The Sun continues to be the driver of this solar system we call home. SUNSPOT is such a sweet sounding name.
Solar Flares
Sometimes in complex sunspot groups, abrupt, violent explosions from the sun occur. These are called solar flares. Solar flares are thought to be caused by sudden magnetic field changes in areas where the sun's magnetic field is concentrated. Solar flares are accompanied by the release of gas, electrons, visible light, ultraviolet light and X-rays. When this radiation and particles reach the Earth's magnetic field, they interact with it at the poles to produce the auroras (borealis, australis). Solar flares can also disrupt communications, satellites, navigation systems and even power grids. The radiation and particles ionize the atmosphere and prevent the movement of radio waves between satellites and the ground or between the ground and the ground. The ionized particles in the atmosphere can induce electric currents in power lines and cause power surges. These power surges can overload a power grid and cause blackouts.
old Sunspot 1029 on the return trip back into view

Drudge Report has a heading this morning:
NOAA: Third Coldest October on Record...
I've added several of the charts:

Hurricane Ida downgraded to storm
Radio New Zealand
Hurricane Ida, which left death and destruction in El Salvador three days ago, was downgraded to a tropical storm as it crossed the Gulf of Mexico on Monday local time.
Warnings have been lifted for the US coastline between Louisiana and Florida, although about 30% of the Gulf's oil production was shut down because of the storm.
The death toll across El Salvador after days of heavy rainstorms attributed to Hurricane Ida stands at at least 130 people, the BBC reports.
President Mauricio Funes has declared a national emergency, describing the damage as "incalculable".
The areas around El Salvador's capital San Salvador and the central province of San Vicente were hit hardest.
A torrent of mud and boulders from the Chichontepec volcano wrecked 300 homes and buried cars.
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
Obama's Afghan Plan: About 40,000 More Troops --CBS: Sources Say Force Will Grow to 100,000 - Nearly Filling Gen. McChrystal's Request; Long-Term [Blackwater/KBR] Stay Planned 09 Nov 2009 Tonight, after months of conferences with top advisors, President Obama has settled on a new strategy for Afghanistan. CBS News reports that the president will send a lot more troops and plans to keep a large force there, long term. ...Informed sources tell CBS News he intends to give Gen. Stanley McChrystal most, if not all, the additional troops he is asking for. McChrystal wanted 40,000 and the president has tentatively decided to send four combat brigades plus thousands more support troops.
CLG Exclusive: Fort Hood: 'This story stinks to high heaven.' --SFC, who spent ten years at Fort Hood, comments on Ft. Hood events 09 Nov 2009 I spent 10 years at Ft Hood. There is no way this 'official' story is legitimate. No way would a room full of combat vets allow this one shooter to get off over 100 rounds! And, it is not normal for the outside security guards to be there. They are at the MP station, and at the main gates. This means the room full of soldiers processing must have been pinned down; multiple shooters is the only plausible scenario. This sounds like MAJ Hasan has been used, and perhaps is a patsy. --SFC Donald Buswell (Retired)
Hasan Computer Reveals No Terror Ties 09 Nov 2009 A preliminary review of the computer of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the accused shooter in Thursday's rampage at Fort Hood in which 13 people were killed, has revealed no evidence of any connection to terror groups or conspirators, according to law enforcement officials. CBS News reports that an examination of the computer has revealed Hasan visited Web sites promoting radical Islamic views, but investigators have not found any e-mail communications with outside facilitators or known terrorists.
CIA Denies Report of Blocking Hasan Intel --Officials Tell CBS News Agency Isn't Withholding Information on Suspected Fort Hood Shooter 09 Nov 2009 Responding to a report that the Army psychiatrist suspected in last week's Fort Hood shootings had tried to contact people within al Qaeda - and that government intelligence agencies knew about it and are refusing to brief Congress on it - a U.S. intelligence official told CBS News that the CIA isn't withholding information from Congress. "There's no sign at this point that the CIA had collected information relevant to this case and then simply sat on it," the official told CBS News. ABC News published the report Monday morning with details that the CIA was refusing to brief the congressional committees charged with overseeing the intelligence agencies, a senior lawmaker told ABC.
U.S. Monitored Fort Hood Suspect Before Shooting 10 Nov 2009 Intelligence agencies intercepted communications last year and this year between Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who is accused of shooting to death 13 people at Fort Hood, Tex., and a radical cleric in Yemen known for his incendiary anti-American teachings. But federal authorities dropped an inquiry into the matter after deciding that the messages warranted no further action, government officials said on Monday. Major Hasan’s exchanges with the cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, once a spiritual leader at a mosque in suburban Virginia where Major Hasan worshipped, indicate that the authorities were aware of Major Hasan before last Thursday’s deadly rampage, but did nothing.
Officials: U.S. Aware of Hasan Efforts to Contact 'al Qaeda' --Army Major in Fort Hood Massacre Used 'Electronic Means' to Connect with Terrorists 09 Nov 2009 U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda [al-CIAduh], two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News. It is not known whether the intelligence agencies informed the Army that one of its officers was seeking to connect with suspected al Qaeda figures, the officials said.
Lawyer asks investigators not to question Hasan 09 Nov 2009 A lawyer for the Army psychiatrist accused in a deadly shooting spree at Fort Hood said Monday he asked investigators not to question his client and expressed doubt that the suspect would be able to get a fair trial, given the widespread attention to the case. Retired Col. John P. Galligan said he was contacted Monday by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's family and was headed to an Army hospital in San Antonio to meet Hasan. "Until I meet with him, it's best to say we're just going to protect all of his rights," Galligan said... Galligan questioned whether Hasan could get a fair trial in either criminal or military court, given President Barack Obama's planned visit to the base on Tuesday and public comments by the post commander, Lt. Gen. Robert Cone.
Hoekstra to launch investigation into Fort Hood shooting, dubs it 'homegrown jihadism' 09 Nov 2009 A key Republican lawmaker on Monday asked that the Obama administration keep documents relevant to the Fort Hood shooting available so Congress can continue its investigation into what he called an incident of "homegrown jihadism." Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Insane-Mich.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, sent a preservation order to the heads of the FBI, CIA, NSA and Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair directing them to keep the documents as part of his committee's review of the attacks.
Soldier Found With 100 Pounds of C-4 Released From Jail --The ATF, FBI and Montgomery County Bomb Squad investigated the case, trying to determine whether the explosives came from Fort Campbell. 05 Nov 2009 An Army Special Forces soldier who admitted to police that he was stockpiling military-grade explosives outside his home near Fort Campbell was released from jail into the custody of his wife. U.S. Magistrate Judge Cliff Knowles gave the order releasing 25-year-old Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Ryan Richards during a detention hearing Thursday in federal court in Nashville. He was charged with possessing two unregistered automatic weapons but he has not yet entered a plea.
Soldier Arrested After C-4 Explosives, Unregistered Guns Found At Home --The explosives were found in crates. 02 Nov 2009 An Army Special Forces soldier has been arrested following the discovery of 100 pounds of explosives at his Tennessee home in Montgomery County. Timothy Ryan Richards appeared in federal court Monday in Nashville on charges of possessing two unregistered guns. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent Eric Kehn said he expects Richards will face more charges related to the discovery of the explosives... The house is located near the Fort Campbell, Ky., Army post where the solider is based.
US marine slain by fellow soldier at N Carolina base 09 Nov 2009 A US marine has been killed by a fellow soldier in Camp Lejeune, military investigators at the Marine base in North Carolina have found. Private Jonathan Law, 21, "is in the custody of military authorities... for the alleged homicide of Corporal Joshua E. Hartzell, 22, early Friday morning," said Captain Timothy Patrick, base public affairs officer on Monday, reported AFP.
British spies help prevent al Qaeda-inspired attack on New York subway 09 Nov 2009 British spies have foiled a terrorist plot by a suspected al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] operative to blow up the New York subway. The plan, which reportedly would have been the biggest attack on America since 9/11, was uncovered after Scotland Yard intercepted an email. The force alerted the FBI, who launched an operation which led to airport shuttle bus driver Najibullah Zazi, 24, being charged with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction.
Ind. base hosts nuclear terrorist attack training --Over 4K military personnel taking part in training 09 Nov 2009 Thousands of military personnel, first responders and emergency workers are experiencing the ultimate test at the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center. They are participants in a joint exercise, called Vibrant Response, that simulates a terrorist nuclear attack in a US city. Over 4,000 military and civilian personnel from around the country are taking part in the exercise. Vibrant Response involves urban and aerial search-and-rescue missions, nuclear, biological and radiological decontamination, as well as airlift and medical training. General Victor Renuart, the four-star Air Force general in charge of NORAD, attended the training Monday.
Troops train for nuclear attack in southern Indiana 09 Nov 2009 Thousands of members of the military trained for a "ground zero" scenario in Indiana this week. The troops, from several branches of the military, worked together to simulate the aftermath of a nuclear attack. The exercise, underway at Muscatatuck Training Center, plays out the problem areas in a nuclear disaster, from search and rescue to decontamination. [See: Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities'.]
Two more from Fort Lewis confirmed killed in Afghanistan 09 Nov 2009 The Department of Defense confirmed today the death of two Fort Lewis soldiers who died Thursday in Jelewar, Afghanistan. Spc. Gary L. Gooch Jr., 22, of Ocala, Fla. and Spc. Aaron S. Aamot, 22, of Custer, Wash., died of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked their vehicle with an improvised explosive device.
US helicopter pilots die in Iraq 09 Nov 2009 Two US army pilots have been killed in a helicopter crash in central Iraq, the US military has said. Their helicopter "experienced a hard landing" at a base in Salahuddin Province on Sunday, a statement said without giving further details. The incident was under investigation and there was no indication that enemy action had been involved, it added.
Schumer Calls for Review as Millions in Stimulus Funds Aid Foreign Firms 09 Nov 2009 Sen. Charles Schumer called for a "comprehensive" review on Monday of all renewable energy projects seeking funding from the economic stimulus package, following reports that $849 million in U.S. grants have gone to foreign wind companies in the past two months alone. The New York Democrat first intervened last week, writing a letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu urging him to deny stimulus funding to a Texas wind farm that would rely on wind turbines made in China. The $1.5 billion project would create up to 3,000 jobs in China but only 330 jobs in the United States, most of which would be temporary, according to one report.
Report: $30B in Bonuses Doled on Wall St. 09 Nov 2009 Just a year after receiving a record-setting amount of government aid to rescue their failing companies, three of Wall Street's giants will pay the government's generosity forward, in the form of nearly $30 billion worth of executive bonuses, according a report in Bloomberg. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase, which have all exited the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, are set to dole out $29.7 billion in bonus money. According to Bloomberg, "The money, split among 119,000 employees, equals $250,400 each, almost five times the $50,303 median household income in the U.S. last year."
U.S. Joblessness May Reach 13 Percent, Rosenberg Says 09 Nov 2009 The U.S. unemployment rate may rise to a post-World War II high of 13 percent in the aftermath of the recession Bush Depression, said David Rosenberg, chief economist at Gluskin Sheff & Associates Inc. in Toronto. "This is going to be the mother of all jobless recoveries," Rosenberg said today in an interview on Bloomberg Radio.
A Tea Party party registers in Florida 09 Nov 2009 A Florida conservative [Orlando lawyer Frederic O’Neal, the new party's chairman] has registered an official "Tea Party" with the office of the Secretary of State, and is promising to run candidates against Republicans and Democrats in state and national races. A spokeswoman for the Florida Secretary of State, Jennifer Davis, said the party had registered in August, and that its qualified candidates will appear on the ballot in the state.
Pro-Choice Caucus: Bill contains 'unprecedented' attack on abortion rights 09 Nov 2009 Reps. Diana DeGette, D-Colo., and Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., co-chairs of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, today released the text of a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi that they are circulating on the abortion provision in the health care bill. USA TODAY's John Fritze says the House bill would prohibit people who receive government subsidies from getting insurance coverage for an abortion procedure even through a private health insurance plan. It also would prohibit the government-run insurance plan from offering abortions.
Lieberman on Fox News Sunday: "I will not allow this bill to come to a final vote" 09 Nov 2009 Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Israel) reiterated his commitment to filibuster any bill which contains the public option [that the hypocritical maggot advocated in the 2006 CT Democratic primary] in an interview with Chris Wallace.
Gov. Rell will not seek reelection 09 Nov 2009 Connecticut Gov. M Jodi Rell (R) announced Monday she will not seek reelection. The surprise announcement came during an early evening press conference, NBC Connecticut was first to report. The news comes with several Democrats considering a run for the state's top job.
Radioactive waste to be put in £18bn hole --Each reactor will produce about 20 tonnes of highly radioactive spent fuel per year, which will remain lethal for up to 100,000 years. 09 Nov 2009 Radioactive waste from a new generation of British nuclear power stations will be buried deep underground in a storage facility that could cost up to £18 billion to build, under plans to be announced by the Government today. Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary, will give the formal green light to a plan to construct a "deep geological repository" for permanent disposal of the 200 tonnes of high-level waste produced annually by the ten new reactors planned for Britain.
News Corp Sites May Be Removed From Google 09 Nov 2009 News Corp chairman [sociopath] Rupert Murdoch has suggested the company's online newspaper pages will be invisible to Google users when it launches its new paid content strategy. He claimed that readers who randomly reach a page via an internet search hold little value to advertisers. When asked by Sky News Australia's political editor David Speers why News Corp has not stopped Google from finding its content, Mr Murdoch replied: "I think we will."
Chemicals in Our Food, and Bodies By Nicholas D. Kristof 08 Nov 2009 Your body is probably home to a chemical called bisphenol A, or BPA. It’s a synthetic estrogen that United States factories now use in everything from plastics to epoxies — to the tune of six pounds per American per year... Now it turns out it’s in our food. Consumer Reports magazine tested an array of brand-name canned foods for a report in its December issue and found BPA in almost all of them. ...[More] than 200 other studies have shown links between low doses of BPA and adverse health effects, according to the Breast Cancer Fund, which is trying to ban the chemical from food and beverage containers.
Previous lead stories: Are you ready? Wait for it... it's good: Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists --Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a 'spiritual adviser' to three of the 'hijackers' who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001. 07 Nov 2009 Hasan, the sole suspect in the ['Manchurian Candidate'-style] massacre of 13 fellow US soldiers in Texas, attended the controversial Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Virginia, in 2001 at the same time as two of the September 11 terrorists, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt. The preacher at the time was Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Yemeni scholar who was banned from addressing a meeting in London by video link in August because he is accused of supporting attacks on British troops and backing terrorist organisations.
Kurt Nimmo | Rep. Peter Hoekstra demands CIA divulge what it knows or can invent about shooter.
Feds, Media Link Fort Hood Shooter to al-Qaeda and 9/11
Kurt Nimmo | The government and corporate media story now emerging about Hasan is that he is connected to al-Qaeda.
Press TV talks to Alex Jones on Fort Hood shooting
Press TV | Arash Zahedi talks to Alex Jones on Fort Hood shooting.
Ron Paul: Health Care Bill Could Kill The Dollar
Paul Joseph Watson | Universal health care will not be free – it will devastate the economy, warns Congressman.
AFP | Gold prices hit a record above 1,100 dollars on Monday with the dollar weakening after a pledge by G20 countries to keep economic recovery pumped up with easy money.
Broader Measure of U.S. Unemployment Stands at 17.5%
In all, more than one out of every six workers — 17.5 percent — were unemployed or underemployed in October.
Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed: Global Currency, New World Order
Infowars | The dollar will get “utterly destroyed” and become “virtually worthless”, said Damon Vickers.
Los Angeles Times | Los Angeles police said the Black Hawk helicopters will be part of a flight training mission taking place after 5 p.m. Sunday and Monday in central and west Valley areas.
Olympic protesters are ‘terrorists’
VicNews | People who protest the Winter Olympics are nothing more than “terrorists” with “limited intellect,” Liberal Burquitlam MLA Harry Bloy said in the legislature.
Video Shows Minneapolis Cop Tasering Man With Hands On Car
WCCO | No struggle can be seen before the officer used his Taser.
Mail Online | Drivers, households and holidaymakers should be hit with a carbon tax to tackle global warming.
Parents to be fined if they take their children out of sex lessons
Parents will face fines if they remove 15-year-old children from sex education lessons as they become part of the national curriculum for the first time.
Parents lose right over sex education
Telegraph | Pupils in England will be given classes in sex and relationships from the age of five under Government plans to cut teenage pregnancies.
Nick Turse | While Washington has put modest funding into civilian projects in Afghanistan this year, the real construction boom is military in nature.
Army general warns of anti-Muslim ‘backlash’
AFP | US army chief of staff George Casey has warned deadly shootings at Fort Hood could prompt a backlash against Muslim soldiers.
Officials: U.S. Aware of Hasan Efforts to Contact al Qaeda
ABC News | U.S. intelligence agencies claim that Army Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda.
The Independent | The 2009 swine flu pandemic may turn out to be the weakest in history.
Blackout: Military Personnel Banned From H1N1 Vaccine Sites
Allen McDuffee | Mandatory vaccine programs are a sensitive subject in the military, so it’s not a huge surprise that swift and visceral reactions to the program gained speed.
Majority of Californians intend to ignore the vaccine
Los Angeles Times | A majority said they had no intention of getting it.
UPI | U.S. immigration officials say a Los Angeles doctor faked medical exams for immigrants seeking U.S. visas.
The LAPD fights crime, not illegal immigration
Los Angeles Times | Illegal immigration is not crime?
Fewer illegal migrants flown to Mexico
Arizona Republic | The repatriation program, run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, this year averaged a record 293 people a day, but returned fewer overall than previous years.
Raw Story | Sunday’s twin suicide bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 155 people and wounded 500 others may have had help from within Iraq’s security apparatus.
Baghdad bombings kill 130, wound hundreds
MarketWatch | A pair of bomb blasts in downtown Baghdad near two government buildings killed more than 130 people and wounded hundreds.
Oil Tycoon: Our Troops Died … We’re “Entitled” to Sweet Contracts in Iraq!
Joshua Holland | The logic of billionaire T-Boone Pickens.
Arutz Sheva | Israel’s warnings that it will not tolerate an existential threat in the form of a nuclear Iran should be taken seriously, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon warned.
‘US using Iran as excuse to boost military budget’
Press TV | Iran’s army chief says by accusing the Islamic Republic of pursuing a military nuclear program the US government is seeking to escalate its military spending budget.
Protests flare in Iran’s capital as demonstrators, security forces clash
Los Angeles Times | Large areas of Tehran are in chaos as troops fire tear gas and beat antigovernment protesters on the 30th anniversary of the U.S. Embassy’s seizure.
CBC News | An Ottawa city councillor wants to call in the Armed Forces to help conduct swine flu vaccinations.
Judge rules activist’s beliefs on climate change akin to religion G
uardian | A judge found Nicholson’s views on the environment were so deeply held that they were entitled to the same protection as religious convictions
Reported Cases of Mystery Flu in Ukraine Double in Two Days
Recombinomics | The number of infected patients has almost doubled to just under ½ million, compared to the report two days ago.
Edward H. Crane | Today, it is difficult to find noninterventionists in either party.
Chavez Says Venezuela to Prepare for War as Deterrent
Bloomberg | Chavez told the military and civil militias today to prepare for war as a deterrent to a U.S.-led attack after American troops gained access to military bases in neighboring Colombia.
Taliban Still Working for the CIA?
Henry Makow Ph.D. | Look for this war to expand and go on forever.
Ed Brotherton | I have written an article for your knowledge and distribution as you deem fit about my dealings with Congressman’s Brad Sherman’s office.
‘Twin Towers’ warship enters NY
CNSNews | Congress who want to force Americans to buy health insurance — as both House and Senate versions of the health care plan would do — are saying “the hell with the Constitution.”
Obama’s New Bill of Rights
Dudley Brown | Gun grabbers in our government-run education system are now seeking to brainwash your children into accepting their anti-gun agenda — also by rewriting the Bill of Rights.
Anti-gun ObamaCare bill Coming to the House Floor Very Soon
Gun Owners of America | This bill will — like all the ObamaCare versions before it — most likely result in all of your gun-related health data being dumped into a government database.
Sky News Online | Rupert Murdoch claims that readers who randomly reach a page via an internet search hold little value to advertisers.
Hurricane Ida weakens to Category 1, heads to Gulf
Reuters | Ida was expected to hit somewhere between Louisiana and Florida.
Why are so many black and Asian women desperate to be white?
Mail Online | Michael Jackson appeared to understand that reality and internalize the prejudice.
CNN | Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is conscious and talking, a spokesman for the Army hospital where he is being treated told CNN on Monday.
Lieberman Suggests Army Shooter Was ‘Home-Grown Terrorist’
Wall Street Journal | Sen. Joe Lieberman said he would launch a congressional investigation into whether the U.S. military could have prevented it.
Post-traumatic stress disorder vet suspected in killing
Vail Daily | Suspect said he has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder since 1979 after serving two tours of duty in Vietnam.
New York Post | Obama urged senators to be like runners on a relay team and “take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the American people.”
Fort Hood Vendetta
Kevin Hayden | One thing is for sure; the mass media will spin it to fit someone’s agenda.
With victory in House, health care reform moves to Senate
CNN | The bill barely squeaked by in the Democrat-controlled House, with just one Republican voting for it — first-time lawmaker Joseph Cao who holds a seat in predominantly Democratic New Orleans.
Infowars | On July 6th, 2007, Alex Jones interviewed David Mayer de Rothschild.
Radio Talk Show Host Calls Gore a Traitor
Tennessee Sons of Liberty | “You’re a traitor,” Matt Gulliver, 30, called out toward Gore, who was seated, signing books.
Mark Dice: Buy Gold for $50 an Ounce!
Infowars | Mark Dice tries to sell a one ounce pure cold coin for $50 but nobody has a clue how much gold is worth, and nobody wanted it.
Somali pirates seize weapons ship, attack tanker -- Somali pirates have seized a United Arab Emirates-flagged cargo ship loaded with weapons bound for the anarchic Horn of Africa nation in contravention of a U.N. arms embargo, maritime experts said Monday.
Shocking numbers: Real unemployment tops 22% -- The true rate of unemployment for October 2009 may be 22.1 percent, not the 10.2 percent reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports. Unemployment at 22.1 percent, if accurate, would be at numbers not seen since peak unemployment during the 1973 to 1975 recession.
Underground bases -- This is a list of known or suspected U.S. Underground Bases, the purpose of each, how they're set up and any other info known about them.
Investigators descend on small town doctor -- Bukacek, an outspoken critic of President Obama's health-care reforms and president of Montana ProLife Coalition, said the visit last week was the fourth or fifth investigation since last spring. Dr. Annie Bukacek sits behind piles of private patient records that she was required to compile for state and federal investigations into her billing practices for Medicaid reimbursements as well as into her custom of praying with patients.
Aloe Vera; the healthy plant -- Extracts from the aloe vera plant have been used for medicinal purposes in humans for over 2,000 years. Because of the numerous nutrients contained within the leaves of this plant, aloe vera is used today to treat a variety of conditions, either by ingestion or as a topical ointment.
Dean foods pulls bait & switch on "organic" silk soymilk -- Until early 2009, Silk brand soy milk was made using organic soybeans. But earlier this year, Dean Foods (owner of the Silk brand) quietly switched to conventional soybeans, which are often grown with pesticides. But they kept the same UPC barcodes on their products, and they kept the product label virtually the same, only replacing the word "organic" with "natural" in a way that was barely noticeable. They also kept the price the same, charging consumers "organic" prices for a product that was now suddenly made with conventionally-grown soybeans.
How partially hydrogenated oils & trans fast destroy your health -- Of all the poisons in the food supply, trans fats are perhaps the most frequently overlooked. They're hidden in all sorts of foods, from crackers and baked goods to breakfast cereals. And thanks to intentionally deceptive FDA-approved labeling laws, food products that contain sizable amounts of trans fatty acids can still declare "trans fats free" right on their labels (this clever trick involves reducing serving sizes until the trans fat level drops to 0.5 grams per serving, at which point the FDA says companies can just "round down" to zero).
Farmers growing genetically engineered corn break rules -- Corn genetically engineered to resist pests and tolerate herbicides made up 85% of the U.S. corn crop in 2009, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. But a report by a watchdog group, out today, finds that since 2006, farmers have become increasingly non-compliant with federally-mandated planting requirements designed to keep the popular technology useful in the future.
Remote Eskimo village hit by suspected swine flu -- Suspected swine flu is sweeping a traditional Eskimo whaling village on a remote Alaska island — prompting an urgent medical mission to deliver help.
Summary of recent scientific papers on effects of electromagnetic radiation -- The following information on this website is a quick summary of another twenty papers that have come out over the last few months related to effects of electromagnetic radiation. Some of the papers are notable papers that have been published very recently, others are papers that were published a few months ago that have not yet made it to one of the Science Updates.
Health care bill protects trial lawyers -- Buried in the bowels of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s 2,000-page healthcare reform bill is a powerful carrot for states that agree to give up on tort reform – and a stick to wallop those that won’t. Section 2531 of Pelosi’s $1.2 trillion House bill appears to be another example of dangling taxpayer dollars to get states to do what Beltway politicians want.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Why I voted no on health care bill -- instead of working toward the elimination of for-profit insurance, H.R. 3962 would put the government in the role of accelerating the privatization of health care. In H.R. 3962, the government is requiring at least 21 million Americans to buy private health insurance from the very industry that causes costs to be so high, which will result in at least $70 billion in new annual revenue, much of which is coming from taxpayers. This inevitably will lead to even more costs, more subsidies, and higher profits for insurance companies—a bailout under a blue cross. Read More...
Construction unemployment rate is 18.7% -- Construction's unemployment rate climbed again in October, hitting 18.7%, up from 17.1% in September, as the industry lost another 62,000 jobs during the month, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported.
DHS strikes deal for tribal ID cards (with RFID chips) Tohono O'Odham nation latest to enhanced ID -- The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has struck a fourth agreement for enhanced tribal identification cards compliant with US travel laws with a Native American tribe, the department announced Tuesday.
161 US airports now have behavior detection officers -- You might not see them, but they're studying you. To identify potentially dangerous individuals, the Transportation Security Administration has stationed specially trained behavior-detection officers at 161 U.S. airports. The officers may be positioned anywhere, from the parking garage to the gate, trying to spot passengers who show an unusual level of nervousness or stress.
Are people wising up? Low turnout in NYC for free flu shots -- the seven clinics across the city were, depending on how you looked at it, puzzlingly underused or puzzlingly over prepared.
Total destruction of lungs in Ukraines H1N1 cases -- Period of time from onset to death averaged from 4 to 7 days. In all patients during a hospital for signs of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees, which quickly rose and manifested accelerated respiration rate, shortness of breath and effectiveness of independent breathing. X-ray studies were performed on 1-2 day hospitalization. Most patients experienced a double-headed particles of lower lung lesion, followed by a trend towards total destruction.
Related Article: Has the H1N1 Swine flu in Ukraine mutated to become more like the 1918 Spanish flu? Victims have total destruction of lungs
Cheerleader that was poisoned by vaccine makes recovery with natural based therapies! -- Desiree Jennings is the 26 year old cheerleader and marathon runner was who severely crippled with a neurological disorder diagnosed as dystonia in the wake of taking the Wonderful Swine Flu vaccine (that government officials and pharmaceutical shills keep telling us is "safe").
Doing Business During H1N1 Pandemic document -- A Toolkit for Organizations of All Sizes.
Pregnancy and the H1N1 flu virus -- As midwives consider the potential impact of the new H1N1 Flu virus on our clients, it serves us well to consider modalities and options for preventative treatment. Although the mainstream is pro-vaccination, there are many varied opinions on the matter to take into account.
Serbia may declare swine flu epidemic, mobilize Army, Police -- The Serbian government may declare a swine flu epidemic after more than 200 people were diagnosed with the disease and seven people died, a step that would allow it to mobilize the army and police to help treat victims. (are we seeing a trend here with all these countries declaring martial law?)
Hospitals keep patients in dark on adverse events -- When hospital patients suffer adverse effects from treatments, they seldom get explanations from medical personnel, even though the disclosure may improve patients' ratings of care, researchers said.
KBR may have poisoned 100,000 people in Iraq -- Defense contractor KBR may have exposed as many as 100,000 people, including US troops, to cancer-causing toxins by burning waste in open-air pits in Iraq, says a series of class-action lawsuits filed against the company. Read More...
The internet as you know it will cease to exist -- Read possible changes.
New Jersey cop assaults TV cameraman -- Caught on Tape: New Jersey Cop Puts TV Photographer in Choke Hold.
Oldest American artifact unearthed -- Archaeologists claim to have found the oldest known artefact in the Americas, a scraper-like tool in an Oregon cave that dates back 14,230 years.
AP | Arctic off-limits to commercial fishing Dec. 3 until more is known about the Arctic marine environment
Business Daily Africa | Obama plays China card, but who holds the ace in sino-America ties?

He made the suggestion in an essay published a week before the London Group of 20 summit.
Clearly aiming at an international audience, the central bank took the unusual step of publishing the paper in English at the same time as it issued the Chinese version........ FULL STORY
Jim Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash | Kunstler: "Obama is flat out lying about unemployment numbers"
There's no such thing as a jobless recovery! Trust me…
VHeadline.comSuch a bigger and downward "sign" in the employment levels will NOT be a sign of recovery. There's no such thing as a jobless recovery! Trust me… ...
Grand Rapids layoffs to include 44 police officers, 25 firefighters, dozens more
“When we create a new platform for city government, we can only keep the best of our past and work to create a sustainable future together,” he said. ...
Sprint Nextel to layoff up to 2500 workers
TopNews United Kingdom (blog) - - 4 hours agoSprint Nextel Corp., the third- largest US mobile-phone carrier, announced on Monday that it would hack up to 2500 jobs or reduce its workforce by about 5 ...Sprint to cut 2000 to 2500 jobs Kansas City StarSprint to cut 2000 to 2500 jobs CNET News
AOL Layoffs, Buyouts, And More Layoffs
The Business Insider - 1 hour agoKara thinks the big layoffs will be done in conjunction with the spinoff, which is said to be set for mid-December. We had heard chatter that they might ...AOL: Small Layoff Today, a Voluntary Buyout and, Then…the Big One All Things Digital (blog)
More layoffs at Microsoft: another 800 jobs cut
Computerworld - - Nov 5, 2009The rumors were true: Microsoft confirms more layoffs. A futher 800 employees have been told their jobs are redundant. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers wonder who, ...Layoffs Continue At Microsoft TopNews United StatesCNET NewsMicrosoft cuts 800 jobs, completes layoff plan Reuters India
Vancouver's Electronic Arts to cut 1500 jobs
Lloyds to cut 5000 more jobs
Washington Post
He called for an agreement with the company that there would be no compulsory layoffs. The government,which holds a 43.4 percent stake in Lloyds Banking ...
Reuters India | US STOCKS-Wall St jumps as G20 says cheap money to continue | Today's Featured Stories - November 10, 2009
Dean Foods pulls bait-and-switch on "organic" Silk soymilk
(NaturalNews) Until early 2009, Silk brand soy milk was made using organic soybeans. But earlier this year, Dean Foods (owner of the Silk brand) quietly switched to conventional soybeans, which are often grown with pesticides. But they kept the...
Apigenin Phytonutrient Cuts Ovarian Cancer Risk
(NaturalNews) High intake of foods containing the natural plant compound apigenin might decrease a woman's risk of ovarian cancer, researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School have found. Apigenin is a class of flavonoid...
World Health Organization Says Cell Phones can Cause Brain Cancer
The results of the decade-long Interphone study on cell phone safety are that heavy cell phone use increases the risk of developing brain tumors later in life. The study, which focused on three types of brain cancer and tumors of the parotid...
Young boys need abundant omega-3s for strong bones, scientists find
(NaturalNews) Regular readers of NaturalNews have long been aware of the importance of adequate omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. These healthy fats, abundant in cold water fish like salmon, have been found to...
Cat's Claw Treats Cancer and Many Other Illnesses
There is much talk about cat's claw and its healing properties used for the treatment of cancer, but cat's claw can be used in the treatment of many illnesses. It is not just for cancer, but it is also used in the treatment of asthma, arthritis...
How partially-hydrogenated oils and trans fats destroy your health
(NaturalNews) Of all the poisons in the food supply, trans fats are perhaps the most frequently overlooked. They're hidden in all sorts of foods, from crackers and baked goods to breakfast cereals. And thanks to intentionally deceptive FDA-approved labeling...
Donated organs riddled with disease
(Natural News) In both the UK and the USA, organ donor numbers are declining while more who await organ transplants are dying. In the USA 6,000 died in 2001 while waiting for organ transplants, while in the UK 1,000 die annually waiting for organs. This...
Easy-to-Make Fermented Vegetables Boost Immunity and Improve Health
Eating fermented vegetables can be one of the best things for overall health. Fermentation is an excellent way to preserve food, ensuring fresh vitamin-rich food all winter. It also infuses the body with beneficial microflora which can keep...
Oily Fish Consumption Halts Eye Disease
(NaturalNews) Eating two servings of oily fish per week may halt the progression of a major cause of blindness in the elderly, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tufts University and published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology...
The Organic, Raw Cranberry Market is Heating Up
They're known for their delicious tart flavor and no Thanksgiving feast would be complete without them. The cranberry has been a Thanksgiving staple since the days of the Pilgrims and this year yet another grower of the organic variety will...
Join the Organic Consumers Association's national boycott of "organic cheater" brands
(NaturalNews) Many popular brands of personal care products use words like "organic" on their product labels or company names, but the products they're selling don't meet organic standards. So the Organic Consumers Association
You all have a good Tuesday ... I'm going to enjoy this nice weather!

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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