.
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