It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Evening - February 3, 2010 |
2/3/2010 3:30 PM Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Summary as of 3 February 2010 As of February 3, 2010 9:00 AM MST there have been 1,719 located earthquakes in the recent Yellowstone National Park swarm that began January 17, 2010 around 1:00 PM MST. Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Recent Yellowstone Earthquakes Website |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Bob Chapman 2-3-10 How can the US conceivably extricate itself from debt? That is $1 to $2 trillion deficits annually as far as the eye can see. Why Is America In So Many Wars?
Uruknet | America is “a nation that seeks war” and if it doesn’t change it could end up destroying itself, a law school dean warns. Given all the wars the United States has waged, “It is preposterous but true that we do not see ourselves as a nation that seeks war,” writes Lawrence Velvel, dean of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. “We see ourselves as a peace loving nation” and that message is constantly drummed into the public by government and media. Mark Dice protests Super Bowl: We know more about football than politics
You Tube | CBS 4 in Florida mentions Mark Dice’s protest of the Super Bowl. Why? Because Americans have been consumed with entertainment and sports and forgot about issues that really matter– our Constitution, politics and so much more. |
Transportation Sec. Made 'Misstatement' After Telling TOYOTA Owners To 'Stop Driving'...
What Cap and Trade Will Do to Your Utility Bills – calculator |
U.S. Census Director Tour Assures Illegal Immigrants
Migrants Struggling for Work in Texas Return to Mexico as a Burden
Flawed Assumptions Encourage Flood of Low-Skilled Foreigners into U.S.
Greg Nikolettos | As sure as the sun rises, so Verichip keeps spawning and shape shifting to gain market acceptance as people from across the globe unite and reject the IBM seed-funded, Raytheon-manufactured Human Implantable microchip company. |
Journalist calls for euthanasia of disabled newborns
Russia Today | The article titled “Finish it off so it doesn’t suffer,” which calls for the euthanasia of disabled newborn children, has caused public outrage in Russia and has led to fierce debates in the blogging community.
Teen-On-Teen Girl Fight Videos Sweeping Internet ... More than 267,000 found on YOUTUBE alone! |
Hijacking the Brain - How Pornography Works
The IRS is buying shotguns! The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to purchase sixty Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12 gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division. The Remington parkerized shotguns, with fourteen inch barrel, modified choke, Wilson Combat Ghost Ring rear sight and XS4 Contour Bead front sight, Knoxx Reduced Recoil Adjustable Stock, and Speedfeed ribbed black forend, are designated as the only shotguns authorized for IRS duty based on compatibility with IRS existing shotgun inventory, certified armorer and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts. Getting Ready for Tax Day: IRS Puts Out Bid to Buy Sixty Police Shotguns
Kurt Nimmo | In order to enforce confiscatory taxation, the IRS and its Criminal Investigation Division will need more muscle in the coming months. Budget-strapped states avoid the word ‘taxes’
Washington Times | State legislatures and governors are trying to raise money without raising taxes — at least not technically. Imam killed in Detroit FBI sting was shot 21 times: report
Raw Story | A Detroit-area imam who died in a shootout with the FBI in October was shot 21 times — at least once in the back — and found by police lying down with his wrists in handcuffs behind him, says a local Detroit news report. Microsoft give fusion tools to Miami-Dade Police to extend situational awareness for Super Bowl
Microsoft PR | The Miami-Dade Police and Microsoft Corp. are coordinating intelligence efforts surrounding Super Bowl XLIV by enhanced information sharing and intelligence gathering, made possible through a new fusion center collaboration solution. Police want backdoor to Web users’ private data
CNet News | Anyone with an e-mail account likely knows that police can peek inside it if they have a paper search warrant. U.S. agrees to timetable for UN Gun Ban
Nat’l Gun Rights Blog | The United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are moving forward with their plan to confiscate your guns. |
Popular Mechanics - How to Fall 35,000 feet - And Survive
Akamai Real-Time Web Monitor Obama Surrendering Internet to Foreign Powers U.S. cyber war policy needs new focus, experts say The problem stems from the fact that anyone can get Internet access without training in best practices, the researchers say in their article "The Cybersecurity Triad: Government, Private Sector Partners and the Engaged Cybersecurity Citizen". Without knowing the rudiments of PC security, their machines can fall under the control of botnets that then carry out the plans of criminals or rival nations, they say. Driver’s licenses for the Internet: A rebuttal
Corinne Dalelio | There is a notable absence in Barbara Kiviat’s article of one of the most important aspects of online access: freedom of expression. Time Magazine Pushes Draconian Internet Licensing Plan
Paul Joseph Watson | Establishment mouthpiece calls for web ID system that would outstrip Communist Chinese style net censorship. South Australia backs down on internet comment curb
ABC News | South Australia’s Attorney-General Michael Atkinson admits he misjudged public opinion on the state’s attempt to curb political comment on the internet. |
U.S. May Lose 824,000 Jobs as Employment Data Revised: Analysis Feb. 3 (Bloomberg Multimedia) -- The U.S. may lose 824,000 jobs when the government releases its annual revision to employment data on Feb. 5, showing the labor market was in worse shape during the recession than known at the time. Click here for a Bloomberg Multimedia interactive visual analysis of the economy’s job losses. Planned layoffs rise for first time since JulyMarketWatch - - 7 hours ago WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Planned layoff announcements at major U.S. corporations increased 59% in January, reaching 71,482 from a nine-year low of 45,094 seen in December, according to the latest job-cut tally by Challenger Gray & Christmas. It was the first month-to-month increase in layoffs since July, the outplacement firm reported Wednesday. The figures are not seasonally adjusted. Layoff plans ran 70% lower than the 241,749 announced in January 2009, which was a seven-year high. Planned reductions for last month were led by retail companies, which announced 16,737 job cuts, and telecommunications companies, which cut 14,010 jobs. Challenger's monthly tally covers only a small fraction of those who lose their jobs each month. Most layoffs are not announced in press releases. According to the government's most recent report, 2.05 million people lost their jobs via layoffs or terminations in November. Through the first 11 months of the 2009, the government counted 25.6 million layoffs. By Challenger's count, companies announced 1.288 million job cuts during 2009. LA City Council slated to consider 1000 job cuts San Jose Mercury News Unemployment rises in most metro areas... Have degrees, will work Unemployed Chicagoan Del Phillips passes out business cards while wearing a sandwich board in hopes of finding a job at Daley Plaza in Chicago. Phillips has a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts and speaks French. He has been unemployed for a year and was forced to sell his condo. The sandwich board reads "Valentines Day is Coming... Will you be my employer?" The back reads, " Have: 2 degrees, 15 years experience Need: 1 job." |
New groups mobilize as Indians embrace the right to bear arms
Washington Post | In the land of Mahatma Gandhi, Indian gun owners are coming out of the shadows for the first time to mobilize, U.S.-style, against proposed new curbs on bearing arms.
Tax court rules sex-change operation costs deductible... | cartoon of the day:
Senior US Treasury Official openly serves on council of Rothschild-founded “Earth” bank | Isn’t it illegal for a senior member of the Treasury Department to openly sit as a member of a huge foreign bank? |
Webster G. Tarpley
February 2, 2010
Capability surprises refer to sudden scientific, technological, or organizational breakthroughs that give one nation a sudden potential strategic advantage over another. They can represent secret weapons, or new ways of organizing existing capabilities, such as the German Blitzkrieg of World War II. Capability surprises, in the opinion of the DSB panel, can be expected for the United States in such areas as cyber warfare, space warfare, military operations, and technology, special emphasis on nuclear and biological capabilities. The report lists the Soviet launch of Sputnik in 1957 as a capability surprise inflicted by the Soviet Union on the United States. Another shocking surprise for the US came with the Tet offensive in Vietnam of January. Yet another surprise was the widespread use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in Iraq. The panel thinks that the US attack on Iraq in the form of operation Desert Storm in 1991 represented a capability surprise based on effective deception against Saddam Hussein, whom they however dismiss as an “incompetent victim.” Continue reading Yoda Bets on Strategic Deception to Save the Empire
HILLARY CLINTON U.S. Department of State |
Nuclear-Armed Iran Would Harm China's Interests, Clinton Argues Global Security Newswire China should weigh its immediate interest in buying Iranian petroleum against the proliferation threat created by a nuclear-armed Iran, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday (see GSN, Jan. 29). |
Video: Activists Sneak into Nuke Base
Homeland Security Budget Proposed at $56.3B
Executive Order 12425g grants INTERPOL "blanket immunity from official and private efforts to assess its activities in the United States", so that this international agency will not be subject to American law and protections of American citizens while operating on American soil. The administration also supports the Law of the Sea (LOST) treaty, allowing international regulation of US airspace and waters. Bomber Turned Over to INTERPOL, French Detective in Charge TheRealityCheck.Org - - 35 minutes ago WASHINGTON: Obama, citing his recent decision granting INTERPOL diplomatic immunity announced today that jurisdiction over the fizzled panty bomber Abdul Farouk Mutallab is now being handed over to INTERPOL. This is a stunning reversal from White House secretary Robert Gibbs’ statement on January 25th that the 50 minute interrogation of Mutallab was enough. There has been harsh criticism of the administration over their handling of the incident. Serious charges have been leveled that the administration, by ignoring the Geneva Convention, has put the USA at risk. Three days after the bomber was captured he warned that there was more to follow. Charges of incompetence have been leveled against Director of Homeland Security who shortly after the failed bombing crowed, “The System Worked.” Responding to these charges today Obama read this statement during his daily teleprompter briefing:
People's Republic of China (PRC) |
Legendary financier George Soros said Wednesday that China must accept its role as a leading global power and improve its relations with the United States by being more open to external criticism. U.S. Tries to Ease Chinese Anger Over Taiwan Arms Sale China's Taiwan Stance May Damage US Defense Firms Forbes - - 2 hours ago China's threats to impose sanctions on US aerospace companies that sell weapons to Taiwan could be particularly damaging to an industry that has looked to ... Air China Will 'Absolutely' Support China Planemaker BusinessWeek China Ready to Take on Boeing, Airbus with Comac C919 EIN News (press release) |
U.S. Army Imprisons Iraq War Veteran over Song
Dahr Jamail | Hall, (aka hip hop artist Marc Watercus), who is in the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, was placed in Liberty County Jail for the song, in which he angrily denounces the continuing policy that has barred him from exiting the military. |
Colin Powell shifts stance on 'don't ask, don't tell' policy
Obama says US must address currency rates
Reuters | Obama said China and Asia would be a huge market for U.S. exports going forward but it would be important to address currency rates to ensure American goods were not facing a disadvantage. President Obama cuts border security budget
Examiner | While telling the American people that national security is a priority, President Obama submitted a 2011 budget proposal that includes cuts to U.S. border security. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Meet the new mantra, same as the old mantra |
The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti Global Research Haiti, a new Saudi Arabia? The remarkable geography of Haiti and Cuba and the discovery of world-class oil reserves in the waters off Cuba lend credence to anecdotal accounts of major oil discoveries in several parts of Haitian territory. It also could explain why two Bush Presidents and now special UN Haiti Envoy Bill Clinton have made Haiti such a priority. As well, it could explain why Washington and its NGOs moved so quickly to remove-- twice-- the democratically elected President Aristide, whose economic program for Haiti included, among other items, proposals for developing Haitian natural resources for the benefit of the Haitian people ... » Former U.S. President and UN Special Envoy to Haiti Bill Clinton addresses delegates at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 28, 2010. Bill Clinton to coordinate Haiti aid efforts Washington Post - 1 hour ago UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations on Wednesday assigned former US President Bill Clinton, now UN special envoy to Haiti, ... UN Asks Bill Clinton to Assume Leadership Role in Haiti Efforts Voice of America President Clinton to oversee Haiti relief, rebuilding efforts CNN International Miami Herald - Aid Plan cause doubts World Bank and other organizations have organized a damage review based on aerial photographs and infrared images of Port-au-Prince and areas southwest of the capital city Coupons for rice like gold in Haiti Looking for scraps(AFP/Getty photo by Roberto Schmidt / February 3, 2010) A haitian boy looking for scraps of wood, tin and metal climbs up stairs in a partially destroyed store in downtown Port-au-Prince. The January 12 earthquake that hit Haiti killed around 170,000 people and left one million homeless and short of medicine, food and water in the impoverished Caribbean nation of nine million people. |
The Reign of Terror Continues in Iraq
Uruknet | It is not only suicide bombers that make up the problem of terror in today’s Iraq. Also the new republic itself is looking more Jacobin by the day.
Uruknet | Americans have largely stopped thinking about Iraq, even though we still have approximately 110,000 troops there, as well as the largest “embassy” on the planet (and still growing).
Documents: Plan to oust Saddam drawn up two years before the invasion
London Independent | Secret document signalled support for Iraqi dissidents and promised aid, oil and trade deals in return for regime change
$5 Billion Dollar IMF Swing Behind Attack on Flight 253? Bruce Sargent February 3, 2010 Was a $5 billion dollar swing for the IMF facilitated by the attack on Flight 253? Yes. Flash Back to Early Last December: A $5 billion dollar IMF investment is threaten by revolution in Yemen. Umaru Mutallab, who heads the Jaiz Bank, with links to the Islamic Development Bank, banks that are also heavily invested in Yemen, faces major losses along with the IMF. Revolution and the loss of billions is imminent. Umaru son, the Detroit Bomber, sparks a fire on Flight 253. This sparks a US intervention. Investments of Umaru and of the IMF are saved. The following from American Everyman: “Now, here is what we have learned;
Maybe with a plea bargain, short sentence, good behavior and cooperation, Adbdulmutallab will return to Nigeria and assist his family fortunes more directly. |
Depleted Uranium Weapons: Dead Babies in Iraq and Afghanistan Are No Joke
Depleted Uranium Ammunition in Afghan War: New Evidence
Israel admits dropping phosphorous bombs on Gaza - Serious violations of international law and human rights
Israeli officers get 'slap on wrist' for white phosphorus use in Gaza
Iraq to sue US, Britain over depleted uranium bombs
Afghanistan |
Afghanistan "Geological Reserves Worth a Trillion Dollars" President Obama's Secret: Only 100 Al Qaeda Now in Afghanistan With New Surge, 1,000 U.S. Soldiers and $300 Million for Every One Al Qaeda Fighter Afghanistan Contractors Outnumber Troops Threat of Afghan heroin is greater threat than the Taliban Al-Qaeda, Taliban no longer seen in same light WASHINGTON – Once considered so entwined that they were twin targets of a U.S. invasion, al-Qaeda and elements of Afghanistan's Taliban are now being surgically separated – one careful stitch at a time. The move by the U.N. last week to remove five former Taliban members from its official sanctions list reflects a growing belief by U.S. and international officials that some less-active leaders of the Afghan Taliban are no longer tightly linked to the al-Qaeda network they sheltered before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The decision anchors an Obama administration policy shift that would transform the Afghanistan war from a broad international conflict into an internal political struggle largely handled by the Afghans themselves. Key to that change would be an effort to negotiate with midlevel Taliban figures willing to renounce violence and abandon their fight. A few other Taliban figures have been dropped from the target list in recent years, but the latest round signals a more comprehensive approach. U.S. officials say that the decoupling is limited and proceeding carefully. Some Taliban leaders, they say, may never come off the list – such as Mullah Mohammed Omar or the leaders of the Haqqani network, which directs the fight against U.S. forces in eastern Afghanistan from the Waziristan tribal region in Pakistan. The driving concern of those opposing the move focuses on what would happen if the Taliban are allowed to regain any power in Afghanistan. Opponents fear that al-Qaeda, including its leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri, who are believed hiding along the Pakistan border, would be welcomed back. The U.N. Security Council first imposed sanctions against the Taliban in November 1999 for refusing to send Osama bin Laden to stand trial on terrorism charges in connection with the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa. Those sanctions – a travel ban, arms embargo and assets freeze – were later extended to al-Qaeda. In January 2001, the U.N. assembled its first target list of 10 al-Qaeda leaders and 74 top Taliban officials. The list has grown to 268 al-Qaeda and 137 Taliban figures. U.S. officials see a similar move as a key turning point in the Iraq conflict. U.S. forces teamed up with former Sunni insurgents to fight al-Qaeda and began an effort to absorb them into national security and other civilian jobs. Several of the Taliban members dropped from the list last week were senior leaders. Among them were Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil, a former foreign minister who has recently been involved in helping negotiations, and Abdul Hakim Monib, a former deputy minister of frontier affairs who later renounced the Taliban and became a provincial governor. Afghanistan: US and British to launch biggest offensive since 2001 |
DRONES "Every one of these dead non-combatants represents an alienated family, a new revenge feud, and more recruits for a militant movement that has grown exponentially even as drone strikes have increased." - David Kilcullen (Counterinsurgency Expert) Center for New American Security |
US drones killed 123 civilians, 3 'al-Qaeda' in January Pentagon budget calls for more drones February 2010 Obama ups Pakistan drone strikes in assassination campaign
CS Monitor | News reports said a volley of missile strikes from US drones killed 16 alleged militants in Pakistan on Tuesday. The use of drones to assassinate Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan has soared under President Barack Obama. |
Laboring children - India
KEEP LEARNING WORLD GEOGRAPHY! The PowersThatBe wants you dumbed down! |
BelarusTHE GLOBALISTS AND BELARUS: U.S. State Department More info at: "The United States has encouraged Belarus to conclude and adhere to agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on macroeconomic stabilization and related reform measures, as well as to undertake increased privatization and to create a favorable climate for business and investment. Although there has been some American direct private investment in Belarus, its development has been relatively slow. An Overseas Private Investment Corporation agreement was signed in June 1992 but has been suspended since 1995 because Belarus did not fulfill its obligations under the agreement. Belarus is eligible for Export-Import Bank short-term financing insurance for U.S. investments, but because of the adverse business climate, no projects have been initiated. The IMF granted Belarus standby credit in September 1995, but it fell off the program and did not receive the second tranche of funding, which had been scheduled for regular intervals throughout 1996. Since that time, Belarus has had an ongoing discussion to relaunch IMF-backed reforms, including an IMF Staff-Monitored Program (SMP) in 2001, which ended in September of that year with relatively disappointing results. In early 2004, Belarus halted negotiations on a follow-on stand-by arrangement due to disagreements with the IMF on macroeconomic policy and the claim that it did not require IMF funding. Because of the unpredictable, and at times hostile, environment for investors, the U.S. Government currently does not encourage U.S. companies to invest in Belarus. Belarus' continuing problems with an opaque, arbitrary legal system, a confiscatory tax regime, cumbersome licensing system, price controls, and lack of an independent judiciary create a business environment not conducive to prosperous, profitable investment. In fact, several U.S. investors have left Belarus, including the Ford Motor Company. For FY 2008, the U.S. provided $11 million to Belarus. Assistance is provided to Belarus under the Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets (FREEDOM) Support Act (FSA) enacted in October 1992." U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE INFORMATION ON BELARUS More to be found at : HISTORICAL HIGHLIGHTS While archeological evidence points to settlement in today's Belarus at least 10,000 years ago, recorded history begins with settlement by Baltic and Slavic tribes in the early centuries A.D. With distinctive features by the ninth century, the emerging Belarusian state was then absorbed by Kievan Rus' in the ninth century. Belarus was later an integral part of what was called Litva, which included today's Belarus as well as today's Lithuania. GOVERNMENT The constitution provides for a directly elected president who serves a 5-year term. The bicameral parliament consists of the 64-seat Council of the Republic and the 110-seat House of Representatives POLITICAL CONDITIONS Since his election in July 1994 as the country's first President, Alyaksander Lukashenka has consolidated power steadily in the executive branch through authoritarian means and has dominated all branches of government. He used a non-democratic referendum in November 1996 to amend the 1994 constitution to broaden his powers and illegally extend his term in office. On December 17, 2007, President Lukashenka abolished exit stamps in favor of a computerized system that verifies the validity of passports. At the same time, however, he authorized the Interior Ministry to ban travel by individuals who had access to state secrets, who were facing criminal prosecution or civil suits, and who had outstanding financial commitments. The travel ban list allegedly has 100,000 names. Several opposition leaders and activists are subject to this travel ban and have been prevented from temporary travel abroad. The U.S. State Department's report on human rights practices in Belarus is located at Environmental Issues Belarus has established ministries of energy, forestry, land reclamation, and water resources, as well as state committees to deal with ecology and safety procedures in the nuclear power industry. The most serious environmental issue in Belarus results from the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. About 70% of the nuclear fallout from the plant landed on Belarusian territory and about 20% of the land remains contaminated. Government restrictions on residence and use of contaminated land are not strictly enforced, and the government even announced plans in 2004 to increase agricultural production in the contaminated regions. The government receives U.S. assistance in its efforts to deal with the consequences of the radiation. Belarus also faces growing air, land, and water pollution levels from potash mining in the south of the country. Minsk, Belarus Wikipedia Minsk is the major industrial centre of Belarus. The city has over 250 factories and plants. Its industrial development started in the 1860s and was facilitated by the railways built in the 1870s. However, much of the industrial infrastructure was destroyed during World War I and especially during World War II. After the last war the development of the city was linked to the development of industry, especially of R&D-intensive sectors (heavy emphasis of R&D intensive industries in urban development in the USSR is known in Western geography as 'Minsk phenomenon'). Minsk was turned into a major production site for trucks, tractors, gears, optical equipment, refrigerators, television sets and radios, bicycles, motorcycles, watches, and metal-processing equipment. Outside machine-building and electronics, Minsk also had textiles, construction materials, food processing, and printing industries. During the Soviet period, development of the industries was linked to suppliers and markets within the USSR, and the break-up of the union in 1991 led to a serious economic meltdown in 1991-1994. Major industrial employers include:
The average January temperature is -6.1 Celsius (21 °F), while the average July temperature is 17.8 °C (64 °F). Minsk receives annual precipitation of 646 mm (25.4 in), of which one third falls during the cold period (as snow and rain) and two thirds in the warm period. Throughout the year, most winds are westerly and northwesterly, bringing cool and moist air from the Atlantic. (Viktor Drachev / AFP/Getty Images / February 2, 2010) A woman walks with her dogs in deep snow in Minsk, Belarus. FEBRUARY 3, 2010 BELARUS NEWS Opposition attacks Belarus Internet crackdown AFP - 21 hours ago MINSK — Journalists and opposition figures Tuesday attacked an order signed by Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko to monitor Internet use as a fatal blow for the country's last independent media. The order, signed by Lukashenko on Monday, forces Internet providers to store data on users and the sites they view and hand it to law enforcement agencies on request. "It's complete control of information," said Andrei Bastunets, the deputy chairman of the Belarussian Association of Journalists. "After all, apart from the Internet, Belarus practically has no free media." Lukashenko recently set up an "analysis centre" to distribute domain names in Belarus and define what information could be made available on the Internet. Under the new decree, service providers must block access to a website within 24 hours if asked to do so by the centre. Natalya Radina, the administrator of the former Soviet republic's most popular opposition website charter97, criticized the decree, which allows sites to be blocked on users' requests if they "promote extremism." "They can block access to our site 'on the request of the workers' at absolutely any moment," she told AFP. Lukashenko will be able to use the order to curb opposition activity in the run-up to the next presidential elections in 2011, Radina said "In order to stop dissatisfied people joining forces and taking to the streets en masse, as happened in 2006, Lukashenko will be able to close down opposition sites." Lukashenko was re-elected in 2006 in a much-disputed vote that sparked protests in the Belarussian capital Minsk and led to the arrests of hundreds of opposition activists. The leader of the opposition United Civil Party, Anatoly Lebedko, also linked the crackdown to Lukashenko's upcoming campaign. "People en masse are turning to the Internet for information, and the closer the elections, the more people will do this," Lebedko told AFP. "I see this order as an interim stage on the way to a complete monopoly on information on the Internet." In a December interview, Lukashenko had criticized the "dirt that flows from the Internet." "The government needs to react to what is going on with the Internet and we will react to this," he told Belarussian journalists. Most independent newspapers in Belarus have closed down and there are no independent television or radio stations, making the Internet a key source of information under the country's authoritarian regime. Lukashenko -- once dubbed Europe's last dictator by the United States -- has ruled the ex-Soviet republic of 10 million people since 1994 but has now made attempts at greater openness. He hired a western PR firm to improve his country's image and began cautious economic reforms. The president has sought to reach out to the European Union, a switch in policy that has caused some irritation in Belarus' main economic backer Moscow. Although he has over the last year fired a succession of barbs at Russia, analysts believe it will be impossible for Belarus to abandon its hitherto close partnership with Russia. |
![]() | | Hot Headlines - February 3, 2010 Influence Industry on ‘Fake Pandemic’ Investigated Morgellons : A New Classification Terrorist Attempt 'Certain' in Months Terror Suspect Kept Visa to Avoid Tipping Off Larger Investigation The Seductions of Decline U.S. Deepening Debt Crisis, Be Afraid of Bernanke Reappointment Fed Gave Banks Access to 23.7 TRILLION Dollars Not $700 Billion! – video Kanjorski Admits There Is a "Growing Bubble in Commercial Real Estate" as S&P Observes Recognition of CRE Losses Could Wipe Out Banking System U.S. Mint Silver, Gold, Platinum Coin Revenue Hits $1.7Bn Record High in FY 2009 Tedbits 2010 Outlook Gold and Silver: Why They Are Important, and Why They Are Often Manipulated Higher Highs coming in Gold! Iran's Leader: Feb. 11 to be ‘Demise’ of ‘Capitalist System’ Afghan Geological Reserves Worth a Trillion Dollars A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway? Possible Fireball Sighted in Night Sky Around Bozeman US Missle Shield for Only One Purpose to Start a World War? "The First Trillionth of a Second of Time": Will the LHC Reveal a "Dark Side" of the Universe? Henrietta Lacks’ ‘Immortal’ Cells Emotional Weather Report |
Guilty plea ends Texas state Rep. Terri Hodge's political career
Audit criticizes Miami officials' spending
Sanofi Pasteur Hired RAND to Determine How to Vaccinate School Children | RAND said parental consent laws create barriers to vaccinating children. Kids in Haiti's tent cities getting vaccinated Over the coming weeks, he United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF plans to set up immunization tents throughout Port-au-Prince and the surrounding areas. The organization hoped to reach 5,000 children under the age of seven. RELATED:
The Doors Of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything Mercola
NON-GMO Shopping Guide Institute for Responsible Technology Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods GMO Corn Linked to Liver, Kidney, Heart Damage: Research Shows Brinjal a political hot potato in IndiaAsia Times Online - 10 hours ago Opponents of GM crops also point out that the introduction of Bt Brinjal would adversely affect biodiversity and companies would have a monopoly over the seed varieties, which will have a multiplier effect on increasing their prices. "The traditional brinjal crop - of which we have over 2,000 varieties today - will vanish if the genetically modified variety is allowed," explains Shiva. "The Bt toxin gene produces poison and when it can harm pests, where's the proof that it won't be harmful to humans?" Shiva asked. "The GM agenda is dictated by the profitability for multinational and Indian seed companies and not by concerns relating to food productivity, security or public safety." Monsanto May Be an Evil Empire, But Its Employee Benefits Are Great Village Voice (blog) 4 hours ago In the latest issue of Fortune Magazine, agricultural mega-corp Monsanto is named among the "100 Best Companies to Work For," an annual ... |
Pig-man transplants 'within 5 yrs'
The use of pig lungs in transplants into humans has moved a step closer with a medical breakthrough.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||
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Defense Secretary Cohen's 1997 Warning about Scalar EM Geotechnical Terrorism
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”
Haiti: The U.S. Created the Earthquake in Haiti?
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation FEBRUARY 3, 2010 at 5:54 PM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase Recommended: What the Hell is Going on Up There? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Sunspot 1043 consists of one sunspot and solar activity should remain at very low levels. A CME was observed off the western limb within the past 24 hours. This will have no effect on geomagnetic activity. NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Earthquakes in Tennessee and Arkansas today: 03 Feb 10 map 1.5 2010/02/03 06:18:14 36.461N 89.526W 7.8 10 km ( 6 mi) NNW of Tiptonville, TN map 1.5 2010/02/03 04:06:49 35.817N 90.060W 9.4 5 km ( 3 mi) SSW of Dell, AR Update time = Thu Feb 4 0:17:09 UTC 2010
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National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
Growing season coming
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams
Diving guide's special bond with sperm whales captured on camera MORE PICTURES: |
A baby Phoenicopterus ruber
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database Space UFO baffles scientists... | in the NEWS:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Giant squid invade California
Shoals of giant squid are invading the Californian coast, providing rich pickings for fishermen.
— The Telegraph
3 Neanderthal teeth found in Poland
It's believed the teeth may be from 100,000 to 80,000 years ago.
— Discovery Online
Labyrinths of the Mind: An excerpt from 'Magic, Mysticism & the Molecule'
Micah Hanks writes about Raymond Moody and the psychomanteum.
— Gralien Report
Future Soldiers May Get Brain Boosters and Digital Buddies
The soldiers of the future might controversially boost their brains with drugs and prosthetics.
— LiveScience
Animals on drugs: 11 unlikely highs
Whatever you do, don't give elephants LSD.
— New Scientist | Today's Featured Stories - February 3, 2010
Today's health headlines from across the 'net(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
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