It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Monday Evening - February 8, 2010 |
FEBRUARY 8, 2010 at 2:57 PM CDT FEBRUARY 8, 2010 at 1:01 PM CDT FEBRUARY 8, 2010 at 7:00 AM CDT - REVERSAL |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
The US Economic Crisis: Jobs Continue to Vanish While the Media Applauds “Recovery”
At first glance it appeared there was a typo in the headlines. The national media reported that, in January, another 20,000 more jobs were lost. Somehow, the unemployment rate dropped, from 10 percent to 9.7 percent. Nobody thought this paradox was worth explaining; instead, the media’s attitude was “more good news” about the economy.
But there was other evidence of an obliterated job market hiding behind the cheerful headlines. After revising the employment numbers in 2009, The New York Times reported, “…the economy lost 150,000 jobs in December, far more than the 85,000 initially reported.” Overall in 2009, the adjusted numbers showed an additional “…1.36 million fewer jobs…” (February 5, 2010).
The conviction of the Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui in New York last week of trying to kill American military officers and FBI agents illustrates that the greatest danger to our security comes not from al-Qaida but the thousands of shadowy mercenaries, kidnappers, killers and torturers our government employs around the globe. |
Liberals Get a War President of Their Very Own
Suddenly and surprisingly, we have a Bush-like Obama Doctrine. To the applause of liberal hawks and formerly critical neocons, the president declared in his Nobel Peace Prize speech that the U.S. will continue to wage war—though naturally, only “just” war—anywhere and against anyone it chooses in a never-ending struggle against the forces of evil. His antiwar supporters can take seats on the sidelines. It’s all reminiscent of John F. Kennedy and the prescient George Ball, and afterward Ball and Lyndon Johnson. In the early ’60s, JFK—reluctantly, we are told by his admirers—decided to send 16,000 “trainers” to Vietnam to teach the South Vietnamese how to play soldier and to stop the Communists from sweeping over Southeast Asia.
Mashaal in Russia: Israel wants only war Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said Monday that Israeli leaders bring "war and occupation" thus blocking peace talks on the Palestinians, Syria and Lebanon. Mashaal spoke after a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Msocow. His statement leaves in doubt Russia's desire to host a Mideast peace conference and to involve Hamas, despite strong opposition from Israel and the US. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued no information about Monday's meeting between Mashaal and Lavrov. Moscow hopes to host a Middle East peace conference but has not yet set a date. |
Mon, 08 Feb 2010 08:17:30 GMT - Tel Aviv, which is reported to have an arsenal of 200 atomic warheads itself, accuses Iran of having the intention to develop nuclear weapons and routinely threatens to reduce the country's enrichment sites to rubble. This is while Iran, unlike Israel, is a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and has opened its enrichment facilities to UN inspection. A report released by the US Office of Naval Intelligence in December has confirmed that if Israel decides to bomb Tehran's nuclear sites, Iran's naval modernization and maritime capabilities have reached a point where it can seal off the Strait of Hormuz, through which nearly 40 percent of the world's oil supplies pass. "Given the importance of the Strait, disrupting traffic flow or even threatening to do so may be an effective tool for Iran," said the intelligence report. "[World economies would suffer] a serious economic impact from a sustain closure of the Strait of Hormuz due to greatly reduced supplies of crude oil, petroleum supplies and (liquefied natural gas)," ONI said. RELATED: Iran informs UN nuclear agency of fuel production |
What Do Rising Sovereign Credit Default Swaps Mean? The economists are ill qualified to analyse the current economic situation since they lack the overview of historians such as himself. "There are economic professors in American universities who think they are masters of the universe, but they don't have any historical knowledge. I have never believed that markets are self correcting. No historian could." |
Former Spy Bosses, Goldman Exec Behind Full-Body Scanner
Think Government Is Corrupt? You May Face 10 Years In Jail Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, February 8, 2010 Subversives who think government is corrupt and should be controlled by the people face 10 years in prison and a $25,000 dollar fine if they fail to register with authorities in South Carolina, in another chilling example of how free speech and dissent is being criminalized in America. The state’s “Subversive Activities Registration Act” is now officially on the books and mandates that “Every member of a subversive organization, or an organization subject to foreign control, every foreign agent and every person who advocates, teaches, advises or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States … shall register with the Secretary of State.” |
CITIZENS, OCCUPY THE REPUBLIC: MEET THE ENEMY HEAD ON! February 6, 2010 As the celestial clock ticks down on history, there are millions upon millions who still do not know whether it is day or night. Among these are many who are just not capable of understanding the events which are crowding us into a corner from which there is only one way out and that is into the giant fan blades covering the exit. These folks are unable to care for themselves, are elderly, physically or mentally handicapped, and wonderful people who are financially destitute and at the absolute mercy of those around them. I know, I hear from many of them and they are terrified at the thought of a descending legion of mercenaries from hell who will terminate their life’s choices with the swift declaration of a “power of attorney” through an Obama “transparent choice you can live with” executive action. For millions of other Americans, it boils down to this. Do I spend what very little discretionary money I have left on storable food, water, natural medicines, firearms and ammunition, hand tools to rebuild with, energy systems, expensive rugged clothing or a thousand other necessary choices including a safe place to reside and a means to get there? Just what do I do first and will I have time to finish this Herculean task? READ MORE
Stop selling unlicensed natural health remedies says pharmacy regulators
Brasscheck TV: What REALLY happened in New Orleans Foreigners Invest Greenbacks in Return for Green CardsThrough a little-known visa program that connects international fortunes to depressed economies around the country, Gaithersburg-based NobleOutReach has set out to rebuild parts of New Orleans through investments from wealthy foreigners seeking a gateway for immigration. |
Hal Lindsey: America's Greatest Threat (video)
Emergency Food Providers Short On Supplies |
HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy – video, background 101
U.N. gun ban faces pre-emptive attack
2010 WorldNetDaily
A gun rights organization has launched a petition effort to build opposition to plans being discussed by U.S. officials and the United Nations that could result in the confiscation and destruction of privately owned firearms inside the U.S. The online petition, run by officials with the National Association for Gun Rights, offers participants a conduit to tell their U.S. senators a "Small Arms Treaty"' being discussed is "nothing more than a massive global gun control scheme, designed to register, ban and confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens." |
Judge Napolitano on the Second Amendment (video)
Michael Douglas's Son Faces More Time Than a Murderer or a Rapist for a Nonviolent Drug Charge Who benefits from Cameron Douglas getting at least 10 years in prison? No one. But the government is hell-bent on punishing him for the crime of being an addict. Alcohol Restrictions, Curfew Lifted In King, NC - Gun Ban still in Effect KING, N.C. -- Authorities lifted curfew and alcohol restrictions in King on Sunday, but said a state of emergency declaration remained in effect until Monday. Authorities said the state of emergency declaration would continue until Monday 9 a.m., barring any unforeseen circumstances or severe changes. Effective Sunday afternoon, alcohol restrictions and a curfew were lifted. All other remaining restrictions would continue until Monday, said Paula May, King police chief. Other restrictions included a ban on the sale or purchase of any type of firearm, ammunition, explosive or any possession of such items off a person's own premises. Postcards from the Empire: The United Police States of America I don’t want this column to be seen as bashing the US. However, there is much to validly criticize about the current model in the US and much to dissent from, also. |
Christians Claim Hate Crimes Law an Effort to ‘Eradicate’ Their Beliefs
Senate Passes AIPAC's Iran Sanctions Bill in Five Minutes Not everyone was happy that it passed by voice vote. It's an election year and senators want some Iran-bashing credit with their donors. |
Rash of retirements push Social Security to brink
Social Security's annual surplus nearly evaporated in 2009 for the first time in 25 years as the recession led hundreds of thousands of workers to retire or claim disability.
You need to remember that an increase of retirements was expected right about now from the baby boomer generation.
Lawyers set to make billions from 9/11 First Responders’ illnesses
NY Post | Lawyers in the legal battle over Ground Zero worker compensation could bag up to half of the billions available to pay 9/11 recovery workers for toxic injuries. |
Frightening Taste Of Internet Censorship As Major Free Speech Websites Blocked
Paul Joseph Watson | Frightening Taste Of Internet Censorship As Major Free Speech Websites Blocked.
With influential proponents recently calling for a newly regulated world wide web, we got a preview of how that might look this past weekend after both and Prison were completely blocked to many Internet users in New Zealand.
The block was only removed early this morning following a raft of complaints after both websites were unavailable on many ISP’s since Friday.
As the New Zealand based InfoNews website reported yesterday, both of Alex Jones’ flagship websites were blocked by ISPs using Asia Netcom for their international internet traffic.
Akamai Real-Time Web Monitor Obama Surrendering Internet to Foreign Powers BlackBerry has spyware risk too, researcher says While I was able to control the spyware using text messages sent from my mobile phone, the spyware had to be first installed on his BlackBerry for the snooping to work. |
Global Warming, Energy, Fossile Fuels, Money, Power, Control
Where the jobs are
Everyone agrees that we should reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
Everyone agrees that we need to increase American jobs.
Everyone, except perhaps the President and his minions in the majority, agrees that the government cannot afford to subsidize either of these goals.
Both of these goals can be achieved quite easily with no government subsidy: drill here; drill now!
Congress could open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the twinkling of a Senate vote. This would pave the way to upwards of 10 billion barrels of new crude for America. Paving the road to this new inventory would provide employment for as many as 735,000 people – at no cost to the government.
Congress could open the oil-rich areas off shore, where as much as 85 billion barrels of oil is waiting for our use. Every new barrel produced provides new jobs for America – at no cost to the government.
Instead of choosing this perfectly logical course of action, the President, and his minions in the majority, chose to spend $159 billion to create 640,000 jobs.That’s $248,000 per job, for a job that typically pays much less than $100,000 per year, and in many cases, will last only a few months. How dumb is that? READ MORE
Incandescent bulbs will no longer be sold
This is another example of "Environment" being used to force us to buy products that we might not want. The CFCs do not last anywhere near as long as the package claims. The ones I bought from Home Depot started failing after just 1 month. Contrary to the package claims, they do NOT put out the same amount of light as the regular bulb of thus and such wattage; I checked with light meter.
Finally, CFCs are TOXIC! If they break, you get mercury vapor in your homes. And unless you dispose of them at special collection sites, the mercury goes into the water table at whatever landfill the bulbs and sent to, along with the toxic materials on the circuit board and the tiny radioisotope that initiates the lamp when switched on.
Oregon government revenues still dropping Ohio fiscal year tax revenue off by nearly $100M Ohio's tax coffers are nearly $100 million lighter than officials had expected by this point in the fiscal year, largely due to a January income tax shortfall. |
Vatican, world's largest particle physics lab plan to collaborate
The Geneva-based laboratory would like to invite an astronomer from the Vatican Observatory to collaborate on studies concerning the origin of the universe, said Ugo Amaldi,
SANTA ANA, Calif., Feb. 8 (UPI) -- A retired Boeing engineer convicted of supplying trade secrets to China must serve 15 years in prison, a California judge ruled Monday. |
'Government wants to be your one and only god'
NASHVILLE - WND founder Joseph Farah shared his long-term strategy for reclaiming the nation with tea partiers last night – explaining election wins are only half the battle and a true, lasting revolution would mean taking over cultural institutions such as the press, entertainment business, schools, universities and churches.
"We're in trouble in America," he told a packed room at the first national tea party convention in Nashville. "We're losing our moral bearings. We're losing our respect for the rule of law. You look around America today, and things are bad – and they're getting worse. We're broke. We're dispirited. We're scared."
Rep John Murtha dies following surgery. Huckabee “Absolutely” Backs Drive to Bomb Iran
Kurt Nimmo | Is Mike Huckabee really a psychopath or is he simply sucking up to the neocons? |
Toyota Plans to recall 300,000 Priuses
Most Independents Disapprove of Obama’s Performance, Poll Finds More than half of U.S. voters who describe themselves as independents disapprove of President Barack Obama’s job performance for the first time since he took office in January 2009, according to a poll released today. Poll: More people disapprove of Obama job performance than approve Fewer registered voters nationwide — 44% — approve of President Barack Obama’s job performance than disapprove — 47%, according to a new Marist College poll. When Marist last asked about the president’s approval rating in December, 46% thought well of Obama’s job performance while 44% gave him low marks. Administration Proposes New Agency to Study Climate Change If at first you don't succeed, rebrand, repackage, and resell! HHS chief Kathleen Sebelius voices concern over increases that affect many of the insurer's 800,000 policyholders. MONDAY’S OBAMATOON ~~ OLD AFGHAN PROVERB |
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"The CIA, Mind Control and Children" Testimony to Congress Committee on radiation confirms O'Brien charges. Hundred of children involved. Talk by Jon Rappoport. History of Mind Control Experiments Iran Contra Drugs CIA Present in Yemen Since 2008: Report CIA Agents Assassinated in Afghanistan Worked for “Contractor” Active in Venezuela and Cuba Ron Paul: We Need To Take Out The CIA CIA Helicopters Aid Taliban More CIA Drug Smuggling CIA moonlights in corporate world Red Alert: Intelligence Chiefs “Certain” Their Bosses Will Stage Terror Attack Soon Freeway Ricky Ross on Alex Jones Tv: How The CIA Supply, Control, Operate The Drug Business | |||||
Dozens of Palestinians injured as Israelis raid refugee camp
Israel police injured dozens of Palestinians in violence that broke out after they raided a refugee camp on the edge of Jerusalem on Monday, a Palestinian news agency reported.
Israeli police moved into the camp early on Monday to arrest tax evaders while Palestinians, mostly schoolchildren, retaliated in the afternoon by hurling stones ...
People's Republic of China (PRC) |
China to crack down on 'thriving' online gamblingChina to strengthen co-op with Japan to boost mutual understandingChinese premier Wen Jiabao Monday urged China and Japan to strengthen exchange and cooperation to boost mutual understanding and trust. |
France agrees to sell Russia advanced warship |
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 (UPI) -- The United States and the European Union condemned human rights abuse in Iran in a joint statement issued Monday. |
Heavy snow paralyzes parts of Bulgaria, Romania
Heavy snowfall has seriously disrupted transport in Bulgaria and neighboring Romania, blocking highways and leaving cars stranded in snow.
Officials in Bulgaria say the weather caused power outages in parts of that country Monday, and delayed most flights for about an hour at Sofia International Airport. Off-road vehicles are being used to free stranded drivers and transport patients requiring emergency treatment to the hospital.
'Niagara' of mud hits homes Dozens of houses in La Cañada Flintridge, California are damaged or destroyed in a storm that defied forecast. |
Sea Shepherd Has Shut Down Illegal Japanese Whaling
Position: 63 Degrees 43 Minutes South 81 Degrees 26 Minutes East
The Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin joined the Sea Shepherd ship Bob Barker this morning at 0700 Hours (Sydney time). Both Sea Shepherd ships are now on the tail of the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru.
The Japanese fleet was running fast to the Northeast not knowing that the Steve Irwin was on a course of Southwest coming directly for them. With the fleet doing 15 knots, and the Steve Irwin doing 15 knots, the Steve Irwin and the whaling fleet closed the gap at 30 knots cutting the rendezvous time in half.
Calumet Specialty investigating cause of Louisiana explosion
Indianapolis-based Calumet Specialty Products Partners LP is investigating the cause of a Friday blast at its refinery in Shreveport, La., that damaged some nearby properties.
“It was a loud boom that broke windows on some nearby properties,” Liz Swaine, a spokeswoman for the refiner said. Workers began replacing broken glass Saturday and should be finished Monday, she said. “Anyone who calls in, we’ll send out a crew to assess and repair any damage.”
The company shut down the plant’s Belco unit, which scrubs pollutants from residual gases. The plant produces base and process oils, according to Calumet’s Web site.
There were no injuries and no residual fires related to the flash of fuel, which occurred at about 5:40 p.m. local time, she said. Calumet is also trying to determine whether it can use different environmental controls to maintain production at the refinery.
“We’re not sure yet of the longer-term picture,” she said.
CERN scientists ramp up to restart collider On Feb. 15, the collider will start up again. Soon thereafter, it will start producing scientific data for the first time. This year, the plan is to ramp up the collider to unprecedented levels of speed in order to test traditional physics theories. If all goes well, Myers expects the LHC to run at full energy – accelerating particles to nearly the speed of light – in 2011. |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation FEBRUARY 8, 2010 at 6:00 PM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase Recommended: What the Hell is Going on Up There? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Flare activity continues - M-Class flare activity continues on Monday morning. An M4, M1 and M2 have all taken place around Sunspot 1045 and there will continue to be a chance for M-Class flares and a lower chance for an X-Class flare. Continue to monitor the Solar X-Ray flux today. Solar Update - Sunspot 1045 has a Beta-Gamma classification with a possible Delta Magnetic configuration and continues to produce Solar Flares. There will remain a chance for M-Class flares and there is now a 10% chance for an X-Flare event. A Full Halo CME has been observed in Lasco imagery. Any earth directed CME impacts can produce minor geomagnetic storming and help produce Aurora conditions on VHF. NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Madrid, Missouri experienced 4 quakes Sunday, Feb 7 2010 MAG DATE LOCAL-TIME LAT LON DEPTH LOCATION y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km map 1.9 2010/02/07 21:15:35 36.536N 89.639W 6.8 11 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.3 2010/02/07 20:54:44 36.538N 89.635W 7.2 11 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.6 2010/02/07 20:45:32 36.534N 89.642W 6.6 12 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.6 2010/02/07 06:22:14 36.535N 89.642W 7.4 12 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO Update time = Tue Feb 9 0:25:14 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Summary as of 8 February 2010 As of February 5, 2010 9:00 AM MST there have been 1,771 earthquakes located. The swarm began January 17, 2010 around 1:00 PM MST about 10 miles (16 km) northwest of the Old Faithful area on the northwestern edge of the Yellowstone Caldera. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map Next Big Mid-Atlantic Snow Could Target Philadelphia to NYC... Watches/Warnings... National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary
Upd. | Date/Time | Event | Country | County/State | City | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Snow Storm | Bulgaria | 12 Bulgarian municipalities | Ruse and Razgrad District | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Snow Storm | Romania | Unknown | South and South-east area | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Cold Wave | Mongolia | Unknown | Statewide | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Earthquake | China | Province of Guizhou | Miao, Guanling Buyi and Zhenfeng Counties | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Climate Change | Galapagos Island | Unknown | Galapagos-wide | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Flash Flood | Peru | Multiple areas | Departmontoes of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque and La Libertad | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | HAZMAT | Spain | Region of Navarre | Mutilva Baja | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Epidemic Hazard | Egypt | MultiGovernorates | Governorates of Daqahliya [Banha] and Menofya [Banha] | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Vehicle Accident | United Kingdom | England | Liverpool | Read |
1 | 02/08/2010 | Flash Flood | Afghanistan | Province of Kandahar | District of Shah Wali Kot | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Enviroment Pollution | Russia | Republica of Buryatia | Zaigrayevsky District | Read |
3 | 02/08/2010 | Landslide | Pakistan | Province of North-West Frontier | Shangla area | Read |
1 | 02/08/2010 | HAZMAT | Sweden | Unknown | Island of Gotland Area | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Vehicle Accident | China | Province of Guangxi | The area wasn't defined! [Southern area] | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Vehicle Accident | Sri Lanka | State of Central | Kandy District | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Vehicle Accident | South Africa | State of KwaZulu-Natal | Durban | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Biological Hazard | Myanmar (Burma) | Mandalay | No. 5 Ward, Mayangon Township | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Landslide | India | State of Jammu and Kashmir | Gulmarg Ski Resort | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Vehicle Accident | Vietnam | Province of Quang Ngai | Tra Khuc river | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Vehicle Accident | Tunisia | Province of Bouhejla | Sfax | Read |
| 02/08/2010 | Biological Hazard | USA | State of Hawaii | Hanauma Bay | Read |
3 | 02/07/2010 | Explosion | USA | State of Connecticut | Middletown | Read |
1 | 02/07/2010 | Epidemic Hazard | Colombia | Province of Cauca | Cali | Read |
2 | 02/07/2010 | Flash Flood | Australia | State of Queensland | Southern areas | Read |
5 | 02/05/2010 | Flash Flood | Mexico | MultiStates | States of Michoacan, Guanajuato and Mexico City | Read |
Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is 10% owned by Goldman Sachs (GS) and 10% owned by Generation Investment Management (GIM), an investment firm founded & chaired by Al Gore. GIM was co-founded by the former Treasury Secretary (under George W. Bush) and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson. Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is North America's only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide. (learn more) Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) is a landmark derivatives exchange that currently offers standardized and cleared futures and options contracts on emission allowances and other environmental products. CCFE is a wholly owned subsidiary of CCX. (Visit CCFE's website) Cap and Trade is a Goldman Sachs and Enron Scam What Cap and Trade Will Do to Your Utility Bills – calculator Senate Bill Creates Cap-And-Trade for SO2, - 5 hours ago A bi-partisan group of US Senators has introduced a legislation that would amend the Clean Air Act to create a cap-and-trade system. The catch is, it would not be a system for the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2). Rather, it would cap and reduce mercury emissions by 90% from coal-fired power plants and tighten national limits on emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). These are lofty goals, despite the fact that it sidesteps the elephant in the room. Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) introduced the legislation with co-sponsors Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), Edward Kaufman (D-Del.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). The legislation establishes a nationwide trading systems for SO2 and NOX emissions. SO2 emissions would be reduced 80% by 2018. NOx emissions would be cut 53% by 2015. Mercury emissions would be reduced by EPA by utilizing the "maximum available control technology." READ MORE |
10 pm - 2 am PT
Electronic Harassment
Practicing physician Dr. John Hall will discuss his work with thousands of victims of electronic harassment, stalking, and mind control and how CIA/NSA technology is being used to track, intimidate, and even read the thoughts of people. in the news:
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tale of a Would-Be Spy, Buried Treasure, and Uncrackable Code
Brian Regan used a complex encryption scheme to describe the locations of documents buried in a state park near Washington, DC.
— Wired Magazine
Audio Interview: Christopher Knowles
An exploration of the esoteric influences behind comic books and superheroes.
— Binnall of America
Doctors Stunned When 3-Year-Old Girl's Brain Tumor 'Disappears'
A grueling chemotherapy treatment only had halved the tumor.
— The Sun
Mystery "X" Stands For "X-traterrestrial" to Some Believers
An "X" pattern of dust debris, presumably from an asteroid collision, is simply arresting.
— Discovery News
Stunning Moonbow arches over volcanic landscape |
My News blog: The Cave
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