MAGNETOSPHERE 12-2-09 AT 6:47 AM CDT ![]() | ![]() |
Yesterday (Tuesday) was a BIG NEWS day - still weeding through it all!
![]() | By Dr. Tim Ball CanadaFreePress.com Wednesday, December 2, 2009 There is another bizarre twist in the release of damming files from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia known as ‘climategate’. It is the biggest deception in history but the story and arguments of how the material was obtained, its credibility and significance have diverted attention from the real scientific issue .... http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/17438... Obama and other world leaders including Canadian PM Stephen Harper head off to Copenhagen with no mention of Climategate. They’re using the climate gun to control everybody while they rob them blind. |
This will be the United States of America this months after Obama signs the Copenhagen Treaty!
From UrbanSurvival.com this morning:
If you don't think our government LIES - then join herds of American sheeple listening to the distraction stories being fed by government-corporate media.
Our Nation is PATHETIC!!
Women 'line up to claim affairs with Tiger Woods'...
Police: Woods at fault in crash, will get citation...
NEW CLAIMS: I had 31-month affair...
Kudlow: An Open Letter to Tiger Woods...
Last night when I was ready to crash out for the night, the following story came out of Australia ... seems like the Cap and Trade (Copenhagen Treaty) didn't get swallowed by those humans down under - made me smile:
This morning on the top of the DrudgeReport:
CLIMATEGATE: Scientist at center of e-mail controversy to step down...
Penn State Professor also under investigation...
Inhofe Asks Boxer to Probe Potential Scientific 'Conspiracy'...
Australia's Parliament defeats global warming bill...
'It's all unravelling now'...
Science forums are discussing our planet being hit by MAGNETIC BLASTS. There is definitely something VERY UNUSUAL taking place affecting our Solar System - and our nation focuses upon Tiger Wood's fight with his wife and we have a President using the word EXIT STRATEGY with SENDING tens of thousands to a nation that is the world's largest poppy grower.
GALLUP: Obama Approval on Afghanistan at 35%...
Our government's War on Drugs
Put addicts in jail (to fund multinational security corporations that run them and get paid by our government per prisoner). Studies show that violent prisoners get released earlier than those in for drugs.
Our prison system does NOT function to protect Americans - our prison system functions to provide $$ for multinational security corporations ... a HUGE business tied into the Military-Industrial complex.
While our Prez was on television last night talking about his EXIT STRATEGY out of Afghanistan (SENDING IN THOUSANDS OF MORE TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN) - Gold shot UP!
He needs to talk every night!!!!!
When you see gold up $30.34 in one day, you know that fan and the flying fertilizer shall meet soon."
DER SPIEGEL: 'Never before has a speech by President Barack Obama felt as false'...
Never before has a speech by President Barack Obama felt as false as his Tuesday address announcing America's new strategy for Afghanistan. It seemed like a campaign speech combined with Bush rhetoric -- and left both dreamers and realists feeling distraught.
December 2, 2009 - One can hardly blame the West Point leadership. The academy commanders did their best to ensure that Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama's speech would be well-received.
One didn't have to be a cadet on Tuesday to feel a bit of nausea upon hearing Obama's speech. It was the least truthful address that he has ever held. He spoke of responsibility, but almost every sentence smelled of party tactics. He demanded sacrifice, but he was unable to say what it was for exactly.
An additional 30,000 US soldiers are to march into Afghanistan -- and then they will march right back out again. America is going to war -- and from there it will continue ahead to peace. It was the speech of a Nobel War Prize laureate.
Just in Time for the Campaign
For each troop movement, Obama had a number to match. US strength in Afghanistan will be tripled relative to the Bush years, a fact that is sure to impress hawks in America. But just 18 months later, just in time for Obama's re-election campaign, the horror of war is to end and the draw down will begin. The doves of peace will be let free ....
US gold futures hit record near $1220 an ounce -- U.S. gold futures rose to an all-time high at $1,218.40 an ounce as investors bet on persistent dollar weakness and further buying by central banks. Related Article: Gold's still looking good
Oil falls below $78 amid US crude supply jump -- Oil prices fell below $78 a barrel Wednesday after U.S. crude supplies unexpectedly rose, suggesting demand in the world's largest economy remains weak.
Two more reasons why investors shouldn't trust governments -- It's a reminder that as an investor, you can't trust governments. That's not cynicism speaking, it's just the way things are. A government's job is not to serve shareholders or bondholders in a specific company. Its main goal – democracy or dictatorship – is to stay in power for as long as possible. This goal doesn't always coincide with the best interests of the companies it runs, as Royal Bank of Scotland shareholders have just discovered.
The Geopolitics Of The Dubai Debt Crisis: It's Iran vs. The United States -- The role of Iran may be the most overlooked in the Dubai debt crisis.
Washington Post | North Korea revalues currency, destroying personal savings
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
TOKYO -- Chaos reportedly erupted in North Korea on Tuesday after the government of Kim Jong Il revalued the country's currency, sharply restricting the amount of old bills that could be traded for new and wiping out personal savings.
The revaluation and exchange limits triggered panic and anger, particularly among market traders with substantial hoards of old North Korean won -- much of which has apparently become worthless, according to news agency reports from South Korea and China and from groups with contacts in North Korea.
The sudden currency move appeared to be part of a continuing effort by the government to crack down on private markets, which have become an essential part of the food-supply system in chronically hungry North Korea.
In recent years, some market traders have stashed away substantial amounts of cash, while establishing themselves in profitable businesses that the government struggles to control.
But under the rules of the new currency system, the wealth of these traders has largely disappeared, unless it is held in euros, dollars or Chinese yuan.
The revaluation replaces 1,000-won notes with 10-won notes but strictly limits the amount of old currency that can be exchanged, news reports said ...
Yes, this is North Korea, and Kim Jung-Il isn't exactly a nice guy.
Now let's ask the question nobody wants to ask:
Is America proceeding inexorably down a path where "the wise guys" - that would be Bernanke, Obama, Geithner - have such a plan "in their back pocket" if the dollar should happen to decline precipitously? If the market refuses to buy bonds and they can't finance spending $1.5 trillion more than they take in via taxes?
Remember, Henry Paulson had drawn up the "TARP/EESA" plan in his back pocket six months before he locked Congress in a room one dark September night in 2008 and used it to extort $700 billion of taxpayer money to bail out the banksters on Wall Street, coordinating that with $11 trillion more of Fed and Treasury "commitments." He lied about it being a "necessary immediate response" to an "unforeseen" circumstance - the truth is that he drew up his evil plan and then waited for an appropriate time when he could ramrod it through Congress under threat of martial law.
I'm sure you think it won't happen again, right? We got "change" in November of 2008, yes?
If such a plan was in place the winning strategy would be to take every possible dollar in credit you could - all of it - and intentionally default. If they do something like this you win huge.
If you don't do it - even if you're nominally rich right now - you're broke.
Given how obstructionist, intentionally deceitful and opaque The Federal Reserve and Treasury have been up until now, how certain are you they wouldn't try something like this?
Something to think about, and for those who say that no government would do something like that, remember this: In North Korea, they just did.
PS: No, gold won't save you if that sort of thing happens.
From UrbanSurvival.com this morning:
Invariably, this set headline writers to work in a double entendre frenzy: "Top firms said to be loading up on firearms in case of uprising" and "Gun Toting Goldman Execs Prepare for the Revolution."
The Market-Ticker | Goldman Arming Itself? :->
Tuesday, December 1. 2009
This is a riot (well, ok, I might be a week - or a month early on that):
Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) -- “I just wrote my first reference for a gun permit,” said a friend, who told me of swearing to the good character of a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker who applied to the local police for a permit to buy a pistol. The banker had told this friend of mine that senior Goldman people have loaded up on firearms and are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a populist uprising against the bank.
Let me give those fine bankers from Goldman Sachs (and the other big banking and trading houses) a few pieces of advice. And yeah, it's unsolicited and free, so you figure out whether it has value.
A handgun is a close-quarters defensive weapon. The FBI says that of shootings involving a handgun, most happen at something like 7 feet (yes, feet) of range or less. Oh, and you'd be surprised at how many people miss at that same seven feet. No, guns in real life don't work like in the movies where each bullet has a GPS in it and directs itself to its target, and when shot people don't go flying backward through windows. Guns simply make holes in things, wherever they are pointed when they go "bang" is where the bullet will travel, and all the energy that goes into the target also goes into your body (Newton's laws of motion and all.)
There are, by some estimates, more firearms in America than there are people. Americans bought something like 20 billion rounds of ammunition this year alone. Indeed, there are shortages of many sorts of ammunition and have been all year. While some of that lead undoubtedly was expended at the practice range, an awful lot of it is being stockpiled. Everyone who is stockpiling it in various amounts is doing so for different reasons, and most would self-declare it as protection against "zombies." Definitions of "zombie" differ.
There are a lot of hunting rifles in America. Most hunters can easily hit a deer-sized target at well beyond 100 yards with said rifle. I'm willing to bet that Mr. Investment Banker can't hit the broadside of a barn at 100yds with his brand new pistol that he's probably never fired, and probably never will.
Don't bother with soft body armor. It's useless against rifles. It is effective against pistols, which is why cops wear it (see that FBI stat about most handgun battles happening within seven feet.) But again, a hunter can easily hit a deer-sized target at well beyond 100 yards, common hunting rifles are legal almost literally everywhere, even in places like NYC, and a person armed with a handgun doesn't have a prayer in hell defending against a person with a rifle 100 or more yards away that has drawn a bead on them.
Unless you're prepared to practice with that weapon on a regular basis, and unless you have personally been in a life-threatening situation (a real one, not some mock-up or fake "game" run at some "weekend commando" class you were undoubtedly sold to make you feel macho with that shiny new handgun) there is at least a 50% chance that if you really do wind up confronted by some crazed nutball at close range you will either miss or worse, freeze - and the "bad guy" will simply take your gun from you and then kill you with your own weapon. Go ask the military about this - studies have shown that despite putting new soldiers through a grueling "basic training" course a very significant number of them will, when first confronted with an enemy shooting at them, intentionally fire high - that is, they miss on purpose in their first firefight. It turns out that most people have a hard-wired aversion to killing other humans. That's probably a good thing but psychopaths seem to be missing that inhibition. If someone really does come after you they're pretty much by definition one of those psychopaths.
Finally, if you're a "big banker" and concerned about your safety you might want to consider that in the 1800s there were lots of guns too, and yet they were both unnecessary and inadequate. Bankers during the panic of 1873 were simply hauled out of their offices bodily and hung from the lamp posts. We don't have lamp posts any more in Manhattan, so you have an advantage there, and I've not noted a run on boiled rope.
A better strategy for your self-protection is to turn state's evidence and rat out someone else. Like your boss, for instance.
Get on the side of the people and help them. You folks in those tony executive suites (and suits) know full well that this entire bubblelicious line of BS you ran on middle-class America for more than two decades was an out-and-out fraud. It is impossible to argue otherwise - after all, it really is just fifth grade math on the nature of exponential functions, and unlike most of America it has to be presumed that if you got a Harvard MBA you passed. Therefore it can also be assumed that claims of ignorance will not serve you.
Let's face it - the economy isn't going to recover. All the stories I hear (and now Bloomberg is willing to print, which is surprising) in the anecdotal department are that you folks have your Gulfstreams fueled up and your bug-out bags packed and sitting by the door.
Most of you have figured out the math - there's simply too much debt that you created and sold off into the market, and you've all patted yourselves on the back as you walked out of Treasury smug in the "knowledge" that you'd be bailed out. Remember this picture?
Yeah, it was all good, right? Uh, well it was - for you. But for the rest of America, it sucked. You took the "CARD" act (the Credit Card reform act) and used the delay in its implementation to ram down Americans throats 29.9% interest rates and huge reductions in credit lines - even for those who had never been late. The Fed (one of you folks - banksters all) could have told you to cut it out and in fact demanded that you do so, but of course didn't.
The supposed "zero interest rates" are great for your bonuses - record bonuses, right? But nobody in America is getting the benefit except you. We the people are all paying more to borrow - when we can borrow at all. Bank Credit is contracting at a record rate. The stock market is on a tear, gold is on a tear, oil has more than doubled since March.
But if you go to Harlem in NY City you don't see "economic recovery." Nor do you if you step outside of the enclaves in Washington DC where everyone sucks on the government tit. No, what you see is both the NY and California State Governments on the verge of insolvency, property and other taxes heading to the moon to try to keep the states from having to fire police officers for lack of funds, and the crumbling of our infrastructure - along with the hiss of an overpressurized "social safety net."
The vampire squid sucked too much blood (debt service requirements) and now the host is dying from volumetric shock, all the while screaming not for whole blood (all gone!) but anything - even an injection of saline simply to make up the volume.
Now please don't get me wrong - I happen to think that you should not lend more. After all, we're here because we got drunk on credit, and you can't drink yourself sober, despite what CNBS keeps screaming about and calling for (including "The Donald" this morning, who's one of those folks who I suspect is going to wind up with all of his so-called "wizard deals" in the pine box of Chapter 7.)
No, we as a society need to go through the DTs and detox. Some of us will go bankrupt. That's ok. Indeed, if you as a citizen were imprudent - if you lied about your income to get a mortgage, if you played the HELOC game to pay off a credit card you ran to the sky (and then did it again - and again!), if you put yourself into a debt hole from which you cannot reasonably climb out, you should declare bankruptcy and get it over with. Discharge that which you can, take the hit to your credit and reputation, and learn from the experience.
Frugality isn't a sin, it's a virtue. It is, indeed, the first step of true capital formation - which is how, ultimately, we create jobs - and true prosperity.
In this vein you need to come out and tell the truth - you lent too much and you're NOT going to do it any more - no matter how loud people scream. We need reality in this country, not more fantasy.
But you folks who stole all this money?
You need to give it back.
Yeah, we know you can't give it all back since you blew some of it on Netjets to various exotic vacation destinations and high-priced hookers. We understand that.
What America doesn't understand and is increasingly unwilling to tolerate is the smug grin you folks have on Wall Street, having not only run Americans into bankruptcy but when your imprudent lending threatened to bankrupt you instead of sucking it up you extorted Congress to the tune of more than $12 trillion in direct support and guarantees.
That is you forced the bankrupt consumer to go broke twice and cover your imprudent acts, as all that money to cover up your insolvency is now being forcibly extracted from Main Street by the government through taxes!
Here's the problem, in a nutshell: If we don't get the debt out of the system - really get it out, not just shuffle it around and shift who's balance sheet it sits on - we can't restart true economic growth.
Without true economic growth we cannot regain the lost jobs, and people cannot regain their ability to earn an honest living and support themselves and their families.
You and I both know that The Government cannot continue to run $1.5 trillion deficits for very long. Indeed, it might be able to do it for even one more year. Ultimately Uncle Sam's credit card will come back declined just like the subprime homeowner, and when it does the thin veneer that has papered over the bankruptcy you have served up on the American people and her government will be ripped away like a bandage that has adhered to a scab.
That's when the riots start and both you and I know that too. It's why you're buying those guns.
But the guns won't save you if ugly times come.
Only preventing the riots will save you, and preventing the riots means we must stop bankrupting the country.
That in turn means we must stop ladling on more and more debt - HERE AND NOW!
Getting that bad debt out means that both borrowers (who are already going bankrupt) and lenders (who are thus far being protected) need to go bust.
That's reality.
This is beyond politics, wishes, dreams or desires - it is mathematics.
Justice, on the other hand, demands that the frauds and abuses not stand. No, ripping off Jefferson County Alabama is not acceptable, and paying a fine is not enough. People need to go to prison. Ditto for the other cities and states where these scams were run - and that's a huge number.
I understand your fear, Wall Street. If I robbed Main Street America of trillions of dollars I'd be afraid too.
Main Street is angry, and with good cause - and the "moguls" who claim that happy days will return if we can all start charging up our credit cards and HELOCing our houses again are not only wrong they're poking sticks into a hornets nest. That's right out of "Dumb and Dumber."
Arming yourselves won't solve the problem you created, and it also won't protect you should the mood in America turn truly ugly.
Do the right thing Wall Street.
Not only will it be good for your soul, it will be good for Main Street.
Wall Street Journal | Bankruptcy Filing for AmTrust Financial
DECEMBER 2, 2009
AmTrust Financial Corp., the owner of a Cleveland thrift clobbered by losses and shrinking capital, filed for bankruptcy protection amid a push by federal regulators to find a buyer for the thrift, according to people familiar with the situation.
Monday's filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Cleveland didn't include AmTrust Bank, which has about $11.7 billion in assets and 66 branches but posted a net loss of $269.9 million in the third quarter. The banking unit is considered undercapitalized by regulators as a result of the housing crisis, which ...
Wells Fargo closing 122 California Branches in April 2010
Ron Paul on Fox Business News 11-30-09 (YouTube video)
Kitco.com | Our Annual Predictions for 2010. Good News and Bad News
Will 2010 be a 1930 or, comparable to 1937? Is it different this time? When one nation state of a formerly high productive stature destroys itself with inflation, the untouched others can soften the blow and in time bail out the fallen one. This was Germany’s fate in the 1920’s. In our current instance, most all of the world’s economies are on their knees with some hurting worse than others. Who can help with recovery this time? There is no one. It will not be China as some suppose as China shall suffer the same systemic collapse as the U.S, and all of Europe, Russia, and South America. China’s neighbors Japan, Taiwan, Korea, India, Indonesia and others will join the fallen.
The interwoven complexities of international trade and finance have caught them in all in a spider’s web of systemic collapse. Those who can shall attempt a massive inflationary rescue. While it might appear to work for a few months, eventually all implodes. Please note the following from John Pugsley’s “Common Sense Viewpoint” as printed in “Golden Insights” by James U. Blanchard III 1997.
“Creditors win through inflation and lenders lose. The deflationists do not see that if inflation of the money supply continues, which it will, there needs to be a deflation. All the debt in the world can be wiped out just by creating purchasing power…and that’s exactly what is happening…the debt problems will be resolved, but they will not be resolved by debt liquidation through bankruptcy and collapse. They will be resolved through debt liquidation via the creation of money. We are in for the greatest wave of inflation in the history of the world. You had better not be on the wrong side of the dollar.” -John Pugsley “Common Sense Viewpoint.”
We agree with Mr. Pugsley but, this was written years ago. We would suggest that this time with most formerly productive nations becoming victims of both inflation-hyperinflation and systemic collapse; the ending could be much worse than supposed. We forecast inflation first then hyper-inflation some time down the road ...
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database
Mass UFO sightings across South America cause panic, video
Click to view on YouTube video
Urgent 24 Estrella de Iquique http://www.ovnisalta.com.ar
Active tropical storm systems
Name of Storm System | Area | Beginning of Activity | Result |
Nida (26W) | Pacific Ocean | 11.22.2009 | Read |
Magnetosphere - Earth's Magnetic Field
In October 2003, the Earth's magnetosphere was hit by a solar flare causing a ... A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the orientation of Earth's magnetic ...
Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World
Update time = Wed Dec 2 15:26:00 UTC 2009
| MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/12/02 15:12:27 | 59.432 | -152.402 | 58.2 | SOUTHERN ALASKA |
MAP | 4.6 | 2009/12/02 12:37:54 | 28.655 | 53.667 | 10.0 | SOUTHERN IRAN |
MAP | 4.8 | 2009/12/02 11:46:21 | 13.836 | -90.449 | 48.2 | OFFSHORE GUATEMALA |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/12/02 11:32:57 | 18.995 | -66.786 | 24.8 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 4.8 | 2009/12/02 11:23:19 | -22.889 | -70.503 | 37.8 | OFFSHORE ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/12/02 11:18:27 | 32.248 | -115.009 | 11.9 | SONORA, MEXICO |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/12/02 08:20:03 | -20.389 | -173.667 | 36.5 | TONGA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/12/02 06:14:28 | 37.234 | 141.352 | 42.0 | NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/12/02 04:20:37 | -20.483 | 64.582 | 10.0 | RODRIGUES REGION, MAURITIUS |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/12/02 03:12:07 | 32.298 | -116.907 | 21.0 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/12/02 00:59:55 | 35.956 | -117.337 | 2.9 | CENTRAL CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/12/02 00:30:24 | 17.714 | -65.631 | 10.7 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map
The police state is here and it is not going to go away by the way of the ballot box.
Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers

Wired.com | Obama Wants Computer Privacy Ruling Overturned

From UrbanSurvival.com:
"Of course, you may be one of those people who discounts conspiracy theories on the origins of AIDs, too. But in case you haven't had your head outside the MSM patrolled borders of US thought, perhaps reading an article in an Africa media outlet "Don't discount conspiracy theories on origin of Aids" might be an eye opener.
If an outfit like Baxter can be found out for 'accidentally' shipping live flu virus about earlier this year (see: "Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus", Toronto Sun, Feb 27, 2009) then who's to say this couldn't have happened with other biowar materials much earlier on in a covert plan to depopulate the planet down toward the 500-million Club of Rome agenda?
By the way - if this is any comfort - the update to 'Limits to Growth", the Club of Rome report on population from 1972, updated in 2004 predicted at that time (2004) that there was only a global gold reserve for 9-more years. See the Wikipedia entry on the methodology called "Exponential reserve index" for more...Petroleum runs out in 20 years (basis 2004) so we only have something like 14-years to run on that clock, which is why governments are getting so globalistic and cap & trade-ish, restrictions on travel, reduced caloric, disarmed populations, yada, yada, in their behaviors. You knew all this, of course.
So the question is not whether global population has to be reduced; the real issue is whether you will be one of the survivors of the cull which will no doubt be coming along either because of 2012, climate shift, alien wars, or global pandemic disease. Care for a little something each from behind curtains 1 though 4 to keep things interesting?"
Rumsfeld, Baxter, Pentagon, Tamiflu: Connection of US & biological weapons
A very interesting connection of the dots - of Biological Weapons to Rumsfield, Baxter and The Pentagon.
Why Did Half of N. America's Large Mammals Disappear 40,000 to 10,000 Years Ago?
New findings reveal that a mass extinction occurred in a geological instant.
— Science Daily
Drowned cities: Myths and secrets of the deep
A look at some of the sunken towns and cities discovered worldwide.
— New Scientist
The Ghost Held Me Down
Paul Dale Roberts investigates strange cases in Northern California.
— Alternate Perceptions Magazine
10,000 E. African albinos in hiding after killings
The mistaken belief that albino body parts have magical powers has driven thousands of Africa's albinos into hiding.
— Associated Press
Two 19th century NDEs
Near Death reports can be traced back at least as far as the Middle Ages, and arguably earlier.
— Michael Prescott's Blog
Talk to you all later ... tons of news out there to go through!
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Posted on HalfPastHuman.com:
Link to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm material
An alternative explantion for 2012 (PDF File).
Author held anonymous, but permission granted to disperse this material.
From Steve Quayle: A free ebook as to what may result if the electrical grid goes down: "Lights Out" pdf
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List of Volcanoes of Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands
African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent
Space.com | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?
Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
The Living Moon
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