Got the following email Crime Alert this morning - moral of the story - don't go out and wire your house directly bypassing a meter! I'd try that and I would fry myself!
ELECTRICITY RUN DIRECTLY TO HOME | A9-120801 | 3400 BLOCK OF R ST | Lincoln PD, NE | 12/7/2009 |
For a blizzard going on there were sure alot of other crimes keeping the cops busy yesterday. Run offs from gas stations, putting things under the coat (alot of booze by many people), and just general hate and discontent with people wacking each other.
DES MOINES, Iowa — A fierce winter storm was leaving dangerous ice, heavy snow and vicious winds in its wake as it slogged eastward Wednesday, threatening to wreak havoc on commuters in the Upper Midwest and closing schools across New England.
More than a foot of snow was expected in parts of Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, where the National Weather Service warned of "extremely dangerous blizzard conditions" and near whiteout driving conditions. Wind gusts of up to 50 mph could build snow drifts between 8 and 15 feet tall.
Parts of New England also girded themselves for bone-chilling wind gusts and snow accumulations of up to a foot by the end of the day.
"It's horrible out there," said Todd Lane, an assistant manager of a Quik Trip convenience store in Des Moines, where several inches of new snow was reported overnight.
Although business was fairly normal overnight, it nearly all came from snow plow drivers — most looking for coffee and energy drinks, he said.
"Outside of the city there's 15-foot drifts and people are stuck in them," Lane said the drivers told him. "It sucks and it just keeps on coming."
Between 4 and 6 inches of snow fell in western and central Michigan, while blizzard warnings also covered parts of Nebraska, Kansas and Minnesota.
"For the most part, we're telling people to stay home," said Roger Vachalek, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Des Moines. He said if motorists get stranded, "you might end up being out there for quite a while."
In the West, pounded by rain and snow earlier this week, bitter wind chills as low as 40 below were sweeping across portions of southern Montana. The biting winds also were moving across Wyoming and South Dakota, according to the National Weather Service.
By the time the storm moves off the Maine coast Thursday night, it may have affected as much as two-thirds of the country, said Jim Lee, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Des Moines.
"It's a monster of a storm," Lee said.
Maine and New Hampshire could see snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches capped off by rain and sleet in the evening. In northern New York, as much as a foot of snow was expected to accumulate Wednesday and more than 3 feet was expected by the week's end near the Great Lakes.
Hundreds of schools across New York's eastern half were closed or delayed the start of classes Wednesday. Schools also were closed in parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
Hundreds of flights were canceled at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago on Tuesday; all departures were canceled out of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and only a few were scheduled at Des Moines International Airport.
The storm drenched California with rain, blanketed the mountain West with snow and brought 100 mph winds to New Mexico earlier this week. More than 20 inches of snow fell over Flagstaff, Ariz. — more than four times the record of 5 inches set in 1956.
At least five deaths were blamed on the weather, including an Arizona hunter who was killed Monday night when a large pine tree snapped and crushed him as he slept in a tent. The driver of a sport utility vehicle that plunged 90 feet off an icy road into the Texas Panhandle's Palo Duro Canyon also died.
Heavy rain hit some parts of the South with more than 4 inches reported in spots in New Orleans. A possible tornado was reported near Lake Pontchartrain, the National Weather Service said.
Cold temperatures also were threatening California crops, where only about 10 percent to 15 percent of the navel and mandarin orange crops have been harvested, said Bob Blakely, director of industrial relations for the California Citrus Mutual.
"We've got a lot on the line," Blakely said. "Both of them combined you're probably looking at over a billion dollars in fruit hanging out there on the trees."
Copenhagen's Hidden Agenda: The Multibillion Trade in Carbon Derivatives
Who Wants War?
US Elections: Supreme Court May Rule to Allow Unlimited Corporate Funding
The Psychological Implosion of Our Soldiers
'Conspiracy would become manifest' if all climate research e-mails unveiled.
(Detroit News) Predicts $30 Billion Loss on Auto Bailout...
Senate Rejects Tougher Abortion Measures (Language Would Have Prevented Gov't Money For Abortion)
( Blackwater is a busy little bee! 118 killed, 197 injured in Baghdad blasts
( Copenhagen: Leaked draft deal widens rift between rich and poor nations
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | December 9, 2009
Researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that when the dietary compounds curcumin, which is derived from the Indian spice turmeric, and piperine, derived from black peppers, were applied to breast cells in culture, they decreased the number of stem cells while having no effect on normal differentiated cells. “If we can limit the number of stem cells, we can limit the number of cells with potential to form tumors,” says lead author Madhuri Kakarala, M.D., clinical lecturer in internal medicine at the U-M Medical School and a research investigator at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System.
Can You Afford Fries With That?
The economy is so bad parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names. The economy is so bad Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting. The economy is so bad Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
Will Missouri Nullify Federal Gun Laws?
The amazing story behind the global warming scam
The key players are now all in place in Washington and in state governments across America to officially label carbon dioxide as a pollutant and enact laws that tax us citizens for our carbon footprints.
9/11/01 Articles from Pravda
You'll not see this in the US mainstream press.
George Washington letter smashes auction record
A letter written by the first US President, George Washington, has sold at auction for $3.2m (£1.9m)
Agent Orange: Birth defects plague Vietnam; US slow to help
U.S., Vietnam split over whether defoliants used in war are to blame.
NIH report notes similarity of New York City H1N1 swine flu deaths with 1918 Spanish flu epidemic
A shocking new report from the National Institutes For Health has noted the similarity between H1N1 swine flu deaths in New York City and deaths caused by the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.
Internet worries mount by Holly Deyo
A growing number of issues may bring down the Net.
* How to shut down the 'Net -- A guide for repressive regimes
California city asks: why so many birth defects
Some residents of the impoverished town wonder if a nearby hazardous waste facility is to blame.
Silver (& copper) bullets kill disease causing bacteria
The bottom line: following the colloidal silver uproar, many people may now believe silver has no efficacy at all in protecting health. But that assumption is unscientific and downright wrong.
Social Security will go bust in 2010
For the third time in my life, the Social Security System will go belly-up. The first time was in 1977 well, almost. To head off the bust, Jimmy Carter got Congress to pass a major FICA tax increase sorry, "contribution" increase in order to save Social Security. Read More...
Dyes injected for imaging are more dangerous than the MRI
If you take a dye for an MRI (magnetic resonance imagery) examination orally, your chances of danger from that dye are slim and none. It's the ones that are injected that can cause problems. They are known as gadolinium based contrast agents or GBCAs.
Open letter to UN from scientists challenging climate change
"Climate change science is in a period of ‘negative discovery’ - the more we learn about this exceptionally complex and rapidly evolving field the more we realize how little we know. Truly, the science is NOT settled."
Famous weather scientist: Climategate just the tip of the iceberg
'Conspiracy would become manifest' if all climate research e-mails unveiled.
Indiana: city threatens $2500 fines for challenging traffic tickets
Motorists who receive a minor parking or traffic ticket in Indianapolis, Indiana are being threatened with fines of up to $2500 if they attempt to take the ticket to court.
Battery made of paper charges up
Batteries made from plain copier paper could make for future energy storage that is truly paper thin.
Scientists show Monsanto's GE corn is a health hazard
Google CEO: secrets are for filthy people
"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
Major corruption at World Health Organization
Did you know: WHO's 'Mr Flu' Holland's Albert Osterhaus has deep ties to pharma industry & The WHO gets more money from private pharma and related industry sources than from governments....and there's more...
Breaking point 2010 by Gerald Celente
The first decade of the 21st century is going out the same way it came in with a bust and a bang. The dot-com bubble burst in 2000, and the Bailout Bubble will bust in 2010.
US Air Force confirms "Beast of Kandahar" drone
Robots or "unmanned systems" in the air and on the ground are now deployed by the thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan, spying from the sky for hours on end, searching for booby-traps and firing lethal missiles without putting US soldiers at risk.
More on Indian tribe's travails with the IRS
IRS auctioned Crow Creek's ancestral land for tax purposes.
* Auction brings $2.6 million
* Article from last week leading up to sale -- Robert Williams Jr., a law professor and director of the Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program at the University of Arizona, said "it is ironic that the Obama administration is pressuring banks to ease up on their mortgage foreclosure policies for defaulting homeowners in the worst recession since the Depression, and here Obama's IRS is going after one of the poorest tribes in one of the poorest and economically hard-hit areas of the country."
Pilot program at Pittsburgh elementary school uses finger scans for students to access accounts
The school recently installed a lunchroom device that scans children's fingers and uses the scans to access personalized lunch accounts.
Rep Rangel to push for overhaul of tax system
The best part of this article are the comments.
TSA leaks sensitive airport screening manual
Who needs anonymous sources when the government is perfectly capable of leaking its own secrets?
MIT researchers develop tech for next generation of airport scanners
New scanner tech uses terahertz lasers
Stupid news -- Police cars repossessed in Louisiana, mayor blames stimulus fund snafu
A critical decision - Members of all branches of the United States Military will soon be facing a most critical decision
The European Union Times is reporting here that Obama is using the deployment of additional troops to Afghanistan to cover for the movement of some 200,000 troops, presently on duty in countries other than Iraq and Afghanistan, to USNORTHCOM to prepare for the "expected outbreak of Civil War within the United States before the end of winter."
Homeland Security to study dispersion of biological weapons in Boston subway
The U.S. Homeland Security Department has announced that it will release harmless gases and dye tracers into Boston's subway system next week to study the circulation of airborne contaminants through public transit networks in the event of a biological or chemical attack.
20 signs that the UK has become the most oppressive big brother society on earth
Read 20 signs that the U.K. has now become the most oppressive Big Brother society on earth.
Copenhagen climate summit: Global warming caused by sun's radiation
Global warming is caused by radiation from the sun, according to a leading scientist speaking out at an alternative "sceptics' conference" in Copenhagen.
State Dept. (sorta) fires 101st Tequila Brigade
Josh Rogin at The Cable confirms that the State Department is ending its contract ArmorGroup, the private security outfit that held the $187 million embassy security deal in Kabul. Allegations of poor contractor performance first surfaced back in 2007, but the department took no action until employees were caught — quite literally — with their pants down.
Pastor William Raymond will be on the show to discuss 501c3 churches and how they have sold out to the federal government for money. He will discuss the ekklesia - local church law and how important it is.
Lauren from Ohio will be joining Joyce today with a very special message to all of the listeners. Lauren points the way to true power through knowledge of the bible and the constitution. Respect the truth - walk the walk not just talk the talk and find the path to freedom through our Creator.
Sherry Jackson is a former IRS agent that learned the TRUTH - Sherry learned that income taxes are not constitutional and now she is in prison. Her husband, Colin Jackson, will on today to discuss what is happening to Sherry. The first Free Sherry Day will be on December 11, 2009 - go to the website to see what you can do to help.
100 Items to Disappear First
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation
Click to view December 8, 2009 Magnetosphere Update on YouTube:
CaveNews YouTube Channel
Notice that 'flame' (the guys on the science forum called it a 'lick')
Update time = Wed Dec 9 10:12:07 UTC 2009
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 6.4 | 2009/12/09 09:46:09 | -22.283 | 170.913 | 89.3 | SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS |
Location | Volcano | Type | Last eruption | Distance |
SW Pacific | Eastern Gemini Seamount | Submarine volcano | 93.17 km | |
SW Pacific | Hunter Island | Stratovolcano | 74.75 km | |
SW Pacific | Matthew Island | Stratovolcano | 28.30 km |
Update time = Wed Dec 9 14:00:05 UTC 2009
| MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region |
MAP | 4.9 | 2009/12/09 12:13:27 | 49.561 | -28.608 | 10.0 | NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/12/09 11:13:21 | 18.271 | -67.300 | 29.3 | MONA PASSAGE, PUERTO RICO |
MAP | 3.4 | 2009/12/09 10:26:49 | 62.337 | -151.303 | 107.9 | CENTRAL ALASKA |
MAP | 3.3 | 2009/12/09 09:56:52 | 19.058 | -68.301 | 125.2 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION |
MAP | 6.4 | 2009/12/09 09:46:09 | -22.283 | 170.913 | 89.3 | SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS |
MAP | 3.3 | 2009/12/09 09:36:03 | 19.188 | -64.659 | 17.4 | VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/12/09 07:48:15 | -54.873 | -135.447 | 10.0 | PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/12/09 04:36:47 | 35.555 | -120.790 | 3.1 | CENTRAL CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 4.7 | 2009/12/09 03:37:16 | 1.032 | 99.619 | 175.4 | NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/12/09 02:25:44 | 51.684 | -176.995 | 53.3 | ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/12/09 02:02:24 | 58.186 | -152.713 | 36.5 | KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA |
MAP | 4.8 | 2009/12/09 00:49:41 | 14.552 | 56.133 | 10.0 | OWEN FRACTURE ZONE REGION |
MAP | 4.5 | 2009/12/09 00:24:59 | -2.302 | 118.990 | 43.9 | SULAWESI, INDONESIA |
A Large Rabaul Caldera Volcano in Indonesia
A December, 2009 satellite image released by NASA's Earth Observatory.
Rabaul Volcano on the island of New Britain is intermittently active. Rabaul is a large caldera volcano whose eastern rim has been breached and flooded by the sea. Numerous vents and cones occur around the rim, including Tavurvur Cone, which was erupting when this image was captured by the Advanced Land Imager on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite on November 30, 2009. Image credit: Robert Simmon, NASA / Earth Observatory. Narration below by Rebecca Lindsey.
National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map
Tornado watch issued for much of Georgia
Atlanta Journal Constitution
By Larry Hartstein The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch Wednesday for much of central Georgia. Metro Atlanta is excluded from the watch, ... | Headlines - December 9, 2009
December 9, 2009
America's Last War
Think about it!! How could any red-blooded American promote or enable sharia law? How could any of our neighbors stab us in the back like this? Answer: corruption combined with political correctness. We are reaping the bitter harvest of those insane Viet Nam years of dislocation and hammering away at America's values. Those 60's hippies are now on the boards of education and in our halls of Congress. The decay of our nation is not in some cave in Afghanistan, but right here in our communities and college.........
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren
What Is The U.S. Constitution?
Regardless of your agreement with these truths, the information provided is all based upon the natural law and political discussions of those who formed the foundation of our Republic. The fact that we do not understand them only causes tyranny to tighten its grip on us. Before freedom will ever be restored, government will be limited, and the people will govern themselves, the sovereigns of the states must recognize that the U.S. Constitution is not the answer to our political and societal plight. Rather, it is the principles of freedom that provide the answer. The time has come in America when.......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin
The Value of United States Citizenship
A relatively small but nonetheless, important number of those who seek citizenship do so with more nefarious goals in mind. These are the terrorists and criminals who seek to gain easy access to our nation and to the borders of other nations that United States citizenship and the U.S. passport that goes with it that they seek......
by Former INS agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
What? The 28th Amendment?
There's something new floating around the Internet that caught my eye. Of course, there's always something new floating around the Internet that catches my eye. In this case, it was the 28th Amendment. My first reaction was: Huh? There is no 28th Amendment. That's not to say there haven't been several proposed 28th Amendments since the 27th was ratified on May 7, 1992. But none of them struck a chord with the American people like the latest one. I don't know who wrote it, but we should hire him (or her) to write all of our amendments......
by Jonathan Christian Ryter
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 09 Dec 2009
127 dead as bombers aim for heart of government --Five devices including three suicide bombs bring carnage to Baghdad ministries on the day national 'elections' are announced 09 Dec 2009 Car bombers yesterday killed as many as 127 people in Baghdad in a series of attacks that left the city's streets strewn with the wreckage of burning vehicles and the charred bodies of the dead. The five bombs, including three that were detonated by suicide bombers, exploded in succession across the Iraqi capital over the course of an hour yesterday morning, targeting a mosque, a market, a government ministry, an educational college and a court. Some 425 people were wounded.
F.B.I. Sets New Review of Shootings at Ft. Hood --F.B.I. reviewer would coordinate his work with DoD investigation and criminal prosecution in the case 09 Dec 2009 The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday named a former director, William H. Webster, to conduct an independent review of the bureau’s handling of information about the Army major charged with murder in the Fort Hood shootings. The F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III, has asked Mr. Webster to examine how the bureau dealt with information about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan before the Nov. 5 shootings in which he is accused of killing 13 people.
Roche's Tamiflu Not Proven to Cut Flu Complications, Study Says 09 Dec 2009 Roche Holding AG’s antiviral drug Tamiflu may not prevent complications from influenza in healthy adults, according to a review by an independent research group that reversed its previous findings that the medicine warded off pneumonia and other deadly conditions linked to the disease... The report raises questions about how drugs are reviewed, approved and distributed, Fiona Godlee, the British journal’s editor in chief, wrote in an editorial. The studies originally used to establish the benefits of Tamiflu were written by Roche employees and paid consultants, under-reported serious side effects and failed to clearly identify all the authors, she wrote.
Exodus of the bankers 09 Dec 2009 The president of Britain's second largest bank has issued a veiled threat that the country's elite financiers could join a mass exodus from the City of London if the Government pushes ahead with a bonus supertax today. The Chancellor, Alistair Darling, is widely expected to use his pre-Budget report to introduce a one-off windfall tax on banking bonuses to help assuage public anger over six- and seven-figure pay-outs just months after the Government's multibillion-pound bailout of the banks. Bob Diamond, the president of Barclays and head of investment bank Barclays Capital, said businesses and individuals could desert the City if new taxes were imposed. [OMG! Good riddance, a**holes! Actually, people should issue a 'veiled threat' if they *stay!*]
Geithner Said to Be Seeking TARP Extension Until Next October 09 Dec 2009 Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner plans to tell Congress that the Obama administration will extend the $700 billion financial-rescue program until next October, according to people familiar with the matter. While the Troubled Asset Relief Program expires on Dec. 31, Geithner can extend it by notifying Congress. A letter notifying Congress of the extension could come as soon as today, said the people, who declined to be identified.
Copenhagen: Leaked draft deal widens rift between rich and poor nations --Climate talks are in disarray barely days into the summit, putting at risk international unity to fight global warming 09 Dec 2009 Three hours after the "Danish text" had been leaked to the Guardian, Lumumba Di-Aping, the Sudanese chairman of the group of 132 developing countries known as G77 plus China, spelt out exactly why the poor countries he represents were so incensed. "The text robs developing countries of their just and equitable and fair share of the atmospheric space. It tries to treat rich and poor countries as equal," said the diplomat. The text is a draft proposal for the final political agreement that should be signed by national leaders including Barack Obama and Gordon Brown at the end of the Copenhagen summit on 18 December. It was prepared in secret by a group of individuals known as "the circle of commitment" but understood to include the US and Denmark.
Was Iraqi cabbie the source of the dodgy dossier? MP's report claims 'intelligence' on Saddam's WMDs came from back of a taxi 09 Dec 2009 The Iraq inquiry will probe in secret claims that an Iraqi taxi driver who peddled false gossip was one of Britain's top spies before the war. Inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot said the Daily Mail's revelation yesterday that the cabbie may have been the source of claims that Saddam Hussein could fire chemical weapons at British targets in 45 minutes was 'relevant to' his work. But he refused to quiz Sir John Scarlett about the claims, made in a report by Tory MP Adam Holloway, on grounds of national security. Instead the Chilcot Inquiry will hold further hearings on the issue in private in the new year. Senior intelligence officials have told the MP that the cabbie falsely claimed Saddam Hussein had acquired long-range missiles after listening to Iraqi commanders chatting in his taxi two years before the invasion. The driver, who worked near Iraq's border with Jordan, was allegedly the 'sub-source' of a senior Iraqi military officer who told MI6 that Saddam had battlefield chemical weapons ready to deploy at 45 minutes' notice.
UK believed Iraq weapons were dismantled 08 Dec 2009 British intelligence believed Iraq had dismantled its chemical and biological weapons in the run-up to the 2003 invasion but said it was possible they could be reassembled. John Scarlett, who headed Britain's Joint Intelligence Committee, said Tuesday that a report issued March 7, 2003 said "Iraq had no missiles which could reach Israel and none which could carry germ or biological weapons."
$10 million is smuggled out of Afghanistan daily, official says --The culprits are drug cartels and corrupt officials and businesses, Finance Minister Omar Zakhilwal says. U.S. and Afghan officials believe much of the cash is going to the Taliban. 07 Dec 2009 An estimated $10 million a day is smuggled out of Afghanistan, most of it through Kabul's international airport, rather than through secret routes over the mountains or across the desert, the country's finance minister said Sunday. The amount of corruption, both by public officials and officials of private companies, makes him embarrassed to acknowledge while traveling that he is an Afghan, Finance Minister Omar Zakhilwal said. Much of the hot cash ends up funding the Taliban insurgency, U.S. and Afghan officials said.
US drone strike kills three in N Waziristan 08 Dec 2009 Missiles fired from a US drone have killed three people and left three others wounded in a village in the lawless tribal district in Pakistan's northwest. Security and intelligence officials said the early morning attack hit Aspalga village, some 12 kilometers (seven miles) southeast of Miranshah in North Waziristan tribal district.
US raid kills 12 civilians in east Afghanistan 08 Dec 2009 More than a dozen people have been killed in a nighttime raid by US forces on a civilian house in Afghanistan's eastern province of Laghman, witnesses say. The attack took place on Monday night when US soldiers stormed a house at Armal locality in the provincial capital Mehtar Lam, witnesses told Press TV correspondent.
Blackwater is a busy little bee! 118 killed, 197 injured in Baghdad blasts 08 Dec 2009 At least 118 people have been killed and 197 others sustained injuries as multiple bomb-rigged cars exploded in quick succession ripped through Iraqi capital of Baghdad. Three bomb-rigged cars exploded in quick succession on Tuesday, striking the Labor Ministry, a court complex and the new site of Iraq's Finance Ministry whose previous building was destroyed in an August blast.
Parliament 'misled over rendition of militants captured in Iraq' 07 Dec 2009 The government has been accused of misleading parliament over the rendition of two alleged [Pakistani] militants captured in Iraq and then turned over to the Americans to be secretly sent to Bagram in Afghanistan. One of the men has allegedly gone mad and is being treated for mental problems, according to the legal charity, Reprieve. The Ministry of Defence has refused to identify the two men, saying to do so would be a breach the Data Protection Act.
Court rebuffs Guantanamo prisoner review 07 Dec 2009 The U.S. Supreme Court Monday refused to take charge of the case of a Guantanamo prisoner still held after apparently being cleared for release. Without comment, the justices refused a request by Abdul Hamid al-Ghizzawi that they issue an original habeas writ -- take original jurisdiction -- in his case and force a federal judge to rule on his ongoing confinement, despite his apparent status, reported. Al-Ghizzawi is a prisoner at the detention facility at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Law School Study Finds Evidence of Cover-Up After Three Alleged Suicides At Guantanamo In 2006 By Scott Horton 07 Dec 2009 On the night of June 9-10 in 2006, three prisoners held at the Guantánamo prison's Camp Delta died under mysterious circumstances. Military authorities responded by quickly ordering media representatives off the island and blocking lawyers from meeting with their clients. The first official military statements declared the deaths not just suicides -- but actually went so far as to describe them as acts of "asymmetrical warfare" against the United States. Now a 58-page study prepared by law faculty and students at Seton Hall University in New Jersey starkly challenges the Pentagon's claims. It notes serious and unresolved contradictions within a Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) report -- which was publicly released only in fragmentary form, two years after the fact -- and declares the military's internal investigation an obvious cover-up. [Too bad NCIS agents Gibbs and DiNozzo weren't assigned to the case: They'd have produced a more realistic report. --LRP]
Two US Navy petty officers face abuse charges 08 Dec 2009 Two US Navy SEALs accused of mistreating a suspect in the March 2004 killing of Blackwater contractors have appeared before a military court. Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe and Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas appeared before a military court in Norfolk, Virginia on Tuesday... The men allegedly attacked Ahmed Hashim Abed, who was accused of planning the ambush in which four Blackwater contractors were killed in Fallujah, Iraq in March 2004.
Israel razed 14 homes in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Nov. 08 Dec 2009 Israel demolished 14 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem Al-Quds last month as part of Tel Aviv's Judaization campaign targeting the holy city. According to the Land Research Center, the Jerusalem Al-Quds Municipality demolished 14 Palestinian homes in the city in November.
Chavez prepares Venezuela for 'US-provoked war' 08 Dec 2009 President Hugo Chavez says Venezuela must be ready to defend itself against what he called the US and Colombia's gearing up for initiating a military conflict. Chavez who accused Washington and Bogota of planning to stage war against his country announced that thousands of Russian missiles and rocket launchers were being received by Venezuela as the country is preparing for a possible military conflict. "They are preparing a war against us," Chavez was quoted as saying by the Associated Press. "Preparing is one of the best ways to neutralize it."
Army mentoring deals bypass ethics law 08 Dec 2009 The Army used a loophole in federal ethics law to award lucrative contracts to two recently retired generals, departing from its standard practice for hiring senior advisers, according to public records and interviews. During the past two years, the Army wanted to bring back two former generals, John Vines and Dan McNeill, to advise commanders as part of its "senior mentor" program. But the service's program is run by a defense contractor, Northrop Grumman, and federal ethics law prohibits newly retired senior employees from representing a company before their former agency for one year.
Feds say they will use unmanned Predator aircraft drones to hunt ocean smugglers 07 Dec 2009 U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Monday took delivery of its first Predator aircraft drone to scan U.S. waters for smugglers. The Predator B is expected to begin testing in early 2010 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida and be used in the Caribbean to combat drug trafficking. The plane has an enhanced radar system compared to the Predator B that has been used to 'combat' drug smuggling and movement of illegal immigrants on land borders for four years.
Massive TSA Security Breach As Agency Gives Away Its Secrets --Online Posting Reveals a "How To" for Terrorists to Get Through Airport Security 08 Dec 2009 In a massive security breach, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) inadvertently posted online its airport screening procedures manual, including some of the most closely guarded secrets regarding special rules for diplomats and CIA and law enforcement officers. The most sensitive parts of the 93-page Standard Operating Procedures manual were apparently redacted in a way that computer savvy individuals easily overcame. The document shows sample CIA, Congressional and law enforcement credentials which experts say would make it easy for terrorists to duplicate.
Yahoo Issues Takedown Notice for Spying Price List By Kim Zetter 04 Dec 2009 Shortly after Threat Level reported this week that Yahoo had blocked the FOIA release of its law enforcement and intelligence price list, someone provided a copy of the company’s spying guide to the whistleblower site Cryptome. The 17-page guide describes Yahoo’s data retention policies and the surveillance capabilities it can provide law enforcement, with a pricing list for these services. ...[I]t appears to be Yahoo’s lawyers alone who have issued a DMCA takedown notice to Cryptome demanding the document be removed.
Man Chucks Tomatoes at Sarah Palin at MOA --The man misses and hits an officer instead [!] 07 Dec 2009 A man was arrested for throwing tomatoes at Sarah Palin during her book signing on Monday at the Mall of America. Jeremy Olson, 33, allegedly threw two tomatoes from the second balcony, however did not come close to hitting Palin.
Democrats Reach Deal to Drop Public Option --Alternatives to Public Option Discussed 08 Dec 2009 After days of secret talks, Senate DemocRATs tentatively agreed Tuesday night to drop a government-run insurance option from
Senate Rejects Tougher Abortion Restrictions 08 Dec 2009 The Senate on Tuesday rejected an effort by abortion opponents to tighten restrictions in the
Flu pandemic could be mildest on record 08 Dec 2009 With the second wave of H1N1 infections having crested in the United States, leading epidemiologists are predicting that the pandemic could end up ranking as the mildest since modern medicine began documenting influenza outbreaks. Experts warn that the flu is notoriously unpredictable, but several recent analyses, including one released late Monday, indicate that the death toll is likely to be far lower than the number of fatalities caused by past pandemics.
Corporate employers got scarce flu vaccine 07 Dec 2009 When the swine flu vaccine was most scarce, health officials gave thousands of doses to corporate clinics at Walt Disney World, Toyota, defense contractors, oil companies and cruise lines, according to a USA TODAY review of vaccine distribution data from three states. USA TODAY examined how state health departments distributed H1N1 vaccine after public outcry last month over Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs receiving doses while doctors and hospitals encountered shortages. The data show other companies got the vaccine in October and early November. [On the upside, maybe the defense contractors and Goldman Suchs executives received Baxter's batch.]
Millions in U.S. Drinking Dirty Water, Records Show 08 Dec 2009 More than 20 percent of the nation’s water treatment systems have violated key provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act over the last five years, according to a New York Times analysis of federal data. That law requires communities to deliver safe tap water to local residents. But since 2004 [under Bush], the water provided to more than 49 million people has contained illegal concentrations of chemicals like arsenic or radioactive substances like uranium, as well as dangerous bacteria often found in sewage.
Offshore oil drilling gets go-ahead in Alaska's Arctic 07 Dec 2009 The Interior Department today gave the go-ahead for Shell Oil to begin drilling three exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea, a move that opens the door for production in a new region of the Arctic. The Interior Department's Minerals Management Service signed off on a plan that allows Shell to drill up to three exploration wells during the July-to-October open-water drilling season. The Bush regime's five-year plan for oil and gas exploration off the U.S. coast is under review by the Obama administration. [There's as much chance of Obomba overturning Bush regime policy as a cat with a long tail in a room filled with rockers.]
Hudson Bay jail upgraded for wayward polar bears 07 Dec 2009 Manitoba is spending more money to upgrade a polar bear jail in Churchill. Conservation Minister Bill Blaikie says the province is spending $105,000 to improve the jail’s walls and main entrance. The compound is used to house wayward polar bears that get too close to the town or return to the community after being scared away.
U.S. leaves millions' worth of gear in Iraq --Pentagon eases rules 07 Dec 2009 Even as the U.S. military scrambles to support a troop surge in Afghanistan, it is donating passenger vehicles, generators and other equipment worth tens of millions of dollars to the Iraqi government. Under new authority granted by the Pentagon, U.S. commanders in Iraq may now donate to the Iraqis up to $30 million worth of equipment from each facility they leave, up from the $2 million cap established when the guidelines were first set in 2005. The new cap applies at scores of posts that the U.S. military is expected to leave in coming months as it scales back its presence from about 280 facilities to six large bases and a few small ones by the end of next summer.
'We're going to be in the region for a long time.' No Firm Plans for a U.S. Exit in Afghanistan 07 Dec 2009 The Obama administration sent a forceful public message Sunday that American military forces could remain in Afghanistan for a long time... In television interviews, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other top administration officials said that any troop pullout beginning in July 2011 would be slow and that the Americans would only then be starting to transfer security responsibilities to Afghan forces under Mr. Obama’s new plan. "We have strategic interests [opium and gas pipelines] in South Asia that should not be measured in terms of finite times," said Gen. James L. Jones, the president’s national security adviser, speaking on CNN’s "State of the Union." "We’re going to be in the region for a long time."
USA is no longer an industrialized power - WAR is its specialty!
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database
December 9, 2009 - Chief Scientist Erik Tandberg, at the Norwegian Space Centre, said that he too was "totally amazed" by the spiral.
He agreed with many other experts that the spiral pattern could have caused by a missile from Russia - something the Russian military have strongly denied.
Dr Tandberg said: "I agree with everyone in the science community that this light was the weirdest thing. I have never seen anything like this ever.
"It may have been anything from an exploding missile whose launch went wrong - to a comet or other celestial object that for some reason has been behaving strangely.
"If it was a missile - most likely from the launch base in Pletsevsk in Russia or one of the Russian submarines or evern from the European Space Agency base in Kiruna - then we are talking about a rocket launch that has gone wrong.
"The spiral suggests the object came off course and balance and entered the spiral movement. Leaking rocket fuel could account for the blue light.
"But I know that the military have denied this explanation. So we could be looking at an entirely new natural phenomenon."
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EarthObservatory.NASA,.gov | Latest - December 9, 2009
The latest from NASA's Earth Observatory
* Flooding along the Rio Negro, Uruguay
* Ash Plume from Tavurvur, Papua New Guinea
* Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
* Chilla Wildlife Sanctuary, India
* Rainfall from Philippine Typhoons
* Flooding in Brazil and Uruguay
* Erg Iabes, Algeria
* Dust over Southeast Australia
Headlines from the press, radio, and television:
* Grizzlies, Polar Bears Breeding Because of Climate Change
* Antarctic Ice Sheet Losing Mass
* Past Climate Anomalies Explained
* This Year 'In Top Five Warmest'
* Lightning-'Listening' Network Nearly Complete
* Islands Make Waves … In the Sky
* 2009 Hurricane Season Quietest in Decades
* Early Snowball Earth May Have Melted to a Mudball
* Scientist Explains Earth's Warming Plateau
Press releases from institutions that either address climate research or are NASA-funded.
* Past Regional Cold and Warm Periods Linked to Natural Climate Drivers
* Peat Fires Drive Temperatures Up
* First Comprehensive Review of the State of Antarctica's Climate
* Big Freeze Plunged Europe into Ice Age in Months
* Oceanic Crust Formation is Dynamic After All | Today's Featured Stories - December 9, 2009
Jon Barron, Daniel Vitalis featured on NaturalNews Talk Hour this Thursday (NaturalNews) The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents a very special holiday event with exclusive offers by two of the most celebrated nutritional companies recommended by NaturalNews. "Surthrival in the 21st Century" and "Cold & Flu Secrets Revealed" begins... |
How fragile we are: Why the complexity of modern civilization threatens us all (NaturalNews) The fragility of our modern human civilization did not become clear to me until I began living full-time in South America. As a resident of Vilcabamba, Ecuador, I've grown accustomed to the idea of knowing where the things I consume come... |
Fluoride Causes Premature Births, Brain Degradation, Bone Loss, Cancer and Hormone Disruption A recent study conducted by researchers from the State University of New York (SUNY) found that fluoride ingestion may be responsible for causing premature births. Presented to the American Public Health Association at its annual meeting... |
Pfizer caught in yet more science fraud: Company altered study findings for Neurontin drug (NaturalNews) Research into internal company documents has revealed that Pfizer Inc. tampered with the results of at least 16 study reports about its epilepsy drug, Neurontin. In order to expand... |
Hemp Protein: Eat the Nutrients Researchers claim that if no other food is consumed, hemp seeds could sustain a human life for a few months without causing nutrient deficiency problems. In fact, hemp protein was used in Europe during tuberculosis outbreaks to reverse the... |
Silver (and copper) bullets kill disease-causing bacteria (NaturalNews) In 1999, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) handed down a dictate against products known as colloidal silver -- tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid base. |
How a Healthy Diet Can Prevent Depression The World Health Organization predicts that depression will become the second highest cause of the global disease burden by 2020. Why is this? Many people consume a diet high in bad fats, fried, refined and sugary foods. Studies show that... |
Injury added to insult: Dyes injected for imaging are more dangerous than the MRIs (Natural News) By now most Natural News readers are aware of the dangers from excessive CT scans, X-Rays, and other imaging health screenings. But what about those dyes injected into your body for the purpose of increasing image contrast and clarity? If... |
Find Your Health Magic Bullet (Opinion) Everyone is looking for the health "magic bullet". We all want to be well and not plagued with sickness or infirmity. We are looking for that one thing that is both simple and effective and above all requires little effort on our part. Unfortunately... |
Plant Disease Devastating Vegetable Crops in Eastern U.S. (NaturalNews) The same infectious fungus that caused the Irish Potato Famine of the 1840s is now spreading across the Northeastern United States, causing alarm among farmers and raising the specter of another spike in food prices. "People need to realize... |
Fluoride Causes Premature Births, Brain Degradation, Bone Loss, Cancer and Hormone Disruption By Ethan Huff, citizen journalist December 9 - A recent study conducted by researchers from the State University of New York (SUNY) found that fluoride ingestion... |
Hemp Protein: Eat the Nutrients By Amie Sugat, citizen journalist December 9 - Researchers claim that if no other food is consumed, hemp seeds could sustain a human life for a few months... |
How a Healthy Diet Can Prevent Depression By Fleur Hupston, citizen journalist December 9 - The World Health Organization predicts that depression will become the second highest cause of the global disease... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
- Antidepressants change your personality: Get ready for "cosmetic psychiatry!"
- Social Security will go bust in 2010
- Cancer caused by chemicals in your kitchen?
- Scientist says global warming caused by sun's radiation
- Tamiflu drug useless against swine flu pneumonia
- US govt. seeks to tax tanning salons to raise money for health care reform
- Batteries made out of copier paper coated with carbon nanotubes
- New nanomaterial liquid can be painted on walls to produce batteries
- Sen. Grassley asks medical non-profits for information about money from corporations
- LA hospital caught in patient radiation overdose scandal
- Drinking coffee may lower the risk of severe form of prostate cancer
- Old used computers polluting the planet
See all Top Headlines...
Natural News Podcasts | Browse All Podcasts
Health Ranger Report #82: Interview with Suzanne Somers
Suzanne Somers speaks out about the dangers of chemotherapy and real cancer cures being practiced right now by alternative medicine doctors. Hear this amazing interview with Suzanne Somers, authors of "Knockout: Interview with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer"
Click here to listen now (MP3).
Health Ranger Report #81: Interview with Alex Holland, founder of Asian Institute of Medical Studies
Alex Holland discusses Traditional Chinese Medicine, the structure of Chinese Medicine schools, holistic healing and much more.
Click here to listen now (MP3).
Health Ranger Report #80: NaturalNews Talk Hour - Keeping your kids safe from swine flu
Featuring Jonathan Landsman and the Health Ranger, this show features tips and strategies for protecting your kids from not only the swine flu itself, but also from the swine flu vaccine.
Click here to listen now (MP3).
Health Ranger Report #79: A cure for autism? Interview with Eleni Prokopeas from
An exclusive interview with Eleni Prokopeas from about ways to health and reverse autism using natural health and holistic nutrition.
Click here to listen now (MP3).
Health Ranger Report #78: Ecuador Update and Moxxor Opportunity
An update from the Health Ranger about Ecuador, Moxxor, staying adaptable and never getting "stuck" in life.
Click here to listen now (MP3).
Health Ranger Report #77: Interview with Billy Best about "Chemo Boy" Daniel Hauser
An exclusive interview with former fugitive from the chemotherapy police: Billy Best (who healed his own body of cancer using natural therapies).
Click here to listen now (MP3).
Health Ranger Show #76: Interview with Paul Shulick of New Chapter
This exclusive interview with NewChapter founder and CEO covers the philosophy and operations of the New Chapter company and its Luna Nueva gardens in Costa Rica. Also includes details on the new D.A.R.T. technology for analyzing the medicinal compounds of plants in real time.
Click here to listen now (MP3).
Health Ranger Show #75: Interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the Dangers of Vaccines
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, author of "Saying No to Vaccines" shares revolting details of what vaccines are made of, how they harm human health and why Big Pharma keeps pushing them on everybody.
Click here to listen now (MP3).
Talk at you all later!!
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African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?
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