"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people"

- John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Night News Update | December 7, 2009

Hope this Monday night finds all well. Actually shoveled snow today - and watched turtle doves slide in on the pond ice for a drink of water from the small open area - I keep open with a pump (for air exchange for the fish and turtle under the ice). Made me nervous - kept worrying they wouldn't stop soon enough and end up in the open water ... but, no swimming doves. (I have my big fish net in case that would have happened!)

Actually I felt stupid out there shoveling - knowing more snow is forecast for tonight. The friendly mailman stopped when I was shoveling and said he wasn't planning on shoveling ... I told him that I wouldn't be either if my neighbors on both sides of me hadn't cleaned off their walks so nice. Making me look quit lazy if I didn't get out. Saw some little kids coming home from school later and was feeling good about them not having to walk in the snow - then the little kids went tromping in the snow around my tree and I had to laugh (kids are cool and know how to have fun).

STIMULUS MATH: $246,436 cost per job so far...

Carbon Capitalists Warming to Climate Market Using Derivatives

Bloomberg | Estimates of the potential size of the U.S. cap-and-trade market range from $300 billion to $2 trillion.

PR Newswire | Unemployment Decline an Illusion, Financial System Collapse Ahead

FORT LEE, N.J., Dec. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Inflation Association today released the following statement to its www.inflation.us members:

"On Friday it was announced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that the U.S. unemployment rate in November declined from 10.2% to 10%. While the mainstream media would like you to believe we have seen a peak in unemployment and the worst of the economic crisis is behind us, we know that this dip in the unemployment number is phony and the recession is only beginning.

Although the unemployment number dipped in November, we still lost 11,000 nonfarm jobs. Unemployment fell by 0.2% only because the civilian labor force shrunk in November by 98,000 people. This means more people are becoming discouraged and giving up looking for jobs. When you combine both short and long-term discouraged workers who aren't included in the labor force along with those who are underemployed with part-time jobs, real unemployment in the U.S. today is nearly 22%.

The most important area of employment to look at is manufacturing jobs. Increasing manufacturing is the only way for our country to truly recover and build real wealth, because it will allow us to cut down on inflation by exporting real products instead of the money we print. Unfortunately, the U.S. lost 41,000 manufacturing jobs in November and has lost 2.1 million manufacturing jobs over the last two years.

The main areas of increasing employment in November were health care and government jobs, which are non-productive jobs that are increasing global imbalances. These jobs are not being created due to a strengthening economy, they are being created due to our artificial, temporary and destructive stimulus. They are forcing our country to get deeper into debt and create massive inflation ..... (full story)



Ron Paul - Campaign For Liberty | Headlines - December 7, 2009

Ron Paul and Judge Napolitano on Bernanke

On Thursday, Congressman Paul appeared on Fox News' Glenn Beck (with guest host Judge Napolitano) to discuss Bernanke's nomination hearing and Audit the Fed.

He also participated in an economic panel discussion with Tim Carney and John Tamny.

12/07/09by Philip Giraldi
There is no upside to this horrible idea from the War Party.

12/07/09by Ralph Fucetola JD
Health freedom is our first freedom.

12/07/09by Tom Mullen
Before he plunges us into disaster in the name of environmentalism.

Missouri Senate Facing Billion Dollar Shortage Compared to Last Year

JEFFERSON CITY, MO (KBIA) - Senate budget writers say that the state of Missouri will likely have one billion dollars less to work with than it did prior to ...

Wake Up, America!

Stephen Byers, Sr. | Today the true seat of Power in Washington is the “Invisible Government”, which exercises its total control from behind the scenes.

Only 100 al-Qaeda Now in Afghanistan

ABC News | That turns out to be one thousand U.S. soldiers and $300 million for every supposed al-Qaeda fighter in the country.

Does Obama really care about preventing terrorism?

ORIGINAL CAPTION: Wistleblower Magazine: Why our government and media seem oblivious to widespread infiltration of the U.S. by Islamic radicals. (submitted by Yonis Rutledge)

StanDeyo.com | Picture of the Day - December 7, 2009 (Professor Igor Panarin’s - the upcoming US collapse)

While the basis of Professor Igor Panarin’s reasons for the upcoming US collapse, and I dare say that of all of N. America, are correct, his predictions of the new political reality are simplistic at best and widely incorrect at worst, not taking into account the actual demographic, historic and political situation on the sites.
More than likely, a US collapse will have direct and balkanizing effects not only on the US but also on the weak Canadian confederacy, tied economically to the hip of the US economic might or there lack of, and to the civil war torn Mexican giant. As such, from what was originally four states: Canada, USA, Mexico and Cuba, as well as the dozen or so small island statelits of the north Caribbean, will form thirteen new entities, separated politically and economically. We will now review each and everyone of these, starting from the West and moving to the East.

Republic of Alaska
Oil rich Alaska, separated from America and never fully part of the mainland culture, will quickly split off. It will rely primarily on its oil wealth, opening up many new fields that are presently closed to it by the US federal government. More than likely, Canada’s Yukon will also join it in a new state on the edge of human civilization. Lacking the military power to protect themselves, especially from neighbors like the People’s Democratic Republic of Western North America, the ROA will be forced to seek protection from other powers. The logical and cultra-religious choice will be Russia. Thus the ROA will be firmly in the Russian sphere.

Kingdom of Hawaii Hawaii never joined the United States willingly, but was forcibly annexed. To that end, the local population has always desired independence. With large Chinese and Japanese populations backing them, more then likely Hawaii will declare independence and reinstate its monarchy. This will cost the US its main Pacific ports, so that for Hawaii to maintain independence, it will be forced to seek protection from either China or Japan. The question becomes, under whose shadow will they fall. There will be an intense power politics between China, Japan, Australia and the PDRWNA.

People’s Democratic Republic of Western North America (PDRWNA)
The nation will encompass a block of territories sharing economic and socialist political as well as cultural ties. This will more than likely include Central and Northern California, most of Nevada, Washington and Oregon states, as well as British Columbia and the NW Territories. Economically, as well as politically, these areas will continue their march into a benign, progressive pseudo Marxist dictatorship of green politics and police state control. As one of the most powerful of the successor states of the USA, they will attempt to dominate their weaker neighbors, specifically the New Mormon Zion Kingdom and the Lakota Tribal Confederation. They will also have continuous border issues with the Republica Del Norta, to its south and will have continued problems with the rump USA/Canadian Union.

Republica Del Norte
Forming the northern two thirds of Mexico, united with the US’ southern California, southern Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico, the hard socialist police state will be populated primarily by Mexicans. Blacks and Asians will be expelled or ethnically cleared to its northern neighbors. Whites will either also flee or be absorbed. The nation will be relatively poor, though quiet, as the government will deal with the gangs, mafia and disturbances with extreme brutality. Oil will be the primary generator of GDP and will be mostly stolen by the ruling elites.

Soviet Zapatista Union
The hard core Indian Marxists, in the southern third of the poverty stricken south of Mexico, will win their twenty years war of independence with Mexico City. Having reclaimed the much more valuable US Southwest, Mexico will cut loose its southern headache. The hard core Marxists state will join a growing coalition of other hard core, dirt poor Latin American Marxists.

New Mormon Zion Kingdom
Taking advantage of the balkanizing North America, the Mormons will form their own theocratic kingdom, a theocracy of sorts, with the absolute rule by their church and its top prophets. All other faiths will be sent scurrying out of the kingdom. The kingdom will be forced to play all its major neighbors off on each other, in order to stay sovereign. That and its geographic remoteness will aid its sovereignty.

Lakota Tribal Confederation Covering the ancestral lands, this traditional but libertarian loose confederation of Indian clans and whites who share their culture, has already declared its independence, making it official in 2008. True, at present the US ignores them and their claims, when the collapse comes, there will be no ignoring the reality on the ground. Whether the nation will be able to survive in the long run, is doubtful, as it lacks a strong industrial base or a potential for a strong military. If it is not skillful at playing off its neighbors, its stay in the history of nations will be short.

Republic of Texas
ROT, already with well over 36% of the population demanding independence, is already on the brink of becoming a reality. The nation of 26 million, will have one of the strongest economies and militaries in the world and its loss will be the final blow that will splinter the rest of the union of the US. ROT, on its way out, will reclaim its historic territories of Oklahoma. Texas will become the leader of technology industry in the successor states and will be the fifth largest oil producer and one of the largest producers of farm goods and meat animals. As a nation, ROT will find itself closely allied to the Confederate States of America (CSA) and at with border skirmishes at best and war at worst with Republica Del Norte. Alliance with the CSA should help it defend itself from the rump US/Canada.

Confederate States of America
It was always said that the South shall rise again, and this will be its moment. Culturally and politically distinct from their northern overlords, the CSA has been a nation occupied for 145 years. This time around, no longer dependent on cotton and farm goods, and having a large industrial base, the Confederacy, minus Texas and the Florida Keyes but with the states of Maryland, Kansas, Kentucky and Missouri, and allied to Texas, it will easily be able to withhold the weakened and splintered rump US/Canada. As a government, it will be a weak federal organ, closer to the original American constitution. It will reach out to the EU for further trade and assistance. Russia will also see fit to aid and trade with the splinter state.

Cuban Commonwealth The post Castro/Raul Cuba will be an expansionist power. With a military trained by Russia and a splintering America to the north, Cuba will take the opportunity to bring the various small island nations of the northern/central Caribbean into borders. At the same time, having effectively and completely colonized the Florida Keyes, Cuba will move to annex the territory. Since this will cause problems to the CSA, Cuba will find close allies in the form of the rump US/Canada and that of Republica Del Norta.

New England Commonwealth
Consisting of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and much of upstate New York, as well as Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. These economies and societies are much closer tied to each other than to their present nations. They will succeed because the Rump US/Canada will be to weak to wage war on them without being threatened by their allies, the CSA and ROT. They will also seek close economic support with Quebec and the EU, as well as defense pacts.

Republic of Quebec
As the French have always chaffed under English rule, they will take the opportunity to break out and will seek a close relationship with the EU and with the neighboring New England Commonwealth, relying on both for defense from the ever aggressive Rump USA/Canadian police state. Quebec may even petition to join the EU. US

Federal Government + Canada
The remains of America will move quickly to absorb the weakened but oil rich rump Canada. Still reeling from its territorial losses, Canada will offer little resistance. As a nation, the USA/Canada will be a strict centralized police state, with military governors ruling over the elected state governors and control of population movement, under war powers acts, on the level of the former East Germany. Its economy will still be strong but it will be a shadow, as will its military, of its former self. As such, it will be locked in territorial disputes with all of its neighbors and will be viewed as a rogue state by larger countries, such as the EU, Russia, Japan, China and so on. Over all, the North American continent will be one of a sea of storms, with a few relative quiet spots, such as the Republic of Texas and the Republic of Alaska, though even those will be hard pressed to avoid the various territorial wars that will rage for decades until the survivors of the balkanization grow tired of fighting and comfortable in their own new borders.

Source Stanislav Mishin. HIS email: stas.mishin71@gmail.com

artwork Holly Deyo


Sinkholes gobble up money, time




Though protected, backyard meteorites belong to homeowners

Edson Leader

From there things get a little complicated, especially if you want to sell some of the meteorite pieces to another country. ...




About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation

DECEMBER 7, 2009 AT 6:30 PM CDT


Visit my CaveNews YouTube Channel to see Sunday December 6, 2009 animated Magnetosphere:



Current Moon Phase





The sun continues to be very quiet as the sun is blank of sunspots.
This is day number 15 in a row with no sunspot activity.

Space Calendar December 7 – December 13 2009

Space related activities and anniversaries for December 7 – December 13 2009.

Fetched live every week from NASA JPL


AU Astronomical Unit
149 598 000 kilometers
92 956 000 miles or the approximate distance from the earth to the sun

Space Security and Defense Conference, Las Vegas Nevada - Dec 7 & 8, 2009

Caesars Palace Hotel & Casino
3570 Las Vegas Blvd. South,
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Tel: (702) 731-7110 or (800) 634-6001

Attendance is limited to US, NATO, and allied countries only.

We reserve the right to alter the published program if necessitated by circumstances beyond our control. The material presented in this program is based on unclassified technology and unclassified technology application areas.

Standard Fee: $1,995 / per registrant
Association Members (Individuals Only): $1,645
Teams of 3 of more: $1,395 / each
Government Personal Early: $1,545
Government Personal Late: $1,645




A brown dwarf, a cosmic misfit also known as a failed star.


(What might be causing the Sun to act weird magnetically)

WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) on Friday to look for asteroids and brown dwarfs close to home

Universe Today

NASA is getting WISE to the Universe this Friday. That is, they're launching the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, a new infrared space telescope that will survey objects in our Solar System and beyond, looking for asteroids and brown dwarfs close to home, and protoplanetary disks and newborn stars far off.

WISE will also be sensitive enough to pick up brown dwarfs, objects that straddle the line between planet and star. Though they are massive, they don't quite make the cut for igniting nuclear fusion in their cores, but are warm enough to emit infrared light. It's thought that there are quite a few of these objects in our own back yard waiting to be discovered, and WISE may double or triple the amount of star-like objects that are within 25 light-years of the Earth.

Source: http://www.universetoday.com/2009/12/07/nasa-to-launch-wise-on-friday/



Clue Found to Origin of Cosmic Misfits
By SPACE.com staff

posted: 30 November 2009
09:42 am ET

A class of cosmic oddballs exists that doesn't fit in with either stars or planets, instead occupying a murky middle ground.

Known as brown dwarfs, these misfits fall somewhere between planets and stars in terms of their temperature and mass. They are cooler and more lightweight than stars and more massive (and normally warmer) than planets.

This has generated a debate among astronomers: Do brown dwarfs form like planets or like stars?

Scientists now have an additional clue – a baby brown dwarf was discovered by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope – that suggests brown dwarfs develop like light-weight stars.

Brown dwarf quandry

Brown dwarfs are born of the same dense, dusty clouds that spawn stars and planets. But while they may share the same galactic nursery, brown dwarfs are often called "failed" stars because they lack the mass of their hotter, brighter stellar siblings.

Without that mass, the gas at their core does not get hot enough to trigger the thermonuclear fusion that burns hydrogen — the main component of these molecular clouds — into helium. Unable to ignite as stars, brown dwarfs end up as cooler, less luminous objects that are more difficult to detect – a challenge that was overcome in this case by Spitzer's heat-sensitive infrared vision.

To complicate matters, young brown dwarfs evolve rapidly, making it difficult to catch them when they are first born.

The first brown dwarf was discovered in 1995, and while hundreds have been found since, astronomers had not been able to unambiguously find them in their earliest stages of formation until now.

Looking through cosmic dust

In this study, an international team of astronomers found a so-called "proto brown dwarf" while it was still hidden in its natal star-forming region. Guided by Spitzer data collected in 2005, they focused their search in the dark cloud Barnard 213, a region of the Taurus-Auriga complex well known to astronomers as a hunting ground for young cosmic objects.

"We decided to go several steps back in the process when (brown dwarfs) are really hidden," said David Barrado of the Centro de Astrobiologia in Madrid, Spain, lead author of the paper detailing the discovery in the Astronomy & Astrophysics journal. "During this step they would have an (opaque) envelope, a cocoon, and they would be easier to identify due to their strong infrared excesses. We have used this property to identify them. This is where Spitzer plays an important role because Spitzer can have a look inside these clouds."

Spitzer's longer-wavelength infrared camera penetrated the dusty natal cloud to observe a baby brown dwarf named SSTB213 J041757. The data, confirmed with near-infrared imaging from Calar Alto Observatory in Spain, revealed not one but two of what would potentially prove to be the faintest and coolest brown dwarfs ever observed. They're also the youngest, the astronomers think.

To pin down that the dusty envelope was in fact a celestial womb and that these dwarfs were in their infancy, Barrado and his team had them observed from around the world. The information gleaned from these observations helped the astronomers characterize the brown dwarfs and the environment around them.

"We were able to estimate that these two objects are the faintest and coolest discovered so far," Barrado said.

The observations suggest brown dwarfs form like low-mass stars. This theory is bolstered because the change in brightness of the objects at various wavelengths of light matches that of other very young, low-mass stars.

While further study will confirm whether these two celestial objects are in fact proto brown dwarfs, they are the best candidates so far, Barrado said.


Custom Earthquake Forecast - Create your own customized forecast for M>5 earthquakes in three easy steps.




Open Hazards is a group of scientists, technologists, and business people dedicated to the proposition that, through advances in forecasting and sensor technology, as well as an open, web-based approach to public information availability and sharing, we can enable a more sustainable human society in the face of severe, recurring natural disasters.

The objective of this web site is to inform and educate the public worldwide. We provide a free, open, and independent assessment of hazard and risk due to major earthquakes, using a self-consistent, global, validated methodology. The information displayed on our web site is based on the best available science and technology as determined by the professional, peer-reviewed literature, as well as our own judgments, informed by many years of professional practice at the highest levels of academia and government. Our forecasts and risk estimates allow members of the public world-wide to understand and address, for the first time, their space- and time-dependent risk from major damaging earthquakes.

Recent trends and rising costs for coping with natural catastrophes lead to the conclusion that the public will bear an increasingly larger role, and will absorb an increasingly larger share of the costs for great natural disasters. These conclusions were reinforced by the aftermath(s) of Hurricane Katrina (2005); the great Magnitude 9.3 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami of December 26, 2004; the recent tsunami of September 30, 2009 at American Somoa following a Magnitude 8.0 earthquake; and US mainland earthquakes such as the January 17, 1994 Magnitude 6.7 Northridge earthquake, and the October 17, 1989 Magnitude 7.0 Loma Prieta earthquakes.

Our goal is to provide members of the public with the information and tools to make informed judgments about the general nature and magnitude of the risks that they face. Together with modern social networking tools, we enable members of the public to build self-organized, disaster-resilient communities ....



    Remember that the four stages of coping with natural disasters are comprised of:

    Anticipation -- Forecasting and planning for disaster
    Mitigation -- Seismic retrofits and structural strengthening
    Response -- Helping injured persons and emergency responders
    Recovery -- Rebuilding and economic renewal

    After an earthquake, particularly a major damaging earthquake, check for any gas leaks or electrical damage. If you smell or hear gas, turn off the gas at the meter and contact the gas company. If you see sparks, frayed wire, or smell hot insulation turn off the power at the circuit breaker box and contact the electric company.

    Earthquakes don't always occur when it is convenient or when we are with our families and loved ones. Be sure to have an emergency plan for such an event and make sure that everyone understands it. Consider having a contact out of the area who can coordinate information for the entire family.

    Think about how you arrange your furniture and heavy objects. Put heavy objects closer to the ground and bolt bookcases to the wall. Bookcases or objects can cause injury when they fall and they may block exit pathways after an earthquake.

    Make sure the water heater in your home or apartment is secured to the wall near it. One method is to use a metal strap around the water heater, with the strapping ends screwed to the wall.

    When the shaking starts: If you are inside, stay inside and try to get under a table or into a closet or doorway, or other small, confined, rigid space.

    Following the earthquake, if you are indoors, move outside when you determine it to be safe. Check for gas leaks and be sensitive to the possibility of fire following the earthquake, a common circumstance.

    If you are near the ocean, or especially near the beach, be watchful for the possibility of a tsunami (in these cases, observers would see the water recede far from the normal shoreline, exposing a significant amount of sea bottom, prior to the wave building and rapidly moving landward). If possible, go to higher ground farther inland as rapidly as possible.

    When the shaking subsides, check yourself and others for injuries. If significant damage has occurred, make sure that no one is buried under rubble or debris. Listen for cries of help. If telephones (landlines or cell phones) are still operating, use them for emergency medical help, but not for frivolous conversations.

    If you have an operating radio, television, or internet connection, listen for information and instructions from emergency responders as to next actions. These may include coming to the aid of other injured persons in your area, or requests for help in delivering specific emergency services.



USGS | 3.5 Magnitude Earthquake hit Oklahoma - 16 mi ENE from Oklahoma City, OK - Monday, December 07, 2009 at 11:44:25 AM at epicenter

Update time = Mon Dec 7 18:51:43 UTC 2009

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP 3.5 2009/12/07 17:44:25 35.559 -97.259 5.0 OKLAHOMA

Earthquake Details
Location35.559°N, 97.259°W
Depth5 km (3.1 miles) set by location program
  • 3 km (2 miles) ESE (102°) from Jones, OK
  • 9 km (5 miles) N (5°) from Choctaw, OK
  • 10 km (6 miles) NE (40°) from Nicoma Park, OK
  • 26 km (16 miles) ENE (71°) from Oklahoma City, OK
  • 310 km (193 miles) N (352°) from Dallas, TX

Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World

Update time = Tue Dec 8 0:25:55 UTC 2009

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP 5.2 2009/12/08 00:11:32 -5.279 102.847 36.3 SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP 2.8 2009/12/08 00:08:41 60.048 -151.907 67.3 KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP 4.7 2009/12/07 22:40:31 0.344 97.200 35.0 NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
MAP 5.1 2009/12/07 22:06:16 0.141 97.152 28.4 NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
MAP 4.7 2009/12/07 21:48:36 -23.543 -68.893 90.4 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
MAP 5.0 2009/12/07 19:48:09 27.410 129.385 7.3 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP 3.5 2009/12/07 17:44:25 35.559 -97.259 5.0 OKLAHOMA
MAP 3.2 2009/12/07 17:33:35 18.132 -68.155 90.6 MONA PASSAGE, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
MAP 2.9 2009/12/07 17:31:31 61.462 -149.958 32.7 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 4.7 2009/12/07 17:20:46 -18.751 -177.793 592.0 FIJI REGION
MAP 3.3 2009/12/07 16:16:52 19.852 -65.778 99.2 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 4.6 2009/12/07 16:10:52 53.296 153.962 494.2 SEA OF OKHOTSK
MAP 4.5 2009/12/07 15:06:28 37.359 20.243 10.0 IONIAN SEA
MAP 4.8 2009/12/07 14:41:14 -18.398 -177.744 566.5 FIJI REGION
MAP 4.9 2009/12/07 14:09:07 -48.340 -87.213 10.0 SOUTHERN PACIFIC OCEAN
MAP 2.5 2009/12/07 10:54:41 59.395 -152.650 71.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 5.0 2009/12/07 09:31:44 -10.205 33.806 10.0 MALAWI
MAP 4.7 2009/12/07 08:02:06 6.630 123.794 48.5 MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP 3.1 2009/12/07 06:11:21 32.377 -115.102 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
MAP 2.5 2009/12/07 04:02:27 19.890 -156.058 35.0 HAWAII REGION, HAWAII
MAP 4.8 2009/12/07 03:35:40 -10.125 33.895 10.0 MALAWI
MAP 3.3 2009/12/07 03:22:04 19.381 -66.328 6.7 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.6 2009/12/07 03:12:16 19.367 -66.307 87.4 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 4.5 2009/12/07 03:01:39 -17.850 65.678 10.0 MAURITIUS - REUNION REGION
MAP 5.1 2009/12/07 02:02:35 13.994 -92.372 27.8 OFFSHORE GUATEMALA
MAP 2.6 2009/12/07 01:21:44 63.154 -150.938 121.5 CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 3.2 2009/12/07 00:27:27 33.029 -83.011 6.9 GEORGIA, USA


Machin Volcano in Columbia declares Yellow Alert after 54 seismic movements

Source: http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/7232-authorities-declare-yellow-alert-for-machin-volcano.html



Name Elevation Location Last eruption
meters feet Coordinates
Azufral 4070 13,353 1°05′N 77°41′W / 1.08°N 77.68°W / 1.08; -77.68 930 BC ?
Cerro Bravo 4000 13,123 5°05′31″N 75°18′00″W / 5.092°N 75.30°W / 5.092; -75.30 1720 ± 150 years
Cerro Machín 2650 8694 4°29′N 75°24′W / 4.48°N 75.40°W / 4.48; -75.40 1180 ± 150 years
Cerro Negro de Mayasquer 4445 14,583 0°59′N 77°53′W / 0.98°N 77.88°W / 0.98; -77.88 1936
Cumbal 4764 15,630 0°49′N 77°58′W / 0.82°N 77.96°W / 0.82; -77.96 1926
Dona Juana 4150 13,615 1°28′N 76°55′W / 1.47°N 76.92°W / 1.47; -76.92 1906
Galeras 4276 14,029 1°13′0″N 77°22′0″W / 1.216667°N 77.366667°W / 1.216667; -77.366667 2008
Nevado del Huila 5365 17,601 2°55′N 76°03′W / 2.92°N 76.05°W / 2.92; -76.05 2008
Nevado del Tolima 5200 17,060 4°40′N 75°20′W / 4.67°N 75.33°W / 4.67; -75.33 1943
Nevado del Ruiz 5321 17,457 4°53′N 75°22′W / 4.883°N 75.367°W / 4.883; -75.367 1991
Petacas 4054 13,300 1°34′N 76°47′W / 1.57°N 76.78°W / 1.57; -76.78 5950 BC ± 500 years
Purace 4650 15,256 2°19′N 76°24′W / 2.32°N 76.40°W / 2.32; -76.40 1977
Romeral 3858 12,657 5°12′22″N 75°21′50″W / 5.206°N 75.364°W / 5.206; -75.364 5950 BC ± 500 years
Santa Isabel 4950 16,240 4°49′N 75°22′W / 4.82°N 75.37°W / 4.82; -75.37 2800 BC ± 100 years
Sotará 4400 14,435 2°07′N 76°35′W / 2.12°N 76.58°W / 2.12; -76.58 Unknown




National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map


Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?
Please ... take time to vi ew this video clip on YouTube. It’s only four minutes long. Then forward it to your friends. We must rise up and STOP our president from signing this treaty!

Big Oil Behind Copenhagen Climate Scam

Paul Joseph Watson | Shell Oil and British Petroleum express their vehement support for a global carbon tax in “Copenhagen Communiqué.”

Obama to Use EPA to Declare CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant

Kurt Nimmo | An EPA “endangerment finding” would allow the federal agency to use the federal Clean Air Act to regulate carbon-dioxide emissions.

Globalist Hypocrites Arrive In Copenhagen for Summit

Paul Joseph Watson | While preparing to sternly lecture the general public about carbon emissions, globalists descend on Copenhagen in record numbers of private jets and stretch limos.

Lord Monckton on Copenhagen and the Fabricated Climate Scare

Russia Today | Monckton stresses there is no scientific evidence to back global warming is man-made.

SteveQuayle.com | Hot Headlines - December 7, 2009

The Suburbs Will Shake
: Is the “Perfect Storm” for Americans just over the horizon? All major storms take most people by surprise as they are not expecting things to get nearly as bad as they sometimes do. Are you making preparations for a “temporary and minor” disruption of food, water, and electrical services, as well as a disruption of banking, government and medical services? more

Steve Note:
Ezekiel 27:28 – I believe that once those flying their assassination platforms with their hellfire missiles and other airborne weapons against the innocent become aware of what they have done--they will flip out! They will turn with a vengeance on those who gave the orders!

An Open Letter to America's Christians

Atheism is a Fraud

Do Christians Have a Right to Self Defense? Part 3

What Disconnect Between Congress and the American People?

Anatomy of a Failing Presidency

Is Erik Prince 'Graymailing' the US Government? The Russian Endgame Strategy for World Dominance

The Russian/Chinese Endgame Strategy for World Dominance

Minarets are Symbols of Bigotry

"Peace and Security" Epic! Bible Prophecy is Happening Now! – video

Soldiers of Allah – Preying on Innocent Targets in Their Quest for Jihad

The Bank Job

Pockets of Rot

Security for Liberty for All (The Day The Dollar Died Part VII)

James Grant Mourns the Loss of the Gold Standard Gold Rally is Not a Bubble, Mania Stage Ahead of Us

Monday Surf May Hit 50 Feet

Copenhagen Summit : On the Road to the Dark Age

Climategate: Science Is Dying – video

Seven Gigantic Rock Figures Rising from Beneath the Urals

LewRockwell.com | Headlines - December 7, 2009

, December 7, 2009

The Left Fell into the Climate Morass
They ignore war and the police state for a crazy myth, says Lew Rockwell.

A Funeral for the Dollar
And a new dawn for gold, amidst the Fed's wreckage. Article by James Grant.

A President Who Will Live in Infamy
John T. Flynn on Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor. Article by Laurence Vance.

There is a critical decision coming for the uniformed, says Mike Gaddy. (Read More)

The Meaning of Climategate
We cannot trust the elites in anything. Article by Bill Anderson.

Establishment Mouthpiece Upset at Ron Paul
Though Newsweek's Howard Fineman fears him too.

Gxxs and Schools
A good mix. Article by Schuyler Barnum.

Bill Lind on change in foreign policy.

Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen
Nope. Article by Chris Clancy.

Evil and Unsalvageable?
The US system of government, and those who control it. Article by Timothy Baldwin.

Siberian Tree Shows Algore Is a Liar
The Copenhageners want to ignore it too. Article by Christopher Booker.

Requiem for the Dollar

  • Posted On Dec 7, 2009


... populist senator from Vermont, are one thing. The hangman’s noose is another. Section 19 of this country’s founding monetary legislation, the Coinage Act of 1792, prescribed the death penalty for any official who fraudulently debased the people’s money. Was the massive printing of dollar bills to lift Wall Street (and the rest of us, too) off the rocks last year a kind of fraud? If the U.S. Senate so determines, it may send Mr. Bernanke back home to Princeton. But not even Ron Paul, the Texas Republican sponsor of a bill to subject the Fed to periodic congressional audits, is calling for the Federal Reserve chairman’s head ...

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database

Why the UFO Starchild Skull is feared by so many

December 8, 2009
Opinion piece by Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com

I have recently been reading about Lloyd Pye and his intriguing UFO Starchild Skull. For those that are not aware of the UFO Starchild Skull let me briefly fill you in: Mr Pye is a paranormal researcher who believes, amongst others, that an extremely irregularly shaped skull that was found in Mexico is that of a hybrid alien/human child.

Initial genetic testing of the skull material has indicated this may be the case.

To bring home the point that the differences that have been demonstrated between this skull and a standard human skull point to this conclusion, Mr Pye is fond of noting that more genetic variance exists in a small group of chimpanzees than that of the entire human race.

Mr Pye who is clearly is not afraid of shaking up people’s perceptions also likes to make the point that in light of the above humans are basically clones of each other. A though that would obviously not rest well with many of the more insecure, narrow-minded homo-sapiens.
In fact many people deeply fear and detest the Starchild Skull: And for good reason.
To start with, the idea that people are so similar to be referred to as clones should be kept in mind when one hears nonsense about ‘purity of race’ or ‘race-mixing’.
Mr Pye has demonstrated his profound compassion and tolerance of difference, the non-conforming, unusual and outcast in his respect, acceptance and dare I say love of the Starchild: The ultimate ‘alienated’ hybrid, a part human part ET who met their death in childhood.

Mr Pye loves the Starchild because others probably did not.
That would scare many people, but these are values we will desperately need if ever we are ever to successfully interact with ETs.
Frightened, narrow-minded bullies might find the Starchild confronting. Nerdish debunkers still trying to gain favour of those who kicked sand in their face during their school years will mock Mr Pye; happily doing the bidding, in the name of ‘science’, for all that is superficial and stupid in this world.
Will the Riddle of the Starchild Skull be solved? Perhaps someday its owner’s ancestors or family will come back from somewhere in the universe to claim it?
History can play tricks on us. Like the early Christians who eventually wore down paganism: In an era when many humans seek a new consciousness Mr Pye and his Iconic Starchild Skull might be remembered long after his cowardly detractors are completely forgotten.
Michael Cohen is an editor of All News Web as well as a paranormal investigator, writer and speaker.

Source: http://www.allnewsweb.com/page9799898.php

Tiger linked to 10 women as questions mount …

US golfer Tiger Woods (left) and his wife Elin Nordegren pictured in San Francisco in October 2009. Woods is now on the inward nine when it comes to women claiming to have had affairs with the golf superstar in the wake of his apology for "personal sins" and "transgressions" that hurt his family.

(AFP/File/Robyn Beck)

Talk at you all later!

My News blog: The Cave

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges


(Keeping them in "safekeeping" via emailed News Updates In case my blogs get bombed out of the water AGAIN!)

Posted on HalfPastHuman.com:

Link to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm material

An alternative explantion for 2012 (PDF File).

Author held anonymous, but permission granted to disperse this material.

From Steve Quayle: A free ebook as to what may result if the electrical grid goes down: "Lights Out" pdf

The Cave's Page of Maps of Hazardous locations - past, present & potential future

Global Internet Monitor

Akamai monitors global Internet conditions around the clock. With this
real-time data identify the global regions with the greatest attack traffic, cities with the slowest Web connections (latency), and geographic areas with the most Web traffic (traffic density). Click on "ATTACKS" on the top of the screen at the link. (You can pull the slider from Europe to the US to see number of attacks)


National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary

Note:: If you follow this link to the main global map scroll down to find listing of various earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.

Recent Volcano Observatory Activity Reports

List of Volcanoes of Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands


Mediterranean and W Asia | Africa and Red Sea | Middle East and Indian Ocean | New Zealand to Fiji | Melanesia and Australia | Indonesia | Philippines and SE Asia | Japan, Taiwan, Marianas | Kuril Islands | Kamchatka and Mainland Asia | Alaska | Canada and Western USA | Hawaii and Pacific Ocean | México and Central America | South America | West Indies | Iceland and Arctic Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Antarctica

African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent

Space.com | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?

Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
The Living Moon

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