It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Morning - January 27, 2010 |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Hugo Chavez writes off Haiti's oil debt.
Survivor found 14 days after quake
Haiti adoptions: Keeping youths in the right hands
What's ReallyGoing On In Haiti? CIA Drug Lords By Chuck Baldwin So here we have reports two days in a row, one from Chuck Baldwin and one from Ron Paul yesterday on the Glenn Beck show, regarding the CIA's drug-running operations (and involving the Bushes and Clinton) with the inclusion of the US military. Something major must have happened in order for those guys to feel safe enough to reveal something with such potentially devastating repercussions. Now, it appears that we have taken over control of Haiti. What's Really Going On In Haiti? Is The US Government Hiding Something? Pastor Chuck Baldwin GAII further speculates that the earthquake may have been the work of US Black Ops, which "flattened the French embassy and many of its officials, imploded the United Nations' own establishments in the Haitian capital, and no doubt obliterated evidence of US Government and rogue official drug-running complicity . . . channeled through the Haitian capital for many years." See the intelligence report here. Intelligence reports are also circulating about the possible disruption of liens and seizures of trillions of dollars by the international community relative to past crimes committed by former Presidents George Bush I and II, and Bill Clinton, which were being channeled through Haiti's Central Bank. Haiti: The U.S. Created the Earthquake in Haiti? January 24, 2010 The Russian Navy reports that the U.S. created the earthquake in Haiti The Russian Northern Fleet indicates that the earthquake that devastated Haiti was clearly the result of a test by the U.S. Navy through one of its earthquake weapons and drew up a diagram of linear succession in relation to earthquakes reported to have occurred by chance to the same depth in Venezuela and Honduras. The Northern Fleet has been monitoring the movements and activities of U.S. Marines in the Caribbean since 2008 when the Americans announced their intention to reestablish the Fourth Fleet, which was disbanded in 1950, and that Russia responded a year later, with the Fleet led by the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great "by starting its first exercises in this region since the end of the Cold War.” Since the end of the decade of the 70's in the last century, the U.S. "advanced a lot" in the state of its earthquake weapons and, according to these reports, they now use equipment with Pulse, Plasma and Tesla Electromagnetic and Sonic technology together with "shock wave bombs." The report also compares the experiences of these two earthquake weapons of the U.S. Navy last week, when the test in the Pacific caused an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 to strike in the area around the town of Eureka, Calif., causing no casualties. But the test in the Caribbean caused the death of at least 140 thousand innocent people. READ MORE |
South Korea returns fire from North -Yonhap SEOUL, Jan 27 (Reuters) - South Korea has returned fire after North Korea shot several artillery rounds into waters near a disputed sea border with the South on Wednesday, Yonhap news agency reported an unnamed military source as saying. North Korea on Tuesday declared a no-sail zone in the waters off its west coast, according to media reports in the South. |
UN lifts sanctions on five Taliban leadersFive former Taliban officials have been removed from the UN sanctions list ahead of tomorrow's international conference in London that is expected to focus on a government plan to persuade militants to switch sides. |
Obama: Counterfeit Change and No-Excuse LiesHere is the lie I call Obama's Big No-Excuse Lie. This one had me fist-bumping, and high-fiveing like a high school wanna-be gangbanger. It was exactly what the whole world wanted to hear: "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank. " - Candidate Barack Obama, October 27, 2007. What Obama DID DO his first day in office: Obama Signs Executive Order Barring Release Of His Birth Certificate On January 21st, 2009, his very first day in office, Barack Obama implemented and signed into law Executive Order 13489 pdf. Number of Times Obama Refers to Himself in One Speech: 132... |
- U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan warned in cables that Hamid Karzai "is not an adequate strategic partner." Karzai is a drug-running stooge who has zero credibility in Afghanistan..
- Supreme Court covers for Bush family: okays extradition of Manuel Noriega to France. Noriega has enough information to put most of the Bush family in prison.
- New York cops like to put retractable batons up rectums of pedestrians. Just as with Abner Louima, NYPD apepars to have a fetish for jamming things up assholes.
- McCain to vote against Bernanke confirmation. On this issue, McCain is correct
COUNTRY FOCUS: Israel. Israel Film Fund cuts support for Israeli film that compares West Bank occupation to Holocaust.
Israel is often cited as a Middle East paragon of democracy -- this should put that fanciful notion to rest..
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS - January 27, 2010
* Caterpillar to ay off 20,000
* Pfizer, tens of thousands
* Home Depot-7,000
* Sprint-8,000
* ING-7,000
* Phillips-6,000
* Walmart to cut over 11,000 jobs
Verizon to cut 13,000 jobs -- Verizon Communications Inc., coping with subscriber losses at its fixed-line phone business, plans to cut about 13,000 jobs at the division this year after posting fourth-quarter revenue that missed analysts’ estimates.
Live pigs blasted in terror attack experiments -- LIVE pigs are being blown up with explosives at Porton Down, the government’s secret military research laboratory, to simulate the effect of terrorist attacks on civilian targets. Read More...
WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON IN HAITI? By Chuck Baldwin -- Simply put, I cannot remember such an all-out "relief effort" by our nation's military and government forces following a natural disaster anywhere—ever! Not even New Orleans, Louisiana, and surrounding Gulf Coast communities here in the homeland received the kind of attention from Washington, D.C., that Haiti is receiving. According to Agence France-Press (AFP), "The US military is ramping up its mission in quake-hit Haiti, with 20,000 US troops expected to operate on ground and offshore by Sunday [January 24], the US commander overseeing the region said."
Haiti's homeless plead for tents after quake -- Haitian President Rene Preval has asked the world for 200,000 tents to provide temporary shelter for earthquake victims.
US credit card defaults hit near records levels -- U.S. consumers defaulted on store-branded credit cards at near-record levels during the holiday shopping season, with 2010 likely to bring more of the same trend, according to Fitch Ratings.
War Criminals: Arrest Warrants Requested -- International arrest warrants have been requested for George W. Bush, Richard (Dick) Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzales at the International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands.
Raw Food Diet: Enjoy Nutrition as Nature Designed -- Raw food diets are becoming increasing popular, and with good reason. Foods in their raw state are truly as nature designed and they are the most biocompatible with our bodies.
USDA poised to take away our right to GMO free food -- Barack Obama, despite promising us "change we can believe in," is unfortunately turning out to be just as pro-GMO as the preceding Bush and Clinton administrations, packing the USDA and other government bureaucracies with Monsanto men and biotech cheerleaders such as former Iowa Governor, Tom Vilsack, named biotech governor of the year in 2001, now serving as USDA Secretary.
Compact fluorescent bulbs dumping mercury directly into landfills -- A report released in 2008 from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection revealed that when a CFL bulb is broken, it can release dangerously high levels of mercury into the air.
VIDEO: Americans sign petition to repeal the first amendment!?
Davos world economic forum security chief found dead in apparent suicide -- Reports are streaming in that Dr. Markus Reinhardt, a police captain who was in put in charge of the World Economic Forum's security taskforce, has been found dead.
Ex government lawyers: Iraq war was illegal -- Two of the Government's most senior lawyers at the time of the Iraq war have said they believed it was illegal without a second UN resolution.
Report: US flunks on ability to deal with bio attack -- The United States has made little progress in the past year in improving its ability to blunt the impact of a biological weapons attack, says a new report from the commission Congress established to assess the nation's efforts to prevent and respond to terrorism.
UK anti terror cops stop children's TV stars for carrying glittery hair dryers -- Running around the streets in combat gear, waving around glittery hairdryers and claiming to be 'dork hunters', they couldn't fail to attract attention. Little did they know they would be issued a warning by four policemen and we were issued with a warning "under the act of terrorism".'
Organic family farms being crushed by rogue factory farms -- Family farmers from around the country, who produce organic milk, are petitioning president Obama, and the White House's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), for the swift adoption of new strict rulemaking that will rein in the abuses of a handful of factory farms they claim are violating both the spirit and letter of the federal organic law.
US Navy veteran arrested with arsenal, military installation maps at New Jersey motel -- Somerset County investigators seized a cache of weapons including a grenade launcher and hundreds of rounds of ammunition today from the Branchburg motel room of a Virginia man, who also had maps of a U.S. military facility and an out-of-state civilian community.
Neuroscientists say brain scans can spot PTSD -- researchers at the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis VA Medical Center announced they’d found a distinct pattern of brain activity among PTSD sufferers.
Pentagon report calls for "Office of Strategic Deception -- The Defense Department needs to get better at lying and fooling people about its intentions. That’s the conclusion from an influential Pentagon panel, the Defense Science Board, which recommends that the military and intelligence communities join in a new agency devoted to “strategic surprise/deception.”
The destabilization of Haiti: Anatomy of a military coup d'Etat -- This article was written almost six years ago in the last days of February 2004. It was published on February 29th, 2004, on the same day as the US sponsored coup d'Etat, which led to the kidnapping and deportation of the country's elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Lancet report: Over 34,000 military personnel medically evacuated from Iraq 2004-2007 -- 34 006 personnel were medically evacuated, of whom 89% were men, 91% were enlisted, 82% were in the army, and 86% sustained an injury in Iraq. Read the most common reasons for medical evacuation....Read More...
Obama administration use of military drones responsible for increase in civilian deaths -- Obama administration is ramping up its use of drone unmanned aircraft to execute targeted killings in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and perhaps in other locations - and, in the process, killing civilians along with insurgents.
Agencies probe DuPont plants safety after employee dies from pesticide exposure -- Two federal agencies are considering conducting detailed safety reviews of DuPont Co.'s Belle chemical plant following a series of incidents, including one toxic leak that went undetected by the company for nearly a week and another that left a worker hospitalized after he was sprayed with poison phosgene gas.
UN "peacekeepers" pepper spray hungry Haitians -- Thousands of hungry Haitians spilled into the streets defeating barbed wire and a tiny contingent of blue-helmeted UN peacekeepers distributing food.
Ukrainian black lung death over 1000 -- The mutated version of the H1N1 Swine Flu is truly wrecking havoc throughout Eastern Europe, with the Ukrainian death toll now clocking in at 1005 dead.
TV & trauma based programming -- So what about the general population and television? Does it hurt us individually and collectively to be exposed to a constant barrage of emotional and mental trauma?
101 facts about gold --
Budget Office: The government's finances on 'unsustainable path' -- The 2010 federal budget deficit will be $1.35 trillion, nearly as large as last year's record $1.4 trillion budget shortfall, according to the independent Congressional Budget Office.
Revolutionary tiny solar cells -- These cells attain their minuscule size due to the application of the techniques like microelectronic and micro electromechanical systems.
DRONES "Every one of these dead non-combatants represents an alienated family, a new revenge feud, and more recruits for a militant movement that has grown exponentially even as drone strikes have increased." - David Kilcullen (Counterinsurgency Expert) Center for New American Security |
Obama administration use of military drones responsible for increase in civilian deaths |
Who's not at Davos... the two big groups that people are most talking about as missing—American bankers and Obama Administration officials—would be nice to have around. On the banker side, one notable absence is J.P Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon. A number of Chase execs are making the trek (including vice chairman William Daley), yet the refrain of “Where's Jamie?” is already a familiar one. Another much-talked-about MIA: Goldman chief Lloyd Blankfein. The heads of Citibank and Bank of America are here, but this is not an easily satisfied crowd, especially in a year when Topic A is financial industry reform. In terms of the Obama Administration, economics advisor Larry Summers is present and accounted for. China Central Banker Zhu Says Stable Yuan 'Important'Bloomberg I think they've been very uncooperative,” Barney Frank, chairman of the US House Financial Services Committee, said of China's currency policy. ... | creative headline:
Jan 26, 2010 11:29 pm US/Eastern
Pols: Tri-Staters Not In Love With 'New' Obama
President In Deep Trouble With Middle Class; Many Think His Attempt To 'Reconnect' Shows Serious Desperation
Commander-In-Chief To Present New Ideas At State Of The Union Address
Do the math: U.S. has $12 trillion in debt and only $11 million in gold |
BBC: Osama is still alive. Really!"No kidding; Osama is still alive. Really.. Honest! We wouldn't lie to you. We're the BBC! I mean look at the great job we did reporting Saddam's nuclear we ... ummm ... okay, how about the wonderful job we did explaining human-caused global warm... Swine flu? Economic recovery? ... Merde!" |
Target stops selling farm-raised salmon nationwide
This decision includes national brands and Target's own Archer Farms and Market Pantry labels. All salmon sold under Target-owned brands will now be wild-caught Alaskan salmon; the company also said sushi made with farm-raised salmon would be made with wild-caught salmon by the end of the year.
The discount giant said it wanted to ensure that its salmon was "sourced in a sustainable way that helps to preserve abundance, species health and doesn't harm local habitats."
The Minneapolis company said salmon farms could hurt the environment through pollution, chemicals and parasites.
Julie Packard, executive director of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, which worked with the retailer on changing its salmon offerings, said stocking seafood from "ocean-friendly sources" would help improve fishing and fish-farming practices around the world.
"Target's decision to source sustainable wild-caught salmon, instead of farmed, will have a real impact in the marketplace -- and ultimately, on the health of our oceans," she said.
Target operates 1,744 stores in 49 states.
USDA poised to take away our right to GMO free food Barack Obama, despite promising us "change we can believe in," is unfortunately turning out to be just as pro-GMO as the preceding Bush and Clinton administrations, packing the USDA and other government bureaucracies with Monsanto men and biotech cheerleaders such as former Iowa Governor, Tom Vilsack, named biotech governor of the year in 2001, now serving as USDA Secretary. |
TV and Trauma Based Programming:
Everyone disassociates from the present. We call this "daydreaming". Psychologists point out that those with borderline personality disorder do so as a result of severe trauma in their childhood:
"One common finding, and the source of much of the controversy on this matter, is that dissociation is correlated with childhood mistreatment. Numerous studies have presented evidence in support of this idea. For instance, Watson, Chilton, Fairchild, and Whewell (2006) found that individuals diagnosed with BPD who dissociate regularly report greater levels of childhood emotional and physical abuse as well as emotional neglect. Childhood sexual abuse, however, did not predict levels of dissociation in individuals with BPD. Van Den Bosch, Verheul, Langeland, and Van Den Brink (2003), found that dissociation scores for women with BPD were higher amongst those who reported both sexual and physical abuse prior to age 16, more than one perpetrator, and severe maternal dysfunction. Brodsky, Cloitre, and Dulit (1995) found that women with BPD who dissociate are more likely to report a history of childhood abuse than are women with BPD who do not dissociate." (source)
In George Orwell's 1984, he wrote of "doublespeak", which is the ability of a simple phrase to convey two messages. It also involves the ability to accept contradicting evidence as truth. Doublespeak can also be defined as two sets of laws; one for the sheeple and one for the elite. In order to accept doublespeak, the target has to be able to dissociate. Dissociation can be correlated to tension, or negative energy as well:
"there is compelling evidence that individuals with BPD dissociate more often in proportion to the amount of tension they experience. In a study in which "aversive tension" was defined as a vague state of unidentified negative emotions, Stiglmayr, Shapiro, Stieglitz, Limberger, and Bohus (2001) found that the duration and intensity of aversive tension was positively correlated with the experience of both somatic and cognitive dissociative symptoms."
So what about the general population and television? Does it hurt us individually and collectively to be exposed to a constant barrage of emotional and mental trauma?
1. Dissociation causes the individual to severe ties with pain. The consequence also involves a separation from all other human emotion. Too much trauma and dissociation and we also severe ties with our humanity and our conscience. We become psychopaths and sociopaths that will not respond to guilt or shame because we have literally lost our ability to feel.
2. The emotional trauma inflicted by viewing portrayed trauma on television can have the same impact as if we ourselves were witnessing an actual trauma. We dissociate and cut ties with our emotional self to avoid the mental anguish and pain.
3. This serves the political purposes of the global military ruling class because it desensitizes us to the horrors of war. When gross injustices, genocide or other acts of brutal violence are presented to us we simply separate ourselves from our emotional self and go off into fantasy land. We fail to experience moral outrage because we have been conditioned to separate ourselves from the voice of conscience.
4. Since we have lost the ability to feel, we become addicted to increasingly greater portrayals of slaughter and bloodshed. We develop a "blood-lust" as it were. Longing for real experience, we turn to those things that make us feel something as opposed to feeling nothing at all. This leads to even greater depredations. Our society becomes more violent and aggressive, more militarized and more easily manipulated by those that control our emotional experiences.
To lose ones humanity is the greatest indignity of all. To become calloused to the sufferings of others, the greatest condemnation of a life not well lived. If we are to survive as a society, this is what we should be fighting to retain individually and collectively.
It really is that simple.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
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Toyota Halts U.S. Sales Of Camry, 7 Other Models
Toyota has instructed U.S. dealerships to suspend sales of eight car and truck models with accelerators that stick. The company said last week that it is recalling 2.3 million of the affected models, in which the gas pedal can stay depressed or return to quickly to idle - the latest in a string of quality problems that have bedeviled the Japanese automaker. »
Khayelitsha, South Africa
People make their way on a flooded street in the Jardim Romano neighborhood. Heavy rains have left dozens of people dead in Sao Paulo state and caused extensive damage in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo. |
Defense Secretary Cohen's 1997 Warning about Scalar EM Geotechnical Terrorism
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.
Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens,
Apr. 28, 1997.
Higher Waves on U.S. West Coast Posted: 26 Jan 2010 05:35 PM PST The average height of exceptionally large waves off the U.S. West Coast is rising substantially – from about 25 feet two decades ago, to around 50 feet now. What kind of effect will this have on coastal erosion and flooding in the Pacific Northwest? |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 27, 2010 AT 7:19 AM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Solar activity has been very low the past 24 hours with only B-Class flare activity taking place. The largest flare was a B6.7. Sunspot 1042 is now located on the western limb. Only Sunspot 1041 remains visible. SWPC GOES Solar X-ray Image web page NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Zealand's South Island still rumbling. Aftershocks from 7.8 quake last year. Update time = Wed Jan 27 13:00:03 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map Major Winter Storm Starts Thursday in the Southern Plains Travel and daily routines will become severely impacted as a major winter storm spreads heavy snow and ice from the southern Plains to the central East Coast Thursday into Saturday. In addition to creating extremely treacherous travel, the storm will likely lead to school closures, power outages and other canceled activities. South of the snow and ice, the storm threatens to trigger severe weather over Texas and renew flooding in the South. Full Story National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
DID QUEEN ELIZABETH DROP PRINCE CHARLES ON HIS HEAD TOO MANY TIMES??? Prince Charles tells disgraced Climatic Research Unit CRU: "Well done, all of you!" | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Monkeys like to keep chat brief just like humans |
Rare bird that was feared extinct rediscovered in Afghanistan
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database |
Today in History Wednesday January 27, 2010 1606 - The trial of Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators began. They were executed on January 31. 1870 - Kappa Alpha Theta, the first women’s sorority, was founded at Indiana Asbury University (now DePauw University) in Greencastle, IN. 1880 - Thomas Edison patented the electric incandescent lamp. 1888 - The National Geographic Society was founded in Washington, DC. 1926 - John Baird, a Scottish inventor, demonstrated a pictorial transmission machine called television. 1927 - United Independent Broadcasters Inc. started a radio network with contracts with 16 stations. The company later became Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). 1948 - Wire Recording Corporation of America announced the first magnetic tape recorder. The ‘Wireway’ machine with a built-in oscillator sold for $149.50. 1951 - In the U.S., atomic testing in the Nevada desert began as an Air Force plane dropped a one-kiloton bomb on Frenchman Flats. 1967 - At Cape Kennedy, FL, astronauts Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White and Roger B. Chaffee died in a flash fire during a test aboard their Apollo I spacecraft. 1967 - More than 60 nations signed the Outer Space Treaty which banned the orbiting of nuclear weapons and placing weapons on celestial bodies or space stations. 1973 - The Vietnam peace accords were signed in Paris. . 1981 - U.S. President Reagan greeted the 52 former American hostages released by Iran at the White House. 1998 - U.S. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on NBC's "Today" show. She charged that the allegations against her husband were the work of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." 1999 - The U.S. Senate blocked dismissal of the impeachment case against President Clinton and voted for new testimony from Monica Lewinsky and two other witnesses. 2003 - Altria Group, Inc. became the name of the parent company of Kraft Foods, Philip Morris USA, Philip Morris International and Philip Morris Capital Corporation |
Women lose 90pc of 'eggs' by 30 | Today's Featured Stories - January 27, 2010
Today's health headlines from across the 'net(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
See all Top Headlines... | |||||||||
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