It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Evening - February 10, 2010 |
Enough already: Snow breaks mid-Atlantic records (AP) AP - Worst winter ever? The second blizzard in less than a week buried the most populous stretch of the East Coast under nearly a foot of snow Wednesday, breaking records for the snowiest winter and demoralizing millions of people still trying to dig out from the previous storm. Troops Randomly Patrol Streets In Pittsburgh, Respond To "Domestic Disputes" Americans are once again being conditioned to accept the sight of troops patrolling the streets and dealing with domestic law enforcement issues under the pretext of National Guard soldiers "helping" recovery efforts after the deluge of snow that has hit the East coast, the same soldiers who just months ago were also "helping" authorities to brutalize innocent people during the G20 summit in Pittsburgh. |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
US arms sale to Taiwan reveals ignorance, disrespect - China Daily
Obama OK with Fat Cat Bonuses
Unprecedented Challenges In Financial History Posted: Feb 09 2010 By: Jim Sinclair My Dear Extended Family, I doubt there has ever been a time in financial history when there has been challenges of this magnitude. This is not business as usual in any form. When have financial meetings been so top secret? Don’t accept terrorism as an excuse for everything that remains unexplained. There are so many lies and so much misinformation out there that the task of figuring out what is real is a daunting task. I implore you to go for safety in everything you do. How can you go wrong hunkering down? Do not speculate. You cannot out trade these people nor can you read their intentions by charts. Both are impossibilities. Do not deal on borrowed money. Secure you and yours. Take delivery of your precious metals and share certificates. We are in unchartered seas of international financial turmoil. The mega rich have no loyalty to anyone or anything. I know some of them, made one of them from scratch, and I assure you would put their mothers in a microwave for the right price. This is a financial world war taking place behind top secret meetings that are deciding our fate while not even knowing they are out of control. I can’t change this but I can do my best to protect you. Respectfully, |
New Trucking Index Sees Gloom
Chinese see U.S. debt as weapon in Taiwan dispute |
Our King of Big Government Suggests We Need Another New Agency
The problem is that he doesn’t spend just nickels and dimes, no; this guy is more like the proverbial fool and his money but in the billions and trillions neighborhood, and it’s OUR money. No, no, none of that penny ante stuff like hundreds of thousands or even millions; it has to be in the billions or trillions or it doesn’t please his little spendthrift heart.
And now he is at it once again. He has found another new scheme to fondle and nurture into a budget busting, economy depressing, deficit and national debt obesity to strangle our children and our children’s children for decades to come. It’s his own personal Global Warming Agency; right here in RiverCity (Potomac?). Move over Al Gore you will be outguessed on the rise or fall of temperatures by none other than the Messiah of the new millennium, Barry Soetoro, AKA, Barack Hussein Obama. READ MORE
Since taking office, Obama’s key objective on terrorism has been to transform the public perception of it from an international military conflict, to a limited domestic criminal problem. Renaming terrorism to the bureaucratically euphonious term, “Man Caused Disasters” was straight out of the first rule in the textbook of organizational coverups, to phrase your sentences so that the identity of the perpetrators of the crisis remain as vague as possible. Focusing on everything but terrorism, while shutting down Gitmo and dispatching top Al Qaeda terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to civilian trials, was meant to restore the illusion of normalcy, while doing away with the terrorism focus of the Bush Administration.
Taking America back from the Marxist jaws of Barack Obama starts with your own children in the privacy of your own home.
Obama’s Marxist agenda for the USA did not start on Nov. 4, 2008. It started long before when he and his domestic terrorist pal Bill Ayers were force-feeding a radical agenda through the public school system.
The military has canceled the deposition of an alleged terrorist mastermind who claimed that he was assaulted by the military following his capture last year. The law firm Puckett and Faraj, representing Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe, made the announcement on Sunday.
During the January 2010 World Economic Summit in Davos Switzerland Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the current Chairman of the G-20, presented the upcoming agenda for the G-20 and G-8 meetings to be held in Ontario in June. Many were shocked to hear this Conservative leader declare that “we also know markets need governance. For the new global economy, the G-20 is what we have.” Harper went on to speak as an avowed Keynesian committed to a one world global economy, creating a world “we have been trying to build since 1945”.
Yesterday Paul Krugman penned an article for the New York Times, which in summary argued that America was lost because the Senate had too many procedures that could allow Republicans to block Obama, Reid and Pelosi’s idea of what is good for America. Lest you think this was mere hyperbole on Krugman’s part, he compared the United States of 2010 to 18th century Poland, to 18th century Poland, which in Krugman’s assessment was destroyed because of excessive democracy.
Just when you thought the mentally deranged and draconian insults had gone far enough with Nepolitano and Homeland security last April, identifying our vets and everyone else who has traditional American values, as potential terrorists, now it gets worse.
Rasmussen Reports Poll: Majority of Americans Support Cutting Size of Government Workforce |
Alex Jone's | Featured Stories - Wednesday Morning - February 10, 2010
Heathrow Denial Of Naked Scanner Controversy Doesn’t Add Up
Paul Joseph Watson | Leaked government documents, as well as actual print outs, prove naked scanner devices can save and distribute images
Washington’s Blog | A declared state of emergency has continued in full force and effect from 9/11 to the present.
Herman Van Rompuy Seeks to Consolidate Economic Power
Naked capitalism | Van Rompuy has submitted a text calling for the creation of an “economic government” that shifts responsibility for economic planning from national authorities to EU level.
Ron Paul: ‘Neocon influence’ is infiltrating tea parties
Stephen C. Webster | “Everybody likes to join what looks like a popular movement, then they want to come in and influence that movement,” Paul told Maddow.
Captain America Plans to Infiltrate “Racist” Tea Party Movement
Warner Todd Huston | Nice going Marvel Comics. Thanks for making patriotic Americans into your newest super villains.
Webmaster's Commentary: Another frame-up collapses! |
Four in 10 South Florida mortgage holders `underwater' |
Bernanke’s How-To on Rate Increase Lacks a When
The Federal Reserve chief outlined a strategy, but not a timetable, for scaling back the extraordinary measures the Fed has taken to prop up the economy.
World of hire marriage wreckers exposed A MURDER has exposed Japan's splitter-uppers, agents who are paid to seduce one half of a couple causing them to split. |
Britain reveals torture secrets
The seven-paragraph description is a judge's summary of classified information shared by the CIA with the UK's MI5 intelligence service during Mohamed's questioning in Pakistan in May 2002.
British government has repeatedly denied complicity in torture, and claimed that revealing the information would damage US-British intelligence cooperation.
Mohamed's lawyers claimed the seven paragraphs prove that the US and British governments were complicit in extracting evidence against him through torture. They have been fighting for access to the documents along with The Associated Press and other news organisations.
The charges against Mohamed were later dropped.
Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi to email girlfriends on Feb 14
Updated: 2010-02-11 03:19
Berlusconi's second wife Veronica Lario announced she wanted to divorce him last year after he attended the 18th birthday party of an aspiring model in Naples.
The 73-year-old, who is one of Italy's richest men and owns a TV and media empire, later became embroiled in a sex scandal when an escort said she was paid to sleep with him at his Rome residence.
He says he has never paid for sex but has acknowledged he is "no saint".
Asked at a book presentation about his plans for Valentine's Day on Sunday, a smiling Berlusconi replied: "I'm using my computer and sending wishes to all my girlfriends."
Fifth Chinese official dies of unnatural causesBy Zuo Likun ( Insomnia-inflicted Liu Xianjin, chief prosecutor in Maoming city, leaped eight floors to his death at his home in south China's Guangdong province at dawn on February 5. This is the fifth publicized unnatural death of a Chinese official so far this year, according to available statistics summed by Nanfang Daily. The macabre figure was thirteen in 2009, six of which occurred in December alone, the newspaper said. |
Is Western press a pawn or truly free? - China Daily
Updated: 2010-02-10 07:49
Related readings:
US duplicity in Internet freedom
From democracy and human rights to internet freedom
Commentary: Don't impose double standards on "Internet freedom"
China strongly opposes US charges on internet freedom
The Green Police Are Coming to California, 2/8/10
If you think the Super Bowl commercial depicting The Green Police was a joke, think again. Californias Cap and Trade law, AB 32 will allow fines, fees, and a law enforcement approach against green violators, all while attempting to reduce the states carbon emissions starting in 2012.
The jobless rate is 12.4% in California, 2.25 million Californians are unemployed, and the state government is broke. Yet many legislators are still gung ho about Californias global warming taxes and regulations.
As reported by The Wall Street Journal, The law all but encourages outsourcing to Nevada, Texas, China and India. Even the liberal Sacramento Bee, which supports the law, says that policy makers should be candid about the real costs of the transition it is contemplating. . . . Industries that are energy-intensive will move elsewhere.
Those real costs will be everything that uses energy from light bulbs, to plastic bags, our cars and pets even the size of a families carbon footprints (limit on number children families will be allowed to have). Trucking companies, utilities, manufacturers and most other businesses will be hit with hefty new taxes when the unrealistic caps on CO2 are imposed and inevitably violated.
Because AB 32 regulations require diesel engines to be retrofitted to cut greenhouse gas emissions, small and large business owners would be required to buy newer trucks and have no used truck market to sell their old ones. This would put independent truckers out of business.
The green police may have gotten laughs all over the country, but in California it is no laughing matter.
CHEM TRAILS | | YouTube---NWO Poisoning Rain Water--Must See Tuesday, 9-Feb-2010 12:13:10 More questions than answers--once again!!! The video discusses great amounts of zinc being placed into our atmosphere. Perhaps you recall that this is one of the minerals that is sucked completely out of the body when one has Morgellons. Than they discuss Boron--ok what is up with that--we have been told to put borax in our clothes--boron in large amounts creates the inability to produce children. There is a great deal more here--I am upset because I have passed information in hopes to help folks and am now wondering what was legitamate and what would do more harm. |
Criminal probe is launched in Conn plant blast
Animal Antibiotic Overuse Hurting Humans? Creating new drug-resistant Bacteria? |
Photos | Just-released police photos show 9/11 attack from new angle
Newly released aerial photos of the Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Center attack show the towers coming down from a dramatic new angle. Story
Report: Hundreds forced into labor, sex in Ohio An Ohio task force investigating human trafficking in that state says nearly 800 immigrants a year are forced into the sex trade or sweatshop-type jobs. The report by the Trafficking in Persons Study Commission released Wednesday also finds that more than 1,000 children born in Ohio are forced into the sex trade each year. The commission estimates that hundreds more immigrants and Ohio children are at-risk of being forced into sex trafficking or to work against their will in fields, restaurants, sweatshops or construction sites. Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray formed the commission. Its report says Ohio's human trafficking laws are weak and police agencies often don't recognize human trafficking. |
A draft report from the British Cabinet Office shows that ministers wanted to ‘maximise the contribution’ of migrants to their ‘social objectives’.
EU President's secret bid for economic powerLeaked documents reveal he is using the financial crisis to his advantage, writes Sean O'Grady. |
Australian Government websites hacked in protest HACKERS hit Government websites today in "Operation Titstorm" anti-censorship protest. |
Akamai Real-Time Web Monitor Obama Surrendering Internet to Foreign Powers Internet 'rewires our brains' and makes teenagers vulnerable to mental illness British students are losing the mental capacity for academic study because constant use of the internet is 'rewiring' their brains, according to a new documentary.
Google to Offer Fast Broadband as Trial to Spur ProvidersThe network is intended to showcase the potential new uses of ultra-high-speed broadband networks. |
(New York Times) A small group of West African men who came to the Rockies in search of economic opportunity are embroiled in a dispute with Wal-Mart ...
Former Texas Rep. Charlie Wilson dies at 76 Associated Press Charlie Wilson, the former U.S. congressman from Texas whose funding of Afghanistan's resistance to the Soviet Union was chronicled in the movie "Charlie Wilson's War," has died. |
Heatwave kills 32 in southern Brazil
Written by Joe Mowrey.
Narrated and Edited by Anthony Lawson.
Colombia to send 60 troops to Afghanistan A military convoy specializing in landmine disarmament and elite operations will soon join Spanish forces in Afghanistan, Colombian general Gustavo Matamoros said Wednesday. |
Iraq oil pipeline sabotaged
BAGHDAD — A pipeline carrying crude oil to a refinery in Baghdad has been sabotaged only days after going back online following years of being the target of attack, the oil minister said on Wednesday.
"Yesterday (Tuesday) evening, criminals sabotaged the pipeline with a bomb at Rashidiya, north of the capital," Hussein al-Shahristani said.
The attack "interrupted transport, causing a reduction in refining at the Dora station from 100,000 barrels a day to 70,000 barrels," he added.
"Ministry teams are working to repair it, and we hope it will be able to function again in a few days."
NON-GMO Shopping Guide Institute for Responsible Technology Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods GMO Corn Linked to Liver, Kidney, Heart Damage: Research Shows 10 reasons why we don’t need GM foods Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment on the American and Canadian public (snip) In the 2010 growing season Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment on the American and Canadian public, a new version of genetically mutated corn with eight abnormal gene traits called Genuity SmartStax corn. It is the culmination of an astonishing scandal that has been steadily building over the past decade. During this time Monsanto’s mutated seeds have grown to 90% of the U.S. soy crop and 85% of the corn crop – and wheat is next on their agenda. Their efforts have been marked by corporate bullying and have drawn the attention of the Justice Department who is conducting an antitrust investigation. All the while they have been spending millions on lobbying to fast track their agenda before the American public even realizes what hit them. Monsanto is making an ominous power play to corner the worldwide market on food and seeds. In the process they are adversely altering the very nature of food itself. |
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin |
The Addicted Gardener: How to buy the best seedsHaving just returned from a quick visit to Florida and catching a serious case of spring fever while working to make my Mom’s yard more presentable, I vowed to finish ordering my seeds when I returned home and make a plan for when to start them inside. A reader emailed me to ask where the best places to buy seed were, and when to start planting them. So, I’d like to share my favorite seed sources with you and a bit about raising those seeds. You can, of course, buy seeds at local garden centers and big box stores, but I prefer to purchase seed through the mail. It gives me a wider choice of varieties and allows me to comparison shop without leaving my favorite chair. Pinetree Garden Seeds is a great source for home gardeners ( who want to try a particular variety but don’t want a lot of seeds. Pinetree packages their seeds in small quantities, which are very reasonably priced. In addition to a large variety of the usual garden standbys (tomatoes, peppers, squash, etc.) they also sell European, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latin American varieties. This is the section of the catalog I visit first. Renee’s Garden ( offers her personal selection of seeds, from heirlooms to open pollinated varieties to excellent new hybrids. She has had 24 years experience of seed sourcing (she started and ran Shepherd’s Seeds for many years before selling it to White Flower Farm) and her packets provide clear growing instructions. Renee often mixes two or more varieties in the same package (but labels them separately) so you can try several varieties without buying them individually. Her website gives a full description and photo of each variety, complete seed starting information and great growing tips. The site also contains fabulous recipes and “how-to” photo essays. For those of you who want to try to garden organically, Seeds of Change ( sells 100 percent certified organic seeds. My only disappointment with them was that my favorite cabbage (January King – the most beautiful and tasty cabbage I’ve ever grown) was sold out last year and not available this year. When I called the company, they said if the item isn’t listed in the catalog, it usually means there was a crop failure the year before and to check back the following year if it’s something you really want. John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds ( does not have photographs in their catalog. Instead, they have well done illustrations and good descriptions of what they carry. Their catalog and website give good growing information and the website tells you how long to expect your seeds to be viable. You can’t go wrong with Park Seed ( They have good variety and their seed is packaged in foil to keep it fresh longer. The only thing I’d advise is to write the year that you purchase the seed because they don’t list it on the package. Burpee Seeds ( is another highly recognized name that is reliable, but a bit pricey. Most of the catalogs I’ve named also carry flower seeds, plants, books and garden supplies. One caution: “new” and “new introduction” are not synonymous! If it says “new,” it simply means the catalog is carrying it for the first time versus introducing it to the public for the first time. Now that you’ve got your seeds, what do you do with them? Read the instructions on your packet! If the packet doesn’t have instructions, go back to the catalog or website to get the appropriate information. Do not start seeds too early. It is the biggest mistake people make and the reason many don’t try a second time. If you have room to set up a fluorescent light over a table in your basement or elsewhere in your home, that is the ideal. Lights should always be kept about three inches above plants. That keeps them from getting leggy. If you don’t have lights, a south facing window is best. Be sure to rotate your plants if they’re in a window. Warmth underneath the plants is helpful for seed germination but not essential. Plant your seeds according to package directions, noting the time they take to germinate and the time from planting out to harvest. Some seeds will germinate in a day or two. Some take months. Some need to be stratified (i.e., put 60-90 days in moist paper towel in a plastic bag in the refrigerator or sown outside where they will experience the freeze and thaw process they need to germinate properly). Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and basil should be started indoors by April 1. Start all seeds in a seed-starting medium (very fine) and cover with plastic to hold in moisture. Lift the plastic occasionally to keep your seeds from rotting, but don’t let the planting medium dry out. Squash, melons, cucumbers and pumpkins can be started indoors on April 30 (only plant one seed per pot), or they can be started directly in the garden in May. All of these plants should be ready to be hardened off by Mother’s Day (May 9) and ready to plant in the garden by Memorial Day (May 31). However, peppers and eggplant are very sensitive to cold, so if it is cold, wait a week or two to plant them out. They will catch up as soon as it warms up. Lettuce, carrots, Swiss chard, beets, beans and many herbs can be direct-seeded in the garden, so you needn’t waste space to start them indoors. Today, gardening is a billion-plus dollar industry. It is the number one leisure activity in the United States. There are many more community gardens that have started to spring up. Whenever the economy is poor, we see more “Victory Gardens”– especially vegetable gardens – and growing vegetables from seed is very much a part of that process. I’m interested in knowing if you start your own seeds and what topics you’d like covered in this column. As Frances Hodgson Burnett said in “The Secret Garden,” “As long as one has a garden, one has a future. As long as one has a future, one is alive.” Be alive! Stay in touch with the earth and each other! |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation February 10, 2010 at 6:08 AM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase Recommended: What the Hell is Going on Up There? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Solar Update - Solar activity has been fairly low the past 24 hours. A few C-Class flares have taken place around Sunspot 1045 which continues to decay. Sunspot 1046 which is also located in the northern hemisphere continues to show slight growth. This region has been otherwise quiet. There will remain a slight chance for M-Class flares. Sunspots 1045 and 1046 (Wednesday) SDO Launch Delayed- After several attempts, the launch of the Solar Dynamics Observatory has been delayed until Thursday morning at 10:23 AM EST because of gusty winds. At the end of the launch widow with T-3:59 left until launch, a sensor picked up a strong wind load and thus terminated the attempt. Thursday morning you will again be able to watch the action live at the link below. SDO Waiting to launch NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Haiti earthquake only moved half the Enriquillo fault - USA Today Geologists say beleaguered Haiti may still be waiting for the other shoe to drop, seismologically speaking. Analysis of high-resolution radar images shows that only half of the Enriquillo fault ruptured in the Jan. 12 quake that devastated the island nation's capital. The western portion of the fault segment ruptured, but the eastern segment did not, says Tim Dixon, professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. That means half the energy locked up in the ground under Port au Prince has yet to be released. "There's a reasonable probability of another large quake, similar to the January 12 event, striking Port au Prince within the next 20 to 30 years," says Dixon. He thinks the nation should move critical infrastructure such as government buildings, schools and hospitals northwards, out of the danger zone. READ MORE Update time = Thu Feb 11 0:23:06 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Summary as of 8 February 2010 As of February 8, 2010 9:00 AM MST there have been 1,771 earthquakes located. The swarm began January 17, 2010 around 1:00 PM MST about 10 miles (16 km) northwest of the Old Faithful area on the northwestern edge of the Yellowstone Caldera. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map headline linked to: BLIZZARD WARNING NYC... NEW BLAST: DC COULD GET ANOTHER FOOT! 25% of plows broken... New Jersey road crews running out of salt... Up to 22 in Philadelphia... Watches/Warnings... RADAR... Snowstorm shatters local records in Chicago... It's official: Baltimore Snow Record! BIG CITIES SHUT... Senate global warming hearing cancelled... Legislation buried under record snowfall in capital... Feds Warn: Snow Costs Taxpayers $100 Million A Day... Washington Builds a Snow Mountain... Dog Mugged, Doggie Coat Missing... Left shivering in the buff... China blizzard disrupts pre-holiday rush for home Blizzard hits Tibet Australia's rain may have moved to Antarctica Australia's 40 yr drought linked to heavy snowfall over Antarctica National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
Feed Australia's feral camels to crocs and kill plague AN Aboriginal community leader came up with a unique solution to the nation's feral camel plague which worsens each year. | |
Kenyan game rangers began rounding up thousands of zebras to be moved to a reserve where starving lions have been attacking livestock.
Zebra roundup - FEEDING LIONS
Brooklyn dog mugged for his jacket (New York Post) "How could anyone steal a coat off someone's back in the freezing cold? I asked him, 'Where's your coat?' like he could answer me. I looked all over and could not find it" ... |
My News blog: The Cave
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