The Jim Willie's article from Thursday has now hit Alex Jone's InfoWar website yesterday afternoon with the title "GOLD MARKET BREAKDOWN". The one thing I have always liked about Alex Jone's site is his checking out his sources and providing links ... not just editorials. He appeared to use the same link straight off of Steve Quayle's website that I used when I sent out my Very Late Night News Update on Thursday Nov 19th.
The Jim Willie's name annexed to the topic of gold ... gets people's attention as to authenticity of the information.
You can be assured that Jones made checks to the authenticity of Quayle's "NEWS ALERT" before he linked it to his own website. Add in the fact that Russ Limbaugh - a minion of the PowersThatBe had Alex's website linked on the top of his website the other day .... Alex has finally gotten some real mainstream attention - maybe will wake up some sleeping sheeple if they start visiting Jone's news website!
Steve Quayle has been in the gold business for decades and if you want the cutting edge news on topics - go to those with a history of being those in the know on those topics. If you want to know about Police State USA (and the military involvement in store for our country) and the history of the PowersThatBe and the United Nations involvement with the fate of the United States - go to Alex Jones.
Jones has a photographic memory and can remember dates, names, etc. that he has read a decade ago and he can pull it right up as if he had read it a few hours before. He has read those hard core documents out of places like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), United Nations, Rockefeller's many foundations, Rothschilds, etc that is affecting the take down of our country currently underway.
TAKE YOU TIME AND ENERGY AND WATCH SOME OF ALEX JONE'S VIDEOS!! Go to Alex's YouTube Channel and at least watch one:
Watch them NOW before the PowersThatBe wipes them off YouTube. Alex Jones is on Obama's list of his 25 top enemies (news broken out the UK weeks back) ... Jones exposes TRUTH about events and backs them up with visual truths ... he is in his 30's and very good with putting together a video presentation that keeps your attention versus reading dry, difficult text of historic events that have added up to the reason our country is headed towards being a Banana Republic VERY SOON.
I personally am worried about his physical safety due to his exposing the truth of what is taking place with the power elite of this globe. SUICIDED is the term used when someone gets murdered and suicide is given as the cause of death. Alex frequently states he is NOT feeling suicidal for that reason - to let people know if something happens to him it WAS NOT by his own hand! Death squads are a governmental reality. Start reading about the deaths of microbiologists - and in light of the current flu pandemic .... WHISTLEBLOWERS are brave individuals.
The magnetic field surrounding the earth is usually thought to be constant. However, magnetic field disturbances in the interplanetary space (the space between the sun and the planets) can alter the magnetic field surrounding the earth. Interplanetary magnetic field disturbances occur due to violent processes at the sun, such as the ejection of a large volume of hot and charged matter known as Coronal Mass Ejections (CME).
The interplanetary magnetic field variations add to the earth’s own magnetic field often severely changing the magnetic field surrounding the earth.
This phenomenon is known as a Geomagnetic Storm. Depending on its severity, it can:
- Induce damaging current surges in electrical power lines causing widespread blackouts
- Induce currents in pipelines accelerating their corrosion
- Play havoc on satellite electronics
- Cause astronauts to be subjected to excess radiation requiring them to take cover in special compartments aboard the International Space Station



I can say he was very upset with the giving of sunspots a number when they weren't worthy of designation - a governmental agenda.
This morning I did go look at what those guys had for 'breaking news' forum topics and the following is what they were talking about:
Wrecking Climate Research Unit (CRU) : Hackers cause massive climate data breach - Secretive scientists' source code goes walkabout
I personally see that headline as another EXCUSE for the government to start limiting internet access for our "safety" - thereby limiting the populous' access to REAL news and not just the corporate-government's media crap.
Those guys are REALLY MAD about the government bogarting the publishing of scientific data and information obtained and paid for by taxpayers funds - and then giving out data to the public that they can easily see as data being fraudulent and totally spun for the government's globalist financial/political agenda.
From UrbanDictionary: bogart (slang verb) To keep something all for oneself, thus depriving anyone else of having any.
Possible Conspiracy To Falsify Temperature Data Uncovered
E-mail messages between high-ranking scientists appear to indicate a conspiracy by some of the world's leading global warming alarmists to falsify temperature data in order to exaggerate global averages.
Those involved allegedly include: James Hansen, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Michael Mann, famous for Mann's "Hockey Stick"; Gavin Schmidt, NASA climate modeler, and; Stephen Schneider, Stanford professor and Al Gore confidant.
A statement released Friday by the alarmist website RealClimate has confirmed that e-mail servers at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) in Norwich, England, were hacked recently with contents illegally made available over the Internet.
Although the authenticity of all these e-mail messages has yet to be proven, what's currently available points to a coordinated attempt to manipulate climate data by those directly involved in advancing the theory of anthropogenic global warming.
National Severe Weather Map

Obama Allies Want New Tax To Pay For Cost Of Protecting Afghan Opium Fields, Bribing Taliban Paul Joseph Watson | Despite the fact that 36 per cent of income tax already goes to national defense
Another Extremist Conspiracy Theory? The Elite’s Own Statements Jurriaan Maessen | Who’s the extremist? The Malthusian calling for world government to scale down human population or the one reporting on it?
Health-Care “Reform”: It’s All About Power Sheldon Richman | I defy the advocates of government control to name one aspect of medicine or insurance that government doesn’t dominate.
Some U.S. holiday terror? Jerry Mazza | We wouldn’t want Christmas Eve to be a dark night of the soul, and still another victory for the forces of darkness right here at home.
Jim Willie | Accusation that the Clinton administration replaced perhaps the entire contents of Fort Knox gold with tungsten bars plated with gold.
‘Glitch’ could cut jobless benefits for a million
New York Times | About one million laid-off workers will see their unemployment benefits end in January unless Congress acts quickly.
Economists Opposing Fed Audit Have Undisclosed Fed Ties
Ryan Grim | A broad cross-section of the “prominent economists” lobbying on behalf of the Watt bill are in fact deeply involved with the Federal Reserve.
NBC Philadelphia | Couple were hauled away by police and charged with theft for not paying the mandatory 18 percent gratuity.
Cop Tasers girl for resisting bedtime
Toronto Star | The local police chief in Ozark, Arkansas is standing behind one of his officers who tasered a 10-year-old girl who was refusing to go to bed.
Private School Students Learn About Martial Law
William Grigg | A paramilitary police unit equipped with Pentagon-issued toys arrived in their nifty “Peacekeeper” armored vehicle.
Download Squad | Often lauded as the ‘CCTV state’ and ‘the most surveilled country in the world’, the UK may soon deliver a killing blow to the Internet as we know it.
Big Brother’s Smart Meter Invades Home Privacy
Toronto Star | The time for action is now, before the smart grid becomes a fully established part of our infrastructure.
Brit Officials launch 83-point probe into families’ lives
Mail Online | Parents of five-year-olds starting school have been sent an 83-point questionnaire that probes personal details of their lives.
ABC News | The CIA built one of its secret European prisons inside an exclusive riding academy outside Vilnius, Lithuania.
Obama administration to seek death penalty for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Tom Kavanagh | The government of the United States has announced it will seek the death penalty for alleged 9/11 hijackers due to be put on trial in New York city.
FBI Says It Has Arrested Suspects in Mumbai Attack
New York Times | Investigators here are retracing the steps of two men arrested in Chicago by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to see if they helped plan the attacks here that killed more than 160 people in November 2008.
Russia Today | There are fears that H1N1 has now mutated and resembles the Spanish flu virus that killed more than 50 million people at the beginning of the 20th century.
Aspirin kills 400% more people than H1N1 swine flu
Mike Adams | You are ten times more likely to die in a car accident this year than be killed by swine flu.
Norwegian scientists raise concerns about mutated form of swine flu
Washington Post | Scientists in Norway have identified a mutated form of the swine flu virus that is raising concern.
Sahil Kapur | “I do respect you because your views, however abhorrent and wrong, have always been consistent,” he told the former CNN anchor.
Bush aide urges weapons ban to slow Mexican drug war
Washington Times | Robert C. Bonner also called for the United States to more aggressively investigate U.S. gun sellers and tighten security along its side of the border.
US border-security cash leaves towns on the hook
Arizona Star | Federal grant money from Operation Stonegarden may seem like a windfall for the cities and counties that have eagerly accepted it.
Washington Post | Iraq’s vice president on Wednesday vetoed legislation to organize the country’s parliamentary elections in January.
General Odierno: U.S. to reconsider Iraq drawdown plan
Agence France-Presse | General Ray Odierno told reporters in Baghdad that although all American combat troops are due to pull out by August 2010, the plan could change between now and May if the security situation deteriorates.
Schwarzenegger visits troops in Iraq
Sacramento Bee | Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger visited troops Monday in Iraq at a military camp outside Baghdad for the first time as California governor, signing autographs and recounting his own experience as an Austrian tank driver.
New York Times | Obama said that because Iran had not agreed to the proposal, the United States would begin “developing a package of potential steps that we could take that will indicate our seriousness to Iran.”
Iran Began Preparing for U.S. Bombing in 2002
Gareth Porter | Report provides new evidence that the Qom enrichment facility was constructed on one of many sites where tunneling had been prepared as early as 2002 to protect various kinds of facilities from a possible U.S. air attack.
Attacking Iran over nuclear ambitions ‘would make world more dangerous’
Sir Richard Dalton, a former British ambassador to Iran, has warned against attacking the country over its nuclear ambitions, saying doing so would “make the world a more dangerous place”.
Daniel Taylor | Rompuy will undoubtedly serve globalist interests during his reign of the European Union.
Climate skeptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists
Guardian | So far the veracity of the emails has not been confirmed and the scientists involved have declined to comment on the story which broke on a blog called The Air Vent.
McGill anti-abortion student club suspended
CBC News | An anti-abortion club has had its campus rights suspended by McGill University’s student body council.
Times Online | Afghans say President Karzai’s five-year handover is not soon enough.
UK seeking new world order by Afghan war
Press TV | According to the latest opinion poll, an increasing majority of Britons want the country’s 9,000 troops out of Afghanistan within a year.
Army Sends Infant to Protective Services, Mom to Afghanistan
Dahr Jamail | A single mother is being threatened with a military court-martial if she does not agree to deploy to Afghanistan, despite having been told she would be granted extra time to find someone to care for son.
New York Daily News | Rep. says Mayor Bloomberg’s daughters could be “kidnapped at school by a terrorist” because Bloomberg wants the 9/11 culprits tried at the scene of the crime.
Obama Says KSM Will Be Convicted, Put to Death
AFP | Obama predicted that anger at the planned civilian trial for Sheikh Mohammed would fall away “when he’s convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him.”
Holder Downplays Concerns Over 9/11 Trial
Fox News | Despite growing concerns that trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others in civilian court triggers a host of complications for the prosecution, Attorney General Eric Holder says he’s confident the cases will be “successful.”
Illinois Gun | The Law was passed by the Illinois General Assembly in a knee jerk response to the Virginia Tech shooting.
Gun sales shoot up amid America’s fear of rising crime and terrorism
Times Online | Smith & Wesson expects to nearly double its annual sales in the next three to five years as demand for its firearms soars in the recession.
Constitutional Candidates for Congress
Thomas R. Eddlem | Ron Paul’s presidential campaign evidently inspired dozens of candidates for congressional office across the nation who seek to reform Congress from a constitutionalist perspective.
BBC | Engineers from the firm said the first computers running the system would be available before the end of 2010.
NSA Is Giving Microsoft Some Help On Windows 7 Security
NPR | The confirmation of the NSA’s role, which began during the development of the software, is a sign of the agency’s deepening involvement with the private sector when it comes to building defenses against cyberattacks.
Infowars | Rallies demanding an end of the Federal Reserve pick up momentum.
End the FED Houston to Protest for the Abolition of the Federal Reserve, Sunday Nov 22, 2009
End the FED Houston | Congressman Ron Paul, Adam Kokesh and hundreds of protesters will be at Buffalo Bayou Park between 1:00pm and 4:00pm to peacefully protest.
Questions Regarding The Fort Hood Massacre
Chuck Baldwin | Can anyone in the country possibly not break out in cacophonous laughter when politicians tell us we need to surrender more liberties so that they might pass more laws to protect us crummy little peons?
CNN | Republicans ripped Democrats for pushing a bill that conservatives say will force millions of Americans to drop insurance plans they like while jacking up premiums and doing nothing to slow spiraling medical costs.
By 2019, Taxpayers Will Pay $196 Billion A Year for Obamacare, But 24 Million People Will Remain Uninsured
Terence P. Jeffrey | Reid’s proposal mandates that all individuals legally resident in the United States purchase health insurance.
Ron Paul’s Amendment To Audit The Federal Reserve Approved
StreetInsider | A key House panel approved the Paul-Grayson Amendment by an overwhelming 43-26 Thursday afternoon, which will give watchdogs new authority to audit the Federal Reserve.
Infowars | Alex Jones’ landmark documentary Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement is more important than ever.
32% Inflation in UCLA Tuition Causes Near Riots
Infowars | Protesters amass outside UC Regents meeting at Covel Commons, one tasered and 14 arrested.
Obama Critic Rev. Mannings Says Homeland Security Visited Him
Infowars | Expects to be arrested within the next few days and charged with making a threat against the president.

The Daily News of Newburyport, MAPublished: November 20, 2009 06:22 pm
It will be a very great day in America when criticism of a black president can be accepted as just that, criticism, not racism, and I hope you look upon this essay as just that.
Obama ran his candidacy on the premise that America had a failed system and that we needed change; but in this humble person's belief, I see this presidency promoting the most radical, left-wing government in our history as it attaches individualism, the heart of our democracy at every level.
We are fighting two wars, losing thousands of cherished loved ones and crippling many more brave men and women; we have a financial crisis as banks fail, as industries fail, as unemployment rises, creating financial problems for states, cities and towns. We have millions losing their homes, living in tent cities, and most who have jobs cannot afford a home.
While this is going on our leaders in Washington keep solving these problems with more taxes put on the backs of middle-class Americans already struggling to meet their needs through hard work.
The Cap and Trade bill, according to the Treasury Department, will cost $200 billion and raise average Americans' energy bills by $1,761 yearly.
President Obama is proposing 71 different, new welfare programs at an estimated cost of $800 billion and a projected cost over the next decade of $10 trillion.
His administration is proposing a Value Added Tax (VAT) that in some industrial nations is as high as 25 percent added to the cost of goods, but not seen at the cash register when purchases are made. Along with this tax they propose a financial transaction tax that will cost Americans another $100 to $150 billion a year.
Taxes on soda, on health insurance, on incomes — taxes on just about everything to share the wealth for everyone — socialism, that dreaded word — progressive liberalism for all. Welcome to change.
The current health care program in Washington is our attempt to have what other nations have; but in all the talk, nothing is really done about the cost.
Germany, which has health care, taxes its citizens at the rate of 14.9 percent of income and is now facing problems to maintain this health insurance. France has health care and taxes citizens as high as 50 percent of income to support health care and is facing problems.
It is not possible to provide health care for 30 million more Americans, not increase the budget deficit and allow everyone with their current insurance to experience no change. Health insurance will create enormous tax hikes, premium costs and Medicare cuts, but no one really talks about this.
The president has talked about the future, green energy, save the globe and the jobs that green energy solutions will create for Americans that will lead us down the road to new economic growth and once again a leader of the world.
Well, Mr. Obama, the world is not waiting for us to lead this new green energy age. The Shenyang Power Group of China will supply 240 of its 2.5 megawatt wind turbines for a 36,000-acre wind farm in West Texas. This project will create 2,800 new jobs, 15 percent in Texas, 85 percent in China. American green energy jobs? To top this all, the wind turbine technology China is using comes with a license from a German company. That's what Obama calls American leadership — some change.
I hope America is waking up. I hope America is not blinded by the rhetoric. Failure to look at the ramifications of these proposals could destroy what made this nation great, its philosophical principles, its moral values, its institutions that are necessary for a nation to flourish and the very fundamental foundations that made this the land of the free.
All Afghan detainees likely tortured: diplomat 18 Nov 2009 All detainees transferred by Canadians to Afghan prisons were likely tortured by Afghan officials and many of the prisoners were innocent, says a former senior diplomat with Canada's mission in Afghanistan. Appearing before a House of Commons committee Wednesday, Richard Colvin blasted the detainees policies of Canada and compared them with the policies of the British and the Netherlands. The detainees were captured by Canadian soldiers then handed over to the Afghan intelligence service, called the NDS. "According to our information, the likelihood is that all the Afghans we handed over were tortured. For interrogators in Kandahar, it was a standard operating procedure," Colvin said. He said the most common forms of torture were beatings, whipping with power cables, the use of electricity, knives, open flames and rape.
Notes from Bagram prison By James Bays 18 Nov 2009 In the past, military officials have refused to go on the record about the number of prisoners at the jail. Brigadier General Mark Martin, the acting commander, was more forthcoming. He told us the prison currently houses about 700 people. Of these, "about 30" were non-Afghans, and "about 5" were juveniles... A new command has been set up, to take charge of all detainee operations in Afghanistan, including Bagram. Of course, CJTF-435 is a US operation, not part of ISAF (the NATO force). Many other NATO and ISAF nations are very uneasy about Bagram and what goes on there.
Judges 'gagged' on torture claim --Binyam: Judges attack UK secrecy over public documents 19 Nov 2009 Senior judges say the foreign secretary is stopping them releasing details of CIA interrogation techniques - even though the US has published them. The High Court says it wants to refer to previously classified documents as part of its judgement on the alleged mistreatment of Binyam Mohamed. Mr Mohamed says the US tortured him after his arrest in Pakistan in 2002. The declassified material is online - but the UK says using some of it in court would harm national security.
Lithuania: ABC News Report 'Not Helping' Our Image --ABC News Finds Secret "Torture" Prison for al-Qaeda Detainees at Swank Riding Academy 19 Nov 2009 A top Lithuanian official said that a report by ABC News that it had discovered a secret CIA prison in a former riding academy near Vilnius was damaging to his country's reputation. "Obviously, this is not helping Lithuania's image," Foreign Minister Vygaudas Usackas told the Baltic News Service Thursday. "Therefore it is vital that we conduct an investigation and clear any doubts." On Wednesday, ABC News revealed the location of one of the CIA's secret "black site" prisons, where
US to drop shooting case against Blackwater guard Friday, 20 Nov 2009 5:35 PM The Justice Department intends to drop manslaughter and weapons charges against one of the Blackwater Worldwide
Fine and Inquiry Possible for Blackwater Successor --Other penalties could result from violations of licensing requirements for the transfer of other forms of military technology and training expertise to foreign countries. 19 Nov 2009 The international
Woman awarded $3M in assault claim against KBR 19 Nov 2009 A woman who claimed she was raped in 2005 while working in Iraq for a former Halliburton Co. subsidiary has been awarded nearly $3 million by an arbitrator to settle her case. Tracy Barker had sued U.S. contractor KBR Inc., its former parent company Halliburton and several affiliates in May 2007, claiming she was sexually attacked by a State Department employee while working as a civilian contractor in the southern Iraqi city of Basra... Court records filed this week show Barker was awarded a judgment of $2.93 million to settle her arbitration claim against KBR.
GAO: Fraud in gov't contracts for disabled vets 19 Nov 2009 Companies fraudulently collected at least $100 million in federal contracts from a $4 billion government program designated for disabled military veterans who run small businesses, congressional investigators charge. In many cases, small business owners falsely claimed they had a service-related injury to get the federal work and were only caught when competitors protested. In other situations, the small veteran-owned businesses were legitimate but then improperly passed the work to large or foreign-based corporations.
Afghan minister accused of taking bribe --$30 Million Payment Alleged --Massive mining project awarded to Chinese firm 18 Nov 2009 The Afghan minister of mines accepted a roughly $30 million bribe to award the country's largest development project to a Chinese mining firm [China Metallurgical Group Corp.], according to a U.S. official who is familiar with military intelligence reports. The allegation, if proved true, would mark one of the most brazen examples of corruption yet disclosed in Afghanistan.
Deadly blast near Peshawar court 19 Nov 2009 At least 19 people have been killed in a suicide bomb blast outside the main gate of a court building in Peshawar. Thursday's attack was the seventh deadly explosion to hit the northwestern Pakistani city in less than two weeks. Officials said about 30 people were wounded in the attack, which occurred during rush hour when the area is normally crowded with lawyers, administrative personnel and the public. [See: Blackwater/Xe in Pakistan.]
Suspected U.S. drone kills 4 in Pakistan-officials 18 Nov 2009 A suspected U.S. drone aircraft fired two missiles into a northwestern Pakistani militant stronghold on Wednesday killing four people, Pakistani security officials said. The United States has carried out more than 40 attacks with its pilotless, missile-firing aircraft in northwest Pakistan this year as its forces in neighbouring Afghanistan have faced an intensifying Taliban 'insurgency.'
Suicide bomber kills 16 in western Afghanistan 20 Nov 2009 A suicide bomber killed 16 people and wounded at least 23 others Friday in a busy city square in western Afghanistan, while near Kabul a powerful former warlord narrowly escaped an assassination attempt, officials said. Lawmaker Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, a former Northern Alliance leader who has been accused by Human Rights Watch of war crimes, was in a convoy with his bodyguards when a remote-controlled bomb hidden in an irrigation canal beside the road exploded in the Paghman district north of the Afghan capital, said district chief of police Abdul Razaq.
Bomber kills 13, injures 35 in Afghanistan 19 Nov 2009 Amid the worsening security situation in Afghanistan, a bomber has killed 13 people and wounded about three dozens in the country's troubled southwest. The bomber on a motorcycle detonated his explosives in a crowded area in Farah City on Friday. The death toll is expected to rise as some of the 35 injured were said to be in critical condition.
Fort Lewis soldier from Texas dies in Afghanistan 20 Nov 2009 The Defense Department says a Fort Lewis soldier was killed Tuesday by a roadside bomb in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Twenty-six-year-old Spc. Joseph M. Lewis of Terrell, Texas, was a member of the 5th Stryker brigade.
Karzai sworn in as Afghan president 19 Nov 2009 Hamid Karzai has been sworn in for a second five-year term as Afghanistan's president, pledging to tackle the "dangerous issue" of corruption. Karzai took the oath of office at the presidential palace in central Kabul on Thursday, in front of 800 guests, including 300 foreign dignitaries.
Belgian PM named as EU president 19 Nov 2009 The European Union has selected a new president to chair EU summits and represent the bloc on the world stage, as well as a new foreign policy chief. The way was cleared by the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Czech Republic. The low-key Belgian Prime Minister, Herman van Rompuy, had emerged as the frontrunner for the presidency post before being confirmed in the role.
Air Defense Push Inspired by 9/11 Gets a 2nd Look 20 Nov 2009 The commander of military forces protecting North America has ordered a review of the costly air defenses intended to prevent another Sept. 11-style terrorism attack, an assessment aimed at determining whether the commitment of jet fighters, other aircraft and crews remains justified. Senior officers involved in the effort say the assessment is to gauge the likelihood that terrorists may succeed in hijacking an airliner or flying their own smaller craft into the United States or Canada.
Fort Hood shooter faces bedside hearing: lawyer 20 Nov 2009 The army psychiatrist accused of a shooting rampage at the Fort Hood military base in Texas will have his first pre-trial court hearing Saturday in his hospital room, his lawyer's office told AFP. Major Nidal Hasan, who has been charged with 13 counts of pre-meditated murder, will have a confinement hearing at the Brook Army Medical Center near San Antonio, Texas, said a representative for attorney John Galligan, who asked not to be named.
Gates orders Army inquiry after Fort Hood killings 19 Nov 2009 A review of US Army and Pentagon policies has been ordered by the defence secretary in the wake of a shooting at a military base. The review will include Pentagon medical and personnel programmes, and US military base security. Defence Secretary Robert Gates appointed a former Army secretary and an ex-Navy chief to report in 45 days. The review is in addition to others into the Fort Hood shooting in which 13 people were killed.
Lawyer Convicted of Aiding Terrorist Is Jailed 20 Nov 2009 Defiant to the end as she embraced emotional supporters outside the federal courthouse in Lower Manhattan, Lynne F. Stewart, the radical lawyer known for defending unpopular clients, surrendered on Thursday evening to begin serving her 28-month sentence for assisting terrorism. "This is the day they executed Joe Hill, and his words were, 'Don’t mourn me, organize,' " Ms. Stewart said as she walked toward the courthouse, referring to the labor organizer executed on Nov. 19, 1915, after a controversial trial.
Sears Tower plot leader gets 13-year prison term 20 Nov 2009 The ringleader of a group described by prosecutors as plotting terror attacks on Chicago's Sears Tower and FBI offices in hopes of sparking an anti-government insurrection was sentenced Friday to 13 1/2 years in prison by a federal judge. Narseal Batiste, 35, who faced a maximum of 70 years in prison, was convicted in May of conspiracy to provide material support to al-Qaida [al-CIAduh], plotting to blow up buildings and conspiracy to wage war against the U.S.
Two more jailed for Sears Tower terror plot 19 Nov 2009 A US judge on Thursday handed down prison terms of eight and nine years to two more men accused of swearing allegiance to 'Al-Qaeda' and plotting to blow up the Sears Tower, the tallest building in the United States. Patrick Abraham, who was seen as the right-hand man of the leader of the 2006 conspiracy, was jailed for nine years, while Stanley Phanor received an eight-year sentence. Like the two brothers linked to the same group and jailed for six and seven years on Wednesday, the sentences were far less than the steeper terms of up to 50 years in prison sought by prosecutors.
Govt wants speedy screening at more airports 19 Nov 2009 The Homeland Security Department wants to expand speedy screening of preapproved, low-risk air travelers arriving in the United States to most international airports in the country. For more than a year, the department has been testing this program at seven airports across the country... The voluntary program, called Global Entry, would be open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents at least 14 years old. They would have to pay a $100 fee and undergo a background check.
4 Tamiflu resistant H1N1 cases at Duke --An antiviral resistance was confirmed by the laboratory at CDC Monday night. 20 Nov 2009 (NC) Health officials announced Friday afternoon that four patients at Duke Medical Center have shown signs of an antiviral-resistance to the H1N1 influenza strain. The four patients were diagnosed with flu during October and November. Duke physicians discovered the resistant strain after some of the patients continued to test positive for the flu despite antiviral treatment.
100,000 H1N1 vaccines pulled after bad reactions 20 Nov 2009 More than 100,000 doses of the H1N1 vaccine are being withdrawn across the country, after Manitoba health officials announced Thursday they'd noticed a higher-than-usual number of allergic reactions from one batch. Vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline has asked several provinces to set aside the 170,000 doses from the questionable batch.
Yup, shark livers. What's in your H1N1 flu vaccine? 19 Nov 2009 One of the best examples involves a controversial ingredient present in the H1N1 vaccine: thimerosal. Thimerosal is a form of mercury used in some vaccines as a preservative... and still remains in many flu vaccines. Squalene is another controversial component of the swine-flu vaccine. It’s an oil found in animal livers and is used as an adjuvant in vaccines and also as a moisturizer in cosmetic products. It is primarily gotten from shark livers... Still other questions have been raised about Polysorbate 80, another component of the H1N1 vaccine adjuvant.
FDA Panel Rejects Cell Culture Flu Vaccine, Wants More Safety Data --In 6-5 vote, panel decided it didn't have enough safety information to recommend approval of drug 19 Nov 2009 With members citing unanswered safety questions, an FDA advisory panel today narrowly rejected approval of the nation's first cell-based influenza vaccine. A small manufacturer called Protein Sciences Corp. of Meriden, Conn. sought approval for its trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine, FluBlok, for active immunization of adults ages 18 years and older against influenza virus subtypes A and type B.
Fox News Poll: Worries About Safety of Swine Flu Vaccine Persist 20 Nov 2009 A recent Fox News poll suggests that even when the H1N1 vaccine becomes more widely available, concern over its safety may prevent many at-risk Americans from getting vaccinated. Nearly equal numbers are more afraid of the side effects from the swine flu vaccine as are afraid of getting the flu itself (35 percent vaccine compared to 37 percent flu). Many Americans also feel the testing of the swine flu vaccine was done too quickly so its safety is uncertain (40 percent).
CLG exclusive: Partial Settlement in Jeane Palfrey Case By Lori Price 19 Nov 2009 Deborah Jeane Palfrey's former attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, has told Citizens For Legitimate Government that the government is giving to the Innocence Project $89,000 as Jeane had left a will giving that group money.
UC students occupy buildings to protest fee hike 20 Nov 2009 Students barricaded themselves inside buildings on University of California campuses to protest a 32 percent increase in student fees and budget cuts that have led to slashed programs and lost jobs. Demonstrators at UC Berkeley occupied Wheeler Hall on Friday and hung a sign from a window that read "32 Percent Hike, 900 layoffs," with the word "Class" crossed out in red. A group of students also rallied outside the building. Campus police said they had arrested three of the demonstrators inside. Police would not say how many protesters remained in the building. [Hopefully, lots of them!]
U.S. Mortgage Delinquencies Reach a Record High 20 Nov 2009 The economy and the stock market may be recovering from their swoon, but more homeowners than ever are having trouble making their monthly mortgage payments, according to figures released Thursday. Nearly one in 10 homeowners with mortgages was at least one payment behind in the third quarter, the Mortgage Bankers Association said in its survey. That translates into about five million households.
The $100 Million Health Care Vote? 19 Nov 2009 On page 432 of the [Sen. Harry] Reid bill, there is a section increasing federal Medicaid subsidies for "certain states recovering from a major disaster." The section... reveals that it would be states that "during the preceding 7 fiscal years" have been declared a "major disaster area." I [ABC News' Jonathan Karl] am told the section applies to exactly one state: Louisiana, the home of moderate DemocRAT Mary Landrieu, who has been playing hard to get on the
The Dartmouth JFK-Photo Fiasco By Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. 18 Nov 2009 Professor Hany Farid, a member of the computer science faculty at Dartmouth, in a recent article injected himself into a long-running dispute concerning the authenticity of photographs related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. These photos reportedly of the accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald are collectively known as "the backyard photographs." Farid's analysis immediately raised the ire of many assassination researchers, who for years have claimed the photos are clever fakes.
Previous lead stories:
CIA Secret 'Torture' Prison Found at Fancy Horseback Riding Academy --ABC News Finds the Location of a "Black Site" for Alleged Terrorists in Lithuania 18 Nov 2009 The CIA built one of its secret European prisons inside an exclusive riding academy outside Vilnius, Lithuania, a current Lithuanian government official and a former U.S. intelligence official told ABC News this week. Where affluent Lithuanians once rode show horses and sipped coffee at a café, the CIA installed a concrete structure where it could use
MI5 and MI6 given go ahead for secret hearings into abuse 18 Nov 2009 MI5 and MI6 have been given permission to hold hearings behind closed doors into their alleged complicity in the treatment of seven former detainees in Guantanamo Bay. A High Court judge ruled there was no reason in law why closed hearings should not be used in the damages case, even though it had never been used in such a case before. The judge said the "closed material" procedure entitled the defendants not to disclose matters to the claimants or their lawyers where disclosure would be contrary to the interests of national security, the international relations of the UK or in any other circumstances where it was likely to harm the public interest.
Judge: Corps' negligence caused Katrina flooding 18 Nov 2009 A federal judge ruled Wednesday that the Army Corps of Engineers' failure to properly maintain a navigation channel led to massive flooding in Hurricane Katrina. U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval sided with five residents and one business who argued the Army Corps' shoddy oversight of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet led to the flooding of New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward and neighboring St. Bernard Parish. Duval awarded the plaintiffs $720,000, or about $170,000 each, but the decision could eventually make the government vulnerable to a much larger payout.
Postal Service to resume North Pole Santa letters

This is ending up to be a noon - not morning news update ... and I have yet to check my email for Google News Alert this morning ... probably 300 sitting there waiting. Definitely, in a WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE news mood today!

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