Dollar Drops; Gold Reaches Record...
Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Commodities rose as the recovering world economy spurred demand for raw materials, sending gold to a record and mining stocks higher. Oil advanced for a third day as the dollar fell....
If you aren't realizing we're going to be loosing our status as the world's Super Power - it's not that I haven't been trying to wake you up to this getting more and more obvious reality - even if corporate/government media wants you to keep on being sleeping sheeple. The Police Grid that has dropped over our nation with NORTHCOM as it's boss has been established to be ready for when the sleeping sheeple do wake up and the proverbial SHTF.
Just got Google News Alerts in my inbox under the subject area of derivatives:
Trading on Eurex derivatives exchange halted
Nov. 18, 2009, 6:22 a.m. EST - FRANKFURT (MarketWatch) -- Trading on the Eurex derivatives exchange was stopped on Wednesday, the Deutsche Boerse press office confirmed. "Please be aware that we are currently experiencing a failure. We are investigating and will keep you informed," said a statement posted on the Eurex Web site at 11:26 a.m. Frankfurt time. Eurex is jointly operated by Deutsche Boerse and SIX Swiss Exchange.

AT 7AM CDT 11-18-09 | Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World
Update time = Wed Nov 18 12:00:03 UTC 2009
| MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region |
MAP | 2.7 | 2009/11/18 10:34:26 | 33.175 | -115.615 | 2.6 | SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.8 | 2009/11/18 09:57:15 | 18.637 | -66.939 | 16.5 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 4.3 | 2009/11/18 08:06:11 | 51.733 | -132.077 | 10.0 | QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 3.6 | 2009/11/18 07:44:37 | 18.676 | -68.986 | 37.6 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC |
MAP | 3.1 | 2009/11/18 06:20:22 | 59.661 | -153.011 | 91.8 | SOUTHERN ALASKA |
MAP | 3.2 | 2009/11/18 06:09:59 | 19.326 | -65.597 | 72.6 | PUERTO RICO REGION |
MAP | 4.1 | 2009/11/18 03:16:43 | 52.094 | -131.061 | 10.0 | QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/11/18 02:17:10 | -9.350 | 107.441 | 35.0 | SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/11/18 01:42:48 | -54.043 | 6.427 | 10.0 | BOUVET ISLAND REGION |
MAP | 4.8 | 2009/11/18 00:50:35 | 31.952 | 50.751 | 10.0 | WESTERN IRAN |
MAP | 4.8 | 2009/11/18 00:49:02 | 27.890 | 90.001 | 10.0 | BHUTAN |
MAP | 3.4 | 2009/11/18 00:44:00 | 33.176 | -115.613 | 2.6 | SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 2.6 | 2009/11/18 00:00:21 | 38.837 | -122.784 | 1.8 | NORTHERN CALIFORNIA |
Improper government payments hit $98 Billion ...
My Cave's Headline from yesterday:

Philippine News, Posted: Nov 17, 2009
Transparency International - the global coalition against corruption
Corruption Perceptions Index 2009
United States fell in ranking to 19th
AFP | Somalia, Afghanistan shamed in corruption table

GOODBYE SUN: "The last week has been special with the sun rising in the south and setting in the south only an hour later," reports Fredrik Broms of Kvaløya, Norway. "But today (Nov. 16) the sun barely made it above the horizon."
"Now sky watchers around the Arctic Circle enter the long polar night when the sun doesn't rise at all. How long this period lasts depends on your latitude. Here in northern Norway, the sun won't be back until the end of January."
"Goodbye sun, until 2010!"

India's Chandrayaan Instrument Finds Magnetosphere Around Moon
By IAF newsfeed
After confirming the presence of water on the lunar surface, India's
Chandrayaan-1 mission has, for the first time, discovered mini-
magnetosphere that would throw light on the "inventory" of Hydrogen on the moon. ...
China to participate in giant Hawaii telescope
HONOLULU (AP) - Chinese astronomers have signed on to participate in the development of the world's largest telescope that will be built atop a Hawaii volcano, a group said Tuesday.
The Thirty Meter Telescope, the group spearheading the project, said the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has joined as an observer. It is the first step of a process expected to lead to the NAOC becoming a full partner and financial contributor.
"We believe that the Thirty Meter Telescope will provide an otherwise unattainable opportunity for the Chinese astronomical community to make significant discoveries, perform cutting-edge science, and advance technological development," Jun Yan, the NAOC's director, said in a statement.
A consortium of Canadian and California universities is heading the development of the telescope, to be build atop Mauna Kea volcano on the Big Island. The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan is also participating in the project.
The telescope's mirror will stretch almost 100 feet (30 meters) in diameter, or nearly the length of a Boeing 737's wingspan, when it's finished in 2018. It will be so powerful that astronomers will be able to use it to see images of the first stars and galaxies forming - some 400 million years after the Big Bang.
Native Hawaiian groups oppose the telescope, saying Mauna Kea's summit is sacred. Environmentalists say they're concerned the project will hurt endangered species.
The telescope is the first of several powerful next-generation observatories that researchers are planning to build in different spots around the world.
A partnership of European countries plans to build the European Extremely Large Telescope, with an 138-foot (42-meter) mirror. The group is considering sites in Argentina, Chile, Morocco and Spain and plans to decide on a location next year and begin making observations in 2018.
National Severe Weather Map

Jefferson County, Nebraska Is Being Declared A Disaster Area
November 17, 2009 - Jefferson County Emergency Management is declaring the southeastern part of the county a disaster area.Some areas saw up to 12 inches in just a few short hours.
Diller was one of the towns hardest hit. Nearly 10 inches of snow fell there. It's mostly all melting now, but Monday night it was enough to weigh down power lines which caused some people in town to lose power every 30 seconds.
"It was scary there at a point, not being prepared for electricity outages. We didn't have any candles or anything prepared for the snow," said Tania Cloete.
Omaha.com | 400 still without power in rural portions of Gage and southeastern Jefferson counties, Nebraska
Lightning in the United States
Lightning is the second highest storm-related killer in the United States. It causes several billion dollars in property damage each year and kills several dozen people. It is a frequent cause of wildfires and costs airlines billions of dollars per year in operating expenses.
Florida has the highest frequency of lightning in the United States. There, sea breezes from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico converge and produce the rising air masses that host thunderstorms. Florida is also the state with the most lighting strikes. Other states along the Gulf of Mexico coast such as Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas have frequent lightning. Along the Atlantic coast, South Carolina and North Carolina have frequent lightning.
November 17, 2009 - Behold the sink hole just outside my wall! In just a year or two that sink hole grew over three inches in depth till the concrete slab was ripped out tonight and it gets filled in.

Overseas computer hackers - main suspects in the breach of a computer server last week at the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court in Lincoln, Nebraska
November 17, 2009 - The server has been shut down since Nov. 9, and the Nebraska State Patrol has been called in to investigate, said Glenn Morton Jr., the court’s administrator.
The patrol plans to call in the FBI because of a concern for national security, he said.
It was the first time in 10 years that the court has had a problem with hackers.
“It’s a constant battle between the hackers and security forces, and this time they found a way in,” Morton said.
The server provides temporary storage for records that include personal medical information about injured workers. But he said there is no indication that any of the information was accessed or downloaded or that an attorney involved in a case had tried to access it.
The court is working to identify the information so that the insurance companies and attorneys involved can be notified.
Overseas hackers, Morton said, typically try to use U.S. servers to enhance access to the Internet. The court was informed of unusually high Internet traffic on the server, which prompted the shutdown, he said.


Click on "ATTACKS" on the top of the screen at the following link
(You can pull the slider from Europe to the US to see number of attacks)
Swine flu in Ukraine: horrible mutation
17 Nov 2009 British researchers learning the culture of swine flu caused the splash of respiratory diseases in Ukraine suspect its mutation. Some symptoms seem like notorious "Spanish flu" splashed in Europe after the end of the First world war and robbed 50 million lives. One of the doctors tells that the results of autopsy of two swine flu victims have shown that their lungs have been black as coal.
Insurers Face $23 Billion Loss on Commercial Property
Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. life insurers, a group led by MetLife Inc. and Prudential Financial Inc., may lose as much as $22.6 billion on investments in commercial real estate through 2011, Fitch Ratings said.
Losses on investments in apartment buildings, offices, shopping malls and other commercial real estate will begin to increase in the next 6 months to a year as rents decline and vacancies increase, said Fitch Senior Director Andrew Davidson. Life insurer losses on commercial real estate have been “virtually nil” so far, he said.
“It will be more of a 2010 and 2011 issue,” Davidson said in an interview today. “It will put some stress on the capital positions as they realize the losses.”
Life insurers held more than $450 billion in commercial loans and mortgage-backed securities at the end of 2008, Fitch said in a related report. The delinquency rate on U.S. CMBS rose to 4.01 percent at the end of October, almost seven times what it was a year ago, Moody’s Investors Service said yesterday.
MetLife has recorded three straight quarterly losses and Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. has lost money since June 2008 as investments that include those backed by commercial and residential mortgages dropped in value. New York-based MetLife and Prudential have said commercial mortgage defaults will climb in the next year.
‘Worst to Come’
“Losses in our commercial mortgage portfolio are going to accelerate over the next 18 months,” Bernard Winograd, executive vice president of Newark, New Jersey-based Prudential, said in an August conference call. “The fact that there have been very little in the way of delinquencies so far should not be taken as an indication that there won’t be losses.” FULL STORY>>>>
Arabs go for air power to counter Iran - but also to arms suppliers - United States, Britain, France & Russia wanting a piece of the action
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 17 (UPI) -- Arab states, particularly in the Gulf, are seeking to build up their air power and missile defenses to counter any challenger from Iran.
Mostly they're looking to their traditional arms suppliers in the West, the United States, Britain and France, but Russia is pushing hard for a piece of the action.
This year's biennial Dubai air show, which opened Sunday in the United Arab Emirates, provided a showcase for the latest technology on offer.
Air power has been the deciding factor in most Middle Eastern conflicts since the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict, when Israeli warplanes annihilated the air forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan, largely on the ground, in pre-emptive strikes at the outset.
And for the Gulf states that lie across the waterway from Iran, air power and their ability to counter the Islamic republic's ballistic missile arsenal will be crucial in any conflict that erupts.
"Acquisition of the best air assets as politically and economically feasible -- be these fighter aircraft, helicopters, transports or unmanned aerial vehicles -- has thus become a priority in the Middle East," an analysis by Germany's Defense Professionals group concluded.
It stressed that the six states of the Gulf Cooperation Council -- Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain -- have given top priority to building up their air power.
"Political decision-makers in the region are acutely aware of the importance of air assets and the need to upgrade them with better firepower and/or expanded numbers whenever required," it said.
The combined air strength of the Gulf Arab states greatly outnumber the Iranian air force, which has suffered tremendously from U.S.-led arms embargoes on the Islamic republic over the last 30 years.
However, air power is needed not only as a deterrent but as a critical element to counter Iran's overwhelming strength on the ground if hostilities erupt, with GCC energy industries a key target.
The GCC states, along with Egypt and Jordan, are the recipients of U.S. military systems worth more than $20 billion under a package unveiled by President George W. Bush in 2007 to bolster Arab capabilities against Iran's nuclear program and its expansionist policies.
Under this they will be able to acquire advanced systems, some of them long denied Arab states because of Israeli opposition, such as the Patriot air-defense missile, the over-the-horizon AMRAAM air-to-air missile as well as fighter upgrades and electronic systems that outclass anything Iran is known to have.
The United Arab Emirates, one of the world's major oil producers, has built up an impressive air strength that rivals the Saudi air force and is currently spending $3.3 billion of the Patriot system manufactured by the Raytheon company of Massachusetts.
U.S. government-to-government arms sales rose 4.7 percent in 2008 to a record $38.1 billion and are expected to total about the same this year, the Pentagon announced Nov. 7.
Among the top buyers were the United Arab Emirates with $7.9 billion, Saudi Arabia with $3.3 billion, Egypt with $2.1 billion and Iraq with $1.6 billion.
Leading U.S. arms manufacturers Lockheed Martin Corp., the Boeing Co., Northrop Grumman Corp., Raytheon and the General Dynamics Corp are all seeking to boost sales in the Middle East to counter U.S. budget cuts that are likely to slow big-ticket purchases by the Pentagon.
Iran has sought to counter the air and missile threat, not just from the United States and Israel but the GCC states as well, with Russian air-defense systems.
The Saudis, apparently with the encouragement of Washington, have offered Moscow an arms-buying package worth more than $2 billion if it tears up a 2007 contract to supply Iran with the advanced S-300PMU air-defense system, considered one of the most effective in operation.
So far, the Russians have held up deliveries, much to Tehran's annoyance. The Saudis are offering to buy the S-400 air-defense system, successor to the S-300 and far more dangerous, along with tanks and other systems if Moscow plays ball.
That would crack open the lucrative Gulf arms market for the Russians. If the Americans have indeed agreed to Riyadh's offer to Moscow, it demonstrates just how far they are prepared to go to ensure that Iran is contained.
Let a big bank fail. I think we can take it.
As of last Friday, November 13, the FDIC has closed well over 100 banks this year. Since the financial meltdown began, the largest has been Washington ...
Business Insider | The World's Top Twenty Gold-Hoarding Countries
Gold Holdings: 8,133.5 tonnes
% Of Reserves: 77.4%
Foreign Exchange Reserves: $64 billion
Total Reserves: $303.6 billion
2. Germany
Gold Holdings: 3,408.3 tonnes
% Of Reserves: 69.2%
Foreign Exchange Reserves: $42.7 billion
Total Reserves: $143.3 billion
3. IMF International Monetary Fund
Gold Holdings: 3,217.3 tonnes
% Of Reserves: n/a
Foreign Exchange Reserves: n/a
Total Reserves: n/a
4. Italy
Gold Holdings: 2,451.8 tonnes
% Of Reserves: 66.6%
Foreign Exchange Reserves: $35.8 billion
Total Reserves: $108 billion
5. France
Gold Holdings: 2,445.1 tonnes
% Of Reserves: 70.6%
Foreign Exchange Reserves: $25.2 billion
Total Reserves: $97.4 billion
6. China
Gold Holdings: 1,054 tonnes
% Of Reserves: 1.9%
Foreign Exchange Reserves: n/a
Total Reserves: n/a
7. Switzerland
8. Japan
9. Netherlands
10. Russia
11. ECB European Central Bank
12. Taiwan
13. Portugal
14. India
15. Venezuela
16. United Kingdom
17. Lebannon
18. Spain
19. Austria
20. Belguim
The top gold-hoarding countries >>
Man In Shroud Of Turin Was Levitating
A new video documentary about the Shroud of Turin makes a startling new claim about what some believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus – the body was weightless or levitating when it left the remarkable image.
In the DVD video "The Fabric of Time," scientific experts using the latest technology are able to produce a three-dimensional holographic image from photographs
of the shroud. What they reveal is nothing short of spectacular.
They show the image on the shroud is one produced not from a body lying on a stone slab, but rather an image of a weightless body, perhaps levitating above its resting place.
The documentary also calls into questions earlier findings about carbon dating tests that claimed the shroud dated back only to the Middle Ages.
Shroud of Turin
In addition, forensics experts testify bloodstains on the Sudarium of Oviedo, reputed to be the piece of linen that covered Jesus' face, perfectly match those on the shroud.
The history of the Sudarium date back to the 7th century in Spain. The blood types on both cloths were found to be AB. The pollen grains found on the Sudarium also match those found on the shroud.
Last June, Pope Benedict XVI announced that the next public exhibition of the Shroud of Turin will take place April, 19, 2010, through May 23, 2010. FULL STORY
NANO CHEMTRAILS - Brought to you by the same military-corporate-banking complex that runs America's permanent wars, Raytheon Corp
Under development since 1995, the military's goal is to install microprocessors incorporating gigaflops computer capability into “smart particles” the size of a single molecule.
Invisible except under the magnification of powerful microscopes, these nano-size radio-controlled chips are now being made out of mono-atomic gold particles. Networked together on the ground or assembling in the air, thousands of sensors will link into a single supercomputer no larger than a grain of sand.
Brought to you by the same military-corporate-banking complex that runs America's permanent wars, Raytheon Corp is already profiting from new weather warfare technologies. The world's fourth largest military weapons maker bought E-Systems in 1995, just one year after that military contractor bought APTI, holder of Bernard Eastlund's HAARP patents.
Raytheon also owns General Dynamics, the world's leading manufacturer of military Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Raytheon also reports the weather for NOAA through its Advanced Weather Information Processing System. According to researcher Brendan Bombaci of Durango, Colorado, these Raytheon computers are directy linked with their UAV weather modification drones. Bombaci reports that NOAA paid Raytheon more than $300 million for this “currently active, 10-year project.”
She goes on to describe the Joint Environmental Toolkit used by the U.S. Air Force in its Weather Weapons System. Just the thing for planet tinkerers.
For public consumption, nano-weather control jargon has been sanitized. “Microelectric Mechanical Sensors” (MMS) and “Global Environmental Mechanical Sensors” sound passively benign. But these ultra-tiny autonomous aerial vehicles are neither M&Ms nor gems. [Space.com Oct 31/05]
According to a U.S. military flier called Military Progress, “The green light has been given” to disperse swarms of wirelessly-networked nano-bots into the troposphere by remotely-controlled UAV drones for "global warming mitigation."
U.S. Army Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, as well as U.S. Air Force drones “are slated to deploy various payloads for weather warfare,” Military Progress asserts.
This dual mission - to slow global warming and use weather as a weapon - seems somewhat contradictory.
U.S. Military Inc. is already in the climate change business big time. The single biggest burner of petroleum on this planet, its high-flying aircraft routinely rend Earth's protective radiation shielding with nitrous oxide emissions, while depositing megatons of additional carbon, sulfur and water particles directly into the stratosphere - where they will do three-times more damage than CO2 alone.
Go figure. A single F-15 burns around 1,580 gallons an hour. An Apache gunship gets about one-half mile to the gallon. The 1,838 Abrams tanks in Iraq achieve five gallons to the mile, while firing dusty radioactive shells that will continue destroying human DNA until our sun goes supernova.
A single non-nuclear carrier steaming in support burns 5,600 gallons of bunker fuel in an hour - or two million gallons of bunker oil every 14 days. Every four days, each carrier at sea takes on another half- million gallons of fuel to supply its jets.
The U.S. Air Force consumed nearly half of the Department of Defense's entire fuel supply in 2006, burning 2.6 billion gallons of jet fuel aloft.
While flying two to five-hour chemtrails missions to reflect incoming sunlight and slow global warming, a single KC-10 tanker will burn 2,050 gallons of highly toxic jet fuel every hour. The larger and older KC-135 Stratotanker carries 31,275 gallons of chemtrails and burns 2,650 gallons of fuel per hour.
The EPA says that each gallon of gasoline produces 19.4 pounds of CO2. Each gallon of diesel produces 22.2 pounds of CO2.
Total it up and routine operations by a military bigger than all other world militaries combined puts more than 48 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. Nearly half that total could be eliminated by ending the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan. [TomDispatch.com June 16/07; huffingtonpost.com Oct 29/07]
Meanwhile, the 60 year quest for weather warfare continues. Though a drone cannot carry a heavy payload, more sub-microscopic weather modification particles can be crammed into a UAV Predator than all the chemtrail slurry packed into a tanker the size of a DC-10. T
According to the air force's own weather modification study, Owning The Weather 2025, clouds of these extremely teeny machines will be dropped into hurricanes and other weather systems to blend with storms and report real time weather data to each other and a larger sensor network.
Then these smart particles will be used to increase or decrease the storm's size and intensity - and "steer" it to “specific targets”.
The air force report boasted that nano-chemtrails “will be able to adjust their size to optimal dimensions for a given seeding situation and make adjustments throughout the process.” Instead of being sprayed into the air at the mercy of the winds aloft, as is the fate of normal chemtrails, nano versions will be able to “enhance their dispersal” by “adjusting their atmospheric buoyancy” and “communicating with each other” as they steer themselves in a single coordinated flock within their own artificial cloud.
Nano-chemtrails will even “change their temperature and polarity to improve their seeding effects,” the air force noted. [Daily Texan July 30/07]
Rutgers University scientist J. Storrs Hall held out the military's hope that these new nano weather-warrior bots: “Interconnected, atmospherically buoyant, and having navigation capability in three dimensions - clouds of microscopic computer particles communicating with each other and with a control system, could provide tremendous capability.”
Sounds expensive.
“It is potentially relatively inexpensive to do,” Hall clarified. “About the same price per pound as potatoes.”
Why so cheap? Because nano particles can be potentially self-replicating. That is, they can be made to reproduce themselves until programmed to stop.
Owning The Weather goes on to say that the USAF will “manage and employ a weather-modification capability by the Weather Force Support Element.” These weather forces will use real-time updates from swarms of the nano-size “smart sensors” to model developing weather patterns with a super-duper computer.
Based on continually updated forecast, the weather warriors will fly follow-on missions as needed to tweak the storm. It's perfect, crows the air force. “The total weather-modification process becomes “a real-time loop of continuous, appropriate, measured interventions, and feedback capable of producing desired weather behavior.”
Weather modification did not work too well with Katrina.
If the notion of inserting Autonomous Intelligence nanobots into weather systems to monitor, steer and mess with them seems risky, just wait. Around the next cloud corner are coming swarms of airborne nano-bots to optimize wind dispersal patterns for germ warfare. Or chemtrails.
But there's one small hitch. Nobody knows how Earth's atmosphere works. It is so big, so complex and so unpredictable, even real-time nano-snapshots are ancient history as soon as they are taken.
This is why the air force said, “Advances in the science of chaos are critical to this endeavor.”
Good luck. After a decade of trying, not even a 48-hour weather forecast can be made without constant surprises.
Because they cannot be graphed in a cause-and-effect straight line, chaotic “non-linear” weather processes can morph unexpectedly, defying predicted weather modification inputs. Just ask Beijing.
Then there's the matter of accidental genocide. I mean human health.
The chemtrails we are too familiar with after a decade-long dose continue to inflict eye infections, nosebleeds, skin sores, muscle pain, chronic exhaustion, weakened immunity, acute asthma and allergies, short-term memory loss and heart attacks on people in more than a dozen countries. [americanskywatch.com; Chemtrails Confirmed 2008 by William Thomas]
Small particulates like the aluminum oxide found in chemtrails also kill.
Dr. Dan Woodard calls aluminum oxide a “nuisance dust”. This MD says that prolonged exposures to very high concentrations of particulates that are visible in the air “can produce pulmonary fibrosis, somewhat like the silicosis formerly seen in miners.”
“At one time it was thought to precipitate Alzheimer's disease, but more recent research has shown it is almost certainly unrelated,” Dr. Woodward adds.
It's the tiny size of chemtrail fallout - one-tenth the width of the human hair - that make people very ill. The EPA warns that there is a strong link between all tiny particles and thousands of premature deaths each year.
Two key studies from the early 1990's by the Harvard School of Public Health and the American Cancer Society found strong links between high levels of small particles and a rise in death rates. In an article headlined, “Tiny Particles Can Kill” the August 5, 2000 issue of New Scientist pointed to findings in six cities over 16 years showing that “city-dwellers in Europe and the U.S. are dying young because of microscopic particles in the air.”
According to the New York Times, “microscopic motes… are able to infiltrate the tiniest compartments in the lungs and pass readily into the bloodstream.” Particles in the size range called for by the Welsbach Patent describing chemtrails are “most strongly tied to illness and early death, particularly in people who are already susceptible to respiratory problems.” [New York Times Oct 14/06]
The Welsbach Patent calls for megatons of 10 micron-size aluminum oxide particles to be spread in the atmosphere. The EPA calls particles this small “an extreme human health hazard” leading to 5% increased death rate within 24 hrs.
“Hearts as well as lungs can be damaged by ultra-fine particles small enough to get into the bloodstream and inflame tissues and cells,” reports the LA Times. “After they reach the heart, the particles are thought to cause a stress reaction in cells, producing inflammation that contributes to heart disease. The particles also may cause blood clots.” [Los Angeles Times Dec 29/03]
The Neurotoxicology (brain poisoning) division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says that exposure to airborne Particulate Matter “is an environmental health risk of global proportions.” [Health Risks Of Aerosoled Particulates PubMed Abstract]
The EPA explains that by penetrating deep into the lungs and circulatory system, these dust-size particles “are implicated in tens of thousands of deaths annually from both respiratory and coronary disease.”
POP QUIZ: What do you think will happen when nano-size machines tens of thousands of times smaller than this are sprayed into the open air?
Nanoparticles might better be called Nastyparticles because they make a beeline for the brain as soon as they are inhaled. Not surprisingly, they tend to accumulate and clump in the area of the brain that deals with smell. Too big to pass back through the blood-brain barrier, they become trapped there. [Nature.com Jan 5/04]
Dr. Celine Filippi also observed that nanoparticles inhaled into the lungs are so mall they easily cross the lung barrier and enter the blood. “Particles in the blood can reach the liver, amongst other organs.” [globalresearch.ca Oct 21/07]
So are we being sprayed with nano-chemtrails?
Owning The Weather 2025 was published in 1995 and discussed only non-classified military weather modification projects. Hall's Overview of Nanotechnology also appeared in 1995, when nanotech was in its Frankenstein infancy. Since then, many sources tell us, nanotech has gone exponential. [nanotech-now.com]
The term “nano-chemtrails” on my homepage prompted my trusted military informant I've dubbed “Hank” to call.
“They have them,” he confirmed. The U.S. Air Force has occasionally added nanoparticles to the chemtrail mix to demonstrate proof of concept.
“We're way beyond science fiction,” Hank confirmed. “You can hide just about anything you want in a chemtrail - including nanotubes. Chemtrails are being altered for whatever spectrum of wavelength they're trying to bounce off of them.
What about Morgellons? Is there any connection between this bizarre and frightening malady and nano experiments?
“You're not going to like this,” Hank said. “Morgellons is one unintended manifestation of nano spray experiments.”
Morgellons manifests - or presents” - as intolerable itching in the skin followed by alien eruptions of thin hairs or tendrils through the skin. “It's basically the same as excreting something through a hair follicle,” Hank said.
He meant a toxin - something foreign to the body.
“If you manufacture a liquid super-cyrstalline structure, vibrate it a little and give it an electrical charge - it will form into a chain.”
These nanotubes will be invisible to the eye, of course. But their tendency to clump together could eventually make them big enough to be photographed and posted on the web.
chemtrail fallout
How much nanocrap has been sprayed so far?
“Tens of tons,” he replied.
Tens of tons of molecules?
“Much of it is still up there,” Hank went on to explain. This is because nanoparticles are so light and small they tend bind to bind with oxygen molecules. And piggybacking on oxygen particles makes them buoyant.
“It travels worldwide,” Hank continued. “Some of it comes down. Whatever it's exposed to up there it brings down here. We get exposed to it. We breathe it in, we ingest it. It accrues in the same spot every time. And attracts more of it… “
In the liver.
And brain.
“The fallout would look like a prion disease,” Hank said.
“Fallout from nanoparticles would eat holes in our brains?”
“Pretty much. Nano particles are ionized particles that go to what attracts them…. Because of their electro-chemical properties, they are attracted to the potassium-calcium channel in the brain.”
Think about it, he said. “If they are capable of withstanding the corrosive upper atmosphere - corrosive sunlight and all those (industrial) chemicals - what would they have to be manufactured out of? Does the body manufacture anything that can deal with that? Who will come forward and say these are good?
A person shall not discharge from any source whatsoever such quantities of air contaminants or other material which cause injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public, or which endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such persons or the public, or which cause, or have a natural tendency to cause, injury or damage to business or property. -EPA Air Quality Management Rule 402.
Cocaine, Spices, Hormones Found in Drinking Water
This story is part of a special series that explores the global water crisis. For more clean water news, photos, and information, visit National Geographic's Freshwater Web site.
How's this for a sweet surprise? A team of researchers in Washington State has found traces of cooking spices and flavorings in the waters of Puget Sound. (See map.)
University of Washington associate professor Richard Keil heads the Sound Citizen program, which investigates how what we do on land affects our waters.
Keil and his team have tracked "pulses" of food ingredients that enter the sound during certain holidays.
For instance, thyme and sage spike during Thanksgiving, cinnamon surges all winter, chocolate and vanilla show up during weekends (presumably from party-related goodies), and waffle-cone and caramel-corn remnants skyrocket around the Fourth of July.
The Puget Sound study is one of several ongoing efforts to investigate the unexpected ingredients that find their way into the global water supply.
Around the world, scientists are finding trace amounts of substances—from sugar and spice to heroine, rocket fuel, and birth control—that might be having unintended consequences for humans and wildlife alike.
Vanilla Seas?
When spices and flavorings are flushed out of a U.S. home, they travel to a sewage-treatment facility, where most of them are removed.
In the area around Puget Sound, the University of Washington team found, the spicy residues that remain in wastewater end up flowing into the sound's inland waterways.
Of all the flavors trickling downstream, artificial vanilla dominates the sound, Keil said. For instance, the team found an average of about six milligrams of artificial vanilla per liter of water sampled.
Meditation Cuts Heart Attack Risk In Half
NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - November 18, 2009
Suzanne Somers speaks out against the conventional cancer industry: mammograms, chemotherapy vs. alternative cures (NaturalNews) As the author of the New York Times bestseller, "Knockout: Interviews with doctors who are curing cancer," Suzanne Somers is making waves across the cancer industry. Her powerful, inspired message of informed hope is reaching millions of... |
American Cancer Society admits mammograms and cancer screenings are over-hyped (NaturalNews) Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, recently participated in an interview with the New York Times concerning a Journal of the American Medical Association analysis of breast and prostate cancer... |
One in Three Cancers Diagnosed with Free Mammogram Screening Is an "Overdiagnosis" (NaturalNews) In countries with public breast cancer screening programs, one in every three diagnosed with invasive breast cancers would never have produced symptoms in a patient before she died of other causes, a new study has revealed. "Screening... |
Men can slash risk of highly lethal prostate cancer naturally (NaturalNews) As NaturalNews previously reported, low level prostate cancer is often over-diagnosed, over-treated and non-lethal. However, there's no denying that high-grade prostate... |
Get to Know Vitamin D: Part II The first part of this article began a series of questions and answers aimed at introducing vitamin D and describing its importance to health. This part continues the series with a focus on sources of vitamin D, along with information on... |
Wild Burdock Root Cleanses Blood, Clears Acne and Speeds Weight Loss As the days get cooler and wild plants seem few and far between, Burdock (Arctium lappa) can still be found in large quantity. Burdock root is a versatile vegetable and one of the finest healing herbs known to cleanse the blood. In... |
Medicinal properties of sage revealed (NaturalNews) Of all the culinary herbs, sage is perhaps the one with the broadest range of medicinal uses. As you'll see in the collection of quotes about sage shown below, sage is anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial... |
Juggle to Improve Your Brain Juggling boosts brain development in surprising ways. This type of hands-on learning accelerates the growth of nerve connections in the brain's white as well as grey matter. Researchers at the University of Oxford provided juggling training... |
Probiotics reduce food allergies, skin reactions (Natural News) Most health conscious people know of the positive effects on digestion from using probiotic supplements. Many take probiotic supplements after using antibiotics to replace the good intestinal flora bacteria indiscriminately killed by antibiotic... |
Vegetarians Have Lower Cancer Risk Than Meat Eaters (NaturalNews) Vegetarians are significantly less likely to develop cancer than non-vegetarians, according to a study conducted by researchers from universities in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and published in the British Journal of Cancer |
Choose Naturally Colored Cotton Most people think that cotton only comes in the color white and then needs to be dyed, but in reality cotton can be grown in a variety of colors including tan, green, yellow, red, and brown. Colored cotton agriculture began in Indo-Pakistan... |
Dr. Thomas Lodi reveals how to "Stop Making Cancer" on NaturalNews Talk Hour (NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Dr. Thomas Lodi, M.D., discussing how to "Stop Making Cancer." Tune in to discover the main cause of cancer. It's not what you think. In fact, the truth about cancer has been hidden from the public... |
This is an early News Update - planning on being busy this morning. Will talk at you all later......

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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