Monday is now dark outside. Feel tired tonight ... more so than usual. Been working on my Cave News blog - changing format ... so been busying doing that. Was so pleased to hear that the Global Warming scam got called out by those hackers - they deserve a prize! Think all the taxes they will be saving people by their exposing all the criminal activities of those trying to get rich off a scam - sure hope Washington wakes up.


Inhofe to call for hearing into CRU, U.N. climate change research
The Hill | Inhofe announced he would probe whether the U.N.’s IPCC “cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not.”
Corbett Report | Retired climatologist Dr. Tim Ball talks about the significance of the recently leaked emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit.
Paul JosephWatson | Hacked emails discussed manipulating data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures.US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works | Listen: Inhofe Says He Will Call for Investigation on "Climategate" on Washington Times Americas Morning Show
Complaint Policy
Sorry about the Magnetosphere News Alert I emailed out this morning .. I attached the WRONG picture - good job, huh?? NOT. Didn't notice it til just now ... and I've recycled the original picture already - the picture looked really screwier than normal.

November 23, 2009
JOHANNESBURG - Amateur astronomers are star-struck with the possibility that a meteorite might have crashed to earth somewhere in South Africa on Saturday night. Scores of eyewitnesses from Johannesburg and Pretoria claim to have seen a “bright light” streaking north of Pretoria. “We saw this big green ball of fire… it kind of came out of the sky, out of the blue,” residents told 702 Eyewitness News yesterday.
“There was a sudden flash… like an orange stripe in the sky… followed by a very bright explosion, where the sky lit up as if it was daytime,” the witness saidl
“What people saw last night (Saturday) was almost certainly a meteor,” Claire Flanagan from the Johannesburg Planetarium told wire agency Sapa yesterday. It moved over the Gauteng Province towards Limpopo… it travels very fast and was about 90km up.” Flanagan says if a bang was heard, it almost certainly meant the meteor had not made it to earth. “The speed at which it was travelling would have caused it to burn and then disintegrate,” she explained.
If the meteor had landed somewhere, it probably would not have caused a major impact.
Flanagan was unable to hazard a guess at the meteor’s approximate size, because the event was unexpected and not connected with any kind of shower. If the meteor did survive entry, Limpopo seems a likely candidate for a crash site. Amateur astronomer and spokesman for the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (Assa), Sharon Tait, says she received at least 10 reported sightings from Limpopo. Online message boards have been buzzing with the news and claims that the meteor crashed to earth anywhere from Benoni to a farm in Vanderbijlpark.
Meteors are not that uncommon, but most burn up in the atmosphere. Meteorite collector Ronnie McKenzie says meteors only survive the crucible of entering the earth’s atmosphere about twice or three times a year around the world, making the sightings “quite rare”.
November 23, 2009 - Residents from across the province witnessed what looked like a mini-comet streaking across the sky at the weekend.
“From all the accounts of eyewitnesses it has definitely exploded in the air and once it has done that it would then come to the ground in thousands of pieces,” said meteorite expert Ronnie McKenzie said.
(Keeping them in "safekeeping" via emailed News Updates -
in case my blogs get bombed out of the water AGAIN!)
Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation
HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer

National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary
Note:: If you follow this link to the main global map - scroll down to find listing of various earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
- Link:
- USGS Latest Earthquakes 2+ US and 4.5+ in (some) of the world - last 7 days
- USGS Latest Earthquakes 1+ in the US - last 7 days
- European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre
- Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Information
- Live webcams - Alaskan volcanoes
- Mount St. Helens WebCam
- The Old Faithful WebCam
List of Volcanoes of Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands
Mediterranean and W Asia | Africa and Red Sea | Middle East and Indian Ocean | New Zealand to Fiji | Melanesia and Australia | Indonesia | Philippines and SE Asia | Japan, Taiwan, Marianas | Kuril Islands | Kamchatka and Mainland Asia | Alaska | Canada and Western USA | Hawaii and Pacific Ocean | México and Central America | South America | West Indies | Iceland and Arctic Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Antarctica
African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?
Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
The Living Moon
Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World
Update time = Tue Nov 24 1:32:05 UTC 2009
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/11/24 00:21:13 | 14.335 | -92.299 | 44.1 | OFFSHORE GUATEMALA |
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/23 22:37:06 | 62.831 | -151.023 | 127.9 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/23 21:54:52 | 63.641 | -149.613 | 116.3 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/11/23 21:40:25 | 17.957 | -66.354 | 8.6 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 3.3 | 2009/11/23 21:36:25 | 63.212 | -143.562 | 4.7 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/11/23 21:12:03 | 51.441 | -176.901 | 25.4 | ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA |
MAP | 5.8 | 2009/11/23 18:36:35 | -12.600 | 166.236 | 40.9 | SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/23 14:13:35 | 17.926 | -66.332 | 8.1 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/23 12:36:03 | 64.133 | -149.440 | 0.0 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/23 11:50:43 | 18.273 | -66.160 | 78.5 | PUERTO RICO |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/11/23 09:24:45 | 19.409 | -65.678 | 11.0 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 3.4 | 2009/11/23 08:46:47 | 19.296 | -67.973 | 2.2 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION |
MAP | 4.6 | 2009/11/23 07:25:23 | 31.049 | 103.469 | 10.0 | EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/11/23 06:39:26 | 36.651 | -121.269 | 5.1 | CENTRAL CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/11/23 06:08:41 | 18.189 | -105.634 | 40.8 | OFF THE COAST OF JALISCO, MEXICO |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/11/23 05:47:12 | 35.493 | -97.230 | 5.0 | OKLAHOMA |
MAP | 4.9 | 2009/11/23 04:59:59 | 18.650 | 145.505 | 576.8 | PAGAN REGION, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/11/23 02:27:11 | 39.618 | 15.348 | 296.0 | SOUTHERN ITALY |
MAP | 4.6 | 2009/11/23 01:56:55 | 17.951 | -101.310 | 63.5 | GUERRERO, MEXICO |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/11/23 00:10:49 | 41.254 | -124.826 | 24.0 | OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map
The Anti-Obama billboard at 4855 Miller Street in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. (November 20, 2009)
WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. - Call it Freedom of Speech. A billboard recently erected in Wheat Ridge compares President Barack Obama to a terrorist and questions his U.S. citizenship.
The billboard, located at 4855 Miller Road, shows two cartoonish images of Obama wearing a Muslim turban and reads "PRESIDENT or JIHAD?"
It also says "BIRTH CERTIFICATE - PROVE IT!" alluding to the conspiracy theory which claims Barack Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii, which would disqualify him for the office of President.
The words "WAKE UP AMERICA! REMEMBER FT. HOOD!" appear on the bottom of the billboard.
The sign belongs to a car dealership.
"Since Fort Hood, I've had it," owner Phil West told FOX 31 News Friday. "You can't suggest things. You can't profile. You gotta call a spade a spade."
"Everything I have read about Mr. Obama points right to the fact that he is a Muslim. And that is the agenda of what Muslim is all about. It's about anti-American, it's about anti-Christianity," West said.
The Anti-Defamation League condemned the sign, as did AM760 radio host David Sirota, who discussed the sign and interviewed West on his program Friday morning.
"It's out of control," Sirota said. "This conservative hatred of Barack Obama is out of contol, and this brings together all those strands of it: the racism, the anti-Muslim fervor. It's one thing to criticise the president on health care, or Wall Street reform, or immigration. But this is outrageous. And I think it's a fair question to ask why these questions about religion and ancestry are being directed so viciously at the first African-American President of the United States."
While the ADL issued a statement calling the billboard an exploitation of the Ft. Hood shootings that is "divisive and offensive, and perpetuates hateful and harmful stereotypes about Muslims", prominent conservatives have been silent thus far.
"That could suggest that conservative leaders are afraid to confront the extreme fringe of their base," Sirota said. "Or it suggests they actually condone this message. Either way, it's disturbing."
Sirota is an unabashed liberal, but not all self-identified conservatives who drove past the sign Friday disagree with him.
"I'm not concerned with that at all," said Linda Alexander, of Golden, in regard to the dispute over President Obama's American citizenship. "He was elected, he's the president -- that's it, as far as I'm concerned. Some people just can't accept that, obviously."
But Keith Walters, another passing driver, saw nothing wrong with the billboard.
"I can't honestly say he's a Jihadist, but there's a lot of things that are questionable," Walters said. "The whole birth certificate controversy. From what I've read, there's no proof Obama isn't a Muslim. And I don't believe there's any racism [in the billboard]. I think that should be a question asked to any president who -- they have some questionable backgrounds."
Supporters of the birth certificate theory, known as 'Birthers,' believe the Certification of Live Birth produced by the state of Hawaii is a forgery. ( view the birth certificate),0,2612065.story
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database
Rough Politics
How about living in the Philippines? 30 abducted to keep them from nominating a political rival and 21-shot dead as a result.
Whenever a news story like this appears and seems to be an outlier, I always ask "Are they going to become civilized and do it a civilized manner with electronic voting machines and huge special interest checks like us, or are our politics going to devolve in that kind of direction?"
Mexican Families Begin Sending Money to Relatives in U.S.
ALL GOV - Everything Our Government Really Does
Mexico is expected to lose more than 700,000 jobs this year due to a slumping economy that may decline as much as 7.5%. Almost half of the country’s population lives in poverty, and yet, it is managing to reverse a trend of money that has traditionally flowed from north (the United States) to south.While no statistics are yet available, plenty of anecdotal information suggests an increasing number of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. are now receiving money from relatives in Mexico, instead of sending it. Unemployment is so bad in migrant communities in the U.S. Southwest that some families south of the border are hurting less than those they know in the United States, causing them to wire whatever money they can.“It’s something that’s surprising, a symptom of the economic crisis,” Martín Zuvire Lucas, who heads a network of community banks in Oaxaca and other underserved Mexican states, told The New York Times. “We haven’t been able to measure it but we hear of more cases where money is going north.”Officials at one small bank in Chiapas say they have noticed more money going towards the U.S. and less from it, which historically hasn’t been the case.
By Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret. | The Devil's Circus
November 23, 2009 - Barack Obama makes no pretense of governing within the lawful constraints of the Constitution, and neither did his predecessor, George W. Bush. In their eyes the Constitution is just a piece of paper, a malleable document of no intrinsic value that can, and should, be manipulated to suit despotic whims. The vindictive socialist liberals who were so outraged by the Bush administration’s dismantling of Constitutional guarantees are now adoringly and permissively embracing and accepting the policies of the Obama administration that far exceed the impropriety and unlawfulness of those of the........
Beware of a false flag attack on the US by the US to justify "defensive" war ... false flag attack is a military term that describes a nation attacking itself disguised as an attack coming from another nation. The purpose of a false flag attack is propaganda for public support for war. The best known historical example is Nazi Germany’s attack on Poland under Operation Himmler.
If US “leadership” is committed to war with Iran, a predictable strategy is false flag. This would involve a US target being attacked, US lives lost, outraged political rhetoric, media propaganda, and a “defensive” US military action.Former National Security Advisor and founding member of the Trilateral Commission Zbigniew Brzezinski warned the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2007 that this is possible to begin war with Iran. He described a "plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran," which would include "some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US blamed on Iran, culminating in a ‘defensive’ US military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”
The Council on Foreign Relations repeated this warning in 2007. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh described in 2008 plans then Vice President Dick Cheney considered for a false flag attack to justify US attack upon Iran. The planning of such a War of Aggression is a Crime Against Peace under the London Charter and also illegal by the UN Charter.
Below in the 4-minute video, Seymour Hersh explains Cheney’s plans, Keith Olbermann’s 1-minute take on that information, and a 10-minute clip of Alex Jones giving history and context.
I’ve previously documented the two principle fears some Americans espouse with Iran and threaten war to prove beyond doubt they are without basis in fact:
- Iran’s nuclear energy program is in compliance with international treaty, fully inspected with all evidence showing energy-use only, and all US intelligence agencies in agreement of zero evident threat of nuclear weapon production. The US is out of compliance by refusing to help Iran achieve nuclear energy and accept inspections to ensure safety.
- Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s statements toward Israel have been contrived by US political “leaders” from both parties and the corporate media as a threat when the text and context of the speech clearly and verifiably show only interest in an Israeli government that respects the rights of Palestinians. This means Americans are being lied to from their political leadership and media, just as we were lied to about Iraq. Please let that sink in.
Please verify these two facts to your satisfaction. I’ve also documented that the US overthrew Iran’s democracy from 1953 until 1979; denied by the US government until 2000, but now conservative and unchallenged history. The US aided Iraq’s invasion of Iran from 1980 to 1988, supplying chemical and biological weapons to kill Iranians defending their nation, and USmilitary attacked and destroyed Iranian oil platforms and a commercial airliner. I've also written the facts in a story as if the US were in Iran's position.
from the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Project on Government Secrecy
Volume 2009, Issue No. 93
A new report (pdf) from the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence describes Iran's naval order of battle, as well as the Iranian Navy's history, strategic options, and favored tactics.
"Today, Iran's naval forces protect Iranian waters and natural resources, especially Iran's petroleum-related assets and industries. Iranian maritime security operations guard against the smuggling of illegal goods (especially drugs) and immigrants, and protect against the poaching and stealing of fish in territorial waters."
"Additionally, Iran uses its naval forces for political ends such as naval diplomacy and strategic messaging. Most of all, Iranian naval forces are equipped to defend against perceived external threats. Public statements by Iranian leaders indicate that they would consider closing or controlling the Strait of Hormuz if provoked, thereby cutting off almost 30 percent of the world's oil supply."
The unclassified U.S. intelligence assessment was published on the Office of Naval Intelligence website, but last week it was abruptly withdrawn, along with another ONI report on China's navy. A copy of the report was obtained by Secrecy News. See "Iran's Naval Forces: From Guerilla (sic) Warfare to a Modern Naval Strategy,"
Russia Today | US public demands a Fed audit
23 November, 2009, 10:15
Protesters gathered in New York on Sunday demanding accountability and transparency of the Federal Reserve Bank and joining what seems to be a nation-wide movement that calls for an audit of the Federal Reserve System.
Those present at the rally expressed concerns about the secrecy with which the Bank operates.
“I don’t know what they’re doing and that’s the whole point. They can be doing their job very well. They could be doing it very poorly. We just don’t know and we have the right to know,” said Anthony Lombard at the Campaign for Liberty.
Flocking in Wall Street, the protestors vehemently urged for legislation that would facilitate independent auditing of the Bank, a process it has never undergone before.
The 96-year old Bank is one of the most powerful players in the US financial system, tasked with overseeing interest rates, currency and the allocation of bank bailout funds. But while all Americans are subject to meticulous tax scrutiny, the Bank seems to remain exempt from such a practice.
“They’re in secrecy, just like JFK and Eisenhower said. You have to be aware of these secret societies,” one onlooker noted, referring to President John F. Kennedy’s admonition of the dangers of secret societies during a 1961 address to the American Newspaper Publishers Association.
Following the tumult of the past year, which wreaked havoc on the financial stability of the US, Americans are now attempting to assert their prerogative for reliability and accountability.
Distrust for the system is thus deepening. “Just because it has a pretty little logo that looks real patriotic with an eagle, and it calls itself the Federal Reserve, really means nothing. We don’t control it. We have nothing to do with it,” says Jason Hulhan, a former banker.
Fed under fire as public anger mounts...
Right now off of China View (English)
Drug prices hiked ahead of US health reforms
Lincoln, Nebraska
You All have a good Monday night! Talk at you later .........

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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