It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Evening - January 27, 2010 |
This is no doubt an error - can't verify it on any other earthquake website - however, INFP out of Romania is showing a 8.6 mag quake in China: Maybe both the Romanians and the Swiss had malfunctions at the same time? However, the Swiss are reporting it at 0.3N 0.5E - off the coast of Africa,360&z=2 |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
2 weeks after Haiti quake, food aid falls short... Haitian Tent City A sprawling refugee camp on the golf course in the Port-au-Prince suburb of Petionville is home for many left homeless by the 7.0-magnitude quake that leveled much of the Haitian capital. Trying to escape Port-au-Prince A family leaves the coast headed for larger boats in earthquake-torn Port-au-Prince. Hundreds of people lined the shoreline Tuesday, those with resources payed to be rowed out to larger boats and taken to other cities in Haiti. In the background is an unidentified U.S. Navy vessel. |
7-Day Backlog of 800-1000 flights awaiting permission to land in Haiti
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) Jan 27 2010 - Officials say there's a seven-day backlog of some 800 to 1,000 aid flights still awaiting permission to land. A U.N. spokeswoman says "trucks are needed," especially small trucks because "the streets are extremely congested."
U.N. relief coordinator John Holmes estimates that 2 million people need food, but only 500,000 have received some so far.
What’s Really Going On In Haiti?
Chuck Baldwin | There are many things that do not add up regarding what is going on in Haiti.
Chinese rescue team to Haiti return home
China to continue to work with international community in Haiti headline: Drudge linked his headline to: Clinton missing speech but not as security holdout Clinton signals not a two-term Secretary of State |
TOYOTA Owners Frustrated Over Massive Recall...
GM to pay $1,000 to TOYOTA owners to switch brands...
Iraq seals oil deal with China-led group January 27, 2010 07:39 EST BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraq and a consortium led by China's National Petroleum Corp. have signed a final accord to develop a prized southern oil field. Under the 20-year deal, CNPC and partners Malaysia's Petronas and France's Total will develop the 4.1 billion-barrel Halfaya field for $1.40 per barrel produced. The deal was signed Wednesday in Baghdad. It has an option to be extended for an additional five years. It was among seven oil deals awarded in Iraq's second postwar bidding round in December. For CNPC, it's the third oil deal secured in Iraq and reflects the push by China to seek new energy sources for its growing economy. |
Airlines suffer record drop in traffic...
New home sales fall to record low in 2009...
Sarkozy Lashes Out at Globalization; Calls for revamp of capitalism... France's Sarkozy Snubs Obama's call to send more troops to Afghanistan... |
What Should We Make of Obama’s “Spending Freeze”
Washington’s Blog | Maybe the process of turning first world into the third world is already complete. Government Freak Show: Judge Napolitano Talks with Gerald Celente | Obama continues his unconstitutional looting of the private sector. Obama’s State of the Union Rhetoric, 2010: Economic Euphemisms and Internal Contradictions Part II The State of the Union address is in danger of purveying the usual euphemisms. I expect Mr. Obama to brag that he has overseen a recovery. But can there be any such thing as a jobless recovery? What has recovered are stock market averages and Wall Street bonuses, not disposable personal income or discretionary spending after paying debt service Obama to announce high-speed rail funding billed as jobs creator WASHINGTON (AP) — A day after delivering a State of the Union address aimed at showing recession-weary Americans he understands their struggles, President Barack Obama intends to award $8 billion in stimulus funds to develop high-speed rail corridors and sell the program as a jobs creator. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden plan to announce grants for 13 major corridors during a town hall meeting in Tampa, Fla., Thursday, the president's first public appearance following his speech to the nation. It's an attempt by the White House to show that getting Americans back to work is the president's top priority and that he has a plan for how to do it. RELATED: White House: 'Presidents make mistakes' Jan 27 2010 - It was nearly a year ago, in February, that President Barack Obama set out to promote his economic stimulus plans in a round of network television interviews. Instead, he found himself explaining the mistake he had made in nominating Tom Daschle, a former Senate leader who owed more than $100,000 in back taxes, for a Cabinet post. "I'm frustrated with myself, with our team,'' Obama told NBC News' Brian Williams, "but ultimately my job is to get this thing back on track, because what we need to focus on is a deteriorating economy and getting people back to work." The president told ABC News' Charlie Gibson that he "can't afford glitches because, right now, what I should be spending time talking to you about is how we're going to put three to four million people back to work.'' Aid to Israel not subject to Obama's spending cuts. |
VIDEO: USA is Bankrupt, Quit Buying Bombs or We're Done
- by Ron Paul - 2010-01-27
US backs Taliban reintegration: Holbrooke Karzai to announce plan today Pakistan Observer London—The United States government will support a plan to reintegrate Taliban fighters set to be announced by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, special representative Richard Holbrooke said Wednesday.
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Ugandan President meets Chinese oil giant
China again opposes arms sales to Taiwan as U.S. moves to approve package
China calls for more diplomatic efforts on Iran nuclear issue
North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
Islamabad may boycott London moot Special Correspondent Islamabad - Jan 27 2010 —Pakistan may boycott the London Conference on Afghanistan if certain states try to use the gathering to promote India’s increased role in Afghanistan. Reliable sources told this reporter that Islamabad is strongly opposed to any Indian military role in Afghanistan not only because it would complicate the efforts for peaceful negotiations between various Afghan parties but would also increase threats to Pakistan’s strategic interests. Pakistan can alone help safe US exit: Gen Gul Indian army chief’s threat sheer madness Interview Islamabad—United States has been virtually defeated in Afghanistan and Pakistan is the only country which can help provide it a safe and honourable exit from Afghanistan, former ISI Chief Lt General (Retired) Hamid Gul said this on Wednesday. Afghanistan “the basis” for rapprochement between Russia, NATO Israel Moves Closer to Hook-up With NATO Global Research, January 27, 2010 TEL AVIV, Israel -- Israel's armed forces are adopting NATO's system of identifying and classifying equipment among its member nations, underlining Israel's buildup of ties with the Atlantic alliance. Let me get this straight; NATO believes that they can hold a fundraiser and PAY OFF the Taliban? Nato says Afghanistan conference will raise millions to pay The Nato Secretary General has said the London Conference on Afghanistan will be used to raise millions of pounds to pay off the Taliban leadership. ... Germany to send 850 extra troops to Afghanistan Xinhua - - 21 hours ago A NATO-led international conference on Afghanistan strategy will be held in London on Jan. 28. German allies are expecting Merkel's government to send more ... IRAN: Islamic Republic shuns London conference on Afghanistan Los Angeles Times (blog) NATO Picks New Civilian Czar in Afghanistan FOXNews (blog) 5 hours ago On Thursday, Afghan and International officials will meet in London for a major conference on the future of Afghanistan – with reconciliation being a top ... EVENTS:
NATO Secretary General to attend Afghanistan Conference in London on 28 Jan.2010 - 27 Jan. 2010 Statement by NATO Secretary General on progress before London conference Press Release January 27, 2010 I am pleased that, on the eve of the London conference, the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan has been further strengthened. I welcome the announcement by Chancellor Merkel that Germany will add up to 850 soldiers, and make a very substantial contribution to the training mission. This decision, along with Romania’s recent announcement of 600 more soldiers and other new contributions likely to be announced in the coming days, will substantially strengthen the NATO-led mission. These troops, on top of the 37,000 new forces from 36 countries already flowing into Afghanistan, are a clear demonstration of NATO’s solidarity and determination to accomplish its mission. I am also pleased to announce the finalisation of an agreement with Kazakhstan that will allow the transit of supplies for NATO and Partner forces. I thank the Kazakh Government for coming to this agreement with us. This allows supplies for our forces to start moving from Europe to Afghanistan, beginning in the coming days, complementing the very important transit route through Pakistan. Taken together, the announcement of new forces, and a new supply route, helps to further strengthen the NATO-ISAF mission. ISAF will play its full part in supporting the decisions taken at the London conference, as part the new momentum we will see in 2010. U.S., NATO Expand Afghan War To Horn Of Africa And Indian Ocean In parallel with the escalation of the war in South Asia – counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan and drone missile attacks in Pakistan – the United States and its NATO allies have laid the groundwork for increased naval, air and ground operations in the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Aden. |
As for the extra-judicial killings by the Colombian military, these were carried out as part of the “false positive” scandal – a controversy involving the military murdering civilians and then dressing them up to look like guerillas in order to increase their body count numbers, thereby guaranteeing further U.S. aid
Bases, Missiles, Wars: U.S. Consolidates Global Military Network Global Research, January 27, 2010 Afghanistan is occupying center stage at the moment, but in the wings are complementary maneuvers to expand a string of new military bases and missile shield facilities throughout Eurasia and the Middle East. The advanced Patriot theater anti-ballistic missile batteries in place or soon to be in Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates describe an arc stretching from the Baltic Sea through Southeast Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Caucasus and beyond to East Asia. A semicircle that begins on Russia's northwest and ends on China's northeast. Over the past decade the United States has steadily (though to much of the world imperceptibly) extended its military reach to most all parts of the world. From subordinating almost all of Europe to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization through the latter's expansion into Eastern Europe, including the former Soviet Union, to arbitrarily setting up a regional command that takes in the African continent (and all but one of its 53 nations). From invading and establishing military bases in the Middle East and Central and South Asia to operating a satellite surveillance base in Australia and taking charge of seven military installations in South America. In the vacuum left in much of the world by the demise of the Cold War and the former bipolar world, the U.S. rushed in to insert its military in various parts of the world that had been off limits to it before. And this while Washington cannot even credibly pretend that it is threatened by any other nation on earth. READ MORE: | - The 40th World Economic Forum started working in Davos on January 27. Russia’s Vladimir Putin opened the forum last year, but neither Russian, nor US leaders are going to attend the event this year. This year the forum pays special attention to developing countries – over 30 impressive delegations arrived in Davos to take part in the forum Davos 2010 Is Just a Sideshow to Governments' Business During boom times, investors looked enviously at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The most high-powered ski vacation in the world, after all, offered glimpses into what business titans would be up to in the year ahead. But this time around, as governments around the world scramble to clean up the mess created by many reckless executives, the ceremonies in the snowy village are being greeted with yawns rather than the usual rapt attention. And for good reason: The policy decisions coming out of world capitals -- Washington and Beijing in particular -- are likely to have far greater impacts than any maneuvering by industry chieftains. The Davos kickoff, for example, seems like a sideshow to the congressional hearings examining U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's role in bailing out insurance giant AIG (AIG). The contentious hearings -- some in Congress are challenging everything from Geithner's integrity to his intellect -- will be instrumental in shaping public perception as controversial new proposals to regulate banking get advanced by the Obama administration. And Geithner's showdown with the House committee sets the stage for the State of the Union speech on Wednesday night, where investors will be listening eagerly for President Obama to lay out a plan for creating jobs as high unemployment continues to batter the U.S. economy. ... Check Out What's In The Davos Schwag Bag BusinessInsider Jan 27 2010 In light of the financial crisis, Davos may be more subdued this year, but there's still a fat schwag bag for attendees. Here's a round-up from people who received the gift sack. Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post notes that the bag itself is "a laptop bag , embroidered with the World Economic Forum logo and its lofty motto: Committed to Improving the State of the World." In it:
Neal Lipschutz of the Wall Street Journal adds:
The free stuff doesn't end with the bag As Economist New York bureau chief Matthew Bishop notes (via Twitter): World Cup soccer year - and South Africa is out in force in Davos, giving delegates scarves, woolly hats and free wine. Is Zuma here? #WEF Yes, he is. |
BANKSTERS NEWS Geithner Told To Quit After E Mails Reveal Involvement In AIG Cover-up
Paul Joseph Watson | John Mica slams Treasury Secretary’s “lame excuses” during fiery hearing Send Geithner to Prison for Lying to the American People
Kurt Nimmo | Geithner needs to be arrested, forced to do the perp walk in an orange jumpsuit, and slapped in prison for grand larceny of such a magnitude it staggers the imagination. Tim Geithner and Hank Paulson are in Washington this morning being grilled on AIG being pressured by the NYT Fed to hide the true value of their credit-default swaps. Geithner defends AIG bailout at House hearing Geithner draws fire defending Fed on AIG bailout... Dem Chews Out Treasury Sec.: 'Stinks To High Heaven'... POLL: 50 senators support Bernanke, 22 opposed... |
Initial foreclosure notices up 84% in Hamptons -- NewsDay - Hamptons and other East End homeowners appear to be increasingly at risk of foreclosure, according to statistics compiled by the online real estate Web site Initial legal notices of new foreclosures - known as lis pendens - increased 84 percent in 2009 compared with the previous year, the Web site reports.
Clinton to press China Foreign Minister on Internet freedom Reuters LONDON (Reuters) - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will press China's foreign minister on the issue of Internet freedom, a growing irritant in ties ... Will Google Pull Out Of India, Australia And Other Countries Over Internet ... Techdirt It's worth noting that China, as it has said in the past, is defending its censorship policy by claiming that it is necessary to protect people from objectionable content like pornography, fraud and rumors. So, if that's the case, is Google planning to stop censoring in India, too? Or what about Australia, which announced plans to censor the internet (yet again) last month?
Posted in Telecoms, 25th January 2010 13:55 GMT It's Australia Day tomorrow, and the country's subjects are using it to mark a week of protests against government plans for compulsory internet censorship. is calling for opponents of the government's plans to black out their profile picture on social networking sites, black out their websites, write to their MP and join a real world protest too Communications minister Stephen Conroy seems determined to push ahead with compulsory filters despite the failure of the pilot scheme. Opponents complain that the system will not work to protect children and will give parents a false sense of security. It will also cost Australian ISPs good money to run, instead of investing in better broadband networks. Conroy's blacklist was heavily criticised by ISPs and Google. The list, which ended up being leaked, was also found to contain lots of quite unobjectionable content wrongly listed as pornographic or otherwise too unpleasant for the famously sensitive Aussies. About 500 websites have already signed up - visitors are greeted by a black pop-up window explaining what is wrong with Stephen Conroy's plans. There is, of course, a Facebook group with 3,394 members. Lobbyists in New Zealand ran a similar blackout campaign against copyright laws. Obama Attorney General Choice of Eric Holder Advocated Censoring Internet November 23, 2008 As the corporate media throws confetti and heralds the possibility of America’s first black AG, it ignores something more sinister lurking beneath the surface: in 1999, Holder advocated internet regulation. |
U.S. general visiting Israel urges world war on space debris HERZLIYA, Israel Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:06pm EST HERZLIYA, Israel (Reuters) - World powers must find ways to reduce the amount of debris in orbit, as the collision risk it poses to spacecraft is increasing, the head of the U.S. Strategic Command said on Wednesday. "Today, the way we eliminate space debris is we wait for it to come down" and burn up on reentry through the atmosphere, he said. Chilton, whose responsibilities include ballistic missile defense and cyber warfare as well as space operations, spent three days in Israel, an aide said. As well as visiting academic forums, he held talks with researchers at Israel's Defense Ministry, an official involved in the visit said, without giving details. |
Attacker Hits Israeli Chief Justice With Sneaker
Published: January 27, 2010
JERUSALEM (AP) -- An Israeli man hurled his sneakers at Israel's Supreme Court chief justice on Wednesday hitting her between the eyes, breaking her glasses and knocking her off her chair.
Dorit Beinisch, who is in her late 60s, was not seriously hurt, and the incident appeared to be an isolated one, though there have been rising numbers of threats against the judiciary.
The judge was hit by the first shoe and knocked to the ground as the second one flew overhead, witness Michael Eden said.
Eden said the assailant, a man with thinning gray hair, tossed the shoes from the fourth row of the packed courtroom, about 65 feet (20 meters) from the bench, while yelling ''you're corrupt, a traitor, because of you I lost everything.''
‘Robot pics’ rage debate
Published 27 January, 2010, 16:24
Newspapers depicting politicians as aging and fat, the FBI representing politicians as terrorists, and photographers faking their subjects to win competitions: Has the new era of photography lost its ethical standards?
The picture published by the FBI using features of Gaspar Llamanzares to represent how Osama Bin Laden may look now triggered outrage and led to the United States agency apologizing to the Spanish United Left (IU) politician, admitting that they did not have his photo on file but found it via a Google search. The row over such pictures being published has now intensified, as the Spanish national newspaper El Mundo recently spurred criticism by using aging technology and Photoshop on two of the most senior politicians in Partido Popular (PP), Spain’s main right-wing political party. Images of Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, Madrid’s mayor, and regional President Esperanza Aguirre, were published, estimating, rather unflatteringly, what they will look like ten years from now.
Wisconsin Senate Approves BPA Ban
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (1/27, Marley) notes that the FDA's own advisory board "undertook a review of its decision" on BPA late last year, and recently expressed concerns over the chemical. However, "under the current regulatory framework, the FDA is not easily able to regulate the chemical," and "does not have the authority to demand that BPA makers tell it how much of the chemical it makes and where it is used."
Greek Tractor blockade
Apple unveils $499 "iPad", bets on new device class SAN FRANCISCO Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:53pm EST SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc CEO Steve Jobs took the wraps off an "iPad" tablet with a lower-than-expected price tag, placing a big bet on a new breed of gadgets that aim to bridge the gap between smartphones and laptops. |
Time Magazine: How to Disappear from Facebook and Twitter
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
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WEB BOT Clif High |
From this Wednesday Morning: Factions At Work? We occasionally will refer to "The Factions" within the PowersThatBe entity in Cliff's predictive linguistics modelspace. Fascinating to watch them as they go this way and that. I suspect the 'leak' of the IPCC climate emails right ahead of the Copenhagen Climate love-in was a display of factional discord.
Now fast forward to the World Economic Forum opening this week in Davos and the reported death of the WEF's security chief and tell me if this is tit-for-tat or simply suicide as reported? --- I don't like the term "being suicided" but a recent nuclear worker case a few months back and now this one just stick in my craw. The old newsman in me just knows there's a whole 'rest of the story' that hasn't come out yet. Wonder if it ever will? |
Death toll rises to 20 in western China cold spell
2010-01-27 06:20 PM
The death toll from freezing temperatures and record snowfalls in northwestern China has risen to 20 people from six in the past week, state media reported on Wednesday.
Continuing harsh weather has closed fishing harbors in eastern China and damaged 100,000 homes in China's Xinjiang region as a cold front followed record-breaking blizzards last week, the state-run China News Web site reported. More than 1.6 million people have been affected.
Nine people died in Altay district in China's extreme northwestern corner, 1,600 miles (2,600 kilometers) northwest of Beijing, the capital. Nearby, 11 more died in the Yili region. It is not clear how the deaths occurred.
Calls to the Xinjiang government office rang unanswered late Wednesday.
Direct economic losses have been estimated at 300 million yuan ($44 million), with that figure expected to rise, according to the Xinjiang Meteorological Station.
Parts of northern China are seeing their harshest winter in decades, with Beijing this month receiving its heaviest one-day snowfall in 59 years.
Defense Secretary Cohen's 1997 Warning about Scalar EM Geotechnical Terrorism
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”
Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens,
Apr. 28, 1997.
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 27, 2010 AT 5:45 PM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind That dark band near the south polar region persists in today's H-alpha image. The last time we saw this (late November 2009) it turned out to be a large filament which erupted in early December. The STEREO-B/SECCHI team is calling for the return of AR1040 in the northern hemisphere. Active Regions: 11041 11042 NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Earthquake List for 10-degree Map Centered at 40°S, 15°W
Tristan da Cunha is a remote volcanic group of islands in the south Atlantic Ocean, and also the name of the main island of that group. It is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world, lying 2,816 kilometres (1,750 mi) from the nearest land, South Africa, and 3,360 kilometres (2,090 mi) from South America. During World War II, the islands were used as a top secret Royal Navy weather and radio station codenamed HMS Atlantic Isle, to monitor U Boats (which needed to surface to maintain radio contact) and German shipping movements in the South Atlantic Ocean. In 1958, as part of Operation Argus, the United States Navy exploded an atomic bomb 200 kilometres high in the upper atmosphere, 115 kilometres southeast of the main island. In 1961, a volcanic eruption forced the evacuation of the entire population to wooden huts in the disused Pendell Army Camp in Merstham, Surrey, England. In 1962, a Royal Society expedition went to the islands to assess the damage, and reported that the settlement Edinburgh of the Seven Seas had been only marginally affected. Most families returned in 1963.
Distances 140 km (90 miles) ESE of Pandan, Catanduanes, Philippines 190 km (120 miles) ENE of Legaspi, Luzon, Philippines 200 km (125 miles) NNE of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines 495 km (305 miles) ESE of MANILA, Philippines Update time = Thu Jan 28 0:38:17 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Yellowstone National Park continues to shake today, January 27, 2010 Update time = Wed Jan 27 16:00:02 MST 2010 1.3 2010/01/27 13:32:35 44.566N 110.965W 9.3 15 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.9 2010/01/27 12:52:16 44.572N 110.963W 10.0 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.9 2010/01/27 11:28:22 44.572N 110.968W 10.1 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.7 2010/01/26 18:46:18 44.561N 110.965W 9.7 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 0.2 2010/01/26 18:46:00 44.560N 110.957W 9.8 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 1.3 2010/01/26 18:44:52 44.553N 110.971W 7.3 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.7 2010/01/26 18:44:22 44.560N 110.963W 10.0 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 0.7 2010/01/26 18:44:09 44.565N 110.952W 12.2 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 0.9 2010/01/26 18:35:34 44.565N 110.956W 10.5 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 1.2 2010/01/26 18:35:23 44.562N 110.961W 10.0 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 0.5 2010/01/26 18:30:58 44.559N 110.954W 11.2 17 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.8 2010/01/26 18:28:42 44.564N 110.964W 9.8 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.4 2010/01/26 18:24:49 44.565N 110.960W 10.2 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 0.5 2010/01/26 18:16:54 44.577N 110.945W 6.5 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 0.6 2010/01/26 18:06:22 44.563N 110.949W 11.5 17 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.6 2010/01/26 17:41:43 44.558N 110.969W 10.5 16 km (10 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT 2.6 2010/01/26 11:59:21 44.569N 110.965W 9.2 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT Volcanic Lightning FoxNews - Jan 27 2010 - Not only was the amount of lightning unusual, but so was the kind of lightning coming from the volcano. "At the moment the eruption started, there were these sparks of lightning coming from the vent of Redoubt that only lasted 1 to 2 milliseconds," said McNutt, " This was a different kind of lighting that we have never seen before." The residents and scientists who witnessed Mount Redoubt's explosive eruptions described the events as a breathtaking display. "They all said that it was the most spectacular lightning display that they have ever seen," said Thomas. The team has also been studying how the newly-discovered volcanic lighting compares to familiar thunderstorm lightning. "It's fascinating as we learn how volcanic lighting is the same and yet different form thunderstorm lightning," said Behnke. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map 10,000 remain without power in South and North Dakota 11:05 AM Jan 27, 2010 - A storm system that brought ice, snow and strong winds moved out of the Dakotas Tuesday and roads reopened, but many problems remain. North Dakota transportation officials reopened the stretches of Interstates 94 and 29 that were closed Monday following multi-vehicle crashes. In South Dakota, closed stretches of I-29 and Interstate 90 were opened. But about 10,000 people remain without power in the two states, and the National Weather Service forecasts dangerous wind chills. In Oklahoma, Gov. Brad Henry is urging residents to stock up on provisions and heed travel warnings as a major winter storm approaches the state A storm currently off the California coast could drop up to 12 inches of snow and significant accumulations of ice elsewhere by Wednesday night. National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
Global Warming Fraud Collapses Amidst Deception And Scandal
Paul Joseph Watson | Even vehemently pro-AGW news outlets admit its game over for the IPCC. PAPER: SCIENTISTS IN STOLEN EMAIL SCANDAL HID CLIMATE DATA... | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
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Apalcas in New England Synergy's Falcon, front and Snowshoe Aristedes, a pair of alpacas from Snowshoe Farm in Peacham, Vt., look out from their enclosure during the annual Vermont Farm Show in Barre, Vt. |
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database Spectacular and alarming pictures of ‘UFO clouds’ have emerged worldwide showing eerie illuminated discs in the sky which look like alien spaceships. Are they from outer space or is there a natural phenomenon behind the sightings? Most of the pictures are from Indonesia but there have been similar sighting in Moscow, Romania, Florida and elsewhere in 2009. Since then, theories have come thick and fast. Possibilities include aliens, secret military experiments or natural consequences of climate change. In the film ‘Independence Day’, extraterrestrial spaceships hid behind odd round clouds. UFO expert and author Hartwig Hausdorf (54) said: “This film idea is based on reports that we have from an uncountable number of eyewitnesses.” In 2006 a flying saucer rose from a disused part of Chicago airport and floated at around 600 metres up in the sky. It then hid behind the clouds and later shot away at a speed of around 1,000 km/h. Hausdorf added: “The UFO rips a circular hole in the upper surface of the cloud, which it closes only after some time. These aircrafts have a manoeuvre capability that is impossible for conventional planes.” Weather forecaster Karsten Brandt (36) looked at the photos. Her opinion is that they are “not fakes but explainable natural phenomenon”. • In Indonesia a very high thundercloud could have been filmed in the sunlight, almost at the edge of the atmosphere. • The Moscow photos looked to him like two layers of clouds lying on top of one another, where the upper cloud was illuminated. • And in Romania he said that the air could have fallen into a circular shape around a middle layer of cloud, like a slow twirl. But the riddle of the ‘UFO clouds’ has so far not been fully explained. Experts from all fields are hoping for further material, so that they can solve the mystery… More mystery news |
Zelda Rubinstein, who played psychic in 'Poltergeist,' dies at 76 IN THE NEWS:
Many children 'hear voices'; most aren't bothered
Nearly 1 in 10 seven- to eight-year-olds hears voices that aren't really there, according to a new study.
— Reuters
Historic Area-51 UFO photo comes to light
Norio Hayakawa shares details about 1990 photo.
— All News Web
Faster than the speed of sound: the man who falls to earth
Daredevil Felix Baumgartner plans to skydive from the edge of space.
— The Independent
Pluto's Little Sister Found?
When it comes to objects in the Kuiper Belt, the vast, icy ring that encircles our solar system, size matters.
— Discovery News
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