It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Thursday Morning - February 18, 2010 |
Our 'protective' magnetosphere - a magnetic reversal today! Magnetosphere at 7:23 UT on February 18, 2010 or (1:23 AM Central) today: |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation February 18, 2010 at 7:10 Central Time | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase Recommended: What the Hell is Going on Up There? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Solar Update - New sunspot 1049 continues to show some growth in the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, both Sunspot 1046 and 1048 have decayed into spotless plages. NASA Images Earth-Sized Objects Inside Corona Of SUN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| - 18.02.2010 - An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 hit near the China-Russia border on Thursday, but its epicenter was extremely deep and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake, which occurred at 0113 GMT, was centered midway between the Russian city of Vladivostok and Chongjin, North Korea's third largest city. It struck at a depth of 563 km (350 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center put the coordinates at 42.7 north and 130.9 east. It said there was no danger of a tsunami, Reuters With earthquakes centered deep underground, sometimes those close to the epicenter don't feel it while people further away notice some shaking, said the duty officer at the Seismological Bureau of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in northeast China's Jilin province. He refused to give his name as is common among Chinese officials. The Korea Earthquake Research Center said there was no damage in North or South Korea and that quakes occur in that region about once a year. The USGS said the epicenter was on the Russian coast along the Sea of Japan, 61 miles (98 kilometers) west-southwest of Vladivostok, about 70 miles (110 kilometers) east of China's Yanji city in Jilin province, The Associated Press reports. Update time = Thu Feb 18 13:00:05 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Summary as of 11 February 2010 The rate of earthquake occurrence in the Madison Plateau area is now at background levels. As of February 11, 2010 4:00 PM MST there have been 1,805 earthquakes located. The swarm began January 17, 2010 around 1:00 PM MST about 10 miles (16 km) northwest of the Old Faithful area on the northwestern edge of the Yellowstone Caldera. Swarms have occurred in this area several times over the past 30 years. Visual observation of landforms and geothermal features by Yellowstone National Park personnel did not show any changes that could be attributed to the earthquakes. This swarm is now the second largest recorded swarm at Yellowstone. It was longer (in time) and included more earthquakes than last year's swarm beneath Yellowstone Lake (December '08/January '09). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS) Budapest Hungary
At start of Lent, many focus on personal growth With ashes smudged on their foreheads, Catholics filed out of St. Aloysius Parish in Detroit after Ash Wednesday services to begin the 40 days of Lent. | Perpetual Wars & the Permanent Wartime Presidency With almost a decade under its belt, our multi-front war on a vaguely defined notion of terrorism targeting never-really-defined enemies across the...
European credit markets are flashing the most serious warnings signs in a year as the yields on risker bonds rise sharply and a string of companies cancel share flotations,...
The Big Picture Studies keep showing what we have known for a long time: Fighting foreclosures is a futile — and counter-productive — use of resources. New studies by... Former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge has a new book out that reveals that he almost resigned because the Bush administration was hustling bogus terror alerts before...
The February 17th, 2010 What a difference a day does not really make. The back-story to the markets – the slow-motion insolvency of the Welfare States – was... The Tea Party is evidently cutting its ties with the GOP in Nevada and pitching its own political tent. Certainly the best news Harry Reid...
By Chuck Baldwin February 17, 2010 Both Big Government And Big Religion The Enemy Of Freedom Almost immediately after Adam’s fall, Lucifer and his minions collaborated with evil men to usurp God’s... Last week a major public opinion research firm based in North Carolina posed the heretofore unthinkable question: “Could the Republican primary for governor in Texas...
End of Empire – Waking Zombie Nations Zero Hedge | Americans (and the rest of the world) appear to be frozen in place, seemingly helpless and hopeless in the face of incredible corruption and thieving. |
Bush's War, Obama's War ... and the 'War on War' The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are following different trends, as shown in the chart that illustrates this text. George Bush, who initiated the two, had a strong preference for Iraq. It went all wrong. He completed his term of office, leaving both in a water bath, except in speeches. Barack Obama says he will leave Iraq in the next year, but has radicalized in Afghanistan. Neither will that work out, as is already beginning to show with the ostentatious Operation Moshtarak. |
In a politically sensitive operation at the Arizona-Mexico border, U.S. Border Patrol agents and Mexican federal police officers are training together, sharing intelligence and coordinating patrols for the first time. |
The attack in Khyber tribal region came as U.S. special envoy Richard Holbrooke met with Pakistan's prime minister in Islamabad, the capital. It also followed revelations that Pakistani authorities have been picking up Afghan Taliban leaders on their soil, a longtime U.S. demand. |
Americans: Supreme Court got it wrong
But it appears that one issue does unite Americans across the political spectrum.
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that the vast majority of Americans are vehemently opposed to a recent Supreme Court ruling that opens the door for corporations, labor unions, and other organizations to spend money directly from their general funds to influence campaigns.
Obama's census counts illegal aliens! (ABC News) Census officials say the illegal immigrant population is key in this year's census, not only from a statistical standpoint but also because much-needed federal money hangs in the balance ... |
Best-kept secret of 2009: Michael Savage and ban from Britain
(Dakota Voice) One of the most fascinating things about America's third most popular talk radio host is that he doesn’t seem to exist ...
5 worst deadbeat states (ABC News) If global markets ever get tired of fretting over the debt situation in Europe there's certainly no shortage of government entities in the U.S. that give cause for concern ... California, Illinois, Florida, New York, Michigan ... |
We want big government out of Indian Country - Crow Nation joins Tea Party
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. says its fourth-quarter profit rose 22 percent as the world's largest retailer cut costs and slimmed down its inventories. |
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS - February 18, 2010
TSA to Swab Passengers Hands in Search for Explosives -- The Transportation Security Administration soon will begin randomly swabbing passengers' hands at checkpoints and airport gates to test them for traces of explosives. ( And what "things" could we have on our hands that would react similar to explosive powder???)
U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion -- "This is hilarious and more honest than what the real news media is telling us. What is sad is that PH listeners know all of this to be true, yet it's being explained through sarcasm. Actually, politicians might have credibility if they spoke the way this article reads." Thanks Jimm!!!
Check out a Power Hour listener Jennifer's website -
Quake Rocks China, Russia, North Korea Border Region -- A magnitude 6.7 earthquake rocked the region where China, Russia and North Korea meet Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. (HMMM.....)
Jobless Suffer as Corporate Cash Hit $1.18 Trillion -- A majority of companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index increased cash to a combined $1.18 trillion while simultaneously reducing spending, keeping a jobs recovery on hold.
Germany Growls as Greece Balks at Immolation -- Germany's Bundestag has drafted an opinion deeming aid to Greece illegal. State bodies may not purchase the debt of another state, in whatever guise.
USAID Steers No-Bid Haiti Contract to Politically Connected Firm of Bill Clinton Friend -- The U.S. Agency for International Development has awarded another lucrative no-bid contract, Fox News has learned -- this time to a "politically connected" lobbyist and high-profile friend of former President Bill Clinton.
Party Grid-Lock in D.C. Feeds Fear of Debt Crisis -- Senator Evan Bayh’s comments this week about a dysfunctional Congress reflected a complaint being directed at Washington with increasing frequency, and there is broad agreement among critics about Exhibit A: The unwillingness of the two parties to compromise to control a national debt that is rising to dangerous heights.
Stimulus Tracker -- Large parts of the $787 billion federal stimulus package to help the U.S. economy are being spent on entitlement programs such as unemployment benefits and Medicaid, but hundreds of billions will go toward contracts, grants and loans to restore infrastructure. Click on the map and categories below to track that spending down to the county level.
Mike Tawse's latest update of his website "My Serrapeptase Adventure" -- Prescription Free, Vaccine Free And Feeling Great!
Why chuckles greeted Hillary's Gulf tour -- American secretaries of state have been coming to the Middle East to create all sorts of complex alliances against Iran for most of my recent happy life, but every time this show passes through our region I learn again the meaning of the phrase “lack of credibility.” Hillary Clinton is the latest to undertake this mission, and like her predecessors her comments are often difficult to take seriously.
Afghanistan: If the Enemy Vanishes - Kill Civilians -- But, with very few enemy to engage, it wasn't long -- two days in fact-- before tragedy struck when a missile attack looking for Taliban to kill managed to slaughter 12 civilians, five of them children -- the very people this war was supposedly tailored to keep out of harm's way.
Graph of the Day for Feb 17, 2010 -- "This economic downturn is not your garden-variety recession. It is indeed the ‘Great Recession,' and it is far from over." Thomas F. Cooley and Peter Rupert at Forbes.
Suburban Homeless: Rising Tide of Women, Families -- Homelessness in rural and suburban America is straining shelters this winter as the economy founders and joblessness hovers near double digits—a "perfect storm of foreclosures, unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing," in one official's eyes.
US Networks and Power Grid Under (MOCK) Cyber-Attack -- Unknown hackers have taken out US cellphone networks in an ongoing cyber-attack that will soon knock out parts of the nation's electricity grid – say the officials who helped plan today's mock assault on the nation's defences.
CNN Poll: 52% Say Obama Doesn't Deserve Reelection -- 52 percent of Americans said President Barack Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012, according to a new poll.
Iran Defiant as Russia Joins US and France in Nuclear Sanctions Push -- The three countries raised a fresh alarm on Tuesday in a statement to the International Atomic Energy Agency which is preparing a report on Iran's compliance with atomic inspectors.
Barack Obama Faces Mid-Term Humiliation After Senate Exodus -- President Barack Obama is facing humiliation in this year's mid-term elections after a wave of desertions by Democratic senators who have retreated from tough challenges for their seats from a resurgent Republican party.
Americans Stock Up To Be Ready for End of World -- Certainly, Tom Martin agrees. He runs the American Preppers Network, which helps provide a wide range of resources. Martin, a truck driver who lives in Idaho, believes that more and more people will become preppers. "Millions of people now have the mindset that they want to be prepared for something, but don't know what to call it," he said.
Food Stamps Create Jobs ...In India -- Michele Brown has seen Americans' struggles with jobs first hand. She lives in hard-hit Florida, spent 20 years in the real estate business and recently had her days as a nanny cut back after her boss had his own hours reduced.
Greece is Ready to Explode -- Greece is a boiling pot ready to explode. Things are going to turn ugly and soon as society here is fed up with illegal immigration and the deconstruction of our founding values. And I dont mean the "orange" riots of December 2008. I mean real riots... Read how we got to this crisis...
FDA Declares War on Alternative Health -- This is the week for attacks on alternative medicine as the FDA just sent a well known and respected medical doctor Dr. Andrew Weil a threatening letter. First viewers were shocked to see the NBC corporation do a hatchet job on Suzanne Somers in her new book ” Knockout” and now they are after Dr. Andrew Weil.
Once Again Clinton Hits Out at Iran -- In my current series I have written about the military aspects of any attack on Iran by the US and or Israel. I again repeat that Israel cannot carry out this attack without the help of the US.
China To Allow Yuan to Rise -- China could be on the verge of letting the yuan appreciate in order to attempt to put a brake on growth, a leading economist has said, in a move that has spread concern in international currency markets.
Is Biden's Terror Attack Warning Related to a Possible Assassination Attempt on Obama? -- VP Joe Biden is not worried about a concerted al-Qaeda attack against the United States. He is concerned about a lone individual. “Am I less worried about an attack? No, I’m worried. Am I less worried about a catastrophic event? Yes,” Biden told CBS News.
Soros Doubled Gold ETF Investment, Buys Citi, Monsanto -- Billionaire investor George Soros' hedge fund more than doubled its bet on the price of gold during the fourth quarter, a portion of the firm's total U.S.-listed equity holdings of $8.8 billion at the end of 2009.
Former Mexican Foreign Minister Calls for North American Union -- "Well, my sense is that we’re moving closer and closer to forms of economic integration with the United States and Canada and conceivably Central America and Caribbean could become part of that in the coming years," he said. "I don’t see Mexico as a Latin American country. Too much of trade, investment, tourism, immigration, remittances, absolutely everything is concentrated exclusively with the United States. So, Mexico has to be part of a North American community, a North American union, which at some point probably should include some type of monetary union along European lines with a free flow of labor, with energy being on the table, etc."
Obama to Establish Fiscal Commission on Thursday -- "So, I will be creating this commission by executive order."
Dr. Milton: Stop Obama Care - Says Obama's Cousin -- Dr. Milton Wolf was moved to start blogging to highlight his opposition to ObamaCare. Dr. Wolf wouldn’t be the first physician to oppose Obama’s attempted take-over of the U.S. health care system. But he would be the first physician in Obama’s family to do so.
National Debt, Budget Deficit Scary Forecast for Taxpayers -- But now the problem of mounting national debt is worse than it ever has been before with -- potentially dire consequences for taxpayers, according to a report by the nonpartisan Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform.
Greece Loses EU Voting Power -- The European Union has shown its righteous wrath by stripping Greece of its vote at a crucial meeting next month, the worst humiliation ever suffered by an EU member state.
Hazelwood Man Dies After 10 Calls to 911 -- By the time his longtime girlfriend made a 10th call nearly 30 hours later, she was frantic. He wasn't breathing. He was cold to the touch.
'Dead' Columbian Woman Moves Arm at Funeral Home -- A Colombian woman declared dead of a heart attack moved one of her arms just as an undertaker was about to embalm her, doctors said Wednesday.
Cape Town, South Africa(Nic Bothma / European Pressphoto Agency / February 17, 2010) A collective of South African women's groups protests outside Parliament in Cape Town against the budget and the lack of funds for developing communities. With South Africa hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup, a lot of attention has been focused on the content of the annual budget. |
'Stimulus' Weatherization Program Bogged Down by Red Tape...
$57,362 a house?
The Energy folks did tell ABC they've so far spent $522 million Recovery Act dollars on the program. Which works out to, let's see, about $57,362 worth of very expensive weatherstripping for each home fixed up so far.
Seems about right for a federal program.
Former Mexican foreign minister calls for ‘North American union’, unified currency |
Soros Doubled Gold ETF Investment, Buys Citi, Monsanto
The World Gold Council said on Wednesday that pension funds began actively investing in gold last year, viewing the metal as a long-term safe haven.
More dying of hunger in North Korea | | Today's Featured Stories - February 18, 2010
Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck (opinion) (NaturalNews) It's being called the largest research fraud in medical history. Dr. Scott Reuben, a former member of Pfizer's speakers' bureau, has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals. Now... |
Mental illness breakthrough: fish oil prevents psychotic disorders (NaturalNews) NaturalNews has already reported on the amazing array of health advantages linked to a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a "healthy" fat found in certain foods such as salmon and walnuts. For example, researchers have documented that omega... |
Blueberries Improve Memory, Slow Aging and Much More Blueberries are one of the richest sources of antioxidants, the natural substances that fight damage caused by free radicals. In addition to helping prevent memory loss, these versatile and delicious berries have been shown to be effective... |
Women being conned about breast cancer screening (NaturalNews) Western medicine relies heavily on convincing people that they need some sort of drug or surgery to remedy their ills and gain health. Studies often contain manipulated facts and skewed statistics that paint a favorable picture of some new... |
Prevention and Natural Treatment Help Acid Indigestion and Stomach Ulcers Acid indigestion and heartburn usually come about due to an overindulgence in heavy, oily food and/or drinking too much alcohol or coffee. Ulcers can also develop as a result of an excessive use of aspirin and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory... |
Beet Juice Boosts Athletic Performance by up to 16 Percent (NaturalNews) Regular consumption of beet juice may boost athletic performance, increasing endurance while lowering blood pressure and reducing fatigue, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Exeter and published in the ... |
Organic chickens are genetically different from conventional chickens Researchers from the Netherlands have found that organically fed chickens develop different genes than their conventionally fed counterparts. The result is that the genes responsible for creating cholesterol have a higher expression in organically... |
Common Additives in Your Food Contain Shocking Dangers, Part I Food marketers are vying harder than ever for your shopping dollar. They use any of 14,000 additives to make their products last longer, taste fresher or seem more appealing. The health effects of these compounds, especially in combination... |
Studies Show New Information about Blood Pressure Blood pressure is the force that the heart exerts on pumping blood through the body's circulation system. High blood pressure has many negative health risks. A new study shows that there is a link between high blood pressure and dementia... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Cholesterol drugs raise diabetes risk by 9 percent
- Police State USA: TSA now to start swabbing passengers' hands for traces of explosives
- Anonymous internet users spread hate and vicious attacks through social networking sites
- Americans: Get ready for tax increases "that aren't even imaginable" to pay off national debt
- Fed Reserve bank president warns of debt catastrophe for U.S.
- Popular brands getting dropped from store shelves as retailers thin product selection lines
- US health insurance giants rake in record profits in 2009
- Hilarious: U.S. govt. to claim that WTC7 was brought down by office fires
- More states move to ban BPA even while FDA does nothing
- Popular diabetes drug smells like dirty socks (or dead fish)
- Resignation of top Pharma lobbyist reveals how deeply health care "reform" depended on cooperation from drug companies
- Fluoridation issue escalates into rage in California town
10 superfoods to eat in 2010 9. EGGS (organic, please) Why you should eat more: Eggs have had a hard time shaking that bad reputation they got in the '80s, when cholesterol was a buzzkill. More recent research, however, has shown the complete protein and other nutrients in eggs far outweigh any risks for most people. Eggs are also considered an anti-inflammatory food, meaning they can help reduce bodily inflammation thought to lead to chronic disease including stroke, heart disease and diabetes. They also are a great source of choline, which helps brain functioning, including memory, intelligence and mood, and may help prevent heart disease. |
WEB BOT Clif High |
Clif has canceled all upcoming radio interviews. See his website. |
Today in History Thursday February 18, 2010 1564 - The artist Michelanglelo died in Rome. 1735 - The first opera performed in America. The work was "Flora" (or "Hob in the Well") was presented in Charleston, SC. 1861 - Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as the President of the Confederate States. 1885 - Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was published in the U.S. for the first time. 1930 - Elm Farm Ollie became the first cow to fly in an airplane. 1930 - The planet Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh. The discovery was made as a result of photographs taken in January 1930. 1932 - Sonja Henie won her 6th world women’s figure skating title in Montreal, Canada. 1938 - "The Big Broadcast of 1938" was released. 1952 - Greece and Turkey became members of NATO. 1953 - "Bwana Devil" opened. It was the first three-dimensional feature. 1953 - Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz signed a contract worth $8,000,000 to continue the "I Love Lucy" TV show through 1955. 1964 - "Any Wednesday" opened at the Music Box Theatre in New York City. The play established Gene Hackman as an actor. 1970 - The Chicago Seven defendants were found innocent of conspiring to incite riots at the 1968 Democratic national convention. 1972 - The California Supreme Court struck down the state's death penalty. 1977 - The space shuttle Enterprise went on its maiden "flight" sitting on top of a Boeing 747. 1987 - The executives of the Girl Scout movement decided to change the color of the scout uniform from the traditional Girl Scout green to the newer Girl Scout blue. 1998 - In Russia, money shortages resulted in the shutting down of three plants that produced nuclear weapons. 1998 - In Nevada, two white separatists were arrested and accused of plotting a bacterial attack on subways in New York City. 2000 - The U.S. Commerce Department reported a deficit in trade goods and services of $271.3 billion for 1999. It was the largest calender-year trade gap in U.S. history. 2001 - NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt, Sr., was killed in a crash during the Daytona 500 race. |
My News blog: The Cave
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