"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people"

- John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday Night News Update | December 10, 2009

Thursday evening already ... and that pile of snow in front of my driveway is only 1/2 as high as this morning. Was picking up big chucks of ice/snow and tossing them and ended up getting my wool gloves wet and my fingers ice cold - had to stop ... the grip on my hands now sucks rotten eggs ... like when I was using my pick ax too much when working on building my pond.

Waiting for spring thaw .. think that's my new approach to the wall the snow plow built across my drive. Hate backing my Jeep into and ruining the muffler! So, just have to climb over it check my mail ... (my whining for the night).


Propane fueled fire at a former dairy plant in Norfolk, Nebraska - prompting evacuation of 8,000 - has now been extinguished

Thursday, December 10, 2009

NORFOLK, Nebraska -- A propane-fueled fire that prompted evacuation of about one-third of Norfolk has been extinguished.

City Administrator Al Roder said the fire at a former dairy plant was put out after crews managed to shut valves that cut off the flow from a 30,000-gallon propane tank.

A large swath of Norfolk was evacuated after the fire broke out around 7 a.m.

Flames billowed out of two pipes adjacent to the 30,000-gallon propane tank at the former Protient plant, 805 Omaha Ave., Roder said.

Fears that the tank itself might explode prompted officials to order the evacuation.

Roder said evacuees weren't immediately being allowed back into their homes and businesses, but a return was expected soon.

About 10,000 people live in the area of south Norfolk that was evacuated, according to Census figures. Norfolk's latest population estimate is nearly 23,000. The city is about 100 miles northwest of Omaha.

The fire first was reported shortly after 7 a.m. Black, rolling smoke could be seen for miles. Bright orange flames shot up from the site of the fire.

The cause wasn't immediately known, but the smell of gas permeated the air near the scene, witnesses said.

There were no reports of injuries.

Ten to 12 workers inside the plant at the time the fire broke out escaped.

Roder said two unmanned fire units sprayed water on the blaze because it was too dangerous for crews to get close.

Just days ago, the plant was leased by an Illinois company with plans to return it to full production, the Norfolk Daily News reported.

Roder said the propane tank threatened by the fire was filled on Wednesday.

The evacuated area was bordered by Norfolk Avenue on the north, Andy's Lake on the south, Victory Road on the east and 20th Street on the west.

"That constitutes, land-mass-wise, about a third of the city," Roder said.

In addition to homes, the area includes dozens of businesses, five public elementary schools, a junior high school, the city's main shopping center, its motel corridor and the southern half of downtown. Norfolk Senior High School also was ordered not to open.

The city auditorium, Norfolk Middle School and the YMCA building served as evacuation sites.

Several roads were closed, and motorists were urged to avoid the area. U.S. Highway 81 was closed at the Nebraska Highway 32 junction, and U.S. Highway 275 was closed at Nebraska Highway 24.

Some of Norfolk's major employers have facilities within the evacuated area, including Nucor Corp., a steel producer, and Affiliated Foods.

Affiliated, a grocery wholesaler, is one of Norfolk's largest employers with about 675 workers. Two of Nucor's four Norfolk divisions were affected by the evacuation, a company official said.



New lease of Protient plant had just began days before fire
Just when there were brighter prospects for the former Protient manufacturing plant in Norfolk,Nebraska this happens.

THE WALL STREET TIMES | Nebraska Plant Fire Prompts Evacuations

Obama defends US wars as he accepts peace prize (AP)

** Sounds alot like 1984 to me - "War is Peace and Peace is War"


"Fear Mongers" and the Stabilization Police Force - December 10, 2009

"Fear Mongers" and the Stabilization Police Force

This is rich: Word that president Obama is telling GOP leader "Stop trying to frighten the American people". But it's as good a starting point as any this morning, since the American people, by my reckoning, have plenty to be frightened about, even though it's hidden and obfuscated by the advertiser-owned MainStreamMedia.

For one thing, the entire global financial system, most admit, is still walking on eggshells and could crack at any time. Then we have Climategate to deal with and despite the hoopla in Copenhagen, the best (ok, devastating) analysis I've read of the jiggered data in contained in Willis Eschenbach's analysis "The Smoking Gun at Darwin Zero".

Australian media is reporting that Climate Change Minister Perry "Wong plays down climate talk tensions". Wong answer.

But here's something more worrisome than Climategate or Swine Flu out in the wings. Every so often I get an email that spells out a possible US future in crystal-clear terms - the discussion of which is not fear mongering at all: It's revealing actual planning... but for what? A new kind of police authority is in the works for America.

The document I've been studying is a Rand report called "A Stability Police Force for the United States: Justification and Options for Creating U.S. Capabilities."

In this paper - which to those of us with a strong Constitutional bent and respect for posse comitatus is an exercise in 'thinking the unthinkable' - there's a sort of working conclusion that a new super police agency - a "Stability Police Force" it's called - run by either the military (MP) system or the U.S. Marshall's Service, are achievable options for the US central government to consider implementing.

An extract of the Rand study is illustrative of their thinking:

"Discussion of Options

The present chapter omits any discussion of cost, which appears in Chapter Seven. Of the options presented, our analysis suggests that the hybrid Marshals Service option is preferable. With the ability of civilian agencies to significantly enhance their tactical suitability by placing SPF members in those police agencies that excel in their skill area, the Marshals Service could significantly increase its tactical suitability by leveraging placements to the point where it would dominate the other options, with the exception of the variable “Experience in Building Indigenous Capacity.” However, even with respect to this variable, any SPF would build this capability over time. An MP SPF could not achieve the same benefit, without relief from the Posse Comitatus Act. Soldiers could not serve in civilian policing capacity to the same extent, and so could not maximize an MP SPF’s tactical suitability rating through the experience to be gained by the hybrid option. If relief from Posse Comitatus were forthcoming, then the MPs could benefit from the advantages offered by this staffing option as well."

"Relief from the Posse Comitatus Act"? Stabilization Police Force? Stabilizing what? How?

A check of Wikipedia on the health of Posse Comitatus reveals:

"Recent legislative events On September 26, 2006, President Bush urged Congress to consider revising federal laws so that U.S. armed forces could restore public order and enforce laws in the aftermath of a natural disaster, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

These changes were included in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122), which was signed into law on October 17, 2006.[3]

Section 1076 is titled "Use of the Armed Forces in major public emergencies". It provided that:

The President may employ the armed forces... to... restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition... the President determines that... domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of maintaining public order... or [to] suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy if such... a condition... so hinders the execution of the laws... that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law... or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.[4]

In 2008, these changes were repealed in their entirety, reverting to the previous wording of the Insurrection Act

There's a fair amount of discussion in the Rand paper of things like financial disincentives for failing to deploy against fellow citizens and so forth. Chilling stuff to read.


After a quick read of the Rand study, I figure the emergence of a new Stabilization Police Force is only a matter of time, and depending on how the political winds blow in Washington, I'm just guessing the U.S. Marshall's Service will be a lot of hiring down the road. Either that, of the MP recruiting budget of the Army will be going up.


When one takes the 2006 announcements that Halliburton subsidiary KBR was awarded up to $385-million to construct temporary detention centers - and couples it with the Rand report - a picture emerges of a vastly less free, much more militarized internal governance structure in America.

A very realistic question to be asked is whether simply reporting these developments in some way sets up a self-fulfilling mechanism. A student of history can see an eerie similarity in temporal markers between the opening of Dachau in 1933the ramp-up in hiring of the German SS in the 1932-33 period. and

No, there's no detention camps operating yet that I'm aware of, but when they do, it's important to note the discussion of a special "Stabilization Police Force" here in the USA which could be applied against enemies of the State, whatever that definition might include.

In a chicken & egg sense, which comes first? The talk of a paradigm-changing 'revolution' or excessive State response to dissent? Does it all somehow track back to those Constitution-free zones around the national political conventions because they have become so institutionalized that dissent is no longer honored? I can't say; but the opposites of consensus is dangerous to complex societies; those societies where the marginal rate of return on additional hard work falls below zero which one could argue is in danger of happening planet-wide.


To what degree is talk of revolutionary change a precursor to its realization or iron-fisted repression? History only provides data; not simple formulas. But the divisions within America between left and right seem to be widening and logically, the more divided a country is, the easier its conquest by those who would argue persuasively for the replacement of its Constitution as somehow 'outdated' and not applicable to what will surely be packaged and sold by the MSM as 'extraordinary times' which will require a 'fresh look'. Kinda like the 'Change' sloganeering.


I'd also remind you that the U.S. is still under federal state of emergency (e.g. there is no posse comitatus in force right now due to the federally declared pandemic flu emergency) despite the waning of public interest in seasonal flu shots and a lot of right wing charges that it's 'phony flu' and part of some vast conspiracy of the left. Arguably, swine flu is a money-making scam because global business needs something to act as a financial stimulus although word is now leaking out that key WHO advisors may have been paid by big pharma for their efforts to stampede government purchase orders...


The country is on a delicate path at the moment and while my recent endorsement of Ben Bernanke for a second term at the Fed is cast as some readers as 'cowardice', I'm mindful based on the Rand report and other information I've sought out that the best case forward is a migration path to a new consensus. Absent that - a means of moving in an orderly way as a culture into an evolving and peaceful future - the detention centers and the SPF are forming in the wings and a fine 200+ year experiment in Freedom becomes even more seriously endangered.

Toss into the mix a national leader winning a Nobel Prize while simultaneously committing 30,000 more soldiers to the Afghanistan fray and all I can say to those who charge 'fear mongering' is this: If you're not at least a little fearful based on the under-reported developments going on just under the surface, you don't fully comprehend nor appreciate the scope of the problems and State & PTB responses we're facing as a Nation and as world of humans ......


Jakarta builds statue of young Obama

December 10, 2009 - A bronze statue of a young Barack Obama in shorts and a T-shirt — and what appears to be a Nobel medal around his neck — has been erected at a park in Jakarta, Indonesia, near the school where the future U.S. president studied as a child, according to news reports.

The likeness of a 10-year-old Obama — his hand extended with what appears to be a butterfly resting on it — cost $10,600 and now stands in a corner of Menteng Park, according to the Jakarta Globe and AP.

A paraphrased quote by Eleanor Roosevelt is inscribed on the statue’s base: "The future belongs to those who believe in the power of their dreams," reports AP.

“The statue is being erected to inspire Indonesian children and help them remember that they can be whatever they set their hearts on,” Ron Mullers, chairman of the Indonesia-based Friends of Obama Foundation, explained to the Globe.

The statue is set to be officially unveiled by Jakarta's governor Thursday.

Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize

President Barack Obama sits in front of framed photos of previous Nobel Peace Prize winners during a Signing Ceremony at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway, Thursday, Dec. 10, 2009.

Stimulus Funds for Martini Bars, Rat Sex?

Market-Ticker | Insanity: Doing The Same Thing (Obama) - dumb and then there is dumber

There is dumb and then there is dumber. Our President has crossed from one to the other, no doubt egged on by the failure of his policies thus far to take root:

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama outlined new multibillion-dollar stimulus and jobs proposals Tuesday, saying the nation must continue to "spend our way out of this recession" until more Americans are back at work.

You can't spend your way out of a debt problem any more than you can drink yourself sober. This sort of bankrupt policy is an attempt to stop this:



Soros Wants Rich Nations to Finance IMF Scheme

Wall Street Journal | Special drawing rights, or SDRs, are a form of composite currency issued by the IMF to its members.

100 Items to Disappear First

BlackListedNews.com | Breaking Headlines - December 10, 2009

The often brutal Chinese program of population reduction and control is being held up as an ideal model for governments when "integrating population programs" into environmental policies. Reporting from Copenhagen, China Daily reports,

The governments of Europe, the United States, and Japan are unlikely to negotiate a social-democratic pattern of globalization – unless their hands are forced by a popular movement or a catastrophe, such as another Great Depression or ecological disaster

Renowned American sociopolitical analyst Noam Chomsky says Israel functions as Washington’s main weapons storage base in the Middle East.

In a bold but risky year-end strategy, Democrats are preparing to raise the federal debt ceiling by as much as $1.8 trillion before New Year’s rather than have to face the issue again prior to the 2010 elections.

Remember VeriChip, the Florida company that once dreamed of injecting its human-implantable RFID microchips in everyone from immigrant guest workers to prison inmates?

Lawyer sues traffic and parking courts in Indianapolis, Indiana over threatened $2500 penalty for contesting a ticket in court.

$2 million US dollar verdict against Bayer confirms company's liability for an uncontrollable technology

Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Open Source Software (OSS) and Geospatial technologies are poised for increased U.S. federal government adoption over the next five years as cost-saving initiatives drive investment in these solutions

Part of the problem with the climate change issue is that it isn’t seen as an ongoing review of scientific models and theories about human impact on planetary warmth. It has taken on a political and religious tone which makes any attempt to peer review the consensus subject to ridicule.

A mysterious light display appearing over Norway last night has left thousands of residents in the north of the country baffled

ArcelorMittal has over 14 million emissions permits that it does not need in 2008, a figure which Sandbag estimates will rise to 80 million by 2012 making it by far the biggest beneficiary of the scheme across the EU.

U.S. homeowners have lost about $5.9 trillion in value since the housing market’s peak in March 2006 as mounting foreclosures and the recession weighed on prices, according to Zillow.com.

Half-baked Homeland Security is spending millions to develop sensors capable of detecting a person's level of 'malintent' as a counterterrorism tool.

The Obama administration extended the $700 billion financial-rescue program until October, arguing that the U.S. must hold on to the money in case of new financial

Cosmic rays at 'space age' high, warns NASA

Last Updated: Dec 10, 2009

WASHINGTON (PTI): Cosmic rays from outer space that can harm astronauts and spacecraft are increasing significantly and now at a “space age” high, NASA researchers have said.

The cosmic ray intensity in 2009 is at a “space age” high, said Richard Mewaldt, one of the scientists analysing data received from NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer spacecraft which is in solar orbit about a million miles from the earth.

“The intensity is actually about 20 per cent higher than solar-minimum periods of recent decades, and if this trend continues, NASA may want to reconsider how much shielding is required if astronauts return to the moon,” said Mewaldt from California Institute of Technology.

Cosmic rays are very-high-energy particles that originate in explosions of massive stars elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy
. They travel at nearly the speed of light and strike the Earth from all directions.

People on Earth are not in danger from the rays since the planet is surrounded by a protective shield created by its atmosphere and magnetic field and activity on the sun, which creates a hard-to-penetrate bubble – called the heliosphere – of wind and magnetic field around the solar system.

However, there has been a lull in solar activity since around 2007 and research shows that when solar activity goes down then natural shielding is weakened and more cosmic rays reach Earth.

“Right now we are in a very extended solar minimum, with the lowest level of solar activity in about 100 years,” Mewaldt said.

Mewaldt added that scientists have been able to monitor cosmic rays' effect on the earth going back about 1,000 years by examining polar ice cores.

When the rays hit earth's atmosphere, they produce the radioactive
beryllium-10 isotope, which is preserved in year-by-year layers of polar ice when it settles out of the atmosphere and is covered by snow.

Those ice cores show that in about 1700 the cosmic rays intensity was more than twice as high as it was during most of the space era. So we may be returning to the levels of past centuries.



About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation

DECEMBER 10, 2009 AT 7:30 PM CDT


Click to view December 9th Animated Magnetosphere on my YouTube:

CaveNews YouTube Channel


Current Moon Phase




Sunspot 1034 was numbered on Wednesday and this breaks the current spotless streak.

Small but active, Sunspot 1034 (Thursday)


A C3.4 Solar flare took place early this morning around new Sunspot 1034.

This would be the largest flare of Cycle 24 thus far

Click HERE for a movie of the solar flare ... a screen print from that movie below:

Haleakala in Hawaii picked as solar telescope site


Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World

Update time = Fri Dec 11 1:00:00 UTC 2009

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP 5.0 2009/12/11 01:16:53 53.831 160.427 50.9 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA
MAP 4.7 2009/12/11 00:17:29 60.879 166.568 17.9 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF KORYAKIA, RUSSIA
MAP 4.9 2009/12/11 00:10:34 -18.018 -178.487 594.2 FIJI REGION

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP 4.9 2009/12/10 21:22:26 37.359 142.762 40.4 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 2.8 2009/12/10 17:08:38 37.408 -118.448 7.5 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 4.7 2009/12/10 16:20:36 -1.879 -78.122 145.3 ECUADOR
MAP 5.0 2009/12/10 15:08:56 -26.210 179.664 676.9 SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP 5.3 2009/12/10 15:06:44 6.628 126.292 60.8 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP 2.7 2009/12/10 13:30:51 31.395 -115.513 0.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
MAP 2.6 2009/12/10 09:38:49 63.180 -150.473 124.1 CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 4.7 2009/12/10 09:25:10 12.782 143.713 41.6 GUAM REGION
MAP 3.0 2009/12/10 08:19:29 18.421 -68.026 107.3 MONA PASSAGE, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
MAP 3.1 2009/12/10 05:31:04 19.383 -66.976 38.3 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.6 2009/12/10 03:44:11 32.044 -115.494 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
MAP 2.5 2009/12/10 03:35:01 37.416 -118.532 8.1 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 3.0 2009/12/10 03:20:26 61.406 -146.819 16.3 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 4.7 2009/12/10 03:13:27 -7.446 129.250 140.4 KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA
MAP 6.3 2009/12/10 02:30:52 53.440 152.696 650.7 SEA OF OKHOTSK
MAP 2.5 2009/12/10 01:56:41 19.281 -156.385 31.2 HAWAII REGION, HAWAII
MAP 3.7 2009/12/10 01:31:46 19.195 -67.267 24.6 PUERTO RICO REGION

Swiss stop pioneering geothermal project

The Associated Press

But when the site in the middle of the city accidentally triggered tremors, including a 3.4 magnitude quake three years ago, the project was put on hold and ...


National Severe Weather Map
Surface Temperature Forecast Map

Confirmed EF0 tornado in Gardi, Georgia yesterday

Snowstorm in US Midwest causes chaos to roads and power
BBC News
Wisconsin declared a state of emergency after getting up to 48cm (19 inches) of snow on Wednesday, and Iowa recorded the worst snowfall for 20 years. ...

EarthObservatory.NASA.gov | Winter Storm Crosses United States

A severe winter storm blustered its way across the United States on December 7 and 8, 2009. The storm dumped heavy snow from California to the Great Plains, and fierce winds added to the hazardous conditions. The storm was predicted to continue eastward in midweek, and blizzard warnings were in effect for Great Lakes states as of December 9.

This image shows the blanket of snow laid down by the storm across the West, along with the thick swirl of storm clouds over the Great Plains from North Dakota to Oklahoma. The image is made from a combination of images captured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)Terra (most of the left side of the image) and Aqua (most of the right side) satellites on December 8. sensors on NASA’s

NASA Earth Observatory image by Jesse Allen, based on individual imagesMODIS Rapid Response Team. Caption by Rebecca Lindsey. from the

Instrument: Aqua - MODIS


Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?
Please ... take time to vi ew this video clip on YouTube. It’s only four minutes long. Then forward it to your friends. We must rise up and STOP our president from signing this treaty!

Third World Under Attack From Genocidal Climate Change Policy

Paul Joseph Watson | Millions dying from starvation as a direct consequence of global warming fraud.

Copenhagen’s Implications for American Sovereignty

Nick Loris | The contemplated post-Kyoto treaty is a serious threat to American sovereignty and other vital U.S. national interests because of its legally binding nature.

Lord Monckton Warns Obama Will Attempt Use of Executive Authority to Commit US to Copenhagen Agreement

Eat less meat and dairy to fight climate change...

Cap and Trade Is A Tax and It’s a Great Big One

Heritage Foundation | It will hurt senior citizens, the poor, and the unemployed the worst.

Saudi Arabia Calls for an Independent Investigation into Climategate

Russia Today | We believe this scandal — or what has been referred to as the climategate scandal — we think this is definitely going to affect the nature of what could be trusted in our deliberations, the Saudi Arabian negotiator said.


Oklahoma to Establish Electronic Insurance Verification System

NewsOK | Cameras set up at about 200 locations along selected highways would focus in on a tag’s bar code.

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
UFO Database

(YouTube) Secret Space Fleet - Antigravity with Ed Grimsley 2009 HD Delta rev

The technology concerned is antigravity, taken from their UFO crash retrievals or given through technology exchange program by ETs.

Financed without congressional oversight and paid for by an unsuspecting American public, these forces are now trying to extradite Gary McKinnon to the USA to ensure his silence; under the guise of his damaging of NASA computers.

What are they hiding? Watch as Neil, Jake and Ed Grimsley show you first hand evidence of these craft at 200 miles altitude moving at an alleged 30,000 MPH.



Mark Healey of Hawaii, takes a spill down the face of a large wave in the second heat of The Quiksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau surf contest at Waimea Bay located on the north shore of the island of Oahu Tuesday Dec. 8, 2009. surfing contest that is only held in extreme conditions is on for the first time in five years, thanks to the massive waves pounding Oahu's famed North Shore.

(AP Photo/Eugene Tanner)

Talk at you all later!

My News blog: The Cave

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges


(Keeping them in "safekeeping" via emailed News Updates In case my blogs get bombed out of the water AGAIN!)

Posted on HalfPastHuman.com:

Link to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm material

An alternative explantion for 2012 (PDF File).

Author held anonymous, but permission granted to disperse this material.

From Steve Quayle: A free ebook as to what may result if the electrical grid goes down: "Lights Out" pdf

The Cave's Page of Maps of Hazardous locations - past, present & potential future

Global Internet Monitor

Akamai monitors global Internet conditions around the clock. With this
real-time data identify the global regions with the greatest attack traffic, cities with the slowest Web connections (latency), and geographic areas with the most Web traffic (traffic density). Click on "ATTACKS" on the top of the screen at the link. (You can pull the slider from Europe to the US to see number of attacks)


National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary

Note:: If you follow this link to the main global map scroll down to find listing of various earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.

Recent Volcano Observatory Activity Reports

List of Volcanoes of Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands


Mediterranean and W Asia | Africa and Red Sea | Middle East and Indian Ocean | New Zealand to Fiji | Melanesia and Australia | Indonesia | Philippines and SE Asia | Japan, Taiwan, Marianas | Kuril Islands | Kamchatka and Mainland Asia | Alaska | Canada and Western USA | Hawaii and Pacific Ocean | México and Central America | South America | West Indies | Iceland and Arctic Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Antarctica

African Desert Rift Confirmed as New Ocean in the Making - Geologists Show that Seafloor Dynamics Are at Work in Splitting African Continent

Space.com | June 10, 2009 - Incoming space rocks now classified by military WHY?

Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
The Living Moon

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