Rate of accidents
There are conflicting studies about the risk of accidents on Friday 13th. The Dutch Centre for Insurance Statistics (CVS) on June 12, 2008, stated that "fewer accidents and reports of fire and theft occur when the 13th of the month falls on a Friday than on other Fridays, because people are preventatively more careful or just stay home. Statistically speaking, driving is slightly safer on Friday 13th, at least in The Netherlands; in the last two years, Dutch insurers received reports of an average 7,800 traffic accidents each Friday; but the average figure when the 13th fell on a Friday was just 7,500. However, a 1993 study in the British Medical Journal that compared the ratio of traffic accidents between Friday 6th and Friday 13th stated that there is a significant increase in traffic-related accidents on Fridays the 13th. There are indications that there are more accidents on Fridays than average weekdays (irrespective of the date) probably because of alcohol consumption. Therefore it is less relevant for this purpose to compare Friday 13th with, say, Tuesday 13th.
Man arrested for phone sex calls -- to 911...
Wife posed online as schoolgirl to trap pedophile husband...
Treasury Wants Donations to Pay Off National Debt
Reuters | Not sure what to give Uncle Sam this Christmas?
On November 11 - Veterans Day, I was complaining about how there wasn't an update coming out of FEMA - they had taken a day off from emergencies.
I do screen shots of FEMA updates because they have a history of RESTACKING and adding in reports ... much like USGS does with earthquake information where you can find new earthquakes in the previous days listing (for example, there may have been 10 earthquakes for a day ago - then maybe two days later 2 more earthquakes are then added to that old listing).

FEMA National Situation Update
National Severe Weather Map this morning:

Snow Flakes to Fly... in Seattle?
Widespread flooding from Hurricane Ida along East Coast --
Coastal flooding, beach erosion, high winds and rain will continue to lash the mid-Atlantic coast today through the start of the weekend before a powerful nor'easter, formerly Hurricane Ida, shifts farther out to sea.
SOLAR ACTIVITY: Friday the 13th could be a lucky day for astrophotographers. A photogenic scene is developing on the sun's northeastern limb, where a magnetic thicket of hot plasma is rising into view. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) made this movie of the action on Nov. 12th:
The swelling limb-glow heralds the approach of sunspot 1029, the biggest and most active sunspot of the year. Sunspot 1029 spent the past two weeks transiting the farside of the sun, invisible from Earth, but now it is about to reappear. Friday the 13th kicks off a 2- to 3-day photo-op as the sun's rotation slowly turns the active region back toward Earth. Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments.
Updated: 10:40 PM Nov 12, 2009
LincolnAs the weather gets colder, more and more homeless are turning to the People's City Mission for help. But the Lincoln shelter is already bursting at the seams.As the weather gets colder, more and more homeless are turning to the People's City Mission for help.
But the Lincoln shelter is already bursting at the seams.
It's a problem mission officials have been anticipating for a while.
Too many people and not enough room.
As winter approaches, that problem is now very real.
Pastor Tom Barber, Executive Director of the Mission, says, "The big issue we have right now is we are being overrun and the weather still hasn't really turned. We had last night over 370 people at the mission, we're set up for about 300."
And Pastor Tom only expects the problem to get worse. "The worry we have is if the weather gets really cold this winter and people keep coming in, at some point we're in serious trouble."
But some of Lincoln's homeless are using a little innovation to make it through the tough times.
Ron, tenant of the Mission, says, "We made a deal that we stay in the fence line, because the police keep moving our camps and chasing us out."
Ron and some of his buddies have formed the beginnings of a tent city on the People's City Mission property.
They're using blankets and sleeping bags from the Mission to furnish their tents for the winter.
Pastor Tom says, "These are guys that either can't or won't come in because of the crowded conditions and so we're hoping to help some more folks and then have the guys sleep at night out in tents."
A situation Ron and his fellow tent mates seem to be OK with. He adds, "Most of the men have slept in the bush before so we'll be OK as long as we have tents and blankets."
And the will to survive...
Pastor Tom says the cost of feeding and taking care of people at the Mission is always going up.
He says the People's City Mission is losing a lot of money but they're hoping for the best.
"More Americans should travel to Washington DC and see the many homeless US military veterans living on the streets of our capital in plain sight of the callous nitwits on Capitol Hill and the arrogant thugs at the White House. I have seen the lobbyists and power brokers pretend they are not even there but they are everywhere. As if they were leading the world and cannot even lead the District of Columbia out of a basic human need problem."
Related Article: UN investigator accuses US of neglect of homeless --
A United Nations special investigator who was blocked from visiting the US by the Bush administration has accused the American government of pouring billions of dollars into rescuing banks and big business while treating as "invisible" a deepening homeless crisis.


Market Oracle | Gld ETF Warning, Tungsten Filled Fake Gold Bars
“Gold Finger - A New Take On Operation Grand Slam With A Tungsten Twist”
I’ve already reported on irregular physical gold settlements which occurred in London, England back in the first week of October, 2009. Specifically, these settlements involved the intermediation of at least one Central Bank [The Bank of England] to resolve allocated settlements on behalf of J.P. Morgan and Deutsche Bank – who DID NOT have the gold bullion that they had sold short and were contracted to deliver. At the same time I reported on two other unusual occurrences:
1] - irregularities in the publication of the gold ETF - GLD’s bar list from Sept. 25 – Oct.14 where the length of the bar list went from 1,381 pages to under 200 pages and then back up to 800 or so pages.
2] - reports of 400 oz. “good delivery” bricks of gold found gutted and filled with tungsten within the confines of LBMA approved vaults in Hong Kong.
Why Tungsten?
If anyone were contemplating creating “fake” gold bars, tungsten [at roughly $10 per pound] would be the metal of choice since it has the exact same density as gold making a fake bar salted with tungsten indistinguishable from a solid gold bar by simply weighing it.
Unfortunately, there are now more sordid details to report.
When the news of tungsten “salted” gold bars in Hong Kong first surfaced, many people
who I am acquainted with automatically assumed that these bars were manufactured in
China – because China is generally viewed as “the knock-off capital of the world”.
Here’s what I now understand really happened:
The amount of “salted tungsten” gold bars in question was allegedly between 5,600 and 5,700 – 400 oz – good delivery bars [roughly 60 metric tonnes].
This was apparently all highly orchestrated by an extremely well financed criminal operation.
Within mere hours of this scam being identified – Chinese officials had many of the perpetrators in custody.
And here’s what the Chinese allegedly uncovered:
Roughly 15 years ago – during the Clinton Administration [think Robert Rubin, Sir Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers] – between 1.3 and 1.5 million 400 oz tungsten blanks were allegedly manufactured by a very high-end, sophisticated refiner in the USA [more than 16 Thousand metric tonnes]. Subsequently, 640,000 of these tungsten blanks received their gold plating and WERE shipped to Ft. Knox and remain there to this day. I know folks who have copies of the original shipping docs with dates and exact weights of “tungsten” bars shipped to Ft. Knox.
Chuck Norris: Copenhagen Talks To Forge “One World Order”
Church bells to ring out warning on climate change
AFP | The World Council of Churches on Thursday called on churches around the world to ring their bells 350 times during the Copenhagen climate change summit.
Britian Police Ban Christmas Carol Singers
Cops Force Boy to Take Flu Shot
Intelligencer | Two cops hold down boy so he can get his toxic soft kill bioweapon injection.
Thousands of guns U.S. sent to Afghanistan are missing
CNN | More than one-third of all weapons the United States has procured for Afghanistan’s government are missing, according to a government report.
‘These people just want to be left alone’
Real News Network | In Afghaninstan the US soldiers are losing heart for a fight they feel their presence is only prolonging.
Perry: Obama “hell-bent” on socialism
Dallas Morning News | Texas GOP Gov. Rick Perry accused President Barack Obama on Wednesday of “punishing” Texas and being “hell-bent” on turning the United States into a socialist country.
Can houseplants save your life? --
Study shows ornamental indoor plants can effectively remove harmful chemicals from indoor air.Study links fluoride to premature births --
State University of New York (SUNY) researchers found more premature births in fluoridated than non-fluoridated upstate New York communities, according to a presentation made at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting on November 9, 2009 in Philadelphia.
NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - November 13, 2009
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Hope your Friday the 13th is starting well. Will talk at you later....

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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