It's Thanksgiving Eve ... and, I truly feel lucky - I don't have to cook a Thanksgiving Dinner, but rather I'm a guest tomorrow. I definitely do not need cooking experience given my age.
I'm a believer that our culture needs more fiestas or holidays and excuses to get together to eat and enjoy the company of others. I recall as a child - in those days before the television - every weekend the family always went to someone's house or people came to ours. There was always popcorn and kool-aid and it was really special when we made floats with ice cream and soda. The kids would all run around and the parents would sit around and talk, play cards, etc. Very good memories. Somewhere, everyone got too busy.
I do feel bless that I'm aware of what is taking place economically and the eventual real impact it will have on myself and those I care about and be able to be mentally prepared and contemplate existence in a reality much different than the consumer society that has existed for decades.
MUCKERS is the name given to those sheeples that will be hit in the face with a new reality when the dollar totally collapses. They won't have a clue what happened and corporate-government has kept them that way - with a military grid set up and waiting - overseen by NORTHCOM with foreign troops awaiting civil arrest.
I have never been a 'Wall Street or Financial News' watcher - until I personally woke up to the take down of our nation by globalist banksters and watched it get obvious with the Banksters Bailout last fall. Our nation has been totally dumbed-down in teachings regarding economic issues - or consumers would not be buried in credit card debt and mortgages.
This financial take down has been planned for decades as has the Copenhagen Treaty crap. A mucker I will not be. But, mentally ingesting existence in a Banana Republic within a police state doesn't sound at all pleasant to contemplate.
A look at the USD today and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to perceive this isn't the look of a healthy US$. And, you know they were busy trying to keep it pumped up - to no real avail. The Asian and European markets aren't closed for Thanksgiving, either. More people than just those in our country will hurt when the US$ collapses.
I'm a believer that our culture needs more fiestas or holidays and excuses to get together to eat and enjoy the company of others. I recall as a child - in those days before the television - every weekend the family always went to someone's house or people came to ours. There was always popcorn and kool-aid and it was really special when we made floats with ice cream and soda. The kids would all run around and the parents would sit around and talk, play cards, etc. Very good memories. Somewhere, everyone got too busy.
I do feel bless that I'm aware of what is taking place economically and the eventual real impact it will have on myself and those I care about and be able to be mentally prepared and contemplate existence in a reality much different than the consumer society that has existed for decades.
MUCKERS is the name given to those sheeples that will be hit in the face with a new reality when the dollar totally collapses. They won't have a clue what happened and corporate-government has kept them that way - with a military grid set up and waiting - overseen by NORTHCOM with foreign troops awaiting civil arrest.
I have never been a 'Wall Street or Financial News' watcher - until I personally woke up to the take down of our nation by globalist banksters and watched it get obvious with the Banksters Bailout last fall. Our nation has been totally dumbed-down in teachings regarding economic issues - or consumers would not be buried in credit card debt and mortgages.
This financial take down has been planned for decades as has the Copenhagen Treaty crap. A mucker I will not be. But, mentally ingesting existence in a Banana Republic within a police state doesn't sound at all pleasant to contemplate.
A look at the USD today and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to perceive this isn't the look of a healthy US$. And, you know they were busy trying to keep it pumped up - to no real avail. The Asian and European markets aren't closed for Thanksgiving, either. More people than just those in our country will hurt when the US$ collapses.
November 25, 2009 6:02 PM EST

From Jim Willie

Gold & Mount St. Helens
By: Jim Willie CB,
24 November 2009Not in the last few years have conditions been aligned for a truly explosive upward move in the gold & silver prices. A confluence of factors simply could not be more bullish, promising, and powerful. The psychology has also been raised in awareness on a global basis, as financial centers, media networks, and common folks have coordinated their recognition of the gold bull. They comprehend perhaps two or three of the main factors why gold is rising, out my stated list in a recent article "13 Reasons For a Major Gold Breakout" in September (CLICK HERE). The trio of fundamentals, psychology, and technical chart constitute the trifecta that will push gold & silver to extreme heights, and crush the silly shorts with their myopic half-baked tactics that are certain to make them roadkill, then someone else's lunch. The factors overlooked by most for the precious metals breakout run pertain to the broken monetary system, the Paradigm Shift away from the USDollar on both financial reserves management and commercial trade settlement, failure of the central bank franchise system, recognition of a criminal syndicate in charge of USGovt financial operations, the Black Hole of severe endless losses by firms taken under the USGovt aegis (AIG, Fannie Mae, and Wall Street firms), the hemorrhage of USGovt deficits, and lastly the dishonor of financial contract law, chronic lapses in financial market integrity, and constant intervention in those financial markets.
The investment community rejoices when the USDollar slides further, since they have learned like a shallow minded Pavlov Dog that stocks gain. One anchor asked on Monday a basic question, "Gee, what happens if the USDollar heads toward zero, but the Dow charges ahead toward 30,000? Where does that leave us?" What a good question! The financial news networks have begun to openly wonder about the Dollar-Stock relationship and its endurance, but not yet what it means. They overlook how the S&P500 has fallen by 80% in the last several years in terms of its gold value. This is a stock bear market fully disguised, made hard to notice since the value of US money is falling fast. The stock market is rising from very easy money. One usage of the free money offered is investment in the US stock indexes. Others are Gold, Crude Oil, German Govt bonds, and commodity funds. in the Dollar Carry Trade, identified by borrowing free money and buying rising assets.
Like Wiley Coyote, a realization will soon come of a position over the canyon without footing for the stock investors. They are not prepared for a Double Dip recession, nor recognition of a recession that never ended. The common consensus belief is that the sharply lower USDollar will revitalize the USEconomy, will give a huge boost to export trade, will prevent the ravages of price deflation, will encourage foreign investment, will revive the labor market, and more baseless analytic rubbish best described as propaganda. Chalk it up to creative rationalizations and fantasy entries to the latest chapter of American Economic Mythology, and endless series of wrongful notions that has gutted the nation, enabled by the big banker parasites. Credit to Darryl Schoon for the fine image of blood sucking and targets, consistent with the Matt Taibbi comparison of Goldman Sachs to a vampire squid that extends its blood funnel into anything smelling like money across the entire planet. Their reputation is finally seeing a spot of smear. Their plants like Geithner at Treasury Secy as finally suffering some disrespect as anger is shown.

... Review some indirect evidence serving as confirmation of the tungsten gold bar story. This is inductive reasoning, at the basic level. The London and New York metals exchanges cannot complete delivery of any order over one metric tonne without fresh assay reports. Trust has been shattered. This was never required before, but is now. Why is that? Could it be that Hong Kong's revelation of 5600 tungsten bars tungsten bars (fake gold) was true, verified, and spread via a global alert? Yes, clearly! Assayers the world over are unavailable. They are all tied up as bullion bankers, sovereign wealth fund managers, lesser central banks, and individual billionaires are scrambling to verify their gold holdings. The assayers were entirely available two months ago, but not now. Why is that? Could it be that Hong Kong's revelation of 5600 tungsten bars tungsten bars (fake gold) were true, verified, and spread via a global alert? Yes, clearly! The Canadian Mint has released information that admits to 17.5 thousand troy ounces of gold and other precious metals missing, whose estimated value is $15.3 million. No credible explanation has been offered for the missing inventory. These are not lamps, boxes of paper, crates of machine tools, floor tile, stereo sets, or power tools sitting in inventory. These are gold bars. Or were they tungsten bars? Permit the Jackass to surmise that the Canadian Mint were interrupted in their coin production process. They poured what they thought were gold bars into a cauldron, but since tungsten melts at 8000 degrees, and gold melts at 2200 degrees, the cauldron soup was lumpy with tungsten cheese. Instead of admitting they held and discovered 17.5 thousand ounces of tungsten, sure to rile the Wall Street boys, sure to turn the gold market upside down more than already, sure to invite severe scrutiny to many bankers who already face criticism (but not prosecution) over mortgage bond fraud, THEY JUST SAY IT IS MISSING !!! Just where did it go, Ottawa? Did some high level bankers (surely not Goldman Sachs) borrow it or steal it? Maybe it went to an industrial supplier that specializes in zinc, tin, copper, lead, and tungsten!!! See the National Post article (CLICK HERE). It seems the B.S. story of lost gold invites the least criticism, scrutiny, and follow through, amazingly. Theft and fraud is rampant, and the name of the game. Of course, incompetence, and clumsiness are more acceptable than corruption and collusion. The end result of all the extra authentication processes, the absence of available assayers. the missing gold at mints, and the scattered reports of tungsten gold that have this week extended to at least on European bank location in addition to Hong Kong, is less actual verifiable gold bullion in the hands of people that trade it. In other words, THE GOLD SHORTAGE IS MORE REVEALED AND EXPOSED. Notice lastly, that no Hong Kong banker denied the story of discovering tungsten bars with gold plating. Instead, the story proliferated to a global examining of gold inventory. Notice also that no Depositor bullion bank invited investigators inside for a closer look at inventory, after doubt and lost confidence within the system occurred. These are all tell-tale coincident signs, indirect evidence in support of the tungsten salted bars and the entire story. One has to be with a military intelligence background not to see it ...... ... Predicting the gold price at this point accurately is difficult. The Powerz are losing control. The price advances are actually occurring in a welcome manner to the Chinese. They are the primary parties in accumulation. They will push the price higher only when gold supply at the current price is no longer available, their new Modus Operandi. A gradual rise in gold price actually works the best to crush the nether stones of the corrupted metals exchanges. Few big corrections are likely to come. The price rise is being managed in much the same way as the suppression was managed. The risk is for an accident that releases control of the gold price. In that case we will see a repeat of the Mt St Helens. A 1300 price is the next target, but it is just a target. It could be easily passed. When it is passed, the next target will be something like 1500 or 2000. The shorts will be crushed, of all types, who get in the way. We are in global redesign and restructure that removes the US & UK players from the helm. They are only left with viruses to distribute after bond fraud and gold counterfeit. The USDollar is slowly suffering a death. Few in the Untied States can recognize it, since they reside inside the Dome of Perception.

LINK: FULL ARTICLE and GRAPHS Source: | Dubai World to Delay Debt, Owes $59 Billion; Default Swaps Soar
Nov. 25 (Bloomberg) -- Dubai World, with $59 billion of liabilities, will seek to delay debt payments, sending contracts to protect the emirate against default surging by the most since they began trading in January.The state-controlled company will ask all creditors for a “standstill” agreement as it negotiates to extend maturities, including $3.52 billion of Islamic bonds due on Dec. 14 from its property unit Nakheel PJSC, the builder of palm tree-shaped islands, Dubai’s Department of Finance said in an e-mailed statement. Moody’s Investors Service said it would consider the plan a default should bondholders be forced to accept the terms....FULL ARTICLE
Source: | Shortage of Eagles Occurs Again

November 25, 2009 - Last Friday I wrote that Krugerrands were in short supply on the American bullion coin market and asked how long it would be before high demand overwhelms the U.S. Mint’s ability to delivery gold and silver American Eagle bullion coins.
According to Pat Heller, that point seems to have been reached. The Mint has told the market it cannot supply gold and silver American Eagles.
The Mint says it is still striking them, according to the memo that outlined what it was doing that I wrote about on Monday. It expects to have some new supply of the silver American Eagles in early December and West Point is working to supply additional 2009 gold American Eagles also.
Obviously, market conditions are changing fast.
On a happy note, South Africa has been shipping in more Krugerrands and supplies are loosening up.

November 25, 2009 at 6:30 PM CDT
Current Moon Phase

Watch the sun rise and set all over the world on this real-time, computer-generated illustration of the earth's patterns of sunlight and darkness. The clouds are updated every 3 hours with current weather satellite imagery.


![]() Days since last "official" sunspot: 3 From the Space Weather Prediction Center Updated 2009 Nov 24 2201 UTC Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity SDF Number 328 Issued at 2200Z on 24 Nov 2009 Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 23/2100Z to 24/2100Z: Solar Activity was very low. No flares occurred during the past 24 hours. The disk remains spotless. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be very low. Geophysical Activity Summary 23/2100Z to 24/2100Z: The geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled. The ACE spacecraft detected the arrival of a co-rotating interaction region at 24/0600Z. Solar wind speeds began to increase at 24/0800Z and reached about 450 km/sec by 24/1800Z. The elevated wind speed and fluctuating Bt/Bz caused three unsettled periods, 24/1200-2100Z. Geophysical Activity Forecast: Geomagnetic activity on day one (25 Nov) is expected to be mostly quiet with a chance for unsettled periods due to persistence of current solar wind conditions. Conditions are expected to be quiet to unsettled again on day two (26 Nov) based on recurrence. Quiet conditions are expected to return on day three (27 Nov). [Latest Report] |
NORTHERN LIGHTS: A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field and causing geomagnetic storms around the Arctic Circle. Last night in Lofoten, Norway, geoscientist Rob Stammes says the needle on his magnetograph spent the whole evening swinging wildly and he could see auroras beaming through the clouds. Not far away in Kvaløya, the sky was filled with green:

"The Northern Lights were everywhere--north, south, east and west," says photographer Fredrik Broms. "It was a magical sight."
Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World
Update time = Thu Nov 26 0:31:19 UTC 2009
| MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/25 22:31:30 | 18.856 | -64.707 | 8.1 | VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/25 22:24:46 | 37.462 | -78.825 | 0.1 | VIRGINIA |
MAP | 2.9 | 2009/11/25 18:25:49 | 18.163 | -67.097 | 30.7 | PUERTO RICO |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/11/25 18:12:29 | 32.383 | -115.100 | 15.0 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/25 17:37:07 | 18.788 | -66.114 | 54.9 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/11/25 15:46:30 | 32.476 | -115.452 | 15.0 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/11/25 13:01:24 | 32.504 | -115.458 | 15.0 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 4.8 | 2009/11/25 12:03:58 | -18.426 | 168.322 | 82.2 | VANUATU |
MAP | 3.8 | 2009/11/25 11:18:52 | 32.502 | -115.458 | 15.0 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 4.5 | 2009/11/25 10:53:44 | 37.924 | 28.960 | 10.0 | WESTERN TURKEY |
MAP | 3.9 | 2009/11/25 10:48:04 | 53.093 | -166.910 | 25.6 | FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/11/25 10:05:53 | -16.942 | -172.693 | 10.0 | SAMOA ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/11/25 08:54:53 | 32.412 | -115.125 | 6.0 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/25 07:27:18 | 32.751 | -118.194 | 6.0 | CHANNEL ISLANDS REGION, CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/25 07:26:47 | 19.090 | -66.146 | 16.4 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/25 07:12:13 | 33.983 | -116.365 | 8.0 | SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/25 05:51:10 | 18.807 | -65.524 | 57.1 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/11/25 05:50:35 | 33.999 | -117.195 | 9.6 | GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 3.0 | 2009/11/25 05:28:49 | 59.814 | -147.989 | 21.2 | GULF OF ALASKA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/25 05:18:16 | 18.381 | -68.073 | 101.9 | MONA PASSAGE, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC |
MAP | 2.5 | 2009/11/25 05:00:42 | 32.394 | -115.093 | 6.0 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/25 04:12:51 | 34.002 | -117.195 | 9.1 | GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 3.6 | 2009/11/25 04:11:18 | 51.137 | -178.168 | 16.2 | ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/25 01:53:08 | 32.392 | -115.098 | 6.0 | BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/11/25 01:14:26 | -5.501 | 146.290 | 96.7 | EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA |
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map

Record Breaking Rain
Sky News - - 12 hours ago
It was the heaviest fall in the UKs instrumental record - with data going back as far as the 1800s. The relentless rain across Cumbria was due to a ...
United Kingdom Sees New 24-Hour Rainfall Record
How the heaviest rainfall happened BBC News
Experts predict more bad weather for Cumbria NW Evening Mail
Forbes - Layoff Tracker | The Weekly Layoff Report: A Holiday Lull - Except at Time Inc. and Goodrich

11.25.09, 03:53 PM EST - Layoff activity was slow this week, thanks to the approach of the Thanksgiving holiday. We’re finalizing the list on Wednesday instead of Friday in the fervent hope that no company will be cruel enough to serve pink slips on Thanksgiving Day or Black Friday.
Here are highlights of the week's activity, recorded by the Layoff Tracker, which counts the layoffs at all the nation's 500 largest corporations....... Full Article
Wisconsin Govenor issues Executive Order to deal with propane shortage

November 25, 2009 - Gov. Jim Doyle has declared a state of emergency to help alleviate a shortage of propane.
Doug Caruso of the Wisconsin Farmers Union says the demand for the fuel is higher than normal because it’s needed to help dry a high-moisture corn crop.
Doyle’s declaration will expand the hours that propane terminals are open during the next two weeks.Caruso says there have been long waits at terminal points where drivers get propane for delivery to drying facilities.
The state of emergency also gives temporary relief to federal driving limits for truck drivers who carry propane.High moisture continues to be a problem with the corn crop, but as it gets colder, farmers cannot wait much longer for the crop to dry in the field.
Twenty-one percent of the year's grain corn was harvested statewide last week, bringing the total to 59%. That's still well below the norm of 87% by this time.
Low test-weights and mold have also been problems with some of the corn.The soybean crop is pretty much in. Ninety-four percent was harvested as of Sunday.
South Dakota Govenor issues Executive Order to deal with propane shortage
November 25, 2009 - Due to extremely low inventories and widespread outages of propane in South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds issued an executive order to continue expedited commercial agricultural propane deliveries until Dec 5, according to a news release from the Governor's office."Propane demand for agricultural purposes is strong this fall because of the wet weather, and it's imperative that supplies keep up with demand," Gov. Rounds said. "Farmers have bumper crops this year, and we must make sure they have all the propane they need to dry those crops and adequately preserve the harvest.The Governor's executive order declares a state of emergency and exempts agricultural propane deliveries from federal motor carrier regulations on drivers' hours of service.
Although hours of service are temporarily suspended for commercial propane deliveries, propane transport companies may not require or allow fatigued drivers to make deliveries, Gov. Rounds said.
The executive order is an extension of a previous order that expired on Nov. 29.
USA is no longer an industrialized power - WAR is its specialty!
Marc Faber sees big financial bust leading to war
BusinessIntelligence Middle East | Eventually there will be a big bust and then the whole credit expansion will come to an end. INTERNATIONAL. Marc Faber, the Swiss fund manager and Gloom Boom & Doom editor, said eventually there will be a big bust and then the whole credit expansion will come to an end. Before that happens, governments will continue printing money which in time will lead to a very high inflation rate, and the economy will not respond to continued stimulus.
Speaking at a conference in Singapore on Wednesday, Faber said: "The crisis has not solved anything. On the contrary there is less transparency today than there was before. The government's balance sheet is expanding, and the abuses that have led to the one cause of the crisis have continued".
"I think eventually there will be a big bust and then the whole credit expansion will come to an end," Faber added.
"Before that happens, governments will continue printing money which in time will lead to a very high inflation rate, and the economy will not respond to stimulus"
. In one of his Gloomiest predictions, Faber, referred to as Dr Doom, said "the average family will be hurt by that, and then in order to distract the attention of the people, the governments will go to war".
"People ask me against whom? Well, they will invent an enemy," Faber said.
"At some stage, somewhere in future, we will have a war - that you have to be prepared for. And during war times, commodities go up strongly,” said Faber.
FULL ARTICLE - Photo of the Day:
As you sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, remember how blessed you are.

ORIGINAL CAPTION: A man begs for money in the subway in Georgia, on Nov. 11. The graffiti on the wall reads "I'm hungry."
(David Mdzinarishvili / Reuter)
(David Mdzinarishvili / Reuter) Hot Headlines - November 25, 2009
The Wilding of Sarah Palin
Cold Turkey Thanksgiving 2009
Gold Rises to Record on Dollar Drop, Report India May Buy More
Gold & Mount St. Helens
Arrogance of the Gods (The Day the Dollar Died Part IV)
It's Called "Precedent" (Bair)
Gold Krugerrands Run Out
Gold Moves Toward 1500.00/oz
China State Construction Nets $100M US Subway Deal
Obama's Nice Guy Act Gets Him Nowhere on the WorldClimategate: the Final Nail in the Coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?
The Fall of Mexico
U.K. Cops Arrest People ‘Just for the DNA’
Ukraine Dead Approach 400
132 Flu Patients Hit with Brain Disorders Since July
Fight Mandatory Vaccination Laws – video
From Where Did the 2009 Swine Flu Emerge?Hollywood, the Macabre
Human Gene Mutation Creates Resistance to Kuru -A Rare, Violent Epidemic
The Sci-Fi Legends Who Shaped Today's Tech
Troubling Reports Out Of Iowa And North Carolina Raise Fears That Deadly H1N1 Swine Flu Mutations Have Already Reached The United States
New reports from Iowa and North Carolina are raising concerns that the deadly H1N1 swine flu mutations that have been confirmed by the WHO in Ukraine, Norway and elsewhere have already reached the United States.
In Iowa, a report that doctors are seeing "very heavy, wet hemorrhagic lungs, lungs with a lot of blood in them" in H1N1 patients is creating concerns among health experts that the deadly Ukraine H1N1 has already spread there. In addition, a report of Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 swine flu in North Carolina is raising questions about the ability of medical authorities to combat H1N1 if thousands of people do start dying. If deadly H1N1 swine flu mutations have already reached the United States, what does that mean? Doctors in Ukraine have been reporting that victims of H1N1 there are experiencing violent hemorrhaging in their lungs. As the patients near death, their lungs reportedly become as "black as charcoal" and literally begin to disintegrate. Will this start happening soon inside the U.S.?
The news report causing the most concern today is the one about H1N1 patients in Iowa. Commenting on a dramatic spike in H1N1 deaths in Iowa, Dr. Gregory Schmunk told KCCI news that what doctors there are seeing "is very heavy, wet hemorrhagic lungs, lungs with a lot of blood in them."
Hemorrhagic lungs that are filled with blood?
That sounds precisely like what is taking place in Ukraine.
Last week, the WHO confirmed that an H1N1 mutation had been discovered in Ukraine. This H1N1 mutation involved a receptor binding domain change, and it is apparently causing the H1N1 virus to become much more virulent.
Just like the new report in Iowa, many victims of H1N1 in Ukraine have been experiencing violent hemorrhaging in the lungs. Temperatures inside the lungs of patients in Ukraine have been reported to be as high as 135 degrees Fahrenheit. As the patient near death, the lungs turn to mush and literally become as black as charcoal.
In fact, one doctor in Western Ukraine was quoted as saying the following about what is happening to the lungs of these patients.....
"We have carried out post mortems on two victims and found their lungs are as black as charcoal. They look like they have been burned. It’s terrifying."
If that wasn't bad enough, the WHO has now confirmed that the same H1N1 mutation has shown up in Norway.
Norway's Institute of Public Health has released a statement in which they announced that this mutation "could possibly...cause more severe disease" because it apparently infects tissue deeper in the airway than usual.
Not only that, but today Hong Kong's Department of Health has confirmed that it has found the same mutation in a H1N1 flu virus sample as the one detected in Norway recently.
Hong Kong is on the other side of the world from Ukraine and Norway.
What in the world is going on?
Nobody knows for sure, but the truth is that the increasing similarities between the current H1N1 outbreak and the 1918 "Spanish flu" outbreak are becoming too striking to ignore.
Firstly, both the current outbreak and the 1918 Spanish flu are from the H1N1 family ...
Watch Russia Today video at YouTube
November 25th Interview with Joseph Milliner, Father of American POW believed still in Laos
On the 2nd hour of the November 25, 2009 POWER HOUR RADIO SHOW, Joyce Riley interviewed WWII Pilot and Father JOSEPH MILLINER as he shared his heartbreaking life-journey to free his beloved Viet Nam War Pilot and Son William Patrick Milliner - "Billy". Joseph Milliner had also been captured and held prisoner of war during WWII.
William "Billy" Milliner, a 1968 graduate of Trinity High School who attended Western Kentucky University for a year, joined the Army at the height of the Vietnam War because he wanted to be a pilot, his father said. He was 20 when he was reported missing over Laos on March 6, 1971.
According to the best accounts, Joe Milliner said, four Cobra helicopters, all low on fuel, had flown through a heavy barrage of North Vietnamese anti-aircraft fire and were on their way back to their base in South Vietnam. William Milliner's helicopter never made it. The Army still lists him as missing in action.
Larry Greer, a spokesman for the Defense Department's POW-Missing Personnel Office in Washington, appeared skeptical of the Milliner's claims. He said the department has "no knowledge of anyone being alive and held against their will" in Southeast Asia from the Vietnam era. "The evidence we have" would not support the Milliners' belief that their son is alive. Greer said. There are about 2,100 service members listed as missing from the Vietnam War, he said, and no soldier held prisoner has been found alive in nearly 20 years. Greer said some families of POWs have been the victim of scams, and he urged the Milliners to share any information they may have with his office.
But Joe Milliner said he has asked the military for help for many years and has been greeted with skepticism."We gave up on (getting help from the military) four years ago," he said.
Milliner said the family has been working primarily outside government channels to find his son. He referred to them as "private, mercenary types" but was reluctant to be more specific for fear that might jeopardize the effort. He said there had been at least one unsuccessful attempt to rescue William Milliner.
Joe Milliner said the family has received independent reports of people seeing his son as recently as 1992. He believes his son has injuries including a "missing or useless" left arm and permanent damage to his left side and left ear which is partly missing. He also said he is trying to raise money to travel to Laos to search for his son.
November 25, 2009 (hour 1) mp3
November 25, 2009 (hour 2)mp3
November 25, 2009 (hour 3)mp3
AFP & others have said it for years; now proof emerges U.S. soldiers still held in Southeast Asian camps
By Christopher J. Petherick
There is new evidence that American GIs are being held against their will in Southeast Asia more than three decades after the Vietnam War officially ended.
A letter recently received by the father of a U.S. pilot, who went missing in action in 1971, could provide a key piece of information that proves American prisoners of war are alive and imprisoned in remote areas of South Vietnam.
Over the years, historians, researchers and independent journalists have made a compelling case that, during the Cold War, thousands of U.S. POWs were moved among Soviet, Chinese and North Korean labor camps, where they toiled and died under the worst conditions. Families of POWs and MIAs say the U.S. government has turned a blind eye to the plight of these men, even going so far as to sabotage their efforts at finding out what exactly happened to their loved ones.*
But Joe Milliner’s incredible story of his son, told at the June 20 meeting of the National Alliance of POW/MIA Families in Crystal City, Va., could change all of that. Documentation compiled by Milliner could finally force the country to come to terms with the fact that thousands of Americans were abandoned by the U.S. .... Full Article

Turkey Frying Demo Creates Fireball
GREENVILLE, SC -- A lot of people will deep-fry a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner which can be a tasty option, but also a dangerous one if not done right. ...

You all have a blessed Thanksgiving and talk at you later ..

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
(Keeping them in "safekeeping" via emailed News Updates - in case my blogs get bombed out of the water AGAIN!)
Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation
HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer

National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary
Note:: If you follow this link to the main global map - scroll down to find listing of various earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
- Link:
- USGS Latest Earthquakes 2+ US and 4.5+ in (some) of the world - last 7 days
- USGS Latest Earthquakes 1+ in the US - last 7 days
- European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre
- Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Information
- Live webcams - Alaskan volcanoes
- Mount St. Helens WebCam
- The Old Faithful WebCam
List of Volcanoes of Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands
Mediterranean and W Asia | Africa and Red Sea | Middle East and Indian Ocean | New Zealand to Fiji | Melanesia and Australia | Indonesia | Philippines and SE Asia | Japan, Taiwan, Marianas | Kuril Islands | Kamchatka and Mainland Asia | Alaska | Canada and Western USA | Hawaii and Pacific Ocean | México and Central America | South America | West Indies | Iceland and Arctic Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Antarctica
African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?
Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
The Living Moon
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