It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams January 25, 2010 |
Today was one of the 'interesting days' - using the word 'interesting' as in the Chinese curse 'may you have an interesting day' ... After 6pm the 'animated magnetosphere movie' is up and ready to download from: - and, I download the movie ... etc. Today, this movie that 'usually' covers the 24 hours of the day was only 7 hours of the day long ... missing hours!! I go back to the website that shows the individual pictures: and realized they avoided showing the magnetic reversal that took place today!! So tonight, my usual YouTube animated magnetosphere has only my own screenshots of the reversal - since the Japanese website evidently decided not to show the reversal in animation!! WHAT THE HECK is going on. I had already seen where HAARP has deleted their records for January 11th - the day before the Haiti earthquake ... seems the public is getting too smart at finding out too much information and connecting too many dots!! Daniel Solis 2010-01-23 23:33:37 A very unusual deletion can be observed in the archived data of HAARP instrument readings from the day before the Haiti earthquake. Perhaps it is a matter of time until it will get fixed with a simple copy-paste operation, but I have made screen shots of it). Set the date in "Chart Archives" below the today's graph to 2001/Jan/ 11 in the window below the graph and see for your selves. It is the only instance of such an occurrence I have discovered by looking through other historical dates. Perhaps some other deletions have already been fixed, I can think of date like May 12th 2008 or December 26th 2004. READ MORE Waiting for Soho to go off line - with the pictures of some metallic earth-size objects orbiting the sun ... this life is getting too strange! Then out of the mainstream press today I see all these alien news articles. Am going to get a gut feeling the PowersThatBe may be up to staging their aliens showing up distraction - to keep the general public 'afraid - very, very afraid' - to help their whole police state fascist crap ... with these news articles its looking suspicious: Scientist: Search for aliens should start on Earth... Aliens Might Not Be Friendly Aliens visiting Earth will be just like humans, scientist claims January 25 2010 Extra-terrestrials likely to possess human foibles such as greed, violence and a tendency to exploit others' resources, conference to be told Oops, that was a bad call, Earth TimesOnline - Some scientists want to send signals into space in search of aliens but others warn we may get more than we bargained for |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Haiti’s Homeless Need Tents, Aid Groups SayWith so much of this capital left in ruins, Haitian and international officials issued an urgent call for tents. |
Italy disaster expert slams U.S. response to Haiti...
West urged to write-off Haiti's $1bn debt Jan 25 2010 - Western governments have been urged to write off Haiti's international debts of nearly $1 billion (£620 million) after its prime minister said rebuilding the country could take a decade.
U.S. President Uses Teleprompters During Speech at Elementary School...
Drugs Brings More Money To Mexico Than Oil The country’s drugs cartels, which control most of the cocaine and methamphetamine smuggled into the United States, are estimated to have brought $25-$40 billion (£15-£25 billion) into Mexico from their global operations in 2009. A survey of analysts by the Reuters news agency estimated that as a result the drugs trade in Mexico is likely to have made more money than was earned by the state oil monopoly, Pemex, from exports of crude - the country’s single biggest legitimate foreign currency earner. The influx of drugs money, mostly from the US in $100 bills, mostly finds its way on to the books of businesses including restaurants and construction firms as drug lords try to legitimise their cash through money laundering. It has even believed to have propped up the country’s banking system, helping it ride out the financial crisis and aiding the country’s economy. But banking secrecy in Mexico has stymied attempts to seize criminal earnings. A US Treasury official said Washington had only succeeded in freezing $16 million in suspected Mexican drug assets in almost a decade. |
China denies cyber attack on Google
China has denied it had any involvement in a cyber-attack on Google's computers that led to the US internet giant threatening to pull the plug on its Chinese search engine.
China accuses US of using cyberwarfare
Financial Times
By Kathrin Hille in Beijing
January 24 2010 17:26
The editorial, published on People’s Daily’s website under the name Wang Xiaoyang, is the latest shot in an exchange of remarks that were triggered by Google’s threat to pull out of China but are escalating into a full-scale dispute over the diverging values of China and the west.
It is also a rare example of Beijing handing back the accusation of cyberwarfare to Washington, which regularly lists cyberwarfare from China as one of the main security risks on the rise.
People’s Daily also accused Washington of stoking unrest in Iran. “Behind America’s so-called internet freedom is naked political scheming,” it said. “How did the constant chaos after the election in Iran come about? That was a cyberwar initiated by the US, where on Youtube and Twitter, it spread rumours, created splits, provoked and sowed discord between the supporters of the conservative and the reformist factions, engaged in veiled infiltration and instigation which led to large-scale bloody conflict in Iran.”
The party newspaper’s more aggressive stance came as the White House weighed into the issue on Friday with a spokesman’s comment that Barack Obama, US president, was “troubled” about cyberattacks on Google which the company alleged had come out of China.
Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, had already demanded on Thursday that China carry out a thorough and transparent investigation of the alleged attacks.
China’s foreign ministry on Friday rejected the criticism and urged Washington to concentrate on building a stable bilateral relationship.
That the sharper tone is now spreading through Beijing’s state media outlets points to the many disagreements in ties with the US and other western countries.
Tensions are on the rise again between Beijing and Washington as the US prepares to proceed on a multi-billion US dollar weapons package for Taiwan for which George W. Bush, then US president, initially approved as early as 2001.
U.N. Seeks to Drop Some Taliban From Terror List KABUL, Afghanistan — The leader of the United Nations mission here called on Afghan officials to seek the removal of at least some senior Taliban leaders from the United Nations’ list of terrorists, as a first step toward opening direct negotiations with the insurgent group. The Taliban Doesn’t Seem Ready to Talk
But the real problem, as Mr. Gates suggested, isn’t in the diplomatic parlors; it’s on the battlefield. The Taliban are fighting more vigorously than at any time since 2001. American soldiers and Marines are dying faster than ever — twice the number were killed in 2009 as in 2008. Mr. Karzai, after the epic fraud committed last August to ensure his re-election, appears paralyzed in his dealings with the Afghan parliament. Under those circumstances, what incentive does the Taliban have to strike a deal? By all indications — as Mr. Gates said — they believe they are winning. “Nobody from the Taliban side is ready to make any kind of deal,” Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban, said in an interview. “The world community and the international forces are trying to buy the Taliban, and that is why we are showing that we are not for sale.” .... |
The Obama Administration's Cover-up of the Flight 253 Affair - "New Smoking Gun" Disclosures
Pakistan’s Rebuff Over New Offensives Rankles U.S. WASHINGTON — The Pakistani Army’s announcement last week that it planned no new offensive against militants for as long as a year has deeply frustrated senior American military officers, and chipped away at one of the cornerstones of President Obama’s strategy to reverse the Taliban’s gains in Afghanistan and Pakistan. |
Saddam's henchman 'Chemical Ali' executed
Ali Hassan al-Majid, known as "Chemical Ali" after he ordered the gassing of thousands of Kurds, has been hanged in Iraq.
Pakistan Collapse Could Start WWIII And Global Depression The Market Oracle |
Ex Army Ranger Challenges Zbig BrzezinskiThe Re-Education of Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski By William Dean A. Garner Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2010 Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski Center for Strategic and International Studies 1800 K Street Washington, DC Dear Dr. Brzezinski, My name is William Dean A. Garner and I’m a NY Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many books. For example, I edited Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code, among dozens of others. I’m also a former scientist (biophysics), US Army Airborne Ranger (C 1/75 Ranger Regiment), and corporate mercenary for international private military firms I designed and helped build. I did 211 overseas missions in extremely hostile territories over nine years, escorting important people so they could have a voice of peace, freedom and democracy, and a voice against fascism and dictatorial rule. Please know that I am building a great case against you and your cartel, something the world will hear, even if you murder me and my family. As a Jeffersonian Patriot, I am prepared to do whatever it takes to defend Thomas Jefferson’s great cause, which is the firm establishment and maintenance of Peace, Freedom and Democracy all over this planet. In my studies over the past 30 years, I have learned much about you and your actions. I also know you and your colleagues are getting desperate. I am building a great case against you and your cartel, something the world will hear, even if you murder me and my family.Witness the events over the past nine years: false-flag 9/11 attacks; illegal passing of The Patriot Act; establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, a modern-day Gestapo; establishment of the Transportation Security Administration; false-flag attack by the Detroit bomber, which led to the great push of installing of full-body scanners in airports and which will be introduced in all transportation hubs and ports, plus major centers of public foot traffic. I’ve studied evolutionary processes on this planet and, therefore, understand and have decoded your moves and actions to establish a socialist/fascist police state in the United States. I also know that fascist American Wall Street bankers have tried this before: in 1933 and 1934, Wall Street bankers attempted a fascist putsch and tried to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt and also recruit a two-time winner of the Medal of Honor, MG Smedley Darlington Butler, to lead an army of 500,000 soldiers to march on the White House. It was all a ruse, staged by The First Sphere of Influence, which needed Roosevelt as its presidential pawn. FDR went on to create what is thought of as the most prolific fascist presidency. [Until George W. Bush came into office.] These Wall Street fascists knew unequivocally that they could never count on General Butler, a Jeffersonian Patriot of the highest order, who subsequently fell into their trap and alerted Congress and ratted out these fascist Wall Street bankers. The “putsch” was a failure, of course, something left off the American history books. It survived several good books, though, and lives in print today, along with the facts surrounding the ruse. In 1933 and 1934, Wall Street bankers attempted a fascist putsch and tried to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . It was all a ruse, staged by The First Sphere of Influence.The First Sphere of Influence, which consists of your cartel and the Rothschild banking empire, in the past has operated under a cloak of darkness, and that darkness is now being washed away with the advent of globalization. Ironically, too, the globalization you so crave for will be the detonator of your undoing: word is now spreading among the masses about your cartel. With a little time, enough people will know about you, and the right people–other Jeffersonian Patriots–will rise up against you. Our tools are becoming more prevalent and accessible: the Internet, the Worldwide Web, and the introduction of greater means of communications like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, email, blogs, websites, etc. Your regime is no longer a black-bag operation that no one knows about, and people like me are now on you like stink on **** and will remain until the members of The First Sphere of Influence wither away. The Hollywood producer, Irv Thalberg, said on more than one occasion, to the effect: “Writers are the most important part of the filmmaking process, and we must never let them know this.” It was Thalberg’s way of controlling the wages and power of screenwriters during his short reign. When word escaped, screenwriters soon earned hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, for scripts, often surpassing the earnings of actors and some producers. Likewise, you know that Americans are the most significant and valued part of the entire social and political process, with unlimited power, and you must never let us know it, lest we rise up and drag you and your cartel members back behind the wood pile and execute you. With fascism, one point is abundantly clear, dear sir: it has always fallen and its leaders have always died. Violently, I might add. Knowledge about you, your cartel and your handlers, the Rothschilds, is spreading and will continue to spread as people finally take note about your nefarious practices. I am personally holding private dinner parties to educate people about you and your cartel, to encourage them to join me in the fight against you and your fascist ways. LIFE FINDS A WAY, Dr. Brzezinski. Knowledge about you, your cartel and your handlers, the Rothschilds, is spreading and will continue to spread as people finally take note about your nefarious practices.Life wants to be free, and you and your cartel cannot contain it. The best you can do is follow my advice: learn about human behavior, neurochemistry, the sociobiology of living creatures. Learn these important subjects so you and your handlers can find ways to use your trillions of dollars and euros and pounds to establish Peace, Freedom and Democracy throughout the world. Your attempts to establish a small colony of slaves on this planet WILL fail. We’ve already seen that people cannot be contained for too long and that Communism and Socialism do NOT work. LIFE FINDS A WAY TO BE FREE. Your plan WILL fail. Dr. Brzezinski, all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people like me to do nothing. I feel that with proactive people like me around, evil like you and your cartel will be reduced to your basic atomic components and recycled by the very processes you seek to control or destroy. In your next life, I see you as a . . . dung beetle. . . . Sincerely, William Dean A. Garner P.S. To start your re-education, please contact me here: |
Obama's plan to be judged by a Goldman breakup: Simon Johnson Bloomberg 2010-01-25 12:00 AMAs we drill down into the details of ideas for breaking the economic and political power of oversized banks, we need this litmus test against which serious suggestions should be judged: Does a proposal, at the end of the day, imply that Goldman Sachs should break itself up into at least four or five independent pieces, with the biggest being no more than 1 percent of gross domestic product, or roughly US$150 billion? If the answer is yes, we are making progress in moving our financial system back toward where it was in the early 1990s, when it worked fine (and Goldman was a world-class investment bank) and was much less threatening to the global economy. If the answer is no, we are merely repainting - ever so gently - the deckchairs on the Titanic. |
Platts: China's Rising Demand in Step with Economic Growth
RigZone- China's apparent oil demand in December jumped 16.1% from a year ago, in step with the country's brisk economic growth.
December also marked the fourth straight month that the world's second-largest oil consumer posted double-digit yearly growth in oil demand. Chinese oil demand reached 34.5 million metric tons (mt), or 8.16 million barrels per day (b/d), in December, versus 29.74 million mt a year ago, a Platts analysis of official data showed on January 22. headline today: Linked to the following news article: Figures on government spending and debt Monday January 25, 2010, 4:04 pm EST WASHINGTON (AP) -- Total public debt subject to limit Jan. 22 12,245,872 Statutory debt limit 12,394,000 Total public debt outstanding Jan. 22 12,302,465 Operating balance Jan. 22 142,454 Interest fiscal year 2009 383,365 Interest fiscal year 2008 451,154 Deficit fiscal year 2009 1,417,121 Deficit fiscal year 2008 454,798 Receipts fiscal year 2009 2,104,613 Receipts fiscal year 2008 2,523,642 Outlays fiscal year 2009 3,521,734 Outlays fiscal year 2008 2,978,440 Gold assets in September 11,041 |
Midwest Home Sales Rose 9 Percent in December
A Lebanese navy vessel searches for survivors at the site where an Ethiopian Airlines plane, crashed into the Mediterranean sea on Monday morning, as debris floats on the surface of water January 25, 2010. All 90 people aboard the Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737-800 plane were feared dead after it plunged into the Mediterranean, minutes after taking off from Beirut in a thunderstorm on Monday. REUTERS/Stringer |
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS - January 25, 2010
VIDEO: Is Obama really Osama bin Laden
FDIC: Failed Bank List, 5 more this past Friday
* Related Article: More banks go down on Friday -- Regulators shut down banks Friday in Florida, Missouri, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington, bringing to nine the number of bank failures so far in 2010, following 140 closures last year in the toughest economic environment since the Great Depression
1st time ever: Transfusion-Related Transmission of Yellow Fever Vaccine Virus -- In the United States, yellow fever (YF) vaccination is recommended for travelers and active duty military members visiting endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa and Central/South America (1,2). The American Red Cross recommends that recipients of YF vaccine defer blood product donation for 2 weeks because of the theoretical risk for transmission from a viremic donor (3). On April 10, 2009, a hospital blood bank supervisor learned that, on March 27, blood products had been collected from 89 U.S. active duty trainees who had received YF vaccine 4 days before donation. This report summarizes the subsequent investigation by the hospital and CDC to identify lapses in donor deferral and to determine whether transfusion-related transmission of YF vaccine virus occurred. Read More...
UK: CCTV in the sky: police plan to use military spy drones -- Police in the UK are planning to use unmanned spy drones, controversially deployed in Afghanistan, for the "routine" monitoring of antisocial motorists, protesters, agricultural thieves and fly-tippers, in a significant expansion of covert surveillance.
Dangerous crossroads: US moves troops and missles to Russian border -- on January 20 the Polish Defense Ministry announced that a U.S. Patriot missile battery, and the 100 American soldiers who will operate it, would not be based on the outskirts of the capital of Warsaw as previously announced but in the Baltic Sea city of Morag, 35 miles [6] from Poland’s border with Russia. The missile battery and troops are scheduled to arrive in March or April.Further deployments will follow.
Iran dispatches 5th fleet of warships to Gulf of Aden -- The fifth fleet of warships is tasked with defending Iranian cargo ships and oil tankers for a period of 40 days, Commander of Iran's First Naval Zone Fariborz Qaderpanah told FNA.
Index to SSRI Stories -- This website is a collection of 3500+ news stories with the full media article available, mainly criminal in nature, that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals) or that were part of FDA testimony in either 1991, 2004 or 2006, in which antidepressants are mentioned.
One quarter of US grain crops fed to cars - not people, new figures show New analysis of 2009 US Department -- New analysis of 2009 US Department of Agriculture figures suggests biofuel revolution is impacting on world food supplies.
$10,000 reward offered for scientific proof of H1N1 vaccine safety and effectiveness -- In conjunction with NaturalNews, the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( ) has publicly offered a $10,000 reward for any person, company or institution who can provide trusted, scientific evidence proving that any of the FDA -approved H1N1 vaccines being offered to Americans right now are both safe and effective.
New Anti-Smog Restrictions Could Warm Planet -- But Jason West at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill says that when you reduce NOx, you don't just reduce ozone; you change the chemistry of the atmosphere in such a way that you end up increasing the amount of methane in the air. And methane is a potent gas when it comes to global warming. "By reducing NOx, the net effect is you make global warming worse," West says.
Security "red zones" in Haiti preventing aid groups from effectively distributing aid -- As thousands of well-equipped US soldiers pour into Haiti, there is an increasing concern about the militarization of the country, supporting the soldiers and not the people. Or, as one doctor put it, "people need gauze, not guns."
Child trafficking with Haiti orphans? -- UNICEF warned of children disappearing from hospitals and raised fears of child trafficking in the wake of Haiti's devastating Jan. 12 earthquake.
Local homes with Chinese drywall to set bar for remediation -- For months the Norfolk lawyer has worked with scientists and contractors, cutting holes in walls in seven Virginia homes, testing corrosion, and developing estimates for what it will take to remediate homes that contain drywall made in China. The product emits a noxious gas that, government agencies have found, apparently corrodes electrical appliances, and some homeowners contend that it causes illness. Judicial decisions will mean little, however, if Taishan ignores the judgment. "This is becoming a common problem in a globalized world," Nagareda said. "If a company doesn't have assets in the U.S., it could be hard to get at them."
Green jobs not recession-proof -- The Obama administration's call for green jobs as an economic savior initially sparked hope for economic recovery. But the federal funds have only dribbled into the sector, held up by various shades of bureaucratic red tape and the lingering credit crisis. As a result, projects stalled and workers got pink slips as banks froze credit, venture capital firms slowed sector investments and government rebates snagged. By year-end, green-sector job freezes and losses far outweighed gains.
Like Lazarus, Bin Laden Rises -- In fact, no matter what you believe about 9/11, it is indisputable that the horrible event served as a launching pad for a seemingly endless war on terror on which the West is now embarked. As far as Bin Laden goes, we've pointed out numerous times that many believe him to be dead. Most recently we reported on a video featuring a statement by Benazir Bhutto (a few weeks prior to her murder) that can be seen on
The Painting of the Year! -- Unless you’ve already seen this video, this is probably unlike any you have seen before. This painting should be hanging in our Capitol so our Representatives see it each and everyday they walk through the doors. It would serve as a reminder from what this country was founded on and by whom!!! It is absolutely beautiful and it does touch the heart!! Thanks Trevor!
Article from 2008-Haiti is full of oil -- Scientists Daniel and Ginette Mathurin indicate that under Haitian soil is rich in oil and fuel fossible which were collected by Haitian and foreign experts. "We have identified 20 sites Oil, launches Daniel Mathurin stating that 5 of them are considered very important by practitioners and policies.
Prepare now to escape Obama's retirement trap -- Make no mistake, the government need for current revenue and their frenzied search for a short-term fix to fund a backstop of liquidity to buy future government debt obligations when no credible investors will buy them is an unspoken quest of both political parties. The establishments of both political parties will do anything to stay in power and this will include raiding and pillaging your retirement funds.
David Kelly post mortem to be kept secret for 70 years -- Vital evidence which could solve the mystery of the death of Government weapons inspector Dr David Kelly will be kept under wraps for up to 70 years. In a draconian – and highly unusual – order, Lord Hutton, the peer who chaired the controversial inquiry into the Dr Kelly scandal, has secretly barred the release of all medical records, including the results of the post mortem, and unpublished evidence.
Walmart to axe 11,200 Sam's club staffers -- The terminations represent about 10 percent of the warehouse club operator's 110,000 staffers across its 600 stores.
Burger King to Offer Beer/Burger Combos -- In Miami Beach, one entrepreneur wants you to “have it your way” by enjoying a frosty cold one with your Whopper and fries. (For a mere $7.99.) It’s part of a new Burger King attempt to reinvent the fast-food restaurant’s look and feel. The restaurant will be called the “Whopper Bar South Beach” which, to me, sounds a little hokey. But maybe the name will work just fine in Florida.
Bats dying from white nose syndrome, spells trouble for farmers -- White nose syndrome threatens to wipe out five of Pennsylvania's six bat species, according to bat biologist DeeAnn M. Reeder of Bucknell University, Lewisburg.
Rickets warning from doctors as Vitamin D deficiency widens -- Computer-obsessed children who spend too long indoors and over-anxious parents who slap on excessive sunscreen are contributing to a sharp rise in cases of the bone disease rickets, doctors are warning.
Radiation offers new cures and ways to do harm -- As Scott Jerome-Parks lay dying, he clung to this wish: that his fatal radiation overdose — be studied and talked about publicly so that others might not have to live his nightmare.
Pharma media to squelch probe into H1N1 vaccine fraud & genocide -- The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will hold a secret hearing next week into the apparent manipulation by BigPharma of the World Health Organization's (WHO) global H1N1 flu campaign. Experts predict the secrecy will be maintained by the PharmaMedia that controls mainstream news.
NY Dairy farmer kills 51 cows, then himself -- State police in New York say an upstate dairy farmer shot and killed 51 of his milk cows in his barn before turning the rifle on himself. Local farmers buried the cows outside the barn Friday. They would not discuss the local man or what had happened, but one of the men said these are hard times to be a farmer.
US says it will stay in Haiti long term -- Despite criticism for the US military presence in quake-stricken Haiti, Washington says it has a long-term plan to stay in the country.
US to pay Taliban fighters to lay down arms -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai unveiled an ambitious Western funded plan Friday to offer money and jobs to tempt Taliban fighters to lay down their arms in an effort to quell a crippling insurgency.
Mother who loses son to brain tumor warns of cell phone use -- My Son, Rich Farver, died Oct. 11, 2008 from glioblastoma multiforme brain cancer. He was 28 years old when diagnosed and lived seven months. He was a graduate student at SDSU (San Diego State University). There is a brain cancer cluster on campus.
Call for immediate arrest of 5 Supreme Court justices for treason -- Five members of the Supreme Court declared that a “corporation” is a person, not a “regular person” but one above all natural laws, subject to no God, no moral code but one with unlimited power over our lives, a power awarded by judges who seem themselves as grand inquisitors in an meant to hunt down all hertics who fail to serve their god, the god of money.
Widespread antibiotic use in the 1960s may have sparked MRSA -- A new genetic method of tracking infection suggests that the superbug emerged five decades ago in Europe, just as antibiotics were being widely introduced for the first time.
Obama has suspicious number of letter writing fans named Ellie Light -- In recent weeks, Light has published virtually identical “Letters to the Editor” in support of President Barack Obama in more than a dozen newspapers. Every letter claimed a different residence for Light that happened to be in the newspaper’s circulation area.
Iraq littered with nuclear & chemical contamination -- More than 40 sites across Iraq are contaminated with high levels or radiation and dioxins, with three decades of war and neglect having left environmental ruin in large parts of the country, an official Iraqi study has found.
Military pays for booze for Congressional trips abroad -- When members of Congress travel overseas at the expense of the Department of Defense, they are treated to thousands of dollars worth of alcohol and other amenities.
The coming emergency state -- For now, “end times” or not, the “Emergency State” seems to be the reality in which we will be living under for the next decade or two.
SOS: Katrina & Haiti-by Karl Schwarz -- There are some valuable lessons, moral, social, political and otherwise, in what happened in August 2005 with Hurricane Katrina / New Orleans and what is transpiring right now in Port Au Prince, Haiti. In short, it was then and now failed leadership, failed aid delivery on display in both disasters.
Israel makes waves by simulating an earthquake -- The Seismologic Division of the Ministry of National Infrastructure's Geophysical Institute will attempt to simulate an earthquake in the southern Negev on Thursday. The experiment, financed by the U.S. Defense Department, is a joint project with the University of Hawaii and is part of a scientific project intended to improve seismological and acoustic readings in Israel and its environs, up to a 1,000 km/621 mile radius.
Jobless rate in Las Vegas at 13.1% -- There were 128,200 people who were unemployed, up 9,400 from November.
The 15 most toxic places to live
Paypal freezes Wikileaks account -- WikiLeaks is not the only non-profit organization with this problem. This is a regular occurrence, that from our perspective should not be tolerated by the global community using this payment system.
Batten down the hatches: augmented reality is on it's way -- Who wants to see poor people? Soon, technology will allow us to airbrush them out.
The age of the killer robot is no longer a sci-fi fantasy -- You can't appeal to robots for mercy or empathy - or punish them afterwards. In the dark, in the silence, in a blink, the age of the autonomous killer robot has arrived. It is happening. They are deployed. And – at their current rate of acceleration –
they will become the dominant method of war for rich countries in the 21st century.
US gunman surrenders after eight are killed -- A gunman wanted for eight killings surrendered to authorities after almost shooting a police helicopter out of the sky. Christopher Speight, 39, turned himself in at daybreak yesterday as officers closed in on him in the thick woods of central Virginia.
* 2 families caught up in Virginia killing rampage -- There was no school the next day, so 15-year-old Emily Quarles had a friend sleep over. As she and her mother took the friend home the next morning, they became targets for a rampaging gunman. When Emily's father and boyfriend went looking for them, they were slain too. Read More...
Costa Ricans Ranked Happiest People On Earth
Hmmm. You think it’s a coincidence? Costa Rica is one of the very few countries to have abolished its army, and it’s also arguably the happiest nation on earth.
There are several ways of measuring happiness in countries, all inexact, but this pearl of Central America does stunningly well by whatever system is used. For example, the World Database of Happiness, compiled by a Dutch sociologist on the basis of answers to surveys by Gallup and others, lists Costa Rica in the top spot out of 148 nations.
That’s because Costa Ricans, asked to rate their own happiness on a 10-point scale, average 8.5. Denmark is next at 8.3, the United States ranks 20th at 7.4 and Togo and Tanzania bring up the caboose at 2.6. | Headlines - January 25, 2010 Glenn Beck For DummiesBeck is a fake revolutionary who has hijacked the freedom movement and is being used to lead conservatives and libertarians down the rabbit holePaul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Happiness in SlaveryJanuary 25th, 2010By Keith Johnson Don’t open your eyes A Giant Leap Towards FascismMary Shaw On January 21, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that some are calling the Court’s biggest blunder since the Dred Scott Decision. Trailer shipments hit 32-year low in 2009January 25th, 2010Truck trailer shipments dropped to levels not seen since 1975, according to figures compiled by ACT Research Company of Columbus, Indiana. Manufacturers in the United States shipped 80,014 complete trailers for the year, down 44% from the 142,284 that the industry shipped in 2008. And had it not been for a strong refrigerated trailer market spurred on in part by California Air Resources Board regulations, the total could have been the lowest since 1963, according to Kenny Vieth, partner and senior analyst for ACT Research. THE REVOLUTION IS GATHERING STRENGTHby Tom DeWeese It is becoming more and more obvious that the Democrat leadership, from Obama, to Pelosi to Reid, have absolutely no clue about the strength of the growing opposition to their big government agenda. They still think the TEA Party movement is the brainchild of the Republican Party and that TEA Party leaders are just paid Republican lackeys. Economic Stagnation, Wars, Pandemics, Welcome to the The New Dark AgeBy: Elite E Services Modern humans take pride in themselves and their society due to its perceived superiority. It is contrasted most starkly with a period in Europe known as the Dark Ages , a period of little documented innovation, writing, scientific discovery, and general backwardness. The End Game: This Time Isn’t DifferentJohn Mauldin
Americans are conditioned to lick the hand that beats them.Serfing U.S.A. By Reid Buckley Take a simple proposition: anything government messes with gets messed up worse. This was the basic insight of Philadelphia, briefly revived by Ronald Reagan. Pollster Scott Rasmussen finds that by a 2-1 margin, American voters agree that no matter how bad things are, Congress can always make them worse. Go around the globe and ask whether anyone believes that government works. You will hear yes only from folk who stand to gain from the state—contractors, pensioners, bureaucrats, and officeholders. The Coming Grab at Your Wealth and RetirementJanuary 24th, 2010Wendy McElroy If you cannot or will not physically leave the United States, then — for the safety and welfare of your family — please consider moving to the few states that are fiscally prudent…at least, comparatively speaking. Compared to what? Consider New York and Florida as just two examples. HAARP, Haiti, Brzezinski And The NWOBy Jerry Mazza On October 25, 2005, I wrote an article for Online Journal, headlined Is it the weather or government terror, detailing government manipulation of weather, including earthquakes, for terror and destruction, mentioning that “your local weatherman was surely not up to pointing this out,” and adding “let me help with the forecast, past, present and long-range. Well, déjà vu all over again seems to have struck in Haiti on January 12. US Security Company Offers to Perform “High Threat Terminations” and to Confront “Worker Unrest” in HaitiHere we go: New Orleans 2.0 by Jeremy Scahill We saw this type of Iraq-style disaster profiteering in New Orleans and you can expect to see a lot more of this in Haiti over the coming days, weeks and months. Private security companies are seeing big dollar signs in Haiti thanks in no small part to the media hype about “looters.” After Katrina, the number of private security companies registered (and unregistered) multiplied overnight. Banks, wealthy individuals, the US government all hired private security. I even encountered Israeli mercenaries operating an armed check-point outside of an elite gated community in New Orleans. They worked for a company called Instinctive Shooting International. (That is not a joke). US says it will stay in Haiti for long termJanuary 24th, 2010Despite criticism for the US military presence in quake-stricken Haiti, Washington says it has a long-term plan to stay in the country. “We are there for the long term, this is not something that will be resolved quickly and easily,” US Ambassador to the UN Alejandro Wolff said on Thursday. The Gubbermint Liars Are Getting REALLY Desperate!January 24th, 2010Alert: Female Suicide Bombers May Be Heading Here From Yemen U.S. Agents Told Women Believed Connected to Al Qaeda May Have Western Appearance and Passports By RICHARD ESPOSITO, RHONDA SCHWARTZ and BRIAN ROSS See Rome: Innocents Die as Imperial Pot BoilsJanuary 24th, 2010by Chris Floyd Barack Obama has come out swinging following his party’s rout in Massachusetts, vowing to “fight Wall Street” with a “populist” proposal whose main thrust seems to be the reinstatement of some of the common-sense regulations imposed almost 80 years ago to separate banks and investment firms. (I say “seems to be,” because one can only guess what, if anything, Obama really intends to do about the matter. For despite the usual elevated rhetoric, he is, as usual, “leaving crucial details to be hashed out by Congress,” as the NY Times reports. And we know how populist those paladins can be when they get down to hashing out crucial details.) UN wrongly linked global warming to natural disastersJanuary 24th, 2010(Remember Kiddies…The “UN” is nothing more than front for an Organized Crime Syndicate!…Paul) Jonathan Leake THE United Nations climate science panel faces new controversy for wrongly linking global warming to an increase in the number and severity of natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods. Wow! UK parliamentary investigation into Climategate may not be a The Commons Science and Technology Committee has launched an inquiry into “the unauthorised publication of data, emails and documents relating to the work of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA)” – ie Climategate. (hat tip R. Campbell; Platosays). |
Will the Citizens United Ruling Let Hugo Chavez and King Abdullah Buy US Elections?
Supreme Court ruling may open door to foreign state-owned corporate political spending.
While political observers have dissected much of yesterday’s 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, one potentially huge (and probably unintended) consequence has gotten little notice: the impact the decision could have on foreign government spending on federal campaigns.
The ruling essentially gives corporations the same rights as individuals in their ability to spend freely on political advertising, even if those advertisements explicitly advocate the election or defeat of a federal candidate. This means that candidates who support, say, increased restrictions on tobacco products could find themselves up against the corporate treasury of say, a major American tobacco company. And even the fear of $10 million in attack ads blanketing the airways come re-election time may give sitting legislators pause before taking on moneyed industries.
But it’s one thing for U.S. firms to have their say. What about foreign companies that operate U.S. subsidiaries? Many of these, like American businesses, are owned by ordinary shareholders — but a host of others are owned, in whole or in part, by the foreign governments themselves.
Grayson: Fight now or ‘kiss your country goodbye’ to Exxon, Wal-Mart
Read More:
Corporate Cash and Political Corruption
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
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Latin American Herald Tribune - Headlines - January 24, 2010
1/24/2010 | Mexican Troops Clash with Gunmen, Seize 19 Tons of Marijuana |
1/24/2010 | Death Toll Rises to 20 in Mexico Cold Wave |
1/24/2010 | Mexico Extradites 5 Fugitives to U.S. |
1/23/2010 | Gunmen Wound Mexican Mayor |
1/23/2010 | Armed Group Kidnaps Youths in Northern Mexico |
1/19/2010 | Earthquake Rattles Chile’s Capital |
1/18/2010 | Piñera Wins Chile’s Presidential Runoff |
1/18/2010 | Chile Holds Presidential Runoff Election |
1/16/2010 | Chilean Copper Exports Down 17.98% in 2009 |
1/16/2010 | Two Hurt in Blast at Chilean Department Store |
1/1/2010 | Two Killed in Fire at Uruguay Prison |
1/18/2010 | New Business Formation Rises in Spain |
1/16/2010 | Spain’s Banco Sabadell Acquires U.S. Bank for $160 Million |
1/15/2010 | House Prices in Spain Back to 2006 Levels |
1/24/2010 | Dali Exhibit Opens in Mexico |
1/22/2010 | Chilean Painter Carlos Catasse Dies |
1/21/2010 | Cuban Poet Angel Augier Dies |
1/21/2010 | Colombian Linguist Who Pioneered Study of Indian Languages Dies |
1/20/2010 | Madrid Tourism Trade Fair Gets Underway |
View Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 25 Jan 2010US seeks backing for Yemen over al-Qaeda 25 Jan 2010 The United States is set to hold talks with European and Arab partners in London on Wednesday to try to rally support for a drive to help Yemen defeat a growing al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] threat. The impetus for the meeting comes from a botched bid on Christmas Day to blow up a US airliner over Detroit by a Nigerian passenger allegedly trained by the Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). ...Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will likely attend the meeting in London, which comes days after Britain raised its terrorism threat assessment from substantial to severe. Pakistani tribesmen 'shoot down US drone' 24 Jan 2010 Local tribesman in Pakistan's North Waziristan region claim to have shot down a US drone after the unnamed aerial vehicle (UAV) crashed in the tribal area. The crash occurred on Sunday afternoon in the Hamdhoni area of North Waziristan, the Associated Press reported, citing two intelligence officials. Drone attacks near the country's border with Afghanistan have been a controversial issue, especially since the attacks are imprecise in nature and usually result in civilian deaths. Afghanistan postpones elections 25 Jan 2010 Afghanistan's election commission announced Sunday that it is postponing scheduled parliamentary 'elections' from May until September, bowing to logistical concerns, worries about potential voting fraud and the likelihood that the U.S. troop "surge" will lead to intensified fighting in parts of the country. British troops face five more years in Helmand 25 Jan 2010 British troops will have to fight the Taleban for another five years, according to a leaked draft of the communiqué that will conclude the London conference on Afghanistan this week. Participating governments are also expected to agree to bribes totalling hundreds of millions of pounds which will be paid to leading insurgents in the hope that they will stop fighting. US to Pay Taliban Fighters to 'Lay Down Their Arms' --I've covered a lot of BULLSH*T since Coup 2000, but this takes the Afghan army must almost double in size 24 Jan 2010 Nato commanders and the Afghan government will say they must grow the army from its current level of 100,000 to 172,000 by October next year. The plan to rapidly bolster forces so that they can eventually take over the fight against [US-backed] Taliban insurgents will be a cornerstone of the conference to be hosted by Mr Brown in London on Thursday. [As the US funds the Taliban, US taxpayers can spend billion$ more to train and grow the Afghan army to defeat them. It's a win-win for Blackwater. No worries about an uproar over the scheme: Angelina and Brad are splitting; the US media has its hands full with all the breaking news! --LRP] In Afghanistan, 5 US troops killed in 24 hours 24 Jan 2010 NATO's international Security Assistance Force (ISAF) confirmed on Friday that explosions have claimed the lives of five US soldiers in war-torn Afghanistan over the past 24 hours. The ISAF announcement came as three troopers were declared dead on Sunday following a home-made bomb explosion. The incident was followed shortly by a third fatality, when a similar improvised explosive device detonated. Two more US soldiers killed in Afghanistan 24 Jan 2010 Two US soldiers are killed in an improvised bomb explosion in southern Afghanistan, bringing the total number of Americans killed in the country this year to at least 24. "Two ISAF service members from the United States were killed today in an IED (improvised explosive device) strike in southern Afghanistan," the NATO's International Security Assistance Force said in a statement on Sunday. UK soldier killed in southern Afghanistan explosion 24 Jan 2010 A British soldier has died following an explosion in southern Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has said. The soldier, from 3rd Battalion The Rifles, was killed while on foot patrol south of Sangin district centre, in Helmand province, on Sunday morning. Legal staff ruled Blair's war illegal --Two former Whitehall lawyers to tell Chilcot of reservations on invasion 25 Jan 2010 Tony Blair is to be presented with claims that his decision to topple Saddam Hussein by force was illegal before his appearance at the Iraq inquiry this week. Two senior Whitehall lawyers are expected to claim that the former prime minister's decision to send British troops to aid the US-led invasion was illegal as it did not have the clear backing of the United Nations. Iraq war was illegal, top lawyer will tell Chilcot inquiry 24 Jan 2010 Tony Blair's decision to take Britain to war in Iraq was illegal, the Foreign Office's former chief legal adviser will tell the Chilcot inquiry this week. The Observer has been told that Sir Michael Wood, who was the FO's most senior lawyer, is ready to reveal that, in the run-up to war, he was of the opinion that the conflict would have been unlawful without a second UN resolution. His testimony will come the day before the appearance of Lord Goldsmith, the former attorney general, who is said to have dropped his legal objections days before the invasion, following intense pressure from Blair and his closest advisers, and the US authorities. Iraq Official Warned Against Anti - Bomb Device 24 Jan 2010 Iraq's interior ministry was told two years ago not to buy an explosives detector that Britain says does not work, and the purchase of the sensors was tainted by suspected fraud, a senior official said on Sunday. Aqeel al-Turaihi, the inspector general of Iraq's Interior Ministry, said he investigated the explosives sensors sold by British firm ATSC two years ago and found them "inoperative" and costly. He recommended that Iraq should not buy the devices. Biden says US will appeal case of Blackwater/XE mercs 24 Jan 2010 US Vice President Joe Biden has announced an appeal into a US court decision to drop charges against Blackwater/XE mercenaries accused of killing 14 Iraqi civilians in 2007. "A dismissal is not an acquittal," Biden told reporters during a visit to Baghdad on Saturday, referring to the case involving five guards employed by the private company Xe, which was formerly known as Blackwater, AFP reported. "Today I am announcing that the United States government will appeal this decision. Our Justice Department will file that appeal next week," he said. US Marines' Iraq command ends 23 Jan 2010 The US Marines marked the end of nearly seven years in Iraq on Saturday by handing the Army their command of Anbar province. The changing of the guard - overseen by military brass and some of Anbar's influential Sunni sheiks - signals the start of an accelerated drawdown of American troops as the US increasingly shifts its focus to the war in Afghanistan. Venezuela oil 'may double Saudi Arabia' 23 Jan 2010 A new US assessment of Venezuela's oil reserves could give the country double the supplies of Saudi Arabia. Scientists working for the US Geological Survey say Venezuela's Orinoco belt region holds twice as much petroleum as previously thought. The geologists estimate the area could yield more than 500bn barrels of crude oil. This assessment is far more optimistic than even the best case scenario put forward by President Hugo Chavez. [Oh no. 'Venezuela has 500bn barrels of crude oil.' Telling the US about this is like setting forty child molesters loose at a playground. I am thinking the CIA/Xe has eight coups boiling on the stove, even as I type. Hopefully, Chavez's armies are up to the task. We need to establish a global defense fund for the world to resist US oil- and water-grabbing, in light of the High Whore Court's recent decision to blatantly task the corporaterrorists with installing political drones in every level of US government. --Lori Price] Israel to refute war crimes charges 24 Jan 2010 Israel is likely this week to refute a United Nations report accusing it of having committed war crimes in Gaza. The New York Times has said Israel will list what it will refer to as the essential flaws and biases against Israel. The Israeli explanations against assertions made in the Goldstone Report will include the reason behind the offensive in the Gaza Strip and the difficulties in fighting against a terror organisation that operates inside civilian homes, schools, hospitals and UN facilities. Norway university plans Israel boycott 24 Jan 2010 University of Bergen, among Norway's largest academic institutions, intends to impose an official academic boycott against Israel over what it claims is its apartheid-like conduct, Ynet has learned. The university's management has not yet officially responded to the move or presented its stance on the issue. However, the institution's Rector, Signumd Gronmo, enthusiastically supports the boycott calls. Former Canadian envoy to Iran was covert CIA agent 24 Jan 2010 Canada's former ambassador to Tehran, Kenneth Taylor, actively spied for the Central Intelligence Agency and helped the US plan a military incursion into the country during the Islamic Revolution, according to new reports. An arrangement was set up by then-US President Jimmy Carter and Canadian Prime Minister Joe Clark, whereby Taylor would provide US intelligence with information from his position at the Canadian Embassy in Tehran, according to a report published in The Globe and Mail on Saturday. Bin Laden warns US of more attacks 24 Jan 2010 Osama Bin Laden, the al-Qaeda leader [deceased CIA asset], has warned Barack Obama, the US president, that there will be further attacks on the United States unless he takes steps to resolve the Palestinian situation. In an audio tape obtained by Al Jazeera on Sunday, the world's most wanted man also praised the Nigerian accused of a failed attempt to blow up an airliner heading for Detroit on Christmas Day. Bin Laden 'Claims Failed Plane Bomb Plot' 24 Jan 2010 Al Jazeera says it has new audio of Osama bin Laden in which he claims responsibility for the failed US plane attack on Christmas Day. Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab has been charged with attempting to blow up a Delta Airlines plane on a flight from Amsterdam on December 25, 2009. He was stopped by passengers on board Northwest Flight 253 from setting off explosives stitched into his underwear. Report: Female suicide bombers attempt to enter US 23 Jan 2010 Official elements in the United States administration warned that several female suicide bombers have been attempting to enter the US, the ABC television network reported. According to the report, at least two of the women are affiliated with an al-Qaeda extension in Yemen which claimed responsibility for the attempted attack on a plane making its way to Detroit last Christmas. [On 'Law & Order,' when the police have two suspects who both claim responsibility for a crime, the viewer knows *someone else* is the culprit.] Terror scare at Manchester Airport as man attempts to take 'unidentified white powder' onto flight bound for Heathrow 24 Jan 2010 A large part of Manchester Airport was evacuated yesterday after a man attempted to carry an unidentified white powder onto a plane. The substance was discovered in a bag that the man was planning to take on a flight from Manchester to London Heathrow. A chemical incident was declared and the check-in and security screening areas at the airport's Terminal 3 were evacuated for several hours. The powder was later found to be harmless. Photographers protest against police stop and search --More than 2,000 photographers demonstrate against police using terrorism laws to prevent photography in public places 23 Jan 2010 Thousands of photographers have staged a mass protest against the "malicious" use of anti-terrorism laws to stop them taking pictures in public places. Trafalgar Square in central London was lit up by flash bulbs as part of the demonstration against photographers being unfairly targeted by police after taking photos. They are usually questioned under section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which allows officers to stop and search without the need for "suspicion" within designated areas in the UK. More than 2,000 professional and amateur photographers took part in the protest organised by the group I'm a Photographer, Not a Terrorist!, many carrying placards bearing its name. Haiti quake death toll hits 150,000, fear of disease rises 25 Jan 2010 The Haitian government has raised the official death toll for the January 12 earthquake to 150,000. In addition, as many as three million have been injured or left homeless as a result of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake. Health officials in Haiti have also expressed serious concerns about outbreaks of infectious diseases in the myriad tent cities due to the unsanitary conditions. Haiti earthquake: government fears toll could rise to 300,000 24 Jan 2010 Haiti's government has claimed the toll from the country's earthquake could rise to as many as 300,000 dead. The confirmed death toll was raised to 150,000 on Sunday, but that was only the count of bodies so far found and collected in the capital Port-au-Prince. It did not include those recovered in other areas like the shattered city of Leogane, near the earthquake epicentre, and Jacmel on the southern coast. German enrichment facility reports radiation leak 24 Jan 2010 News breaks about a radiation leak at Germany's sole uranium enrichment facility amid reports suggesting that the country is scrapping plans to shut down two aging nuclear plants. The incident occurred on Thursday and has regenerated calls for the closure of the 25-year-old facility, which is located in North Rhine-Westphalia. 450,000 gallons of crude oil enter Texas waterway 24 Jan 2010 The US Coast Guard says 450,000 gallons of crude oil has found its way to a Texas waterway after a tugboat towing two barges collided with an Exxon Mobile tanker. The accident took place on Saturday near Port Arthur with no injuries reported, the Coast Guard said. White House Is Confident Bernanke Will Be Confirmed 24 Jan 2010 After a full-scale mobilization, White House officials expressed confidence on Saturday that they had contained a populist uprising among Democratic senators that had threatened President Obama’s nomination of Ben S. Bernanke to a second term as the Federal Reserve chairman. Hoping to quell fears in the financial markets that Mr. Bernanke could become a casualty of rising anti-Wall Street sentiment, Senator Christopher J. Dodd, the DemocRAT from Connecticut who is chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, and Senator Judd Gregg (T) of New Hampshire, who is a member of the panel, said in a statement that "based on our discussions with our colleagues, we are very confident that Chairman Bernanke will win confirmation." [We can always count on Wall Street front-man, Barack Obama, to 'contain a populist uprising.'] Study says dolphins world's second smartest species 24 Jan 2010 A study shows that dolphin brains are four to five times larger for their body size, making them the second intelligent species after humans. New MRI scans revealed that dolphins show some skills and awareness thought to be exclusively used by humans, DiscoveryNews reported. "If we use relative brain size as a metric of 'intelligence' then one would have to conclude that dolphins are second in intelligence to modern humans," said neuroscience senior lecturer at Emory University Lori Marino. Previous lead stories: 'Israel seeks more involvement in Afghan war' 22 Jan 2010 Foreign forces in Afghanistan will use unmanned Israeli drones more extensively in the US-led war, an Israeli paper said, citing the regime's desire to be more involved in the war. The Jerusalem Post reported Thursday that Germany will become the fifth country whose troops in Afghanistan will operate Israeli drones as of next week. US officials: 47 Guantanamo prisoners to be held indefinitely without charge --35 detainees face trial or tribunal 23 Jan 2010 At least 80 Guantanamo 'Severe' Terror Warning In UK 23 Jan 2010 Britain's terror threat level was last night raised to "severe" - meaning an attack is "highly likely"- Home Secretary Alan Johnson stressed there was no intelligence to suggest terrorists were about to strike, but urged people to be on their guard. The UK is now on the second highest of five staged levels, ranging from low to critical. | | Headlines - January 25, 2010
Whether or not you buy into the whole war on terrorism, it is being used to launch wars of aggression and further expand the American empire. It is also very much intertwined with the whole process of deep North American integration and plans for a continental security perimeter. | |
Bankers' reputations are at an all-time low, but top financial officials are turning out in force at this year's World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, calculating that the business opportunities of rubbing shoulders with industry CEOs, regulators and world leaders outweigh any public-relations flak for attending an elite jamboree in a Swiss ski resort. | |
It is time for Asia to use its stronger voice to take a more prominent role in this new world order. The progression from the Western-dominated G8 to a more inclusive G20, with meaningful positions for leading Asian economies, rightly reflects the shift to a new equilibrium in which Asia has much greater weight. | |
A highly unusual ruling by Lord Hutton, who chaired the inquiry into Dr Kelly's death, means medical records including the post-mortem report will remain classified until after all those with a direct interest in the case are dead, the Mail on Sunday reported. | |
What the White House and security officials have previously described only as "vague" intercepts regarding "a Nigerian" has now morphed into a clear picture of the suspect--and the plot. | |
In the years ahead, unmanned machines will increasingly fight our wars. | |
British government invents reasons to develop 'flying CCTV' system. | |
Paypal has as of 23rd of January 2010 frozen WikiLeaks assets. This is the second time that this happens. The last time we struggled for more than half a year to resolve this issue. | |
U.S. securities regulators originally treated the New York Federal Reserve's bid to keep secret many of the details of the American International Group bailout like a request to protect matters of national security, according to emails obtained by Reuters. | |
Nuclear and Conventional Arms Pacts Stalled | |
A report says the Canadian diplomat praised for sheltering Americans during the Iranian Revolution was a CIA spy. | |
And, if the Taliban fighters *don't* lay down their arms, and instead continue to raise them in battle against the West? Then, the US government will be in the awkward position of funding the enemy of the US soldier on the battlefield. Hmm. 'Some dare call it treason.' | |
US District Court judge in San Francisco has dismissed a lawsuit brought against the US government by individuals who say their rights were infringed by the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping program. | |
Fresh on the heels of a Dutch investigation into the conflicts of interest of their chief influenza advisor and the bombshell announcement that the Council of Europe will be probing their role in creating and sustaining panic over the recent H1N1 outbreak in order to sell vaccines for Big Pharma, the World Health Organization is now conisdering "innovative" proposals for raising additional revenues, including levying a global tax on internet activity. | |
When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, they had no robots as part of their force. By the end of 2005, they had 2,400. Today, they have 12,000, carrying out 33,000 missions a year. A report by the US Joint Forces Command says autonomous robots will be the norm on the battlefield within 20 years. | |
New analysis of 2009 US Department of Agriculture figures suggests biofuel revolution is impacting on world food supplies | |
“The most effective way to restrict democracy is to transfer decision-making from the public arena to unaccountable institutions: kings and princes, priestly castes, military juntas, party dictatorships, or modern corporations.” - Noam Chomsky, M.I.T. emeritus Professor of Linguistics |
Strange Weather Event over Australia |
Defense Secretary Cohen's 1997 Warning about Scalar EM Geotechnical Terrorism
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”
Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens,
Apr. 28, 1997.
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation January 25, 2010 at 6:02 PM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Solar activity has been very low the past 24 hours. Sunspot 1042 in the north is approaching the western limb. Sunspot 1041 in the south has been quiet as well. There will continue to be a chance for B-Class flares and a smaller chance of a C-Class flare. NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN Another Photo, Zoomed and cropped. Notice the pixels in the background These anomalies are not the result of pixelization. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Tue Jan 26 1:13:23 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Yellowstone Continues to Shake Today - January 25, 2010 Update time = Mon Jan 25 17:58:05 MST 2010 2.3 2010/01/25 15:43:32 44.566N 110.933W 7.1 17 km (11 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.3 2010/01/25 14:29:25 44.569N 110.963W 10.2 15 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.6 2010/01/25 05:34:10 44.563N 110.958W 10.2 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.9 2010/01/25 04:32:10 44.566N 110.956W 10.9 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.3 2010/01/25 04:31:07 44.567N 110.957W 11.1 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 1.5 2010/01/25 04:30:42 44.566N 110.954W 11.1 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 0.9 2010/01/25 04:12:48 44.566N 110.959W 9.8 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.8 2010/01/25 04:11:30 44.567N 110.959W 10.4 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 3.1 2010/01/25 03:27:36 44.564N 110.960W 10.3 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 1.3 2010/01/25 00:58:02 44.566N 110.950W 11.2 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 1.4 2010/01/25 00:56:09 44.567N 110.957W 10.1 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map
Rain, wind lead to flood warnings, airport delays Washington Post - 7 hours ago The National Weather Service has issued flood warnings in New York and Pennsylvania. Airports from Philadelphia to New York City are showing severe weather ... Winds cause Northeast flight disruptions Flood Warning Issued As Pittsburgh Rivers Rise, Creek Waters Rush - 2 hours ago PITTSBURGH -- Wet weather caused problems for Pittsburgh-area drivers on Monday morning, and a flood warning is in effect until 7 pm for more than 20 ... Flood warning issued for four San Francisco Bay Area counties San Jose Mercury News - 9 hours ago By Bay City News Service The National Weather Service has issued an urban flood advisory for Marin, San Francisco, Napa and Sonoma counties. ... National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
PEW: Global warming ranks dead last as concern for Americans... UN scientist admits unverified data used for politics... India, China won't sign Copenhagen Accord... Scientists using 'selective temperature data'... | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams Bill would all merchants to scan driver's licenses for information Nebraska is the only state in the country that doesn't allow merchants to scan the bar codes on your driver's licenses. That could change soon. Maneuvering the halls of Nebraska's Capitol, Jerry O'Connor is hand delivering his concerns for a bill that's making its way through the legislature. O'Connor says he's never taken such personal action but he fears the bill could cost him his privacy if passed. The bill would allow store clerks to scan and store two pieces of information from the bar code of your driver's license -- your license number and your age. Both are already on the front of the card. Senator Kent Rogert of Tekamah introduced the legislation last year. Rogert says the system would help keep alcohol and tobacco from being sold to minors -- making it easier to detect fake i.D.'s. Opponents of the bill say it's an invasion of privacy that could lead to identity theft. Any employee or business that misused the information would be charged with a felony. But for O'Connor...*that's* not enough reassurance. |
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database MUFON reports Colorado averages 12 UFO Reports per month |
Today in History Monday January 25, 2010 1799 - Eliakim Spooner patented the seeding machine. 1858 - Mendelssohn’s "Wedding March" was presented for the first time, as the daughter of Queen Victoria married the Crown Prince of Prussia. 1870 - G.D. Dows patented the ornamental soda fountain. 1881 - Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and others signed an agreement to organize the Oriental Telephone Company. 1890 - The United Mine Workers of America was founded. 1915 - In New York, Alexander Graham Bell spoke to his assistant in San Francisco, inaugurating the first transcontinental telephone service. 1924 - The 1st Winter Olympic Games were inaugurated in Chamonix in the French Alps. 1950 - A federal jury in New York City found former State Department official Alger Hiss guilty of perjury. 1959 - In the U.S., American Airlines had the first scheduled transcontinental flight of a Boeing 707. 1961 - John F. Kennedy presented the first live presidential news conference from Washington, DC. The event was carried on radio and television. 1981 - The 52 Americans held hostage by Iran for 444 days arrived in the United States and were reunited with their families. 1999 - At least 1,000 people were killed when an earthquake hit western Columbia. The quake registered 6.0 on the Richter Scale. 1999 - In Louisville, KY, man received the first hand transplant in the United States. | | Today's Featured Stories - January 25, 2010
New evidence shows selenium and omega-3s prevent colon cancer (NaturalNews) When scientists gathered in Houston recently for the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference, they heard groundbreaking evidence about how colon cancer can be prevented. The new... |
Shorty Awards continues discredited contest, allows hate speech from jackals who attack natural medicine (NaturalNews) It's been two days since the Shorty Awards fraudulently deleted the votes from all NaturalNews readers and deleted the Health Ranger as a candidate in the health category. Dr. Joseph Mercola is now in the position as the most likely candidate... |
'Skeptics' article stirs up condemnation from skeptics, praise from holistic thinkers (NaturalNews) The article I posted yesterday that exposed the true beliefs of "skeptics" made some major waves across the 'net. Entitled, What "skeptics" really believe about vaccines, medicine, consciousness and the universe... |
Indoor Air Pollution: Look at the Causes and Solutions According to the EPA, air pollution indoors is often two to five times worse than it is outside. In extreme cases, air pollution inside can be a hundred times worse than outside. The reason is partly because numerous chemicals, like cleaning... |
Chlorella Superfood Fights Body Fat and Diabetes (NaturalNews) A superfood known as chlorella has caught on like wildfire in the United Kingdom, and studies continue to emerge linking the algae to improvement in symptoms of people with everything from diabetes and high blood pressure to digestive or... |
Coming Soon to a (Toxic) Farm Near You: Monsanto's Genetically Modified Wheat (NaturalNews) Monsanto, the multinational agriculture giant most known for its propagation of genetically-modified (GM) crops, has decided to resurrect its pursuit of GM wheat. Abandoned in 2004 due to opposition from American growers, merchants, and... |
War on Cancer is a Dismal Failure Almost four decades ago, Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971 and the "war on cancer" began- or so the mainstream media would like us to think. The so-called war on cancer is not only a dismal failure but has also become an... |
Benefit from the Healing Properties of Bentonite Clay The healing bentonite clay derived from the montmorillonite family is a volcanic ash that has fallen into prehistoric bodies of water. As these bodies of water evaporate they leave behind a bed of mineral rich bentonite clay. Some of these... |
Pack Your Nutrient Dense Smoothies with Chia Seeds Years ago, we all saw the chia pets advertised on TV or on department store selves. Perhaps, you even have one of these sprout-covered clay sculptures sitting on your counter right now. But you might not know that the chia seeds that create... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Check out the Karma Singh health blog
- Call to arrest 5 Supreme Court Justices for treason over corporation "person" ruling
- Archeological mystery: Swiss watch ring found in ancient tomb sealed for 400 years
- Pharma-controlled media to squash secret investigation into H1N1 vaccine fraud
- Web 2.0 Suicide Machine lets you delete your presence on Twitter, Facebook
- Dairy farmer kills his 51 cows then shoots himself
- Scientologists use therapeutic touch to help Haiti victims
- Vitamin D slashes risk of bowel cancer by 40 percent
- Vitamin D deficiency now so widespread that rickets is on the rise once again
- MRSA superbugs actually caused by widespread antibiotics use in the 1960s
- Public Citizen demands FDA ban Savella fibromyalgia drug
- Obesity drug banned in UK over heart attack fears
See all Top Headlines...
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