National Severe Weather Map

AROUND THE BEND: The "green sun" pictured below is an ultraviolet-wavelength photo taken just hours ago by NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft. What lies beneath the circled thicket of hot plasma and magnetic fields? It could be the most active sunspot of the year.
The circle marks the location of sunspot 1029. In late October, sunspot 1029 materialized on the Earth-facing side of the sun and quickly established itself as the biggest active region of 2009.
It produced more than ten C-class solar flares, single-handedly quadrupling the number of such eruptions since the year began. For the past 11 days, however, sunspot 1029 has been out of sight transiting the farside of the sun.
My NASA email updates now link to government's special flu website to push their crap

WCPN news | Large Scale Layoffs Up 23% in Ohio Large Scale Layoffs Up 23% in Ohio
November 11, 2009 - Dayton Business Journal: The number of Ohioans who lost their jobs through mass corporate cutbacks during the third quarter grew more than 20 percent from a year earlier as the pace of large firings jumped by more than half, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Tuesday.........
Quad Cities | Great Dane Trailers Plans Lay Offs in Kewanee, Illinois
November 11, 2009 - 161 workers in Kewanee, Illinois may soon be out of a job. Representatives from Great Dane Trailers say if things do not get better in the next 60 days, they will lay the employees off on January 8th. Company leaders say the lay offs would only be temporary, meaning if work conditions pick back up, the workers would be brought back....
Honolulu AdvertiserAl Gore's CURRENT MEDIA cuts 80 jobs...
20, roughly 700 union members belonging primarily to the Hawai'i Government Employees Association will be laid off, although the exact number won't be known ...
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS - November 12, 2009
*** Click Here for the Text Version
The Associated Press agenda has been attacking natural forms of healing -- Join reader action to educate the Associated Press about natural remedies, alternative medicine. AP's contact info:
Video from Poland: Baxter admit contaminating H1N1 vaccine (Subtitled in English)
Sen Reid puts health care bill on Senate calendar -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) late Tuesday laid the groundwork for the Senate's healthcare reform debate to start next Tuesday. Reid filed a motion to introduce the bill on Monday, Nov. 16. Anticipating a Republican objection, the bill would be pushed onto the Senate calendar.
Obama may be afraid of Blackwater -- Despite news reports that the security contractor formerly known as Blackwater has seen its contracts dry up and its influence wane, the company continues to do brisk business in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and the Obama administration may be too afraid of the firm to do anything about it, says investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill (did you know they guard members of Congress?)
Chicago Mayor Daley blames 2nd amendment for Ft Hood shooting -- On Monday, Chicago Mayor Daley blamed the Ft. Hood Jihad Massacre on America’s love of guns!
Army doctors had warned Hasan was psychotic -- US military doctors had worried that the suspected gunman in the Fort Hood shootings was "psychotic" and unstable but did not seek to sack him, National Public Radio reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed officials.
A morally bankrupt military: when soldiers & their families become expendable -- Tens of thousands of soldiers continue to serve, even being deployed to combat zones like Iraq and/or Afghanistan, despite persistent injuries. According to military records, over 43,000 troops classified as "nondeployable for medical reasons" have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan nevertheless.
Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN -- CNN's Lou Dobbs told viewers on Wednesday that he was quitting his nightly show to pursue new opportunities. "This will be my last broadcast," Dobbs said after giving the day's headlines. Dobbs, who hosts a daily radio show unrelated to CNN, said the network had allowed him to be released early from his contract.
Lack of health care killed 2,266 US veterans last year says study -- The number of US veterans who died in 2008 because they lacked health insurance was 14 times higher than the US military death toll in Afghanistan that year, according to a new study. The analysis produced by two Harvard medical researchers estimates that 2,266 US military veterans under the age of 65 died in 2008 because they lacked health coverage and had reduced access to medical care.
Why are we locking up traumatized veterans for their addictions instead of offering them treatment? -- A new report by the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) exposes practices and policies that for decades have unjustly resulted in large numbers of psychically injured and addicted veterans landing in the nation’s prisons and jails.
October was wettest on record in USA -- The USA just slogged through its wettest October on record, the federal government's National Climatic Data Center announced Tuesday.
Latest flu map -- This map is compiled using data from official sources, news reports and user-contributions and updated multiple times per day.
Doctors in England to get bigger bonuses if they meet swine flu jab targets -- Doctors are in line for huge bonuses if large numbers of their patients sign up for swine flu jabs.
Virginia teen ill after flu shot -- A 14-year-old Virginia boy is weak and struggling to walk after coming down with a reported case of Guillain-Barre syndrome within hours after receiving the H1N1 vaccine for swine flu.
WHO appeals to Ukraine for help with hemorrhagic pneumonia -- WHO experts appealed to Ukrainian physicians requested to report positive experiences in treating patients with severe influenza A/H1N1, so it can be used not only in Ukraine but other countries, the WHO European Region.
The cervical cancer vaccine may not work, but broccoli does -- Gardasil, a vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer in women, has recently been the target of debate about its safety and efficacy. While young girls have been dying and key researchers are saying the vaccine doesn't work, there are dozens of studies using natural compounds in broccoli that DO work to not only PREVENT but possibly TREAT cervical cancer as well.
Vegetables provide the best diabetes defense for your baby -- Why do pregnant women crave foods? Ask nutritionists this question, and they'll probably tell you that it's the body's way of telling the mother that it's "craving" a particular vitamin or nutrient. Read More...
OSHA nominee may seek to ban guns as public health threat -- Second Amendment advocates are expressing alarm that the most significant attack on gun rights across the United States in years soon could come in the form of a workplace "safety" regulation under President Obama's nominee to run the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Detox with the ancient Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling -- Oil pulling or oil swishing, in alternative medicine, is a procedure that involves swishing oil in the mouth for oral and systemic health benefits. It is mentioned in the Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita where it is called Kavala Gandoosha / Kavala Graha, and it is claimed to cure about 30 systemic diseases ranging from headache, migraine, diabetes, asthma, skin conditions, allergies, oral bacterial infections, gum problems and more. The practitioner rinses the mouth with approximately one tablespoon of oil (sesame and sunflower oils are the most recommended) for 15−20 minutes on an empty stomach (preferably first thing in the morning, before eating/drinking), then spits it out. Read More...
Survival school: why more Americans are learning to pick locks, bust out of handcuffs and evade surveillance -- Why more Americans are learning to pick locks, bust out of handcuffs, and avoid surveillance.
Tampa police: Marine reservist attacked Greek priest he mistook for terrorist -- The Marine ended up in jail, accused of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. He was released Tuesday on $7,500 bail. The Priest ended up at the hospital with stitches. He told the police he didn't want to press charges, espousing biblical forgiveness.
9-11's delayed legacy: cancer for many of the rescuers -- A spate of cancer-related illnesses among New York's rescue services who worked at Ground Zero sparks fear of an epidemic.
Playing with weather stirs debate in China -- Chinese scientists artificially induced the second major snowstorm to wreak havoc in Beijing this season, state media said, reigniting debate over the practice of tinkering with Mother Nature.
Can we manipulate the weather? -- Chinese scientists claim to be able to control the weather. But is so-called geoengineering more than wishful thinking? And, if so, should we be worried?
YouTube: US tested using rain to infect people 15 years ago -- This video gives testimony from POLICE OFFICERS even that a small town in Washington state was used as testing grounds for the military's use of RAIN as a way to vector viruses for a population.
Airport rules changed after Ron Paul aide detained -- An angry aide to Rep. Ron Paul, an iPhone and $4,700 in cash have forced the Transportation Security Administration to quietly issue two new rules telling its airport screeners they can only conduct searches related to airplane safety.
Dollar falls to 15 month low -- The dollar dropped to a new 15-month low as the the euro rose above $1.50 Wednesday morning, even as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner reiterated the administration's stance that a strong dollar is good for the U.S. economy.
Foreclosure filings surpass 300,000 for 8yh straight month -- U.S. foreclosure filings surpassed 300,000 for an eighth straight month as unemployment made it tougher for homeowners to pay their bills, RealtyTrac Inc. said.
7500 trucking jobs lost in October -- Payroll employment among for-hire trucking companies in October dropped 0.6 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from September levels – slightly more than the decline the month before.
Airlines, hotels face bleak holidays -- Many travelers plan to take car trips, stay with friends and family and spend less -- bad news for the struggling industries.
One world government? World may not be big enough -- The New World Order came into being at 4:25 Tuesday afternoon. It arrived at the Capitol, until that moment the seat of American government, in the form of the stooped and bespectacled figure of Ban Ki-moon, who as U.N. secretary general is the de facto leader of what conspiracy theorists call the One World Government. One floor beneath the Senate chamber, Ban, a South Korean national, took his place behind a lectern bearing the Senate seal and spelled out his demands.
The genetic modification of humans on planet earth
Connection to Fort Hood? -- By the 1920’s not only had [clinical hypnotists] learned to apply posthypnotic suggestion, but also had learned to split certain complex individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I’ll call Jones. I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a “normal” working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps and became a card-carrying party member. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American and was “imprinted” to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp. It worked beautifully for months.”
Declassified MK-Ultra Project Documents
Dr. Mehmet Oz found to hold 150,000 option shares in vaccine-related technology company -- Dr. Mehmet Oz is a huge promoter of vaccines. He's been on television reinforcing fear about H1N1 swine flu and telling everyone to get vaccinated. But what he didn't tell his viewing audience is that he holds 150,000 option shares in a vaccine company that could earn him millions of dollars in profits as the stock price rises.
The Dollar Meltdown -- The Dollar Meltdown puts America's decline it into a sweeping context that makes our collective outcome impossible to ignore: Plunging living standards, a steadily eroding currency and massive inflation in a nation that has lost its industrial base. If you think things are bad now, they're only going to get worse. | Today's Featured Stories - November 12. 2009
Join reader action to educate the Associated Press about natural remedies, alternative medicine (NaturalNews) The Associated Press continues its assault on alternative medicine, led by writer Marilynn Marchione who writes attack pieces on everything under the sun (including the sun itself) related to alternative medicine and natural therapies. The... |
When Antibiotics Fail, Nurses Turn to Maggots And Manuka Honey to Beat Superbugs (NaturalNews) Faced with a growing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, hospitals in the United Kingdom are adopting traditional medicinal techniques to fight infection, such as maggots and honey. Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus... |
Antioxidant in Ginkgo may protect cells from radiation damage (NaturalNews) According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), the Ginkgo biloba (G. biloba) is one of the oldest types of trees in the world. Ginkgo herbal treatments have been used in traditional Chinese medicine... |
Milk lobby initiates marketing campaign at kids to keep chocolate milk in schools (NaturalNews) The commercial milk industry is planning to initiate a nationwide marketing campaign on Monday designed to keep chocolate milk in schools. Soda, candy, and other junk foods have been undergoing criticism recently for contributing to childhood... |
Acupuncture produces amazing results in reversing infertility (NaturalNews) Of all the available treatments for infertility, acupuncture isn't one that people usually think of first. But as you'll see here, it's actually one of the safest and most effectiveness treatments for infertility known to modern science... |
Avon under fire over carcinogenic and estrogenic ingredients (NaturalNews) There are many toxins in commercial cosmetics. Aluminum is common in most under arm deodorants, for example. Many fragrances contain harmful additives as well. Dr. Samuel Epstein, Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and author of... |
Greenwashing Celebration: Eco-Business Awards a Farce (NaturalNews) Business in the Community's 2009 Responsible Business Awards for ecological responsibility were dominated by companies that have made their fortunes exploiting the Earth, writes Guardian columnist Fred Pearce in his series "Greenwash... |
Don't Chop Your Carrots Until After Cooking (Or Better Yet, Just Eat Them Raw) (NaturalNews) Carrots may contain 25 percent more cancer-fighting power when they are cooked whole and then chopped, rather than being chopped up before cooking, according to a study conducted by researchers from Newcastle University. Carrots are known... |
The Cervical Cancer Vaccine may Not Work, but Broccoli Does Gardasil, a vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer in women, has recently been the target of debate about its safety and efficacy. While young girls have been dying and key researchers are saying the vaccine doesn't work, there are dozens... |
Over Eighty Percent of Suspected Swine Flu Cases were Not Flu, CBS News Reports In July 2009, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) ceased tracking individual cases of H1N1 Swine flu, CBS News has reported. The CDC advised states to stop testing for the virus in the middle of an international pandemic... |
Vegetables Provide the Best Diabetes Defense for Your Baby Why do pregnant women crave foods? Ask nutritionists this question, and they'll probably tell you that it's the body's way of telling the mother that it's "craving" a particular vitamin or nutrient. While this explanation certainly sounds... |
Detox with the Ancient Ayurvedic Practice of Oil Pulling Oil pulling or oil swishing, in alternative medicine, is a procedure that involves swishing oil in the mouth for oral and systemic health benefits. It is mentioned in the Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita where it is called Kavala Gandoosha... |

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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