It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Monday Morning - February 1, 2010 |
Young adults more likely to doze off than old folk |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
**Wonder when the Elites drew up the plan to try to get their hands on Iran's oil?? Plan to oust Saddam drawn up two years before the invasion Feb 1 2010 - Secret document signalled support for Iraqi dissidents and promised aid, oil and trade deals in return for regime change |
Latin American Herald Tribune:
In Quake’s Wake, Haiti Faces Leadership Void
During the greatest disaster Haiti has ever faced, President René Préval has seemed incapable of pulling himself together, much less this deeply divided society.
DAVOS: Clinton, Others Seek Private Investment In Haiti Wall Street Journal
U.S. to Resume Military Airlift of Injured Haitians
NY Times - Feb 1 2010
The effort was suspended five days ago after the state of Florida complained that its hospitals were overwhelmed.
- Ration Cards in Hand, Thousands Welcome Aid
- Haiti Added to ‘Most Dangerous Paper Routes in the World’
Tom Woods : Where Do Rights Come From?
January 29, 2010
Tom Woods gives us a philosophy lesson on where rights come from.
Toms successfully argues that it is impossible to have any collective ownership rights and points out the flawed logic of collectivist theories.
Tom also shows us that our rights do not come from government or a piece of paper; they arise from the very fact we are rational beings within this natural world.
In response to this speech Obama regulatory czar Cass Sunstein released this statement:
“My major aim in this book is to uncover an important but neglected part of America’s heritage: the idea of a second bill of rights. In brief, the second bill attempts to protect both opportunity and security, by creating rights to employment, adequate food and clothing, decent shelter, education, recreation, and medical care.”
Sunstein went on to argue that rights don’t actually arise from the natural world but from groups of people banding together in acts of looting. Sunstein claimed that only government can give us our rights, thus without government, no rights would exist; therefore, we must have unlimited government in order to give us unlimited rights.
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Natural Rights and The Patriot Act!
Breaches lead to security changes at sporting events WASHINGTON — The massive, multimillion-dollar security operations for the Super Bowl and Winter Olympics are being adjusted in light of recent breaches such as the attempted Christmas Day bombing of an airliner and the White House gatecrashers. Authorities seek deal with Detroit suspect on cooperation, guilty plea 29 Jan 2010 - Citizens for Legitimate Government Authorities are inching toward an agreement that would secure cooperation from the suspect in the failed Detroit airliner attack, according to two sources familiar with the case, even as fresh details emerged about the intense and chaotic response to the Christmas Day incident... During a 50-minute interrogation, another federal source said, Abdulmutallab provided the FBI with key information, including where he was trained for the operation and who gave him nearly 80 grams of PETN, a volatile chemical often employed by the military.
National Institute of Health (NIH) to require CT makers to log patients' radiation exposure Ultimately, the goal would be to make the information available on a national electronic medical record, a major focus for President Barack Obama. FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (RUNNING THE AIRPORTS' NAKED SCANNERS LOOKING AT YOUR KIDS) Cops: TSA Worker Wanted 'Sex Slave' Authorities Haven't Yet Disclosed Where Alleged Sex Crime Happened UPDATED: 6:55 am EST February 1, 2010 ORLANDO, Fla. -- A federal Transportation Security Administration employee has been arrested in connection with the molestation of a girl, Orange County sheriff's deputies said. The man told investigators he planned to make her his "sex slave," according to the arrest report uncovered by Local 6.According to jail records, Charles Henry Bennett, 57, works as a TSA employee at Orlando International Airport, and was booked into the Orange County Jail early Friday morning after a 15-year-old girl came forward claiming Bennett touched her inappropriately when she was 12, deputies said.A TSA spokesperson reached late Saturday night said it would not be possible for her reveal whether Bennett’s employment status with the agency was impacted by his arrest until Monday at the earliest. Israeli mind-scanner may take over US airports 29 Jan 2010 As part of stringent measures to beef up airport security, US authorities may use an Israeli-made mind-reading scanner that allegedly predicts whether a passenger is a potential threat or not. The Transportation and Safety Administration (TSA) and the Homeland Security are considering the installment of a controversial mind-reading system, that was recently developed by the Israeli-based WeCU Technologies, in all American airports, AP reported on Thursday. |
LINDSEY WILLIAMS 2010 Message from Insider
Lindsey Wiliams was right on when he said that oil would come down to $50 per barrel from $147 before the election.
Listen to this audio, because he has news for 2010 that may be a bit different than we all think.One thing that stood out is that the dollar will not crash, but will loose 30% to 50% of its value. There will be plenty of food but it will become unaffordable for many.
He said to get rid of all paper and have hard commoditiesListen:
Republican Leaders Forming New Political Group Washington Wire - 29 Jan 2010 At least half a dozen leaders of the Republican Party have joined forces to create a new political group with the goal of organizing grass-roots support and raising funds ahead of the 2010 midterm elections, according to people familiar with the effort. The maggots expected to be affiliated with the group [expected to be called the American Action Network] include former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, former Bush adviser Karl Rove, Republican strategist Ed Gillespie, and Republican donor Fred Malek. |
Toxic Waters
A New York Times series about the worsening pollution in America's waters and regulators' response.
- Tap Water Can Be Unhealthy but Still Legal
- Millions in U.S. Drink Contaminated Water, Records Show
- Sewers at Capacity, Waste Poisons Waterways
- Cleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways
- Health Ills Abound as Farm Runoff Fouls Wells
- Pollution Grows With Little Fear of Punishment
- Debating How Much Weed Killer Is Safe in Your Water Glass
Massive Layoffs Coming in NYC, Nevada, California, Colorado, Arizona, EverywhereMish's Global Economic Tread Analysis January 31, 2010 Cities, states, and municipalities are sinking by the minute. And unless unions agree to concessions (which they won't) massive layoffs are coming everywhere you look. New York City is a prime example. READ MORE: |
Sibel Edmonds: FBI Agent Deposition On Government Cover Ups
Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI Agent assigned to do translation services for terrorism investigations, fills us in on what our government did and did not know prior to the 9/11 attacks during this video deposition.
The government jumped through 20 billion hoops to try and gag her testimony. Needless to say its quite damning.
Walter Williams : Good Intentions! January 31st, 2010 Walter Williams explains how politicians and the public school teachers unions collude to ensure your kids remain as dumb as possible while their pocketbooks remain as fat as possible. The black people of this nation have been intentionally misled by their own leaders and political advocates. If you are a minority with children in the public school system, you should demand this video be shown at your next parent teachers conference, your church, and your next school board meeting . |
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS - February 1, 2010
Can Police Search Your Cell Phone without a Warrant? -- Modern cell phones do a great deal more than simply send and receive calls. They're sophisticated personal computers with the same capabilities, and more, of a laptop PC. You can use them to send and receive e-mail and instant messages, browse the Internet, keep track of your appointments, take photos and videos, etc. If you think that any of this information is "private" in the sense that it's legally protected, think again. In most cases, it's not, especially if you're arrested.
Roubini Sees ‘Dismal’ Growth as Summers Rues ‘Human Recession’ -- “The headline number will look large and big, but actually when you dissect it, it’s very dismal and poor,” Roubini said in a Jan. 30 Bloomberg Television interview following a U.S. Commerce Department report that showed economic expansion of 5.7 percent in the fourth quarter. “I think we are in trouble.” Roubini, who chairs New York-based Roubini Global Economics LLC, has become famous for his pessimistic projections. In 2007, he correctly predicted a “hard landing” for the world economy. He said last year that the global recession would shrink through 2009, only for growth to resume in the middle of the year.
Rising Corporate Debt Could Bankrupt Firms, Crash Market by 2013 -- "You're going to see more downgrades, and spreads are going to re-expand," Lekas warned. "The light at the end of the tunnel is a train."
Beware Counterfeiters -- Today’s gold market is significantly different from the gold market of the 1970s for two reasons: 1) Central Banks are more likely to be buyers of gold today and 2) They clearly have little ability to dramatically raise interest rates with the massive increases in government issued debt. Thus, it is easy to envision a similar twenty-five fold increase in the gold price that was seen between 1970 and 1980, which would result in a gold price today above $6,000 per ounce.
Ron Paul bill seeks gold & bullion tax ban -- Coin Legislation on Capital Building Congressman Ron Paul [R-TX] on Wednesday introduced legislation that would, if signed into law, end taxes on coins and bullion and repeal legal tender laws.
Rescue worker blasts Haitian relief -- In his own words.
The fateful geological prize called Haiti -- Behind the smoke, rubble and unending drama of human tragedy in the hapless Caribbean country, a drama is in full play for control of what geophysicists believe may be one of the world’s richest zones for hydrocarbons-oil and gas outside the Middle East, possibly orders of magnitude greater than that of nearby Venezuela.
Are they going to send Katrina toxic trailers to Haiti now? -- The trailer industry and lawmakers are pressing the government to send Haiti thousands of potentially formaldehyde-laced trailers left over from Hurricane Katrina — an idea denounced by some as a crass and self-serving attempt to dump inferior American products on the poor.
6 more banks seized on Friday, total now 15 for 2010 -- The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) said First Regional Bank in Los Angeles, Florida Community Bank, First National Bank of Georgia, American Marine Bank in Washington, Marshall Bank in Minnesota and Community Bank and Trust in Georgia had failed -- pushing the tally to 15 banks that have failed this year.
Bill Gates pledges 10 billion for decade of vaccine -- Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder and philanthropist, is to make the largest ever single charitable donation with a pledge of $10 billion (£6 billion) for vaccine work over the next decade.
South Dakota, Tennessee consider traffic camera bans -- A number of states are considering legislation that would outlaw the use of photo enforcement. Last year alone, Maine, Mississippi and Montana added themselves to the list of fifteen states where red light cameras and speed cameras are no longer welcome.
Gun confiscation in Canada -- Officer K. reminded me that my firearms license had expired. He said I could turn the gun over to them for storage, or they could take the gun and destroy it.
What are they up to now? Obama hosts Bushes in Oval Office -- President Obama hosted a pair of Bushes this morning in the Oval Office: former President George H.W. Bush and his son, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
They don't own shovels, crowbars or even gloves -- Long story cut short; Recapitalization is being conducted by those who destroyed our economy, the International Monetary/Banking Cartel, by buying up our nation’s natural resources, our water, and our infrastructure, with about 10 cents on a very inflated dollar.
Doctors are addicted to every drug under the sun -- In its first year the clinic has treated NHS staff hooked on drugs including heroin, ketamine, a horse tranquillizer, and methadone, a drug linked to amphetamines, said Dr Clare Gerada, medical director of the Practitioner Health Programme.
Euro Proving No Reserve Asset as Central Banks Shift Bloomberg - “The euro can fall further,” said Neil Mackinnon, a former U.K. Treasury official who is a London-based economist at VTB Capital Plc, the investment-banking unit of Russia’s second- biggest lender. “Sovereign-debt risk will continue to be a key theme,” he said. “The stresses created by the fiscal situation in Greece won’t go away quickly.” |
"The CIA, Mind Control and Children" Testimony to Congress Committee on radiation confirms O'Brien charges. Hundred of children involved. Talk by Jon Rappoport. See the video "Conspiracy of Silence" Illuminati Pedophiles in Washington History of Mind Control Experiments CIA Present in Yemen Since 2008: Report CIA Agents Assassinated in Afghanistan Worked for “Contractor” Active in Venezuela and Cuba Ron Paul: We Need To Take Out The CIA
CIA Whistleblower talks about Heart Attack gun (video) CIA whistleblower talks about a gun that shoots a frozen dart of poison that mimicks a heart attack in the unfortunate victim. Go find out for yourself how many witnesses died of heart attacks in cases involving the US government. Start off with the JFK assassination. |
Stationing of Patriot Missiles Near Russian Border in Poland Threatens US-Russia Relations
People's Republic of China (PRC) | |
The Guardian - China fumes at latest US arms sales to Taiwan Reuters - - 2 hours ago BEIJING/TOKYO (Reuters) - Chinese state media blasted the United States on Monday for a planned $6.4 billion arms package for Taiwan, while a US official said Washington was committed to helping the island defend itself. | |
Republic of China (ROC), commonly known as Taiwan | |
Additional F-16 jets and submarines purchase from U.S. under discussion Taiwan News, Staff Writer Page 1 2010-02-01 12:00 AM The exclusion of F-16C/D jets and of submarines from the recent U.S. arms deal did not mean that those purchases would not go ahead, Premier Wu Den-yih said yesterday. Taiwan Navy maintains unidentified object not a Chinese submarine
| |
Blackwater investigated for attempted bribery of Iraqi official
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is investigating whether officials of Blackwater Worldwide tried to bribe Iraqi government officials in hopes of retaining the firm’s security work in Iraq after a deadly shooting episode in 2007, according to current and former government officials.
The officials said that the Justice Department’s fraud section opened the inquiry late last year to determine whether Blackwater employees violated a federal law banning American corporations from paying bribes to foreign officials ...
Deficit to Increase $100 Billion Under Obama's New Budget New York Times WASHINGTON — The deficit for the current fiscal year will reach nearly $1.6 trillion, a new post-World War II high, with the addition of about $100 billion in additional tax cuts and public works spending that President Obama has proposed to spur job creation, according to the administration. Obama to Seek Sweeping Change in ‘No Child Left Behind’ LawThe Obama administration is proposing a sweeping overhaul of President Bush’s signature education law, No Child Left Behind, and will call for broad changes in how schools are judged to be succeeding or failing, as well as for the elimination of the law’s 2014 deadline for bringing every American child to academic proficiency Obama to drop Nasa moon mission Reports say flights to the moon and Mars likely to be ditched in effort to rein in US deficit |
Chocolate vs the Drug Lords: Peru's move from Coca to Cacao
Chavez to allocate $1 billion to shake up energy industry Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said the Latin American state would allocate some $1 billion to maintain the country's energy sector and avert the threat of a devastating power collapse, a local newspaper has said. Venezuela's energy industry faces serious problems due to last year's dry spell caused by low precipitation during the May-November rainy season. As a result of the drought, the water level at the Guri Dam, which produces 73% of the country's electricity, dropped 10 meters (33 feet). Earlier, the state-run Corpoelec energy company said if the water level of the Guri water reservoir, located in Venezuela's largest Bolivar state, continues falling, the country's energy system could collapse as early as in May 2010. In early January, Chavez urged the government to keep the water level at the dam from falling to a critical level that would cause its electricity-generating turbines to fail. The Venezuelan authorities urged measures to reduce energy consumption in the country by 1700 megawatts, but have only managed to reach a 980-megawatt reduction. Chavez was quoted by the Universal newspaper as saying the funds the country would allocate were to be spent on the development of 109 energy projects, including 59 in the sphere of power production and transmission. According to expert estimates, some $18 billion is needed to meet the country's electricity demand. MOSCOW, February 1 (RIA Novosti) Latin American Herald Tribune February 1, 2010 Top Story: Chavez: Venezuelan Opposition’s Protests Will Fail Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez says that he's seeing “the same format of violence” in the new wave of demonstrations against him launched in the country last week, and he predicts that they will fail, but he asks his followers “to deploy yourselves for battle”... More details |
Iran to unveil five space projects Feb 1 2010 - Iran will unveil five space projects at ceremonies starting on Monday to celebrate the victory of the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Fars news agency said. On the third day of the festivities, known as the "Ten Days of Dawn", Iranian authorities will hold on Wednesday a presentation of the Tolou (Rise) satellite, the Mesbah-2 and Mehdi research satellites, and the engine for the Simurgh booster rocket, all of which were domestically built. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the country's defense officials will also attend the opening of a mission control designed to process data from the satellites. Tehran is expected to launch the Mesbah-2 in 2011 as part of the country's ambitions to run an independent space program. Iran's first research satellite, Omid (Hope), designed for gathering information and testing equipment, was orbited last February during the country's annual celebration and successfully completed its mission on April 25, 2009. In 2005, Iran launched its first commercial satellite, Sina-1, into orbit from a Russian rocket. Moscow appears to be Iran's major partner in transferring space technology to the Islamic country. The festivities will culminate on February 11, the date when revolutionary forces led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini defeated pro-government troops in armed street clashes. MOSCOW, February 1 (RIA Novosti) |
Incremental Steps in Iraq to Let Kurdistan Oil Flow
Multibillion-dollar deals are still mired in a bitter political dispute between the Kurdish region and the central government in Baghdad.
Depleted Uranium Weapons: Dead Babies in Iraq and Afghanistan Are No Joke
Depleted Uranium Ammunition in Afghan War: New Evidence
German Bundeswehr manual challenges US and UK denials over DU in Afghanistan
Israeli officers disciplined over white phosphorus use in Gaza
Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza civilian areas
Published by the Church of Scientology International - Ill Wind – Desert Storm Blows Back with a Fury
Afghanistan | |
President Obama's Secret: Only 100 Al Qaeda Now in Afghanistan With New Surge, One Thousand U.S. Soldiers and $300 Million for Every One Al Qaeda Fighter
NATO says Afghan baby killed during night raid operation in central Afghanistan 01:05 AM Feb 01, 2010 TODAYonline KABUL (AP) - NATO says an Afghan baby has been killed and a woman was wounded during a NATO-Afghan night raid operation targeting militants in central Afghanistan. According to a statement from the international force, the casualties occurred Saturday when the joint force came under fire from several locations as it approached a compound in Uruzgan province, prompting a gunbattle. The statement said a woman with minor wounds and a baby with fatal injuries were found following the battle. Four suspected insurgents also were killed. U.S. Army Col. Wayne Shanks, a NATO spokesman, expressed regret for "this tragic loss of innocent life." U.S. officials have said the top NATO commander, U.S. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, plans to issue a new directive on night raids soon. London conference neglects Afghanistan's opium problem MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti) Jan 29 2010 - Like every other Afghanistan conference, the sixth conference in London on January 28 did not discuss the country's opium problem. The more than 70 countries and international organizations that met in London have declared the goals of creating "a more stable and secure Afghanistan," transferring power to the Afghan government, and reintegrating "those who renounce violence, cut links to terrorism and agree to work within the democratic process" into Afghan society. However, refusing to discuss Afghanistan's opium problem is like discussing reconciliation in Colombia without touching on the cocaine trade which has sustained rebels for a long time. 1 Billion payoff to the Taliban Fascist Soup January 31, 2010 Al Jazeera is reporting what readers of this blog already know. Our criminal government funds and arms the insurgent movement in Afghanistan. The US Constitution defines treason:
Our criminal government is proposing:
Can any one tell me how this is not high treason? I can actually taste the outrage in my mouth right now as I read this. Pretty much a first for me. The level of brazen hubris and open contempt for the American troops is absolutely stunning. Arming the insurgents and openly funding them by paying off supply routes just isn’t enough! We need a billion dollars in bribe money to ensure the war continues forever! | |
Pakistani Taliban chief AGAIN reported killed
February 1, 2010 - The Independent
The Pakistani military is investigating reports that Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban, has died from injuries sustained in an attack by a drone aircraft.
Mehsud's compound was targeted by the US military on 14 January; he was believed to have been injured as a result. His death, which has been denied by the Taliban, would be a major breakthrough for both Pakistan and the US.
Hakimullah first came to prominence as a Taliban commander in 2007, and has proved to be a highly skilled and media-savvy leader ever since. In one interview with Pakistan's Geo TV, he offered a reporter a choice of two gifts: a captured Nato Humvee or a Jeep stolen from the UN.
In 2007, he masterminded an attack on the Pakistani army which resulted in the capture of 300 Pakistani soldiers. Last year, he appeared in a video alongside an al-Qa'ida double-agent who killed seven CIA officers in Afghanistan.
Twice in the past year Mehsud has been reported killed, once by a missile fired by a US drone, but both times he later made an appearance, in a Taliban video and at several press conferences, to prove the reports wrong.
Pakistan Islamist tied to CIA bombing believed dead
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – The Air Force says a missile-intercept test failed when a long-range missile launched from California missed a target missile launched from a Pacific island because of radar problems.
A statement posted on the Vandenberg Air Force Base Web site says the target missile was launched from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall IslandsCalifornia's central coast shortly after. on Sunday at about 3:40 p.m. and the long-range interceptor missile was launched from
The statement says both missiles launched and flew without trouble but the system's sea-based X-band radar did not perform as expected and the interceptor missed its target.
The statement says officials from the Missile Defense Agency that conducted the test will conduct an extensive investigation to determine the cause of the failure.
Proposed 2011 U.S. defense budget comes to more than 700 billion dollars UPI - Sun Jan 31, 5:06 pm ET - The Obama administration plans to unveil a defense budget on Monday that pours billions into drones, helicopters and special forces, reflecting a focus on fighting Islamist extremists rather than conventional armies. UAE and Saudi Arabia - $25 billion in U.S. arms purchases in the past two years alone Sunday 31 Jan 2010 - Washington Post U.S. steps up arms sales to Persian Gulf allies The Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid to thwart future military attacks by Iran [start another war for oil], according to former and current U.S. and Middle Eastern government officials. The initiatives, including a U.S.-backed plan to triple the size of a 10,000-man protection force in Saudi Arabia, are part of a broader push that includes unprecedented coordination of air defenses and expanded joint exercises between the U.S. and Arab militaries, the officials said. All appear to be aimed at increasing pressure on Tehran. The efforts build on commitments by the George W. Bush administration to sell warplanes and antimissile systems to friendly Arab states to counter Iran's growing conventional arsenal. Hiding Lockheed during WWII; what are they hiding now? - The military-industrial complex could go to these lengths 65-70 years ago to hide HUGE industrial plants, how much is being hidden today? On just as massive a scale, or even larger?
The Virtual Wall - Vietnam War casualties by Home of Record
North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
The Great Game: U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan Fifty or more countries in a single war theater |
James McCanney Science Hour | Listening Archive: |
Defense Secretary Cohen's 1997 Warning about Scalar EM Geotechnical Terrorism
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”
Haiti: The U.S. Created the Earthquake in Haiti?
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation FEBRUARY 1, 2010 AT 7:28 PM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase Recommended: What the Hell is Going on Up There? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Active Regions: 11043 11041 NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Mon Feb 1 13:34:22 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory 2010 Yellowstone Swarm Continues1,585 located earthquakes in the recent Yellowstone National Park swarm As of January 30, 2010 9:00 AM MST there have been 1,585 located earthquakes in the recent Yellowstone National Park swarm. The swarm began January 17, 2010 around 1:00 PM MST about 10 miles (16 km) northwest of the Old Faithful area on the northwestern edge of Yellowstone Caldera. Swarms have occurred in this area several times over the past two decades. YVO continues to monitor the activity. See the 2010 Swarm Article for more information. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
'Climate emails hacked by spies' A sophisticated hacking operation that led to the leaking of hundreds of emails from the Climatic Research Unit was probably carried out by a foreign intelligence agency, according to the Government's former chief scientist.
Supermarket fridges harming climate | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Kissinger Genocide Report 1974 NSSM
You Are In the Way. It’s that simple.
US foreign policy became very clear in the December 10, 1974 National Security Study Memorandum, “NSSM 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests” also called the Kissinger Document. In it, an explicit policy by which the US would promote rapid population decline in 13 countries was articulated. Kissinger’s now famous (and declassified) quote sums up the elaborate plan:
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”
America's Sovereignty Executive Order 12425g grants INTERPOL "blanket immunity from official and private efforts to assess its activities in the United States", so that this international agency will not be subject to American law and protections of American citizens while operating on American soil. The administration also supports the Law of the Sea (LOST) treaty, allowing international regulation of US airspace and waters. |
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic CamsNebraska is state with lowest flu circulationFeb 01, 2010 | 1:00 am - Lincoln NE Journal Star Two weeks ago, Nebraska had the fewest flu cases of all the states. Last week, Oregon and Idaho joined Nebraska as nearly flu-free states, according to Friday's report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
Today in History Monday February 1, 2010 1788 - Isaac Briggs and William Longstreet patented the steamboat. 1790 - The U.S. Supreme Court convened for the first time in New York City. 1793 - France declared war on Britain and Holland. 1861 - Texas voted to secede from the Union. 1862 - "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," by Julia Ward Howe was first published in the "Atlantic Monthly." 1893 - Thomas A. Edison completed work on the world's first motion picture studio in West Orange, NJ. 1898 - The Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, CT, issued the first automobile insurance policy. 1900 - Eastman Kodak Co. introduced the $1 Brownie box camera. 1913 - Grand Central Terminal (also known as Grand Central Station) opened in New York City, NY. It was the largest train station in the world. 1919 - The first Miss America was crowned in New York City. 1930 - The Times published its first crossword puzzle. 1951 - The first telecast of an atomic explosion took place. 1951 - The first X-ray moving picture process was demonstrated. 1960 - Four black college students began a sit-in protest at a lunch counter in Greensboro, NC. They had been refused service. 1979 - Patty Hearst was released from prison after serving 22 months of a seven-year sentence for bank robbery. Her sentence had been commuted by U.S. President Carter. 1996 - Visa and Mastercard announced security measures that would make it safe to shop on the Internet. 1999 - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky gave a deposition that was videotaped for senators weighing impeachment charges against U.S. President Clinton. 2001 - Three Scottish judges found Abdel Basset al-Mergrahi guilty of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which killed 270 people. The court said that Megrahi was a member of the Libyan intelligence service. Al-Amin Khalifa, who had been co-accused, was acquitted and freed. 2003 - NASA's space shuttle Columbia exploded while re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. All seven astronauts on board were killed. | | Today's Featured Stories - February 1, 2010
Heal yourself in 15 days - You are what you absorb (part three) (NaturalNews) This article continues part three of the 15-part article series called Heal Yourself in 15 Days. In part two, we explored your innate healing potential and saw how powerful your self-healing abilities really are... |
Cocaine, Spices, and Hormones Now Being Found in Drinking Water (NaturalNews) A University of Washington research team recently released the results of a study it conducted on contaminant residue in the waters of Puget Sound in Washington State. Various spices, flavorings and other substances are being identified... |
Radiation Therapy Harms the Brain, Causing Memory and Attention Problems (NaturalNews) Radiation therapy for the treatment of brain tumors may lead to cognitive decline later in life, according to a study conducted by researchers from VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and published in The Lancet Neurology... |
Ammonia is Found in Your Burger (Opinion) A few weeks ago there was another E.coli outbreak, this time in beef treated with ammonia (it is treated with ammonia in an attempt to kill bacteria). The same ammonia commonly found in floor cleaners can comprise up to 15% of many fast-food... |
Yoga Reduces Inflammation and Improves Heart Health Many people choose to practice yoga for the relaxation and flexibility benefits it brings. Yoga is a low impact form of exercise that strengthens muscles, increases balance, improves flexibility, and reduces stress with various poses and... |
Avoid or Stop the Smoking Habit and the Chemicals Inhaled Many smokers are determined to stop smoking come January each year. Some find this New Year's resolution much harder than they thought and usually give up after a few days. There is no question that smoking is highly addictive and a very... |
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away An apple a day keeps the doctor away! This is a saying that has stayed with us for many years. It is believed to have come from an ancient Roman proverb. The Romans truly believed the apple had magical powers to cure illnesses. Let's take... |
Heal yourself in 15 days by recognizing your innate healing power (part two) (NaturalNews) This article continues our 15-part article series called Heal Yourself in 15 Days. In part one, we looked at why the real secret to rapid healing is to remove the barriers to healing... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- FDA delares war on ozone generators; seizes inventory
- Sales of alternative medicine products are booming
- Doctors are addicted to "every drug under the sun"
- Bill Gates to unleash the "decade of vaccines" on the world
- How crazy can it get? Scientists propose sun block for the entire planet to "save Earth"
- 7-year-old girl dies after Botox injections
- Starbucks workers subjected to demands for sex from bosses
- Howard Zinn dies at 87; amazing historian who dared to tell the truth
- Target stores stop selling farmed salmon due to devastating effects on environment
- Letting babies swim in chlorinated pools harms their health for life
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