It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Friday Morning - January 29, 2010 |
Many power lines remain down as Oklahoma deals with winter threats - 2 hours ago More than 140000 homes and businesses are starting the day without power this morning, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission reports. ... Winter storm blasts Texas Panhandle, southern Plains Dallas Morning News Oklahoma bracing for storm's 2nd wave American Chronicle South Dakota Lakota Sioux Lose heat & Storm Takes Steep Toll on Destitute Tribe Jan. 28, 2010 Wall Street Journal Thousands of Downed Power Poles Leave South Dakota Sioux Reservation Without Heat, Water; Melting Snow to Use in Toilets. What does 1 trillion dollars look like? |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Wall Street Journal - Haiti Aid Efforts Go Awry John Pilger January 28, 2010
The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude. On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval” from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure” roads. No Haitian signed the agreement, which has no basis in law. Power rules in an American naval blockade and the arrival of 13,000 marines, special forces, spooks and mercenaries, none with humanitarian relief training. The airport in the capital, Port-au-Prince, is now an American military base and relief flights have been re-routed to the Dominican Republic. All flights stopped for three hours for the arrival of Hillary Clinton. Critically injured Haitians waited unaided as 800 American residents in Haiti were fed, watered and evacuated. Six days passed before the US Air Force dropped bottled water to people suffering thirst and dehydration. The first TV reports played a critical role, giving the impression of widespread criminal mayhem. Matt Frei, the BBC reporter dispatched from Washington, seemed on the point of hyperventilation as he brayed about the “violence” and need for “security”. In spite of the demonstrable dignity of the earthquake victims, and evidence of citizens’ groups toiling unaided to rescue people, and even an American general’s assessment that the violence in Haiti was considerably less than before the earthquake, Frei claimed that “looting is the only industry” and “the dignity of Haiti’s past is long forgotten.” Thus, a history of unerring US violence and exploitation in Haiti was consigned to the victims. “There’s no doubt,” reported Frei in the aftermath of America’s bloody invasion of Iraq in 2003, “that the desire to bring good, to bring American values to the rest of the world, and especially now to the Middle East… is now increasingly tied up with military power.” Latin American Herald Tribune |
Risk of Child Trafficking Increases in Aftermath of Haiti Earthquake
Ex-federal prosecutor launches probe of Attorney General Eric Holder World Net Daily |
The Enumerated Powers Act (EPA) requires that every bill must specify its source of Constitutional authority. Since our previous report in December, four more Representatives have signed on as sponsors of the EPA.
You can find the 60 House sponsors here.
And the 22 Senate sponsors here.
Game Over for the American Middle Class
My Budget 360 | You wouldn’t think that there is a definite war raging against the middle class if you simply follow the mainstream media.
American people misled about financial situation
Russia Today | New Mexico congressional candidate Adam Kokesh says that without the bailout, some firms would failed, but the potential consequences of such a move have been blown out of proportion.
Record number of young Americans jobless
Reuters | Teenagers have found it significantly harder to get a job since the recession began in late 2007, with black youths and young people from low-income families faring the worst.
Israeli scientists show that DNA evidence can be fabricated (now that's scary) Scientists from the Tel Aviv, Israel-based company Nucleix have demonstrated that it is possible to create fake DNA samples and plant them as evidence at a crime scene, in a paper published in the journal Forensic Science: International Genetics. |
Authorities Quietly Reverse Underwear Bomber Official Story
January 28, 2010
Authorities have quietly reversed the official story behind the Christmas Day underwear bomber attack and acknowledged that an accomplice was involved, despite weeks of denial and derision of eyewitness Kurt Haskell’s description of a sharp-dressed man who helped Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab board Flight 253 in Amsterdam.
Buried in the last two paragraphs of a story about alleged female suicide bombers coming from Yemen, an ABC News report contains the following bombshell.
“Federal agents also tell they are attempting to identify a man who passengers said helped Abdulmutallab change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam from Lagos, Nigeria.”
“Authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts, but the agents say there is a growing belief the man have played a role to make sure Abdulmutallab “did not get cold feet.”
Detroit lawyer Kurt Haskell maintained from the beginning that he saw a well-dressed Indian man aid the accused bomber to board the plane despite the fact that he had no passport and was on a terror watch list.
“While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit, Haskell said. He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said, ‘He’s from Sudan and we do this all the time,’” reported the Michigan Live news website.
FBI agents interviewed Haskell and he told them about the sharp-dressed man but officials refused to admit that a wider conspiracy was at hand, stoically maintaining the official story that Abdulmutallab had acted alone. Authorities claimed that videotapes did not show a second man accompanying Abdulmutallab and yet they refused to release any footage of the alleged bomber.
“Why is this not total breaking news?” asks Haskell’s wife on their family blog. “I think we now know WHY the video is not being released. Because IT SHOWS WHAT KURT SAID!!!!!! I mean, where is his apology? Where? They come out in the media, basically calling Kurt a liar, then they take it back, but it is in the bottom of another nonrelated article. Ridiculous. And still, to date, no authorities contacting KURT to ask him to look at the freaking video and help identify the guy. It’s so insane to me. We have an eyewitness to this, and they just don’t care.”
In addition, Flight 253 passengers reported seeing a third man connected to the incident being handcuffed by FBI agents after sniffer dogs found something suspect in his luggage. After initially denying any knowledge of this individual, authorities were forced to acknowledge his existence but claimed he had nothing to do with the attempted attack, completely contradicting multiple eyewitness accounts that state passengers were moved from a waiting area after it was made clear to them that a bomb had been found.
People's Republic of China (PRC) |
China Urges Diplomacy on Iran's N. IssueFars News Agency - 22 minutes ago China's stance came amid the US efforts to pressure other world powers into imposing a new round of sanctions against Iran. Washington and its Western ... RELATED: China calls for end to "prejudiced" EU arms embargo BEIJING, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) -- China Thursday said the European Union's arms embargo represented political prejudice and called for its early lifting. "The EU's arms embargo, in nature, is political prejudice against China, which runs counter to world tides and China-EU all-round strategic partnership," Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu told a regular press briefing. Ma's comments came after Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said Tuesday that his country, which currently holds the EU's rotating presidency, was weighing the pros and cons of the embargo. France had been one of the main supporters of lifting the embargo and "Spain is following that line," Moratinos said Tuesday. The EU imposed arms embargo on China in 1989. In 2005, European discussions on lifting the embargo were shelved due to pressures from some EU members and other countries. "China's request to scrap the embargo is aimed at removing political prejudices against the country and ensuring its equal rights," Ma said. "We hope the EU will make an early political decision, lift the arms embargo unconditionally and thoroughly so as to remove the obstacle to the sound growth of the China-EU relationship," Ma said. Ethiopia, China pledge to boost ties, cooperation |
Republic of China (ROC), commonly known as Taiwan |
EDITORIAL Taiwan News January 29, 2010 Taiwan-China ECFA unequal from start Delegations from Taiwan and the People's Republic of China launched negotiations in Beijing earlier this week toward a controversial "economic cooperation agreement" that is being vigorously promoted by President Ma Ying-jeou's rightist Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) government as a panacea for our economic future. Unfortunately, the talks, which are taking place under the framework of the non-official platform between Taipei's Strait Exchange Foundation and Beijing's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, promptly began with a major degradation of Taiwan's international status.In the face of deep concern over whether the proposed "economic cooperation framework agreement" would sacrifice Taiwan's sovereignty, jobs and autonomy, President Ma, Mainland Affairs Council Chairwoman Lai Shin-yuan and other senior government officials and KMT sycophant scholars have piously proclaimed that the KMT government would not "sell out" Taiwan's sovereignty or further liberalize agricultural imports and that the past would be negotiated and signed on a basis of parity and "under the framework of the World Trade Organization."The first day of talks in Beijing Monday quickly dispelled such illusions. The two delegations, led respectively by SEF Vice Chairman Kao Koong-lien and ARATS Vice President Zheng Lizhong, agreed on the formal name of "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Agreement and thus set aside the formal status and titles that the two parties have in the WTO system, namely the "Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu" and "the People's Republic of China." The Ma government's agreement to abandon negotiating the ECFA directly under the WTO f framework implicitly sets aside Taiwan's formal status under the WTO as an "customs entity" and plays into the PRC's own definition of "the Taiwan question" as a domestic matter.In this way, the Ma government has tossed away the most precious asset granted by our WTO membership, namely a legally precise status distinct from and equal to the PRC that is guaranteed by multilateral treaty.While the SEF and ARATS formally agreed to send the completed agreement to the WTO Secretariat for registration, news reports that Taiwan officials promised to send their own version with Taiwan identified as the "Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu" implied that Beijing would send its own version. Given Beijing's lack of scruples about throwing its economic and diplomatic weight around, it will be the PRC favored phraseology of "Taiwan, China" will be heard in most of the international community.Taiwan's status in the world trade body will be effectively degraded from being equal to the PRC (or even superior as a "developed" economy) into a substantive position parallel (and perhaps even lower) with Hong Kong.Away with internationalism Like Taiwan's official constitutional name of the "Republic of China," Taiwan's WTO name will become something licensed for use only in Taiwan and which is invisible outside our borders and outside the attention of many citizens who remain blissfully unaware of the denigration of Taiwan's international status.The recitation of the MAC of the validity of the "Statute on Cross-strait Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the People of the Mainland Area" as justifying the term "cross-strait" is also an exercise in ostrich imitation.The key issue is not how this outdated statute semantically deals with the reality of the fact that Taiwan and the PRC are two states but dropping our formal WTO status in the negotiation of an economic treaty compromises international perceptions of Taiwan's autonomy and tosses away a hard-won, if inadequate, multilateral guarantee of our status as a distinct "entity" or "state" in the world community.Moreover, reference to the cross-strait statute also raises the spectre that the Ma government could simply cite its Article 25 and declare that only the items in the ECA that directly impinged on Taiwan's legal code would be submitted to the Legislative Yuan for approval with the rest of the pact to take effect automatically within 60 days unless vetoed by the legislature. In the light of Ma's praise for the "majority legislative violence" used to rammed unconstitutional revisions to the Local Government Act through the Legislative Yuan January 18 without discussion, it seems unlikely that our elected lawmakers will have much of a chance to engage in any serious debate or review anyway. The opposition Democratic Progressive Party and other Taiwan-centric political and social forces should put both the KMT and CCP governments on notice that such a "ratification" process of an agreement "negotiated" in a black box without a "bottom - up" consensus in Taiwan and orchestrated by a Ma administration which has the confidence of only 20 percent of the Taiwan electorate will not be considered to have past the tests of democratic transparency, accountability and legitimacy.The bottom line is quite simply that any complete "economic cooperation agreement" between Taiwan and the PRC must be submitted to the 23 million people of Taiwan for ratification before it can be considered valid. The fundamental question is whether the People's Republic China and Taiwan, whose constitutional name is the ROC, are two distinct and non-overlapping states and whether the 23 million people of Taiwan possess the democratic right to determine for themselves the status of Taiwan and the nature of Taiwan's relationship with the PRC. |
Clinton and China
.... Earlier on Thursday, China stressed it wanted to keep up cooperation with the United States despite bilateral tensions over Google, US arms sales to Taiwan and trade.
Just last week, China described Mrs Clinton's comments on internet freedom as "harmful to China-US relations." ....
Hacker breaks into 49 House websites: Insults Obama ABC News - Hacker broke into 49 House Web sites of both political parties to post a crude attack on President Barack Obama after his State of the Union address. 'Safe schools' chief recommends porn for children World Net Daily January 29, 2010 We were unprepared for what we encountered. Book after book after book contained stories and anecdotes that weren't merely X- rated and pornographic, but which featured explicit descriptions of sex acts between preschoolers. A new report is raising alarms that the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, a homosexual advocacy organization founded by Kevin Jennings, now head of the U.S. Office of Safe Schools for the Obama administration, is recommending XXX-rated sex writings for children as young as preschoolers. |
Obama's War for Oil in Colombia
Venezuela Oil Chief Heads To Russia, China To Discuss Pacts Wall Street Journal Canada brushes off Venezuelan oil riches 28 (UPI) -- An assessment that Venezuela sits on one of the largest oil fields on record does not threaten the potential of Canadian reserve development, ... Alberta keeps edge as Venezuela's oil reserves surge Edmonton Journal Halliburton CEO: Could See 1Q Loss In Venezuela From Devaluation Venezuela (Click here for more Venezuela news) Latin American Herald Tribune |
Ahmadinejad: Arrogant Powers Aim to Dominate Middle East's Resources
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blasted the world arrogant powers for their attempts to dominate the resources in the Middle Eastern countries.
Iran, Pakistan Agree to Speed up Process for Power Import
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran and Pakistan agreed to accelerate the process of exporting 1000 MW power by Iran to Pakistan.
Afghanistan |
Obama whistles past Afghanistan in annual address - - 14 hours ago “In Afghanistan, we're increasing our troops and training Afghan security forces so they can begin to take the lead in July of 2011, and our troops can ... NATO Picks New Civilian Czar in Afghanistan FOXNews (blog) US-Led Coalition Forces In Afghanistan Apologize For Killing Muslim Cleric AHN | All Headline News - - 19 minutes ago Kabul, Afghanistan (AHN) - NATO troops in Kabul mistakenly fired on a civilian vehicle on Thursday, killing an imam. The death, which elicited a small ... Afghan cleric killed by Western troops; NATO apologizes Los Angeles Times Taliban fighters attack Afghan city - 1 hour ago Afghan troops, backed by Nato helicopters, have clashed with Taliban fighters after they attacked United Nations and government buildings in Helmand ... Georgia Offers Arms Supply Route to Afghanistan Civil Georgia - 3 hours ago Georgia has offered to the United States to use its territory for armaments supply route to Afghanistan, President Saakashvili said in an interview with The ... Saakashvili Offers Afghan Supply Route RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Support to terror groups must end for stable Afghanistan: India Economic Times - 34 minutes ago 29 Jan 2010, 1858 hrs IST, PTI LONDON: In a veiled attack on Pakistan, India has said Afghanistan's neighbours must ensure that "support, sustenance and ... Q+A - What does Pakistan want in Afghanistan? Reuters India Chinese foreign minister makes proposals on Afghanistan The international community should help create enabling conditions for safeguarding the security of the country and its people and help the country achieve economic development. |
North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
Clinton to outline new NATO roles in Paris speech on Europe's security The Canadian Press - 3 hours ago Clinton will speak to threats facing Europe, the administration approach to missile defence, arms control with Russia and the importance of NATO. ... Clinton in Paris for European Security Speech Voice of America |
Bloomberg - Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shawdows Despite Role in AIG Bailout, Senate Votes to Reappoint Bernanke
Kurt Nimmo | The Senate will reappoint Bernanke and send a message to Wall Street and the houses of international finance — Ben’s OK with us and the greatest heist in history can continue with the support of the Senate. |
Joyce Riley's POWER HOUR Thursday Radio Show:
80% of children in foster homes for more than 6 months or longer have PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome)and are also more likely to be sexually or physically assaulted and placed on psychotropic drugs
"On June 18, 2006, the Travalino family's nightmare began. A woman, who had been diagnosed by her doctor with advanced cancer and had submitted to chemotherapy and other drugs to no avail, was at the Travalino home for a consultation and to receive herbal treatment. Her daughter who lived in another state and didn't approve of her mother's decision to try herbs to treat her cancer, contacted the Chaves County Sheriff's Department to go to the Travalino home to check on her mother. When the sheriff's deputies arrived at the home, the woman answered the door, stepped outside the house and told the deputies that she was fine, and there of her own volition. The story should have ended there."
Here's the Mark White Eagle blog set up for a letter writing campaign:
Listen to the second hour of The Power Hour:
January 28, 2010 (hour 2)
3rd Hour |
Former Child Protective Services (C.P.S.) Investigator, MIKE GIBSON sheds light on how the agency actually works. Mike Gibson insists that the agency is neither for children nor families. A patriot and Christian, he joined the agency to assess how far government tentacles reach and to try and keep as many families out of "the system" as possible. An astonishing fact that Mike shares with us about children in foster homes is that 80 percent of them who are in a home for more than 6 months or longer have PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome). They are also more likely to be sexually or physically assaulted and placed on psychotropic drugs. You must know your Rights, and use them, to stop losing them! The three CPS articles from the I.O. by Mike Gibson: Oct - Nov - Dec - January 28, 2010 (hour 3) |
TPH Recommended MUST READ Book: THEY OWN IT ALL (Including YOU!) (by) Ronald MacDonald and (by) Robert Rowen, M.D.
Available online "24/7"at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS - January 29, 2010
Even medical students want conventional medicine to include alternative therapies -- 75 percent of medical students surveyed think it would be beneficial for conventional Western medicine to integrate with complementary and alternative medicine.
California cities dumping red light cameras -- In Moreno Valley on Tuesday, the city council voted 3-1 to shut down the automated ticketing machines that have been operating since 2008.
NYC to cut 700 library positions in budget cut -- All told, over less than two years, the three libraries—New York Public Library, Queens Library, and Brooklyn Public Library—face 464 layoffs and 225 positions cut through attrition, for a total of 689 jobs lost.
Rutgers sorority beat pledges during hazing -- Rutgers police said they had arrested six members of the sorority on charges of aggravated hazing, alleging they repeatedly beat at least three pledges between Jan. 18 and Jan. 25.
PETA proposes robotic ground hog to replace Punxatawny Phil -- An animal rights group wants organizers of Pennsylvania's Groundhog Day festival to replace Punxsutawney Phil with a robotic stand-in.
Hillary Clinton raises prospect of resignation -- Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, has complained of the tiring nature of her job and said she will step back from the role before the end of Barack Obama's presidency.
Middle school forces girl to get H1N1 vaccine over parents objection -- The San Ysidro School District is investigating how a 13-year-old middle school student received the H1N1 flu vaccination last week over her objections and against the will of her parents.
VIDEO: This is a heartbreaking video: Homeless in America -- Homelessness in our own backyard. How can this be....??? (also check out some of the other videos)
Did an 8.6 quake hit China? Holly Deyo -- We don't know what happened yesterday, but two seismic monitoring stations – some 1300 miles apart – both reported an 8.6 earthquake in China.
Ron Paul video: USA is bankrupt, quit buying bombs or we're done -- Ron Paul on C-Spam 1-22-2010.
Energy harvesting rubber sheets could power pacemakers, mobile phones -- Power-generating rubber films developed by Princeton University engineers could harness natural body movements such as breathing and walking to power pacemakers, mobile phones and other electronic devices.
In the "Are they nuts!? department - Simulated volcanic eruptions to block sun -- A geoengineering project to block the sun by simulating volcanic eruptions would be 100 times cheaper than cutting greenhouse gas emissions, climate change scientists said.
Editorial: The state of the nation: I am afraid -- Ominous developments in America have been a long time coming, in part precipitated by “we the people” – a citizenry that has been asleep at the wheel for too long. And while there have been wake-up calls, we have failed to heed the warnings.
UK: Motorist fined for blowing nose -- A motorist was fined by police for blowing his nose while at a standstill in traffic
WHO wants the people of Haiti to get a whole bunch of vaccines ASAP (What better way to get rid of the H1N1 vaccine that no none wanted) If the WHO has their way, the people of Haiti will soon be vaccinated for a whole array of diseases. According to a new report by the World Health Organization, the plan is to vaccinate all them for tetanus, measles, diphtheria, polio and pertussis as quickly as possible. In addition, the report also mentions the H1N1 swine flu as a potential threat in Haiti, so presumably the WHO plans to get most of the Haitian population to take that vaccine as well. Canada to donate 5 million H1N1 vaccines to WHO The Government of Canada today announced it will make a donation of five million doses of the H1N1 flu vaccine, as well as a $6 million contribution to support the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global pandemic relief efforts. WHO Scientist: Swine Flu Pandemic Was “Completely Exaggerated”
Steve Watson | International inquiry hears “evidence base is weak”, charges of collusion with drug companies Middle school forces girl to get H1N1 vaccine over parents objection The San Ysidro School District is investigating how a 13-year-old middle school student received the H1N1 flu vaccination last week over her objections and against the will of her parents. Bill Gates Foundation to donate $10 billion for vaccine research |
Fewer honey bee colonies and beekeepers throughout Europe As other pollinators such as wild bees and hoverflies are also in decline, this could be a potential danger for pollinator services, on which many arable crops depend, according to what an international team of scientists have written in a special edition of the Journal of Apicultural Research. |
Millions Against Monsanto Campaign - Organic Consumers AssociationJoin OCA's Campaign to Mobilize One Million Consumers to End Monsanto's... Organic & Natural Product Companies Associated with Monsanto ... Monsanto to open produce lab at Research Campus - - 5 hours ago KANNAPOLIS Monsanto Co., the world's leading provider of biotech crops, announced Thursday that it has signed a long-term lease at the North ... Monsanto to open lab at Research Campus Salisbury Post Monsanto to join biotech campus News & Observer Monsanto brings R&D facility to Kannapolis |
Honda recalls 646,000 Fit/Jazz, City models over switch defect
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
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Mysterious Jellyfish in Sky |
Defense Secretary Cohen's 1997 Warning about Scalar EM Geotechnical Terrorism
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”
Haiti: The U.S. Created the Earthquake in Haiti?
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation LOOKS LIKE THE MAGNETOSPHERE IS HAVING A REVERSAL JANUARY 29, 2010 AT 6 AM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase Recommended: What the Hell is Going on Up There? BIGGEST FULL MOON OF THE YEAR: This Friday night, if you think the Moon looks unusually big, you're right. It's the biggest full Moon of 2010. Astronomers call it a "perigee Moon," some 14% wider and 30% brighter than lesser full Moons of the year. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Sunspot 1041 remains the only numbered region on the face of the sun. The solar X-Rays continue to be quiet and the solar flux has dipped back down to 76. UFO / E.T Disclosure 2010 - UFO's orbiting the Sun - tracked frame by frame (YouTube) Giant UFOs around the Sun? NASA claims malfunction, physicist says giant ET UFOs use Sun’s star gate NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Fri Jan 29 14:16:15 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map Northeast Georgia braces for heavy snow, ice Atlanta Journal Constitution - - 1 hour ago Heavy snow, sleet and freezing rain are forecast for extreme north Georgia beginning Friday afternoon as winter storm warnings stretching from New Mexico to the Atlantic coast dip into the state. Mountains should expect power outages. 7-15 inches of snow forecast Martinsville Bulletin Forecasters expect Henry County and Martinsville will get 7 to 15 inches of snow during a winter storm this weekend, prompting Gov. Bob McDonnell on Thursday to declare a state of emergency across southern Virginia. National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
EPA Suppresses Internal Global Warming Study
William Yeatman | A senior official of the U.S. Environment Protection Agency actively suppressed a scientific analysis of climate change because of political pressure to support the Administration’s policy agenda of regulating carbon dioxide. | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks | | Today's Featured Stories - January 29, 2010
How to Heal Yourself in 15 Days (NaturalNews) Can you really heal yourself in 15 days? Without using prescription drugs, vaccines, chemotherapy or surgery? Absolutely! Your body strives to heal itself automatically, every single day. The only thing that really needs to happen for... |
Israeli Scientists Show DNA Evidence Can be Fabricated (NaturalNews) Scientists from the Tel Aviv, Israel-based company Nucleix have demonstrated that it is possible to create fake DNA samples and plant them as evidence at a crime scene, in a paper published in the journal Forensic Science: International... |
Vitamin D Promotes Health Weight (NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota found that overweight people have better success in losing wt when their vitamin D levels are increased. Dr. Shalamar Sibley, the researcher who headed the study... |
Vitamin E Grows Hair Vitamin E is a vital nutrient known mainly for its benefits to heart health. But vitamin E has many other properties that maintain health and has long been used both internally and externally. Vitamin E has been shown to help with the growth... |
Get Bio-Available Calcium from Eggshells Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and it's concentrated in our teeth and bones. However, calcium is an alkaline mineral and when the body's blood and tissues wander into the acidic range, the body starts to leach calcium from... |
Treat Depression Naturally and Avoid Harmful Drugs Depression is a prolonged feeling of unhappiness and gloom. The condition can range from a short spell of "the blues" to chronic long term sadness, which may have its start or be exacerbated by events in a person`s life, such as a death in... |
Obesity Causes Increased Risk of Kidney Cancer, Kidney Stones, and Stroke Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 or greater. BMI is a ratio determined by weight and height. With a large percentage of Americans classified as being obese, research is showing the effects extra weight and obesity have... |
Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-aging effect on cells (NaturalNews) As NaturalNews has previously reported, omega-3s, the fatty acids found primarily in cold water fish like salmon, have a host of health benefits, including alleviating depression... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Sorority sisters beat new pledges until they bleed; six arrested
- State of the Nation: Why I am afraid for America
- Drug companies WHO to change pandemic definition in order to cash in on swine flu hoax
- FDA tells drug makers to watch out for abuse potential
- McDonald's attacks teen named "McClusky" over trademark infringement
- McDonald's fires worker over extra slice of cheese
- Obama denies signing off on "shady health care deals"
- Web censorship in China? No problem, says Bill Gates
- Earth may become undetectable by extraterrestrial civilizations
- Middle school student suffers forced vaccination
- Pathetic "Newsday" website attracts a whopping 35 subscribers
- Deforestation reveals hidden ancient civilization in Amazon
Today in History Friday January 29, 2010 1802 - John Beckley became the first Librarian of Congress. 1845 - Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" was published for the first time in the "New York Evening Mirror." 1848 - Greenwich Mean Time was adopted by Scotland. 1850 - Henry Clay introduced in the Senate a compromise bill on slavery that included the admission of California into the Union as a free state. 1861 - In America, Kansas became the 34th state of the Union. 1886 - The first successful petrol-driven motorcar, built by Karl Benz, was patented. 1924 - R. Taylor patented the ice cream cone rolling machine. 1940 - The W. Atlee Burpee Seed Company displayed the first tetraploid flowers at the New York City Flower Show. 1949 - "The Newport News" was commissioned as the first air-conditioned naval ship in Virginia. 1979 - U.S. President Carter formally welcomed Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping to the White House. The visit followed the establishment of diplomatic relations. 1985 - The Dow Jones industrial average peaked at 1,292.62. 1987 - "Physician’s Weekly" announced that the smile on the face of Leonardo DeVinci's Mona Lisa was caused by a "...facial paralysis resulting from a swollen nerve behind the ear." 1997 - America Online agreed to give refunds to frustrated customers under threat of lawsuits across the country. Customers were unable to log on after AOL offered a flat $19.95-a-month rate. 1999 - The U.S. Senate delivered subpoenas for Monica Lewinsky and two presidential advisers for private, videotaped testimony in the impeachment trial. |
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