It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Thursday Morning - February 4, 2010 |
Interesting personal task I've given myself - sending out daily news updates on the wacko news that's being thrown our way. Still interested in the news article I noted last night regarding INTERPOL ... no further articles that I have yet found regarding this news from Panty Bomber Turned Over to INTERPOL, French Detective in Charge TheRealityCheck.Org - Feb 3 2010 WASHINGTON: Obama, citing his recent decision granting INTERPOL diplomatic immunity announced today that jurisdiction over the fizzled panty bomber Abdul Farouk Mutallab is now being handed over to INTERPOL. This is a stunning reversal from White House secretary Robert Gibbs’ statement on January 25th that the 50 minute interrogation of Mutallab was enough. North Korea news today is interesting ... Obama keeps North Korea off terror sponsor list Pyongyang did not meet ‘statutory criteria’ to be added to list, report shows Reuters 3 Feb 2010 President Barack Obama said Wednesday he had decided not to reinstate nuclear-armed North Korea to a list of countries that the United States considers state sponsors of terrorism. Pentagon: NKorea to have nuclear tipped missile in next decade... Then there are sharks and earthquakes today: KILLER SHARK ATTACK IN FLORIDA... 3.8 magnitude earthquake hits the Texas Panhandle at 3:41 AM this morning Our spook agencies must be using psychics or they are busy planning another false flag ... or maybe going to 'let' something happen?? A good coverup for our government letting the banksters pillage and loot our nation .... Al Qaeda can be expected to attempt an attack on the United States in the next three to six months, senior intelligence officials told Congress yesterday. |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
White House Preparing for TWO Supreme Court Vacancies... Justice Thomas Rebuts Obama on Campaign Finance Ruling... |
US debt to hit ceiling by end February...
House faces tough vote on $1.9 trillion more debt...
This early morning's headline: Drudge linked to the following news article: Google to enlist NSA to help it ward off cyberattacks Washington Post Thursday, February 4, 2010; A01 |
NASA Still Spreading Antarctic Worries
NASA themselves appear very confused about Antarctic temperature trends.
Nearly 17,000 chemicals remain corporate secrets – even the EPA doesn’t know what they are
Natural News The 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires that manufacturers of products containing potentially toxic chemicals disclose their ingredients to the federal government, however a loophole in the requirement allows manufacturers to arbitrarily withhold information that they deem sensitive to their business. As a result, over 17,000 product chemicals remain secret not only from the public but from government officials. Each year, over 700 new chemicals are introduced by manufacturers, many of which do not get disclosed either to the public or to government agencies. About 95 percent of new chemical notices submitted to the government request some kind of secrecy. Critics allege that manufacturers are exploiting the original intent of TSCA, abusing it to hide sensitive information about ingredients that are likely toxic and may otherwise get banned ... |
No Help in Sight, More Homeowners Walk Away
New York Times
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
In 2006, Benjamin Koellmann bought a condominium in Miami Beach. By his calculation, it will be about the year 2025 before he can sell his modest home for what he paid. Or maybe 2040.
“People like me are beginning to feel like suckers,” Mr. Koellmann said. “Why not let it go in default and rent a better place for less?”
After three years of plunging real estate values, after the bailouts of the bankers and the revival of their million-dollar bonuses, after the Obama administration’s loan modification plan raised the expectations of many but satisfied only a few, a large group of distressed homeowners is wondering the same thing.
New research suggests that when a home’s value falls below 75 percent of the amount owed on the mortgage, the owner starts to think hard about walking away, even if he or she has the money to keep paying.
The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain
It’s one of those numbers that’s so unbelievable you have to actually think about it for a while… Within the next 12 months, the U.S. Treasury will have to refinance $2 trillion in short-term debt. Obama Submits Largest Budget in History, But Portrayed as Fiscal Conservative by Networks Business & Media Institute 2/3/2010 4:41:44 PM ABC, CBS and NBC reports on federal budget give the president pass on spending, ignore critical liberal and conservative economists who argue it is 'unsustainable.' |
Why Are Americans Passive as Millions Lose Their Homes, Jobs, Families and the American Dream?
Society-wide depression has struck America. Why it’s happened and what we can do about it. By Harriet Fraad An unnatural economic and psychological disaster has struck America. Five contributors, each... »
VIDEO: Ron Paul Warns of Social Unrest and Martial Law |
US commodities market under attack
The US commodities market should be freed from "reckless speculation" and abusive trading practices, a leading US senator has urged, as she attempts to stop the price of everyday items like petrol and food from being impacted by financial traders.
President of European Union accused of acting like a king Mr Van Rompuy has caused consternation in Brussels after he tried to hold his first EU summit, dedicated to greater "economic union", in a palace. |
All humans are 'aliens from outer space', scientist claims
Patients in 'vegetative' state can think and communicate Groundbreaking research will raise questions about when doctors should switch off life support machines. |
World's most powerful laser to trigger fusion reaction this year
A pivotal step in the march towards fusion power, the ''holy grail'' of sustainable clean energy, could be taken this year.
Does safer flying mean a risk of radiation?
So-called “naked” body-scanning machines at airports, the latest defence against would-be plane bombers, have already raised concern for breaching flyers’ privacy and, potentially, feeding the voyeurism of security officials. But could being screened also pose a health risk?
As sure as the sun rises, so Verichip keeps spawning and shape shifting to gain market acceptance as people from across the globe unite and reject the IBM seed-funded, Raytheon-manufactured Human Implantable microchip company. No Viable Threat, but Officials Guard Against "Lone Wolf" at Super Bowl MIAMI (AP) — The vast security operation protecting the Super Bowl and surrounding events ranges from Air Force F-16s patrolling the skies above Miami on game day to a buffer zone extending at least 100 yards out from the stadium. U.S. Agrees to Timetable for UN Gun Ban The United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are moving forward with their plan to confiscate your guns. |
The Myth of the Humane Society of the United States
04 Feb 2010
By: John Dillard
University of Richmond Law School
I recently viewed a commercial for the Humane Society of the United States. It contained footage of pets suffering from abuse. The footage of dirty cats with split ears to dogs visibly suffering from neglect and malnourishment was intended to tug at the heartstrings of anyone with half a heart. In addition to the animal footage, the commercial featured the lady from Just Shoot Me asking the viewers to commit to a $19 monthly pledge to help save these animals from abuse and neglect. The funds raised by the ad campaign would ostensibly be used to fund animal rescue efforts and animal adoption services.
For less than a dollar a day, it seems like a common sense move for a pet lover with disposable income to contribute to the HSUS. Who doesn't like the idea of an organization dedicated to rescuing animals from neglect?
There is one minor detail left out of these commercials. The Humane Society of the United States is not a large network of animal shelters, as it would have you to believe. In fact, the HSUS does not own, operate, or lease a single animal shelter in our country. Instead, it is primarily a special interest lobby that is clever and shrewd enough to capitalize on the good name of local "humane societies" which actually do the good work of taking in strays and finding suitable adoptive homes for unwanted pets.
While most local animal shelters scrimp and scrape to collect enough funds to cover overhead, the HSUS has a healthy budget of well over $100 million. According to their most recent annual report (2008), $6.7 million, or 5.4% of their $125 million budget was spent on animal shelters. The bulk of the balance was spent on fundraising, campaigns, lawsuits, propaganda, and those people that stand outside the D.C. Metro who stop you and ask "Do you have a minute to talk about saving animals?"
Akamai Real-Time Web Monitor Obama Surrendering Internet to Foreign Powers Time Magazine: You Don’t Have A Right To The Internet Fascist Soup 2-3-10 Time Magazine manages to belch out one of its most putrid ideas to-date:
Seriously, I’m not spoofing this piece, there’s no need to. Total unhinged tyranny. Could you imagine if you had to stand in line at the Department of Internet Licensing to get issued a State ID that grants you permission to access the web? LOL I can see yours truly being shot by a firing squad after being charged with terrism. The obvious reason why Time and other Nazi publications are calling for such ridiculous nonsense is because the blogosphere has taken a dump on their subscription numbers. Such unhinged tyranny would certainly be a boon for statist publications like Time. I can see Cass Sunstein pulling the plug on all non-approved truth now. RELATED: Obama Information Czar Calls for Banning Free Speech |
Sioux City Meatpacking Plant closing - costing 1,450 jobs State and local officials are discussing options for buying a Sioux City meatpacking plant that's closing this spring. John Frew, Governor Chet Culver's chief of staff, says Sioux City lawmakers have approached him about options for buying the 51-year-old John Morrell & Co. plant so the building can be torn down and the area redeveloped. Frew told The Associated Press on Thursday there are a variety of ways the state or local governments could buy the plant, but it's too early to specify those options. Officials at John Morrell, a subsidiary of Smithfield, Va.-based Smithfield Foods Inc., announced last week they would close the pork processing plant, costing 1,450 jobs. Source: newsroom - |
The Defense Budget – New York Times
February 4, 2010
The New York Times is inching back slowly to its base progressive readership. Today in an editorial entitled The Defense Budget the Times tells the President that he must start cutting from Defense outlays in order to balance the budget.
It is a tepid call for defense cuts, but it is a call nonetheless for less money for guns and more for butter. Thank the heavens, the Times has found reason again.
For a few months now the New York Times has been uncharacteristically hawkish on the wars overseas and the defense outlays that go with these ridiculous and unnecessary “wars” where no one is expected to win but the war industry captains, the emerging market manipulators and the energy cartel moguls.
Many of us suspect foreign influence on the editorial board. That is all I will say at the moment about that.
Somehow or other, the Times is coming home; slowly, but coming home nonetheless. We’ve missed you NYT. We will take you to the woodshed over this later, right now we are glad that you are starting to walk back home toward progressive thinking on this murderous and completely ridiculous set of “wars” that do not serve any possible or clearly defined American defense need.
America at WarCowardly Congress Thinks Backing White House Plays It Safe February 4, 2010 While the Constitution’s Article I, Section 8, invests Congress with the power “to declare War,” the law school dean points out this has been largely ignored since President Harry Truman in 1950 “de facto changed the Constitution so that not the Congress, but the President, and he alone, makes the decision on war.” “From Korea, to the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, to the 2002 Congressional Resolution which said to (President) Bush II that he alone should decide whether and whom to fight, the decision on war has been the President’s in fact,” Velvel writes. He points out, however, “the framers deliberately intended it to be for Congress because they felt, as has now come true, that the Executive is too prone to get into wars. The shifting of the power to decide on war has been a de facto Constitutional revolution.” |
The Treasury Is Soliciting Your Feedback Regarding The Proposed Annuitization Of 401(k)
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"The CIA, Mind Control and Children" Testimony to Congress Committee on radiation confirms O'Brien charges. Hundred of children involved. Talk by Jon Rappoport. See the video "Conspiracy of Silence" Illuminati Pedophiles in Washington History of Mind Control Experiments CIA Present in Yemen Since 2008: Report CIA Agents Assassinated in Afghanistan Worked for “Contractor” Active in Venezuela and Cuba Ron Paul: We Need To Take Out The CIA CIA moonlights in corporate world Google to enlist the National Security Agency NSA to fight off cyberattacks CIA Accused of Cover Up in Deaths of U.S. Civilians in Peru 02/3/10 The CIA was accused Wednesday of lying to Congress and covering up its role in the downing of a plane carrying Christian missionaries nine years ago over Peru, killing an American mother and her infant daughter, ABC News reported. In April 2001, the Cessna with Jim and Veronica Bowers and their two children aboard was mistaken for a drug smuggling plane by the Peruvian Air Force, which was working with the CIA on an anti-narcotics mission. A Peruvian gunship fired on the small aircraft. It burst into flames but managed an emergency landing along a stretch of the Amazon River. Veronica Bowers and her daughter were killed by gunfire. Jim Bowers and their 6-year-old son, Cory, survived, along with the pilot, Kevin Donaldson. In the moments leading up to the crash, CIA operatives and Peruvian officials did not follow strict rules of engagement, ABC reported. The military pilots failed to identify the Cessna from its tail number and did not order the plane to follow them and land. The CIA announced Wednesday its nine-year investigation found that 16 CIA employees should be disciplined, including the agent then in charge of counternarcotics. Many of the agents no longer work for the CIA. "If there's ever an example of justice delayed, justice denied, this is it," said Rep. Pete Hoekstra, (R-Mich.), ranking minority member of the House Intelligence Committee. "The [intelligence] community's performance in terms of accountability has been unacceptable. These were Americans that were killed with the help of their government, the community covered it up, they delayed investigating." In a statement to ABC, a CIA spokesperson placed the blame for the incident on the Peruvian Air Force, and said the agency's own internal review had shown no evidence of a cover up. Intelligence chief acknowledges U.S. may target Americans involved in terrorism Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair acknowledged Wednesday that government agencies may kill U.S. citizens abroad who are involved in terrorist activities if they are "taking action that threatens Americans. Senate Burglary: CIA Domestic Black-Op Team Arrested Last week’s breakin at Senator Mary Landrieu’s office in the New Orleans Federal Building was more than it seemed, much more. All of the 4 arrested had been trained by the CIA and, possibly, Israel. One arrested, Stan Dai, is listed as an Operations Officer of the Department of Defense Irregular Warfare Program and a known expert and lecturer on, not only surveillance but explosives training, assassinations and “false flag operations.” If you wanted a plane to crash, an enemy to get sick and die or a building to blow up, Dai would be the man to know how to make it happen. Problem is, his skills were being used as part of a criminal conspiracy inside the United States against members of our own government. Pentagon's Black Budget Tops $56 Billion The Defense Department just released its king-sized, $708 billion budget for the next fiscal year. Much of the proposed spending is fairly detailed — noting exactly how many helicopters the Pentagon plans to buy and how many troops it plans on playing. But about $56 billion goes simply to “classified programs,” or to projects known only by their code names, like “Chalk Eagle” and “Link Plumeria.” That’s the Pentagon’s black budget. |
Republic of China (ROC), commonly known as TAIWAN |
Taiwan - With 1,500 tons of US beef recalled in January the USA have to clean up their act Meat Trade Daily February 4, 2010 The US will consider appealing to the WTO to resolve the row with Taiwan over US beef imports, Deputy US Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis said on Thursday in Washington. Speaking at the Center for Strategic International Studies, Marantis said the Taiwanese legislature’s about-face on imports of US beef had “effaced sound science and effaced the protocol Taiwan and the US had negotiated,” and that he was very disappointed with the outcome. He said that US beef was consistent with standards set by the World Organization for Animal Health and that Taiwan’s decision had no scientific basis. He made the same response when asked about the bans on US beef imports in South Korea and Japan. A report quoted the US trade representative as saying the US was contemplating using all possible means to resolve its differences with Taiwan, including the WTO court. Marantis was non-committal on when Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) talks with Taiwan would be held. The US has made clear its stance and the ball was in Taiwan’s court on how to approach the issue, he said, adding that Taiwan’s reputation as an international trading partner has been tarnished by the disagreement over beef. The report said Canada also considered taking Taiwan to the WTO court for refusing to lift a ban on Canadian bone-in beef while giving the US the green light. Earlier this week, a group of US academics suggest in a Web cast that the US should bring the beef issue to the WTO. READ MORE Meat Trade Daily February 4, 2010 West Missouri Beef, LLC, a Rockville, Mo., establishment, is recalling approximately 14,000 pounds of fresh boneless beef products that may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. Read More... |
Obama keeps North Korea off terror sponsor list
Pyongyang did not meet ‘statutory criteria’ to be added to list, report shows
President Barack Obama said Wednesday he had decided not to reinstate nuclear-armed North Korea to a list of countries that the United States considers state sponsors of terrorism.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last June had raised the possibility of returning North Korea to the list in reaction to recent nuclear and missile tests. Several Republican senators had been demanding such a move.
Obama made the determination in a letter sent to leaders of the U.S. Congress that accompanied a classified report on the conduct of North Korea between June 26, 2008, and Nov. 16, 2009.
North Korea Struggling Against Civil Unrest
Obama is letting the generals and contractors roll over him February 3, 2010 It is not possible to believe that it is coincidence that just as the Pentagon is being called upon to justify its immunity from the across-the-board budget freeze that President Barack Obama is declaring for the federal government, at least three provocative U.S. arms sales have been announced -- to Taiwan, Poland and four Persian Gulf states. The announcements were clearly scheduled to provoke, respectively, China, Russia and Iran. Each will now bark loudly, and perhaps take retaliatory action. Their responses will, in turn, serve as justification by the Pentagon for the 7.1 percent increase in proposed defense spending, even as painful cuts are being administered in other fields. The other beneficiaries of this move will be the defense contractors -- the happy band of manufacturers and trainers and their lobbyists -- into the ranks of which many senior military officers and Pentagon officials retire once their active duty days are done. The timing is extraordinary, if one had any inclination to consider it to be coincidental. The other "coincidental" development was the failure -- again -- of the missile-defense system in a $150 million trial that took place Sunday. That system, a dog that has been around for years, cleverly conceived and presented as an umbrella over the United States and some of its allies against Iranian or North Korean missiles, has two basic problems. First, it is expensive. Second, it doesn't work, although those two flaws do not necessarily deter Pentagon planners or defense contractors. |
The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti Global Research Haiti, a new Saudi Arabia? The remarkable geography of Haiti and Cuba and the discovery of world-class oil reserves in the waters off Cuba lend credence to anecdotal accounts of major oil discoveries in several parts of Haitian territory. It also could explain why two Bush Presidents and now special UN Haiti Envoy Bill Clinton have made Haiti such a priority. As well, it could explain why Washington and its NGOs moved so quickly to remove-- twice-- the democratically elected President Aristide, whose economic program for Haiti included, among other items, proposals for developing Haitian natural resources for the benefit of the Haitian people ... » Haitian 'orphans' taken by missionaries reunited with parents Some of the 33 children that a group of American Baptists tried to take out of Haiti without papers were reunited on Tuesday with their parents. |
Brazil rainforest dam will displace indigenous people
Depleted Uranium Weapons: Dead Babies in Iraq and Afghanistan Are No Joke
Depleted Uranium Ammunition in Afghan War: New Evidence
Israel admits dropping phosphorous bombs on Gaza - Serious violations of international law and human rights
Israeli officers get 'slap on wrist' for white phosphorus use in Gaza
Iraq to sue US, Britain over depleted uranium bombs
Vitamin D, Curcumin May Help Clear Amyloid Plaques Found In Alzheimer's Disease UCLA scientists and colleagues from UC Riverside and the Human BioMolecular Research Institute have found that a form of vitamin D, together with a chemical found in turmeric spice called curcumin, may help stimulate the immune system to clear the brain of amyloid beta, which forms the plaques considered the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. | | Today's Featured Stories - February 4, 2010
Certified Organic Nutiva Hemp Seeds: Huge Discount for NaturalNews Readers (NaturalNews) Here's one of the secrets of really healthy people: Make hemp seeds a regular part of your diet. They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, plant-based proteins and phytonutrients. That makes them a nutritional powerhouse for supporting... |
Nearly 17,000 chemicals remain corporate secrets – even the EPA doesn't know what they are (NaturalNews) The 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires that manufacturers of products containing potentially toxic chemicals disclose their ingredients to the federal government, however a loophole in the requirement allows manufacturers... |
Magnesium found to boost learning and memory (NaturalNews) Magnesium, as NaturalNews has reported through the years, is an essential nutrient that benefits health in many important ways. For example, research has shown it helps to prevent heart disease... |
Unwitting Public Consume More GMO Foods while Evidence of Harm Continues to Mount Most Americans do not want genetically modified foods and consider them dangerous. Because the U.S. does not require manufacturers to disclose genetically modified (GM or GMO) ingredients on the product labels, the public is largely unaware... |
Public Health Warnings About Skin Cancer Lead to Widespread Vitamin D Deficiencies (NaturalNews) Public health warnings about the skin cancer risks associated with sun exposure have led people to avoid sunlight to such an extent that vitamin D deficiencies have now become widespread, according to a study conducted by researchers from... |
Back Pain: Use Natural Cures that Really Work Back pain is twenty times more painful than other body pains, says Dr. Art Brownstein, physician and author of Healing Back Pain Naturally, because these complex muscles are located so close to the spinal cord. Commonly-prescribed... |
Ideal Diet in the UK has Horrible Food Combining A recent study looked at the packed lunches of 1,294 U.K. school children and found that according to government standards, only one percent of children in the U.K. were eating a healthy lunch. That's bad enough, but it gets even worse when... |
Sutherlandia or Cancer Bush of South Africa Aids in the Treatment of Wasting Diseases Sutherlandia frutescens, or Cancer Bush, is an attractive legume with delicate red flowers pictured on the South African national postage stamp. Long used by indigenous people in South Africa to treat cancer, tuberculosis, flu, diabetes,... |
Dr. Gabriel Cousens joins Natural News Talk Hour to discuss ways to reverse diabetes (NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Gabriel Cousens, M.D. in a revealing interview about his unique program "Reversing Diabetes Naturally". Over 62 million Americans are "pre-diabetic"! Discover how to stabilize YOUR blood sugar and... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Vanishing topsoil will lead to food crisis
- Speaking out against contaminated milk in China gets you accused of "provoking social disorder"
- Supermarket refrigerators are highly toxic to the environment
- Newsweek publishes major story exposing the fraud of antidepressant drugs
- Herbal medicine under threat by backlash of ignorant skeptics
- Now you can turn office documents into toilet paper
- Surgeons report surge in "man boob" operations
- Los Angeles may require new homes to capture rainwater
- Hospital tried to silence whistleblower; up to 1,000 patients may have died from negligence
- UK government now pushing shingles vaccine for elderly
- FDA delares war on ozone generators; seizes inventory
- Low levels of vitamin D make asthma worse
See all Top Headlines...
E-coli vaccine a waste of farmers money but great for the drug companies Meat Trade Daily February 4, 2010 Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. (TSX: BNC), a research-based, technology-driven Canadian biopharmaceutical company, announced that Econiche(TM), the world's first vaccine developed to reduce the shedding by cattle of Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157, has been cited in the February, 2010 issue of Scientific American (Vol. 302, # 2). The article, "The Art of Bacterial Warfare", was written by Dr. Brett Finlay, Peter Wall Distinguished Professor in the Michael Smith Laboratories, the biochemistry and molecular biology department, and the microbiology and immunology department at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Finlay's research led to the development of Econiche. In his article, Dr. Finlay discusses the evolution of research into disease-causing bacteria and the discovery that bacteria have become increasingly adept at penetrating organs and tissues to survive and thrive in the human body. Dr. Finlay describes the E. coli O157 bacterium as having "perhaps the most remarkable method of locking itself onto a host cell", making its own receptor in the host's intestinal cells, anchoring it and allowing the bacterial toxins to enter the body and cause illness. Dr. Finlay further describes how E. coli O157 resides harmlessly in domestic cattle, but is released in their fecal matter where it can spread to human food and water supplies. READ MORE: |
The Doors Of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything Mercola
NON-GMO Shopping Guide Institute for Responsible Technology Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods GMO Corn Linked to Liver, Kidney, Heart Damage: Research Shows WHAT KIND OF CORN CHIPS ARE YOU EATING? GMO Corn Linked to Liver, Kidney and Heart Damage New research suggests that varieties of Monsanto genetically engineered corn cause organ toxicity, raising concerns anew about the safety of genetically modified foods. |
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OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation FEBRUARY 4, 2010 at 7:24 AM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase Recommended: What the Hell is Going on Up There? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Sunspot 1043 still consists of one sunspot and solar activity should remain at very low levels. Previous active regions are visible in the STEREO Behind images. We will have to wait and see if any activity will be in store for us. NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Thu Feb 4 13:44:18 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Summary as of 3 February 2010 As of February 3, 2010 9:00 AM MST there have been 1,719 located earthquakes in the recent Yellowstone National Park swarm that began January 17, 2010 around 1:00 PM MST. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
Benito Mussolini | ||
What Cap and Trade Will Do to Your Utility Bills – calculator | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Leopard loses fight with prickly porcupine
A playful leopard was left with sore paws and his tail between his legs after losing a battle of wits to a prickly porcupine.
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database UFO fleet over Acapulco, Mexico |
Today in History Thursday February 4, 2010 1783 - Britain declared a formal cessation of hostilities with its former colonies, the United States of America. 1789 - Electors unanimously chose George Washington to be the first president of the United States. 1824 - J.W. Goodrich introduced rubber galoshes to the public. 1847 - In Maryland, the first U.S. Telegraph Company was established. 1932 - The first Winter Olympics were held in the United States at Lake Placid, NY. 1936 - Radium E. became the first radioactive substance to be produced synthetically. 1941 - The United Service Organizations (USO) was created. 1952 - Jackie Robinson was named Director of Communication for NBC. He was the first black executive of a major radio-TV network. 1953 - "The Stooge" premiered at the Paramount Theatre in New York City. 1974 - Patricia (Patty) Hearst was kidnapped in Berkeley, CA, by the Symbionese Liberation Army. 1999 - Warplanes from Israel attacked south Lebanon just after rockets were fired toward Israel. No casualies were claimed on either side. 2003 - Yugoslavia was formally dissolved by lawmakers. The country was replaced with a loose union of its remaining two republics, Serbia and Montenegro. |
From a News Update reader: No matter how badly last month treated you, just walk tall with your head high. This is a brand new month! |
My News blog: The Cave
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