It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Tuesday Morning - January 19, 2010 |
There is a very observable difference between the brains of men and women. Females have more corpus callosum between the brain's hemispheres - very loosely - women have more 'connecting cables' between the right and left hemispheres of the brain than men. This physical reality of more 'connecting cables' enables the mother's multitasking abilities - the ability to not only do more than one thing at a time but sometimes able to see a larger picture composed of many seemingly non-related events. This morning, as a pushing 60 year old female ... this is turning out to be one of my stranger news mornings - and that is saying something given the news articles that have passed by me just in this last year!! Americans have been intentionally dumbed down by those elite's in power of the money system used on this planet. A recent YouTube video of people signing a petition to have the Fed RAISE the inflation rate 100% each year for the next 5 years demonstrated this fact very visually. Likewise, Americans are also VERY dumbed down about our shadow government and the black ops. I've been interested in things geological since I took my first college geology class in 1968! Why for years I posted earthquake updates on my blog since the early 1990's (prior to having that Google Blogspot blog suddenly 'disappearing' in early 2009 - after a time period where at first it just would not let me post any new entries). My original Cave News blog was essentially 'suicided' by Google! All my news articles and links disappeared! (No I didn't have a back up - another story) As Clif High says, "If you aren't paranoid, you aren't paying attention'. Google prefers that some news articles get buried and lost from search engines! Why I keep repeating that Google sits on the corporate board of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and is a minion of the PowersThatBe. Informed Americans is NOT part of their agenda. This morning there are earthquakes still going off in Yellowstone - a sizable quake just hit the Cayman Islands area ... and I find out about the GOLD IN HAITI. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out both Clinton's and Bush's recent activities in 'helping Haiti'. But then, the GOLD in HAITI explains why Clinton was appointed the SPECIAL ENVOY TO HAITI FOR THE UNITED NATIONS last summer!! What better cover to move out gold from Haiti than a huge earthquake?? Add in the M-class flare from the Sun from an 'old' sunspot now rotating back into view .... interesting news this morning. GOLD IN HAITI Is the airport in Haiti jammed to enable a looting of Haiti's gold by our rogue government that has been linked with the gold plated tungsten bars coming out of Fort Knox? Search and rescue from Toronto and others have been turned back from helping in Haiti - however, our military has landed and is occupying this country. This morning just came upon the fact that there is GOLD in Haiti and this fact comes with very good news sources:
Also finding out that so many different country's and state rescue units could not get into Haiti due to American politicians being given first priority at the airport for their 'photo sessions' in Haiti ... Google News has now placed the Haiti disaster at the bottom of the page with the orphan stories as all in my major news page from this corporate-government corporation that is in bed with the minion political puppets: Haitian orphans to arrive in Pittsburgh Tuesday - 37 minutes ago Fifty-three Haitian orphans were scheduled to arrive in Pittsburgh Tuesday as part of a rescue mission coordinated by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the hospital network announced. Missing Gold articles: Dr Peter David Beter / Dec 27 1981 Gold Missing From Fort Knox |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Latest Updates on the Crisis in HaitiOn Tuesday The Lede is continuing to supplement reporting by our colleagues in Haiti on the aftermath of last week’s earthquake by pointing to news and information on the Web. Readers are encouraged to share any first-hand accounts they receive from Haiti or see online in the comments thread below. See the home page of for the latest news articles and multimedia features on the relief effort. Updates from previous days: Mon. | Sun. | Sat. | Fri. | Thurs. | Weds. and Tues. Update | 8:45 a.m. Richard Morse, a Haitian musician and the manager of the Hotel Oloffson in Port-au-Prince who has been using his Twitter feed — @RAMhaiti — to report on the earthquake aftermath, wrote late last night:
Within the last hour he wrote that members of his band, RAM, “were volunteering yesterday with the search and rescue missions.. time is running out for live buried victims.” Mr. Morse, who has been critical of the lack of Haitian government leadership in the response to the earthquake, added on Tuesday morning:
Update | 8:31 a.m. Robert Booth of The Guardian reports on Tuesday that another Royal Caribbean cruise ship docked at a private beach in northern Haiti on Monday, bringing some aid, but also tourists, ashore. Mr. Booth writes that a company spokesman, John Weis, said emergency food supplies delivered last Friday by another cruise liner filled with tourists have been delivered. Mr. Weis also said and that the company’s staff at the private beach in Labadee, Haiti has “gone through the site giving up any extra lounge chairs, bedding and mattresses which are now being used in the makeshift hospital,” treating earthquake survivors in Cap Haitian, just 15 miles away from the tourist stop. Update | 8:22 a.m. The BBC reports on Tuesday that the United States military has started airdrops of food and water in Haiti. According to the BBC:
The BBC’s Web site published footage shot from a helicopter dropping boxes of “meals ready to eat,” showing a scramble to get the aid by the needy Haitians below. |
RED CROSS plan to bring 45,000 evacuees from Haiti to Florida; 'Mass migration'...
2,000 already flown into Orlando area...
Defense Sec: No policing role for troops in Haiti...
Infection risk to 3 million...
Wyclef Jean Defends His Charity, Calls for Evacuation Of Port-au-Prince...
Texas team preparing for Haiti mission told to stand down...
Report: Blackwater 'protecting news outlet' in Haiti
Haiti: We're not here to fight, US troops insist
The US paratrooper had a simple message for the people of Haiti. He said: 'I don't plan on firing a single shot'
18 Jan 2010 The order has come down from on high that when out patrolling the stricken streets of the city of Port-au-Prince, the paratroopers should have their rifles slung behind their backs. None of that strong-arm brandishing of metal that epitomised the early days in Iraq. "We've been told not to draw attention to our guns," the paratrooper, Sgt David Gurba, said. By Monday, the US military was visibly out in force at the main airport in Port-au-Prince. Two mammoth C17 military transport aircraft were on the tarmac, one of which landed in front of us, the other unloading jeeps and armoured vehicles.
Chavez says U.S. occupying Haiti in name of aid
Chavez promised to send as much gasoline as Haiti needs for electricity generation and transport.
17 Jan 2010 Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez on Sunday accused the United States of using the earthquake in Haiti as a pretext to occupy the devastated Caribbean country and offered to send fuel from his OPEC nation. "I read that 3,000 soldiers are arriving, Marines armed as if they were going to war. There is not a shortage of guns there, my God. Doctors, medicine, fuel, field hospitals, that's what the United States should send," Chavez said on his weekly television show. "They are occupying Haiti undercover. On top of that, you don't see them in the streets. Are they picking up bodies? ... Are they looking for the injured? You don't see them. I haven't seen them. Where are they?"
Ortega warns of US deployment in Haiti
17 Jan 2010 Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega says that the United States has taken advantage of the massive quake in Haiti and deployed troops in the country. "What is happening in Haiti seriously concerns me as US troops have already taken control of the airport," Ortega said on Saturday. The Pentagon says it has deployed more than 10,000 soldiers in Haiti to help victims of Tuesday's earthquake. This is while US paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division took control of the main airport in the capital Port-au-Prince on Friday three days after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake brought death and misery to the impoverished nation. "There is no logic that US troops landed in Haiti. Haiti seeks humanitarian aid, not troops. It would be madness [if] we all began to send troops to Haiti," said Ortega. "I hope they will withdraw troops occupying Haiti," he added. Earlier on Thursday, Nicaragua sent 31 military doctors of the Humanitarian Rescue Unit (URH) and humanitarian aid for the victims of the calamity. [WHY is the US government delaying the delivery of lifesaving food and water in Haiti? Is the plan to create a fertile environment for the number of 'security incidents' to skyrocket (which Faux News *can't wait* to overemphasize) so there is a 'need' for Blackwater mercenaries to be sent to destabilize Haiti? --LRP]
Haiti buries 70,000 in mass graves
18 Jan 2010 Haiti has announced that it has buried 70,000 bodies in mass graves as search and rescue personnel are continuing their efforts to find more survivors or dead trapped under the debris caused by last Tuesday's massive earthquake. The country has declared a state of emergency until the end of January and a month-long period of national mourning, Haitian government minister Carol Joseph said on Sunday.
Elderly and abandoned, 84 Haitians await death
17 Jan 2010 There is no food, water or medicine for the 84 surviving residents of the Port-au-Prince Municipal Nursing Home, barely a mile (1 1/2 kilometers) from the airport where a massive international aid effort is taking shape. "Help us, help us," 69-year-old Mari-Ange Levee begged Sunday, lying on the ground with a broken leg and ribs. A cluster of flies swarmed the open fracture in her skull. One man had already died, and administrator Jean Emmanuel said more would follow soon unless water and food arrive immediately.
Haiti-bound Utah group grounded in Florida
18 Jan 2010 They had hoped to arrive today before day's light. But mid-afternoon Monday, a team of 14 Utah doctors and nurses sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and bound for earthquake-ravaged Haiti was stuck in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. "It's frustrating," said physician Jeffrey Randle, a rehabilitation specialist with the group. Randle said when they landed in Florida, they were told their private charter plane was delayed.
Demands Deployment of Lifesaving Medical Equipment Given Priority Port-au-Prince 17 Jan 2010 Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urges that its cargo planes carrying essential medical and surgical material be allowed to land in Port-au-Prince in order to treat thousands of wounded waiting for vital surgical operations. Priority must be given immediately to planes carrying lifesaving equipment and medical personnel. Despite guarantees, given by the United Nations and the US Defense Department, an MSF cargo plane carrying an inflatable surgical hospital was blocked from landing in Port-au-Prince on Saturday, and was re-routed to Samana, in Dominican Republic. All material from the cargo is now being sent by truck from Samana, but this has added a 24-hour delay for the arrival of the hospital.
Caricom blocked... as US takes control of airport
17 Jan 2010 The Caribbean Community's emergency aid mission to Haiti, comprising Heads of Government and leading technical officials, failed to secure permission Friday to land at that devastated country's airport, now under the control of the United States. Consequently, the Caricom 'assessment mission', that was to determine priority humanitarian needs resulting from the earthquake disaster of Haiti last Tuesday, had to travel back from Jamaica to their respective home destinations. On Friday afternoon the US State Department confirmed signing two 'Memoranda of Understanding' with the Government of Haiti that made official that the United States is in charge of all inbound and outbound flights and aid off-loading...' Prior to the US taking control of Haiti's airport, a batch of some 30 Cuban doctors had left Havana, following Wednesday's earthquake, to join more than 300 of their colleagues who have been working there for more than a year.
Tens of thousands neglected at quake epicentre
17 Jan 2010 The immense scale of the earthquake devastation outside Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, is becoming clearer. People in Leogane, at the quake's epicentre, have so far been left to fend for themselves in ad hoc squatter camps. "It's the very epicentre of the earthquake, and many, many thousands are dead," said World Food Program (WFP) spokesman David Orr.
Bill Clinton arrives in Haiti with supplies
18 Jan 2010 Former president Bill Clinton on Monday visited the devastated Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, where he visited with hospital patients and helped deliver medicine. "I wish every American could see this. It's astonishing what the Haitians have been able to accomplish, performing surgeries at night, with lights, with no anesthesia, using vodka to sterilize equipment," said Clinton, who was joined by daughter Chelsea. "It's heartbreaking to see what has happened to Haiti," he said.
Between 600 and 700 patients treated daily 17 Jan 2010 Steve Kastenbaum gave a laudatory report on CNN about the La Paz hospital where the Cubans are operating in Haiti, with help of Spanish and Latin American surgeons. Kastenbaum reports that La Paz Hospital, established by the Cubans, is one of the only places in Port au Prince currently where ordinary Haitians can be treated. Several dozen surgeries are taking place daily, with few supplies and facilities; the hospital is operating 24 hours a day.
17 Jan 2010 CNN's Steve Kastenbaum reports on a hospital which provides quality care for Haiti's earthquake victims. (Video)
Haitians seeking US refuge will be returned
18 Jan 2010 U.S. authorities are readying for a potential influx of Haitians seeking to escape their earthquake-wracked nation, even though the policy for migrants remains the same: with few exceptions, they will go back. So far, fears of a mass migration have yet to materialize. However, conditions in Haiti become more dire each day and U.S. officials don't want to be caught off guard.
US accused of 'occupying' Haiti as troops flood in
France accused the US of "occupying" Haiti on Monday as thousands of American troops flooded into the country to take charge of aid efforts and security. 18 Jan 2010 The French minister in charge of humanitarian relief called on the UN to "clarify" the American role amid claims the military build up was hampering aid efforts. Alain Joyandet admitted he had been involved in a scuffle with a US commander in the airport's control tower over the flight plan for a French evacuation flight. "This is about helping Haiti, not about occupying Haiti," Mr Joyandet said. Geneva-based charity Medecins Sans Frontieres backed his calls saying hundreds of lives were being put at risk as planes carrying vital medical supplies were being turned away by American air traffic controllers.
Curfew imposed in Haiti capital
18 Jan 2010 The Haitian police and the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti on January 17 imposed a 6pm curfew in the devastated capital city of Port-au-Prince. Under the curfew, no vehicles are allowed, except police and military vehicles or those escorted by the police. Flights are also banned from 6.22pm.
Joyce Riley was a Flight Nurse & Cardiovascular Heart Transplant Nurse - her radio program is always good and very informative. Check out archives if you can't listen when she comes on a 7am: POWER HOUR ARCHIVE The Power Hour Website YouTube: ThePowerHourChannel's Channel Listen Live Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST ** Or Listen "On Demand" Haiti earthquake 'strange' -- strongest in 200 years. * Photos from Haiti * Was the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti manmade? -- In her book Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War, renowned scientist and nuclear activist Dr. Rosalie Bertell says such electromagnetic weapons "have the ability to transmit explosive and other effects such as earthquake induction across intercontinental distances to any selected target site on the globe with force levels equivalent to major nuclear explosions." * Earthquakes; natural or manmade? Serrapeptase Adventure Update from our friend Mike Tawse in the UK -- Serrapeptase: Understanding The Miracle Despite FDA concern, American Chemistry Council says BPA is still safe for everyone -- The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has never met a chemical it didn't like. The organization is a chemical advocacy group whose members include all the largest chemical producers such as Monsanto, Bayer, Merck, Chevron, DuPont and many more. * Meanwhile, new study confirms link between BPA and heart disease -- a new study just published in the journal PLoS ONE provides the most compelling evidence so far that BPA exposure is dangerous to the cardiovascular system. Fort Hood Report: More questions than answers -- In their new report on the Fort Hood army base tragedy, the Department of Defense (DoD) may have intended to provide the public with an explanation about what happened and how to ensure it never happens again. * REPORT: Protecting the Force: Lessons From Fort Hood Why is Blackwater/XE in Somalia? -- Press TV reports that “There are . . . allegations of US-sponsored bomb plots in Mogadishu , the capital of Somalia . As of 12 Jan 2010, at least 18 people have been killed in clashes between rival factions in southern and central Somalia , and there are reports that Blackwater/Xe mercenaries have entered the country.” That’s for starters. Kraft and Cadbury agree $18.9 billion deal -- British candy maker Cadbury on Tuesday accepted and recommended to shareholders Kraft's improved takeover offer worth $18.9 billion, potentially ending a months-long corporate battle to create the world's largest maker of chocolate and sweets. Intelligence ties to the underwear bomber -- Could the Christmas day bomb attempt on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 have been a false flag set up by various intelligence agencies with the goal of tightening the grip of governments on its people while enriching a few well-connected individuals and corporations? US accused of occupying Haiti as troops flood in -- The French minister in charge of humanitarian relief called on the UN to "clarify" the American role amid claims the military build up was hampering aid efforts. * Also accused of occupation by Venezuela -- "I read that 3,000 soldiers are arriving, Marines armed as if they were going to war. There is not a shortage of guns there, my God. Doctors, medicine, fuel, field hospitals, that's what the United States should send," Chavez said on his weekly television show. "They are occupying Haiti undercover. Researchers: Facebook vulnerable to clickjacking -- Researcher Nitesh Dhanjani also said a design flaw in Facebook is granting third-party apps permission to access user profile data without express approval from users. "Using ClickJacking I also could fool users to click whatever I want: adding me as their friend, delete their account, and even open their camera and microphone using flash (Older versions then 10.x), or install Facebook applications that post their Web camera and microphone every time they connected to Facebook," Narkolayev wrote on his blog. He demonstrates an example of an attack in a video on his site and acknowledges that other sites are vulnerable to this type of attack, as well. Twitter was hit by a series of clickjacking attacks last year. US military is liasoning with extraterrestrial life according to independent sources -- Independent sources have claimed an on-going set of face-to-face meetings between U.S. military officials and extraterrestrial life. The sources reveal that senior U.S. Navy officers have played a leading role in an inter-services working group responsible for the meetings, and that different extraterrestrial groups are allegedly involved. A North American security perimeter on the Horizon? -- Plans for a North America security perimeter might have seemed like a pipe dream just a short time ago, but it could become a reality sooner than one thinks. Ancient Chinese herbal remedy more effective for H1n1 than prescription antivirals -- An ancient Chinese remedy that was used to fight the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic may prove effective against the H1N1 swine flu, according to a study conducted by researchers from Kaohsiung Medial University in Taiwan and published in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Natural Products. Transgene from GM corn detected in soil animals -- Scientists in Canada have found evidence of the transgene present in genetically modified Roundup Ready corn in various soil-dwelling animals, pointing to "serious implications for environmental health and human safety." Workers in Taiwan protest over toxic exposure to chemical used to make mobile phone panels -- "The truth has been hidden from public view. There are people dying from long-term exposure to the toxicant used in the factory but no one is paying attention to that. The company is a subsidiary of Taiwan-based Wintek Corporation, one of the world's leading producers of small mobile phone panels and touch panels. Indiana lawmakers push freeway speed cameras -- Lawmakers in Indiana, swayed by the potential budget enhancement that recently convinced California's governor, have introduced legislation that would authorize photo ticketing in the state. Lock ‘em up: Oklahoma bill would impound certain uninsured vehicles -- The bill would give law enforcement authority to seize uninsured vehicles licensed in the state during traffic stops and accident investigations. Venezuela's Chavez/Citgo renew cheap heating oil program in US -- Citgo, the U.S. subsidiary of state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela SA, renewed a program under which it has provided cheap heating oil to hundreds of thousands of U.S. low-income households since 2005. The world knows little of it's hacker foes -- If the most recent cyber attacks on Google show anything, it is that the world has so far seen only a rough sketch of what it is up against. Making it hard for you to read the news and be informed -- NY Times prepares to charge it's online users. More than 1,200 news organizations worldwide have signed up with Journalism Online, a new media payment firm whose clients are expected to start rolling out fees soon. Watch out for weather police and vertical farmers -- A WEATHER police force could be operating in 20 years' time to stop "cloud theft" and surgeons could install extra memory in people's minds, according to a vision of the future endorsed by Ministers today. Obama's Executive Orders and the Constitutional Militia by Devvy Kidd -- The Internet has literally been melting down the past week over the second, dangerous Executive Order issued by Marxist Barack Obama. Below are links to the documents I wish to bring to your attention. Not only are these Executive Orders an in your face blueprint for tyranny, the timing is what should concern everyone. Our revolting elites -- Those of us who are not part of the elite's fashionable revolution are "racist, sexist and homophobic." We are fit objects for extermination or re-education because, in the end, we just don't get it. Platinum, palladium Exchange Traded Funds a bit hit in US -- The recently launched platinum and palladium exchange traded funds (ETFs) in the US have witnessed a huge buying and within a week’s time the ETFs have a holding of over 200,000 ounces. Tips on Constructing a Farm Pond Glowing walls could kill off the lightbulb -- Light-emitting wallpaper may begin to replace light bulbs from 2012, according to a government body that supports low-carbon technology. A sonic blaster so loud it could be deadly -- the Thunder Generator really is a blaster, producing a series of ear-splitting explosions. Some are so loud, they could be deadly. No skiing at Scottish resort - too much snow -- Cairngorm Mountain in northeast Scotland more often deals with a lack of snow but this year it is grappling with a different problem -- 185 centimeters (73 inches) of snow since Christmas in the worst bout of winter weather since the 1970s. |
One in Seven U.S. Mortgages In Foreclosure or Delinquent
Source: Reuters
A record one in seven U.S. mortgages were in foreclosure or at least one payment past due in the third quarter, according to fresh data signaling the recovery in the housing market will be tepid at best.
U.S. mortgage delinquency rates and the percentage of loans that entered the foreclosure process also jumped to records from July to September, the Mortgage Bankers Association said on Thursday.
Rising job losses were behind the increasingly bleak portrait of the housing market in a trend that will continue into next year, the group said in data that adds to recent evidence of a still-struggling housing market.
Housing and related business account for about 20 percent of the economy and recovery is essential to bring unemployment down from a 26-1/2-year high and kick-start economic growth.
Yet record foreclosures will add to the growing supply of unsold homes, sapping the housing market as it attempts to recover from the worst slump since the Great Depression.
The MBA said the percentage of loans in foreclosure rose to 1.42 percent, from 1.36 percent in the second quarter and 1.07 percent in the third quarter of 2008.
"Foreclosures remain the biggest hurdle to the housing recovery," said Michelle Meyer, economist at Barclays Capital in New York.
Drugs in our drinking water No, not just fluoride, which is bad enough - much of our drinking water, in the U.S., Canada and U.K. at least, is contaminated with Prozac and a "vast array" of other drugs. And you wonder why everyone around is sleepwalking and/or sick? Study Finds Traces of Drugs in Drinking Water in 24 Major U.S. Regions A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows. Nine different drugs were found in water samples near 20 different water treatment plants across Ontario, Canada. The drugs were "acidic pharmaceuticals", which include ibuprofin and neproxin (painkillers), gemfibrozil (cholesterol-lowering medicine), and prozac (anti-depressant). The area with the highest levels of contamination were from locations near sewage treatment plants, suggesting that the chemicals are getting into our water supply from our own bodily wastes! Areas that tested the lowest were plants whose sourcing water was from groundwater or lakes... Prozac 'found in drinking water' Traces of the antidepressant Prozac can be found in the nation's drinking water, it has been revealed. The following film is not about drugs but about water, per se. A very frightening situation! | | Headlines - January 19, 2010
How the big banks rigged the market
When Lloyd Blankfein met politicians in London a little while ago he brushed aside warnings that investment banks faced higher taxes if they ignored the rising public outcry about multibillion-dollar bonus pools. The Goldman chief executive seemed to believe governments would not dare.
Economic Breakdown on the Financial Highway
The stock market fell 100 points on the Dow index on Friday. We hope Daily Reckoning readers are out of US stocks. Sooner or later this jig is going to be up. You don’t want to be heavily invested when it does.
The Guantánamo “Suicides”: A Camp Delta sergeant blows the whistle
1. “Asymmetrical Warfare”
When President Barack Obama took office last year, he promised to “restore the standards of due process and the core constitutional values that have made this country great.” Toward that end, the president issued an executive order declaring that the extra-constitutional prison camp at Guantánamo “shall be closed as soon as practicable, and no later than one year from the date of this order.” Obama has failed to fulfill his promise. Some prisoners are being charged with crimes, others released, but the date for closing the camp seems to recede steadily into the future. Furthermore, new evidence now emerging may entangle Obama’s young administration with crimes that occurred during the Bush presidency, evidence that suggests the current administration failed to investigate seriously—and may even have continued—a cover-up of the possible homicides of three prisoners at Guantánamo in 2006.
2010 To Mark Dollar Demise
Well, that was another year, and decade, one that was characterized by exacting prices for almost a century of easy money led by the Fed. And it continues today with bubble dynamics in economies and markets considered a normal expectation these days, explaining why gold was top performer over the past 10-years, and should remain in that spot moving forward as well baring silver’s remonetization. That is to say, anybody, like Time Magazine, expecting smooth sailing over the next 10-years is most likely barking up the wrong tree with all the problems that still lie ahead for us, problems ranging from increasingly unmanageable debts and deficits, which are a result of the big turn in the credit cycle in 2008, to the pending demise of the dollar ($) as the world’s reserve currency.
The Reluctant Anarchist
My arrival (very recently) at philosophical anarchism has disturbed some of my conservative and Christian friends. In fact, it surprises me, going as it does against my own inclinations.
International Intelligence Organizations and State-Sponsored Terrorism
by Michael E. Kreca
“If Jesus Christ were to stand up today, he’d be gunned down cold by the CIA.”
- The The, “Armageddon Days,” Mind Bomb, Epic Records, 1991
A major strategic principle states that the success of most domestic rebellions, insurgencies or revolutionary movements is closely dependent upon the level of interest by or aid from an outside power. History has confirmed this principle – that, with few exceptions, any insurgency, regardless of its size and extent, cannot survive without the support of a wide spectrum of the native populace and some kind of sympathetic and influential external ally. Rebels cannot successfully undermine the state’s authority unless they possess the financial, logistical and political support of agents whose influence equals or surpasses the domestic government’s power. These agents may be internally based (like the French anti-Gaullist resistance), but, in general, they tend to be an external third power.
By Chuck Baldwin
January 19, 2010
The White House Office of the Press Secretary released a report on the White House web site titled “President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors.” According to the press release, “The President today [January 11, 2009] signed an Executive Order establishing a Council of Governors to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State Governments to protect our Nation against all types of hazards. When appointed, the Council will be reviewing such matters as involving the National Guard of the various States; homeland defense; civil support; synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States; and other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.”
California To Swing Prison Doors Open Jan. 25th
State to Release Thousands of Felons; Prison Gates Open January 25, Says Los Angeles Police Protective League
Starting January 25th, thousands of dangerous criminals will be released early from California state prisons – and for the first time in nearly 30 years, sent back to local communities without any supervision,” stated the Los Angeles Police Protective League.
Company collapses set to worsen in 2010
January 18, 2010
The number of British companies in financial distress rose by 6 per cent in the last three months of 2009, to 140,000, raising fears the worst effects of the recession are yet to come.
Eurozone On Life Support…
Europe’s Debt Dilemma
Governments are raising taxes and cutting spending to rein in debt, but that could stifle the recovery
Consumer Anger Rising Fast: Chargebacks
by Karl Denninger
Market Ticker
Monday, January 18. 2010
Anecdotal report thus far….
On the forum there is a report of a number of merchants dropping credit card processing entirely due to rampant (and bogus) chargebacks.
A North American Security Perimeter on the Horizon
NAFTA has extended from economic integration into a political and regional security pact which has been achieved through the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America, Plan Mexico, as well as other initiatives. Various pieces of legislation and reports, along with influential individuals have called for closer trilateral cooperation regarding common rules for immigration and security enforcement around the perimeter of the continent. A major part of the U.S. security agenda already includes the defense of North America, but a full blown security zone would bring Canada and Mexico further under its control. A Fortress North America poses a serious threat to our sovereignty and would mean the loss of more civil liberties.
January 19, 2010 President Obama Establishes "Council Of Governors" We can survive hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, looters and thugs, blackouts, and even Muslim terrorists. What we cannot survive--at least not without great cost and effort--is tyranny at the hands of our own government. In this regard, our greatest threat is not foreign terrorists or natural disasters; our greatest threat is Washington, D.C......... by Pastor Chuck Baldwin |
3 Blackwater Guards Called Baghdad Shootings Unjustified
'The Pentagon declined to make the NCIS report public.' The Guantánamo "Suicides": A Camp Delta sergeant blows the whistle By Scott Horton 18 Jan 2010 Late in the evening on June 9 that year [2006], three prisoners at Guantánamo died suddenly and violently. Salah Ahmed Al-Salami, from Yemen, was thirty-seven. Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi, from Saudi Arabia, was thirty. Yasser Talal Al-Zahrani, also from Saudi Arabia, was twenty-two, and had been imprisoned at Guantánamo since he was captured at the age of seventeen. None of the men had been charged with a crime, though all three had been engaged in hunger strikes to protest the conditions of their imprisonment. They were being held in a cell block, known as Alpha Block, reserved for particularly troublesome or high-value prisoners... The commander at Guantánamo, Rear Admiral Harry Harris, then declared the deaths "suicides." |
AFGHANISTAN Taliban attackers strike at heart of Afghanistan's capital 18 Jan 2010 Seven Taliban attackers, including a suicide bomber driving an ambulance, hit the center of Kabul on Monday morning, killing five people, wounding at least 71 and demonstrating their ability to strike at the hub of the U.S.-backed Afghan government. Gen. Abdul Ghafar Sayed Zada, the head of the criminal investigative division of Kabul's police department, said security forces had shot five of the attackers, who were armed with AK-47 rifles, rocket launchers and grenades, not far from President Hamid Karzai's palace, the Ministry of Justice and the Central Bank in Afghanistan's capital. |
United States Attorney Plans Drug-Terrorism Unit --The new unit, Terrorism and International Narcotics, will employ 21 prosecutors 18 Jan 2010 The United States attorney in Manhattan [Preet Bharara] is merging the two units in his office that prosecute terrorism and international narcotics cases, saying that he wants to focus more on extremist Islamic groups whose members he believes are increasingly turning to the drug trade to finance their activities. The new unit, he said, would be better able to bring drug charges to bear against some terrorists, as well as use a new law that gives federal drug agents the authority to pursue narcotics and terrorism crimes committed anywhere in the world if they can establish a link between a drug offense and a terrorist act or group. |
Hundreds Displaced By Gaza Flood
Gaza flooded after Israel opens dam gates
The Israeli authorities opened the dam's floodgates without any prior warning or coordination with local authorities in Gaza, stunning the residents of the area, the Press TV correspondent in Gaza reported late on Monday.
There has been heavy rain in the region over the past 24 hours. It seems the Israeli authorities could not handle the huge amount of rainwater and decided to open the floodgates without prior warning.
Because Gaza is located in a low-lying area and the elevation decreases on the way to the Mediterranean Sea, water gushed into the area, flooding two Palestinian villages and displacing a hundred Gazan families.
The locals say Israel intentionally caused the floods, the Press TV correspondent said.
The waters from the dam, called the Valley of Gaza, flooded houses in Johr al-Deek village, which is southeast of Gaza City, and Nusirat in the eastern part of the territory, where the Al-Nusirat refugee camp is also located.
The Valley of Gaza is about 8 kilometers long. It starts on the eastern Gaza border with Israel and ends in the Mediterranean.
The houses of many Palestinians have been flooded and a number of people are trapped inside or on their roofs, while many have also gone missing, the Press TV correspondent said.
Rescue teams are using small boats to evacuate the trapped people.
Hamas has condemned the act as a war crime and has called on all concerned parties to intervene and offer assistance to the locals.
The flooding has made life more difficult for the Gazans, especially for those still living in tents because their homes were destroyed in the December 2008-January 2009 Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.
In the war, more than 1,400 people were killed, mostly women and children, and over 10,000 houses were destroyed or damaged, forcing at least 500 families to live in tents.
Very little progress is seen in reconstruction of the devastated areas in the Gaza Strip, mostly due to the Israeli blockade, which has prevented the delivery of building materials to the coastal enclave.
YEMEN Saudi forces carried out 24 indiscriminate aerial attacks on Northern Yemen The US military has also been involved in the bombing of Yemen's northern regions of Amran, Hajjah, and Sa'ada, according to the Houthi fighters. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that since 2004, up to 175,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in Sa'ada and take refuge in overcrowded camps set up by the United Nations. |
Venezuela's Citgo Renews Cheap Heating Oil Program in United States
Citgo CEO Alejandro Granado, whose company carries out the initiative in partnership with U.S. non-governmental organization Citizens Energy Corporation, told Efe Friday the goal this year is to benefit 200,000 families, the same number as last year.
Oil-rich Venezuela launched the initiative in 2005 when the price of fuel rose in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and several U.S. senators called on oil companies to help low-income families adversely affected by the higher cost of heating oil.
Between 2005 and 2007, the number of families that benefited from the program in 23 states grew from 100,000 to 224,000, according to figures from the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington.
Citgo has also supported other social programs in the United States, such as the distribution of energy-efficient light bulbs to low-income homes in cities including Houston, Washington, Corpus Christi, Texas and Lake Charles, Louisiana. READ MORE ...
Iranian prosecutor assassinated in West Azarbaijan 18 Jan 2010 An Iranian prosecutor has been assassinated by two unidentified gunmen in the city of Khoy in the northwestern province of West Azarbaijan. Khoy Governor Ebrahim Mohammadlu told IRIB that Vali Haji-Qolizadeh, the prosecutor of the city, was shot twice in front of his home late on Monday. The assassination came six days after Professor Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, a lecturer at Tehran University, was killed by a bomb hidden in a booby-trapped motorbike in Tehran.
Shell signs Iraq oil field deal 17 Jan 2010 Oil giant Shell and Malaysia's state-run Petronas oil company finalised a contract on Sunday to develop Iraq's giant Majnoon oil field. In December, Shell and Petronas beat a rival bid from France's Total and China's CNPC to develop the 12.6bn barrel field in southern Iraq. [The mainstream media is ignoring these oil deals. This is, after all, the reason why Bush (and the Coalition of the Bribed) killed over one million Iraqis. --LRP] |
Bee expert, chemical rep clash over pesticides
Tuesday, January 19, 2010; 9:31 AM
DEAD BANKER NEWS Former Morgan Stanley Infrastructure and Energy Specialist, Who Was Also Director of Private-Equity Firm EQT Partners, Found Dead in Back of Delivery Van in Munich |
18 Jan 2010 Coded references to New Testament Bible passages about Jesus Christ are inscribed on high-powered rifle sights provided to the United States military by a Michigan company, an ABC News investigation has found. The sights are used by U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and in the training of Iraqi and Afghan soldiers. The maker of the sights, Trijicon, has a $660 million multi-year contract to provide up to 800,000 sights to the Marine Corps, and additional contracts to provide sights to the U.S. Army.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
Thornhill And Talbott On The 'Electric Comet' COMETS ARE NOT 'DIRTY SNOWBALLS' Then science took a wrong turn. Investment in a theory began to override critical attention to observation and to experimental testing of alternatives. Astronomers shunned Birkeland, whose work posed new and promising possibilities. Not until the latter half of the 20th century did innovative scientists again consider electrical explanations, concentrating their investigations in the fields of electrical engineering and plasma science, rather than astrophysics. Alfvén devoted chapters in his 1981 book Cosmic Plasma, to the electric circuits of the Sun, planets, and comets. But still, few astrophysicists were listening. ... read more |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 19, 2010 AT 9:37 AM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind FIRST M-CLASS FLARE OF SOLAR CYCLE 24 M2.3 Flare - The first M-Class flare of Cycle 24 has taken place at 13:41 UTC Tuesday around the new region about to rotate into view on the Eastern Limb. Several C-Class flares have taken place as well. UPDATE: Old Sunspot 1039 produced another eruption on Jan. 18th around 2036 UT. STEREO-B recorded an ultraviolet flare (movie) and SOHO tracked a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) billowing over the sun's eastern limb: MONDAY'S CME: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Seven dead in China's earthquake 18 Jan 2010 A 4.0-magnitude earthquake has caused landslides in southwestern China, killing at least seven people, according to officials. The Guizhou Earthquake Information Bureau website reported that the quake hit the Guangling district of the Guizhou Province on Sunday. Mega-quake building off Indonesia: study Update time = Tue Jan 19 15:13:11 UTC 2010
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
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The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Clif High's From George Ure's this Tuesday Morning: At the macro level, there's a serious problem in the data from Cliff that's got me nervous, clock watching, and not at all pleased: The event(stream) that people associate with December 2012 may not take that long to get here. Could be coming along in October of 2011...and impacting over a 1-3 week kind of timeline, then bouncing along in bumps (with kind of flat plateaus to them) at a lot level until spring'ish of 2012 and then the data pretty much disappears for a year before trickling back online but at much reduced levels 2013-2014. This is not to be confused with packets of data. There's no way to sense that. People (esp. with monkey mind active) want to assign hard numeric values, but that's not how 'squishy stuff' works. Instead the question is how long after the 'quiet' does language return? The data has pretty much always had the 'gap' out in this period ahead - from 2000 it looks like a 2012 event and a mid 2013 kind of return. Then in 2007 it looks like the gap was moving bigger as we got closer to it, shaping to before the much ballyhooed December. But the key things is the far side of the gap moved back significantly. Then in post processing Cliff's been noodling (and understandably pretty depressed about) the 'gap' have moved closer to present (hence Oct 2011) while the far side has moved back even further, 2014-2015. --- There's no way to tear the data part for any greater number of clues. Could be any one of a number of suspects that causes what seems like a temporary collapse/decline and then partial recovery of humans. Among the candidates are pole shift/axis shift (5-20º will ruin your day), could be the Middle East finally lets loose and we have a global nuclear free-for-all, or it could be that's when the food shortages kick in. Maybe a genetic war breaks out, or possibly something completely out of left field. Volcanic calderas in Indonesia, New Zealand, and Long Lake/Yellowstone can't be overlooked. Toss in the linguistics about 1-billion involved in diaspora by year's end in Asia and 220-million in North America and the future doesn't look like a particularly warm &Y inviting place, (and here's the point): no matter how much paper money you have. --- A friend of mine called yesterday and asked "What if you guys are wrong?" I told him the odds of that would go up dramatically IF we don't have another 'great quake' before mid September. If we don't get another 'great quake' I'd become downright sanguine about things. But the gnawing in the gut says "No, you'd be a fool to wait since as soon as any triggers happen, if will be too late..." --- Even the market structures which would seem like a no-brainer offer little solace. Sure, my little satchel of puts I've been buying would be theoretically worth a ton of dough if the financial system is down for the count by November of this year. But the problem is what? That we won't have organized markets to clear positions; such is the magnitude of change ahead. "Let me guess: The PTB finally get their Club of Rome goal of 500-million left?" asked my friend. Can't put a number on it, but the data has enough dead people in it to make Haiti look like a resort within two years. I'm not easily depressed, and even now I don't sense it. Instead there's a real looming sense of "Lifetime piling up" and "I can hear the people screaming..." --- I've asked Cliff six ways to Sunday the BIG question: Can we deconvolute the data to gain any meaningful insight into what it means? Is there any aspect of the language that changes in a meaningful way that could offer insight? Does one language arise? Are certain archetypes changed - like human's relation to weather, water or food? Obvious stuff but no, the web bots don't work that way and to retool them is a monumentally large programming effort - and event then no assurance that the data would mean anything. So here we sit: Lifetimes piling up. Trying our best to live 'normal' lifetimes' amidst indications in some sketchy software and a half-shake of science that things will be making a violent change within a couple of years. ---- In terms of 'prep' I have figured out it's the little things that will 'get you' - like my glasses broke this morning. One more thing goes on my list...more glasses. If this morning's report seems a little different, it's because I'm doing some squinty-eyed reading and writing. The Big Stuff is obvious, but how many pairs of glasses or how many back-ups for the contacts - or how much contact clearer to you have stockpiled? Dug out the spare glasses, but they are bifocal, not tri-focal, so I have my head tilted by to look down the nose at my own work... Universe has to be laughing, not matter what the 'current plan', there's always something overlooked. Or is this to remind me that bifocals will be all that's needed, since what's in store for us...let's not go there. | | Today's Featured Stories - January 19, 2010
Despite FDA concern, American Chemistry Council insists Bisphenol A is safe for everyone (NaturalNews) The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has never met a chemical it didn't like. The organization is a chemical advocacy group whose members include all the largest chemical producers such as Monsanto, Bayer, Merck, Chevron, DuPont and many... |
New study confirms bisphenol A found in plastic is linked to heart disease (NaturalNews) According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the U.S. Various forms of the disease take the lives of over 80 million Americans a year. And while we've all heard about the risk factors for... |
Broths Contain Mysterious Ingredients There's a company that dominates the soup business, but its products are at best bland and mushy. You probably know who I'm talking about. Some of the company's soups contain so much salt that they're the human equivalent of a salt lick.... |
90 Percent of Parents Misled by Food Nutrition Labels (NaturalNews) Recent research conducted by the British Heart Foundation (NHF) has revealed that about 90 percent of British mothers do not properly understand food nutritional labels. Most of the women falsely believe that products claiming to be good... |
Pesticides are killing birds, bees, and bats by the millions Estimates from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicate that millions of birds and fish die every year from pesticide exposure. Scientists are now discovering that even low level exposure is disrupting the animal kingdom and causing new... |
Ancient Chinese Herbal Remedy More Powerful At Killing H1N1 Than Prescription Antivirals (NaturalNews) An ancient Chinese remedy that was used to fight the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic may prove effective against the H1N1 swine flu, according to a study conducted by researchers from Kaohsiung Medial University in Taiwan and published in the... |
Take a Look at the Chemicals in Processed Foods Americans spend about 90 percent of their total food budget on processed foods - and we wonder why we have a health care crisis. Besides being enzyme deplete, processed foods are often crammed with chemicals, including colors, flavors and... |
Chlorophyll blocks absorption of toxic carcinogens (NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) has found that chlorophyll works effectively to block bodily absorption of aflatoxin, a fungal contaminant found in many grain and legume stocks. Research participants... |
Natural Remedies Help Ascites Ascites, also known as dropsy or abdominal dropsy, is a physical disorder where someone suffers from accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Ascites can be caused by liver disease and is a common side effect of alcoholism, chronic... |
Please help the Health Ranger win the Shorty Awards for health content (NaturalNews) I don't ask for your help very often, but right now, I could really use your vote to help win the Shorty Awards for the category of health. These are awards given to publishers of the internet's best short-form content, and... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Leading heart surgeon calls for ban on butter
- Doctors demand outright ban on trans-fats in the food supply
- Drug-addicted surgery tech gave Hep C to dozens of patients
- American Chemistry Council says BPA is perfectly safe. Eat all you want!
- FDA in bed with chemical industry over BPA in plastics
- Rolaids recalled due to "unusual odor"
- Big Tobacco's racketeering is a lot like Big Pharma's
- Johnson & Johnson engaged in drug money kickbacks to nursing home pharmacy
- Psych doctor wrote 1,000 prescriptions a week for psychotropic drugs
- Nations scrap orders for swine flu vaccines
- Vitamin D reduces nursing home falls
- Bee stings as therapy? Apitherapy can treat arthritis and more
See all Top Headlines...
Today in History Tuesday January 19, 2010 1825 - Ezra Daggett and Thomas Kensett of New York City patented a canning process to preserve salmon, oysters and lobsters. 1861 - Georgia seceded from the Union. 1883 - Thomas Edison's first village electric lighting system using overhead wires began operation in Roselle, NJ. 1907 - The first film reviews appeared in "Variety" magazine. 1915 - George Claude, of Paris, France, patented the neon discharge tube for use in advertising signs. 1937 - Howard Hughes set a transcontinental air record. He flew from Los Angeles to New York City in 7 hours, 28 minutes and 25 seconds. 1944 - The U.S. federal government relinquished control of the nation's railroads after the settlement of a wage dispute. 1949 - The salary of the President of the United States was increased from $75,000 to $100,000 with an additional $50,000 expense allowance for each year in office. 1953 - Sixty-eight percent of all TV sets in the U.S. were tuned to CBS-TV, as Lucy Ricardo, of "I Love Lucy," gave birth to a baby boy. 1955 - U.S. President Eisenhower allowed a filmed news conference to be used on television (and in movie newsreels) for the first time. 1977 - U.S. President Ford pardoned Iva Toguri D'Aquino (the "Tokyo Rose"). 1979 - Former U.S. Attorney General John N. Mitchell was released on parole after serving 19 months at a federal prison in Alabama. 1981 - The U.S. and Iran signed an agreement paving the way for the release of 52 Americans held hostage for more than 14 months and for arrangements to unfreeze Iranian assets and to resolve all claims against Iran. 1993 - IBM announced a loss of $4.97 billion for 1992. It was the largest single-year loss in U.S. corporate history. 1996 - U.S. first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury. The investigation was concerning the discovery of billing records related to the Whitewater real estate investment venture. |
Ben Doll of Linville, Pa., sleeps with his cow Treat Saturday, Jan. 16, 2010, during the final hours of the 2010 Pennsylvania Farm Show at the Pennsylvania Farm Show and Expo Center in Harrisburg, Pa.
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)My News blog: The Cave
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