It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Evening - January 20, 2010 |
Arkansas and Missouri are shaking today: MAG DATE LOCAL-TIME LAT LON DEPTH LOCATION y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km MAP 3.3 2010/01/20 15:18:44 36.078N 91.208W 5.0 8 km ( 5 mi) W of Powhatan, AR map 1.6 2010/01/20 09:17:01 36.535N 89.641W 6.4 12 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO Yellowstone National Parks' quake activity so far today: Update time = Wed Jan 20 16:49:32 MST 2010 2.9 2010/01/20 14:43:01 44.571N 110.974W 9.4 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.5 2010/01/20 13:10:21 44.562N 110.974W 8.5 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.5 2010/01/20 13:00:28 44.564N 110.974W 9.2 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.3 2010/01/20 07:27:23 44.561N 110.968W 9.5 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 0.8 2010/01/20 04:09:25 44.568N 110.959W 8.0 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.2 2010/01/20 01:27:25 44.563N 110.972W 8.8 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
SOUTHCOM on the ground in Haiti before the earthquake struck January 20, 2010 – 11:11 am Buried in this article we find that a SOUTHCOM task force was in Haiti before the earthquake struck to train for a disaster exercise. Lt. General Ken Keen is now coordinating the relief efforts in Haiti. Interesting that he arrived before the earthquake. Major trapped in rubble of Port-au-Prince hotel By Michael Hoffman – Staff writer Every time Peggy Bourland watches another survivor get rescued from under a collapsed building in Haiti, she asks the same question: “Why can’t it be my husband?” Air Force Maj. Ken Bourland is trapped under Hotel Montana in Port-au-Prince after a Jan. 12 earthquake leveled the island nation’s capital. Bourland, a career UH-1 Huey pilot, is the Caribbean desk officer at Southern Command headquarters in Miami. Bourland, 37, had flown into Haiti from the Dominican Republic the morning of the earthquake with Lt. Gen. Ken Keen, deputy director of U.S. Southern Command. He sent his wife an e-mail with “Wow Haiti” in the subject line just minutes before the earthquake hit at 5 p.m. He told her he had arrived safely and described how moved he was by the poverty he had already seen on the streets. Peggy Bourland quickly replied to her husband’s e-mail, then moved on to finding cartoons for their sons to watch on television. Flipping through the channels, she saw a news report about the earthquake. She didn’t think much of it at first, assuming it was a report on an earlier California earthquake. Then she saw “Haiti” come up on the screen. “I just stood there in shock at first so I went back to the computer and I e-mailed Ken and asked him if this was for real — ‘it just said on the news that you all had an earthquake.’ And when he didn’t respond back I replied again and said ‘please, tell me you are OK,’ ” Peggy Bourland said in a telephone interview from the family’s home in Weston, Fla. Peggy Bourland and her family have been waiting by the phone since then, waiting to hear that Ken Bourland has been pulled alive from the rubble. Bourland was staying was on the second floor of the hotel. He was preparing to go to a dinner at the U.S. Embassy at the time of the earthquake, Peggy Bourland said. She was told another airman traveling with the general had gone to her husband’s room to borrow a dinner jacket. READ MORE |
Miami Herald | U.S. commits more troops
Time running out as search for survivors intensifies
Flow of cash in Haiti getting up to speed
This believer now asks: God, why?
Feds: Up to 200,000 Haitians expected to apply for TPS
Activist: Watch Out For (Israel Defense Force) IDF Stealing Organs In Haiti January 20, 2010 Black rights activist T. West of AfriSynergy Productions warns that people need to be aware of the tragedy in Haiti being exploited by nefarious groups for their own gain, including Israel, who have admittedly stolen organs from dead Palestinians in the past. West highlighted a CNN news clip as evidence of how the media is promoting the Israeli relief efforts in Haiti as second to none. Though praising the Israelis for their support for the victims and outstanding medical facilities, West warned that there were “personalities who are out for money” operating in Haiti with no monitoring of their activities. “It is good that the IDF and others are helping there, but everywhere there is death, there are exploiters. There needs to be transparency in Haiti,” West told YNet News in an interview. “The Haitian people must watch out for their citizens,” said West, highlighting past cases of IDF stealing organs from Palestinians. Last month, the London Guardian reported on the admission of Dr Yehuda Hiss, the former head of Israel’s forensic institute, who stated that the organs of Palestinians were harvested without consent from family members. This followed a controversy after a Swedish newspaper reported that Palestinians were deliberately being abducted and killed by Israeli Defense Forces so their organs could be harvested and sold. “The U.S. media are quick to talk about people who are stealing, people who are looting in Haiti….so be aware of this, be aware and be cautious of international groups and certainly individuals within those groups who are out for money and to earn money off of your tragedy,” said West. READ MORE .. |
US Security Company Offers to Perform "High Threat Terminations" and to Confront "Worker Unrest" in Haiti
Source: Rebel Reports - Jeremy Scahill
Published on 01-20-2010
We saw this type of Iraq-style disaster profiteering in New Orleans and you can expect to see a lot more of this in Haiti over the coming days, weeks and months. Private security companies are seeing big dollar signs in Haiti thanks in no small part to the media hype about “looters.” After Katrina, the number of private security companies registered (and unregistered) multiplied overnight. Banks, wealthy individuals, the US government all hired private security. I even encountered Israeli mercenaries operating an armed check-point outside of an elite gated community in New Orleans. They worked for a company called Instinctive Shooting International. (That is not a joke).
Now, it is kicking into full gear in Haiti. As we know, the member companies of the Orwellian-named mercenary trade association, the International Peace Operations Association, are offering their services in Haiti. But look for more stories like this one:
On January 15, a Florida based company called All Pro Legal Investigations registered the URL It is basically a copy of the company’s existing US website but is now targeted for business in Haiti, claiming the “purpose of this site is to act as a clearinghouse for information seekers on the state of security in Haiti.”
“All Protection and Security has made a commitment to the Haitian community and will provide professional security against any threat to prosperity in Haiti,” the site proclaims. “Job sites and supply convoys will be protected against looters and vandals. Workers will be protected against gang violence and intimidation. The people of Haiti will recover, with the help of the good people from the world over.”
The company boasts that it has run “Thousands of successful missions in Iraq & Afghanistan.” As for its personnel, “Each and every member of our team is a former Law Enforcement Officer or former Military service member,” the site claims. “If Operator experience, training and qualifications matter, choose All Protection & Security for your high-threat Haiti security needs.”
Among the services offered are: “High Threat terminations,” dealing with “worker unrest,” armed guards and “Armed Cargo Escorts.” Oh, and apparently they are currently hiring.
A controversial CIA contractor has found new work in Haiti, flying drones on disaster recovery duty.
When last we heard from Evergreen International Aviation, the Oregon-based firm was offering to post sentries at local voting centers during the 2008 election, ”detaining troublemakers” and making sure voters “do not get out of control.”
Now, company vice president Sam White tells Aviation Week that the firm is flying at least one ScanEagle surveillance drone over Haiti. ”The company has a fleet of 747s and a fleet of large and small choppers, and has begun ferrying in supplies to Port au Prince,” the magazine’s Paul McLeary notes. “White wouldn’t say who the company is moving cargo for, saying only that ‘we’re working with different agencies, and we have one plane coming in tomorrow full of humanitarian supplies.’”
Over the years, Evergreen has had all sorts of interesting clients over its five-plus decades in operation. Back in the late ’80s, the company “acknowledged one agreement under which his companies provide occasional jobs and cover to foreign nationals the CIA wants taken out of other countries or brought into the United States.” In 2006, Evergreen’s parent company flew Bill O’Reilly into Kuwait in 2006, according toSourceWatch. Last April, the company won a $158 million contract to supply the Air Force with helicopters in Afghanistan.
Haiti wouldn’t be Evergreen’s first disaster-response mission, however. In September, the State of California chartered Evergreen’s 747 supertanker, to help put out forest fires there.
UPDATE: Brian Whiteside, executive vice president of Evergreen Unmanned Systems, denied that his company is flying drones for the earthquake recovery operation. “We have no UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] in Haiti — nothing currently in Haiti, and nothing in the region,”he tells Danger Room. Whiteside acknowledged that “we do have teams over there that are trying to help.” But Whiteside isn’t sure what, exactly, they’ve been able to accomplish. “We don’t have very good comms with them.” And when I asked him which government agency or charity Evergreen was trying to support, he ducked the question, and referred me to his spokesperson.
- U.S. Diverts Spy Drone from Afghanistan to Haiti
- Tweets From the Front Lines of Haiti Relief
- Haiti Update: Reporter Tweets, Troops on the Streets
- Earthquake-Hit Haiti Still Offline; Military, Relief Agencies Rush …
- Rescue Ops in Haiti: ‘The First 72 Hours Are Critical’
- Top General: Despite ‘Pockets of Violence,’ Haiti Remains …
- After Massive Quake, Military Stands By to Aid Haiti (Updated …
Unmanned Drone advocates want to test-fly Drones (UAVs) over Dayton airspace
Defense industry supporters of efforts to establish the Dayton, Ohio region as a national center of training, education and product development for unmanned aircraft say that persuading the U.S. government to approve airspace for flying the unmanned craft near this urban area is critical.
Civilian authorities fear technology for unmanned aircraft can’t assure air safety.
Being able to test-fly unmanned aerial vehicles and their systems near where research, development and integration of those systems takes place is a key as the Miami Valley tries to sharpen its capabilities to support Air Force acquisition of UAVs that are managed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, defense industry and business leaders said. Advocates are hoping that the defense industry could lead to new jobs for the region.
“Having compatible space — that’s the Holy Grail that’s the key to breaking into having a significant chunk of the UAV industry,” said Joe Zeis, chief strategist and a vice president of the Dayton Development Coalition a coalition of Dayton area business, defense, and even military leaders with very close ties to the Republican Party as big money donors. (See comments section for links of political donors to the Dayton Development Coalition and list of members that include many right of center Democrats).
Zeis, a retired Air Force officer, has spent months meeting with Dayton-area business and defense leaders to assess the region’s interest and ability to support developments of UAVs and affiliated sensors, propulsion and other systems.
Source: ABC News
January 20, 2010
The head of Blackwater and his employees may have killed or ordered the killing of people suspected of cooperating with federal investigators probing their activities, according to an anonymous affidavit filed in federal court Monday.
The affidavit, one of two filed Monday, makes an extraordinary bundle of claims about the former Blackwater CEO, Erik Prince, and his employees. The existence of the documents was first reported by the Nation magazine
They were filed as part of a civil suit against Prince and Blackwater by several Iraqis, which accuse the firm and owner of war crimes, wrongful death and more.
The men gave the affidavits as "John Doe" and "John Doe 2," saying they feared for their safety. "Mr. Prince's management has personally threatened me with death and violence," wrote Doe 2. He says also that others told him "Mr. Prince and his employees murdered, or had murdered" one or more people who had cooperated with the feds, or were planning to.
Is The U.S. Economy Being Tanked By Mistake or By Intent?By Bill Sardi The government wants Americans to believe the greatest economic collapse in history was the result of ineptness and mistakes yet still have confidence in their financial institutions. Should American bankers be let off the hook because they self-declare, before an investigational panel, that the failure of their newly invented risk swaps and other highly leveraged investment schemes was simply due to “mistakes”? Not malfeasance – just every-day mistakes? Bankers just fell asleep at the helm at a critical juncture in American history. Is that what we are being led to believe? Oh well, it’s just 18 million American homes that now lay empty in the wake of unprecedented foreclosures, and the bankers have collected obscene bonuses for reckless lending of their depositors’ money. It’s like the captain and crew of a ship saying, not to worry, twenty-percent of the passengers were lost overboard, but this was due to unavoidable mistakes, and then being rewarded with bonuses when they reach port. |
Russia diversifies into Canadian dollars; Moving away from USA...
Financial Times
Published: January 20 2010
Russia’s central bank announced on Wednesday that it had started buying Canadian dollars and securities in a bid to diversify its foreign exchange reserves.
Analysts said the move could be a sign of increased diversification of emerging market central bank assets away from the dollar and into investments denominated in other commodity-linked currencies, such as the Australian dollar.
Virginia suspect 'hid explosives'BBC News - 2 hours ago Police say they have found a "multitude" of explosives at a home in the US state of Virginia where eight people were shot on Tuesday. Video: Suspect in 8 Virginia Slayings Surrenders Man Surrenders in Virginia Killings New York Times |
U.S. MILITARY BUDGET 10 TIMES THAT OF CHINA Even though the U.S. military budget is almost ten times that of China's (with a population more than four times as large) and Washington plans a record $708 billion defense budget for next year compared to Russia spending less than $40 billion last year for the same, China and Russia are portrayed as threats to the U.S. and its allies. Related articles: U.S. Expands Asian NATO Against China, Russia October 16, 2009 Broader Strategy: West’s Afghan War Targets Russia, China, Iran September 8, 2009 U.S. Accelerates First Strike Global Missile Shield System August 19, 2009 Australian Military Buildup And The Rise Of Asian NATO May 6, 2009 Source: CS Monitor January 20, 2010 The FBI undercover operation was the largest-ever effort to enforce the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The 22 executives ran companies that supplied militaries and law-enforcement agencies. Twenty-two executives at military and law-enforcement supply companies have been arrested in a sting operation by federal authorities. It is billed as the nation’s largest effort to enforce the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the Justice Department announced on Tuesday. The business representatives were charged with attempting to pay bribes to win lucrative overseas contracts worth $15 million. The defendants were snared in an undercover operation run by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in which two undercover agents posed as representatives of the ministry of defense of an unidentified African nation Under the alleged scheme, the supply company executives agreed to submit invoices inflated by 20 percent to cover agreed upon bribes and kickbacks that were to be paid to the middlemen and the minister of defense. Rather than walk away from the business opportunity, the charged businessmen allegedly agreed to inflate their invoices and pay the kickbacks. “This ongoing investigation is the first large-scale use of undercover law enforcement techniques to uncover FCPA violations and the largest action every undertaken by the Justice Department against individuals for FCPA violations,” said Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, who called the actions "a turning point." How the sting worked In all 16 separate indictments have been returned in the case. One of them charges Daniel Alvirez and Lee Allen Tolleson, president and director of acquisitions at a Bull Shoals, Ark., military-equipment supplier. Mr. Alvirez’s company is not identified by name in the indictment. The indictment says the two men met with the undercover agents in Miami’s Mandarin Orient Hotel in May and agreed to add a 20 percent “commission” to the deal. The proposed sale by Alvirez involved 25 grenade launchers and 70,000 grenades. According to the indictment, the two men caused a wire transfer for $16,200 from a bank account purported to be controlled by the African country to their company’s bank account. Two days later, the two executives sent a wire transfer of the 20 percent “commission” to a bank account controlled by one of the undercover FBI agents. The indictment says the money was a bribe to the minister of defense and kickbacks to the two undercover agents. In October, the two executives again met with the undercover agents, this time at Clyde’s restaurant in Washington, DC. The meeting was allegedly conducted to set up a second, more lucrative, transaction. Twenty-one of the suspects were arrested in Las Vegas where they were set to attend a trade show. One was arrested in Miami. The complete list of the people indicted is available here. The defendants face up to five years in prison for each FCPA charge and up to 20 years in prison for alleged money laundering. |
Massachusetts Win: Obama Vows Retaliation Against American People First of all, on 19 January 2010 We-the-People did it! A virtually unprecedented event occurred yesterday. The almost bluest of blue states turned partially red in its senatorial election to continue the growing revolt against the totalitarian and patently Marxist/Maoists policies of the current Obama Administration in Washington D.C. The election of now-Senator Scott Brown (R-MA), the first since the reelection of Republican Senator Edward William Brooke III in 1972, was a landslide. Thank you Massachusetts and Scott Brown for a great night. However, according to leftist leaning “news” organizations (CNN and MSNBC) covering the special election, members of the Obama Administration have said that the tyrant will NOT take this defeat lying down. The “leaked” information coming out of the White House is that Obama is now planning to (per Rachel Maddow and others) “double down” in his efforts to shove the ObamaCare Death Plan down the throats of the American people. Even Fox News’ leftist Juan Williams repeated this double-down message. Williams also said that the “majority of the American people” want health care reform. Questions: What is it about leftists that keeps them from seeing reality? Are they crazy or just hoping if the repeat their lies often enough people will actually begin to believe them? Obama appears to hope that if he keeps telling us we really want his Death Plan, we’ll buy it. After all, the constant repetition of the “big lie” worked for Adolph Hitler& Co, didn’t it? |
AFGHANISTANTerror in Kabul as new government sworn in
Russia Today | As Hamid Karzai swears in members of his new cabinet, the Taliban take the opportunity to show their presence with a major bombing in downtown Kabul. Karzai plans to woo Taliban with ‘land, work and pensions’Veterans Today By Julian Borger in Lashkar Gah The Guardian Afghanistan’s president will unveil a plan in the next eight days to offer work, education, pensions and land to Taliban fighters who lay down their weapons. Hamid Karzai intends to launch the reconciliation and reintegration plan at the start of next week’s London conference on Afghanistan,... Read more of this article |
Published on 01-20-2010 Source: Huffington Post Three types of Monsanto genetically modified corn are under scrutiny in the wake of a new study published by the International Journal Of Biological Sciences which found that rats ingesting the corn were subject to statistically significant amounts of organ toxicity ... ... So the facts are as follows: We eat corn and corn derivatives that have been genetically modified, which has been banned for being unsafe in other countries -- the FDA has not done independent testing on the health effects of at least three types of corn that we are eating, and have instead taken Monsanto's word for the fact that they are safe. Monsanto resisted releasing their data to independent researchers -- environmental groups had to sue to get it. Once it was released and analyzed by one group of scientists, they wrote a dense study in a non-peer reviewed journal and found statistically significant amounts of organ failure in the rats in Monsanto's own study. Consumers often have no way of knowing clearly if they are eating genetically modified food. The FDA did not return calls for comment. |
Source: All Gov.
January 20, 2010
The FBI continues to keep secret hundreds of thousands of pages of documents stemming from the Civil Rights Era, including information related to the assassination of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Records not released include details about a Ku Klux Klan leader who claimed to have played a role in King’s death in 1968. Stuart Wexler, a history teacher in New Jersey who requested the KKK information, was told by the FBI that the document had been accidentally destroyed, only to discover this was not true.
Top 10 Veterans News from Around the Country 1-20-10 Find out What’s Inside Today’s Local News for Veterans
HAVE YOU HEARD? 1. Florida Vets Look To Congress For Help With Claims Backlog, Survivor Benefits. The Tallahassee (FL) Democrat (1/20, Jansen) reports, “Florida veterans are urging Congress to shorten the backlog for disability claims and to eliminate an overlap” in retirement and disability benefits for survivors of deceased veterans. On Wednesday, “advocacy groups will raise” their concerns “at a roundtable” with the House Veterans Affairs Committee. 2. VA Researchers Say They Have Discovered Way To More Reliably Diagnose PTSD. The St. Paul (MN) Pioneer-Press (1/20, Olson) reports researchers “affiliated with” the US Department of Veterans Affairs and the University of Minnesota “say they may know how to diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder much more reliably – a breakthrough that could help many Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans,” but the “diagnosis comes through a magnetic imaging machine that costs in the millions and only exists now in 40″ or so US “hospitals and research facilities.” 3. Vietnam Vet Attempts To Help Others With PTSD. On its website, KXRM-TV Colorado Springs, CO (1/19, Welte) reported, “Experts say many combat veterans will suffer from some degree of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their lifetimes and…the key to dealing with and overcoming PTSD is talking with people who understand.” One such person is Donald Griggs, a Vietnam vet who went to a Veterans Affairs “clinic in Denver” for his PTSD and is now part of the “Faith Community Education Collaborative began, an initiative among faith-based communities to help soldiers suffering from PTSD.” 4. VLER Contract Announcements Made By VA. Government Health IT (1/20, Mosquera) says the Department of Veterans Affairs recently “made a set of contract announcements that gets the ball rolling on its joint venture with the Defense Department to build a lifetime electronic benefits and health record for military service members and their families. The contracts set up management services for the Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) project,” as “well as solicit firms to evaluate communities where” the project “could be tested.” 5. VA Contracts With Non-Profit For Vets’ Long-Term Care. The last item in the Bergen County (NJ) Record’s (1/18) “Non-Profit Events” section noted that Christian Health Care Adult Day Services of Wyckoff, New Jersey, “has entered into a contract with the Veterans Administration to become an authorized medical adult-day program for veterans in Bergen and Passaic counties needing long-term care services.” 6. TRICARE Increasing Social Media Presence. The final item in Federal News Radio’s (1/20) “Daily Debrief” reports, “TRICARE is taking the plunge into social media to uncover what issues matter most to its beneficiaries.” The “deputy director of the TRICARE Management Activity said in a press release that TRICARE is already active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr, and is getting ready to launch a new media center Web page in March 2010.” 7. VA Hospital In DC To Host Event For Homeless Veterans. According to the second item in the Washington Times‘ (1/20, Fales) “Sgt. Shaft” column, the “Sarge is looking forward to attending the Winterhaven Homeless Veterans Stand Down, an “annual event hosted” by the Veterans Affairs medical center in Washington, DC. This year, the event will be held “on Jan. 23, 2010.” 8. Lutz VAMC Implementing Transportation Initiative. The Gaylord (MI) Herald Times (1/20) notes that the Aleda E. Lutz Veterans Affairs Medical Center “in Saginaw is implementing” a Rural Health Transportation Initiative that “will provide round-trip veteran transportation from the Gaylord Community Based Outpatient Clinic” in Gaylord “to the VA medical centers in Saginaw, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek and Detroit.” 9. Volunteers Visit Hospitalized Vets On MLK Day. The St. Petersburg (FL) Times (1/20, Castillo) says “about 300 volunteers,” including some who “rode a bus” to the Veterans Affairs medical center “at Bay Pines to visit hospitalized” veterans, “heeded the call to serve others during Largo’s MLK Day of Good Deeds.” 10. Report: Claims Mismanaged By VA Office. On its website, WSLS-TV |
China's national sovereign wealth fund Held Talks for Brazil, Mexico Investments
Bloomberg - 10 hours ago
20 (Bloomberg) -- China Investment Corp., the nation's sovereign wealth fund, has had “early” talks for direct investments in Brazil and Mexico, ...
Obama Backs Mexico’s Failed ‘War on Drugs’
New American | There are many reasons why Congress should end the Merida Initiative and countless other, similar programs. For one, they are not authorized by the Constitution. Second, the results are counterproductive and in this case, extremely deadly.
Hutchison’s Border Plan: Merge Homeland Security and Local Law Enforcement
KWTX | Hutchison’s plan for security along the Texas-Mexico border includes expanding state participation in Homeland Security programs that let local law enforcement officials enforce some federal immigration laws and that verify whether a person can legally work in the country.
Artists Develop Tool To Guide Illegal Border Crossers To Water
KPBS | A group of art and technology activists have decided to develop what they call the Transborder Immigrant Tool.
Gang Brawl Inside Mexico Prison Leaves 23 Dead
Police find 4 tortured bodies in southern Mexico
Kidnapper testifies victim was killed in Mexico
Dallas Morning News - 1 hour ago
A man who pleaded guilty to committing a series of kidnappings on behalf of the Mexican Gulf cartel's enforcers has testified at the trial of a co-defendant that the body of a Texas victim was "cooked" on a ranch in Mexico. Gerardo Zamora Espinoza testified Wednesday that Daniel Ramirez Jr. was kidnapped from the convenience store where he worked in 2008 because a high-ranking member of the cartel's enforcement arm was trying to expand his power in the area. Espinoza said he was told by his nephew who allegedly ran the kidnapping ring that they were "cooking the body" of Ramirez at a ranch in Mexico even though Ramirez's father had paid $40,000 in ransom.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
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FLU PANDEMIC H1N1 swine flu hoax falls apart at the seams
Mike Adams | The great swine flu hoax of 2009 is now falling apart at the seams as one country after another unloads hundreds of millions of doses of unused swine flu vaccines. No informed person wants the injection anymore. Greece cancels order for swine flu vaccine
RIA Novosti | Greece has canceled the remaining order for about 8 million batches of the vaccine against the deadly swine flu, local media said citing the government sources. Thousands of Americans died from H1N1 even after receiving vaccine shots
Natural News | The CDC is engaged in a very clever, statistically devious spin campaign, and nearly every journalist in the mainstream media has fallen for its ploy. No one has yet reported what I’m about to reveal here. |
REPUBLICAN-DEMOCRAT NEWS - January 20, 2010 -Barack Obama is determined to stick to his plan to reform American healthcare in the face of a shocking election loss to the Republicans today.
The president was defiantly staying the course even after Republican Scott Brown rode a wave of voter anger to beat Democrat Martha Coakley in yesterday's special Senate election in Massachusetts. 'The mission can't change,' an aide said today.
But the result - already labelled the 'Boston Tea Party' - was being seen as a wake-up call for the Obama administration.
It seemed like a good idea at the time:
Mr Brown poses nude for Cosmopolitan to help pay his way through a law degree
The lesson of Massachusetts? Anger
Graco stroller recall: 1.5 million NEW YORK ( -- About 1.5 million Graco strollers have been recalled because they could pose a risk of fingertip amputations and lacerations to children, federal safety officials announced Wednesday. The recall includes certain models of strollers and travel systems made by Graco Children's Products, including the Graco Passage, Alano and Spree Strollers and travel systems, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said. Safety officials recall 1.5 million Greco strollers and travel systems after five children had their fingers severed by faulty hinges. The hinges on the product's canopy pose a fingertip amputation and laceration hazard to the child when the consumer is opening or closing the canopy, the CPSC said. Graco has received seven reports of children injured when they placed their fingers in the stroller's canopy hinge mechanism, including five fingertip amputations and two lacerations, according to the commission. The CPSC said consumers should immediately stop using the recalled strollers and contact Graco to receive a free protective cover repair kit. The recalled strollers were sold at Babies "R" Us, Toys "R" Us, Kmart, Sears, Target, Walmart and other retailers nationwide from October 2004 and December 2009. The strollers had a suggested retail price of between between $80 and $90. The travel systems, which include a detachable car seat, sold for between $150 and $200 Fingertip amputations prompt Graco stroller recall |
January 19, 2010 - Astronomers are watching what they believe is a remarkable collision between two asteroids deep in space. If they are right, it is the first time a high-speed crash has ever been witnessed between massive space rocks. The mystery comet imaged by Dr Robert McMillan at Kitt Peak, Arizona The cosmic hit-and-run is happening 250 million miles away in a band of debris lying between planets Mars and Jupiter - the main asteroid belt.
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 20, 2010 AT 6:00 PM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind M3.4 Flare - The largest Solar Flare of Cycle 24 to date took place earlier today around new Sunspot 1041. Expect the possibility of more Flare activity from this region. Geomagnetic Storming - The Bz has been tilting south at times throughout the day on Wednesday and this did create some minor geomagnetic storming. Aurora contacts were made in Europe on VHF according to the DX cluster. New Sunspot 1041 (old sunspot 1039) is now starting to rotate into view and there is a small sunspot visible on the eastern limb. An M1.8 Solar Flare took place at 10:59 UTC Wednesday. There will continue to be a chance for C-Class and M-Class flares from this active region and by this evening we should have a better look at this sunspot to see just how big it is. C5.0 Flare at 04:58 UTC Wednesday M2.3 Flare - The first registered M-Class flare of Cycle 24 has taken place at 13:41 UTC Tuesday around the new region about to rotate into view on the Eastern Limb. Another low level M-Class flare and several C-Class flares have taken place from new Sunspot 1041. The M2.3 flare did cause an R1 Radio Blackout according to NOAA. More minor radio blackouts can be expected due to the new region. The TRACE gang has posted a couple of really good movies of flare activity from AR1041. One of them is at: The following is a clip from this TRACE movie: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Thu Jan 21 0:33:15 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map The Highway Patrol closes Interstate 5 at the Grapevine because of snow. A flash flood watch and thunderstorm warning is issued for the region, and forecasters say the worst is yet to come. L.A. coast slammed by tornado-like storm National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
Insult to Injury: Why We Must Oppose the WHO Global Tax Proposals
James Corbett | The United Nations is attempting to sneak non-accountable, non-democratic global governance structures in the back door by establishing indirect taxation mechanisms for funding them UN: Himalayan glaciers warning not backed upA UN warning that Himalayan glaciers were melting faster than any other place in the world and may be gone by 2035 was not backed up by science, UN climate experts said Wednesday — an admission that could energize climate change critics. | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
UN Headquarters Invited to Relocate to Dubai, Government Says
Dubai, the Gulf emirate that just inaugurated the world’s tallest building, said it is ready to host the United Nations headquarters if the organization decides to relocate from New York City.
Dubai is the “ideal choice,” the government’s official press office said in an e-mailed statement today, because of its geographic location and efficient transport network.
The city is closer to some of the UN’s biggest trouble spots in Somalia and Yemen and to Israel and Palestine as well as Iran and Pakistan.
Dubai’s property sector, where construction of homes and offices outpaced demand causing prices to drop by half, could benefit from the influx of at least 6,000 UN staff, who will require office and residential space. Total office space in Dubai will double to about 6 million square meters by the end of 2011, Colliers International estimates, even as 40 percent of the sheikhdom’s current offices stand empty.
The UN headquarters is currently undergoing a $1.9 billion makeover to its New York-based headquarters which has led to the temporary relocation of its staff. Renovations are due for completion in 2013. The current location, on Manhattan’s East River, has long been subject to criticism as many diplomats struggle to obtain U.S. visas and New York residents suffer from the inconveniences of traffic gridlock caused by visiting dignitaries.
“The emirate welcomes channels of dialogue with the directors of the international organization to show them what Dubai can offer,” Dubai’s government said in the statement.
Last month, Dubai received a $10 billion lifeline from Abu Dhabi, the capital and richest member of the federation. Dubai borrowed at least $80 billion until 2008 to turn itself into a financial and tourism hub.
Curious New Zealand kitten finally freed The grey and white kitten was found stuck under the chassis of a rented Ford Focus at the Acacia Court Motel, on Tremaine Ave, about 9.30pm on Tuesday. Motel owner Joan Busuttin had just arrived home from dinner with her son when she heard meowing under the bonnet. "He was wedged so tight he couldn't move. "But going by the tone of the meow, he wasn't injured or in pain." An SPCA employee and firefighters were called to the motel, but were unable to release the kitten. An Automobile Association worker loosened the area where the kitten was wedged, but it remained trapped. "He squirmed out but then he just ran into different parts of the engine," Mrs Busuttin said. She put the car in a garage with the bonnet up, and left food and milk out. When she woke up about 6am yesterday, the kitten had escaped, but was distressed and shaking. "Well you would be scared, wouldn't you? I think if he had nine lives, well, he's got eight now." Mrs Busuttin could not keep the kitten, so she hoped its owner would come forward, or someone would adopt it. "My son thought we should call him Focus." Anyone interested in adopting the kitten can call the Acacia Court Motel on 3583471. |
Asian Carp Offer Opportunity for Entrepreneurs
Blind grandmother lands monster catfish
It's the biggest ever freshwater fish caught by a British woman.
— Daily Mail
This one appears like a plane at first, but keep watching. I haven't seen one that looks like this. |
My News blog: The Cave
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