It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams and I am a direct descent of Samuel and John Adams |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve The Economic Collapse - The Federal Reserve has more power over the performance of the U.S. economy than anyone else does. The Federal Reserve controls the money supply, the Federal Reserve sets the interest rates and the Federal Reserve hands out bailouts to the big banks that absolutely dwarf anything that Congress ever did. If the American people are ever going to learn what is really going on with our economy, then it is absolutely imperative that they get educated about the Federal Reserve. As close as a civilian without access can get --- several signs say DO NOT STOP -- high security around the facility (rightfully so btw) .. so of course we did not stop at the plant and ask for a tour --- but the shots are still great from the road! The facility is still steaming from near the reactor buildings -- as well as from the normal stacks. I would NOT recommend hanging out near the direct area where this steam is venting (in my opinion). Even a drive by with the amount of steam that was released gives me slight worry. (even though the levels are reported as safe -- even though my geiger counters returned 48CPM -- still makes me nervous knowing small amounts are free floating in the air). Clearly -- NO ONE is around outside --- no workers taking tests like one might think they would be doing after a venting issue. |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation CaveNews YouTube Channel - Daily Animated Magnetosphere | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAVE NEWS YouTube Channel: Current LASCO C2 and LASCO C3 Updated 2/12/2012 @ 23:00 UTC Solar Update / Return of 1402 Old sunspot 1402 is now in view in the northeast quadrant and was renumbered 1419. This region is quite a bit smaller now compared to what it once was. Elsewhere, Sunspot 1416 lost its beta-gamma magnetic configuration on Sunday. There will continue to be a chance for C-Class flares and a lower threat for an M-Class event. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Mon Feb 13 12:47:12 UTC 2012
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VOLCANISM NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map FEBRUARY 13, 2012 at 7 AM CT Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
Very information ongoing updated global/national news website Today's Feature Stories:
World News |
Germany refuses to sign copyright treaty
Berlin - Germany will not sign an international copyright treaty [Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)], despite having already agreed to it in principal, government sources in Berlin said Friday, after protests over its implications for internet users.
The Pentagon has drawn up plans for military intervention in Syria
Global Research - A military strike would be coordinated with Turkey, the Gulf States and the NATO powers, according to reports that acknowledge such plans officially for the first time. The plan is described as an “internal review” by Pentagon Central Command, to allow President Barack Obama to maintain the pretense that the White House is still seeking a diplomatic solution. This is considered vital, as military intervention would most likely be conducted through various Middle East proxies, which the US and NATO could then back with airpower.
Al-Qaeda leader backs Syrian revolt against Assad
Reuters - Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri, in a video recording posted on the Internet on Sunday, urged Syrians not to rely on the West or Arab governments in their uprising to topple President Bashar al-Assad. In the eight-minute video, entitled "Onwards, Lions of Syria" and posted on an Islamist website, the Egyptian-born Zawahri also urged Muslims in Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan to come to the aid of Syrian rebels confronting Assad's forces.
Leftist Media Resorts To ‘Conspiracy Theories’ To Sell Syria Invasion
Paul Joseph Watson - Desperate to sell another “humanitarian” invasion, the leftist media in the United Kingdom has resorted to inventing conspiracy theories about events in Syria as part of a campaign to depict President Bashar Assad’s government as genocidal, while completely failing to acknowledge that the country is in a state of civil war.
US admiral says Navy forces are prepared to confront Iran
Fox News - Vice Adm. Mark Fox, commander of the 5th Fleet, told reporters at the naval force's Bahrain headquarters that the Navy has "built a wide range of potential options to give the president" and is "ready today" to confront any hostile action by Tehran. He did not outline specifically how the Navy might answer an Iranian strike or an effort to shut the entrance to the Persian Gulf, though any response would likely involve the two U.S. aircraft carriers and other warships cruising the waters off Iran.
Iran Says Be Ready For Its 'Big New' Nuclear Achievements
Business Insider - While Ahmadinejad failed to elaborate upon what type of achievements to expect, he did confirm that Iran would never consider giving up its uranium enrichment efforts. Enrichment is the process that makes fuel for nuclear reactors and for weapons. "Within the next few days the world will witness the inauguration of several big new achievements in the nuclear field," the president said.
Iran prepares suicide bomb boats in Gulf
Reuters - Iran has built up its naval forces in the Gulf and prepared boats that could be used in suicide attacks, but the U.S. Navy can prevent it from blocking the Strait of Hormuz, the commander of U.S. naval forces in the region said on Sunday. Iran has made a series of threats in recent weeks to disrupt shipping in the Gulf or strike U.S. forces in retaliation if its oil trade is shut down by sanctions, or if its disputed nuclear programme comes under attack.
Spy networks near Iran an open secret’
Ynet - London Times claims Mossad agent in Azerbaijan confirmed existence of intelligence agency's base near Iran; says Baku is 'ground zero for intelligence work'
Turkish diplomat: Iran is ready to cut a deal
Washington Post - Turkey’s top diplomat said Friday that Iran is ready to negotiate an end to the standoff with Western powers over its nuclear program, suggesting that the controversy could be resolved quickly if the deep distrust between the two sides could be overcome.
US groups deny Egypt charges of political meddling
Raw Story - Accused of interference in Egypt’s affairs, US pro-democracy groups whose staff are to be tried in Cairo reject charges they are working secretly for the US government, which largely finances them. Barrie Freeman, director of the North Africa region for the National Democratic Institute (NDI), one of the US groups whose offices were raided in December, denied the NDI has a hidden agenda.
Greek lawmakers approve austerity bill as Athens burns
Reuters - The Greek parliament approved a deeply unpopular austerity bill to secure a second EU/IMF bailout and avoid national bankruptcy, as buildings burned across central Athens and violence spread around the country.
S&P downgrades 34 Italian banks
Reuters - Rating agency Standard & Poor's downgraded 34 Italian banks on Friday, including heavyweights UniCredit (CRDI.MI) and Intesa Sanpaolo (ISP.MI), citing a reduced ability to roll over their wholesale debt and expected weak profitability. The move follows S&P's downgrade of Italy's sovereign rating last month to BBB+, part of a mass downgrade of nine euro zone countries.
Sen. Peterlini Presents Glass-Steagall Bill in Italy
LaRouchePac - Italian Sen. Oskar Peterlini has presented a draft bill for the reintroduction of a banking separation system following the Glass-Steagall model in Italy, with the stated goal of both helping the Italian economy immediately and serving as an example for the rest of the world.
VIDEO: Striking Brussels firemen soak cops, PM office
RT - When the Belgian government decided to pour cold water on the country’s firefighters and increase their retirement age, the men struck back with the same method…literally. Several hundred firemen broke through police cordons and hosed down the prime minister's office. The men, dressed in full gear, were smiling as they directed the water at the building…and the small bunch of police officers huddled in front of it.... Showing a rather wicked sense of humor, the firemen then turned to fire extinguishers – and the soaked representatives of Belgium’s police force ...
Japanese pharmaceutical company tries to ban generic versions of Prograf drug to extend its monopoly
(NaturalNews) A group of consumers has filed a class-action lawsuit against Japanese pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma for presenting what they say is a "sham" petition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to extend the market exclusivity period for its transplant drug Prograf. According to Courthouse News Service, the lawsuit alleges that Astellas filed its petition not out of a concern for public health, but rather to simply extend its monopoly on the overpriced drug, which reportedly rakes in nearly $1 billion a year for Astellas.
Acta protests: Thousands take to streets across Europe
BBC News - Thousands of people have taken part in co-ordinated protests across Europe in opposition to a controversial anti-piracy agreement. Significant marches were held in Germany, Poland and the Netherlands against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta). Around 200 protesters gathered in central London outside the offices of rights holder representative groups.
The end of liquid restrictions for European fliers could be in sight
(NaturalNews) (NaturalNews) The European Union has approved the use of an airport liquid scanner, which could replace current technology and see the lifting of restrictions on carrying liquids of more than 100ml on European airlines.
1984 World Bank Report Contemplates “Sterilization Vans” & “Camps”
Jurriaan Maessen - In its 1984 World Development Report, the World Bank suggests using “sterilization vans” and “camps” to facilitate its sterilization policies for the third world. The report also threatens nations who are slow in implementing the bank’s population policies with “drastic steps, less compatible with individual choice and freedom.”
U.S. News, Politics & Government |
Chicago Police to pay millions to anti-war protesters
RT - The city of Chicago will be forced to pay $6.2 million to over 700 protesters that were arrested in 2003. Almost nine years ago, tens of thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Chicago to protest the invasion of Iraq, one of the longest wars in US history. On Thursday lawyers on both sides of the table agreed to the sum in the class-action law that charges Chicago PD of unlawfully arresting peaceful protesters, bypassing the need for a trial that was set to kick off late March.
Former DEA chief says 3 other federal agencies knew about Operation Fast and Furious
Fox News - Tony Coulson, the DEA’s agent in charge of Southern Arizona during Fast and Furious, says many federal field agents knew the ATF was walking guns to Mexico, but supervisors told them to back off when they objected. “Clearly, we went too far,” Coulson said. “The question we had among rank and file law enforcement was, ‘When is someone going to call ATF on this, when is someone going to tell them to stop?’”
YouTube: Fox Cancels Popular Show for Supporting Ron Paul
RT - Russia Today interviews Wayne Allen Root, author of 'The Conscience Of A Libertarian'. He also works for Fox, so just like Fox News, he is also biased.
VIDEO: What if this is why Freedom Watch was canceled? What if it is already too late?
Daily Paul - "Plain Truth" segment from last week. -- What if the elections are rigged? What if the President secretly wants to decrease the population? . . . . Some very good questions by the Judge in one of his more powerful monologues. Originally aired 2/03/12.
The Judge Napalitano Says Tone It Down...
It will be far more productive for my work at Fox and the work of my friends and colleagues here--many of whom share our values--if the email traffic to Fox toned down considerably. I will continue to voice the message of freedom in many more Fox venues, and you will hear that message, and we will do our best to alert you in advance of those venues and the times that I will be on them; and we will post those alerts right here on this site. PLEASE BE SURE TO WATCH THE FINAL FreedomWatch SHOW ON MONDAY FEBRUARY 13TH, ON FOX BUSINESS AT 8:00 PM, EASTERN TIME. You have been very strong in your views and generous in your comments about the show, but now is the time to relax and lay low and prepare for the future. God bless each of you
Michael Hastings: The Afghanistan Report the Pentagon Doesn't Want You to Read
Earlier this week, the New York Times’ Scott Shane published a bombshell piece about Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis, a 17-year Army veteran recently returned from a second tour in Afghanistan. According to the Times, the 48-year-old Davis had written an 84-page unclassified report, as well as a classified report, offering his assessment of the decade-long war. That assessment is essentially that the war has been a disaster and the military's top brass has not leveled with the American public about just how badly it’s been going. "How many more men must die in support of a mission that is not succeeding?" Davis boldly asks in an article summarizing his views in The Armed Forces Journal.
Cost a bomb: Congress approves $82 million for army’s biggest weapon
RT - It weighs as much as the bell in Big Ben; it’s capable of plunging through 60 feet of reinforced concrete... the Massive Ordnance Penetrator is THE bomb, says the Pentagon.... Bloomberg reported that, in response to “an urgent request” from the Pentagon, immediate approval was given to shift $81.6 million to the so-called MOP program. The urgency is not explained – but it can be speculated that the Pentagon does not want to mop up a potential mess if (or when) it goes to war with Iran. So they’re putting a rush on something that can easily destroy things like underground labs, or secret nuclear facilities.
YouTube: David Swanson: 'The clean-up would take half of the Pentagon budget'
RT - It seems the US military leaves traces everywhere it goes around the globe, even in America. The Defense department is said to be the biggest polluter on the planet and the mess may just be too expensive for the Pentagon to clean up. David Swanson of the Roots Action had his say on the matter when joining RT's Liz Wahl.
Press-free NATO summit? Filming cops on the street illegal in Chicago
RT - Chicago, Illinois plans to host more than 7,500 international dignitaries and 3,000 journalists at the G8 Summit this spring.... And as police prepare to clash with protesters who picket the annual meeting of the minds, the crime scenes that are expected to be marred by messy arrests might never be made available outside of Chicago. In the state of Illinois, an obscure eavesdropping law prohibits recordings of unknowing individuals. Even if a cop is caught clobbering a protester on the streets of Chicago, recording the incident can land both amateur photographers and seasoned journalists alike behind bars, where they could face sentencing on par with charges of rape and murder.
“See Something Say Something” Campaign Could Allow People to Label ANY AMERICAN a Suspected “Terrorist” … Just Like in Nazi Germany or Stasi East Germany
Washington’s Blog - List of Actions or Beliefs Which May Get You Labeled a Terrorist Grows Daily. Every American could – literally – be labeled a suspected terrorist under current governmental criteria. Specifically, the following actions may get a U.S. citizen labeled as a suspected terrorist today...
VIDEO: No female TSA agents means no flight for Denver woman
Fox 31 Denver - A Denver woman claims she couldn’t board a flight from Wyoming to Denver because of her gender. Jennifer Winning makes the flight from the small airport of Rock Springs, WY to Denver often, but on January 29th it was different. “They wouldn`t let me get on the plane because I`m female,” Winning said.
White firefighters won racial discrimination suit
RT - On Tuesday twelve members of the Buffalo's firefighter squad were rewarded $2.7 million for emotional distress after a judge ruled that the city of Buffalo racially discriminated white men.... The group of all white men alleged the fire department allowed promotional lists in which they were named to expire so they could endorse their black counter parts that had tested significantly lower on their civil service exams. According to the plaintiffs, the city of Buffalo wanted to give minorities the upper hand.
2012 Election News |
VIDEO: No One But Paul - February 14th Money Bomb
Please join us on February 14th for the largest one-day donation event of the 2012 presidential campaign. Our goal is to bring together 20,000 Facebook attendees and 10,000 Pledges to support a one-day donation total of $3,000,000.
New York Times (blog at least) has caught on to the happenings in Maine
Daily Paul - Could Ron Paul Still Win Maine? "Ron Paul’s campaign is claiming that it could still win the presidential preference poll in the Maine caucus because of a county that postponed its vote and will hold its caucus next Saturday, Feb. 18.
NRA official: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term
Washington Times - While delivering one of the liveliest and best-received speeches at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said the president's low-key approach to gun rights during his first term was "a "conspiracy to ensure re-election by lulling gun owners to sleep."... Mr. LaPierre said the president's two Supreme Court appointees — Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan— are "two of the most rabid anti-gun justices in history." He also accused Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of being a foe of gun rights.
Iran War Would Cost Trillions: Will GOP Pay More Taxes for That?
Atlantic - While GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul is doing all he can in this election cycle to gin up a debate about US foreign policy and a measure of the costs and benefits, the debate about Iran, China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel's security has been taking place in a gravityless environment. Mitt Romney's opening foreign policy opus at the Citadel criticized Obama for defense cuts with promises to boost America's defense commitments abroad, to boost military spending on hardware and ships in the Pacific -- to do everything we have been doing but more.
Maine GOP chairman says Romney wins caucuses
AP - Republican Chairman Charlie Webster announced Romney had won with 2,190 votes, or 39 percent, compared to 1,996 - about 36 percent - for Ron Paul... The totals reflected about 84 percent of the state's precincts. Webster insisted that any caucus results that come in after Saturday wouldn't be counted no matter how close the vote. "Some caucuses decided not to participate in this poll and will caucus after this announcement," Webster said. "Their results will not be factored in. The absent votes will not be factored into this announcement after the fact."... Caucuses in Washington County that had been scheduled for Saturday were postponed until Feb. 18 because of a major snowstorm that blanketed the region.
VIDEO: Ron Paul Speech & CNN Interview After Maine Caucus Straw Vote Announcement
CNN - February 11, 2012.
YouTube: Ron Paul on CBS's Face The Nation
Airing Date Feb.12, 2012
Google accidentally releases final Maine Caucus results a day early
Examiner - Once again, an establishment media source has mistakenly released the final results of a state caucus too early, this time prior to the Maine Caucus. As America geared up for Saturday’s Maine Caucus finally, Friday evening witnessed another major media mishap as AP and Google teamed up in preparation for the tallying of votes by Maine’s Caucus goers and produced final results more than 24 hours in advance [VIDEO] of possibly knowing how the result would turn out.
Tell Maine GOP Chairman Charlie it's unacceptable that 17% of Maine votes will not be counted. Contact him right now
Daily Paul - Tell Maine GOP Chairman Charlie it's unacceptable that 17% of Maine votes will not be counted. Contact him right now and demand he count all the votes! Maine GOP contact information.
Petition Maine GOP, Mainstream Media: COUNT ALL caucus results including Washington County - We DEMAND GOP leadership not arbitrarily cheat voters from the process solely because they fear the result. We further demand the media respect their OWN code of ethics and report the facts they find, not those they hope to create ( ).
Ron Paul Campaign Comments on Maine Caucus Results
Business Wire - “In Washington County - where Ron Paul was incredibly strong - the caucus was delayed until next week just so the votes wouldn’t be reported by the national media today. “Of course, their excuse for the delay was ‘snow.’ “That’s right. A prediction of 3-4 inches - that turned into nothing more than a dusting - was enough for a local GOP official to postpone the caucuses just so the results wouldn’t be reported tonight. “This is MAINE we’re talking about.... “And just the votes of Washington County would have been enough to put us over the top.
Politico: Romney's campaign might be involved in canceling the caucus that Paul is doing well with only 80% reported!
Daily Paul - In particular, a senior Paul aide had suggested that the Romney campaign was involved in the cancellation of Washington County’s caucuses, a small county where Paul’s campaign had expected to do well. “It’s not completely insidious, but they knew we were going to swamp it up there,” said Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton.
YouTube: Doug Wead talks Delegate Strategy on Rachel Maddow
MSNBC 2/10/12.
YouTube: Former Ron Paul Staffer Don Rasmussen Breaks Down the Delegate Race
Adam Kokesh interviews Don Rasmussen on on Feb 10, 2012.
YouTube: Adam Kokesh & Kurt Wallace on CPAC
CPAC is not the same without Ron Paul.
Gingrich Is Done: Billionaire Supporter To Cut Support
Business Insider - While billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson may have rescued Newt Gingrich’s campaign in its early days, today, he may have just buried it.
More Threats that Bush III Could Emerge at Brokered GOP Convention
Daily Mail - Al Cardenas, head of the American Conservative Union, has said that Republican turmoil might lead to a brokered convention in which Jeb Bush, former Florida governor, would emerge as a “possible alternative” party nominee.
Veteran News |
Veterans File for Class Certification in Chemical, Biological Weapons Testing Case
Veterans Today - San Francisco, Calif. 2/9/12 — On behalf of two non-profits, Vietnam Veterans of America and Swords to Plowshares, and eight individual disabled veterans, Morrison & Foerster today filed a petition for class certification in a more than two-year battle with the U.S. military over secret testing of chemical and biological weapons on its own soldiers.
Depressed Army reservist attacked by police force after calling for help
(NaturalNews) The military spends tens of thousands of man hours annually and no small amounts of money training its personnel to seek help for any feelings of hopelessness or depression they may experience. The Army, especially, focuses on this issue because the suicide rate among its members has hit new highs in the wake of a decade of war in two separate theaters involving multiple deployments for millions of soldiers.
AUDIO: Veterans for Ron Paul March on Washington D.C. - Adam Kokesh Interview
Adam Kokesh of Veterans for Ron Paul and host of Adam vs. The Man joins Daily Paul Radio with Kurt Wallace to discuss veteran support for Ron Paul and the upcoming Ron Paul is the Choice of the Troops Veterans for Ron Paul March to the Whitehouse in Washington D.C. on February 20th. Adam also talks on foreign policy and the active military support for Dr. Paul.
Economy |
Obama’s 2013 Budget Projects $901 Billion Deficit in Proposal to Congress
Bloomberg - President Barack Obama will revive proposals for $1.5 trillion in tax increases as well as spending to boost jobs as part of a 2013 budget request that projects the deficit shrinking next year to $901 billion. The tax increases would mostly fall on the wealthy, through a new 30 percent minimum tax on those earning more than $1 million annually, allowing Bush-era tax cuts to expire for families taking home more than $250,000 and capping the value of itemized deductions for top earners at 28 percent, according to administration officials who briefed reporters on the document set for release Feb. 13.
Troubled times ahead : 5 major layoffs in USA
There are serious signs that layoffs could be on the rise again and that our improvement in the unemployment rate could be counteracted soon. For starters, 53,486 in planned job cuts this January marked the largest layoff tally since September and represented a 39% surge in job cuts compared with the previous year. That’s according to outplacement company Challenger, Gray & Christmas. What’s more, the recent drumbeat of cutbacks seems to be increasing across all industries - consumer brands, airlines, drugmakers and banks.
Criminal probe trail going cold at MF Global?
Reuters - When commodities brokerage MF Global imploded, the FBI and federal prosecutors were quick to launch an investigation to pursue what seemed obvious to outspoken regulators and lawmakers: laws were broken and crimes were committed. More than three months later, it is far from clear that anyone will face criminal charges over the disappearance of more than $600 million in customer money as MF Global spiraled towards bankruptcy in the brokerage's final, frantic days in the last week of October.
Housing Market |
There's One HUGE Detail Missing From The Mortgage Settlement
Business Insider - The country's banks agreed to change their behavior as part of the robo-mortgage settlement announced earlier this week. The announcement, however, leaves open a central question: Does the settlement include new, pre-defined penalties for banks that fail to uphold their new promises?
Health |
Texas now requiring meningitis vaccination for all college students
(NaturalNews) Former presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry has signed into law new legislation that requires all college students, including those living off campus, to get injected with a meningitis vaccine. The new guidelines, which reportedly received bipartisan support, require that all students under the age of 30 show either proof of vaccination or a signed affidavit of exemption before being allowed to come to class.
Why Buy Organic Flowers for Valentine's Day & Everyday
Why Buy Organic Flowers? - Whenever you touch or inhale the scent of your non-organic flowers, you are likely touching or inhaling poisonous chemicals. When you buy organic flowers, you will not have to worry about chemicals on your flower bouquets being toxic to your children, other members of your family, or yourself.
How Much Lead is in My Lipstick?
Care2 - Is there lead in your lipstick? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released an analysis of the lead content in 400 lip products and the answer is a resounding yes. But does that mean we should throw out all of our tubes? Well, that’s a little more complicated. While only two lipsticks tested contained more lead than California’s recommended limit of 5 parts-per-million and none exceed Canada’s recommendation of 10 parts-per-million, there is certainly still cause for concern. According to the Campaign For Safe Cosmetics...
Genetically Engineered Generic Drugs to Be Unleashed Without Mandatory Testing
Activist Post - The FDA is proposing new guidelines — an ‘abbreviated pathway’ — for generic drug makers to make similar, but not necessarily identical, generic drugs called ‘biosimilars’. The FDA will accept the drug studies from the original GE drug for approval, and will only require animal or human testing if the FDA deems it appropriate.
Shyness as illness? Experts blast new mental health ‘bible’
Reuters - Millions of healthy people - including shy or defiant children, grieving relatives and people with fetishes - may be wrongly labeled mentally ill by a new international diagnostic manual, specialists said on Thursday.... Some diagnoses - for conditions like "oppositional defiant disorder" and "apathy syndrome" - risk devaluing the seriousness of mental illness and medicalising behaviors most people would consider normal or just mildly eccentric, the experts said.
Whitney Houston yet another victim of pharmaceutical drug industry
(NaturalNews) The regretful passing of an American entertainment icon -- Whitney Houston -- marks yet another sad milestone in the devastating body count of the prescription drug industry. TMZ is now reporting that Whitney Houston was found not with illegal drugs, but prescription drugs that may have killed her or caused her to drown in the bathtub.
New lavender oil clinically proven to relieve occasional anxiety
(NaturalNews) Lavender essential oils have been used in European hospitals, mainly France, for treating burns. But that is not the only application of lavender that has proven itself. Insomnia and anxiety relief are the most common uses aside from burns.
Green tea helps maintain functional ability and prevent cognitive decline as we age
(NaturalNews) Green tea has long been hailed as a cardio-protective beverage due to its ability to lower levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol, an established heart disease risk factor. It has also been shown to promote brain health because the active compound, EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) freely crosses the blood-brain barrier to provide antioxidant support and lower damaging levels of brain inflammation.
Vitamin C Injections for Fatigue
Medindia - The answer to one of the commonest questions raised at primary care clinics ("Doc, I'm too tired; do you have any injection for that?") may not be a doctor's grin anymore! High dose intravenous vitamin C reduces fatigue significantly, suggests new research. It is both safe and effective against fatigue.
Ginger root eases nausea and vomiting
(NaturalNews) Ginger root is a favorite among herbalists, used in a variety of situations. The spicy root, or rhizome, of the ginger plant can either be eaten raw, powdered, made into tea, juiced, tinctured, or even candied. One of the most common uses for ginger root is for nausea and vomiting.
Cultivating postnatal Qi to manage allergies
(NaturalNews) It's allergy season. People are sneezing, wheezing and rubbing their itchy eyes. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, an estimated 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. That is one out of every five Americans.
Science & Technology |
Genetically modified mosquitoes may soon be released in Florida
(NaturalNews) In an effort to help eradicate dengue fever and the mosquitos that spread it, the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) is seeking federal and state approval to release hundreds of thousands of genetically-modified (GM) mosquitos designed to kill off the natural Aedes aegypti variety of the fly throughout Key West, Florida.... Created by U.K.-based insect eradication company Oxitec, the GM mosquitos have been created with an added gene that, unless they are given the antibiotic tetracycline, will automatically kill them.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading |
Harvard University to host raw milk debate on February 16, 2012
(NaturalNews) Demand for raw milk in the U.S. is soaring, and federal and state regulators are having an increasingly difficult time trying to fend off scrutiny of their outmoded, disproven propaganda about the so-called benefits of pasteurization. So in order to facilitate a dialogue about this popular and important issue, which is now at the forefront of food politics, Harvard Law School will be holding a raw milk debate on February 16, 2012 from 7:15 pm - 8:45 pm.
Help restore food freedom in Kentucky by supporting S.B. 47
(NaturalNews) Corporate agribusiness and the pharmaceutical industry are together working towards achieving a total monopoly on human health that includes restricting Americans' free access to the foods of their choice. And in an effort to restore some of this freedom that has already been lost, concerned Kentuckians are currently working to pass a new bill, S.B. 47, that will establish regulatory guidelines that prohibit government intrusion into private food contracts made between farmers and their customers.
Wisconsin farmer Vernon Hershberger summoned to yet another court hearing after being illegally detained over raw milk
(NaturalNews) After repeated visits to his farm throughout 2009 and 2010 that resulted in an unprovoked quarantine, state and county officials in Wisconsin have charged Amish farmer Vernon Hershberger with violating state retail food laws by distributing raw milk to cow owners. Hershberger was recently released from illegal captivity on $500 bond, but will soon face the court system again for criminal charges that could result in a two-and-a-half year prison sentence and more than $13,000 in fines if he is convicted.
Ron Paul stands up for raw milk and Health Freedom in New Hampshire
(NaturalNews) Ron Paul represents the polar opposite of nearly every politician in control of legislation today. Most politicians accept legal bribes (called lobbying) from the big pharmaceutical companies that lead the proliferation of prescription drugs in America, the third leading cause of death. Not only has Ron Paul introduced legislation to repeal the FDA's prohibition of interstate sales of raw milk, he consistently reminds everyone that Government should not have control over our food choices.
Heirloom Varieties With Great Flavor
Mother Earth News - If you're starting tomato seeds indoors this season, try some of these unique varieties that have undergone some serious taste-testing.
Vertical Gardening Tips
This article from the Mother Earth News Archive includes great ideas for building and using different types of trellises in your garden. By growing up, you can save space and harvest with ease.
Pet News |
FDA Silence is Telling
Truth About Pet Food - As more and more dogs are becoming sick and/or dying from Chinese imported chicken jerky treats, the FDA is stating they have found "no evidence of harmful levels of melamine or other substances". However recent information provided to me is stating something quite different. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), specifically Dr. Warren Skippon DVM of CVMA, told a pet owner that diethylene glycol "has been a suspected toxin as reported by the FDA in the United States." What's going on?
YouTube: Dog, Cat, and Rat
Thanks to the millions who have embraced this message of peace from Greg Pike and his amazing animals.
Miscellaneous |
YouTube: Ron Paul stars in 1983 Congressional Baseball Game
Ron Paul goes 2 for 3 with a double, hit by pitch, reach on catcher's interference, and 2 RBI as the starting right fielder in the 1983 Congressional Baseball Game. Dr. Paul is a legendary player in the annual Congressional Baseball Game, being the only person to ever hit a home run over the fence in the game's 50 year history.
Five lies personal growth gurus love to tell
(NaturalNews) Personal growth gurus tell some impressive lies in order to sell their products. That's right. Lies. These convenient little falsehoods are effective motivators because they play on primal human needs and emotions. Shouldn't people who promote personal growth for a living be uncommonly straightforward in their marketing? Sadly, this is far from true, even among the popular names in the field. The good news is that once you understand these, you are free to grow and develop in realistic ways.
Stupid News |
Quote of The Day: And the winner is... Bernanke!
Zero Hedge - Bernanke said Housing may no longer be viewed as secure investment. That's right. He just said that.
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