Sorting through the news - seems to be an ongoing. My interest in news is relatively recent - it's been only over a year I've been focusing my energy and attention on the news media with their headlines.
My 4 now adult children would testify that I am a reader - a reader of NON-FICTION books and not a television watcher. Today, I could easily say that reading news media articles is like reading:
Each morning as I sort through the news - it gets WEIRDER. Humans running amuck is no exaggeration!
Yesterday - Goldman Sach banksters were arming themselves after they have now pillaged and robbed how many $Trillion? Criminal Banksters having no trouble getting permits - while in Indiana:

Americans do not realize that REVOLUTION in response to the TYRANNICAL legislation (such as the Patriot Act, etc.) is part of the Elite's PLANNED AGENDA. Why I frequently have sections in my News Updates entitled POLICE STATE USA.

The following are pictures out of HAPPY STATE NEBRASKA from September, 2008:

The MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX has arrived in your hometown with the federalization of police and NORTHCOM sitting on top.
FREE SPEECH ZONES in the United States are fenced in and surrounded by black uniformed 'police' with their brand new taxpayer funded weapons.
The FREE SPEECH ZONE of the Internet is going away very swiftly also.

And as Gerald Celente frquently says, "When people lose everything - they lose it" - and over a year ago in 2008 he spoke about the upcoming American Revolution.
Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions By 2012
Video: 2nd American Revolution - Gerald Celente on Financial News Hour November 26, 2009 (1 of 2)
pt 2/2 Gerald Celente on Financial News Hour
The merger of state and corporate powers - Fascism has come to America. The two headed one party political system. They just keep substituting the President of the new country club. Politicians represent those who give campaign contributions (only bribery and payoffs).
America Creates Serfdom Through Cap and Trade
As I have stated before, when dealing with the American government, expect only the most illogical extremes.
The so called Land of the Free, has decided to recreate the ancient and rejected art of serfdom. As anywhere in history, serfdom was set in gradually with restrictive laws that slowly or quickly ate away at the right of the people to move freely, thus guaranteeing the government a stable tax base and its favorite enterprises, a stable work force to exploit, one that can not walk away.
In America that is about to be done by their new Cap and Trade Law, that will more than likely go into affect next year. Only one of the chambers of the parliament has passed it but the other will soon.
In the name of all things green, humans in the Anglo-sphere will be turned into serfs. How interesting. The Greens or rather Watermelons, Green on the outside, Marxist Red on the Inside have found the perfect tool with which to leverage the futures of all peoples in advanced nations. No longer is the cry of power to the people, as the cover for the power grab of the more equal amongst the "equals" but instead it is the cry of Power to the Plants and the Fishes and the little buggy things that fly around and annoy you....oh and it will cost the future of yourselves and your children, but Gia will love you when you are decomposing in her belly, serf.
But how will this be done?
In the giant, unread "democratic" bills that the American parliament loves to pass, some with literally up to ten thousand pages of unread and undebated laws. (and the Americans were only ranked 19th on the list of the most corrupt nations?) To be specific, Cap and Trade (American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009) will force all home owners to make extremely costly efficiency upgrades to their homes, for energy efficiency, before the government will give the serf, er citizen, a license to sell their home. Of course, before the process begins, the serf must get and pay for a government inspection and another after the upgrades ...
Detainee seeking dismissal cites torture


To my Fellow Americans,
“I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within” - General Douglas MacArthur.
What exactly did General MacArthur mean? Let me try to explain. The United States was founded as a Constitutional Republic based on liberty and the unalienable rights of the individual; and where the government exercised it’s limited power and authority with the consent of “We the people”. But slowly, over the course of the past 100 years, “invisible” forces have turned us into a socialist “Democracy” where government is the Ultimate power and authority; where every action of our lives is legislated and restricted, and where Rights are becoming nonexistent. (If that sounds like an absurd statement, then think about this: the United States, a supposed Free society, has a population of 300 Million; yet this Free society has a total of 2.3 million adults held in prison; or one in every 99.1 adults. That puts the US far head of ANY other country: including Communist China, a supposed repressive society. China has a population of 1.3 Billion people, yet they have only 1.5 million people behind bars) ...
America creates serfdom through cap & trade -- The so called Land of the Free has decided to recreate the ancient and rejected art of serfdom. As anywhere in history, serfdom was set in gradually with restrictive laws that slowly or quickly ate away at the right of the people to move freely, thus guaranteeing the government a stable tax base and its favorite enterprises, a stable work force to exploit, one that can not walk away.

Federal legislation is in the process of taking anything having to do with our food and allowing only multinational corporations have a total monopoly. The pickup on the corner selling watermelons need permit applications, fees, etc - and the fines and penalties are insane.
1. Feds cracking down on garage sales
State governments along with the federal government are not functioning for the best interests of Americans. For example, food stamp data servicing work is still being outsourced to JP Morgan Chase in India in Tennessee, Florida and other states. I need to research to see if globalist state Nebraska is also outsourcing jobs that could be done by Nebraskans.
Water Wars: Colossal Land Grab by the UN and the Feds
The Federal government, influenced by the United Nations, is stealing American land and resources as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is implemented in all states.
Sustainable Development seems appealing and desirable on the surface, but it is actually a plot to erase humans entirely from 50% of American land, with a ban on extraction of resources, like water!
Dr. Michael Coffman, the creator of the Agenda 21 map, covertly obtained secret United Nations documents he used to compile the map which illustrates the resource acquisition goals of the Globalists at the UN. While Sustainable Development appears to be benign, its accompanying Global Biodiversity Assessment report states that only one billion people can be sustained in an industrial society!
Agenda 21 “biological diversity” map.
An example of this is playing out right now in California, regarding the man made drought. This situation affects every American, as California’s Central Valley supplies our country with 50% of its vegetable, fruits and nuts (, see the California Agricultural Statistical Review report).
The federal Endangered Species Act, regarding the ‘threatened’ smelt minnow, is being used to severly restrict the water pump that delivers water from the Delta to the Central Valley farmlands, thus creating the drought condition. Both the federal Department of Interior and the federal Department of Commerce are claiming jurisdiction in order to control water resources....
We each need to educate ourselves on what is going on locally - that touch us. For example, Lincoln NE water supply gets pumped INTO Lincoln (due to the pollution of water under). Therefore, PUMPING STATIONS outside of Lincoln is crucial for water to come out of my tap.
I try to listen to Derry Brownfield daily:
Listen Live
The Derry Brownfield Show
Derry Brownfield is the voice of rural America. His "Common Sense Coalition" promotes the traditional values that continue to enrich today's farmer. In addition, Brownfield also examines the effects of current political and social issues on rural America. For over 30 years he's used his voice to preserve a way of life that's helped make America great.
Schedule (10-11am CST)
If you are a farmer - do you own and control the water on your property or does someone in the World Trade Organization own and control it?
Water is a resource - and a resource that globalists have claimed and our bought off government has handed them via legislation.
In essence, that water coming out of your tap is not "yours" it is owned by someone ... and, the time is nearing where 'THE GLOBALIST THEY' will control it coming out of your tap - much like Smart Grid controlling the electricity 'THEY' will let you consume.
There are 38 toll road projects - 17 under foreign control in the United States right now.
There is CLIMATEGATE - simply defined as scientific disinformation or bogus science - BAD scientific data used to bring about bad global policies and global governance.
Cap and Trade is the giving of a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD to the WORSE polluters. For example, GM in Brazil can pollute all they want - whereas the people can't use the land like they have for generations in Brazil. The 'you can't trust people to do the right thing' - so make it painful and give central control to a small group of elites.
There is ECONOMIC WARFARE taking place. And, most of the world's populous are the casualties of this war between corrupt multinational corporations and corrupt government.
Reducing our nation's middle class to a lower income and less political power intentional decision made in the 90's as corporations moved offshore. Obama is just the globalist puppet put in place at this time ... to sign off our nation at Copenhagen to global governance is but a part of the agenda handed him by his puppet masters.
A definition of corruption is when the gap between the rich and the poor is wide.
You hear alot about a DOUBLE DIP RECESSION - and what you are seeing is the attempt to re-engineer and centralize financial financial power - GLOBALIZING.
There is REAL ECONOMIES based on actual goods and SPECULATIVE ECONOMIES based on financial papers.
And, US Taxpayers handed trillions of $dollars to globalist banksters - regardless of what the people wanted - their politicians listened to their campaign contributors - the banksters.
So what is a guy to do?
If the economy going down the drain in our nation isn't bad enough - throw in what is going on with our Sun - and the Pacific Ring of Fire coming ALIVE and affects on weather patterns, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.
Corrupt is a good description of our American culture - providing the largest demand for the growing of poppies in Afghanistan! Today's news:
Obama Ecstasy pills hit the streets

Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | December 3, 2009
Army Times: "Trigger Happy" private security undermines Afghan mission -- According to one Afghan security official, private security guards have killed or wounded more than thirty civilians over the past four years in just the Marwand district and the district chief there claims that "most of them are addicted to heroin."
UK: Mother has 2 year old taken for refusal to feed junk food -- Zak Hessey was placed in a foster home for four months because his parents refused advice to feed him junk food to help the toddler gain weight.
Cost of Afghan war explodes -- President Obama's decision to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan means more red ink for a nation reeling from a $12 trillion debt.
America's best kept secret is the School of the Americas -- When did Chelsea Clinton’s marriage plans or Tiger Woods’ health issues become important headline stories? These issues don’t affect us, but they continue to steal air time from important issues such as the countless murders or violations of human rights linked to School of the Americas graduates.
November layoffs, bankruptcies & closings -- Your source for daily job news!
Unemployment worsens, climbs in nearly half of Metropolitan areas -- Despite all of our government's recovery efforts, it still can't get a grasp on the dampened job market.
Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers -- Want to know how much phone companies and internet service providers charge to funnel your private communications or records to U.S. law enforcement and spy agencies? Read More...
Medical imaging tests expose patients to unnecessary amounts of radiation -- A University of Wisconsin (UW) study has found that patients who receive computed tomography (CT) scans for various abdominal and pelvic conditions often receive a slew of additional scans that are unnecessary and that expose them to excess radiation. The findings were presented at the meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
VA Hospital Botched Prostate Cancer Treatments in Nearly Four out of Five Men -- In 92 out of either 114 or 116 treatments performed (depending on the source), medical workers at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Philadelphia botched a procedure known as brachytherapy, in which radioactive seeds are implanted into the body to kill off malignant cells. In 57 of these cases, radiation doses too low to be effective were used. In 35 of these cases, dangerously high levels of radiation were delivered to the wrong part of the body. Some patients were the victims of both errors on separate occasions.
Genetically engineered crops have led to massive increases in pesticide use -- According to a recent report compiled from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, the growing of genetically engineered crops has led to a 383 million pound increase in U.S. pesticide use during the time period spanning from 1996 to 2008. The Organic Center (TOC), the Union for Concerned Scientists (UCS), and the Center for Food Safety (CFS) jointly released the report that illustrates the environmental hazards posed by the farming of GMO crops.
Why a recall of tainted beef didn't include school lunches -- The recall, announced by the government Aug. 6, covered only ground beef sent to certain retailers. In the days after it was announced, government and company spokesmen said meat sent to schools was not included. Documents obtained by USA TODAY through the Freedom of Information Act reveal a more complicated story — one that raises questions about whether the government took adequate steps to ensure that meat it bought for schoolchildren during the same period was safe.
Swine flu vaccine supplies increase as reports of H1N1 cases decrease -- According to the CDC, swine flu activity has been decreasing. Therefore making the vaccine more available.
US health threat response to be reviewed -- Citing the balky swine flu vaccination campaign and other shortcomings in the nation's medical defenses, a top Obama administration official has announced a major review of the government's efforts to develop new protections against pandemics, bioterrorism and other health threats.
New Mexico sees higher swine flu deaths among American Indians -- Indians make up 10 percent of New Mexico's population, but 20 percent of the state's swine flu deaths.
Foreclosure procedures by state -- This is a general guide only, laws change and you need to check your state statutes for accurate, up to date procedures.
Ohio Supreme court decides foreclosure plaintiffs who do not own the mortgage at time of filing lack standing to pursue cases -- In a significant victory for consumers and particularly victims of predatory lending the Ohio Supreme Court on Wednesday quietly let stand what may turn out to be a landmark decision prohibiting banks, trusts and other loan servicing entities who cannot prove ownership of a mortgage note from foreclosing on Ohio homeowners.
Tennessee lawmakers take aim at traffic camera enforcement -- Tennessee state lawmakers are meeting this week to review the use of traffic cameras. Critics of the program want the General Assembly to look at requiring Tennessee cities that have red-light cameras or speed cameras posted to put a portion of the revenue generated into public safety.
BPA found in 90% of newborns -- A study released Wednesday which found that nine of 10 babies tested were born with bisphenol A in their systems has renewed calls for the chemical to be banned.
Captured on film: the hottest star in the galaxy -- Astronomers have taken the first pictures of one of the hottest stars in the Galaxy. The temperature on its surface is 200,000C, 35 times hotter than the Sun. The mysterious dying star at the heart of the Bug Nebula – 3,500 light years away in the constellation Scorpius – has never been seen before as it is hidden behind a cloud of dust and ice.
Blackwater's chief to step down, reveals CIA role -- 'Power struggle' inside Blackwater over Prince's successor.
The Lost People Exploited. What those who actually live in Wisconsin really think -- ( NAIS case) An announcement was posted yesterday by Judith McGeary of Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) saying that FTCLDF had filed an Amicus brief in the Emmanuel Miller Case.
Goldman Sachs staff arm themselves against public -- Writer Alice Schroeder, a respected columnist for Bloomberg News and bestselling biographer of Warren Buffett (with whom she is photographed above), has claimed that senior members of the Goldman Sachs bank in New York have begun to arm themselves in fear of a popular uprising against bankers.
Gold, Freedom & the Fed -- This is a non-verbatim transcript of a speech given by Jacob G. Hornberger which was delivered on November 23, 2009, at the End the Fed rally in Philadelphia. "If you’re like most Americans today, you’re having a difficult time making ends meet. Moreover, not only are you not saving a large portion of your income, you’re likely not saving anything at all. You’re just getting by." Read More...
"Swine" flu could also be called ferret, feline & fowl flu -- Pandemic H1N1 has been identified in pigs, ferrets, turkeys and one cat so far. While the positive test results in animals are not unexpected, the occurrence is worrisome all the same.
Dupont accused of massive water pollution -- DuPont has been covering up and refusing to take responsibility for its toxic pollution of the Ohio River for a quarter of a century, and the poisons it uses to make Teflon stay in the environment for 2,000 years, a nonprofit water association claims in Federal Court.
Give Thanks, But Not For Toxic Sewage Sludge -- Sludge, for those to whom this is new, is that toxic mix that is created by our municipal wastewater treatment facilities. Just about anything that is flushed down toilets or that ends up in sewers is in this sludge; the pollutants in sludge come not just from household sewage, but also from every hospital, industrial plant, and stormwater drain. Note that our federal government has prosily and misleadingly renamed sludge "biosolids"; don't be fooled. It's just the same old sludge with a PR spin.
Hawaii volcano emissions prompt federal disaster declaration -- Gases in the volcanic fog, or vog, from Kilauea volcano are killing crops and costing Big Island farmers millions of dollars, but help is on the way.
Public Menace-Private Profit: America's Biowarfare Alliance -- The close proximity of US biological warfare programs and the pharmaceutical industry is hardly an historical accident. Read More...
The Articles of Confederation - The U.S. Constitution Online
The Presidents Before George Washington -- Several men served as leaders of our country before Washington took office, both as Presidents of the Congress and then as Presidents of the United States under the Articles of Confederation, which proceeded the Constitution. There is also the story of the man who served as President for one day between Polk and Taylor. Although they are not as well known, and most only served one year terms, they were no less important to the history of our country.
Daily Times - Pakistan | United States wants to see democracy flourish in Pakistan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday
* Hillary Clinton vows sustained ties with Islamabad, Kabul to avoid past mistakes
Thursday, December 03, 2009
ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON: The United States wants to see democracy flourish in Pakistan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday.
“It is democracy that strengthens the institutions and to my reckoning, Pakistan is quite resolved for the democracy. However, the country itself will have to tackle its internal issues,” APP quoted Clinton as saying.
“We want to help democracy in Pakistan,” she said, adding, “We want to do this in such fashion that democracy in Pakistan is buttressed and Pakistanis attain a future of their choice, which they told me during my Pakistan tour.”
Clinton said Washington would press Islamabad to “do more” against all the terrorist groups threatening Pakistan, its neighbours and the US, AFP reported.
“It will be our continuing effort... to make the case that the Pakistanis have to do more against all of the insurgent terrorist groups that are threatening them, that are threatening us in Afghanistan and the Afghan people and are threatening other neighbours in the region,” Clinton said.
Past mistakes: The US secretary of state vowed not to repeat past US mistakes that had allowed extremists to thrive in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“The extremists we are fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan have attacked us and our allies before,” Clinton said.
“If we allow them access to the very same safe havens they used before 2001, they will have a greater capacity to regroup and attack again,” she said. agencies
My Cave News Blog - a Blogspot blog (owned by Google) will not let me post this news article using the Pakistan Daily Times direct link - I reached this link via:
Senator Barbara Boxer's new name for Climategate : E-Mail-Theft Gate
WAR: It's Not the President's Decision
Afghanistan: 'Roach Motel' for Empires
It was Bush's war. Now it's Obama's. And the heat is on

Peru's 'human fat killers' were invented by Police to cover up deaths

France, Germany: No more troops

Anti-gay Uganda pols members of ‘Family’?

Karzai welcomes new Obama strategy

Islamists 'claim Russia train bomb'

NATO to send 5,000 troops to Afghanistan

Expanded operations in Pakistan?

Minnesota's Budget Coming Up Billions Short

Des Moines, Iowa City Manager recommended the elimination of about 55 jobs to help balance the city budget.
Staff shortage shuts clerk-of-court office
December 3, 2009 A southern Iowa court office was forced to close Wednesday after state budget cuts reduced the ...

Magnetosphere - Earth's Magnetic Field
DECEMBER 3, 2009 AT 9:55 AM CDT
Current Moon Phase
The full, 16.2 day old moon, 97.5% lit:

The sun remains blank of sunspots

Earthquakes don't kill people, poorly constructed buildings do!
Jakarta Post
6.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Southern East Pacific Rise - Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 10:12:32 PM at epicenter
Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World
Update time = Thu Dec 3 16:00:02 UTC 2009

Volcanoes emit far more carbon dioxide than mankind
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map
Moscow weather sets absolute high temperature records 
Texas Storm Devastated Oyster Beds

Vladimir Putin said the Cold War-era Jackson-Vanik Amendment that restricts U.S. trade with Russia was an "anachronism" hindering Russia's World Trade Organization accession bid.
Speaking during an annual question-and-answer session with Russians on Thursday, Prime Minister Putin said the country continues to seek accession to the WTO, but "we have an impression that for some reason some countries, including the United States, are hindering our entry to the WTO."
Russia, the only major economy outside the WTO, has been seeking membership for 16 years.
Putin said the 1974 amendment that tied trade relations to emigration rights in the Soviet Union has been used by lobby groups in the U.S. Congress pursuing their own tapered interests. "We have to live with that," he added.
Putin reiterated that Russia could seek membership in the WTO together with Belarus and Kazakhstan, with which it has agreed to create a customs union with common tariffs, paving the way for a single economic space, or separately, but taking into account the ex-Soviet states' common interests.
"The chief priority to us is post-Soviet integration, and we welcome the process taking place in the Customs Union," he said.
MOSCOW, December 3 (RIA Novosti)

100 Items to Disappear First
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database
Mutilated Farm Animals Most Likely Victims of UFO Experiments | Today's Featured Stories - December 3, 2009 
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
See all Top Headlines...
Talk at you later ....

My News blog: The Cave
Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges

(Keeping them in "safekeeping" via emailed News Updates In case my blogs get bombed out of the water AGAIN!)
Posted on
Link to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm material
An alternative explantion for 2012 (PDF File).
Author held anonymous, but permission granted to disperse this material.
From Steve Quayle: A free ebook as to what may result if the electrical grid goes down: "Lights Out" pdf
The Cave's Page of Maps of Hazardous locations - past, present & potential future
Global Internet Monitor
National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary
Note:: If you follow this link to the main global map scroll down to find listing of various earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
Recent Volcano Observatory Activity Reports
List of Volcanoes of Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands
Mediterranean and W Asia | Africa and Red Sea | Middle East and Indian Ocean | New Zealand to Fiji | Melanesia and Australia | Indonesia | Philippines and SE Asia | Japan, Taiwan, Marianas | Kuril Islands | Kamchatka and Mainland Asia | Alaska | Canada and Western USA | Hawaii and Pacific Ocean | México and Central America | South America | West Indies | Iceland and Arctic Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Antarctica
African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?
Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
The Living Moon
My 4 now adult children would testify that I am a reader - a reader of NON-FICTION books and not a television watcher. Today, I could easily say that reading news media articles is like reading:
- FICTION (something feigned, invented, or imagined)
- SURREAL (marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream).
Each morning as I sort through the news - it gets WEIRDER. Humans running amuck is no exaggeration!
Yesterday - Goldman Sach banksters were arming themselves after they have now pillaged and robbed how many $Trillion? Criminal Banksters having no trouble getting permits - while in Indiana:
Americans do not realize that REVOLUTION in response to the TYRANNICAL legislation (such as the Patriot Act, etc.) is part of the Elite's PLANNED AGENDA. Why I frequently have sections in my News Updates entitled POLICE STATE USA.
The following are pictures out of HAPPY STATE NEBRASKA from September, 2008:
The MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX has arrived in your hometown with the federalization of police and NORTHCOM sitting on top.
FREE SPEECH ZONES in the United States are fenced in and surrounded by black uniformed 'police' with their brand new taxpayer funded weapons.
Free speech zones (also known as First Amendment Zones, Free speech cages, and Protest zones) are areas set aside in public places for political activists to exercise their right of free speech in the United States. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that "Congress shall make no law... abridging... the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The existence of free speech zones is based on U.S. court decisions stipulating that the government may regulate the time, place, and manner—but not content—of expression ...
The FREE SPEECH ZONE of the Internet is going away very swiftly also.
And as Gerald Celente frquently says, "When people lose everything - they lose it" - and over a year ago in 2008 he spoke about the upcoming American Revolution.
Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions By 2012
November 13, 2008
The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions – all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012.
Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine considering what he told Fox News this week.
Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.
Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine considering what he told Fox News this week.
Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.
Video: 2nd American Revolution - Gerald Celente on Financial News Hour November 26, 2009 (1 of 2)
pt 2/2 Gerald Celente on Financial News Hour
The merger of state and corporate powers - Fascism has come to America. The two headed one party political system. They just keep substituting the President of the new country club. Politicians represent those who give campaign contributions (only bribery and payoffs).
America Creates Serfdom Through Cap and Trade
As I have stated before, when dealing with the American government, expect only the most illogical extremes.
The so called Land of the Free, has decided to recreate the ancient and rejected art of serfdom. As anywhere in history, serfdom was set in gradually with restrictive laws that slowly or quickly ate away at the right of the people to move freely, thus guaranteeing the government a stable tax base and its favorite enterprises, a stable work force to exploit, one that can not walk away.
In America that is about to be done by their new Cap and Trade Law, that will more than likely go into affect next year. Only one of the chambers of the parliament has passed it but the other will soon.
In the name of all things green, humans in the Anglo-sphere will be turned into serfs. How interesting. The Greens or rather Watermelons, Green on the outside, Marxist Red on the Inside have found the perfect tool with which to leverage the futures of all peoples in advanced nations. No longer is the cry of power to the people, as the cover for the power grab of the more equal amongst the "equals" but instead it is the cry of Power to the Plants and the Fishes and the little buggy things that fly around and annoy you....oh and it will cost the future of yourselves and your children, but Gia will love you when you are decomposing in her belly, serf.
But how will this be done?
In the giant, unread "democratic" bills that the American parliament loves to pass, some with literally up to ten thousand pages of unread and undebated laws. (and the Americans were only ranked 19th on the list of the most corrupt nations?) To be specific, Cap and Trade (American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009) will force all home owners to make extremely costly efficiency upgrades to their homes, for energy efficiency, before the government will give the serf, er citizen, a license to sell their home. Of course, before the process begins, the serf must get and pay for a government inspection and another after the upgrades ...
Detainee seeking dismissal cites torture
To my Fellow Americans,
“I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within” - General Douglas MacArthur.
- Our politicians are the servants of THE BANKSTERS' multinational corporations - the military industrial complex spoken of by Eisenhower on steroids!
- Our politicians are a part of these multinational corporations either by their personal wealth or through bribes from lobbyists.
- The same multinational companies, banks, hedge funds, military contractors, have been in a global process of buying up of land and enterprises
America creates serfdom through cap & trade -- The so called Land of the Free has decided to recreate the ancient and rejected art of serfdom. As anywhere in history, serfdom was set in gradually with restrictive laws that slowly or quickly ate away at the right of the people to move freely, thus guaranteeing the government a stable tax base and its favorite enterprises, a stable work force to exploit, one that can not walk away.
Federal legislation is in the process of taking anything having to do with our food and allowing only multinational corporations have a total monopoly. The pickup on the corner selling watermelons need permit applications, fees, etc - and the fines and penalties are insane.
1. Feds cracking down on garage sales
- "McClatchy Newspapers | The crackdown affects sellers ranging from Goodwill and the Salvation Army to everyday Americans cleaning out their attics for yard ..."
- "18 Sep 2009 ... Fox News | The Resale Round-up has led some resale stores and charities to stop accepting children's goods altogether."
- "Since when does someone that has a garage or yard sale a piece of garbage ...... i suppose they hate garagesales because theres old quality stuff that will ..."
- "Now, police/fire departments, charities, second-hand stores, flea markets, bazaars, and garagesales promoters are at risk of fines of up to 15 million ..."
State governments along with the federal government are not functioning for the best interests of Americans. For example, food stamp data servicing work is still being outsourced to JP Morgan Chase in India in Tennessee, Florida and other states. I need to research to see if globalist state Nebraska is also outsourcing jobs that could be done by Nebraskans.
(Click on map to see larger)
(Click on map to see larger)
Water Wars: Colossal Land Grab by the UN and the Feds
The Federal government, influenced by the United Nations, is stealing American land and resources as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is implemented in all states.
Sustainable Development seems appealing and desirable on the surface, but it is actually a plot to erase humans entirely from 50% of American land, with a ban on extraction of resources, like water!
Dr. Michael Coffman, the creator of the Agenda 21 map, covertly obtained secret United Nations documents he used to compile the map which illustrates the resource acquisition goals of the Globalists at the UN. While Sustainable Development appears to be benign, its accompanying Global Biodiversity Assessment report states that only one billion people can be sustained in an industrial society!
Agenda 21 “biological diversity” map.
An example of this is playing out right now in California, regarding the man made drought. This situation affects every American, as California’s Central Valley supplies our country with 50% of its vegetable, fruits and nuts (, see the California Agricultural Statistical Review report).
The federal Endangered Species Act, regarding the ‘threatened’ smelt minnow, is being used to severly restrict the water pump that delivers water from the Delta to the Central Valley farmlands, thus creating the drought condition. Both the federal Department of Interior and the federal Department of Commerce are claiming jurisdiction in order to control water resources....
We each need to educate ourselves on what is going on locally - that touch us. For example, Lincoln NE water supply gets pumped INTO Lincoln (due to the pollution of water under). Therefore, PUMPING STATIONS outside of Lincoln is crucial for water to come out of my tap.
I try to listen to Derry Brownfield daily:
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The Derry Brownfield Show
Derry Brownfield is the voice of rural America. His "Common Sense Coalition" promotes the traditional values that continue to enrich today's farmer. In addition, Brownfield also examines the effects of current political and social issues on rural America. For over 30 years he's used his voice to preserve a way of life that's helped make America great.
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If you are a farmer - do you own and control the water on your property or does someone in the World Trade Organization own and control it?
Water is a resource - and a resource that globalists have claimed and our bought off government has handed them via legislation.
In essence, that water coming out of your tap is not "yours" it is owned by someone ... and, the time is nearing where 'THE GLOBALIST THEY' will control it coming out of your tap - much like Smart Grid controlling the electricity 'THEY' will let you consume.
There are 38 toll road projects - 17 under foreign control in the United States right now.
There is CLIMATEGATE - simply defined as scientific disinformation or bogus science - BAD scientific data used to bring about bad global policies and global governance.
Cap and Trade is the giving of a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD to the WORSE polluters. For example, GM in Brazil can pollute all they want - whereas the people can't use the land like they have for generations in Brazil. The 'you can't trust people to do the right thing' - so make it painful and give central control to a small group of elites.
There is ECONOMIC WARFARE taking place. And, most of the world's populous are the casualties of this war between corrupt multinational corporations and corrupt government.
Reducing our nation's middle class to a lower income and less political power intentional decision made in the 90's as corporations moved offshore. Obama is just the globalist puppet put in place at this time ... to sign off our nation at Copenhagen to global governance is but a part of the agenda handed him by his puppet masters.
A definition of corruption is when the gap between the rich and the poor is wide.
You hear alot about a DOUBLE DIP RECESSION - and what you are seeing is the attempt to re-engineer and centralize financial financial power - GLOBALIZING.
There is REAL ECONOMIES based on actual goods and SPECULATIVE ECONOMIES based on financial papers.
And, US Taxpayers handed trillions of $dollars to globalist banksters - regardless of what the people wanted - their politicians listened to their campaign contributors - the banksters.
So what is a guy to do?
- Look at the speculative global economy by looking at the Dow Jones - or read the unemployment statistics rampant in our nation?
- Trust the government to look out for your best interests like a child looking to their parent - or wake up and start shouldering self-reliance for your food, water and shelter ... and be aware of the pollution being dropped from above via chemtrails. Chemtrails no longer just a 'conspiracy theory' but is mainstream news - having micro particles of aluminum, barium, etc dropped on you from jets in the sky - in the name of 'global warming' ... (what the heck?).
If the economy going down the drain in our nation isn't bad enough - throw in what is going on with our Sun - and the Pacific Ring of Fire coming ALIVE and affects on weather patterns, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.
Corrupt is a good description of our American culture - providing the largest demand for the growing of poppies in Afghanistan! Today's news:
Obama Ecstasy pills hit the streets
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | December 3, 2009
Army Times: "Trigger Happy" private security undermines Afghan mission -- According to one Afghan security official, private security guards have killed or wounded more than thirty civilians over the past four years in just the Marwand district and the district chief there claims that "most of them are addicted to heroin."
UK: Mother has 2 year old taken for refusal to feed junk food -- Zak Hessey was placed in a foster home for four months because his parents refused advice to feed him junk food to help the toddler gain weight.
Cost of Afghan war explodes -- President Obama's decision to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan means more red ink for a nation reeling from a $12 trillion debt.
America's best kept secret is the School of the Americas -- When did Chelsea Clinton’s marriage plans or Tiger Woods’ health issues become important headline stories? These issues don’t affect us, but they continue to steal air time from important issues such as the countless murders or violations of human rights linked to School of the Americas graduates.
November layoffs, bankruptcies & closings -- Your source for daily job news!
Unemployment worsens, climbs in nearly half of Metropolitan areas -- Despite all of our government's recovery efforts, it still can't get a grasp on the dampened job market.
Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers -- Want to know how much phone companies and internet service providers charge to funnel your private communications or records to U.S. law enforcement and spy agencies? Read More...
Medical imaging tests expose patients to unnecessary amounts of radiation -- A University of Wisconsin (UW) study has found that patients who receive computed tomography (CT) scans for various abdominal and pelvic conditions often receive a slew of additional scans that are unnecessary and that expose them to excess radiation. The findings were presented at the meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
VA Hospital Botched Prostate Cancer Treatments in Nearly Four out of Five Men -- In 92 out of either 114 or 116 treatments performed (depending on the source), medical workers at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Philadelphia botched a procedure known as brachytherapy, in which radioactive seeds are implanted into the body to kill off malignant cells. In 57 of these cases, radiation doses too low to be effective were used. In 35 of these cases, dangerously high levels of radiation were delivered to the wrong part of the body. Some patients were the victims of both errors on separate occasions.
Genetically engineered crops have led to massive increases in pesticide use -- According to a recent report compiled from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, the growing of genetically engineered crops has led to a 383 million pound increase in U.S. pesticide use during the time period spanning from 1996 to 2008. The Organic Center (TOC), the Union for Concerned Scientists (UCS), and the Center for Food Safety (CFS) jointly released the report that illustrates the environmental hazards posed by the farming of GMO crops.
Why a recall of tainted beef didn't include school lunches -- The recall, announced by the government Aug. 6, covered only ground beef sent to certain retailers. In the days after it was announced, government and company spokesmen said meat sent to schools was not included. Documents obtained by USA TODAY through the Freedom of Information Act reveal a more complicated story — one that raises questions about whether the government took adequate steps to ensure that meat it bought for schoolchildren during the same period was safe.
Swine flu vaccine supplies increase as reports of H1N1 cases decrease -- According to the CDC, swine flu activity has been decreasing. Therefore making the vaccine more available.
US health threat response to be reviewed -- Citing the balky swine flu vaccination campaign and other shortcomings in the nation's medical defenses, a top Obama administration official has announced a major review of the government's efforts to develop new protections against pandemics, bioterrorism and other health threats.
New Mexico sees higher swine flu deaths among American Indians -- Indians make up 10 percent of New Mexico's population, but 20 percent of the state's swine flu deaths.
Foreclosure procedures by state -- This is a general guide only, laws change and you need to check your state statutes for accurate, up to date procedures.
Ohio Supreme court decides foreclosure plaintiffs who do not own the mortgage at time of filing lack standing to pursue cases -- In a significant victory for consumers and particularly victims of predatory lending the Ohio Supreme Court on Wednesday quietly let stand what may turn out to be a landmark decision prohibiting banks, trusts and other loan servicing entities who cannot prove ownership of a mortgage note from foreclosing on Ohio homeowners.
Tennessee lawmakers take aim at traffic camera enforcement -- Tennessee state lawmakers are meeting this week to review the use of traffic cameras. Critics of the program want the General Assembly to look at requiring Tennessee cities that have red-light cameras or speed cameras posted to put a portion of the revenue generated into public safety.
BPA found in 90% of newborns -- A study released Wednesday which found that nine of 10 babies tested were born with bisphenol A in their systems has renewed calls for the chemical to be banned.
Captured on film: the hottest star in the galaxy -- Astronomers have taken the first pictures of one of the hottest stars in the Galaxy. The temperature on its surface is 200,000C, 35 times hotter than the Sun. The mysterious dying star at the heart of the Bug Nebula – 3,500 light years away in the constellation Scorpius – has never been seen before as it is hidden behind a cloud of dust and ice.
Blackwater's chief to step down, reveals CIA role -- 'Power struggle' inside Blackwater over Prince's successor.
The Lost People Exploited. What those who actually live in Wisconsin really think -- ( NAIS case) An announcement was posted yesterday by Judith McGeary of Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) saying that FTCLDF had filed an Amicus brief in the Emmanuel Miller Case.
Goldman Sachs staff arm themselves against public -- Writer Alice Schroeder, a respected columnist for Bloomberg News and bestselling biographer of Warren Buffett (with whom she is photographed above), has claimed that senior members of the Goldman Sachs bank in New York have begun to arm themselves in fear of a popular uprising against bankers.
Gold, Freedom & the Fed -- This is a non-verbatim transcript of a speech given by Jacob G. Hornberger which was delivered on November 23, 2009, at the End the Fed rally in Philadelphia. "If you’re like most Americans today, you’re having a difficult time making ends meet. Moreover, not only are you not saving a large portion of your income, you’re likely not saving anything at all. You’re just getting by." Read More...
"Swine" flu could also be called ferret, feline & fowl flu -- Pandemic H1N1 has been identified in pigs, ferrets, turkeys and one cat so far. While the positive test results in animals are not unexpected, the occurrence is worrisome all the same.
Dupont accused of massive water pollution -- DuPont has been covering up and refusing to take responsibility for its toxic pollution of the Ohio River for a quarter of a century, and the poisons it uses to make Teflon stay in the environment for 2,000 years, a nonprofit water association claims in Federal Court.
Give Thanks, But Not For Toxic Sewage Sludge -- Sludge, for those to whom this is new, is that toxic mix that is created by our municipal wastewater treatment facilities. Just about anything that is flushed down toilets or that ends up in sewers is in this sludge; the pollutants in sludge come not just from household sewage, but also from every hospital, industrial plant, and stormwater drain. Note that our federal government has prosily and misleadingly renamed sludge "biosolids"; don't be fooled. It's just the same old sludge with a PR spin.
Hawaii volcano emissions prompt federal disaster declaration -- Gases in the volcanic fog, or vog, from Kilauea volcano are killing crops and costing Big Island farmers millions of dollars, but help is on the way.
Public Menace-Private Profit: America's Biowarfare Alliance -- The close proximity of US biological warfare programs and the pharmaceutical industry is hardly an historical accident. Read More...
The Articles of Confederation - The U.S. Constitution Online
The Presidents Before George Washington -- Several men served as leaders of our country before Washington took office, both as Presidents of the Congress and then as Presidents of the United States under the Articles of Confederation, which proceeded the Constitution. There is also the story of the man who served as President for one day between Polk and Taylor. Although they are not as well known, and most only served one year terms, they were no less important to the history of our country.
Daily Times - Pakistan | United States wants to see democracy flourish in Pakistan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday
* Hillary Clinton vows sustained ties with Islamabad, Kabul to avoid past mistakes
Thursday, December 03, 2009
ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON: The United States wants to see democracy flourish in Pakistan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday.
“It is democracy that strengthens the institutions and to my reckoning, Pakistan is quite resolved for the democracy. However, the country itself will have to tackle its internal issues,” APP quoted Clinton as saying.
“We want to help democracy in Pakistan,” she said, adding, “We want to do this in such fashion that democracy in Pakistan is buttressed and Pakistanis attain a future of their choice, which they told me during my Pakistan tour.”
Clinton said Washington would press Islamabad to “do more” against all the terrorist groups threatening Pakistan, its neighbours and the US, AFP reported.
“It will be our continuing effort... to make the case that the Pakistanis have to do more against all of the insurgent terrorist groups that are threatening them, that are threatening us in Afghanistan and the Afghan people and are threatening other neighbours in the region,” Clinton said.
Past mistakes: The US secretary of state vowed not to repeat past US mistakes that had allowed extremists to thrive in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“The extremists we are fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan have attacked us and our allies before,” Clinton said.
“If we allow them access to the very same safe havens they used before 2001, they will have a greater capacity to regroup and attack again,” she said. agencies
My Cave News Blog - a Blogspot blog (owned by Google) will not let me post this news article using the Pakistan Daily Times direct link - I reached this link via:
Senator Barbara Boxer's new name for Climategate : E-Mail-Theft Gate
WAR: It's Not the President's Decision
The U.S. Constitution leaves the decision to wage war to Congress, and Congress can enforce its decision not to wage war by refusing to fund it. Blocking a funding bill for wars requires the House of Representatives alone, and both Democrats and Republicans in the House are rapidly joining us in saying No to war funding. By Kevin Zeese
Afghanistan: 'Roach Motel' for Empires
It was Bush's war. Now it's Obama's. And the heat is on
This strategy has been tried before - without success Robert Fisk: On this historic day - when Barack Obama plunges ever deeper into chaos - let us remember the British retreat from Kabul and its destruction in 1842.
Peru's 'human fat killers' were invented by Police to cover up deaths
France, Germany: No more troops
Anti-gay Uganda pols members of ‘Family’?
Karzai welcomes new Obama strategy
Islamists 'claim Russia train bomb'
NATO to send 5,000 troops to Afghanistan
Expanded operations in Pakistan?
Minnesota's Budget Coming Up Billions Short
Lawmakers in Minnesota are looking at ways to help right the state's budget. New projections show Minnesota is facing a $1.2 billion deficit through mid-2011, and that shortfall grows to more than $5 billion in the following two-year budget cycle. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty says he may have to take drastic action to save the state money.
Des Moines, Iowa City Manager recommended the elimination of about 55 jobs to help balance the city budget.
Staff shortage shuts clerk-of-court office
December 3, 2009 A southern Iowa court office was forced to close Wednesday after state budget cuts reduced the ...
Magnetosphere - Earth's Magnetic Field
In October 2003, the Earth's magnetosphere was hit by a solar flare causing a ... A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the orientation of Earth's magnetic ...
DECEMBER 3, 2009 AT 9:55 AM CDT
Current Moon Phase
The full, 16.2 day old moon, 97.5% lit:
The sun remains blank of sunspots
Earthquakes don't kill people, poorly constructed buildings do!
Jakarta Post
Eighty one people were killed in the 7.3-magnitude earthquake in West Java on Sept. 2, 2009, and more than 1100 others died in the 7.6-magnitude quake that ...
6.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Southern East Pacific Rise - Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 10:12:32 PM at epicenter
MAP | 6.0 | 2009/12/03 06:12:33 | -56.510 | -122.291 | 10.0 | SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE |
Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World
Update time = Thu Dec 3 16:00:02 UTC 2009
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/12/03 13:11:35 | 62.347 | -154.196 | 0.0 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/12/03 10:06:42 | 62.280 | -150.569 | 36.2 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/12/03 10:06:34 | 18.220 | -66.145 | 79.7 | PUERTO RICO |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/12/03 07:32:21 | 5.440 | 126.502 | 76.9 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/12/03 06:28:49 | -32.252 | 78.984 | 10.0 | MID-INDIAN RIDGE |
MAP | 6.0 | 2009/12/03 06:12:33 | -56.510 | -122.291 | 10.0 | SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE |
MAP | 3.2 | 2009/12/03 04:48:08 | 63.365 | -151.232 | 6.8 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 2.9 | 2009/12/03 04:43:03 | 63.364 | -151.223 | 6.7 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/12/03 04:18:31 | 18.900 | -67.961 | 38.1 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION |
MAP | 4.8 | 2009/12/03 04:04:42 | -47.965 | 32.013 | 10.0 | PRINCE EDWARD ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/12/03 02:06:03 | 62.346 | -150.941 | 54.2 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/12/03 01:56:37 | 53.781 | -165.536 | 63.3 | FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/12/03 01:53:19 | 4.382 | -82.579 | 10.0 | SOUTH OF PANAMA |
Volcanoes emit far more carbon dioxide than mankind
Plain Dealer - 7 hours ago
Where is the cute little volcano that spews massive amounts of not only carbon dioxide but also methane, chlorine, sulphur and huge amounts of other ...
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map
Abnormal tides reported in northern Tasmania last week are being attributed to a rare atmospheric disturbance, known as a meteo-tsunami.

December 3, 2009 - Abnormal tides reported in northern Tasmania last week are being attributed to a rare atmospheric disturbance, known as a meteo-tsunami.
The Weather Bureau took several calls from people in Stanley, Port Sorell and Bridport who noticed particularly high and fast moving tides on November the 22nd.
The bureau says it was caused by a rare rissaga, or meteo-tsunami, but spokesman Brendan McMahon says it is not known what triggered the event.
"Unlike the conventional tsunami which we've come to know which is produced by a seismic activity, so an undersea earthquake or some sort of earthquake...this is produced by an atmospheric phenomenon."
"So a deep low pressure system, the passage of a front moving through quite vigorously." Bridport shack owner Tony Power witnessed the event.
He says in a matter of minutes the tide came up to his shack and then went back out dragging two trees with it.
"I reckon within 10 minutes it was up over the sand bar coming towards us," he said. "Fairly forceful, you probably wouldn't have stood up in it.
"It was pretty strange and eerie because you sort of didn't know how far it was going to come.
"We didn't know whether to retreat to higher ground."

December 3, 2009 - Abnormal tides reported in northern Tasmania last week are being attributed to a rare atmospheric disturbance, known as a meteo-tsunami.
The Weather Bureau took several calls from people in Stanley, Port Sorell and Bridport who noticed particularly high and fast moving tides on November the 22nd.
The bureau says it was caused by a rare rissaga, or meteo-tsunami, but spokesman Brendan McMahon says it is not known what triggered the event.
"Unlike the conventional tsunami which we've come to know which is produced by a seismic activity, so an undersea earthquake or some sort of earthquake...this is produced by an atmospheric phenomenon."
"So a deep low pressure system, the passage of a front moving through quite vigorously." Bridport shack owner Tony Power witnessed the event.
He says in a matter of minutes the tide came up to his shack and then went back out dragging two trees with it.
"I reckon within 10 minutes it was up over the sand bar coming towards us," he said. "Fairly forceful, you probably wouldn't have stood up in it.
"It was pretty strange and eerie because you sort of didn't know how far it was going to come.
"We didn't know whether to retreat to higher ground."

Moscow weather sets absolute high temperature records
ITAR-TASS - 17 hours ago
Over the past five years 13 absolute temperature records have been set in Moscow, including seven air temperature records registered in 2006. ...
Winter temperature record broken in Moscow RIA Novosti
Texas Storm Devastated Oyster Beds
Vladimir Putin said the Cold War-era Jackson-Vanik Amendment that restricts U.S. trade with Russia was an "anachronism" hindering Russia's World Trade Organization accession bid.
Speaking during an annual question-and-answer session with Russians on Thursday, Prime Minister Putin said the country continues to seek accession to the WTO, but "we have an impression that for some reason some countries, including the United States, are hindering our entry to the WTO."
Russia, the only major economy outside the WTO, has been seeking membership for 16 years.
Putin said the 1974 amendment that tied trade relations to emigration rights in the Soviet Union has been used by lobby groups in the U.S. Congress pursuing their own tapered interests. "We have to live with that," he added.
Putin reiterated that Russia could seek membership in the WTO together with Belarus and Kazakhstan, with which it has agreed to create a customs union with common tariffs, paving the way for a single economic space, or separately, but taking into account the ex-Soviet states' common interests.
"The chief priority to us is post-Soviet integration, and we welcome the process taking place in the Customs Union," he said.
MOSCOW, December 3 (RIA Novosti)
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 02 Dec 2009 
Breaking: Fort Hood Suspect Faces 32 More Charges --Charges Added to 13 Counts of Attempted Premeditated Murder Already Filed Against Hasan 02 Dec 2009 The Army has charged the Fort Hood shooting suspect with 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder. These charges are added to the 13 premeditated murder charges filed against Maj. Nidal Hasan in the wake of the Nov. 5 shooting massacre at Fort Hood. The Army said the attempted murder charges filed Tuesday were related to the 30 soldiers and two civilian police officers injured in the shooting at a soldier processing center on the central Texas post.
President Obama's Secret: Only 100 al Qaeda Now in Afghanistan --With New Surge, One Thousand U.S. Soldiers and $300 Million for Every One al Qaeda Fighter 02 Dec 2009 As he justified sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan at a cost of $30 billion a year, President Barack Obama's description Tuesday of the al Qaeda "cancer" in that country left out one key fact: U.S. intelligence officials have concluded there are only about 100 al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] fighters in the entire country. A senior U.S. intelligence official told the approximate estimate of 100 al Qaeda members left in Afghanistan reflects the conclusion of American intelligence agencies and the Defense Department. The relatively small number was part of the intelligence passed on to the White House as President Obama conducted his deliberations. [The *real* cancer is Blackwater and KBR.]
Taliban vow to resist US surge in Afghanistan 02 Dec 2009 The Taliban vows to boost attacks against the US forces in Afghanistan, following Barack Obama's pledge to deploy thousands more troops to the war-torn country. Taliban spokesman Yousuf Ahamdi said in a statement on Wednesday that such moves would "provoke stronger resistance." "Obama will witness lots of coffins heading to America from Afghanistan," AFP quoted Ahamdi as saying. The statement also emphasized that the Americans would face the same fate as the Soviet troops when they retreated in defeat in the 1980s. "This is a colonizing strategy which is securing the colonizing interests of American investors, and it shows that America has dirty plans not only for Afghanistan but for the region," the statement read. [You know you're in trouble when... you realize that the Taliban makes much more sense than the US government. --LRP]
Out-Bushing Bush: US to increase troops in Afghanistan by 40% 02 Dec 2009 The US president has decided to raise the number of American troops in Afghanistan by some 40 percent, a move that would see Washington deploy another 30,000 soldiers. In a live televised speech at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York on Tuesday, Barack Obama said the troops would be deployed in the first part of 2010. "As commander in chief, I have determined that it is in our vital national interest to send an additional 30,000 US troops to Afghanistan," he told the cadets.
President Obama orders 30,000 troops to Afghanistan in major escalation of war 02 Dec 2009 President Barack Obama has ordered a major but temporary escalation of the war in Afghanistan, sending an additional 30,000 US troops within six months while pledging to a sceptical American public that he would begin bringing forces home in July 2011... The troop buildup will begin almost immediately, with 9,000 US marines expected to be in place by Christmas in Helmand for an offensive alongside British forces against Taliban strongholds, according to officials on both sides of the Atlantic.
NATO pledges 5,000 more troops to Afghanistan 02 Dec 2009 NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the alliance will send at least 5,000 more troops to fight militancy in Afghanistan. On Wednesday, Rasmussen told reporters in Brussels that the NATO member states were ready to throw their support behind US President Barack Obama's new Afghan strategy.
Canada's area of Afghan operations expands 02 Dec 2009 A river runs through it. So do the Taliban. And the rough, dust-blown Arghandab district north of Kandahar city now belongs to Canada. It's a gift from NATO, which has extended Ottawa's area of operations and put it in military command of some 1,600 U.S. and Afghan troops. The forces, already in the country, will have Canada at the helm in the new year and may be reinforced by another contingent.
Rudd to send more police and aid workers 02 Dec 2009 Australia will send more police trainers and aid workers to Afghanistan to help with civilian reconstruction, a core pillar of Barack Obama's new military strategy. Kevin Rudd, who met the President in Washington on Monday, ruled out sending more troops and did not give a number of police and aid workers.
Hoyer Says Bush Officials 'Turned Tail' in Afghanistan 01 Dec 2009 As President Barack Obama prepared to deliver a major speech on Afghanistan, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) lashed out at the Bush regime’s handling of the country, accusing Bush officials of prematurely abandoning the effort there. "Frankly, they turned tail," Hoyer told reporters. "That’s pretty tough language, but I get angry when I hear Vice President [sic] Cheney talking about a job that they started but didn’t finish, and was worse in 2008 in December than it was six years previous, with a resurgent Taliban and a resurgent al Qaeda and a very difficult situation in Pakistan."
Guantanamo Detainee Seeks Dismissal of Charges, Cites Torture 01 Dec 2009 Lawyers for the first detainee from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to face prosecution in the U.S. asked a federal judge on Tuesday to dismiss the criminal charges against him, saying his lengthy detention overseas and the use of interrogation techniques "amounting to torture" violated his constitutional rights. In a motion Tuesday, lawyers for Ahmed Ghailani said the U.S. government made a "conscious and deliberate" decision to house him for two years at secret Central Intelligence Agency "black sites" and subject him to so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" in an effort to make him an intelligence asset, rather than bring him to the U.S. in a timely manner to face trial.
Officials: Iraq likely to postpone election 02 Dec 2009 Iraq's scheduled January 'elections' may be postponed by more than a month because of a dispute over an election law, officials said Wednesday, a delay that could threaten the planned U.S. withdrawal of combat troops. It is unclear what a long delay would mean for the United States, which is scheduled to end combat missions in August. Former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, who heads a small bloc in parliament, said a preliminary proposal from various political factions calls for moving the election to Feb. 27, but it also could be further pushed to March 1.
US military: airstrike kills 1 in northeast Iraq 02 Dec 2009 The U.S. military says an American airstrike killed one gunman after a joint U.S.-Iraqi patrol was attacked northeast of Baghdad. The military says five gunmen attacked the patrol Wednesday as it was searching a building in the town of Sadiyah in the volatile Diyala province.
US Dept of Defense - Iraqi Police Arrest 8 Terror Suspects 02 Dec 2009 Iraqi police arrested eight terrorism suspects today... military officials in Iraq reported. A Salahuddin provincial police unit and U.S. advisors searched two buildings in a rural area north of Baghdad for a suspected al-Qaida [al-CIAduh] in Iraq member coordinating suicide bombings in the region. Based on preliminary questioning and evidence discovered, police arrested four criminal suspects. In a separate operation near Sadiyah, northwest of Baghdad, Iraqi police arrested four suspected al-Qaida in Iraq members.
Iraq sees alarming rise in cancers, deformed babies --The use of depleted uranium in U.S. and coalition weaponry in the 1991 war and the 2003 Iraq invasion is well documented. 01 Dec 2009 ...The spotlight is on a stealth killer likely to stalk Iraqis for years to come. Incidences of cancer, deformed babies and other health problems have risen sharply, Iraqi officials say, and many suspect contamination from weapons used in years of war and accompanying unchecked pollution [depleted uranium] as a cause. "We have seen new kinds of cancer that were not recorded in Iraq before war in 2003 [when the US arrived], types of fibrous (soft tissue) cancer and bone cancer. These refer clearly to radiation as a cause," said Jawad al-Ali, an oncologist in Iraq's second city of Basra.
'In terms of size and potential, the Basra region remains one of the most attractive areas of future growth for the international oil industry.' Oil Companies Look to the Future in Iraq 01 Dec 2009 More than six and a half years after the United States-led invasion here that many believed was about oil, the major oil companies are finally gaining access to Iraq’s petroleum reserves. The companies seem to have calculated that it is worth their while to accept deals with limited profit opportunities now, in order to cash in on more lucrative development deals in the future, oil industry analysts say. [Will Iraq's (real) insurgency allow this corporaterrorism to continue?]
Blackwater founder cutting ties with company 02 Dec 2009 The man who built Blackwater USA into one of the world's mostrespected and reviled defense contractors will no longer be involved in the company's operations. A spokeswoman for the company, now called Xe, said Wednesday that Erik Prince will relinquish involvement in its day-to-day operations and give up some of his ownership rights. Prince had appointed a new president and chief operating officer in a management shake-up earlier this year.
Erik, Prince Of Spies: CIA Targeted Al Q in Germany Without Telling Germany by Marc Ambinder 02 Dec 2009 In a new Vanity Fair article, Blackwater CEO Erik Prince... offers details on the targeted assassination program that CIA Director Leon Panetta terminated earlier this year... According to Prince, the Blackwater team traveled to Germany, surveilled Al Qaeda financier Mamoun Darkazanli, and prepared to assassinate him. The CIA did not inform its own station chief that the team was in the country, and they did not inform the host country. What Prince describes is a serious violation of NATO intelligence sharing arrangements -- and certainly provides an example of why the CIA's association with Blackwater became so controversial within the agency... As recently as two months ago, Prince and a team were overseeing intelligence missions in one of the Axis of Evil countries -- Iran, probably -- from a location inside the United States.
Iran releases five British yachtsmen 02 Dec 2009 Iran has released five British nationals who were detained by Iranian naval forces after their yacht strayed into southern Persian Gulf waters. "Five Britons, who have been detained after their illegal entrance into the waters of the Islamic Republic near Siri island, were freed a few hours ago," Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said on Wednesday.
Minot Missile wing now in Global Strike Command 02 Dec 2009 The men and women of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base became part of Air Force Global Strike Command Tuesday. Global Strike Command is the Air Force's newest major command and will oversee all of its nuclear forces. The nuclear-capable assets the intercontinental ballistic missiles of Air Force Space Command come under Global Strike Command as of Tuesday.
High court makes "historic" terrorism evidence ruling --The decision is another judicial defeat for ministers over security measures, beefed up after the September 11 attacks. 01 Dec 2009 London's High Court ruled against the British government on Tuesday over the use of secret evidence to deny terrorism suspects bail in what campaigners called an "historic" judgement. The government expressed disappointment at the "unhelpful" verdict, handed down over the case brought by two men suspected of terrorism-related activities... The court ruled that a person could not be denied bail solely on the basis of secret evidence.
Feds 'Pinged' Sprint GPS Data 8 Million Times Over a Year By Kim Zitter 01 Dec 2009 Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with customer location data more than 8 million times between September 2008 and October 2009, according to a company manager who disclosed the statistic at a non-public interception and wiretapping conference in October. The manager also revealed the existence of a previously undisclosed web portal that Sprint provides law enforcement to conduct automated "pings" to track users. Through the website, authorized agents can type in a mobile phone number and obtain global positioning system (GPS) coordinates of the phone.
Heads up! HHS lunatics want billion$ for US pharmaterrorists to make new vaccines using dog cells and genetically engineered E.Coli. U.S. health-threat response to be reviewed 02 Dec 2009 Citing the balky swine flu vaccination campaign and other shortcomings in the nation's medical defenses, a top Obama administration official has announced a major review of the government's efforts to develop newprotections against pandemics, bioterrorism and other health threats. "Today, we face a wider range of public health threats than ever before in our history," Sebelius said. "It could be [Fort Detrick] anthrax delivered in an envelope. It could be a [Blackwater] dirty bomb set off in a subway car. It could be a new [Baxter] strain of flu that our bodies have no immunity to." [See: Baxter working on vaccine to stop swine flu, though admitted sending live pandemic flu viruses to subcontractor By Lori Price 26 Apr 2009. See: Killer flu recreated in the lab 07 Oct 2004.]
New US vaccine production techniques: Genetically modified insect cells, E. coli, caterpillar ovaries 24 Nov 2009 Spurred by $487 million in federal funding, a sprawling new vaccine factory is opening in North Carolina Tuesday that will produce shots using dog cells instead of chicken eggs. A Connecticut biotech company has also applied to sell a vaccine employing a radically different approach involving a genetically engineered virus infecting insect cells... Baxter International won approval last month to sell an H1N1 vaccine in Europe that uses a decades-old line of African green monkey kidney cells, and it is working on a vaccine for the United States. Protein Sciences of Meriden, Conn., has applied to the FDA for approval to sell a vaccine made by genetically engineering flu genes into a worm virus, which then infects cells from caterpillar ovaries to produce the necessary proteins to make vaccine. VaxInnate of Cranbury, N.J., for example, produced an experimental H1N1 vaccine using genetically engineered E.coli bacteria, and Vical of San Diego just won a $1.25 million contract from the Navy to develop an H1N1 vaccine that involves injecting DNA sequences from the virus directly into people.
The reality behind the swine flu conspiracy By Irina Galushko 26 Nov 2009 ...[T]he WHO may find itself coughing up explanations, as more and more scientists and health researchers, and even journalists, are starting to question the organization’s motives behind raising the alert so quickly. According to the Danish Daily Information newspaper, the WHO and pharmaceutical companies are suffering from the profit bug. Or, to put it simply, the chief health care organization in the world has teamed up with the drug makers to create a phantom monster -- and to rake in cash by selling a remedy for it.
Conn. AG probes flu drug prices 01 Dec 2009 Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has begun asking major pharmacies for details about their Tamiflu pricing policies as part of an investigation into complaints of erratic and excessive prices for the flu drug. Blumenthal has asked CVS Caremark Corporation, Rite Aid Corporation and Walgreen Co., for immediate information, including details about their current prices and prices pre-dating the current H1N1 flu pandemic and ensuing Tamiflu shortage.
Seattle police shoot man suspected of killing police officers --Suspect shot and killed days after four officers died in execution-style ambush 01 Dec 2009 A lone policeman on routine patrol today shot and killed an accused child rapist at the centre of a huge manhunt after the murder of four other police officers in a Seattle-area cafe. Maurice Clemmons, 37, managed to elude the police for two days as law enforcement officials laid siege to an empty house and trawled the Seattle area. He was eventually confronted by an officer patrolling a working-class district of the city who spotted a stolen car in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
$24 million settlement reached over disabled parking permits --Texas settles class action lawsuit filed against Department of Transportation 02 Dec 2009 The State of Texas will pay $24 million to settle a class action lawsuit filed against the Department of Transportation more than a dozen years ago claiming that the $5 fee the state charged for disabled parking placards violated federal law. The settlement represents one of the largest -- if not the largest -- single checks the state has written to settle a legal claim, according to the comptroller's office.
Britain faces return to Victorian levels of poverty 30 Nov 2009 Labour's strategy for tackling poverty has reached the end of the road and Britain risks a return to Victorian levels of inequality, according to a major two-year study seen by The Independent.
FDIC: Quarter of U.S. households have limited or no access to banks 02 Dec 2009 One-quarter of American households -- about 60 million people -- have limited or no access to banks or other traditional financial services, with low-income and black families among the hardest hit, according to a government report released Wednesday. The report [a Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. survey] found that nearly 22 percent of black households and 71 percent of families earning less than $30,000 do not use banks.
New York state lawmakers vote against gay marriage 02 Dec 2009 New York state lawmakers voted against legalizing gay marriage on Wednesday, dashing hopes of gay rights activists that it would become the sixth U.S. state to allow same-sex couples to wed. The New York state senate voted down the legislation 38 votes to 24. Gov. David Paterson, a Democrat who supports gay marriage, had said he would sign the bill into law if it were passed.
America's Hottest Species: New Report Highlights America's 10 Most Global-warming Endangered Species as Decision-makers Gather in Copenhagen 01 Dec 2009 America’s top 10 endangered wildlife, birds, fish, and plants affected by global warming are highlighted in a new report released today by the Endangered Species Coalition. The report, America's Hottest Species, demonstrates ways that our changing climate is increasing the risk of extinction for 11 species on the brink of disappearing forever. "Global warming is like a bulldozer shoving species, already on the brink of extinction, perilously closer to the edge of existence," said Leda Huta, executive director of the Endangered Species Coalition.
Quick action! Help Polar Bears Protect their Home--Support Critical Habitat (NWF) 02 Dec 2009 The federal government just proposed designating more than 200,000 square miles of sea, ice and land as critical polar bear habitat. This could give polar bears a fighting chance against the global warming that's pushing this iconic species towards extinction. But, the U.S. Department of the Interior may allow more oil and gas drilling to occur in the same area, disturbing the habitats that polar bears need to raise their young, and increasing the risks of devastating oil spills. Send the message to the Department of the Interior to make sure they keep their commitment to protect polar bears!
Previous lead stories: Chilcot inquiry hears Bush began Iraq war drumbeat three days after 9/11 --Blair foreign policy adviser David Manning says US president [sic] talked up possible links between Saddam and al-Qaida 30 Nov 2009 George Bush tried to make a connection between Iraq and 'al-Qaida' in a conversation with Tony Blair three days after the 9/11 attacks, according to Blair's foreign policy adviser of the time. Sir David Manning told the official inquiry into the war that Bush, speaking to Blair by phone on 14 September 2001, "said that he thought there might be evidence that there was some connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida."The prime minister's response to this was that the evidence would have to be very compelling indeed to justify taking any action against Iraq," Manning said. Blair followed up the conversation with a letter stressing the need to focus on the situation in Afghanistan, where the attacks originated. But by the time Blair went to visit Bush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, in April 2002 the British were "very conscious that Iraq would be on the agenda", Manning said.
Rep. Hinchey: Bush Purposely Let Bin Laden Escape to Justify Iraq War 30 Nov 2009 Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) claimed on MSNBC this afternoon that the Bush administration purposely let Osama bin Laden get away in 2001 so they could use al-Qaeda as an excuse to invade Iraq. "Look what happened with regard to our invasion into Afghanistan, how we apparently intentionally let bin Laden get away. How we intentionally did not follow the Taliban and al-Qaeda as they were escaping," Hinchey said. "That was done by the previous administration because they knew very well that if they would capture al-Qaeda, there would be no justification for an invasion in Iraq." When host David Shuster pushed back, Hinchey stood by his claim. "There's no question that the leader of the military operations of the U.S. called back our military. Called them back from going after the head of al-Qaeda," he said. "I don't think [the theory] will strike a lot of people as crazy. I think it'll strike a lot of people as accurate," Hinchey said. "That's exactly what happened."
Supreme Court Overturns Decision on Detainee Photos 01 Dec 2009 The Supreme Court on Monday set aside a lower court’s order that called for the release of photographs of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan beingabused tortured by American military personnel. The high court told the lower court to re-examine the issue. The justices sent the case back to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in Manhattan, which ruled in 2008 that the pictures should be released to the public. But at the request of the Obama administration, the Second Circuit later postponed its own order, setting the stage for the administration to take the case [Department of Defense v. A.C.L.U., No. 09-160] to the Supreme Court.
CLG: A Tiger Woods-free zone --By Lori Price 01 Dec 2009 Instead of covering, oh, I don't know... the Chilcot Inquiry or the Af/Pak troop/KBR/Blackwater surge, we're talking about a busted window on the SUV of this corporate butt-kisser. That and the two bimbos who wormed their way into a White House dinner because a moron in the Secret Service wants to send the world a message that you can *get* to President Obama. Now, imagine if the sinewy blonde was an overweight male Muslim. My God! The guy would already be on death row. I can just see the lower-thirds on Faux News: 'Muslim Terrorist Inches From Obama at White House Dinner.'

Breaking: Fort Hood Suspect Faces 32 More Charges --Charges Added to 13 Counts of Attempted Premeditated Murder Already Filed Against Hasan 02 Dec 2009 The Army has charged the Fort Hood shooting suspect with 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder. These charges are added to the 13 premeditated murder charges filed against Maj. Nidal Hasan in the wake of the Nov. 5 shooting massacre at Fort Hood. The Army said the attempted murder charges filed Tuesday were related to the 30 soldiers and two civilian police officers injured in the shooting at a soldier processing center on the central Texas post.
President Obama's Secret: Only 100 al Qaeda Now in Afghanistan --With New Surge, One Thousand U.S. Soldiers and $300 Million for Every One al Qaeda Fighter 02 Dec 2009 As he justified sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan at a cost of $30 billion a year, President Barack Obama's description Tuesday of the al Qaeda "cancer" in that country left out one key fact: U.S. intelligence officials have concluded there are only about 100 al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] fighters in the entire country. A senior U.S. intelligence official told the approximate estimate of 100 al Qaeda members left in Afghanistan reflects the conclusion of American intelligence agencies and the Defense Department. The relatively small number was part of the intelligence passed on to the White House as President Obama conducted his deliberations. [The *real* cancer is Blackwater and KBR.]
Taliban vow to resist US surge in Afghanistan 02 Dec 2009 The Taliban vows to boost attacks against the US forces in Afghanistan, following Barack Obama's pledge to deploy thousands more troops to the war-torn country. Taliban spokesman Yousuf Ahamdi said in a statement on Wednesday that such moves would "provoke stronger resistance." "Obama will witness lots of coffins heading to America from Afghanistan," AFP quoted Ahamdi as saying. The statement also emphasized that the Americans would face the same fate as the Soviet troops when they retreated in defeat in the 1980s. "This is a colonizing strategy which is securing the colonizing interests of American investors, and it shows that America has dirty plans not only for Afghanistan but for the region," the statement read. [You know you're in trouble when... you realize that the Taliban makes much more sense than the US government. --LRP]
Out-Bushing Bush: US to increase troops in Afghanistan by 40% 02 Dec 2009 The US president has decided to raise the number of American troops in Afghanistan by some 40 percent, a move that would see Washington deploy another 30,000 soldiers. In a live televised speech at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York on Tuesday, Barack Obama said the troops would be deployed in the first part of 2010. "As commander in chief, I have determined that it is in our vital national interest to send an additional 30,000 US troops to Afghanistan," he told the cadets.
President Obama orders 30,000 troops to Afghanistan in major escalation of war 02 Dec 2009 President Barack Obama has ordered a major but temporary escalation of the war in Afghanistan, sending an additional 30,000 US troops within six months while pledging to a sceptical American public that he would begin bringing forces home in July 2011... The troop buildup will begin almost immediately, with 9,000 US marines expected to be in place by Christmas in Helmand for an offensive alongside British forces against Taliban strongholds, according to officials on both sides of the Atlantic.
NATO pledges 5,000 more troops to Afghanistan 02 Dec 2009 NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the alliance will send at least 5,000 more troops to fight militancy in Afghanistan. On Wednesday, Rasmussen told reporters in Brussels that the NATO member states were ready to throw their support behind US President Barack Obama's new Afghan strategy.
Canada's area of Afghan operations expands 02 Dec 2009 A river runs through it. So do the Taliban. And the rough, dust-blown Arghandab district north of Kandahar city now belongs to Canada. It's a gift from NATO, which has extended Ottawa's area of operations and put it in military command of some 1,600 U.S. and Afghan troops. The forces, already in the country, will have Canada at the helm in the new year and may be reinforced by another contingent.
Rudd to send more police and aid workers 02 Dec 2009 Australia will send more police trainers and aid workers to Afghanistan to help with civilian reconstruction, a core pillar of Barack Obama's new military strategy. Kevin Rudd, who met the President in Washington on Monday, ruled out sending more troops and did not give a number of police and aid workers.
Hoyer Says Bush Officials 'Turned Tail' in Afghanistan 01 Dec 2009 As President Barack Obama prepared to deliver a major speech on Afghanistan, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) lashed out at the Bush regime’s handling of the country, accusing Bush officials of prematurely abandoning the effort there. "Frankly, they turned tail," Hoyer told reporters. "That’s pretty tough language, but I get angry when I hear Vice President [sic] Cheney talking about a job that they started but didn’t finish, and was worse in 2008 in December than it was six years previous, with a resurgent Taliban and a resurgent al Qaeda and a very difficult situation in Pakistan."
Guantanamo Detainee Seeks Dismissal of Charges, Cites Torture 01 Dec 2009 Lawyers for the first detainee from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to face prosecution in the U.S. asked a federal judge on Tuesday to dismiss the criminal charges against him, saying his lengthy detention overseas and the use of interrogation techniques "amounting to torture" violated his constitutional rights. In a motion Tuesday, lawyers for Ahmed Ghailani said the U.S. government made a "conscious and deliberate" decision to house him for two years at secret Central Intelligence Agency "black sites" and subject him to so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" in an effort to make him an intelligence asset, rather than bring him to the U.S. in a timely manner to face trial.
Officials: Iraq likely to postpone election 02 Dec 2009 Iraq's scheduled January 'elections' may be postponed by more than a month because of a dispute over an election law, officials said Wednesday, a delay that could threaten the planned U.S. withdrawal of combat troops. It is unclear what a long delay would mean for the United States, which is scheduled to end combat missions in August. Former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, who heads a small bloc in parliament, said a preliminary proposal from various political factions calls for moving the election to Feb. 27, but it also could be further pushed to March 1.
US military: airstrike kills 1 in northeast Iraq 02 Dec 2009 The U.S. military says an American airstrike killed one gunman after a joint U.S.-Iraqi patrol was attacked northeast of Baghdad. The military says five gunmen attacked the patrol Wednesday as it was searching a building in the town of Sadiyah in the volatile Diyala province.
US Dept of Defense - Iraqi Police Arrest 8 Terror Suspects 02 Dec 2009 Iraqi police arrested eight terrorism suspects today... military officials in Iraq reported. A Salahuddin provincial police unit and U.S. advisors searched two buildings in a rural area north of Baghdad for a suspected al-Qaida [al-CIAduh] in Iraq member coordinating suicide bombings in the region. Based on preliminary questioning and evidence discovered, police arrested four criminal suspects. In a separate operation near Sadiyah, northwest of Baghdad, Iraqi police arrested four suspected al-Qaida in Iraq members.
Iraq sees alarming rise in cancers, deformed babies --The use of depleted uranium in U.S. and coalition weaponry in the 1991 war and the 2003 Iraq invasion is well documented. 01 Dec 2009 ...The spotlight is on a stealth killer likely to stalk Iraqis for years to come. Incidences of cancer, deformed babies and other health problems have risen sharply, Iraqi officials say, and many suspect contamination from weapons used in years of war and accompanying unchecked pollution [depleted uranium] as a cause. "We have seen new kinds of cancer that were not recorded in Iraq before war in 2003 [when the US arrived], types of fibrous (soft tissue) cancer and bone cancer. These refer clearly to radiation as a cause," said Jawad al-Ali, an oncologist in Iraq's second city of Basra.
'In terms of size and potential, the Basra region remains one of the most attractive areas of future growth for the international oil industry.' Oil Companies Look to the Future in Iraq 01 Dec 2009 More than six and a half years after the United States-led invasion here that many believed was about oil, the major oil companies are finally gaining access to Iraq’s petroleum reserves. The companies seem to have calculated that it is worth their while to accept deals with limited profit opportunities now, in order to cash in on more lucrative development deals in the future, oil industry analysts say. [Will Iraq's (real) insurgency allow this corporaterrorism to continue?]
Blackwater founder cutting ties with company 02 Dec 2009 The man who built Blackwater USA into one of the world's most
Erik, Prince Of Spies: CIA Targeted Al Q in Germany Without Telling Germany by Marc Ambinder 02 Dec 2009 In a new Vanity Fair article, Blackwater CEO Erik Prince... offers details on the targeted assassination program that CIA Director Leon Panetta terminated earlier this year... According to Prince, the Blackwater team traveled to Germany, surveilled Al Qaeda financier Mamoun Darkazanli, and prepared to assassinate him. The CIA did not inform its own station chief that the team was in the country, and they did not inform the host country. What Prince describes is a serious violation of NATO intelligence sharing arrangements -- and certainly provides an example of why the CIA's association with Blackwater became so controversial within the agency... As recently as two months ago, Prince and a team were overseeing intelligence missions in one of the Axis of Evil countries -- Iran, probably -- from a location inside the United States.
Iran releases five British yachtsmen 02 Dec 2009 Iran has released five British nationals who were detained by Iranian naval forces after their yacht strayed into southern Persian Gulf waters. "Five Britons, who have been detained after their illegal entrance into the waters of the Islamic Republic near Siri island, were freed a few hours ago," Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said on Wednesday.
Minot Missile wing now in Global Strike Command 02 Dec 2009 The men and women of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base became part of Air Force Global Strike Command Tuesday. Global Strike Command is the Air Force's newest major command and will oversee all of its nuclear forces. The nuclear-capable assets the intercontinental ballistic missiles of Air Force Space Command come under Global Strike Command as of Tuesday.
High court makes "historic" terrorism evidence ruling --The decision is another judicial defeat for ministers over security measures, beefed up after the September 11 attacks. 01 Dec 2009 London's High Court ruled against the British government on Tuesday over the use of secret evidence to deny terrorism suspects bail in what campaigners called an "historic" judgement. The government expressed disappointment at the "unhelpful" verdict, handed down over the case brought by two men suspected of terrorism-related activities... The court ruled that a person could not be denied bail solely on the basis of secret evidence.
Feds 'Pinged' Sprint GPS Data 8 Million Times Over a Year By Kim Zitter 01 Dec 2009 Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with customer location data more than 8 million times between September 2008 and October 2009, according to a company manager who disclosed the statistic at a non-public interception and wiretapping conference in October. The manager also revealed the existence of a previously undisclosed web portal that Sprint provides law enforcement to conduct automated "pings" to track users. Through the website, authorized agents can type in a mobile phone number and obtain global positioning system (GPS) coordinates of the phone.
Heads up! HHS lunatics want billion$ for US pharmaterrorists to make new vaccines using dog cells and genetically engineered E.Coli. U.S. health-threat response to be reviewed 02 Dec 2009 Citing the balky swine flu vaccination campaign and other shortcomings in the nation's medical defenses, a top Obama administration official has announced a major review of the government's efforts to develop new
New US vaccine production techniques: Genetically modified insect cells, E. coli, caterpillar ovaries 24 Nov 2009 Spurred by $487 million in federal funding, a sprawling new vaccine factory is opening in North Carolina Tuesday that will produce shots using dog cells instead of chicken eggs. A Connecticut biotech company has also applied to sell a vaccine employing a radically different approach involving a genetically engineered virus infecting insect cells... Baxter International won approval last month to sell an H1N1 vaccine in Europe that uses a decades-old line of African green monkey kidney cells, and it is working on a vaccine for the United States. Protein Sciences of Meriden, Conn., has applied to the FDA for approval to sell a vaccine made by genetically engineering flu genes into a worm virus, which then infects cells from caterpillar ovaries to produce the necessary proteins to make vaccine. VaxInnate of Cranbury, N.J., for example, produced an experimental H1N1 vaccine using genetically engineered E.coli bacteria, and Vical of San Diego just won a $1.25 million contract from the Navy to develop an H1N1 vaccine that involves injecting DNA sequences from the virus directly into people.
The reality behind the swine flu conspiracy By Irina Galushko 26 Nov 2009 ...[T]he WHO may find itself coughing up explanations, as more and more scientists and health researchers, and even journalists, are starting to question the organization’s motives behind raising the alert so quickly. According to the Danish Daily Information newspaper, the WHO and pharmaceutical companies are suffering from the profit bug. Or, to put it simply, the chief health care organization in the world has teamed up with the drug makers to create a phantom monster -- and to rake in cash by selling a remedy for it.
Conn. AG probes flu drug prices 01 Dec 2009 Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has begun asking major pharmacies for details about their Tamiflu pricing policies as part of an investigation into complaints of erratic and excessive prices for the flu drug. Blumenthal has asked CVS Caremark Corporation, Rite Aid Corporation and Walgreen Co., for immediate information, including details about their current prices and prices pre-dating the current H1N1 flu pandemic and ensuing Tamiflu shortage.
Seattle police shoot man suspected of killing police officers --Suspect shot and killed days after four officers died in execution-style ambush 01 Dec 2009 A lone policeman on routine patrol today shot and killed an accused child rapist at the centre of a huge manhunt after the murder of four other police officers in a Seattle-area cafe. Maurice Clemmons, 37, managed to elude the police for two days as law enforcement officials laid siege to an empty house and trawled the Seattle area. He was eventually confronted by an officer patrolling a working-class district of the city who spotted a stolen car in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
$24 million settlement reached over disabled parking permits --Texas settles class action lawsuit filed against Department of Transportation 02 Dec 2009 The State of Texas will pay $24 million to settle a class action lawsuit filed against the Department of Transportation more than a dozen years ago claiming that the $5 fee the state charged for disabled parking placards violated federal law. The settlement represents one of the largest -- if not the largest -- single checks the state has written to settle a legal claim, according to the comptroller's office.
Britain faces return to Victorian levels of poverty 30 Nov 2009 Labour's strategy for tackling poverty has reached the end of the road and Britain risks a return to Victorian levels of inequality, according to a major two-year study seen by The Independent.
FDIC: Quarter of U.S. households have limited or no access to banks 02 Dec 2009 One-quarter of American households -- about 60 million people -- have limited or no access to banks or other traditional financial services, with low-income and black families among the hardest hit, according to a government report released Wednesday. The report [a Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. survey] found that nearly 22 percent of black households and 71 percent of families earning less than $30,000 do not use banks.
New York state lawmakers vote against gay marriage 02 Dec 2009 New York state lawmakers voted against legalizing gay marriage on Wednesday, dashing hopes of gay rights activists that it would become the sixth U.S. state to allow same-sex couples to wed. The New York state senate voted down the legislation 38 votes to 24. Gov. David Paterson, a Democrat who supports gay marriage, had said he would sign the bill into law if it were passed.
America's Hottest Species: New Report Highlights America's 10 Most Global-warming Endangered Species as Decision-makers Gather in Copenhagen 01 Dec 2009 America’s top 10 endangered wildlife, birds, fish, and plants affected by global warming are highlighted in a new report released today by the Endangered Species Coalition. The report, America's Hottest Species, demonstrates ways that our changing climate is increasing the risk of extinction for 11 species on the brink of disappearing forever. "Global warming is like a bulldozer shoving species, already on the brink of extinction, perilously closer to the edge of existence," said Leda Huta, executive director of the Endangered Species Coalition.
Quick action! Help Polar Bears Protect their Home--Support Critical Habitat (NWF) 02 Dec 2009 The federal government just proposed designating more than 200,000 square miles of sea, ice and land as critical polar bear habitat. This could give polar bears a fighting chance against the global warming that's pushing this iconic species towards extinction. But, the U.S. Department of the Interior may allow more oil and gas drilling to occur in the same area, disturbing the habitats that polar bears need to raise their young, and increasing the risks of devastating oil spills. Send the message to the Department of the Interior to make sure they keep their commitment to protect polar bears!
Previous lead stories: Chilcot inquiry hears Bush began Iraq war drumbeat three days after 9/11 --Blair foreign policy adviser David Manning says US president [sic] talked up possible links between Saddam and al-Qaida 30 Nov 2009 George Bush tried to make a connection between Iraq and 'al-Qaida' in a conversation with Tony Blair three days after the 9/11 attacks, according to Blair's foreign policy adviser of the time. Sir David Manning told the official inquiry into the war that Bush, speaking to Blair by phone on 14 September 2001, "said that he thought there might be evidence that there was some connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida."The prime minister's response to this was that the evidence would have to be very compelling indeed to justify taking any action against Iraq," Manning said. Blair followed up the conversation with a letter stressing the need to focus on the situation in Afghanistan, where the attacks originated. But by the time Blair went to visit Bush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, in April 2002 the British were "very conscious that Iraq would be on the agenda", Manning said.
Rep. Hinchey: Bush Purposely Let Bin Laden Escape to Justify Iraq War 30 Nov 2009 Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) claimed on MSNBC this afternoon that the Bush administration purposely let Osama bin Laden get away in 2001 so they could use al-Qaeda as an excuse to invade Iraq. "Look what happened with regard to our invasion into Afghanistan, how we apparently intentionally let bin Laden get away. How we intentionally did not follow the Taliban and al-Qaeda as they were escaping," Hinchey said. "That was done by the previous administration because they knew very well that if they would capture al-Qaeda, there would be no justification for an invasion in Iraq." When host David Shuster pushed back, Hinchey stood by his claim. "There's no question that the leader of the military operations of the U.S. called back our military. Called them back from going after the head of al-Qaeda," he said. "I don't think [the theory] will strike a lot of people as crazy. I think it'll strike a lot of people as accurate," Hinchey said. "That's exactly what happened."
Supreme Court Overturns Decision on Detainee Photos 01 Dec 2009 The Supreme Court on Monday set aside a lower court’s order that called for the release of photographs of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan being
CLG: A Tiger Woods-free zone --By Lori Price 01 Dec 2009 Instead of covering, oh, I don't know... the Chilcot Inquiry or the Af/Pak troop/KBR/Blackwater surge, we're talking about a busted window on the SUV of this corporate butt-kisser. That and the two bimbos who wormed their way into a White House dinner because a moron in the Secret Service wants to send the world a message that you can *get* to President Obama. Now, imagine if the sinewy blonde was an overweight male Muslim. My God! The guy would already be on death row. I can just see the lower-thirds on Faux News: 'Muslim Terrorist Inches From Obama at White House Dinner.'
100 Items to Disappear First
Water Distillation Principles Every element can exist in three states: as a liquid, as a solid and as a vapor, which mostly depend on it's temperature. This applies to water, too. So, water can be found as ice, water and steam. If water is cooled down below 0 degrees Celsius (32 Fahrenheit), it becomes ice, and if heated above 100 degrees Celsius (212 Fahrenheit), it becomes steam. The temperature, at which a substance changes it state from liquid to vapor is called a boiling point, and it is different for different substances. This difference can be used to separate substances, and as such can be used for water purification.
Distillation is an effective process and, what's more important, it can be done with a lot of improvisation. You can heat water with whatever is at hand: fire, electricity, or whatever. You can use almost anything that holds water for a boiler, as long as you can direct the steam into a cooler. A cooler can be a long piece of copper tubing bent into a spiral. All you need is something that will just cool the steam down. In a worst case scenario, you can distill water with an ordinary household pot and two pot lids. Boil water in a pot covered with the first lid. After a while, you'll see that the water in the pot vaporizes, and condenses on the lid (this is distilled water). Now replace the lid with the second lid, and turn the first one vertically, so that all condensed water collects at one point, and then pour it into a cup. Meanwhile, more distilled water condenses on the second pot lid, so just repeat the above steps again... until you have a full cup. Distillation will remove from water almost anything, even heavy metals, poisons, bacteria and viruses. However, it does not remove substances that have boiling points at a lower temperature than water. Some of these substances are oils, petroleum, alcohol and similar substances, which in most cases don't mix with water. Also, remember that substances removed from water remain in the boiler, so you'll need to clean it up every once in awhile. Distilled water can be used directly and does not need to be boiled again. As it is already hot, you can use it to prepare tea, or similar drinks. |
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database
Mutilated Farm Animals Most Likely Victims of UFO Experiments | Today's Featured Stories - December 3, 2009

Excess imaging tests expose patients to dangerous amounts of unnecessary radiation (NaturalNews) A University of Wisconsin (UW) study has found that patients who receive computed tomography (CT) scans for various abdominal and pelvic conditions often receive a slew of additional scans that are unnecessary and that expose them to excess... |
RealAge scheme exposed by NY Times (NaturalNews) A popular online age quiz, RealAge, has gained notoriety among many Americans for its claims to pinpoint a person's true biological age and make corresponding recommendations for staying healthy and young. Research into the company reveals... |
Meditation slashes risk of heart attack, stroke and death in heart disease patients by half (NaturalNews) Transcendental Meditation (TM) first became well-known in the U.S. during the 1960s when the Beatles showed interest in studying the stress-reducing technique. But meditation hasn't gone the way of love beads and flower power since then... |
Appetite Suppressing Foods The hunger associated with losing weight can seem daunting, and may even discourage many people from maintaining... There are many foods, however, that can suppress appetite. |
Remember the Dangers of Refined Sugar In Western societies, the consumption of refined sugar is a daily addiction. From pouring syrup or sugar over pancakes and cereals at breakfast, to heaping it into coffee and tea, the habit continues during the day, resulting in obesity and... |
VA Hospital Botched Prostate Cancer Treatments in Nearly Four out of Five Men (NaturalNews) A veterans hospital gave improper doses of radiation to between 70 and 80 percent of all men treated for prostate cancer between February 2002 and June 2008, an investigation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has revealed. In 92 out... |
Genetically Engineered Crops have Led to Massive Increases in Pesticide Use According to a recent report compiled from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, the growing of genetically engineered crops has led to a 383 million pound increase in U.S. pesticide use during the time period spanning from 1996 to... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
- Lady Gaga songs are like junk food for the brain, says panel
- Prince Charles calls for alternative medicine to be formally embraced by government
- Woman killed by chemotherapy
- Call for ban on BPA chemical in baby bottles
- Tyson Foods soup plant caught with "serious violations" by FDA
- Top UK climate scientist to step down pending investigation
- American Casino: The documentary that exposes Wall Street sub-prime con artists
- Companies are looking at ways to reduce their toxic chemical footprints
- Physical health leads to good mental health, too
- FDA continues dragging its feet on Bisphenol-A decision
- Are honey bees being killed off by chemically-coated crop seeds?
- Eco-labels on products are often just lies
See all Top Headlines...
Talk at you later ....

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(Keeping them in "safekeeping" via emailed News Updates In case my blogs get bombed out of the water AGAIN!)
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Link to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm material
An alternative explantion for 2012 (PDF File).
Author held anonymous, but permission granted to disperse this material.
From Steve Quayle: A free ebook as to what may result if the electrical grid goes down: "Lights Out" pdf
The Cave's Page of Maps of Hazardous locations - past, present & potential future
Global Internet Monitor
National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary
Note:: If you follow this link to the main global map scroll down to find listing of various earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
- Link:
- USGS Latest Earthquakes 2+ US and 4.5+ in (some) of the world - last 7 days
- USGS Latest Earthquakes 1+ in the US - last 7 days
- European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre
- Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Information
- Live webcams - Alaskan volcanoes
- Mount St. Helens WebCam
- The Old Faithful WebCam
Recent Volcano Observatory Activity Reports
List of Volcanoes of Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands
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African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?
Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
The Living Moon
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