If you think you are going to get a head start on Black Friday, think again. There's already at least one person in line at Best Buy at 48th street, and he's been in line since Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Over a year ago I was emailing out the link to educate on the way Argentina was taken down financially by multinational banks and corrupt government - and was accused of being a chicken little talking about the sky falling down. Today, economists are using the term DOLLAR COLLAPSE.
The Dollar Bubble YouTube video link:
Argentina's Economic Collapse YouTube video link:
This Saturday morning's Financial News:
Financial Times, Retailers Report Strong "Black Friday" Crowds
Reuters, Pimco: Dubai Triggers "Overdue" Correction
Calculated Risk, Unofficial Problem Bank List Increases Significantly
LA Times, Americans Boosting Investments in Foreign Markets Despit
e High Risks
Gold Versus Paper, Bearish Visions
Finance Yahoo, Food Banks Nationwide Report More 1st Timers
San Francisco Chronicle, IRS says Schwarzenegger owes $79000
Russia train crash 'caused by bomb'
BBC News - November 28, 2009
A bomb blast caused the derailment of a Russian express train, killing at least 26 people, intelligence officials say. The Nevsky Express derailed in remote countryside on Friday night as the train traveled between the capital Moscow and St Petersburg ...
US outrage over Citi loan to Dubai
The US public will be “outraged” by Citibank’s $8 billion loan to Dubai just six weeks after the bank was bailed out, US House of Representatives domestic policy subcommittee chair-man has said. Dennis Kucinich commented on the Dubai loan and other US banking investments as a congressional panel released a report that strongly questioned Citibank’s actions. The report, shown to 7DAYS, cites the Dubai loan as the largest of the “questionable transactions” by banks after the US government bailed them out. It notes that the loan to Dubai’s public sector came on December 14, just six weeks after the US government gave Citibank a $25 billion bail-out.
The report quotes Win Bischoof, then chairman of Citi, as saying the bank agreed to the Dubai loan because “we continue to place the Gulf region among our globally most significant markets”. The report also questions JP Morgan’s $1 billion investment in India and Bank of America’s $7 billion investment in China. “When the American people find that their tax dollars, which were supposed to be used to get us out of this financial crisis, are instead being used to ship jobs and investments overseas, there will be outrage,” Kucinich said. The report notes the loans were not illegal and that it is not known if they were directly funded by bail-out funds. A Citibank official was quoted at the time as saying the $8 billion came from the bank’s own funds and third party sources. The report was released as the committee prepares to question banking chiefs about their use of bail-out funds.
Source: http://www.7days.ae/storydetails.php?id=75035&title=US+outrage+over+Citi+loan
The collapse of the Dubai economy continues
While it may only have started a couple of days ago, the situation in Dubai is worse than ever with the ruling family now looking at selling a number of prized assets to try and pay down the rumoured $80 billion in debt which is dragging the economy down. What started as a request for a suspension of debt repayments has quickly developed into the possible default by a government in what is one of the investment hot spots of the world.
While the $80 billion at stake is a significant amount of money it is more the confidence factor which is starting to weigh down on worldwide stock markets which were initially down again today for the second day running. Investors, credit rating agencies and other financial related groups are now looking more closely at the finances and the trading of an array of companies around the world. If this can happen to one of the richest families in the world, are there any other countries around the world which are at risk?
Even though Dubai is slightly different from most developed countries, it is the significant amount of money which has been ploughed into the economy by the ruling family and overseas investors which is causing concern. Is this the start of a domino effect which could bring in to play an array of different governments and countries around the world?
In Spring Hill neighborhood with sinkholes, woman flees home
November 28, 2009
Buckling floor tiles on Friday prompted a woman to flee her home, located in an area known for sinkhole activity.
Spring Hill Fire Rescue responded about noon after Veronica Pereria called to report that an area in the living room of her home on Canfield Drive had started to sink.
Firefighters found that some tiles in an area about 4 feet in diameter had dropped about 6 to 8 inches and others had lifted, said Alex Lopez, acting district chief.
"Nothing really significant, but it's obvious something's going on under the house," Lopez said.
Firefighters found no other obvious structural damage or visible sinking, Lopez said. County building officials are expected to inspect the small, block ranch home Monday, and Pereria is staying with friends or family, Lopez said. She could not be reached Friday.
The home, east of Mariner Boulevard and just south of Marysville Street, is in the area where more than 30 sinkholes were reported on one day in July 2001. The largest hole measured 60 feet across and 80 feet deep, while another partly dropped a home on Marysville into the ground.
Source: http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/article1054859.ece
Fireballs spotted in Edmonton sky
Twice in as many mornings this week early birds have reported fiery objects in the atmosphere above Edmonton
EDMONTON November 27, 2009 — Ah to be an early riser: first to the paper, first to the coffee, and, of course, first to the occasional fireball scorching through the sky.
On Thursday at about 7:15 a.m., a fireball was spotted traveling low along the horizon from the northeast to the east, according to the Telus World of Science. The next day, on Friday, a second was eyed in the west at about 5:50 a.m.
The reports come just over a year after a spectacular meteor lit up Edmonton’s skies as it disintegrated in the atmosphere on Nov. 20, 2008.
Parts of that celestial missile crashed into the earth and were found in fields near Buzzard Coulee, Sask., just south of Lloydminster. But the remaining chunks of these most recent meteors will be much harder to find, said Francis Florian, the director of public programming at the World of Science.
The Buzzard Coulee meteor was seen by hundreds of people and burst through the atmosphere at a steep angle, limiting the area of search.
“The one seen yesterday morning seemed to be coming in at a much shallower angle,” Florian said. That means it’s less likely to have made it through the atmosphere at all.
”If it did peter out and it did make it down to the earth, the areas of search would be much greater ... maybe even hundreds of kilometres.”
Anyone who saw the meteor is asked to make a formal report to the Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre at the University of Calgary. The more reports they get, the better chance they have of finding out if and where any meteorites will be found.
Space.com | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military
International Space Station
The ISS is an International program in creating an International Space Station. Eventually the ISS may be privatized.
What is the International Space Station?
It is the largest space project to date. It is a joint a collaboration of 16 countries: United States (NASA), Russia (Russian Federal Space Agency - formerly Rosaviakosmos), Brazil, Canada (Canadian Space Agency), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the European Space Agency. ESA members involved are Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Earthquakes up in central Oklahoma
Scientists aren't sure what's causing the increase in earthquakes in Oklahoma
Lawton/Wichita Falls Kansas
Associated Press - November 27, 2009 4:15 PM ET
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - The Oklahoma Geological Survey says the number of earthquakes in Oklahoma County that have been strong enough to be felt is above average this year.
More than twice as many earthquakes were felt in the county this year than are normally felt in all of Oklahoma.
The biggest quake in Oklahoma this year measured 3.7 on the Richter scale and struck Aug. 28 in eastern Oklahoma County, near where three temblors have been recorded this month.
That quake is far in intensity from the last deadly earthquake in the United States, which killed two people in December 2003. The U.S. Geological Survey says that quake measured 6.6 and was centered near Paso Robles, Calif.
Information from: The Oklahoman, http://www.newsok.co
Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World
Update time = Sat Nov 28 15:00:04 UTC 2009
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 4.4 | 2009/11/28 12:36:49 | -10.738 | 118.710 | 35.0 | SOUTH OF SUMBAWA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/28 12:19:26 | 35.969 | -120.534 | 5.0 | CENTRAL CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 4.6 | 2009/11/28 11:53:36 | -10.671 | 118.729 | 35.4 | SOUTH OF SUMBAWA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/11/28 10:45:49 | 31.369 | 130.426 | 162.8 | KYUSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 6.1 | 2009/11/28 09:21:15 | -29.285 | -177.021 | 10.0 | KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/11/28 09:18:43 | 40.359 | -124.458 | 17.7 | OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 4.8 | 2009/11/28 08:18:36 | 15.046 | -59.637 | 36.7 | EAST OF MARTINIQUE, WINDWARD ISLANDS |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/11/28 08:12:12 | 60.231 | -150.782 | 62.0 | KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/28 07:48:52 | 60.725 | -151.416 | 64.5 | KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA |
MAP | 3.4 | 2009/11/28 06:52:18 | 19.543 | -66.265 | 45.3 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/11/28 06:49:35 | 59.919 | -153.485 | 151.4 | SOUTHERN ALASKA |
MAP | 5.9 | 2009/11/28 06:04:25 | -10.469 | 118.921 | 35.0 | SOUTH OF SUMBAWA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/28 05:06:50 | 36.195 | -117.169 | 0.1 | CENTRAL CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/11/28 05:06:07 | -15.625 | -74.927 | 21.9 | NEAR THE COAST OF SOUTHERN PERU |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/11/28 04:35:39 | -15.636 | -74.916 | 52.6 | NEAR THE COAST OF SOUTHERN PERU |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/11/28 04:25:04 | -10.627 | 118.814 | 35.0 | SOUTH OF SUMBAWA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/11/28 01:42:06 | 14.243 | -92.357 | 48.8 | OFFSHORE GUATEMALA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/28 01:32:27 | 34.009 | -116.891 | 10.3 | SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/11/28 00:04:36 | -10.517 | 118.955 | 37.0 | SOUTH OF SUMBAWA, INDONESIA |
AP | Caribbean island Montserrat's volcano Soufriere Hills shivers, hurls rocks, gases

Volcano observatory director Paul Cole says a small pyroclastic flow nearly reached the ocean as Soufriere Hills shed part of its old dome this week.
He said Friday that ash fell on parts of Olveston and Old Town.
Tremors also shook the volcano as it began emitting lava closer to the summit.
The volcano became active in 1995 and killed 19 people when it erupted two years later. It buried much of the British territory and forced about half its 12,000 inhabitants to leave.
Soufriere Hills has shot several plumes of ash in recent months.
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary
Soufriere Hills | Montserrat | 1600-05= | Stratovolcano | Read | Eruption | Alert Level 3 |
Volcano ID: | 1600-05= |
Name: | Soufri�re Hills |
Country: | Montserrat |
Location: | Caribbean Area |
Type: | Stratovolcano |
Status: | Historical |
Elevation: | 915 metre |
Last eruption: | 2008 |
Alert Status: | AlertLevel3, Eruption |
The complex, dominantly Soufrire Hills volcano occupies the southern half of the island of Montserrat.
The summit area consists primarily of a series of lava domes emplaced along an ESE-trending zone. English's Crater, a 1-km-wide crater breached widely to the east, was formed during an eruption about 4000 years ago in which the summit collapsed, producing a large submarine debris avalanche. Block-and-ash flow and surge deposits associated with dome growth predominate in flank deposits at Soufrire Hills.
Non-eruptive seismic swarms occurred at 30-year intervals in the 20th century, but with the exception of a 17th-century eruption that produced the Castle Peak lava dome, no historical eruptions were recorded on Montserrat until 1995. Long-term small-to-moderate ash eruptions beginning in that year were later accompanied by lava-dome growth and pyroclastic flows that forced evacuation of the southern half of the island and ultimately destroyed the capital city of Plymouth, causing major social and economic disruption.
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map
NuclearStreet.com | Mike Fox: The Final Collapse of the Global Warming Myth
If this scandal of November 20, 2009 continues in the horrendous path it’s taken, it should be the end of the man-made CO2 global warming hypothesis. Beyond the warmers inability to prove their simple hypothesis after more than 20 years and $80 billion dollars, has been their collective bullying behavior patterns. This bullying has been so outrageous and out of character of honest scientists, that it is as offensive as it is noticeable. This behavior suggested to me that this group of people were being less than honorable in their conduct of their work.
In a speech last Spring in New York by John Sununu I was reminded that the climate warming leaders were high paid bullies who determined who got funded (the recipients of those $89 Billion), and who didn't, who got published and who didn't, and who got the acclaim, and who didn't. Much of this is now confirmed in the released emails from Hadley/CRU.
The release of 62 Mbytes of the climate research data from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia in computer files has been momentous, almost unique in human history (http://tinyurl.com/yha4lxn). During the 24 hours following the release of these 62 Mbytes of documents, emails, letters, and reports, all became public knowledge around the world and thousands are pouring over the contents......
Global Warming Models: 'Out of Order'?
November 27, 2009 - Last week, e-mails from prominent AGW (Anthrogenic Global Warming) scientists were hacked and posted on a Russian website. They showed attempts to misuse data and keep critics out of peer-reviewed journals. But the most clear statement in all in these e-mails was not dishonest, nor was it arrogant. It was simply pathetic:
The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't.
In other words, the world is not warming despite continuing emissions of CO2. Their man-made global warming models that seemed to be working so well during the 20th Century are no longer working.
Fortunately, for the scientific world, a new theory has been emerging that has been making correct predictions of climate. As the young field of cosmoclimatology has been explaining, solar activity tends to cause warming partly by blocking out cosmic rays that cause the low-level clouds to form that would reflect solar energy back into space.
According to astrophysicist Nir Shaviv and geophysicist Jan Veizer, periodic changes in cosmic ray influx as the result of the solar system's movement through the galaxy caused periodic swings in the earth's climate between greenhouse and ice ages over the last 540 million years.
According to the research of Willy Soon and Steven Yaskell (authors of Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun–Earth Connection), low solar activity probably caused the Little Ice Age (1645-1715). Former Harvard professor Soon explains the current cooling period as caused by reduced solar activity.
But the AGW scientists had to minimize the power of solar activity or their entire explanatory fabric would fall apart. The 20th Century, the century during which their models worked, was one in which solar activity, man-made CO2 emissions, and temperatures were all rising at the same time. If solar activity was the cause of the rising temperatures, then it could be that CO2 makes little difference.
Source: http://seekingalpha.com/article/175575-global-warming-models-out-of-order
From Drudge Report:
- Climategate e-mails sweep America...
Pretending climate email leak isn't crisis won't make it go away...
Impression left is global warming game has been rigged from start...
AUSTRALIA: Five MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax...
Gore: Time up for any short-term thinking...
Expiring insurance subsidy imperils laid-off Americans

New Jersey stares down a growing budget deficit
Philadelphia Inquirer
... Jersey among the states barreling toward economic disaster, raising the likelihood of higher taxes, more government layoffs and deep cuts in services. ...
Kentucky GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul tells opponent to 'learn how to read'
Rand Paul (Ron Paul's son)
During a heated forum for U.S. Senate candidates Thursday at a Kentucky Association of Counties conference, Republicans Trey Grayson and Rand Paul exchanged sharp words on the issue of Guantanamo Bay, and at one point, Paul, the son of Republican U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, responded that Grayson should learn how to read.
NewsWithViews.com | Headlines - November 28, 2009
For the average patient everything became less affordable. And now we have the stimulus package. Chambers of Commerce all over the country and the world are in on the action. While conservatives are howling about Acorn receiving stimulus funds, few look to the Chamber of Commerce that was a most important active promoter of stimulus legislation and a big beneficiary.Social meddlers like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have a tremendous advantage over We the People because........
by Erica Carle
Blacksmiths, Barbers and Dentists
Typically, finding a clinic that offers safe amalgam removal is more difficult and you may have to travel some distance. Be thorough when finding a proper clinic – removing mercury fillings improperly can be more dangerous than leaving them in your mouth. The clinic must offer a complete detoxification program before and after the procedure. And many precautions should be in place to avoid mercury from accumulating in the air........
by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
Pan Am 103: what really happened?
Even after over twenty years the enigma of the Lockerbie Disaster haunts the planet. The disaster has claimed many victims after the event too. The families of the 270 killed still have not got closure as the truth of what happened to the plane is still hidden. Governments of all political colors both sides of the Atlantic seem to be unwilling to let the public in on what they know and have known for decades. Many ask why this silence? Others seek closure in accepting the script as per Kamp Zeist and the compensation paid by Libya, not because it accepted any guilt, but rather to get back into the money club......
by Stewart Nicol
Signed In Blood: 2002 Blair-Bush Texas meeting sealed Iraq fate 27 Nov 2009 Saddam Hussein's fate as Iraqi leader was sealed at a secret meeting between Tony Blair and George Bush in 2002, it was claimed yesterday. The former Prime Minister allegedly "signed in blood" Britain's support for an attack on Baghdad when he got together with the US president [sic] at his Texas ranch. And Mr Blair deliberately linked Saddam to al-Qaeda in a bid to strengthen the case to topple Saddam, despite there being no evidence, the Iraq War inquiry heard. Former British Ambassador to the US Sir Christopher Meyer told the hearing the PM suddenly appeared to agree to the case for a regime change in Iraq after his Bush meeting. Talking about the meeting with Mr Bush, Sir Christopher said: "To this day I am not entirely clear what degree of convergence was, if you like, signed in blood at the Crawford ranch."
'Scrabbling for the smoking gun' Chilcot inquiry: Tony Blair decided on Iraq war a year before invasion - envoy 26 Nov 2009 Tony Blair's government decided up to a year before the Iraq invasion that it was "a complete waste of time" to resist the US drive to oust Saddam Hussein, opting instead to offer advice on how it should be done, the former British ambassador to Washington said today. Sir Christopher Meyer, testifying to the Chilcot inquiry into Britain's role in the war, made it clear that once the Bush administration decided to take military action, the Blair government never considered opting out or opposing it... British officials were left "scrabbling for the smoking gun" – evidence for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction – as preparations continued... The message from Downing Street was that the 11 September attacks and the subsequent US determination to oust Saddam were established facts, "and it was a complete waste of time … if we were going to work with the Americans, to come to them and bang away about regime change and say: 'We can't support it'."
Iraq: The inquiry cover-up that will keep us in the dark 26 Nov 2009 Gordon Brown was accused of strangling the inquiry into the Iraq war at birth yesterday by refusing to let it make public sensitive documents that shed light on the conflict. A previously undisclosed agreement between Sir John Chilcot's inquiry and the Government gives Whitehall the final say on what information the investigation can release into the public domain. Mr Brown, who initially wanted the inquiry held in private, was forced to climb down earlier this year after an outcry and promised that most of its sessions would be heard in public. He said information would be withheld only when it would compromise national security. However, a protocol agreed by the inquiry and the Government includes nine wide-ranging reasons under which Whitehall departments can refuse to publish documents disclosed to the investigation.
6 family members killed in Iraq 25 Nov 2009 [Blackwater] Assailants broke into a house and killed six family members before dawn Wednesday in an area north of Baghdad that was 'once a stronghold of al-Qaida in Iraq,' Iraqi officials said. The dead included a couple and two daughters, and two brothers of the husband, according to a police officer in Tarmiyah, 30 miles (50 kilometers) north of the capital. The throats of two women were slit, while the other four people were shot execution-style; two of the couple's other children were not harmed.
Former top official 'can't say' if Afghans tortured 26 Nov 2009 There is "no evidence" Canadian detainees transferred to Afghan jails were tortured, but Canada didn’t monitor them during 2006 and part of 2007 and reports of prison abuse were common, a senior diplomat told a committee of MPs Thursday. Under intense questioning by opposition MPs, David Mulroney said he couldn’t guarantee that no detainee transferred by Canadians had been mistreated. Nor could he say with complete certainty that an Afghan prisoner who described to Canadian diplomats how he had been tortured, whipped with cables and shocked with electricity, had not been handed over by Canadians to Afghan authorities. "I can’t say whether he was or wasn’t," Mulroney said.
Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan: Germany's Top Soldier Resigns over Air Strike Accusations 26 Nov 2009 Germany's highest-ranking soldier has resigned over allegations that the Defense Ministry did not come clean about civilians killed in a recent air strike [war crime] in Afghanistan. Former Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung is also under pressure to resign. Germany's highest ranking soldier has resigned in response to allegations that the German Defense Ministry concealed information about civilian casualties sustained during an air strike in Afghanistan. Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg told the German parliament, the Bundestag, on Thursday morning that Bundeswehr Inspector General Wolfgang Schneiderhan, the highest-ranking officer in Germany's armed forces, had asked to be relieved of his official duties. Guttenberg said that Peter Wichert, a state secretary in the Defense Ministry, would also resign.
Contractor helicopter missing in Afghanistan 25 Nov 2009 A helicopter belonging to an international military contractor has disappeared in Afghanistan, officials said Thursday. The Supreme Global Service Solutions helicopter has been missing since late Tuesday, said NATO spokesman Maj. Steven Coll. Supreme provides food and logistics services to military bases across Afghanistan.
Leader: Occupiers, root of terrorism 26 Nov 2009 In a message to the pilgrims of the holy mosque in Mecca, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution warns of forces that are sponsoring terrorism in the region. "Occupiers… organize and mastermind violent sectarian terrorism among regional nations," Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said in his message. "The Middle East and North Africa were once colonized and humiliated for more than a century by the Western governments of Britain and France and subsequently by America; their natural reserves were plundered, their free spirit was trodden upon and their nations were taken hostage," the Leader added.
The US 'is supporting dictatorship.' [It usually does.] Zelaya slams US over supporting coup regime 26 Nov 2009 Ousted Honduran president Manuel Zelaya has slammed the US for supporting Sunday's presidential elections, saying that the US is supporting a coup-perpetrating regime. "The United States is not just supporting the elections but it is supporting the de facto regime, it is supporting the dictatorship, it is supporting the coup-perpetrating regime," Zelaya said in a telephone interview published on Thursday by the Brazilian website UOL.
Washington endorses gunpoint election in Honduras By Bill Van Auken 27 Nov 2009 The Obama administration has declared its support for elections being held this Sunday in Honduras, under conditions in which the regime that came to power in a coup last June has refused to cede power and is preparing intense repression against those who oppose it. The action has placed Washington at odds with virtually all of Latin America, whose governments have refused to recognize the elections as legitimate.
Arroyo's ally to be charged over massacre 27 Nov 2009 Andal Ampatuan Jnr, the member of a powerful pro-government clan suspected of involvement in the massacre of 57 people in an election caravan in the southern Philippines earlier this week, will be charged with murder today, the Philippines' chief prosecutor said yesterday. Mr Ampatuan turned himself in amid mounting pressure on 'President' Gloria Arroyo to crack down on lawlessness and warlords.
Ousted Minot AFB commander Westa to retire 25 Nov 2009 Col. Joel Westa, the former 5th Bomb Wing commander fired Oct. 30, retired Monday rather than accept an assignment to Global Strike Command. Westa was chosen to turn around the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., after airmen from the wing mistakenly loaded six nuclear warheads aboard a B-52 two years ago. Maj. Gen. Floyd Carpenter, 8th Air Force commander, arrived unannounced to Minot and fired Westa after the wing failed its second nuclear inspection under Westa’s command.
Canada, U.S. to audit air-attack preparedness 25 Nov 2009 Canada and the U.S. will review their air defence capabilities to make sure the right amount of planes and crews are in place to protect North American cities from terrorist attacks. The review by the North American Aerospace Defence Command, the joint U.S.-Canadian alliance, is expected by next spring. Norad will look at the various threats, including the possibility that terrorists could hijack aircraft and fly those into critical infrastructure, such as a power plant or communications centres.
CBC News: The Unofficial Story (Documentary) 27 Nov 2009 On September 11, 2001 the world watched in shock and disbelief as planes flew in to New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington, and Americans realized they were under attack. But by whom? What really happened? In The Unofficial Story, the fifth estate’s Bob McKeown introduces us to people who believe the real force behind the attacks was not Osama Bin Laden, but the U.S. government itself... You’ll meet Richard Gage, an American architect, explains how the WTC twin towers and the lesser known 'Tower #7' could only have crumbled as they did due to explosive charges placed inside the buildings.
ABA Backs Federal Court Trials of Alleged 9/11 Plotters 25 Nov 2009 The president of the American Bar Association sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. today praising the decision to pursue federal court prosecutions of five Guantanamo detainees with [very] alleged ties to the 9/11 attacks. The Nov. 25 letter, signed by ABA President Carolyn Lamm, comes after Holder became the target of criticism from conservative politicians for his decision to try alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the others in New York.
Egads! Confidential 9/11 Pager Messages Disclosed By Declan McCullagh 25 Nov 2009 As the World Trade Center and Pentagon were ablaze on September 11, 2001, the U.S. Secret Service's presidential protective detail was informed that a "Korean airliner has been hijacked" en route to San Francisco, prompting already-skittish agents to worry about another wave of terrorist attacks... This unusual glimpse into the events of 9/11 comes from messages sent to alphanumeric pagers that were anonymously published on the Internet on Wednesday. The pager transcripts, which total about 573,000 lines and 6.4 million words, include numeric and text messages also sent to private sector and unclassified military pagers.
'The concept has evolved to include a broader 'all crimes, all hazards' approach.' Vegas fusion center fights terrorism, street crime 26 Nov 2009 When a tip arrived about a threat of violence at a southern Nevada high school football game, a Clark County School District police officer helped plan a response. When a Colorado man was arrested on terrorism charges, a Department of Homeland Security analyst probed whether he had Las Vegas ties. Though the two cases are very different, the officials who worked them were in the same cubicle-filled room at the Southern Nevada Counterterrorism Center. Open for more than two years, the Las Vegas "fusion" center is battling terrorism and street crime.
Heads up! Baxter hopes to build U.S. cell-based vaccine manufacturing plant --Facility would be used to make flu, pandemic vaccines 26 Nov 2009 (IL) Deerfield-based Baxter International Inc. says it is looking into building a cell-based vaccine manufacturing plant in the U.S. to produce seasonal and pandemic flu vaccines. The company won't say when a plant could be built because the timing would depend on the outcome of a government-funded clinical trial of its seasonal product, which is in its final stages. [See: Baxter working on vaccine to stop swine flu, though admitted sending live pandemic flu viruses to subcontractor By Lori Price 26 Apr 2009.]
Swine flu linked to serious respiratory disease 26 Nov 2009 Federal officials said Wednesday that they have noticed "a worrisome spike in serious pneumococcal disease" linked to pandemic H1N1 influenza. Health authorities normally see an increase in such infections associated with seasonal flu, but this year the rate is substantially higher than normal and striking younger people rather than the elderly, according to Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.
Sharp increase in swine flu deaths in France 26 Nov 2009 The number of deaths in mainland France from the H1N1 swine flu virus jumped in the last week, according to official data Thursday. The toll rose to 68 deaths as of November 22, with 22 new deaths last week. Six of the 68 victims had no underlying health problems, the country's health monitoring institute said.
Dubai in deep water as ripples from debt crisis spread 27 Nov 2009 Fears of a dangerous new phase in the economic crisis swept around the globe yesterday as traders responded to the shock announcement that a debt-laden Dubai state corporation was unable to meet its interest bill. Shares plunged, weak currencies were battered and more than £14 billion was wiped from the value of British banks on fears that they would be left nursing new losses.
IMF warns second bailout would 'threaten democracy' 23 Nov 2009 The public will not bail out the financial services sector for a second time if another global crisis blows up in four or five years time, the managing-director of the International Monetary Fund warned this morning. Dominique Strauss-Kahn told the CBI annual conference of business leaders that another huge call on public finances by the financial services sector would not be tolerated by the "man in the street" and could even threaten democracy.
Bush advisers on White House visit list [Visitors? I think they're tenants.] 25 Nov 2009 The White House released a new batch of visitor log records Wednesday, disclosing an additional 1,615 visits to the executive mansion. The list includes some surprising names, including a slew of corporate chieftains and even a couple of high-ranking former Republican officials. The White House, which spent much of the year developing and pushing for reforms in Wall Street regulation, welcomed several high-profile Wall Street and corporate figures, the new records show.
Because China did *such* a terrific job with the drywall, powdered milk and pet food: China State Construction nets $100m US subway deal 24 Nov 2009 China State Construction Engineering Corp, the largest contractor in China, has bagged a subway ventilation project worth about $100 million in New York's Manhattan area, marking the construction giant's third order in the United States' infrastructure space this year. The contract was given to China Construction American Co, a subsidiary, the Wall Street Journal quoted a source as saying. "The new project, along with the $410-million Hamilton Bridge project and a $1.7-billion entertainment project it won earlier this year, signals China State Construction's ambition to tap the American construction market," said Li Zhirui, an industry analyst at First Capital Securities. [Thanks, Bloomberg!]
Dealing with the bank was 'like dealing with organized crime.' [It usually is.] Judge blasts bad bank, erases 525G debt 25 Nov 2009 A Long Island couple is home free after an outraged judge gave them an amazing Thanksgiving present -- canceling their debt to ruthless bankers trying to toss them out on the street. Suffolk Judge Jeffrey Spinner wiped out $525,000 in mortgage payments demanded by a California bank, blasting its "harsh, repugnant, shocking and repulsive" acts. The bombshell decision leaves Diane Yano-Horoski and her husband, Greg Horoski, owing absolutely no money on their ranch house in East Patchogue. Spinner pulled no punches as he smacked down the bankers at OneWest -- who took an $814.2 million federal bailout but have a record of coldbloodedly foreclosing on any homeowner owing money... The bank is involved in a similar case in California, where it's trying to foreclose on an 89-year-old woman, despite two court orders telling it to stop.
State dinner crashers spur White House security probe 27 Nov 2009 The Secret Service has launched a "comprehensive investigation" of its security measures after two aspiring reality-TV stars [Michaele and Tareq Salahi] crashed President Barack Obama's state dinner at the White House this week. An administration official said the gate-crashing incident was apparently a breakdown in Secret Service screening and not the work of the White House social office.
Couple slips though security to crash state dinner 25 Nov 2009 Crashing a state dinner at the White House apparently takes a security breakdown as well as some kind of nerve. The Secret Service is looking into its own security procedures after determining that a Virginia couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, managed to slip into Tuesday night's state dinner at the White House even though they were not on the guest list, agency spokesman Ed Donovan said.
Obama grants 'Courage' a pardon 25 Nov 2009 It was a festive atmosphere on the White House North Portico on Wednesday morning for the president's annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon. Dozens of press joined dozens of guests and White House staffers to witness President Obama pardon a 45-pound turkey dubbed Courage, from Goldsboro, NC. [Obama seems to have pardoned the biggest turkeys on earth - the Bush cabal - so Courage should certainly get a pass.]
Obama 'promises' greenhouse gas cut 26 Nov 2009 US President Barack Obama seeks to reduce America's greenhouse gas emissions by a 'low' 17 percent before 2020, ahead of a climate summit in Denmark. Obama's pledge to cut CO2 levels comes in advance of the December climate change convention in Copenhagen, meant to decrease human's contribution to 'catastrophic' air pollution.
Hacked climate emails called a "smear campaign" 25 Nov 2009 Three leading scientists who on Tuesday released a report documenting the accelerating pace of climate change said the scandal that erupted last week over hacked emails from climate scientists is nothing more than a "smear campaign" aimed at sabotaging December climate talks in Copenhagen. "We're facing an effort by special interests who are trying to confuse the public," said Richard Somerville, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and a lead author of the UN IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.
Australia to kill 6,000 camels 26 Nov 2009 Australian authorities [sociopaths] plan to corral about 6,000 wild camels with helicopters and gun them down after they overran a small Outback town in search of water, trampling fences, smashing tanks and contaminating supplies. The Northern Territory government announced its plan Wednesday for Docker River, a town of 350 residents where thirsty camels have been arriving daily for weeks because of drought conditions in the region.
Previous lead stories: Two NATO commanders wore Nazi regalia in Afghanistan 25 Nov 2009 It has just been discovered that two commanders of the Czech military working under NATO command used Nazi symbols on their helmets during their deployment in Afghanistan. The story was made public after Czech police serving in Afghanistan reported the case, the Russia Today website reported on Tuesday. According to the daily Mlada fronta Dnes, the soldiers, identified as Hynek Matonoha and Jan Cermak, wore the symbols of the 9th SS panzer division Hohenstaufen and the SS Dirlewanger brigade respectively, which were probably the most infamous SS combat units of World War II.
Iraq inquiry: Britain rejected regime change as illegal in 2001 --British officials discussed toppling Saddam Hussein in 2001 but rejected a policy of "regime change" as illegal under international law, the Iraq war inquiry has heard. 24 Nov 2009 On its opening day of public hearings, Sir John Chilcot’s public inquiry into the invasion heard that British diplomats heard the "drumbeat" of war emanating from Washington even before the September 11 terrorist attacks. The inquiry into the war, which cost 179 lives, opened yesterday with a promise from Sir John, a former Whitehall mandarin, to "get to the heart of what happened" and "not shy away" from criticising anyone who made mistakes.
'UK complicity is clear.' 'Cruel, illegal, immoral': Human Rights Watch condemns UK's role in torture --Pressure for inquiry grows as torturers themselves allege British complicity 24 Nov 2009 The attorney general was under intense pressure tonight to order a wider series of police investigations into British complicity in torture after one of the world's leading human rights organisations said there was clear evidence of the UK government's involvement in the torture of its own citizens. After an investigation spanning more than a year, Human Rights Watch (HRW) today condemned Britain's role in the torture of terror suspects detained in Pakistan as cruel, counter-productive and in clear breach of international law.
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database
Strange lights spotted over Kuranda, Australia
The Cairns Post has been contacted by a local resident who describes seeing a strange yellow light about 7pm, which she suspected was a meteorite.
"There were about seven of us that saw it so it wasn't just me," Kay, who did not want her surname printed, said.
A similar strange sighting was reported in August, when six unidentified lights were seen "dancing" across the night sky in Cairns.
That sighting, reported by several Mooroobool residents, remains unexplained.
Source: http://www.cairns.com.au/article/2009/11/23/77695_local-news.html
Thanksgiving was a good day to reflect on this because the first settlers came to America to escape that very thing. Christian, Catholic, and Orthodox leaders came together to sign this declaration in light of what lies ahead and what has been happening here in America today.
Citizens are being threatened with jail for not paying taxes that go towards abortion and against their religious beliefs. The Constitution of the United States clearly protects religious beliefs so why would anyone not wishing to participate be threatened? Harry Reid once said that taxes were voluntary. Are they? It would seem to most that civil disobedience is an American tradition. Did the founders not rebel? more...
FoodEducate.com | When a Cranberry Stops Being a Cranberry
Ocean Spray - new product called “Choice” - 50% less cranberry (the expensive ingredient) and more of other stuff
More Cranberry news today.
Here’s a dilemma for you. Let’s say you are the CEO of a successful food company that sells products both to consumers and to other food processors. And let’s assume you are being squeezed by your big corporate clients to lower the price of your product. What do you do? Do you stand by the quality of your product and take a hit on the bottom line? Or do you get the food scientists to whip up a cheaper, inferior version?
This is the story of sweetened dried cranberries (SDC), manufactured by Ocean Spray. The consumer product, Craisins, contains dried cranberries, sugar (lots), and sometimes a bit of oil. That’s the package we buy at the supermarket. However, when we buy products with cranberry, such as Nature Valley Fruit Bars and Pepperidge Farm Chewy Granola Cookies, the cranberries inside are different. They come from a new product by Ocean Spray, called “Choice”.
What you need to know:
The “Choice” product has 50% less cranberry (the expensive ingredient) and more of other stuff: sugar, edelberry juice, citric acid. Some say, it barely has any cranberry left.
Here’s what The National Consumers League (NCL), a watchdog organization, wrote to the FDA:
…the cranberry content is so small that Ocean Spray must add color in the form of elderberry juice concentrate and acidity in the form of citric acid to simulate the color and acidity of cranberries. These findings are consistent with Ocean Spray’s own claims that it uses 50 percent fewer cranberries to make “Choice” than the regular product. Ocean Spray’s marketing materials tout “Choice” as a low-cost SDC with the same taste, texture, appearance, and health benefits as other SDCs.
NCL argues that such products should not be called cranberries, because they barely contain any of the original fruit. After sending the “Choice” product to a lab, they also ask that the ingredient label (on bulk packages, we assume) be corrected to state sugar as the first ingredient, not cranberries.
If you’re wondering why some products are full of all strange sounding names and chemicals, this story exemplifies one of the many reasons – manufacturer cost reduction.
Two other well known examples are the use of high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar in soft drinks (HFCS is half the price of table sugar) and the invention of margarine as a low cost alternative to butter (at the behest of France’s Napoleon two hundred years ago).
What to do at the supermarket:
Go for products with ingredient lists that have real, understandable names. Not always the healthiest (i.e too much butter), but at least you know what you are putting in your mouth.
You all have a VERY GOOD and enjoyable Saturday. Talk at you later ...
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